Word meaning not following the rules

Have you been presented with a list of things that follow a rule? Then been given something that doesn’t fit in with the rest?

You might be wondering what terms to use to refer to these types of items in a list.

That’s where this article comes in!

Check these words out to give you a clearer picture:

  • Exceptions
  • Non-conforming
  • Exempt
  • Rogue
  • Outlier
  • Offending
  • Non-compliant
  • Of concern
  • Unregulated
  • Unclassifiable

The best words for not following the rules are “exceptions,” “non-conforming,” and “exempt.” You should use these when something doesn’t fit the standard rules presented in a list. It shows that you have found things that do not match the standard procedure of other pieces of information.

Words for Not Following the Rules

1. Exceptions

“Exceptions” is one of the best alternatives you can use for something that doesn’t follow the rules. An “exception” is anything that doesn’t fit a list’s established confines. It works well to show that you may overlook certain things that do not fit in well.

You should use exceptions when you want to show what things don’t follow the rules like the rest. It gives someone a clearer idea of what to watch out for if they’re trying to find a way to keep everything in line.

The definition of “exceptions,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone or something that is not included in a rule, group, or list or that does not behave expectedly.”

  • I’m going to give you a few exceptions. If you know all about them, you should be able to tackle the situation better.
  • Have you considered the exceptions? I’m worried that some of these things won’t work all that well when presented with resistance.

2. Non-Conforming

“Non-conforming” is a great adjective for something not following the rules. It suggests that certain items do not conform with the others in the same group. This means they do not fit in or go against the rules for a specific reason.

Let’s imagine the rule is “do not go south.” If an object goes south, it goes against the rule. This would make it a non-conforming object because it chose to do something it was told not to do (thus, not conforming to the prescribed rules).

  • The non-conforming objects are going to cause the most issues here. We need to keep them in tow if we want this to be right.
  • I’m not sure why these are non-conforming. They should fit into the established parameters. I’m sorry that it’s difficult for you.

3. Exempt

“Exempt” is a great adjective showing that things do not fit in with the rules. “Exempt” typically means that things have been given the green light to disobey or go against the rules. This usually means they have permission to follow a different set of rules.

You might find “exemptions” appearing when requesting special pardons. “Exemption” is used here to show you have special permission not to follow the established rules. A good example is a medical exemption from wearing a mask during the recent pandemic.

The definition of “exempt,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to excuse someone or something from a duty, payment, etc.”

  • These items are exempt from the rules. We have decided that they will not help us establish a better reason.
  • What can you tell us about the exemptions? Is there anything we can do that might make things work better?

4. Rogue

“Rogue” is a decent choice showing that something goes against the rules. Unlike “exempt,” “rogue” often implies an active choice to refuse or disobey the rules.

Rogue objects usually do not belong to any one group. They are more commonly seen as independent objects that do not fit in with the other objects that might already work well as part of the same rule.

The definition of “rogue,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “behaving in ways that are not expected or not normal, often in a way that causes damage.”

  • We have a few rogues here that do not follow the rules. I’m not sure what the procedure is when dealing with these.
  • Have you listed the rogue items as well? I only ask because I fear that they’ll make things more difficult later.

5. Outlier

An outlier is anything that stands outside the law or rules set by something. It’s common to use this to refer to objects that don’t belong to the standard group that follows typical rules. Outliers have a hard time fitting into any situation.

You may use “outlier” to refer to people and objects alike. It’s a versatile word showing that things cannot be grouped in the same way as others because there are no direct similarities to lean into.

The definition of “outlier,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person, thing, or fact that is very different from other people, things, or facts, so that it cannot be used to draw general conclusions.”

  • These problems are outliers. They do not follow the rules we’re looking for. Therefore, we don’t have to worry about them as much.
  • What’s the point in all the outliers if we’re not going to do something about them? We should try to include them in the ruleset.

6. Offending

“Offending” works well in this context. It suggests that something does not belong with the remaining items in a list, usually because it breaks the rules and causes problems. “Offending items” are often scrapped because they overcomplicate things.

You’ll find that offending issues do not belong when they break the rules in certain lists. People will avoid working them into projects because they cause nothing but problems, making them difficult to find a purpose for.

The definition of “offending,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “unwanted, often because unpleasant and causing problems.”

  • The offending objects have been noted. There should be no more repeats, allowing us to explore better options in the future.
  • We have noticed a few offending objects slipping through the cracks. Please ensure that the rules are adhered to.

7. Non-Compliant

“Non-compliant” is great to use when something doesn’t follow standard rules. You can use it to show that “compliance” is not present in certain objects that do not match the rules already presented in a list of things.

“Non-compliant” suggests that something disobeys rules or laws in different ways. It’s good for people and objects alike, as it shows that certain things do not comply with the presented ruleset (which varies based on the list).

The definition of “non-compliant,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not obeying a particular rule or law, especially one that controls a particular industry, or type of work or activity.”

  • They brought the non-compliant items to the desk. It made it easier to dispose of them once we knew what they were.
  • Non-compliance is bad when you’re trying to keep everything in line. It’s hard to teach people that, though.

8. Of Concern

“Of concern” can be used in many situations. An “object of concern” is an object that has presented problems or gone against the listed rules. You can use it to show that certain objects do not follow the rules you expect of them.

This term is great to include in many cases when you’re keeping track of the things that do not follow the rules. “Of concern” implies you are looking into them to ensure the “concern” doesn’t grow. You never know when something might get out of hand.

  • The objects of concern have been noted already. Hopefully, this is the last time we’ll have to deal with them.
  • I’m not sure why any of this is of concern. Just because some things don’t follow the rules doesn’t mean we can’t include them.

9. Unregulated

“Unregulated” means that no regulations are associated with certain things, meaning they are free to break the rules. This is commonly seen when objects haven’t been checked or vetted. It’s possible for ones that go against the rules to slip through the cracks.

Unregulated objects often need work to sort them out to get them to follow the rules again. Sometimes, they will never fit in with the rest of the objects in a suggested list. Therefore, it’s best to leave them on the outside until another solution is presented.

  • Unregulated items can cause problems in the back end. We’ve got to find a way to address them before they get out of control.
  • Why have you confiscated all the unregulated stuff? It would be better to leave it out in the open for all to see.

10. Unclassifiable

“Unclassifiable” is another great synonym here. It suggests that you cannot classify certain items because they do not follow the rules like other items. This means you have a tricky time putting different items into lists because you can’t figure out where they belong.

Let’s say you have classified five items that all follow the same rules. Someone has added a sixth item, but it doesn’t follow the rules like the other five. This means you can’t classify it in the same way. Therefore, it is unclassifiable.

  • I’m not sure what to do with the unclassifiable items. They do not belong to any of the established groups of rules.
  • We have found a few unclassifiable data points. We’re not sure how to change them to make them fit in with the rest.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Whats a word for not following the rules?

disobey. verb. to deliberately do the opposite of what someone in authority has told you to do, or deliberately not obey a rule. Similar words for not following: doubtful (adjective) illogical (adjective) adj.

What is it called when you disobey a rule?

contravention. noun. formal the action of doing something that is not allowed by a rule, law, or agreement.

What is a word for someone who follows the rules?

obedient Add to list Share. Use obedient to describe someone who knows the rules, toes the line, and follows instructions. The word can refer to people (an obedient student), a group (obedient citizens), or even animals (an obedient dog).

What is another word for following rules?

What is another word for follow the rules?

play the game be fair
act honestly comply
obey toe the line
abide by the rules keep in step
play by the rules be a good sport

What does the disobey mean?

: to not do what someone or something with authority tells you to do : to refuse or fail to obey rules, laws, etc. See the full definition for disobey in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What is disobeying the law?

To fail to obey a rule, law or command.

What does it mean to follow orders?

To act in accordance with the instructions that one has been given.

What does it mean to follow rules?

to follow the rules: to obey the rules or regulations. idiom. As a boy, Horatio followed only the rules of the jungle. They were the only rules he obeyed. the rules (of the game): the instructions (of the game)

Is it a sin to disobey your parents?

No. Disobeying your parents can be morally wrong, and lead to bad consequences, but it’s not a mortal sin, nor it is a deadly sin, or a sin at all. In fact, with good reason, sometimes it’s better to disobey your parent than to obey them.

Is disobedience good or bad?

Its primary finding may be summarized in this lesson: Civil disobedience is justifiable but dangerous. It is justifiable, where circumstances warrant, by the first principles of the American republic and of free, constitutional government, and it is dangerous in that it poses a threat to the rule of law.

Is it right to break an unjust law?

In short, if anybody ever has a right to break the law, this cannot be a legal right under the law. It has to be a moral right against the law. And this moral right is not an unlimited right to disobey any law which one regards as unjust. It is a case, as it were, of holding the legal system to ransom.

Which is the best synonym for do not follow the rules?

Do Not Follow The Rules synonyms. Top synonyms for do not follow the rules (other words for do not follow the rules) are do not meet the standards, substandard and do not comply with the rules.

Is there a word to describe things that do not follow a..?

It depends. Not being compliant implies that they’re not following the rules. In that case, you could say they’re rogue. If they are an exception to the rule (meaning, the rule doesn’t apply to them), then you could say exempt.

What do you call a person who doesn’t follow rules?

One who follows not the agreeable written (or unwritten) rules of love,monogamy, board games,cards,war,sports or academics/money. CHEATER/RULE BREAKER. and your answer? Have you been hacked? 80% of emails online have been exposed in data leaks. Tap to check for your leaks. Originally Answered: What do you call a person who doesn’t follow rules?

What is the word for a person who does not follow the crowd?

Disobedient (when you do not do what you are told, do not follow the rules that have been given to you. A child may be disobedient, a dog may be, but a citizen who breaks minor laws may also be disobedient). Insubordinate – This would be used in the armed forces for someone who does not follow orders and the rules in general

What is another word for ” following the rules “?

Synonyms for following the rules include playing the game, conforming, playing fair, acting honestly, complying, obeying, toing the line, abiding by the rules, keeping in step and playing by the rules. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

It depends. Not being compliant implies that they’re not following the rules. In that case, you could say they’re rogue. If they are an exception to the rule (meaning, the rule doesn’t apply to them), then you could say exempt.

Do you know any synonyms for the word rules?

We are not obliged to conform to any particular set of rules. By these rules of conduct, we hope to be known to all peoples. The only way to learn the rules of any thing practical is to begin to do the thing. The book of rules stated explicitly that such things were forbidden.

When to use the indefinite article before a noun?

The definite article (the) is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader. The indefinite article (a, an) is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known. There are certain situations in which a noun takes no article.

Last Updated: January 31, 2022 | Author: James Evins

noun. someone’s behaviour when they do not obey orders or rules.

What do you call someone who disobeys rules?

Someone who breaks rules is a violator. If your grandpa drives 90 miles an hour on the highway, he’s a violator of the speed limit. To violate is to disobey a law or break an agreement, and a violator is a person who does this.

What is it called when you go against the rules?

illegal Add to list Share. Something illegal is against the law or breaks the rules. … Acts that go against the law, such as robbing a bank, are also illegal. There is a wide range of things called illegal, from small acts to big ones, but no matter the seriousness, if it is against the law, it is illegal.

What is another word for not following?

Similar words for not following: doubtful (adjective) illogical (adjective) … other relevant words (noun) other synonyms.

What is another word for violators?

What is another word for violator?

lawbreaker criminal
crook offender
culprit convict
delinquent felon
miscreant villain

What is another word for not law abiding?

What is the opposite of law-abiding?

balky contrary
unruly untoward
wayward wilful
willful criminal
crooked lawless

What is another word for non compliance?

synonyms for non-compliance

dereliction. infringement. defiance. disregard. dissension.

noun. the act of violating. the state of being violated. a breach, infringement, or transgression, as of a law, rule, promise, etc.: He was fined for a traffic violation. desecration; profanation: the violation of a cemetery.

Founder of Actualized.org, advanced personal development videos. I help people find their life purpose and stay on track to become world-class performers.

transitive verb. : to make actual : realize. intransitive verb. : to become actual.

Table of Contents

  1. Is the rule not the exception?
  2. What are the basic rules of grammar?
  3. What are the basic grammar?
  4. How can I be good in grammar?
  5. Which is a grammatically correct sentence answer?
  6. How can I improve my sentence structure?
  7. How do I know if my sentence structure is correct?
  8. Can Grammarly improve my writing?
  9. What makes a bad sentence?
  10. What is a weak sentence?
  11. What is poor grammar?
  12. How do you fix clunky writing?
  13. How do I fix my writing?
  14. What is a bad sentence structure?
  15. How can I stop my writing?
  16. What can I write instead of you?
  17. How do you avoid writing in second person?
  18. Can essays be written in second person?
  19. How is second person writing?
  20. What is the 2nd person point of view?

breach. noun. a failure to follow a law or rule.

Is the rule not the exception?

: not common or usual : not often done, seen, or happening : rare Friendly customer service seems to be the exception rather than the rule nowadays.

What are the basic rules of grammar?

9 English Grammar Rules to Remember

  • 1 Adjectives and adverbs.
  • 2 Pay attention to homophones.
  • 3 Use the correct conjugation of the verb.
  • 4 Connect your ideas with conjunctions.
  • 5 Sentence construction.
  • 6 Remember the word order for questions.
  • 7 Use the right past form of verbs.
  • 8 Get familiar with the main English verb tenses.

What are the basic grammar?

In English grammar, the eight major parts of speech are noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.

How can I be good in grammar?

7 Tips to Improve Your Grammar Skills

  1. Read. Reading may be the number one way you can improve your grammar skills.
  2. Get a grammar manual. It is useful to have a thorough reference book nearby that you can consult when writing.
  3. Review the basics.
  4. Practice.
  5. Listen to others.
  6. Proofread…out loud.
  7. Write.

Which is a grammatically correct sentence answer?

In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the subject and verb must both be singular or plural. In other words, the subject and verb must agree with one another in their tense. If the subject is in plural form, the verb should also be in plur al form (and vice versa).

How can I improve my sentence structure?

How to Improve Your Sentence Structure

  1. Ensure the information within the sentence is clear.
  2. Make sure to use transitional words.
  3. Use care with subordinate clauses.
  4. Use active voice.
  5. Use active verbs.
  6. Follow traditional grammatical rules.

How do I know if my sentence structure is correct?

Grammarly’s online grammar checker scans your text for all types of mistakes, from typos to sentence structure problems and beyond.

  1. Eliminate grammar errors.
  2. Fix tricky spelling errors.
  3. Say goodbye to punctuation errors.
  4. Enhance your writing.

Can Grammarly improve my writing?

Grammarly can help you tighten up your writing. It can correct misspellings and grammatical errors that affect your credibility. It can catch misused commas and other types of punctuation and help you with unnecessarily wordy sentences.

What makes a bad sentence?

A sentence requires at least a subject and a verb, and sometimes an object. Sentence fragments are bad grammar, and some examples of sentence fragments include the following: Because I ate dinner. This is a sentence fragment because it doesn’t express a complete thought.

What is a weak sentence?

Weak sentences often point to a deeper problem: I have nothing important, interesting, or fresh to tell my readers. It may be time to hit the delete key and start over.

What is poor grammar?

Poor grammar overall is not being able to spell words correctly,Not using tenses correctly,not structuring sentences correctly, etc.

How do you fix clunky writing?

6 Tips to Avoid and Fix Bad Writing

  1. Read Out Loud. This is the first step to checking your piece for awkward writing: read it out loud.
  2. Shorten Your Sentences. One of the best ways to avoid awkward writing is to take out every unnecessary word, phrase, and sentence.
  3. Be Specific.
  4. Re-Word.
  5. Tighten.
  6. Delete.

How do I fix my writing?

Improve Your Writing In 7 Easy Steps

  1. Step 1: Avoid Spelling Errors!
  2. Step 2: Avoid Grammar Errors.
  3. Step 3: Journal Your Thoughts.
  4. Step 4: Read.
  5. Step 5: Practice.
  6. Step 6: Get Plenty Of Feedback And Know Your Audience.
  7. Step 7: Accept Constructive Criticism Gracefully.

What is a bad sentence structure?

Poor sentence structure can befuddle or weary the audience, making the task of reading more unpleasant than informative. One important way to enliven a piece of writing is to vary the length and structure of your sentences. Some writers overuse long, convoluted sentences, obscuring their ideas behind complex syntax.

How can I stop my writing?

Never use “I,” “my,” or otherwise refer to yourself in formal academic writing. You should also avoid using the second-person point of view, such as by referring to the reader as “you.” Instead, write directly about your subject matter in the third person.

What can I write instead of you?

Replace instances of “you” in your essay either by using “individual” or “one” to refer to a single hypothetical person and using “people” to refer to a large group to whom something you’re saying applies. Replace instances of “your” in your essay by using the possessive forms of “individual,” “one,” and “people.”

How do you avoid writing in second person?

Generally, it is best to avoid second person pronouns in scholarly writing because they remove the distance between the reader and the writer. Instead, try to use first or third person pronouns to enhance clarity.

Can essays be written in second person?

One of the main rules of writing formal, academic papers is to avoid using second person. Second person refers to the pronoun you. Formal papers should not address the reader directly. However, it can be difficult to write without second person because the word you is such a major part of our speech.

How is second person writing?

When writing in the second person, address the reader directly. This type of writing feels personal to the reader. Use ‘you’ and ‘your’. “When you see a monster, you should tell them to tidy up.”

What is the 2nd person point of view?

Second person point of view uses the pronoun “you” to address the reader. This narrative voice implies that the reader is either the protagonist or a character in the story and the events are happening to them.

What is a word for not following rules?

breach. noun. a failure to follow a law or rule.

What is the word for refusing to obey?

other words for refuse to obey disobey. rebel. resist. strike. be insubordinate.

What is another word for breaking the rules?

What is another word for break the rules?

disobey defy
infringe flout
infract disregard
transgress ignore
resist overstep

What is another word for not comply?

In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for noncompliance, like: refusal, dissent, disagreement, protest, obedience, nonconformity, objection, disobedience, resist, compliance and insubordination.

What does no compliance mean?

: failure or refusal to comply with something (such as a rule or regulation) : a state of not being in compliance terminated for noncompliance.

What are the consequences of non-compliance?

The consequences of non-compliance are not limited to statutory or legal penalties- the indirect costs to a company are often more significant. These include the inconvenience and cost of righting a mistake, damage to the company’s reputation or credit rating, and even possible loss of contracts.

What are some examples of non-compliance?

Examples of Non-Compliance

  • Denying someone service, financial aid, other benefit provided through a Metro program.
  • Providing a service or benefit to an individual which is inferior (either in quantity or quality) to that provided to others in the program.

Is complacent good or bad?

Complacency is the ultimate destroyer of progress and moving your life forward. Complacency is a great way to not achieve your dreams. When you have complacent in your life, you’re never pushing for bigger and better things. You’re not trying to harder.

What does I love you but not in love with you mean?

The second part of the phrase “but I’m not in love with you” initially suggests that there is something wrong with the relationship and the love that you have for your partner is not enough.

Is there a word (preferably an adjective) to describe things that do not follow a rule?

For example if the rule is: no object heavier than 200lb is allowed inside a building. How would I reference all the objects that aren’t compliant to that rule in a sentence like the one below.

These are all the _____ objects

asked Feb 24, 2016 at 18:09

fpg1503's user avatar


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I’d say the hyphenated compound word: non-conforming is the best choice for the example…

These are all the non-conforming objects.

answered Feb 24, 2016 at 20:02

Joseph Fontana's user avatar


If they’re specially allowed to circumvent the rules, you could describe them as exempt:

released from, or not subject to, an obligation, liability

Source: Dictionary.com

It works in your example:

These are all the exempt objects

answered Feb 24, 2016 at 18:19

SuperBiasedMan's user avatar

It depends. Not being compliant implies that they’re not following the rules. In that case, you could say they’re rogue. If they are an exception to the rule (meaning, the rule doesn’t apply to them), then you could say exempt. You could also say «These are all the non-compliant objects.»

answered Feb 24, 2016 at 18:25

Christine's user avatar


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An outlier is a thing or measurement which differs significantly from the others in its set:

a statistical observation that is markedly different in value from the others of the sample

answered Feb 24, 2016 at 18:47

Hot Licks's user avatar

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If you want to refer to things that break the rule, i.e. that are over 200lb, then you could say they offend.

These are all the offending objects

Definition from the TFD:


  • To violate a rule or law: offended against the curfew.

Community's user avatar

answered Feb 24, 2016 at 18:24

Charon's user avatar


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Although someone has answered «non-conforming», your question itself asks for a word to describe the objects that do not comply with the rule.

Therefore, I suggest non-compliant.

answered Sep 26, 2018 at 10:58

youcantryreachingme's user avatar


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