Word meaning not a lot

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

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Since that is the one obtainable drawback, actually, not a lot to not be glad.

Поскольку это единственный доступный недостаток, причин для неудовлетворенности на самом деле не так много.

There’s not a lot that will change once it starts getting dark.

Там не так много, что изменится, как только оно начинает темнеть.

1000 miles is not a lot.

Хотя 800 километров — это не много.

I write some too, but not a lot.

Рассказы я тоже пишу, но не много.

It’s not a lot, but it’s everything you really need in order to launch your website.

Это не много, но это все, что вам действительно нужно для запуска вашего сайта.

But with a personal health crisis, you suddenly learn there’s not a lot in conventional medicine that works.

Но с личным кризисом здоровья, вы вдруг узнаете, есть не много в традиционной медицине, которая работает.

Of his paintings the artist paints not a lot, about two or three works a year.

Своих картин художник рисует не много, примерно по две-три работы в год.

There’s not a lot you can do but walk until you find some intersection with understandable street markings or landmark to orient yourself.

Там не много вы можете сделать, но ходьбы, пока вы не найдете некоторые пересечения с понятным уличные знаки или ориентира, чтобы сориентироваться.

It’s not a lot, but it’s something to hold onto.

Это не много, но хоть какая-то память.

It’s not a lot, I know, I just…

Это не много, Я знаю, я просто…

That’s not a lot to go off of.

Obviously, every other day is not a lot

Понятно, что каждый второй день это не так много

We finished our tour in December and were going to do a few shows, but not a lot.

Мы закончили наш тур в декабре и собирались сделать несколько шоу, но не много.

To workIt requires not a lot — right to prepare the straw.

Для работы требуется не много — верно подготовить солому.

Given the size of China’s population and economy, that is not a lot.

Учитывая численность населения и объем экономики Китая, это не так много.

You can make money by using AdSense advertisements (but probably not a lot).

Вы можете зарабатывать деньги с помощью рекламы AdSense (но, вероятно, не так много).

That’s not a lot, but it speaks to the seriousness with which the Shenzhen-based company took the threat.

Это не много, но это говорит о серьезности, с которой базирующаяся в Шэньчжэне компания приняла угрозу.

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not a lot

Общая лексика: не очень много

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «not a lot» в других словарях:

  • not — W1S1 [nɔt US na:t] adv [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: nought] 1.) used to make a word, statement, or question negative ▪ Most of the stores do not open until 10am. ▪ She s not a very nice person. ▪ You were wrong not to inform the police. ▪ Can we go… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • not much — not a lot, not many; not especially, not in particular …   English contemporary dictionary

  • not — adverb 1 used to make a word or expression negative: “Can we go to the park?” “No, not today, dear.” | Lorna was not a tidy child and left toys everywhere. | The store is open all week but not on Sundays. | Sally will not eat meat. | You were… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • LOT — (Heb. לוֹט), son of Haran, grandson of Terah, and nephew of abraham (Gen. 11:27). Upon Haran s death in Ur, Terah took Lot with him when, with Abraham and Sarah, he left the city for the land of Canaan. After Terah s death in Haran (11:32),… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Not Without a Fight — Studio album by New Found Glory Released March 10, 2009 (see …   Wikipedia

  • Not Ready to Make Nice — Single by Dixie Chicks from the album Taking the Long Way …   Wikipedia

  • Lot — • Nephew of Abraham Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Lot     Lot     † Catholic Encyclopedia …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • lot — n 1: a portion of land; specif: a measured parcel of contiguous land having fixed boundaries and recorded (as on a plat) with the appropriate authority or office (as a registry of deeds) 2: a single article, a number of units of an article, or a… …   Law dictionary

  • Not for You — Single by Pearl Jam from the album Vitalogy B side Out of My Mind (live) …   Wikipedia

  • not by a long chalk — not by a long shot/chalk/way/informal phrase used for saying that something is not true at all They’ve achieved a lot, but they haven’t finished yet – not by a long way. Thesaurus: ways of emphasizing that something is not true or likely …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lot-O-Bucks (Rhode Island) — Lot O Bucks was the Rhode Island Lottery s first terminal based jackpot game. It ended in 1995.Lot O Bucks used several different number matrixes, most recently a pick 5 of 40. It was a rare case of a pick 5 game that did not guarantee an all… …   Wikipedia

not a lot — перевод на русский

not a lot — другие примеры

There’s not a lot of furniture, so there’s plenty of room to slip and slide around in our socks like in Risky Business.

Там мало мебели, а значит много комнат, чтобы кататься и скользить в носках, как в «Рискованном бизнесе»

— Well, not a lot.

Не особо.

And that’s not a lot.

И это ещё не много.

There’s not a lot of work at the moment.

Не очень прибыльное ремесло.

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Not a lot of white lawyers would have took

my brother Lester»s case.

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Не много бы белых адвокатов взяли дело моего брата Лефтаса.

I know not a lot but it’s


start from my losing.

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Я знаю не много, но это только начало от моей потери.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Not a lot of parents can stand in front of cameras and say that.

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Не многие родители могут стоять перед камерами и говорить такое.

If you’re hungry, there’s not a lot of food here.

To workIt requires not a lot— right to prepare the straw.

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Для работы требуется не много— верно подготовить солому.

Your people are counting on you, Zox, and there is not a lot of time.

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Твои люди расчитывают на тебя, Зокс и времени у нас не много.

Not a lot of people who get captured have your brother’s resources.

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Не многие люди имеют такие же возможности, как твой брат.

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Not a lot of disposable income to blow on hot stone treatments.

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Немного не хватает доходов на то, чтобы спускать их на лечение горячим камнем.

In general there are not a lot of facilities on the mountain.

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Но вообще мест перекусить на горе не много.

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Not a lot but he would check with me on the phone almost every day.

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Не часто, но он контролировал его по телефону почти каждый день.

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Not a lot, but enough to have you taken off the transplant list.

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Не намного, но достаточно, чтобы вас убрали из очереди на пересадку.

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This is


poor community, not a lot of laughter or joy or, or even hope.

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Это бедный район, здесь не часто смеются, радуются, или даже надеются.

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It’s not a lot of money, but it’s enough to keep you going.

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Это не большие деньги, но хватит, чтобы у тебя было время для постановок.

Not a lot of workers take


taxi cab to work.

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Не многие из рабочих ездят на работу на такси.

Maybe not a lot, but


few money wouldn’t hurt.

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Может не куча, но немного денег нам бы



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There’s not a lot of air that can make it under there, but.

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Пока мы мало что можем сказать по этому поводу.

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not a (whole) lot

(redirected from not a lot)

Idioms browser

  • not a bother on (someone)
  • not a brass farthing
  • not a cat in hell’s chance
  • not a chance
  • Not a chance!
  • not a clue
  • not a dicky bird
  • not a dog’s chance
  • not a dry eye in the house
  • not a few
  • not a ghost of a chance
  • not a glimmer
  • not a glimmer (of something)
  • not a hair out of place
  • not a happy bunny
  • not a hope
  • not a hope in hell
  • not a hundred/thousand/million miles away
  • not a hundred/thousand/million miles away/from here
  • not a jot
  • not a kid anymore
  • not a leg to stand on
  • not a little
  • not a living soul
  • not a living soul in sight
  • not a lot
  • not a minute too soon
  • not a moment to breathe
  • not a moment to spare
  • not a moment too soon
  • not a patch on
  • not a patch on (someone or something)
  • not a patch on someone/something
  • not a peep from/out of (someone)
  • not a prayer
  • not a pretty sight
  • not a red cent
  • not a sausage
  • not a second too soon
  • not a shot in your locker
  • not a snowball’s chance in hell
  • not a spark of decency
  • not a trace (of something)
  • not a whit
  • not a word
  • not a/one whit
  • not able
  • not able to call (one’s) time (one’s) own
  • not able to call time own
  • not able to get (something) for love or money
  • not able to get a word in edgeways

Full browser

  • not a few
  • Not A Fixable Bug
  • not a flying fuck
  • Not A Freakin’ Thing
  • not a ghost of a chance
  • not a glimmer
  • not a glimmer (of something)
  • not a glimmer of
  • Not A Good Idea
  • Not a Good Look
  • not a hair out of place
  • not a happy bunny
  • Not A Happy Man
  • Not A Happy Woman
  • not a hope
  • not a hope
  • not a hope
  • not a hope
  • not a hope
  • not a hope in hell
  • not a hundred miles away
  • not a hundred miles from here
  • not a hundred/thousand/million miles away
  • not a hundred/thousand/million miles away/from here
  • not a jot
  • not a kid anymore
  • not a leg to stand on
  • not a little
  • not a living soul
  • not a living soul in sight
  • not a lot
  • Not A Lot Going On
  • Not A Lot Of People Know That
  • not a matter of if but when
  • not a matter of if, but when
  • not a mean bone in one’s body
  • not a million miles away
  • not a million miles from here
  • not a mind reader
  • not a minute too soon
  • not a moment to breathe
  • not a moment to spare
  • Not a Moment Too Soon
  • Not a Morning Person
  • Not a name with us
  • Not a Number
  • Not a Number
  • Not a Number
  • Not A Part of This Subdivision
  • not a patch on
  • not a patch on (someone or something)
  • not a patch on her
  • not a patch on him
  • not a patch on it
  • not a patch on somebody
  • not a patch on someone
  • not a patch on someone/something
  • not a patch on something
  • not a patch on them
  • not a patch on us
  • not a patch on you

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  • Word meaning no words to describe
  • Word meaning no responsibility
  • Word meaning no one cares
  • Word meaning no more pain
  • Word meaning no morals