Word meaning not able to be changed



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Unchangeable and Immutable both mean; * not subject or susceptible to change or variation in form or quality or nature; «the view of that time was that all species were immutable … * Unable to be changed without exception * Not allowed to be changed.

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I’m looking for a specific word (that is slipping my mind) that means «not allowed to be changed» or «has to be taken as law». The word I’m thinking of sounds something like «invaluable» or «inviable». An example of how to use it would be «Since the CEO likes it, this feature is ___ «

asked Dec 4, 2019 at 21:22

dmr's user avatar


You can use the adjective immutable:

unchanging over time or unable to be changed.

answered Dec 4, 2019 at 21:35

Laurel's user avatar


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Got it- the word is «inviolable»

Definition from Merriam Webster:

1: secure from violation or profanation
2: secure from assault or trespass

«Inviolable» at first glance doesn’t precisely fit my example sentence: «Since the CEO likes it, this feature is ___ «. However, when emphasizing the importance of the feature in question- to the point of making it sacrosanct- the word works.

answered Dec 4, 2019 at 21:27

dmr's user avatar


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Stretching the definition of «single word» slightly, and it doesn’t sound like the word you were thinking of, but perhaps (depending on the context) non-negotiable might do?

Since the CEO likes it, this feature is non-negotiable.

Which would work well if the context is something like:

We need to remove some features from this release due to time constraints. Can <this feature> be removed?

Sorry, since the CEO likes it, this feature is non-negotiable.

answered Dec 5, 2019 at 8:41

Boneist's user avatar


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This isn’t a single-word answer because it sounds more natural, especially in speech, to say that a thing is «set in stone» rather than using a single-word. It’s also short enough that it doesn’t disrupt the flow of the sentence.
Also, Merriam-Webster has a few alternatives for this phrase.

So, my answer would be:

Since the CEO likes it, this feature is set in stone.

Cambridge definition (emphasis mine):

set in stone

to be very difficult or impossible to change:

The schedule isn’t set in stone, but we’d like to stick to it pretty closely

A very similar alternative, albeit strange sounding in spoken English, is enshrined. (Thanks to Peter for the suggestion.)

From Merriam-Webster (emphasis mine):

Examples of enshrine in a Sentence:

  • Some teachers tend to enshrine their personal preferences as sacred rules of English grammar.

  • By the time the monarchy was restored in 1660, the idea had taken hold that the spaces should be open to the public, a concept that was eventually enshrined in law in 1851.

Another alternative is must-have

Since the CEO likes it, this feature is a must-have.

Community's user avatar

answered Dec 5, 2019 at 6:31

John Hamilton's user avatar


It doesn’t sound like the other words in form, but you might be looking for something like «mandatory».

answered Dec 5, 2019 at 3:05

Corsara's user avatar


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‘fixed’ or ‘static’ would be my choice

As immutable is already mentioned.

answered Dec 5, 2019 at 9:06

thedragonmaster's user avatar


I think something along the lines of mandatory, compulsory, or requisite would work best. Use any of these if there are some regulations or guidelines affecting the issue. But I don’t think that’s what you’re going for.

If you’re set on keeping the in-/im- prefix try integral (for the feeling of a much needed component) or imperative (for a feeling of urgency/necessity that has come from a command). There’s also inflexible and immoveable, but those can be kind of clunky sounding.

wjandrea's user avatar


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answered Dec 5, 2019 at 21:28

Mitchell's user avatar


Unalterable sounds closer to what you mean, at least to me.
Immutable while considered a synonym to unalterable has a more permanent ring to it, meaning even if change was required, it is impossible to happen.

According to the example in this link , there seems to be a condition for change when unalterable is being used as a word.

the constitution was unalterable without the king’s consent

So your «not allowed to be changed» aspect of the question means it could be changed if needed, and unalterable seems like the best option.

answered Dec 5, 2019 at 16:05

Richard's user avatar

Axiomatic? Refers to assumptions that are taken as true. «At one time it was axiomatic that you couldn’t take the square root of a negative number.»

answered Dec 5, 2019 at 11:17

Bloke Down The Pub's user avatar


Working with this constraint:

The word I’m thinking of sounds something like «invaluable» or «inviable»

I think the word you’re looking for may be invariant or invariable, although both words don’t feel entirely natural to me in your example sentence.

answered Dec 5, 2019 at 18:34

A_M's user avatar

Another option: Obligatory —
A single word which describing something that must be included/cannot be left out, either because some authority insists on it, or because of a social convention, more, etc. Something can be obligatory because it is required by law or rule, but it can also be obligatory because it is expected to such a degree that it would be socially or politically unacceptable not to include it.

I didn’t go to Ned’s pool party because I didn’t have the obligatory beer hat.

Compulsory is similar, but with more connotations of an official or legal requirement.

answered Dec 5, 2019 at 22:07

barbecue's user avatar


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You didn’t mention the register the word you’re looking for must belong to. If you’re being informal, for keeps might work. The Collins English Dictionary defines as follows:

Something that is for keeps is permanent and will not change.

A bunch of examples from Longman Dictionary:

Marriage ought to be for keeps.

He’s given it to me for keeps.

The specific word that you have in mind but have forgotten might be irreversible:

Not able to be undone or altered.


She suffered irreversible damage to her health.

Community's user avatar

answered Dec 5, 2019 at 21:06

Michael Rybkin's user avatar

Michael RybkinMichael Rybkin

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The only specific single word I can think of is:
«Decided» — As in: «The matter has been decided.» (passive voice, not mentioning who/what decided)

Using more than one word is probably going to work out better for you though.

answered Dec 5, 2019 at 13:52

bobsburner's user avatar

It all depends on context, of course, but «unchangeable» («not able to be altered,» which could also be «unalterable») is understandable and precise.

I think «sacrosanct» is a great answer for the context given in the question. But it does have a religious or moral connotation. Then again, we’re talking about a human hierarchy and authority (a CEO’s preference), so it’s not a purely technical scenario. Contrast that with the orbit of a planet governed by laws of physics, which I would not say are «sacrosanct» but could be called «unchangeable» or «inviolable.»

answered Dec 6, 2019 at 15:37

user8356's user avatar


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Possibilities include constant and eternal.

answered Dec 8, 2019 at 3:28

Davislor's user avatar


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you can use any of this:

  1. constant

  2. fait accompli

  3. forbidden

  4. firm : steady and not likely to change

And the top most is «final«

Since the CEO likes it, this feature is final! It’s because if something is final, it cannot be changed.

answered Dec 5, 2019 at 9:39

Divyesh_08's user avatar

Употребление конструкции to be able to в английском языке

Сегодня мы поговорим о конструкции to be able to в английском языке. Эта конструкция похожа на модальный глагол can, но имеет свои отличия. С ее помощью вы можете сказать, что у вас есть возможность сделать что-либо.

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Также Вы можете ознакомиться со всеми онлайн-курсами английского языка.

В этой статье мы рассмотрим, в каких ситуациях можно употреблять эту конструкцию и как правильно использовать ее.

Перевод и использование to be able to в английском языке

To be able to является конструкцией, заменяющей глагол can. Она переводится как «могу/способен что-либо сделать». Мы можем использовать эту конструкцию во всех трех временах: настоящем, прошедшем и будущем.

Слово able означает обладающий всем необходимым, чтобы сделать что-то. Это могут быть необходимые инструменты, знания, сила — всё что угодно, требующееся для совершения действия.

Это конструкцию мы употребляем, когда:

1. У вас есть навыки, сила, знания и т. д., которые вам нужны, чтобы сделать что-либо.
Например: «Она может прочитать книгу на английском языке».

He is able to play the guitar.
Он может играть на гитаре.

They are able to sing very well.
Они могут петь очень хорошо.

2. Вы находитесь в ситуации, в которой для вас возможно/невозможно сделать что-либо.
Например: «Я могу прочитать твой доклад сейчас».

He is able to fix the sink this afternoon.
Он сможет починить раковину в полдень.

They are not able to call you.
Они не могут позвонить тебе.

3. Мы говорим о том, что кто-то имел возможность в прошлом делать что-либо, имел какие-то достижения.
Например: «Они смогли выиграть чемпионат».

I was able to find a good babysitter.
Я смогла найти хорошую няню.

He was able to answer the question correctly.
Он смог ответить на вопрос правильно.

4. Кто-то мог делать что-то в прошлом, но сейчас уже не делает это.
Например: «В школе она могла играть на гитаре, но сейчас уже не играет».  

She used to be able to dance all night.
Она раньше могла танцевать всю ночь.

They used to be able to speak Japan.
Они раньше могли говорить по-японски.

5. Мы говорим о будущих возможностях.
Например: «После месяца занятий вы сможете говорить на простом английском».

I will be able to come with you.
Я смогу пойти с тобой.

You will be able to see him tomorrow.
Ты сможешь увидеть его завтра.

Утвердительные предложения с конструкцией be able to

Эту конструкцию мы можем использовать в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени. Для того чтобы построить утвердительное предложение с be able to, мы должны поставить be в нужное нам время, часть able to всегда остается неизменной. Схема образования будет следующей.

Тот, о ком идет речь + be в нужном времени + able to + действие.

Давайте рассмотрим более подробно образование предложений в каждом из 3-х времен.

Конструкция to be able to в настоящем времени

Когда речь идет о событиях, происходящих в данный момент, наш be меняется на am, are, is в зависимости от того, кто совершает действие.

Тот, о ком идет речь + am/are/is + able to + действие

I am
We are play
They able to swim
She cook
He is


My little sister is able to count to 100.
Моя маленькая сестра может считать до 100.

They are able to answer all your questions.
Они могут ответить на все твои вопросы.

Конструкция to be able to в прошедшем времени

Когда речь идет о прошлом (действия происходили какое-то время назад), be превращается в was/were в зависимости от того, о ком идет речь.

Тот, о ком идет речь + was/were + able to + действие.

I was
We were play
They able to swim
She cook
He was


I was able to speak to Tom before he left.
Я смог поговорить с Томом перед тем, как он ушел.

They were able to finish the work.
Они смогли закончить работу.

Конструкция to be able to в будущем времени

Когда мы говорим о будущих возможностях, то есть о том, что мы сможем сделать через какое-то время, мы добавляем will перед нашим be.

Тот, о ком идет речь + will be + able to + действие.

We play
They will be able to swim
She cook


I will be able to translate this document without your help.
Я смогу перевести этот документ без твоей помощи.

She will be able to have lunch with you.
Она сможет пообедать с тобой.

Отрицательные предложения с конструкцией be able to

Чтобы сказать, что у нас нет возможности сделать что-либо, нам нужно поставить отрицательную частицу not после нашего глагола be. Схема образования будет следующей.

Тот, о ком идет речь + be + not + able to + действие.

Так же, как и в утвердительных предложениях наш глагол be меняется в зависимости от того, о каком времени идет речь.

Отрицательные предложения с be able to в настоящем времени

Когда мы говорим, что мы не можем сделать что-либо в данный момент, мы ставим not после нашего be в настоящем времени: am/are/is.

Тот, о ком идет речь + am/are/is + not + able to + действие.

I am
We are play
They not able to swim
She cook
He is


I am not able to buy it.
Я не могу купить это.

They are not able to ski.
Они не могут кататься на лыжах.

Отрицательные предложения с be able to в прошедшем времени

Когда мы говорим, что не могли сделать что-либо, и что у нас не было возможности сделать что-то, то добавляем not к нашему be в прошедшей форме (was/were).

Тот, о ком идет речь + was/were + not + able to + действие.

I was
We were play
They not able to swim
She cook
He was


We were not able to buy tickets, so we didn’t go to the concert.
Мы не смогли купить билеты, так что не пошли на концерт.

He asked me a few questions that I was not able to answer.
Он задал мне несколько вопросов, на которые я не смогла ответить.

Отрицательные предложения с be able to в будущем времени

Когда мы говорим, что у нас не будет возможности сделать что-то в будущем, мы ставим частицу not между will и be.

Тот, о ком идет речь + will + not + be able to + действие.

We play
They will not be able to swim
She cook


I will not be able to meet you tomorrow.
Я не смогу с тобой завтра увидеться.

We will not be able to solve this problem by ourselves.
Мы не сможем решить эту проблему самостоятельно.

Вопросительные предложения с конструкцией be able to

Для того чтобы спросить, может ли человек сделать что-либо, мы выносим наш be на первое место. Давайте рассмотрим, как это происходит в каждом из 3-х времен.

Вопросительное предложение с be able to в настоящем времени

Когда мы спрашиваем, может ли кто-либо сделать что-нибудь в настоящий момент, мы выносим am/are/is (наш be в настоящем времени) на первое место.

Am/are/is + тот, о ком идет речь + able to + действие?

Am I
Are we play?
they able to swim?
he cook?
Is she


Are you able to swim?
Ты можешь плавать?

Is she able to speak French?
Она может говорить по-французски?

Вопросительное предложение с be able to в прошедшем времени

Когда мы спрашиваем, была ли у кого-то возможность сделать что-либо в прошлом, мы выносим was/were (be в прошедшем времени) на первое место.

Was/were + тот, о ком идет речь + able to + действие?

Was I
Were we play?
they able to swim?
he cook?
Was she


Was he able to give up smoking?
Он смог бросить курить?

Were you able to talk to them?
Ты смог поговорить с ними?

Вопросительное предложение с be able to в будущем времени

Когда мы спрашиваем, будет ли у кого-нибудь возможность сделать что-либо, то мы выносим will на первое место.

Will + тот, о ком идет речь + be able to + действие?

we dance?
Will they be able to cook?
she write?


Will you be able to open a bottle?
Ты сможешь открыть бутылку?

Will I be able to see you next Monday?
Смогу я увидеть вас в следующий понедельник?

Вопросительные предложения с уточняющими словами

Чтобы уточнить какую-либо информацию, мы используем следующие слова:

  • what — что;
  • where — где;
  • who — кто;
  • which — какой;
  • why — почему;
  • when — когда.

Они ставятся на первое место, а дальше порядок слов следует как в обычном вопросе, в соответствии с используемым временем.


Who is able to explain this to me
Кто может объяснить это мне?

How were you able to do that?
Как ты смог сделать это?

When will you be able to find a job?
Когда ты сможешь найти работу?

Итак, мы рассмотрели конструкцию to be able to и теперь вы знаете еще один способ выразить свои мысли и сказать, что вы можете/способны сделать что-либо. А теперь давайте перейдем к практике.

Задание на закрепление

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Он не может починить мой компьютер.
2. Они смогут помочь тебе завтра.
3. Он смог закончить университет.
4. Почему ты работаешь завтра?
5. Ты смог отправить ей письмо?
6. Мы не сможем добраться туда вовремя.
7. Она сможет спроектировать здание?
8. Моя сестра не смогла приехать вчера.

Ответы оставляйте в комментариях под статьей. 

The meanings of “not able” and “unable” are very similar. There are slight differences that we can highlight, but you’ll be okay to use them synonymously for the most part. This article will explain what those differences are and how to use them.

Not Able Or Unable: Which Is Correct?

You should use “not able” when an unforeseen circumstance occurs that prevents somebody from being able to do something. You should use “unable” when something previously established (like a conflicting meeting time) gets in the way of you being able to do something.

Not Able Or Unable: Which Is Correct?

The definition of “unable,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to not be able to do something.” We mostly use it when something else conflicts with the time when something was arranged.

What Does “Not Able” And “Unable” Mean?

Both of these words have a very similar meaning. If we were to ignore the information we shared with you above, we’d be able to define them both in the same way.

“Not able” and “unable” both mean that someone wasn’t able to do something. “Not” and “un-” are the opposite of the word that follows them.

In any case, “not able” and “unable” both mean that something stopped someone from doing something. We can go slightly further to allow ourselves to differentiate them.

“Not able” means that an unforeseen or unstoppable circumstance occurred that prevented us from doing something. This could mean we got caught in traffic or we had an accident of some kind that stopped us from doing something.

“Unable” means that we’ve had a conflicting schedule or preexisting condition that means we aren’t able to do something. This could mean that we had a business meeting planned in the time slot or that we’ve previously injured ourselves and can’t partake in the upcoming activity.

Is “Not Able “Or “Unable” Used The Most?

The two words are very similar, so it’s good to know which is most popular. Generally, the more popular a word is, the more likely you are to come across it when talking or writing to native speakers.

According to Google, “not able” is mentioned 16,200 times on The New York Times website, while “unable” is mentioned 133,000 times.

Also, according to this graph, “unable” is by far the most popular choice of the two. It’s rare that “not able” ever gets mentioned in written English (which this graph showcases).

Is "Not Able "Or "Unable" Used The Most?

“Not able” is much less common, which is why we talk about how similar they are. Most people won’t note the difference we’ve mentioned previously and will simply use them both to mean the same thing. If you’re going to do that, then “unable” is always the correct choice.

Can “Not Able” And “Unable” Be Used Interchangeably?

“Not able” and “unable” are interchangeable. You can use them to mean the same thing, and no native speaker is going to tell you that you’re wrong for doing so.

The meaning of both is that someone is not able to do something. For this reason, whether we use “not able” or “unable” is irrelevant. The only defining factor is that “unable” is by far the more popular choice among native speakers, so it’s more likely to be the one you use.

Examples Of How To Use “Not Able” In A Sentence

For the purposes of this article, we want to draw your attention back to the meaning we spoke about. “Not able” is used to refer to unforeseen circumstances that arose that prevented somebody from being able to do something.

We want to share some examples with “not able” and this meaning so you can understand what we’re talking about. Also, you’ll be able to use it more appropriately yourself.

  1. I was not able to attend the party because my car broke down.
  2. I am not able to come later because I’ve just fallen off my bike.
  3. I am not able to make it, I’m really sorry, but something has come up.
  4. I was not able to see her because she left unexpectedly.
  5. We were not able to attend because our house caught fire.

Examples Of How To Use “Unable” In A Sentence

Now let’s go over using “unable” with the meaning we’ve spoken about throughout this article. It’s more common to use “unable,” so you’ll find most of these are more relatable than the “not able” examples.

“Unable” means that there is a conflict of some kind that stops us from being able to do something. Usually, that conflict has already been determined and isn’t an unexpected thing.

  1. I am unable to come to the wedding because my ex is there.
  2. I was unable to do the things I wanted to do because I broke my arm before going.
  3. We were unable to help out because we were busy with work.
  4. I was unable to attend the meeting with my boss because I already had a meeting with another company at that time.
  5. I was unable to help out because I couldn’t leave her alone.

When Should I Use “Can’t” Instead Of “Unable” Or “Not Able”?

You should use “can’t” instead of “unable” or “not able” when it is impossible to do the thing that you’re talking about. “Unable” means you’re not able to do something at this moment, while “can’t” means you’ll never be able to do that thing (with your present knowledge).

  • He is unable to swim.
  • He can’t swim.

“Unable” shows that “he” is not able to swim right now, though he is likely capable of swimming. It might be that he is injured or doesn’t want to swim at that time.

“Can’t” shows that “he” doesn’t know how to swim. It’s impossible for him in the current circumstances to swim, even if he wanted to.

“Not Able” And “Unable” – Synonyms

Finally, let’s see what alternatives and synonyms there are for the two words. We find these helpful when we’re trying to define the differences between words like this, so take your pick from the following.

  • Unavailable
  • Incapable
  • Lacking the ability
  • Powerless
  • At a loss

You may also like: “Unavailable” vs. “Not Available” – Difference Explained (11 Examples)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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