Word meaning not still

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Many single mothers, no matter whether they were married or not, still face social disapproval and economic exposure.

Многие матери-одиночки и по сей день, несмотря на давность такого феномена, независимо от того, были ли они замужем или нет, по-прежнему сталкиваются с социальным неодобрением и экономической незащищённостью.

The army we have, whether we like it or not, still offers starvation wages. $ 500 is really very little.

Армия у нас, нравится нам это или нет, по-прежнему предлагает нищенские зарплаты.

Not, still not of ground at the horizon.

So consumed water, or not, still pay.

Some men are happy with their size, others not, still others very unhappy.

Одни мужчины довольны своими размерами, другие — не очень, третьи — совсем недовольны.

Whether it is paid vacation or not, still take it.

Отпуск, состоялся он или нет, должен оплачиваться.

However, in case, if the contract was not, still there are norms of international law on the inviolability of borders.

Впрочем, в случае, если бы договора не было, все равно есть нормы международного права о нерушимости границ.

Whether they choose to apologize to you or not, still forgive them, live your life.

Как бы вы не любили и не уважали их, зависели от них или нет, живите своей жизнью.

Women, whether they are privileged or not, still face the difficulties that exist due to being a woman.

Каждая из нас, будь она известна или нет, сталкивается с проблемами, возникающими из-за того, что она женщина.

But if it was not, still use creams, lotions and masks, which allow you to cope with minor injuries.

Но если его и не было, все равно применяйте кремы, лосьоны и маски, с помощью которых можно справиться с мелкими повреждениями.

Believe it or not, still not a big fan of the Glee Club.

Хотите верьте, хотите нет, она все еще не фанатка хорового кружка.

«Whether it’s a unique species or not, still, the jury is out,» he says.

«Является ли это уникальным видом или нет, тем не менее, жюри отсутствует», — говорит он.

ECC is much less studied and therefore may, or may not, still yield some surprises.

ЕСС исследован гораздо меньше и, следовательно, всё ещё может преподнести какие-нибудь сюрпризы (а может и не преподнести).

If you are a snake lover, feel free to admire its beauty, and in case you are not, still respect it for being an important part of the ecosystem.

Если вы являетесь любителем змей, не стесняйтесь, чтобы полюбоваться его красотой, и в случае, если Вы не, все равно уважаю его за то, что важной частью экосистемы.

As Greece’s economy was being articulated and integrated with that of Europe through the adoption of the Euro as the country’s currency, the issues of which groups benefited and which did not, still remains to be analyzed by economists.

Экономика Греции интегрировалась в экономику Европы через принятие евро в качестве национальной валюты, и вопрос о том, кто выиграл, а кто проиграл от этого новшества, все еще дебатируется экономистами.

«The individuals in Missouri whom I’ve talked to, whether they own guns or not, still deeply believe in privacy.»

Люди в Миссури, с которыми я разговаривал, в независимости от того, владеют они оружием или нет, все еще глубоко верят в уединение .

So, hoping to try this, whether I win or not, still am going to try!

Я хочу сделать это, и независимо от того, выиграю я или нет, я просто хотела попробовать.

Even if the fee has already been discussed with the actor and under the supervision of his lawyers a contract has been signed that the actor agrees to do, but what not, still on the set… —

Даже если с актером уже обсужден гонорар и под присмотром его юристов подписан контракт о том, что артист согласен делать, а чего нет, все равно на съемочной площадке может… —

And not even knowing whether Putin is the intention to run further, or has not, still, just in case, had, shall we say, a priori, the slanderous campaign has been started.

И, даже не зная того, имеет ли Путин намерение баллотироваться дальше или не имеет, все равно на всякий случай, априори такая очернительная кампания уже началась».

«The individuals in Missouri whom I’ve talked to, whether they own guns or not, still deeply believe in privacy.»

Жители нашего штата, с которыми я общался, вне зависимости есть ли у них оружие или нет, верят в то, что конфиденциальность должна превалировать.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат not, still

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What is No still?

«No still» meaning not at all…I will never do that
No wayyyy!…
This is used by Jamaicans

Girl: Have you ever kissed a guy?
Boy: No still!

👍27 👎11

No still — video

No still — what is it?

From distillery, a slang word used during the prohibition for an illegal alcohol production.

His own men, cooking alky
in backrooms, were caught in the act.
Their stills were smashed.

(From the TV show «The Untouchables»)

👍135 👎143

What does «No still» mean?

still or styll: an obnoxious term used by regular suburban kids or preppie white kids from Toronto who think they’re from the ghetto. There is no specific definition of this word, as it was created and used by mindless idiots.

It is commonly used at the end of a sentence, usually after a suburban or preppie kid-turned wanksta speaks with proper grammer; the «styll» or «still» is added to the end to make the statement sound more ghetto.

«I dunno still»
«I would have went still»
«Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution does not possess proper evidence… still.»

👍609 👎539

No still — what does it mean?

1. Present participle tense of the word «still,» as opposed to the more common use of the word in reference to «still at» or «still being.» Use of the word «stilling» replaces the need for the present tense of «to be» in the sentence.

2.. Passing and/or wasting time occupying a certain space or the attention of a specific object, person etc.

3.. Passing and/or wasting time performing an action or task that may not necessary negate the allotted time given to the person or task.

Person A: Stilling at the party?

Person B: Nah, I left early.

👍47 👎17

No still — meaning

A type of phatic communication in which the term is placed at the end of a sentece to create a sense of community.

I feel that man, still.

👍557 👎223

No still — definition

Used to emphasize a point.
Can be used in every sentence.

«I am going to go over there, still.»
«Yo still you know»
«I got five on it still»

👍455 👎135

No still — slang

Used when someone has nothing else to say.

Guy 1: Dude. This show has the best soundtrack.
Guy 2: No. The soundtrack has no rhythym.
Guy 1: *Shows example of soundtrack* I told you. It has rhythym.
Guy 2: Fine, it does. But still…

👍81 👎21

No still

An indie rock band that started in Montreal, Quebec, with great vocals and an original sound (which is far from today’s horribly inaccurate definition of «emo»). Listen to their music before being jerks and decide for yourself.

Songs by the Stills:

«Lola Stars and Stripes»
«Still in Love Song»
«Ready for It»

👍149 👎31

No still

n. In Pittsburghese, this is an alloy that consists mostly of iron («ahn» in Pittsburghese) and has a carbon content between 0.2% and 2.1% by weight, depending on the grade. Carbon is the most common alloying material for iron, but various other alloying elements are used, such as manganese, chromium, vanadium, and tungsten. Varying the amount of alloying elements and the form of their presence in the still controls qualities such as the hardness, ductility, and tensile strength of the resulting alloy.

While Pittsburgh is known colloquially as «The Still City» for its historical still manufacturing base, today its economy is largely based on health care, education, technology, robotics, and financial services. The region is also becoming a hub for oil and natural gas companies’ Marcellus Shale production.

Picksburgh used t’ make a lotta ahn ‘n’ still n’at.

👍1127 👎261

No still

To end a sentence and validate your point.

Yo, that jam was hype, still!!

👍2141 👎427

But when planning housing in new regions, the cultural community from where the settlers will come is still unknown.

Consumption was part of the ordinary life, still represented, albeit often precariously, by the home front.

So speakers may merge in minimal pair lists but still maintain a phonetic distinction in conversational style.

I learnt much from them as a young practitioner and still re-read them purely for pleasure.

However, dealing with the purely functional aspects is still going to be central, in particular for users with little previous exposure to functional programming.

Yet, from the perspective of cultural psychology, protocols can still be useful research tools.

The spatial structure of the cross and its orientation are still clearly discernible, yet its size has been reduced significantly.

This appendage probably represents the still constricted portion of the egg after it passed through the ovipositor.

In each iteration, assign every uncoloured edge a random colour from the unreserved colours that are still available for it.

The diffraction limit for a single image may decrease, although higher resolution datasets can still be collected due to the decreased radiation damage rate.

But the question regarding whether such a prayer can be impetratory still remains.

While the virtues of country life were still stressed, the differences between town and country became less accentuated.

Still, a public economist would remind us that looking at whether environmental tax swaps increase employment or not tells us nothing about social welfare.

Most of the fundamental changes of which agriculture is but a symptom took place while people were still basically foragers.

The purpose is to record things which have been important in the past, those still possible, as well as current activities.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

still  — еще, все еще, все-таки, неподвижный, тишина, кадр, успокаиваться
not  — не, нет, ни

She has still not given up the search.

Она все ещё продолжает поиски.

One small child was still not accounted for.

О судьбе одного ребёнка всё ещё не было никаких сведений.

Several questions have still not been resolved.

Ряд вопросов по прежнему не решён.

I’m still not really feeling a hundred per cent.

Я всё ещё не совсем хорошо себя чувствую.

Have they arrived already?! I’m still not dressed!

Они что, уже приехали?! А я ещё не одета!

I’m still not really clear how this machine works.

Мне до сих пор ещё не очень понятно, как эта машина работает.

After a week the jury had still not reached a verdict.

Прошла уже неделя, а присяжные всё ещё не приняли решение.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Five years further on, a cure has still not been found.  

The government has still not set a date for the election.  

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  • #1

Hi everyone! I was wondering how I know which of these two words I should use in what kind of sentence!! Is it ok if I said: Has not the bus arrived yet? Is there a better way to ask that question? And can I use yet and still in the same sentence?

Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2010

  • chamyto

    • #2

    I think you can, but still would be before «arrived» .

    • #3

    Thank you!! And Can you give me an example of how I can use still and yet at the same time in a sentence? I once read a sentence that used both at the same time, but I don’t remember what it said!

    Last edited: Aug 4, 2010

    • #4

    Hello there !
    I dont know for sure , but your sentence sounds odd . Maybe remove the » not »
    Has the bus arrived yet .
    Secondly as an example ; The bus didn’t arrive yet, and i am still waiting .
    I hope i have helped somehow :)

    • #5

    Thanks for your help! It’s really appreciated!;)


    • #6

    Has the bus arrived yet?
    No. It still hasn’t arrived.

    I’ll guess at the translation, and if I get it wrong, I hope someone corrects me:

    ¿El bus aún/todavía no ha llegado?
    No. Todavía/aún no ha llegado.

    • #7

    Hello there !
    I dont know for sure , but your sentence sounds odd . Maybe remove the » not »
    Has the bus arrived yet .
    Secondly as an example ; The bus didn’t arrive yet, and i am still waiting .
    I hope i have helped somehow :)

    The odd part is «Has not», it’s common to use «Hasn’t» instead which makes it sound perfect. «Hasn’t the bus arrived yet»

    And this sounds a bit unnatural but i think it’s correct, «Has the but still not arrived»


    • #8

    A couple of corrections, Stider:

    The odd part is «Has not», it’s common to use «Hasn’t» instead which makes it sound perfect. «Hasn’t the bus arrived yet»

    And this sounds a bit unnatural but I think it’s correct, «Has the


    still not arrived?»

    Has the bus arrived yet?
    Hasn’t the bus arrived yet?
    Is the bus still not here?

    The bus has not arrived yet.
    The bus hasn’t arrived yet.
    The bus has still not arrived.

    turkish said:

    Secondly as an example: The bus didn’t arrive yet, and I am still waiting .

    The present perfect is better in this context than the past tense, because the action of arriving is not complete.

    • #9

    Thanks all of you!! My doubts are cleared now

    • #10

    A couple of corrections, Stider:Has the bus arrived yet?
    Hasn’t the bus arrived yet?
    Is the bus still not here?

    The bus has not arrived yet.
    The bus hasn’t arrived yet.
    The bus has still not arrived.The present perfect is better in this context than the past tense, because the action of arriving is not complete.

    Well thanks for the correction ,but i think I have used it properly
    If you are pointing at the example — i wanted to keep the original form of the sentence ,without using progressive tense .
    Take care !

    • #11

    The most common structures that I have heard are:

    Hasn’t the bus arrived yet? / Hasn’t the bus got/gotten here yet? (colloquial)

    The bus is still not here. / The bus hasn’t got/gotten here yet. (colloquial)


    • #12

    If you are pointing at the example — I wanted to keep the original form of the sentence ,without using progressive tense .
    Take care !

    You’re right: your example was correct. Looking at it again, I realize that you wrote «but» when you meant to type «bus». The other corrections I suggested were intended to show you that correct capitalization is required in this dictionary forum.


    • #13

    Bueno, bueno este tema es uno de los centrales an mis clases!!!
    Primero ustedes se tienen que dar cuenta que la negación de ya es todavía no y la negación de todavía es ya no !!!
    Luego presento es seguiente cuadro:
    YA————————— TODAVIA NO
    ALREADY ———————NOT…….YET

    TODAVÍA ———————YA NO
    ——————————-NO MORE/ NO LONGER

    Casi ciegamente pueden traducir las expresiones literalmente
    (a parte de unas formas con still…)

    Last edited: Aug 5, 2010


    • #14

    Oh, careful with some uses of ‘todavía’ in Spanish. Same as ‘hasta’. In different regions you get a neg. sense included.
    Mi papá se casó hasta los 30 años. (A friend from Guatemala used this sentence, and I didn’t know what it meant. I asked him — ¿y qué pasó después?. Me miró con cara rara y dijo ‘siguió casado, por supuesto’. O sea que él dijo lo que yo diría ‘mi papá no se casó hasta los 30 años.

    Y para ‘todavía’, tenemos a Vargas Llosa en El elogio de la madrastra: «Puedo leer tu diario?» Respuesta: «Todavía» ( o sea lo que para mí es ‘todavía no).

    • #15

    A couple of corrections, Stider:

    Has the bus arrived yet?

    Hasn’t the bus arrived yet?
    Is the bus still not here?

    The bus has not arrived yet.
    The bus hasn’t arrived yet.
    The bus has still not arrived.The present perfect is better in this context than the past tense, because the action of arriving is not complete.

    I don’t understand the first one. «Ha llegado el bus todavía?» :S
    The second one sounds wrong even even though it is not.

    What I’d say:
    — Hasn’t still the bus arrived?

    Aprendí que no se debe usar yet si no responde a una frase anterior o es la explicación de algo anteriormente expuesto. Es correcto?
    Por ejemplo:
    — Are you doing anything tonight?
    — I don’t have plans yet.

    — I’d like to go the University in Germany but I’m not sure yet.

    Me podría alguien ayudar a entender gramaticalmente «Hasn’t the bus arrived yet?»

    Gracias de antemano.

    • #16

    Vassili Z:

    En inglés, la construcción: «Hasn’t still the bus arrived?» se escucha muy extraño. Los angloparlantes no la emplean.

    Pediste ayuda para entender mejor por qué se usa: Hasn’t the bus arrived yet?

    Una equivalencia en español sería: ¿Aún no ha llegado el autobús?


    2 a (1) : up to now : so far <hasn’t done much yet> —often used to imply the negative of a following infinitive <have yet to win a game> (2) : at this or that time : so soon as now <not time to go yet> b : continuously up to the present or a specified time : still <is yet a new country> c : at a future time : eventually <may yet see the light>
    3 : nevertheless, however
    as yet : up to the present or a specified time <there are as yet few clues — Sharon Kingman>

    Espero que te haya podido ayudar.

    • #17

    I’ve been reading for a while now, and decided I should contribute when I can. This seemed like a good place to start :)

    Aprendí que no se debe usar yet si no responde a una frase anterior o es la explicación de algo anteriormente expuesto. Es correcto?

    Me podría alguien ayudar a entender gramaticalmente «Hasn’t the bus arrived yet?»

    For the most part, yet and still can be used interchangeably except that they take different positions in the sentence. However, for some reason I am not sure of, you can’t use still in a question when inverting.

    So «El bus no ha llegado todavía?» can be:
    — The bus hasn’t arrived yet?
    — The bus still hasn’t arrived?

    But «Todavía no ha llegado el bus?» can only be:
    — Hasn’t the bus arrived yet?

    To address the original question:
    I know that, at least colloquially, you can use both yet and still in the same sentence in order to emphatically state that you expected an event to have already occurred. «The bus still hasn’t arrived yet???»

    • #18


    You said, «Sí se utiliza en inglés…» in a response to my comment that

    «Hasn’t still the bus arrived?» sounds strange.

    The order of this sentence indeed sounds strange. I’m not sure what your argument is. You gave the example of, «Is the bus still not here?» I agree with you. That sounds fine. However, «Hasn’t still the bus arrived?» does not. This a sentence that Vassili Z. constructed and my comment was based on that.

    • #19

    I see it more clear now.
    Thank you all.


    • #20

    Lo que siempre me sorprende es que a la gente le encanta estar a la deriva cuando de aprender un idioma se trata! La gramática es como un mecanismo y tiene sus reglas. Una de ellas es que STILL and ALREADY


    van con negativos y son en

    por su naturaleza positivos

    (al igual como Ya y Todavía) y van al principio de la oración!!!

    por su naturaleza negativos

    (al igual como YA NO y todavía NO) y van al final de la oración. cf. thread #13…
    NOT STILL y NOT ALREADY son como agua y fuego o perro y gato!

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2010

    • #21

    That’s why for some people the question: hasn’t still the bus arrived? Sounds weird!!


    • #22

    Lo que siempre me sorprende es que a la gente le encanta estar a la deriva cuando de aprender un idioma se trata! La gramática es como un mecanismo y tiene sus reglas. Una de ellas es que STILL and ALREADY


    van con negativos y son en

    por su naturaleza positivos

    (al igual como Ya y Todavía) y van al principio de la oración!!!

    por su naturaleza negativos

    (al igual como YA NO y todavía NO) y van al final de la oración. cf. thread #13…
    NOT STILL y NOT ALREADY son como agua y fuego o perro y gato!

    Counterexamples: (hay millones, aunque probablemente todos coloquiales — o sea lo que la gente realmente usa para hablar)

    -Still not ready?

    -If you haven’t already finished your homework, then we are leaving without you. (ésta no me convence. Suena rara).

    Las reglas no son leyes, son indicaciones generales a posteriori. Los nativos no pensamos en reglas.


    • #23

    The order of «hasn’t still the bus arrived» sounds strange to native English-speakers. It may be a possible construction, but this specific construction (the order) in English is not common at all.

    I do, however, agree with Duvija that the word «still» is often used with a negative:

    Example: I still haven’t received my check.

    The problem with «hasn’t still» is the order and the fact that it’s a question.

    «The bus still hasn’t arrived» sounds fine.

    Hasn’t still the bus arrived?…is a different matter. The order is not right and an interrogative with this construction is awkward and sounds foreign to modern English. It’s definately not colloquial English (lo que la gente usa realmente para hablar).

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2010

    • #24

    The proper order is:

    Has the bus still not arrived?

    Still not

    = todavía no = not yet.

    • #25

    The proper order is:

    Has the bus still not arrived?

    Still not

    = todavía no = not yet.

    That’s makes sense!! So this two are correct:
    Hasn’t the bus arrived yet?
    Has the bus still not arrived?

    Hasn’t the bus still arrived? What about this one, is it right?

    • #26

    That’s makes sense!! So this two are correct:
    Hasn’t the bus arrived yet?
    Has the bus still not arrived?

    Hasn’t the bus still arrived? What about this one, is it right?

    Welcome to the forum, TuttyFruty.

    No not still is not right.


    • #27

    Un asunto que muchas veces se enseña mal es el siguiente: «Preguntas tienen que ser formuladeas con any / yet / any more, longer».
    Más correcto es esta solución: Yo pregunto con some / already / still, si pienso que la respuesta es positiva. Yo pregunto con any / yet / any more,longer, si pienso que la respuesta es negativa. ¿cierto?

    • #28

    Un asunto que muchas veces se enseña mal es el siguiente: «Preguntas tienen que ser formuladeas con any / yet / any more, longer».
    Más correcto es esta solución: Yo pregunto con some / already / still, si pienso que la respuesta es positiva. Yo pregunto con any / yet / any more,longer, si pienso que la respuesta es negativa. ¿cierto?


    Si debe de haber llegado el autobús pero no sé si ha llegado o no:

    Has the bus not arrived yet?
    Hasn’t the bus arrived yet?
    Has the bus still not arrived?

    La primera de estas preguntas es más o menos objetiva, la segunda expresa que me sorprenderá si todavía no ha llegado el autobús, y la última expresa impaciencia y más sorpresa.


    • #29

    Buenas mañanas!
    Bueno, Yo sugería no juntar ‘still’ y ‘not’. Pero en este caso una excepción es posible: I still haven’t decided. Pero mejor: I haven’t decided yet.
    Otra anotación: ‘already’ y ‘yet’ are intercambiables y ‘still’ and ‘any longer’, pero no ‘already’ y ‘still’ y tampoco ‘yet’ y ‘any more’ — al igual como en Spanish….

    Last edited: Aug 10, 2010

    • #30

    Buenas mañanas!
    Bueno, Yo sugería no juntar ‘still’ y ‘not’. Pero en este caso una excepción es posible: I still haven’t decided. Pero mejor: I haven’t decided yet.
    Otra anotación: ‘already’ y ‘yet’ are intercambiables y ‘still’ and ‘any longer’, pero no ‘already’ y ‘still’ y tampoco ‘yet’ y ‘any more’ — al igual como en Spanish….

    I find «I still haven’t decided» :tick: to be a perfectly good sentence, no better or worse on its own than «I haven’t decided yet».

    The non sequitur is «I haven’t decided still.» :cross:

    To me:

    • «Yet» and «still» are sometimes synonymous,
    • «Not yet» and «still not» are synonymous or nearly so,
    • «Already» in a positive context has quite a different meaning from «still» or «yet», but «not already» usually means «not yet» («already» and «not yet» are opposites),
    • «Still» and «not any more»/»no more» are usually direct opposites, and
    • «Not still» means «not any more» or «no more», but it is incompatible with have + past participle.

    • #31

    hi!! this question is almost perfect but the particle not must be placed between bus and arrived Has not the bus arrived yet? you better say: Has the bus not arrived yet? cheers!!

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