Word meaning of currents

текущий, современный, теперешний, ходячий, ток, течение, поток, струя, ход


- текущий; нынешний; современный

- циркулирующий; находящийся в обращении, ходячий

current coin — а) ходячая монета; б) распространённое мнение
current opinions /beliefs/ — общепризнанное мнение
the word is in current use — это слово общеупотребительно
long ago it was a current belief that the earth was flat — в стародавние времена было принято думать, что земля плоская

- (Current) австрал. разг. родившийся в Австралии (о белом)
- физ. токовый, связанный с протеканием тока


- течение, поток (тж. перен.)

great ocean currents such as the Gulf Stream — сильные океанские течения, например Гольфстрим
against the current — против течения
to breast the current — идти против течения
to go with the current — плыть по течению

- струя, тяга воздуха

a violent current of air — сильная струя воздуха

- амер. гидр. приливное или неприливное течение; поток
- течение, ход

the current of events — ход событий
current of time — течение времени
current of thought [of public opinion] — направление мысли [общественного мнения]

- эл. электрический ток

alternative [direct] current — переменный [постоянный] ток

Мои примеры


a pungent satire of current politics — острая сатира на текущую политику  
the shoreward tendency of the current — стремление направления течения к берегу  
the current taste for wide trousers — нынешнее пристрастие к широким брюкам /шароварам/  
to carry current — проводить ток  
current bills and coins — банкноты и монеты, находящиеся в обращении  
current thinking — общее, ходячее мнение  
words which are not current in English — слова, которые почти не используются в английском  
current affairs — текущие дела, проблемы сегодняшнего дня  
current week — текущая неделя  
current driving licence — действительные водительские права  
current enters node — ток направлен к узлу  
current divides — ток ответвляется  

Примеры с переводом

Who is your current employer?

Кто ваш нынешний работодатель?

I’m worried about the current political situation.

Меня беспокоит текущая политическая ситуация.

My current status is unemployed.

В настоящий момент я безработный. (досл.: Мой текущий статус — безработный)

Caribbean Current

Гвианское течение / Карибское течение

What is your current heading?

Каким курсом вы сейчас движетесь?

To our consternation, the current was turned off.

К нашему ужасу, отключили ток.

The current unemployment rate is six percent.

Текущий уровень безработицы составляет шесть процентов.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The library’s current display features locally made crafts.

…the child who fell through the ice was helplessly swept along the raceway, still trapped under the ice, by the current…

…subjoined an epilogue that informs the reader of the current doings and whereabouts of the participants in this real-life mystery…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

recurrent  — периодический, рекуррентный, повторяющийся, возвратный, рецидивный
undercurrent  — скрытая тенденция, низовое подводное течение
currently  — в настоящее время, теперь, свободно, легко

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): current
мн. ч.(plural): currents


belonging to the present time; steady movement of water; flow of electric charge

Not to be confused with:

currant – small dried seedless grape

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


 (kûr′ənt, kŭr′-)



a. Belonging to the present time: current events; current leaders.

b. Being in progress now: current negotiations.

2. Passing from one to another; circulating: current bills and coins.

3. Prevalent, especially at the present time: current fashions. See Synonyms at prevailing.

4. Running; flowing.


1. A steady, smooth onward flow or movement: a current of air from a fan; a current of spoken words. See Synonyms at flow.

2. The part of a body of liquid or gas that has a continuous onward movement: rowed out into the river’s swift current.

3. A general tendency, movement, or course. See Synonyms at tendency.

4. Symbol IElectricity

a. A flow of electric charge.

b. The amount of electric charge flowing past a specified circuit point per unit time.

[Middle English curraunt, from Old French corant, present participle of courre, to run, from Latin currere; see kers- in Indo-European roots.]

cur′rent·ly adv.

cur′rent·ness n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. of the immediate present; in progress: current events.

2. most recent; up-to-date

3. commonly known, practised, or accepted; widespread: a current rumour.

4. circulating and valid at present: current coins.


5. (esp of water or air) a steady usually natural flow

6. (Physical Geography) a mass of air, body of water, etc, that has a steady flow in a particular direction

7. (Physical Geography) the rate of flow of such a mass

8. (General Physics) physics

a. a flow of electric charge through a conductor

b. the rate of flow of this charge. It is measured in amperes. Symbol: I

9. a general trend or drift: currents of opinion.

[C13: from Old French corant, literally: running, from corre to run, from Latin currere]

ˈcurrently adv

ˈcurrentness n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈkɜr ənt, ˈkʌr-)


1. belonging to the time actually passing; present: the current month.

2. generally or commonly used or accepted; prevalent: current usage in English.

3. popular; in vogue.

4. most recent; new: the current issue of a magazine.

5. publicly or commonly reported or known: a rumor that is current.

6. in circulation, as a coin.

7. Archaic. running; flowing.


8. a flowing; flow, as of a river.

9. something that flows, as a stream.

10. the most rapidly moving part of a stream.

11. a portion of a large body of water or mass of air moving in a certain direction.

12. the speed at which such flow moves; velocity of flow.

13. the movement or flow of electric charge, the rate of which is measured in amperes.

14. a general tendency or course.

[1250–1300; Middle English curraunt < Anglo-French < Latin current-, s. of currēns, present participle of currere to run]

cur′rent•ly, adv.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.



1. A flowing movement in a liquid or gas, especially one that follows a recognizable course: a current of cool air flowing through the room.

2. A flow of electric charge. See Note at charge.

3. The amount of electric charge that passes a point in a unit of time, usually expressed in amperes.

Did You Know? You listen to your portable CD player thanks to direct current, but you turn on the lights thanks to alternating current. Direct current, or DC, is electricity that flows at a constant voltage directly from a source, such as a battery with a stored electric charge. Batteries are great when you’re on the move, but DC has a fundamental problem: electricity is easily lost to resistance and wasted as heat in the wires. Alternating current, or AC, on the other hand, is what flows from your walls. This is because it can be transmitted at very high voltage with little heat loss. Moreover, the voltage can efficiently be brought down to a low, safe level for home use. AC’s name reflects the fact that the current alternates its direction of flow. On average, AC flow in the US switches direction 60 times each second and delivers about 115 volts from an ordinary outlet. Other countries set their own AC standards.

The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


A body of water moving in a certain direction and caused by wind and density differences in water. The effects of a current are modified by water depth, underwater topography, basin shape, land masses, and deflection from the earth’s rotation.

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.



These words are both pronounced /’kʌrənt/.

1. ‘currant’

Currant is a noun. A currant is a small dried grape.

…dried fruits such as currants, raisins and dried apricots.

2. ‘current’ used as a noun

Current can be a noun or an adjective.

A current is a steady and continuous flowing movement of some of the water in a river or lake, or in the sea.

The child had been swept out to sea by the current.

A current is also a steady flowing movement of air, or a flow of electricity through a wire or circuit.

I felt a current of cool air blowing in my face.

There was a powerful electric current running through the wires.

3. ‘current’ used as an adjective

Current is used to describe things which are happening or being used now, rather than at some time in the past or future.

Our current methods of production are far too expensive.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


The flow of electricity through a conductor.

Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. current - a flow of electricity through a conductorcurrent — a flow of electricity through a conductor; «the current was measured in amperes»

electric current

electrical phenomenon — a physical phenomenon involving electricity

juice — electric current; «when the wiring was finished they turned on the juice»

thermionic current — an electric current produced between two electrodes as a result of electrons emitted by thermionic emission

2. current — a steady flow of a fluid (usually from natural causes); «the raft floated downstream on the current»; «he felt a stream of air»; «the hose ejected a stream of water»


tidal current, tidal flow — the water current caused by the tides

rip current, riptide — a strong surface current flowing outwards from a shore

undertide, undercurrent — a current below the surface of a fluid

flow, flowing — the motion characteristic of fluids (liquids or gases)

violent stream, torrent — a violently fast stream of water (or other liquid); «the houses were swept away in the torrent»

eddy, twist — a miniature whirlpool or whirlwind resulting when the current of a fluid doubles back on itself

maelstrom, whirlpool, vortex — a powerful circular current of water (usually the result of conflicting tides)

ocean current — the steady flow of surface ocean water in a prevailing direction

3. current — dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas; «two streams of development run through American history»; «stream of consciousness»; «the flow of thought»; «the current of history»

stream, flow

course, line — a connected series of events or actions or developments; «the government took a firm course»; «historians can only point out those lines for which evidence is available»

Adj. 1. current — occurring in or belonging to the present time; «current events»; «the current topic»; «current negotiations»; «current psychoanalytic theories»; «the ship’s current position»

modern — belonging to the modern era; since the Middle Ages; «modern art»; «modern furniture»; «modern history»; «totem poles are modern rather than prehistoric»

new — not of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered; «a new law»; «new cars»; «a new comet»; «a new friend»; «a new year»; «the New World»

noncurrent — not current or belonging to the present time

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. present, fashionable, ongoing, up-to-date, in, now (informal), happening (informal), contemporary, in the news, sexy (informal), trendy (Brit. informal), topical, present-day, in fashion, in vogue, up-to-the-minute, du jour (French), culty current trends in the music scene
present past, old-fashioned, obsolete, out-of-date, archaic, outmoded, passé

2. prevalent, general, common, accepted, popular, widespread, in the air, prevailing, circulating, going around, customary, rife, in circulation the prevailing tide of current opinion

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. Characteristic of recent times or informed of what is current:

3. Most generally existing or encountered at a given time:


Something suggestive of running water:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


تِيَّارتيّار كَهرُبائيتَيّار مائي أو هوائيحاضِر، حالي، جارِحَالِيّ


strømaktuelelektrisk strømindeværendenuværende







straumuryfirstandandi; núgildandi; nÿjastur



dabardabar esantisdabartiniseinamasiseinamoji sąskaita





dònghiện hànhluồng

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




(electrical)courant m alternating current, direct current

npll’actualité f

current affairs programme → émission f d’actualitéscurrent assets [ˌkʌrəntˈæsɛts] npl (COMMERCE)actif m disponiblecurrent liabilities [ˌkʌrəntlaɪəˈbɪlɪtɪz] npl (COMMERCE)passif m exigible à court terme

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005




current assets

plUmlaufvermögen nt

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈkarənt) , ((American) ˈkə:-) adjective

of or belonging to the present. current affairs; the current month; the current temperature.


1. (the direction of) a stream of water or air. the current of a river.

2. (a) flow of electricity. an electrical current.

ˈcurrently adverb

at the present time. John is currently working as a bus-driver.

current account

an account with a bank from which money may be withdrawn by cheque.

electric current (not currant); current (not currant) affairs.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


تِيَّار, حَالِيّ aktuální, proud nuværende, strøm aktuell, Strom, Strömung ηλεκτρικό ρεύμα, ρεύμα, τρέχων actual, corriente sähkövirta, tämänhetkinen, virtaus actuel, courant struja, tijek, trenutni attuale, corrente 流れ, 現在の, 電流 전류, 현재의, 흐름 actueel, stroom gjeldende, strøm aktualny, nurt, prąd atual, corrente поток, текущий, электрический ток aktuell, ström กระแสไฟ, กระแสน้ำ, ปัจจุบัน, เป็นปัจจุบัน, ที่ใช้กันในปัจจุบัน akım, akış, güncel dòng, hiện hành, luồng 当前的, 气流或水流, 电流

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. corriente, trasmisión de fluido o electricidad que pasa por un conductor;

adv. actualmente.

a. corriente, actual.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adj actual; his current condition..su condición actual; n corriente f

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.



From Middle English curraunt, borrowed from Old French curant (French courant), present participle of courre (to run), from Latin currere, present active infinitive of currō (I run) (present participle currens). Doublet of courant.


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˈkʌ.ɹənt/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /ˈkʌ.ɹənt/, /ˈkɝ.ɪnt/, /ˈkɝ.ənt/
  • (Canada) IPA(key): /ˈkʌ.ɹɪnt/
  • (accents without the «Hurry-furry» merger)
  • (accents with the «Hurry-furry» merger)
  • Rhymes: -ʌɹənt
  • Homophone: currant


current (countable and uncountable, plural currents)

  1. The generally unidirectional movement of a gas or fluid.
    • 2012, Chinle Miller, In Mesozoic Lands: The Mesozoic Geology of Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, Kindle edition:

      The mantle is important to our discussion in that its viscous nature can conduct convection currents that have effects on the crust upon which we live.

  2. The part of a fluid that moves continuously in a certain direction, especially (oceanography) short for ocean current.
    Synonyms: flow, stream
  3. (electricity) the amount of electric charge flowing in each unit of time.
    • Symbol: I (inclined upper case letter «I»)
    • Units:
    SI: ampere (A)
    CGS: esu/second (esu/s)
    Synonym: electric current
  4. a tendency or a course of events
    Synonyms: flow, stream, tendency

Derived terms[edit]

  • account current
  • alternating current
  • Birkeland current
  • charged current
  • convective current
  • current sheet
  • dark current
  • direct current
  • displacement current
  • down-current
  • eddy current
  • electric current
  • electrical current
  • Foucault current
  • four-current
  • funny current
  • induced current
  • injury current
  • Kirchhoff’s current law
  • leakage current
  • neutral current
  • ocean current
  • pass current
  • phasing current
  • Planck current
  • price-current
  • residual-current device
  • return current
  • rip current
  • saturation current
  • sneak current
  • Swift Current
  • telluric current
  • tidal current
  • transcranial direct current stimulation
  • turbidity current
  • undercurrent
  • Y current


  • course
  • currency


part of a fluid that moves continuously in a certain direction See also translations at ocean current

  • Albanian: lumë (sq) f
  • Arabic: تَيَّار‎ m (tayyār)
  • Armenian: հոսանք (hy) (hosankʿ)
  • Assamese: সোঁত (xü̃t)
  • Bau Bidayuh: selog, sobag
  • Belarusian: пато́к m (patók), цячэ́нне n (cjačénnje)
  • Brunei Bisaya: sinolog
  • Bulgarian: стру́я (bg) f (strúja)
  • Burmese: ယဉ် (my) (yany)
  • Catalan: riu (ca) m, corrent (ca) m
  • Cebuano: sulog
  • Central Melanau: aruih
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 水流 (zh) (shuǐliú),  (zh) (liú)
  • Czech: proud (cs) m
  • Dutch: stroming (nl) f, stroom (nl) m
  • Esperanto: fluo
  • Estonian: hoovus
  • Finnish: virta (fi), virtaus (fi)
  • French: courant (fr) m
  • Friulian: corint f
  • Galician: corrente (gl) f
  • Georgian: დინება (dineba), ნაკადი (naḳadi)
  • German: Strömung (de) f
  • Greek: ρεύμα (el) n (révma)
    Ancient: ῥεῦμα n (rheûma)
  • Hawaiian: au
  • Hebrew: זֶרֶם (he) m (zerem)
  • Hindi: प्रवाह (hi) m (pravāh), धारा (hi) f (dhārā)
  • Hungarian: áram (hu), áramlat (hu), (in certain phrases, e.g. «drift with the current») ár (hu)
  • Iban: arus, arong
  • Indonesian: arus (id)
  • Interlingua: currente
  • Iranun: reges
  • Irish: sruth m
  • Italian: corrente (it) f
  • Japanese: 流れ (ja) (ながれ, nagare)
  • Kazakh: ағым (ağym)
  • Khmer: ចរន្ត (km) (caʼrɑn), ស្រោតា (km) (sraotaa)
  • Kimaragang: linogod
  • Korean: 흐름 (ko) (heureum)
  • Lao: ກະແສ (lo) (ka sǣ)
  • Latin: flumen (la) n, cursus m, aestus (la) m (current of sea)
  • Latvian: straume f
  • Lithuanian: srovė f, tėkmė f
  • Lotud: sinolog
  • Macedonian: струја f (struja)
  • Malay: arus (ms)
  • Manx: stroo m
  • Maori: au
  • Mongolian: урсгал (mn) (ursgal)
  • Norman: couothant m (Jersey), halant m
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: strøm (no) m
    Nynorsk: straum m
  • Occitan: corrent (oc) m
  • Old Irish: sruth m or n
  • Persian: جریان (fa) (jarayân), جاری (fa) (jâri)
  • Polish: prąd (pl) m inan
  • Portuguese: corrente (pt) f
  • Romanian: curent (ro) m, șuvoi (ro) n, flux (ro) n
  • Rungus: murullun
  • Russian: пото́к (ru) m (potók), тече́ние (ru) n (tečénije)
  • Sanskrit: रेतस् (sa) n (retas)
  • Scottish Gaelic: sruth m
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: стру́ја f
    Roman: strúja (sh) f
  • Slovak: tok m, prúd m
  • Slovene: tok (sl) m
  • Spanish: corriente (es) f
  • Swahili: mkondo (sw)
  • Swedish: ström (sv) c, strömning (sv) c
  • Tagal Murut: aug
  • Tagalog: agos (tl)
  • Telugu: ప్రవాహం (te) (pravāhaṁ)
  • Thai: กระแส (th) (grà-sɛ̌ɛ)
  • Turkish: akıntı (tr), akım (tr)
  • Ukrainian: струм m (strum), поті́к (uk) m (potík), течія́ f (tečijá)
  • Urdu: دھارا‎ f (dhārā)
  • Vietnamese: dòng (vi)

time rate of flow of electric charge

  • Albanian: rryme f
  • Arabic: تَيَّار‎ m (tayyār)
  • Aragonese: corrient f
  • Armenian: հոսանք (hy) (hosankʿ)
  • Azerbaijani: cərəyan (az)
  • Basque: korronte
  • Belarusian: ток m (tok)
  • Bengali: প্রবাহ (probaho)
  • Bulgarian: ток (bg) m (tok)
  • Burmese: လျှပ်စီး (my) (hlyapci:)
  • Catalan: corrent (ca) m
  • Central Melanau: karen
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 電流电流 (zh) (diànliú)
  • Czech: proud (cs) m
  • Danish: strømstyrke c, strøm (da) c
  • Dutch: stroom (nl) m
  • Estonian: elektrivool (et)
  • Finnish: virta (fi), sähkövirta (fi)
  • French: courant (fr) m
  • Galician: corrente (gl) f
  • Georgian: დენი (deni)
  • German: Strom (de) m
  • Greek: εντάση f (entási)
  • Hebrew: זֶרֶם (he) m (zerem)
  • Hindi: धारा (hi) f (dhārā), प्रवाह (hi) m (pravāh)
  • Hungarian: áram (hu)
  • Interlingua: currente
  • Italian: corrente (it) m
  • Japanese: 電流 (ja) (でんりゅう, denryū)
  • Kazakh: ток (tok), электр тогы (élektr togy)
  • Korean: 전류(電流) (ko) (jeollyu)
  • Kyrgyz: ток (ky) (tok)
  • Lao: ກະແສໄຟຟ້າ (lo) (ka sǣ fai fā)
  • Latvian: strāva f
  • Lithuanian: srovė f
  • Macedonian: струја f (struja)
  • Malay: arus (ms)
  • Mongolian: гүйдэл (mn) (güjdel)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: strøm (no) m, strømstyrke m
    Nynorsk: straum m, straumstyrke m
  • Occitan: corrent (oc) m
  • Persian: جریان (fa) (jarayân)
  • Polish: prąd (pl) m inan, natężenie prądu n
  • Portuguese: corrente (pt) f, amperagem (pt) f
  • Romanian: curent (ro) m
  • Russian: ток (ru) m (tok)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: стру́ја f
    Roman: strúja (sh) f
  • Silesian: sztrům m
  • Slovak: prúd m
  • Slovene: tok (sl) m
  • Spanish: corriente (es) f
  • Swahili: mkondo (sw)
  • Swedish: ström (sv) c
  • Tagalog: kaampiran
  • Tajik: ҷараён (tg) (jarayon)
  • Tatar: агым (tt) (ağım)
  • Telugu: కరెంటు (kareṇṭu)
  • Thai: กระแส (th) (grà-sɛ̌ɛ), กระแสไฟฟ้า (grà-sɛ̌ɛ-fai-fáa)
  • Turkish: akım (tr)
  • Turkmen: tok
  • Ukrainian: струм m (strum)
  • Uyghur: توك(tok)
  • Uzbek: tok (uz)
  • Vietnamese: dòng điện (vi)

tendency or a course of events

  • Bulgarian: ход (bg) m (hod)
  • Finnish: suuntaus (fi), virtaus (fi)
  • French: courant (fr) m
  • Galician: corrente (gl) f
  • Greek: ρεύμα (el) n (révma)
  • Hungarian: alakulás (hu)
  • Italian: corrente (it) m
  • Japanese: 流れ (ja) (nagare)
  • Korean: 흐름 (ko) (heureum)
  • Latvian: gaita f
  • Lithuanian: eiga f, tėkmė f
  • Persian: مسیر (fa)
  • Romanian: curs (ro) n, mers (ro) n, manieră (ro) f
  • Russian: ход (ru) m (xod)
  • Swedish: riktning (sv) c, strömning (sv) c, tendens (sv) c


current (comparative currenter or more current, superlative currentest or most current)

  1. Existing or occurring at the moment.
    Synonyms: present; see also Thesaurus:present
    Antonyms: future, past
    current events
    current leaders
    current negotiations
    • 2013 July 19, Timothy Garton Ash, “Where Dr Pangloss meets Machiavelli”, in The Guardian Weekly[1], volume 189, number 6, page 18:

      Hidden behind thickets of acronyms and gorse bushes of detail, a new great game is under way across the globe. Some call it geoeconomics, but it’s geopolitics too. The current power play consists of an extraordinary range of countries simultaneously sitting down to negotiate big free trade and investment agreements.

  2. Generally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment.
    Synonyms: fashionable, prevailing, prevalent, rife, up-to-date; see also Thesaurus:fashionable
    Antonyms: out-of-date, unfashionable; see also Thesaurus:unfashionable
    current affairs
    current bills and coins
    current fashions
    • 1727, John Arbuthnot, Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights and Measures. Explain’d and exemplify’d in several dissertations:

      That there was current money in Abraham’s time is past doubt.

    • 2013 June 22, “T time”, in The Economist, volume 407, number 8841, page 68:

      The ability to shift profits to low-tax countries by locating intellectual property in them [] is often assumed to be the preserve of high-tech companies. [] current tax rules make it easy for all sorts of firms to generate [] “stateless income”: profit subject to tax in a jurisdiction that is neither the location of the factors of production that generate the income nor where the parent firm is domiciled.

  3. (India) Electric; of or relating to electricity.

    current bill

    • 2021 June 13, Ravali Hymavathi, “Telangana: Even The TSSPDCL Is Facing Heavy Losses Due To Covid-19”, in The Hans India[2]:

      In April and May this year, the average daily current consumption dropped to 55 MU [] Compared to household electricity charges, the current unit charge used by commercial companies is higher. [] Electricity consumption is generally higher in summer as compared to monsoon and winter. The use of ACs will increase not only in homes but also in commercial establishments and current consumption will increase.

  4. (obsolete) Running or moving rapidly.
    Synonym: speeding
    • 1859, Alfred Tennyson, “Vivien”, in Idylls of the King, London: Edward Moxon & Co., [], →OCLC, page 114:

      For here we met, some ten or twelve of us, / To chase a creature that was current then / In these wild woods, the hart with golden horns.

Derived terms[edit]

  • current account
  • current affairs
  • current asset
  • current events
  • current liability
  • current ratio
  • currently
  • currentness
  • price current


existing or occurring at the moment

  • Arabic: جَارٍ (ar) (jārin)
  • Armenian: ընթացիկ (hy) (əntʿacʿik)
  • Basque: egungo
  • Belarusian: цяпе́рашні (cjapjérašni), бягу́чы (be) (bjahúčy)
  • Bulgarian: текущ (bg) (tekušt), сегашен (bg) (segašen)
  • Catalan: actual (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 活期 (zh) (huóqī), 通用 (zh) (tōngyòng), 現在的现在的 (zh) (xiànzài de)
  • Czech: současný (cs) m
  • Danish: aktuel (da), nuværende
  • Dutch: huidig (nl), huidige (nl), actueel (nl)
  • Esperanto: nuntempa, kuranta
  • Estonian: praegune (et)
  • Finnish: ajankohtainen (fi), tämänhetkinen (fi), nykyinen (fi)
  • French: présent (fr), actuel (fr), courant (fr)
  • Friulian: corint
  • Galician: actual (gl), corrente (gl), presente (gl)
  • Georgian: მიმდინარე (mimdinare), ამჟამინდელი (amžamindeli), ახლანდელი (axlandeli)
  • German: gegenwärtig (de), aktuell (de)
  • Greek: παρών (el) (parón), τρέχων (el) (tréchon), τωρινός (el) (torinós)
  • Hungarian: jelenlegi (hu), aktuális (hu)
  • Interlingua: currente
  • Italian: corrente (it), attuale (it), odierno (it)
  • Japanese: 現行 (ja) (げんこう, genkō), 現在 (ja) (げんざい, genzai), 当座 (ja) (とうざ, tōza)
  • Khmer: បច្ចុប្បន្ន (km) (paccobɑn)
  • Korean: 현행(現行)의 (hyeonhaeng-ui), 현재(現在)의 (hyeonjae-ui)
  • Latvian: pašreizējs, esošs
  • Lithuanian: einamasis (lt), dabartinis (lt)
  • Luxembourgish: aktuell
  • Maori: onāianei
  • Mongolian: please add this translation if you can
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: aktuell (no), nåværende, dagsaktuell
    Nynorsk: aktuell, noverande, dagsaktuell
  • Occitan: actual (oc)
  • Persian: کنونی (fa) (konuni)
  • Polish: bieżący (pl), aktualny (pl), obecny (pl), każdoczesny (pl) (law)
  • Portuguese: corrente (pt), em curso, atual (pt) n
  • Romanian: actual (ro), curent (ro), (please verify) în curs , (please verify) care se întâmplă
  • Russian: ны́нешний (ru) (nýnešnij), теку́щий (ru) (tekúščij), тепе́решний (ru) (tepérešnij) (colloquial)
  • Slovak: súčasný (sk) m
  • Spanish: actual (es)
  • Swahili: kisasa (sw)
  • Swedish: nuvarande (sv)
  • Telugu: ఇటీవలి (te) (iṭīvali)
  • Thai: please add this translation if you can
  • Turkish: güncel (tr)
  • Ukrainian: тепе́рішній (uk) (tepérišnij), ни́нішній (nýnišnij), пото́чний (potóčnyj)
  • Vietnamese: hiện nay (vi), nay (vi)
  • Volapük: nuik (vo)

generally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment

  • Armenian: ընթացիկ (hy) (əntʿacʿik)
  • Bengali: আধুনিক (bn) (adhunik)
  • Bulgarian: общоприет (bg) (obštopriet)
  • Catalan: actual (ca)
  • Czech: aktuální (cs)
  • Dutch: aktueel, aktuele
  • Finnish: juokseva (fi), käypä (fi), nykyinen (fi), voimassa oleva, vallitseva (fi)
  • French: actuel (fr)
  • Galician: corrente (gl)
  • Georgian: please add this translation if you can
  • German: zeitnah (de) (dated)
  • Italian: attuale (it), corrente (it)
  • Latvian: esošs
  • Norwegian: aktuell (no), nåværende, gjeldende (no)
  • Polish: aktualny (pl)
  • Portuguese: actual (pt), atual (pt) (br)
  • Russian: совреме́нный (ru) m (sovreménnyj), теку́щий (ru) m (tekúščij)
  • Spanish: actual (es)
  • Swahili: kisasa (sw)
  • Swedish: aktuell (sv), gällande (sv), gångbar (sv), innevarande (sv)
  • Turkish: geçerli (tr)


  • Curtner




  1. third-person plural future active indicative of currō
  • 1


    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > currents

  • 2

    Новый англо-русский словарь > currents

  • 3

    English-Russian smart dictionary > currents

  • 4
    currents in coastwise shipping planes

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > currents in coastwise shipping planes

  • 5
    currents of diverse origin

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > currents of diverse origin

  • 6
    currents address

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > currents address

  • 7
    currents flowing equatorwards

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > currents flowing equatorwards

  • 8
    currents in coastwise shipping planes

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > currents in coastwise shipping planes

  • 9
    currents of diverse origin

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > currents of diverse origin

  • 10
    currents of trade

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > currents of trade

  • 11
    currents to Bernard

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > currents to Bernard

  • 12
    currents of trade

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > currents of trade

  • 13
    currents of trade

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > currents of trade

  • 14
    currents to bernard

    Англо-русский медицинский словарь > currents to bernard

  • 15
    earth currents

    1. спец. блуждающие токи; паразитные токи

    2. спец. теллурические токи

    English-Russian base dictionary > earth currents

  • 16
    coincident currents

    English-Russian base dictionary > coincident currents

  • 17
    parasite currents

    English-Russian base dictionary > parasite currents

  • 18
    eddy currents

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > eddy currents

  • 19
    foucault currents

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > foucault currents

  • 20
    parasite currents

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > parasite currents


  • Следующая →
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  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • CURRENTS — Alfred V. Aho, Currents in the Theory of Computing, Prentice Hall, 1973 (informationswissenschaftl. Veoeffentlichungen) …   Acronyms

  • CURRENTS — Alfred V. Aho, Currents in the Theory of Computing, Prentice Hall, 1973 (informationswissenschaftl. Veröffentlichungen) …   Acronyms von A bis Z

  • Currents (TV series) — Currents Presented by Matt McClure and Francesca Maxime Country of origin United States Language(s) English No. of episodes 130 (as of January 13, 2010) …   Wikipedia

  • Currents (periodical) — Currents (ISSN 1534 388X) is the official international trade law journal of South Texas College of Law. Debuting in the winter of 1991 featuring an article by Senator Lloyd Bentsen,[1] Currents is published twice annually by the law student… …   Wikipedia

  • currents — cur·rent || kÊŒrÉ™nt n. flow (of water, electricity, etc.); process; tendency; direction adj. common, prevalent; present, recent; popular …   English contemporary dictionary

  • CURRENTS — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Subsurface currents — are oceanic currents that flow beneath and usually independently of surface currents. Most are very deep, and as such, very little is known about these currents.They include a broad variety of currents, from thermohaline currents to turbidity… …   Wikipedia

  • War of Currents — In the War of Currents era (sometimes, War of the Currents or Battle of Currents ) in the late 1880s, George Westinghouse and Thomas Edison became adversaries due to Edison s promotion of direct current (DC) for electric power distribution over… …   Wikipedia

  • Cross Currents (journal) — Cross Currents   Abbreviated title ( …   Wikipedia

  • Adventist Currents — is a discontinued magazine which was published independently by progressively minded Seventh day Adventists from 1983 until 1988. History The first issue of Adventist Currents appeared in July 1983. [http://jewel.andrews.edu/record=b1452473… …   Wikipedia

  • The Currents of Space — infobox Book | name = The Currents of Space title orig = translator = image caption = Dust jacket illustration from the first edition author = Isaac Asimov cover artist = country = United States language = English series = Empire Series genre =… …   Wikipedia

An electric current produces a magnet, and _a magnet also may be made to produce an electric current_. ❋ James W. Steele (N/A)

Now when a current acts by induction upon conducting matter lateral to it, it probably acts upon the electricity in that conducting matter whether it be in the form of a _current_ or ❋ Michael Faraday (1829)

# Alternatively, we could just use makeobj in the commands below … current = ` pwd ` if [ «$srcFolder» = «$current«]; then cb fi ❋ Fulldecent (2010)

* @param string $current is the current value of the option in use (used to set the selected option in the list) * @param string $options should be an array of the options to be generated function generate_option_list ($current, $options) $list = «»; foreach ($options as $curopt) $sel = «»; if ($current = = $curopt) $sel = «selected = » selected «»; ❋ Unknown (2010)

# substitute build dir with src dir dest = ` pwd | sed — e s, $KDE_BUILD, $KDE_SRC, ` current = ` pwd ` if [ «$dest» = «$current«]; then cd «$KDE_SRC» else cd «$dest» fi fi ❋ Fulldecent (2010)

{remove x from list} return {break} end else {x not yet found} current: = current↑. next end end end; {DELETE} Fig. 4.12. ❋ Unknown (2009)

x then goto add; {break} current: = current↑. next end; add: {current is now the cell after which x is to be inserted} new (newcell); newcell↑. element: = x; newcell↑. next: = current↑. next; current↑. next: = newcell end; {INSERT} Fig. 4.6. ❋ Unknown (2009)

We needed to be inventive about wording in the communique in consideration for a country that did not want to use the term ‘current account balance’… ❋ Unknown (2011)

If it is a type that sensenses an imbalance in current from the hot line to the neutral, then, it would work. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Sunday, Mar. 19, 2006 @ 03: 10 mood: satisfied current music: another jay zhou song, dunno the title current — reminsce — envision — archive — guestbook — contact links soccernet the onion break. com newgrounds wikipedia somethingawful talkingcock maddox my ebaystore ❋ Jaimewolf (2006)

Friday, Feb. 11, 2005 @ 04: 04 mood: overloaded current music: One of Jay Zhou’s songs, forgot the title current — reminsce — envision — archive — guestbook — contact links soccernet the onion break. com newgrounds wikipedia somethingawful talkingcock maddox my ebaystore ❋ Jaimewolf (2005)

In order to define the intensity of a current, the term current intensity (formula sign I) has been introduced. ❋ Unknown (1991)

OK, MP, can you deconstruct the British English — why the use of the term current? ❋ Unknown (2009)

The newspaper said the CIA declined comment on the report, which also quoted what it called current and former British officials as saying British special forces and intelligence officers were in Libya. ❋ Unknown (2011)

The newspaper said the CIA declined comment on the report, which quoted what it called current and former British officials as saying British special forces and intelligence officers also are in the North African nation. ❋ Unknown (2011)

GIRL1: who’s your currentGIRL2: [ben]
BOY1: bro, are you guys [dating] yet?
BOY2: [nah man], shes just my current ❋ Catsanddogasruleee (2019)

Proffesor: The current here is [stronk]
Student : the fuck is a current?
Proffesor: [sea] [wind]. ❋ Budi Budi (2014)

[Yes] currently.
[I’m here] currently. ❋ Confused As Fuck (2016)

I tried to currentize an otherwise [bland] outfit with a couple of leather [belts] worn [stacked] around my waist. ❋ Savvy_much (2016)

[That guy] is so [CURRENT] ❋ Hmchmc83 (2016)

He’s [literally] [so cute], he’s [the current]. ❋ Fab-me-lus (2015)

[hahah] [Furrent] lol ([current] and furry) ❋ AngelicAnimal (2021)

Girl 1- «I love her [outfit] it’s like [hipster], but new!»
Girl 2- «Yeah! She’s so [current] !» ❋ Gabby Jane (2016)

*[electricity] [outage] occurs*
“Man [the current]’s off again” ❋ Cyc123 (2019)

[Tracy Grimshaw]: The public has been outraged over (some infamous baddie) being left in peace.
Cue shitty footage of some male reporter harassing baddie at their place of residence.
Tracy Grimshaw: There’s been some new evidence that suggests cats prefer the colour red.
«Expert» (flipping pages): Uh well we’ve been seeing a lot of new evidence that cats like red.
[Random cat] lady: «My old [Mittens] loves red things.»
Street random: «Yeah I like cats.»
Tracy Grimshaw: Next week on A Current Affair… ❋ PomiWells (2012)

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