Word meaning not well known

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

не очень известен

не очень известный

не известный

не слишком известен

не очень известна

не так хорошо известна

не слишком известный

мало известен

не очень хорошо известно

не особо распространен

не известны

не известна

не известен

недостаточно известной


Unfortunately, in our country, Greece, chestnut honey is not well-known.

В нашей стране, к сожалению, каштановый мед малоизвестен.

Bouldering is still not well-known in Bulgaria, but it is rapidly gaining popularity.

Болдеринг до сих пор малоизвестен в Болгарии, но он быстро набирает популярность.

A fact that is not well-known.

Surprisingly, despite all its medical benefits, Burmese grapes are not well-known.

Удивительно, но несмотря на все его медицинские преимущества, бирманский виноград не очень известен.

Although not well-known outside the UK, TransferWise has strong credentials.

Несмотря на то, что TransferWise не очень известен за пределами Великобритании, он имеет хорошие репутации.

The rest of her career consists of some European productions (often for television), not well-known to her North American fans.

Свою карьеру Андресс завершила, снимаясь в европейских фильмах (часто для телевидения), малоизвестных ее североамериканским фанатам.

He’s not well-known in Russia.

I’m not well-known, but that’s also a good thing; The Netherlands has a lot of young and talented musicians.

Я не очень известен, но это тоже хорошо; В Нидерландах много молодых и талантливых музыкантов.

The new prime minister was not well-known.

Even though the area is not well-known

Many are very small and not well-known.

Their names are not well-known like writers.

But people are not so well informed nowadays and they trust not so much not well-known companies.

Но люди пока мало информированы и не очень доверяют новым малоизвестным организациям.

He still does that today but it is not well-known or popular.

В настоящее время данный промысел всё еще существует, однако уже не развит и не популярен.

Unfortunately this memory was not kept, and was not well-known by the new generation of protesters in 2011.

К сожалению, эта память не сохранилась и не была хорошо известна новому поколению протестующих в стране в 2011 году.

The information here is not well-known and is invaluable to convicted drivers.

Информация здесь не известна и неоценима для осужденных водителей.

So, although, this forest is not well-known to tourists it is easy to find.

Так что, хотя этот лес мало известен туристам, его легко найти.

Despite that defeat, successful participation of such the young, not well-known club became a sensation of the tournament.

Несмотря на обидный проигрыш, столь успешное участие молодого, никому неизвестного клуба, стало сенсацией турнира.

However, most of her work is still not well-known to the general public.

Однако большинство из её работ до сих пор не известны широкому кругу.

There is in other words no wonder that I am not well-known for writing about mythology…

Иными словами, неудивительно, что я неизвестен как писатель о мифологии…

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат not well-known

Результатов: 169. Точных совпадений: 169. Затраченное время: 235 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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О его жизни до 1377 года практически ничего не известно.

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The bills are not well known to law enforcement agencies and the general public.

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Эти законопроекты не очень хорошо известны правоохранительным учреждениям и общественности в целом.

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For many extractable, non-wood commodities, sustainable production levels are not well known;

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Не все знают о существовании режима КНО, и это, возможно, к лучшему.

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The means by which he managed to acquire this title are not well known.

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The degree of contamination is not well known or recorded and most mines are randomly laid.

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Масштабы загрязнения не очень хорошо известны или зарегистрированы, а установка большинства мин произведена хаотично.

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The procedure for registration is not well known to NGOs and is often arbitrarily interrupted by authorities.

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hewonhischampionships. Mr. Jonesearnedadegree in Engineering.

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Но не все знают, что в то время, как он выигрывал турниры,

он получил ученую степень в Джоржии, и в Гарварде.

There is an earlier straight-line mechanism, whose history is not well known, called the Sarrus linkage.

The overall quantities are not well known, but are thought to be at least 4000 to 6000 tonnes.

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Общие количества доподлинно не известны, но оцениваются, по меньшей мере, в объеме от 4000 до 6000 тонн.

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It’s a pity, but Africa is not well known in Russia, unlike Europe and Asia,» he said.

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Its powers are limited as it has an advisory role, and it is not well known to the public.

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If you have never heard of crocodile oil, it’s normal: until recently,

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Если вы никогда


слышали о крокодиловом масле, это нормально: до недавнего времени,

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Chip Glance- This is a tell that is common, but not well known by the majority of poker players.

The implications of climate change for specific mountain ecosystems and

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Последствия изменения климата для конкретных горных экосистем и

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The two-year college option is not well known outside of the States because of how,


American it is.

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Малоизвестны за пределами— и даже в пределах— лесного сектора.

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In central and southern Mexico it is not well


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В Центральной и Южной Америке чай не очень распространен.

This may give birth to planets in certain circumstances, which are not well


Their work is not

well known,

nor well understood.

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Их работа не


известна и


очень понятна.

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Many of these mines have been buried and their locations are not



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Многие из этих мин захоронены, и их месторасположение не вполне известно.

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Right, the writer is not

well known.

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Да, автор не очень известен.

The protein function is not

well known.

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Функции белка не ясны.

Carpenter’s later life is not

well known.

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Последующий события в жизни Харрисона почти не известны.

But the success stories are not



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Однако об успешных результатах нам известно не очень много.

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The name origin of this commune is not



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О происхождении такого красивого названия пока ничего не известно.

The report also indicated that the Act was not

well known.

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В докладе также указывается, что этот Закон не пользуется широкой известностью.

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The reasons for the bird’s apparent decline are not

well known.

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Причины такой заботы о птенцах не известны.

Results: 7294,
Time: 0.0239





Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

On this page you’ll find 7 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to not well-known, such as: offbeat, off the beaten track, out of the ordinary, unfrequented, unusual, and unvisited.


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • not well-known
  • off the beaten track
  • offbeat
  • out of the ordinary
  • unfrequented
  • unusual
  • unvisited

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

According to what you say «The second problem was published in a book about 70 years ago, but since then, little attention has been given to it.» primarily means that the problem was forgotten about, though it may have seemed quite important.

It doesn’t say that it should be a well-known problem or that its importance was underestimated. Based on your sentence, a possible word could be «trivialized» or «neglected».

The problem appeared to be unimportant, insignificant at that time; it was a trivial problem, one of little value or importance. Little light was made of this problem. Or it was a neglected problem and little attention was payed to it.

Other possible variants are: ignored, underestimated, underrated, undervalued, understated, underreckoned,treated lightly,depreciated

I personally tend to «underestimated», and «trivialized» or «neglected».

A very good option would be to use two words in a row!

  • «The second problem was neglected and underrated (underestimated, undervalued)» which means that there wasn’t enough attention payed to it and its importance was underestimated.

Although it was wellknown that rice is mainly self-pollinating, it was also known that some cross-pollination can take place.

The proposed method uses wellknown theoretical procedures that are similar to those used in the serial link approach.

The results could therefore be due to children’s wellknown difficulties in learning synonyms.

The advantage of this is that solutions to the hypergeometric equation are wellknown.

The second thesis expresses the wellknown meta-ethical view that all moral properties supervene on non-moral properties.

These results directly generalize several wellknown graph results involving the existence of vertices of degree three.

All three protected areas are composed mostly of tropical lowland forest, and are wellknown for their diversity of forest birds.

Major depression in offspring showed not only the wellknown association with maternal depression, but also with paternal depression, which has received little previous study.

It is a wellknown property of the normal distribution that the first three moments can be expressed in closed form in terms of each other.

Section 2 introduces some wellknown matching problems and shows how they can be stated in terms of the generic problem of matching graphs.

It is possible to encapsulate a broad spectrum of wellknown biocides and control their release by the composition and structure of the composite layers.

Under certain conditions, the solitary wave suffers the wellknown anomalous damping leading to the development of collisionless shock waves.

Afterwards, we recall some of the wellknown plasma modes, such as ion-, dust- and electron-acoustic solitary waves.

The state court had upheld the livestock classification on the grounds that it was wellknown that sheep, unlike cattle, damaged pasture land.

That book is wellknown for its ‘ ‘ three pillar ‘ ‘ model, entailing a mandatory unfunded pillar, a mandatory funded pillar, and a voluntary private pillar.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

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  • Word meaning not wanting to do something
  • Word meaning not very often
  • Word meaning not very important
  • Word meaning not typical
  • Word meaning not trustworthy