Word meaning not eating

Translation for «not eating» to russian

  • Examples
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Translation examples

  • не ест

  • не едят

The word «Garífuna», which means «the people who eat yuca», is probably derived from «Kalipuna».

Название «гарифуна», означающее «народ, который ест юку», вероятно, происходит от слова «калипуна».

Of what dignity can we speak for a man who cannot eat his fill, can neither read nor write, and whose children are threatened with the same fate?

О каком человеческом достоинстве мы можем говорить, если человек не ест досыта, не может ни читать, ни писать, и детям его угрожает такая же участь?

109. As things stand, one man in every five never eats his fill and the situation is becoming worse in all countries, particularly in the third world.

109. В наши дни каждый пятый человек не ест досыта, и это положение ухудшается во всех странах, в частности в странах третьего мира.

As a consequence, she has withdrawn, stopped walking, eats very little and has become physically fragile; she has recently been diagnosed as having diabetes which is said to have been brought on by the stress.

В результате этого она замкнулась в себе, перестала ходить, ест очень мало и стала физически слабой; недавно у нее был обнаружен диабет, вызванный стрессом.

78. Ms. AKUA AKUFFO (Ghana) said that one example of the customs being combated by the authorities was the ritual that obliged a widow to eat, sitting directly on the floor, from a calabash.

77. Г-жа АКУА АКУФФО (Гана) приводит в качестве примера обычаев, с которыми борются власти, традиционную церемонию, во время которой вдова, сидя прямо на земле, ест из тыквенной бутыли.

Hatsuko’s not eating?

Хацуко не ест?

Not sleeping, not eating.

Не есть, не спать.

She was deep in talk with Viktor Krum and hardly seemed to notice what she was eating.

Она увлеченно беседовала с Виктором Крамом и едва ли замечала что именно ест.

He doesn’t eat grasses or roots, no precious, not till he’s starving or very sick, poor Sméagol.’

Он не ест всяких травок-кореньев, нет, моя прелесть, только если совсем-совсем голодный или если он заболел, бедненький Смеагорл.

«Yes, but—» «Ah! Indeed but! But he consumes too much spice, eats it like candy. Look at his eyes!

– Ага! Вот именно: «но»! Но он потребляет слишком много Пряности. Ест ее точно конфеты. Ты посмотри только на его глаза!

“Fred!” said Ginny indignantly. “All he did was eat and sleep, Ron, you said it yourself,” said George.

— Фред! — возмутилась Джинни. — Как тебе не стыдно! — Ты сам говорил, что она только ест и спит, — поддержал близнеца Джордж.

“Aha! he’s eating! That means he’s not sick!” Razumikhin said, and, taking a chair, he sat down at the table across from Raskolnikov.

ест, стало быть, не болен! — сказал Разумихин, взял стул и сел за стол против Раскольникова.

«I suppose she talks, and—eats, and everything.» «Oh, yes.» She looked at me absently. «Listen, Nick; let me tell you what I said when she was born.

– Она, должно быть, уже разговаривает, и… и ест, и все такое. – Ну, конечно. – Она рассеянно взглянула на меня. – А хочешь знать, что я сказала, когда она родилась, Ник?

There were only two other people who seemed to be able to see them: a stringy Slytherin boy standing just behind Goyle was watching the horse eating with an expression of great distaste on his face; and Neville, whose eyes were following the swishing progress of the long black tail.

Лишь еще двое ее увидели: тощий слизеринский парень позади Гойла с отвращением смотрел, как она ест, да Невилл, наблюдавший за взмахами длинного черного хвоста.

Its members only eat and sleep.

Ее члены лишь едят и спят.

People eat once a day or, in some cases, once every two or three days.

Люди едят один раз в день или один раз в два или три дня.

— They’re not eating.

— Они ничего не едят.

— We’re not eating.

— А мы не едим.

Eating meals at the hotel was also different.

Да и с едой там все обстояло по-другому.

“And how did you get moving?” “From eating.”

— А откуда у тебя на это силы взялись? — От еды.

Frodo sat down beside Sam and began to eat.

Фродо уселся возле Сэма и принялся за еду.

And we ’ave choirs of wood nymphs, ’oo serenade us as we eat.

А хог лесных нимф! Мы едим, а они поют.

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Have you ever considered not eating that for breakfast?

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Вы никогда


думали не есть это на завтрак?

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Он действительно ничего не ест?

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Watching you this week, distracted, disappearing to the bathroom,

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Ты на этой неделе какая-то рассеянная, пропадаешь в ванной, то


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Who not eating meat more peace-lovers and are tolerant towards others.

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Не едящие мясо более миролюбивы и терпимы по отношению к окружающим.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Especially that last group, not eating gluten, is our loyal customers.

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Эта вышеупомянутая группа, которая не употребляет глютена, является нашими самыми преданными завсегдатаями.

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I would imagine that the nausea’s got worse, you’re not eating.

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Я думаю, что тошнота стала хуже, и вы почти не едите.

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помню случая, когда бы ты их не ела.

Were you that upset for my scolding you for not eating kimchi?

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Ты обиделся, когда я тогда накричал на тебя за то, что ты не ел кимчхи?

She was grinding her teeth, losing her hair, not eating.

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Она скрежетала зубами, теряла волосы, не ела.

The spin classes, the expensive body creams, The not eating candy.

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Все эти занятия в зале, дорогущие кремы, я даже конфеты не ела.

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А теперь не хочешь, после всех моих стараний?

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Results: 77,
Time: 0.0496





These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

не есть

не ест

не едите

не ешь

не ем

не едят

не едим

не ел

не ела

нельзя есть

не употреблять

отказ от еды

плохо ест

не будешь есть

не употребление


Not eating for the first day.

В первый день вообще не есть.

Not eating alone is good, too.

Одиночество — также не есть хорошо.

Not eating dinner with his family.

Она больше не ест вместе со своей семьей

Not eating the right things?

Not eating after a certain point — say, after dinner or 6pm — is a common rule for losing weight.

Не есть после определенного момента — скажем, после обеда или 6 вечера — это общее правило для похудения.

Not eating 2 to 3 hours before sleep

Не есть в течение 2-3 часов перед сном

Not eating or drinking anything on The Day of Atonement.

Ничего не есть и не пить в назначенный день.

Not eating for the whole day = damage?

Например, не есть целый день — очень вредно.

Not eating or refusal to eat

не есть или отказываться от еды

Not eating? not possible!

Not eating before a massage

Not eating or refusing to eat

не есть или отказываться от еды

Not eating, living, working.

Not eating foods that contain phosphorus is another reason for phosphorus deficiency.

Отсутствие в рационе пищи, содержащей фосфор, будет являться еще одной причиной его дефицита.

Not eating dairy makes eating a nutritious diet more difficult, but not impossible, he said.

Отказ от молочных продуктов делает питательную диету более сложной, но не невозможной», — сказал он.

Not eating, it’s kind of like you’re cutting yourself off from society.

Не кушать, это как отделять себя от общества.

Not eating them raw is a waste.

Not eating well or going to the toilet normally

Ни поесть толком, ни в туалет нормально сходить.

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  • #1

What is the difference between these two sentences?
I want to lose weight, so this week I’m not eating/won’t eat lunch.

  • owlman5

    • #2

    There’s no difference in meaning, taraa. Both versions tell me exactly the same thing. You have decided to skip lunch this week because you want to lose weight.


    • #3

    There’s no difference in meaning, taraa. Both versions tell me exactly the same thing. You have decided to skip lunch this week because you want to lose weight.

    Thank you so much :)
    Can I use present continuous and «will» interchangeably?


    • #4

    You are quite welcome.

    That rule of thumb may be too broad to always be true. You can often do this, but I would have to see the sentences you have in mind to tell you whether your interchange of «will» and the continuous tenses was okay.

    In general, «I’m not eating lunch this week» and «I won’t each lunch this week» mean the same thing. They tell me that you do not intend to eat lunch this week.


    • #5

    You are quite welcome.

    That rule of thumb may be too broad to always be true. You can often do this, but I would have to see the sentences you have in mind to tell you whether your interchange of «will» and the continuous tenses was okay.

    In general, «I’m not eating lunch this week» and «I won’t each lunch this week» mean the same thing. They tell me that you do not intend to eat lunch this week.

    Thanks again so much

    When I started telling people that I’m going to New York City for Yom Kippur, my friends and colleagues declared: “But you won’t be able to eat. What a pity!” Though, with almost a week in New York I will get in plenty of fressing (or intense eating) and food shopping in.

    I love food, especially in its ability to bring human and Divine labor together to please, in every way, as well as nourish. This is why I spend my days and often nights, immersed in tasting, procuring, cooking, learning and writing about it.

    Still, the Yom Kippur fast is among the most meaningful Jewish rituals that I faithfully observe. From the completion of the simple meal before Kol Nidre until breaking the fast with more elaborate fare after the holiday ends, I just stop. No eating or drinking, farmers’ market stand perusing, recipe formulating, ordering, baking, freezing or menu planning for that matter, either.

    The more immersed we are in food culture – ethical, kosher, sustainable, gourmet – the more we may need the Yom Kippur fast. Food and drinking water are the ultimate valuables, as the travails of the Israelites in the wilderness and the worldwide scourge of food insecurity today amply demonstrate. Easy access to abundant supplies can encourage complacency, as well as a sense of entitlement. That’s not really why I fast; though awareness of my thirst and later hunger can act as a reminder of others’ severe plight. It’s not simply a matter commitment to Jewish law or tradition, either.

    Yom Kippur is in many ways a day of words, more words than on any other day of the Jewish year. We confess, we plead, we recount the ancient practices of the sacrificial cult. But more than anything else we do on Yom Kippur, fasting with our bodies defines who we are. We can feel disconnected from the words we say and hear, observing as they disappear into the air.

    Fasting is different. As long as we’re conscious and not eating or drinking, there’s no escape. We accept that we are Jews, a people with a history and a purpose, whatever that means to us and however it makes us feel. Acceptance is the first step toward return, the purpose of this season.

    Each year, it pleasantly surprises me that not only can I leave food and drink alone, but that I embrace and enjoy the full fast on Yom Kippur.

    Rabbi Rebecca Joseph is founder and owner of 12 Tribes Kosher Foods in San Francisco and creator of The Parve Baker, the original dairy-free baking blog.

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    • 1

      a несъедобный

      Синонимический ряд:

      1. immature (adj.) green; immature; maturing; sappy; sour; unripe; young

      2. uneatable (adj.) inesculent; uneatable; unpalatable

      English-Russian base dictionary > inedible

    • 2

      a несъедобный, непригодный в пищу

      Синонимический ряд:

      inedible (adj.) inedible; unpalatable

      English-Russian base dictionary > uneatable

    • 3

      Англо-русский синонимический словарь > uneatable

    • 4

      Англо-русский синонимический словарь > inedible

    • 5

      Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > несъедобный

    • 6

      English-spanish dictionary > incomible

    • 7

      Англо-русский синонимический словарь > inesculent

    • 8
      unfit for table

      Англо-русский синонимический словарь > unfit for table

    См. также в других словарях:

    • uneatable, inedible — These words are synonyms, each meaning unfit to be eaten, not eatable : The dinner was inedible (or uneatable). Inedible is more often used and does not carry the label of informal which uneatable does. Inedible applies to something that could be …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

    • uneatable — inedible, uneatable Inedible means ‘not suitable for eating’, whereas uneatable refers to food and means ‘not fit to be eaten’ because of its condition rather than its nature …   Modern English usage

    • inedible — inedible, uneatable Inedible means ‘not suitable for eating’, whereas uneatable refers to food and means ‘not fit to be eaten’ because of its condition rather than its nature …   Modern English usage

    • inedible — See eatable and uneatable. See uneatable, inedible …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

    • uneatable — See uneatable, inedible …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

    • inedible — adjective the stew looked fabulous but it was inedible Syn: uneatable, indigestible, unsavory, unpalatable, unappetizing, unwholesome; stale, rotten, off, bad, unfit to eat …   Thesaurus of popular words

    • inedible — (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. unpalatable, uneatable, tasteless, unsavory, unappetizing, not fit to eat, bad, spoiled, rotten, rancid, turned, tainted, sour, bitter, sickening, disagreeable, nauseating, unpleasant tasting, foul tasting, indigestible,… …   English dictionary for students

    • uneatable — un|eat|able [ʌnˈi:təbəl] adj a word meaning unpleasant or unsuitable to eat, that some people think is incorrect = ↑inedible …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • uneatable — un|eat|a|ble [ ʌn itəbl ] adjective not safe or pleasant to eat: INEDIBLE …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • uneatable — adjective a word meaning unpleasant or unsuitable to eat, that some people think is incorrect; inedible …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

    • inedible — adj uneatable, unedible, unconsumable, not fit to eat, not fit for human consumption, not fit for a dog; sickening, disgusting, offensive, noisome, Sl. yukky; rotten, turned, spoiled, tainted, sour, putrid, fetid, bad; unwholesome, unhealthy,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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