Word meaning not clear


Автоматический перевод

непонятный, не ясный

Перевод по словам

not  — не, нет, ни
clear  — ясно, совершенно, ясный, понятный, очищать, очищаться, просвет


It’s not clear whether he shares her views.

Неясно, разделяет ли он её взгляды.

It is not clear about what is expected of us.

Не вполне ясно, что от нас хотят.

It’s not clear how much longer we’ll have to wait.

Неясно, сколько нам ещё придется ждать.

It is not clear to what extent these views were shared.

Пока не ясно, в какой степени эти взгляды разделяли другие.

It is not clear what can be done to ameliorate the situation.

Непонятно, что можно сделать для улучшения ситуации.

It’s not clear whether the change will help or hinder our project.

Неясно, помогут ли эти изменения нашему проекту или помешают.

It is not clear if he violated the rules, as his critics have charged.

Непонятно, нарушал ли он правила, как в том его обвиняют оппоненты.

I am not quite clear about the date.

Я не очень уверен относительно даты.

Her reasons were not entirely clear.

Её мотивы были не вполне понятны.

I’m still not really clear how this machine works.

Мне до сих пор ещё не очень понятно, как эта машина работает.

What word means not clear?

adjective, ob·scur·er, ob·scur·est. (of meaning) not clear or plain; ambiguous, vague, or uncertain: an obscure sentence in the contract. not clear to the understanding; hard to perceive: obscure motivations.

What does pronounced mean?

: strongly marked : decided a pronounced dislike.

What types of things can obscure a view?

Answer: darkness, an object, shadows… Many things can cover up someone’s view. Also blindness.

How do you use obscurity in a sentence?

(1) He spent most of his life working in obscurity. (2) The group produced two albums before disappearing into obscurity. (3) After many years, his scientific work emerged from obscurity. (4) After languishing in obscurity for many years, her early novels have recently been rediscovered.

Does obscure have a suffix?

obscure – Suffix confuse; obnubilate; blur.

How do you use obscure?

Obscure sentence example

  1. Everything seemed dark, obscure and terrible.
  2. It was an obscure corner of the world.
  3. With obscure vision, the problem is often fatally compounded.
  4. Though these reasons were very insufficient and obscure , no one made any rejoinder.

What does refute mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to prove wrong by argument or evidence : show to be false or erroneous. 2 : to deny the truth or accuracy of refuted the allegations.

What is the part of speech of obscure?

pronunciation: b skyuhr parts of speech: adjective, transitive verb features: Word Combinations (adjective, verb), Word Explorer. part of speech: adjective.

What is the antonym of strenuous?

What is the opposite of strenuous?

easy effortless
mindless simple
soft relaxing
untaxing apathetic
enervated lethargic

What does the root cede mean?

-cede-, root. -cede- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “go away from; withdraw; ” This meaning is found in such words as: accede, antecedent, cede, concede, precede, precedent, recede, secede. See -ceed-, -cess-.

Which root means good?

Common Latin and Greek roots

Common Latin Roots
Latin Root Definition Examples
bene good benefactor, benevolent
cent one hundred century, percent
circum around circumference, circumstance

What root means go or yield?


What does CEED mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to yield or grant typically by treaty Russia ceded Alaska to the U.S. in 1867. 2 : assign, transfer ceded his stock holdings to his children. Other Words from cede Synonyms Do you cede or seed control?

Is Kia ceed a reliable car?

Kia Cee’d reliability The Kia Cee’d was rated highly for reliability in our 2017 Driver Power owner satisfaction survey. Of the owners who responded, 7.3% reported experiencing a problem with their car at least once.

What does the root Mal mean?

The Latin root word mal means “bad” or “evil.” This root is the word origin of many English vocabulary words, including malformed, maltreat, and malice. You can recall that mal means “bad” through malfunction, or a “badly” working part, and that it means “evil” through malice, or intentional “evil” done to another.

What does the root semi mean?

semi- a combining form borrowed from Latin, meaning “half,” freely prefixed to English words of any origin, now sometimes with the senses “partially,” “incompletely,” “somewhat”: semiautomatic; semidetached; semimonthly; semisophisticated.

Does Hemi mean half?

Hemi-: Prefix meaning one half, as in hemiparesis, hemiplegia, and hemithorax. From the Greek hemisus meaning half and equivalent to the Latin semi-. As a general rule, not always followed, hemi- goes with words of Greek origin and semi- with those of Latin origin.

What is the difference between semi and Hemi?

Semi- is a prefix that means half, partially or almost. When coining a word meaning half of something, English speakers will most often use the prefix semi-. Hemi- is also a prefix that means half. The prefix hemi- is derived from the Greek hemi-, which means half.

What does the root spec mean?

-spec-, root. -spec- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “look at; examine.

What does Spec mean?

(Entry 1 of 3) 1 : specification —usually used in plural also : a single quantity (such as a dimension or a measure of performance) describing a product especially as part of a specification. 2 : speculation built the house on spec. spec.

What does Spec mean in Greek and Latin roots?

see, look STUDY

What is the root of respect?

Etymology. From Middle English respect, from Old French respect, also respit (“respect, regard, consideration”), from Latin respectus (“a looking at, regard, respect”), perfect passive participle of respiciō (“look at, look back upon, respect”), from re- (“back”) + speciō (“to see”).

Is respect earned or given?

“Respect is earned, not given” suggests that if you want to be respected, you cannot force people to respect you just because you want them to. If you think people need to earn your respect, you aren’t automatically going to respect someone unless you know something about them that’s worth revering.

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WordReference English-Russian Dictionary © 2023:

Главные переводы
английский русский
clear adj (transparent) прозрачный прил
  He poured water into a clear glass.
  Он налил воды в прозрачный стакан.
clear adj (unambiguous) недвусмысленный, однозначный прил
  The message of the new law is clear.
  Идея нового закона однозначна.
clear⇒ vtr (remove) очистить сов + вин
  The ploughs have to clear snow from the roads.
  Снегоочистители должны очистить дороги от снега.
clear vtr (unobstruct) освобождать, очищать, прочищать несов + вин
  He had surgery to clear the blocked artery.
  Ему сделали операцию, чтобы прочистить закупоренную артерию.
clear vtr (jump over) перепрыгивать, перескакивать через несов + вин
    преодолевать несов + вин
  The runner cleared all of the hurdles.
  Бегун преодолел все барьеры.
clear vtr (earn after expenses) получать чистую прибыль несов + прил + ж
  Anne cleared a million in income this year.
  Энн получила чистую прибыль в миллион в этом году.
clear vtr (check) обналичивать несов + вин
  Your cheque cleared at the bank.
  Ваш чек был обналичен в банке.

Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

clear [klɪər]
adj я́сный*я́сен (report, argument) я́сный*я́сен , поня́тный#; (footprint) чёткий#; (writing) разбо́рчивый/разбо́рчив (majority) подавля́ющий#; (glass, water) прозра́чный*прозра́чен (road) свобо́дный*свобо́ден (conscience, profit) чи́стый#
vt (space, room) освобожда́ть (освободи́ть*perf)
(ground) расчища́ть (расчи́стить*perf)
(weeds, slums) убира́ть (убра́ть*perf(suspect) опра́вдывать (оправда́ть perf))
(fence etc) брать*(взять*perf)
(goods) распродава́ть*(распрода́ть*perf)

vi (sky) проясня́ться (проясни́ться perf)
(fog, smoke) рассе́иваться (рассе́яться perf)
(room etc) обезлю́деть (perf)

clear of(trouble, ground) пода́льше от +gen

he is/was in the clear(out of debt) он свобо́ден/был свобо́ден от долго́в
to be in the clear (free of suspicion) быть*(impf) вне подозре́ния
(out of danger) быть*(impf) вне опа́сности

have I made myself clear? я я́сно вы́разился?
to make it clear to sb that … дава́ть*(дать*perf) кому́-н поня́ть, что …

I have a clear day tomorrow (BRIT) у меня́ за́втра свобо́дный день
to clear the table убира́ть (убра́ть*perf) со стола́

to clear one’s throat прочища́ть (прочи́стить*perf) го́рло

to clear a cheque выпла́чивать (вы́платить*perf) де́ньги по че́ку

to clear a profit получа́ть (получи́ть*perf) чи́стую при́быль

to keep clear of sb/sth держа́ться*(impf) пода́льше от кого́-н/чего́-н

clear off vi (inf)(leave) убира́ться (убра́ться*perf)

clear up vt (room) убира́ть (убра́ть*perf)
(mystery, problem) разреша́ть (разреши́ть perf)

vi убира́ться (убра́ться*perf)
(illness) проходи́ть*(пройти́*perf)
(weather) проясня́ться (проясни́ться perf)

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

not clear‘ также найдено в этих статьях:


Table of Contents

  1. What is opposite clear?
  2. What is the antonym and synonym of Clear?
  3. What is the synonyms for clear?
  4. What does not clear mean?
  5. When things are not made clear?
  6. What means legible?
  7. Is not clear or unclear?
  8. What does clear mean?
  9. How do you make a question not clear?
  10. What does indecisive mean?
  11. What does dull mean?
  12. Who is a dull person?
  13. What is the difference between dull and shiny?
  14. What is a dull color?
  15. Can be bright dull dark or light?
  16. What is the most boring color?
  17. What color is pure color?
  18. What are the 3 Pure colors?
  19. Is Green a pure color?
  20. What shade is the word pure?
  21. What does pure love mean?
  22. What are the four pure colors?
  23. What is the fancy term for pure color?
  24. Is Hue a pure color?
  25. What is the coolest Colour?
  26. What are the 6 secondary colors?

What is another word for not clear?

What is opposite clear?

foggy, guilty, dim, culpable, obscure, congested, fuzzy, blocked, Hindered, unintelligible, ambiguous, cloudy, clogged, responsible, dull, Obscured, mysterious, unclear, dark, stormy, clouded, vague, indistinct, uncertain, gloomy, rainy, smudged, closed, shadowy.

What is the antonym and synonym of Clear?

ˈklɪr) Allowing light to pass through. Synonyms. crystalline crystal clear transparent uncloudedness liquid limpid lucid translucent clarity hyaline clearness hyaloid pellucid unclouded semitransparent unfrosted. Antonyms. opaque opacity abstain undeceive give.

What is the synonyms for clear?


  • adj.cloudless, bright.
  • adj.understandable, apparent.
  • adj.open, unhindered.
  • adj.transparent.
  • adj.not guilty.
  • adj.certain in one’s mind.
  • verbclean, clear away.
  • verbliberate; free from uncertainty.
cloudy murky
blurred nebulous
overcast beclouded
hazy dense
obscure louring

What does not clear mean?


When things are not made clear?

(of meaning) not clear or plain; ambiguous, vague, or uncertain: an obscure sentence in the contract. not clear to the understanding; hard to perceive: obscure motivations. (of language, style, a speaker, etc.) not expressing the meaning clearly or plainly.

What means legible?

1 : capable of being read or deciphered : plain legible handwriting.

Is not clear or unclear?

Unclear adjective – Not expressed in precise terms. Not clear and unclear are semantically related. Sometimes you can use “Not clear” instead an adjective “Unclear”.

What does clear mean?

Adjective. clear, transparent, translucent, limpid mean capable of being seen through. clear implies absence of cloudiness, haziness, or muddiness. clear water transparent implies being so clear that objects can be seen distinctly.

How do you make a question not clear?

4 Answers. “Unclear” is a reasonable word to use. You might also consider “opaque” if you want to communicate not only that it’s unclear to you, but that it’s generally unclear, or you could use “uncertain” if it’s strictly unknown how the algorithm will behave.

What does indecisive mean?

1 : marked by or prone to indecision : irresolute an indecisive state of mind. 2 : not decisive : inconclusive an indecisive battle. 3 : not clearly marked out : indefinite.

What does dull mean?

1 : tedious, uninteresting dull lectures. 2 : lacking sharpness of edge or point a dull knife. 3a : not resonant or ringing a dull booming sound. b : lacking in force, intensity, or sharpness a dull ache.

Who is a dull person?

1 slow to think or understand; stupid. 2 lacking in interest. 3 lacking in perception or the ability to respond; insensitive. 4 lacking sharpness; blunt.

What is the difference between dull and shiny?

As adjectives the difference between shiny and dull is that shiny is reflecting light while dull is lacking the ability to cut easily; not sharp.

What is a dull color?

When a color has white added to it, it is a tint and is lighter in value. When we mix it with gray, black, or white, it becomes dull. Colors also lose intensity when mixed with their complement (the opposite color on the wheel). For example, adding a little green to bright red will make the red duller.

Can be bright dull dark or light?

Answer:Intensity refers to the brightness or dullness of a color, such as a bright yellow or a dull yellow.

What is the most boring color?

Originally Answered: What is the most boring colour? Pantone 448 C, also known as the “The ugliest color in the world”, is a colour in the Pantone colour system.

What color is pure color?

A pure color is the color with the greatest saturation in each hue. Colors can broadly be divided into achromatic colors such as white, grey and black, and chromatic colors, which are colors with hues, such as red, yellow and blue.

What are the 3 Pure colors?

Surface Pure Color Natural Series is formulated with equal parts of the three primary colors. The equal balance of Red, Yellow and Blue provides rich natural tones.

Is Green a pure color?

Spectral colors such as red or green are composed of light waves of a single frequency. Non-spectral colors such as brown and pink are composed of a mixture of spectral colors. Note that an atmospheric rainbow is not a spread of pure spectral colors.

What shade is the word pure?

A color that has not been mixed with white or black is considered pure. Color purity is a useful concept if you are mixing colors as you want to start with a pure color because this has more potential to create different tones, shades and tints.

What does pure love mean?

Pure love is a feeling deep within a person’s mind. Some might refer to these feelings as vibrations within the heart or soul. Pure love fosters compassion kindness and giving. In their purest form, these feelings of love are not conditional upon any desires for the self, including the desire to be loved in return.

What are the four pure colors?

According to the dominant Hering opponent color framework, the hues red, green, blue, and yellow are distinctive and fundamental to all hue perception, in part due to the fact that they admit of pure or unique variants and all other hues (such as orange) appear as mixtures of them.

What is the fancy term for pure color?

Synonyms. plain uncontaminated fine unmixed pristine unmingled fresh unalloyed purity unpolluted light unclouded axenic sheer clear clean unadulterated processed native pureness virginal sublimate.

Is Hue a pure color?

In painting, a hue is a pure pigment—one without tint or shade (added white or black pigment, respectively). Hues are first processed in the brain in areas in the extended V4 called globs.

What is the coolest Colour?

The range of cool colors is varied – green to yellow and violet. The coolest of all is blue.

What are the 6 secondary colors?

The secondary colors—orange, green, and violet (purple)—are created by mixing two of the primary colors together in equal measure. Orange consists of red plus yellow. Green consists of yellow plus blue. Purple consists of red plus blue.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Any activity which meaning is not clear for the person is difficult for him.

Всякая деятельность, смысл которой для человека непонятен, тяжела для него.

Yet their meaning is not clear to many.

We cannot say that this is a free software license because it is too vague; some passages are too clever for their own good, and their meaning is not clear.

Мы не можем утверждать, что это лицензия свободных программ, потому что она слишком туманна; некоторые места написаны чересчур хитроумно, и их значение не ясно.

Label graphics and photos if their meaning is not clear from the context of the story they accompany.

Подписывайте рисунки и фотографии, если их смысл не до конца понятен из контекста статьи, к которой они прилагаются

Lastly, the requirement of paragraph 2 whereby «the circumstances render impossible» to obtain instructions from the shipper, should be deleted, since its meaning is not clear.

Наконец, было бы целесообразно исключить предписание, содержащееся в пункте 2, в соответствии с которым обстоятельства препятствуют получению указаний со стороны грузоотправителя, поскольку смысл этого предписания не ясен.

The Celtic cross (see, top image) may have originally been associated with the sun, the four elements or compass points; the original meaning is not clear.

Кельтский крест (см. рисунок вверху), возможно, первоначально был связан с солнцем, состоящим из четырех элементов или румбов; первоначальный же смысл не понятен.

Owaneco is a Native American word whose meaning is not clear.

The precise meaning is not clear.

The meaning is not clear.

We cannot say that this is a free software license because it is too vague; some passages are too clever for their own good, and their meaning is not clear.

Мы не можем сказать, что это лицензия на свободное ПО, поскольку она слишком невразумительна.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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