Word meaning no morals

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

ни морали

без морали

мораль не

нет принципов

ни стыда

нет морали

никаких моральных принципов

нет нравственности

никаких моральных устоев

отсутствует мораль

нет никакой морали

нет моральных принципов

Religion handicaps social development, but without it, there would be no morals or ethics.

Религия препятствует социальному развитию, но без нее не было бы ни морали, ни этики.

Firstly, it is in the nature of financial capital to behave irrationally — it has no morals and answers to no one.

Во-первых, поведением финансового капитала, который в силу своего характера действует иррационально, т.е. не имеет ни морали, ни отчизны.

He’s a selfish, immature boy with no morals and too much money.

Он эгоистичный, незрелого мальчика без морали и слишком много денег.

People with no morals often considered themselves more free, but mostly they lacked the ability to feel or love.

Люди без морали часто почитают себя более свободными, но им, главным образом, недостает способности чувствовать или любить.

A man alone on an island needs no morals.

Если человек живёт один на необитаемом острове, то ему мораль не нужна.

Just as we need no morals to make us breed… [so] if your ‘self’ in the wide sense embraces another being, you need no moral exhortation to show care…

Точно так же как мораль не нужна нам, чтобы дышать… вашему «я», если оно объединяется, в широком смысле, с другим существом, не требуются моральные проповеди для проявления заботы…

Durkheim believed, there can be no politics, no morals, no religion, and no economic institutions without society.

Без социума, считал Дюркгейм, не может быть ни политики, ни морали, ни религии, ни экономических институтов.

You have no morals or conscience.

Sadly there are people with no morals.

Women who sleep with married men have no morals.

They have no morals and values.

There are no morals in empirical observations.

I have no morals and I’m desperately lonely.

A man with great ambition and no morals — I wouldn’t bet against you.

Человек с огромными амбициями и без моральных устоев я бы не ставил против вас.

A woman who doesn’t follow it will be seen as cunning, a woman with no morals.

Женщина, которая не следует за ней, будет рассматриваться как коварная, женщина без нравственности.

New money, no morals — it concerns us.

You have no morals, nothing.

They’ve got absolutely no morals at all.

They’ve no morals up there.

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vision, no morals, but they wind up with all this power.

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видения. Нет морали, но они завершают при всем этом власти.

A man with great ambition and no morals— I wouldn’t bet against you.

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You, Topher, were chosen because you have no morals.

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Тебя, Тофер, выбрали, потому что у тебя нет морали.

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Woyzeck, you are a good person. But, Woyzeck, you have no morals.

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The Government that has made the most significant and rapid contribution to the undoing and discrediting of the international system for the promotion and

protection of human rights has


credibility, no morals and


right to proceed in such a manner.

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Правительство, которое за короткий период времени в наибольшей степени способствовало причинению ущерба и дискредитации международной системы поощрения и защиты прав

человека, не пользуется доверием и не имеет ни морального,


юридического права делать это.

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It has no moral whatsoever. and proves nothing at all.

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В ней вообще нет морали и она вообще ничего не доказывает.

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President Bush has no moral authority or credibility to judge anyone.

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У президента Буша нет ни морального авторитета,

ни моральной

репутации для того, чтобы судить других.

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I have no moral objection to you killing her.

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I have got no moral obligations here, Michael.

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Wendell Levi… genius-level IQ, but no moral compass or regard for human life.

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Венделл Леви… по уровню IQ- гений, но нет моральных качеств или уважения к человеческой жизни.

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Fail to help, and we show we have no moral compass at all.

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Откажись мы помочь- выяснится, что у нас нет моральных ориентиров.

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In the end, there is, and can be, no moral or strategic justification for keeping the chemical weapons option open.

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В конечном итоге, нет и не может быть никаких моральных или стратегических обоснований для сохранения возможности выбора в том,

что касается химического оружия.

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If a being suffers there can be no moral justification for refusing to take that suffering into consideration.

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Если существо страдает не может быть никаких моральных оправданий отказу принимать во внимание его страдание.

There was no moral, scientific or legal justification for reproductive cloning of human beings, and the

debate had made it clear that there was consensus on that point.

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Что касается клонирования человека в целях воспроизводства, то оно не имеет


морального, ни научного, ни юридического обоснования,

и ход прений со всей очевидностью выявил единство мнений по данному вопросу.

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Let me tell you something, Mrs. Sloan. If you feel no moral responsibility towards your husband and child I have a magazine to protect.

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Позвольте вам сказать, миссис Слоун: если в вас нет моральной ответственности перед мужем и ребенком, у меня есть журнал для защиты,

In general, the authors of free hardware designs have no moral obligation to offer a warranty to those that fabricate the design.

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В целом, у авторов свободных чертежей аппаратуры нет моральной обязанности предлагать гарантию тем, кто изготавливает эту аппаратуру.

I mean, just because you have no moral compass doesn’t mean I don’t.

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International terrorism attacked us with fury and no moral or any other consideration.

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Международные террористы нанесли по нам беспощадный удар, поскольку у них нет никаких моральных или других сдерживающих факторов.

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Unmoral refers to those having no moral perception. It is best used for animals or inanimate objects incapable of considering moral concerns, but can also be used for humans lacking the same. Immoral refers to a conscientious rejection of typical moral standards and has a connotation of evil or wrongdoing. Nonmoral describes actions that are not usually subject to moral concerns, such as which shirt to wear. Finally, amoral implies an awareness of moral standards, but a lack of concern for them while acting.

Moral derives from the Latin word meaning «custom» that also gave English mores, which refers to customs, values, and behaviors that are accepted by a particular group. As an adjective, moral describes people or things that follow accepted customs or behavior. For example, a person’s moral obligation is to do what is right, and a moral lesson is one that teaches what is right. As a noun, moral refers to a lesson learned from a story or an experience («the moral of the story is to be satisfied with what you have»); plural morals denotes the proper ideas and beliefs about how to act or behave, as in «a person with no morals» or «the company’s actions demonstrate a lack of morals.»

Common offshoots of righteous moral are unmoral, immoral, nonmoral, and amoral, and they are not innocent; in fact, they are mischievous. A couple of them have specific meanings that not everyone is aware of, which cause misuse of the words, and a couple are sometimes confused with each other. Consider this article a lesson on the meaning and usage of these negatively-prefixed words that are similar but not the same.


Let this be your ‘moral’ compass.

‘Unmoral’ Meaning

Unmoral is the first of the gang to be recorded in English writing, in the early 17th century. Having the prefix un-, meaning «not,» the word denotes «having no moral perception or quality» (e.g., «the unmoral, critter-killing feline») or «not influenced or guided by moral considerations» («unmoral, greedy corporations»). Unmoral can also mean «lying outside the bounds of morals or ethics,» and in this sense it is synonymous with amoral. All in all, the question of morality is irrelevant to that which is called «unmoral,» so the adjective is the right choice when describing nonhuman or inanimate things incapable of understanding right and wrong. But by extension, unmoral is also used for people who seem deprived of human moral perception.

«Many young people today are unmoral rather than immoral,» Judge Leahy explained 72 years ago. «Because they have been reared in homes with such low standards of marriage and family behavior, they actually don’t know right from wrong.»
— Gary Brown, The Repository (Canton, Ohio), 9 July 2018

‘Immoral’ Meaning

The negative prefix im- connects with moral soon after the formation of unmoral. Immoral describes a person or behavior that conscientiously goes against accepted morals—that is, the proper ideas and beliefs about how to behave in a way that is considered right and good by the majority of people. Immoral connotes the intent of evilness or wrongdoing, and it is a true antonym of moral.

‘Nonmoral’ Meaning

Decades, centuries, go by before moral is linked to another negative prefix, non- (in the 19th century). Nonmoral has the specific meaning of «not falling into or existing in the sphere of morals or ethics.» Thus, a nonmoral act or action is not subject to moral judgment because morality is not taken into consideration. Spilling milk is a nonmoral act, and although you might be judged by the clothes you wear, your decision to wear them is nonmoral.

So in another part of the survey, we asked about basic cognitive faculties, like executing voluntary movements and object recognition…; about nonmoral personality change, like extroversion, sense of humor, creativity and intelligence….
— Nina Strohminger and Shaun Nichols, The New York Times, 23 Aug. 2015

«With recent changes in policy and changes about the way American adults are reporting how they think about marijuana—as less judgmental, as a nonmoral issue—we were curious about what’s happening with youths,» said Chris Salas-Wright, a UT social work professor and the report’s lead author.
The Austin (Texas) American-Statesman, 25 Sep. 2018

‘Amoral’ Meaning

Amoral appears in the late 1800s. The prefix a- means «not» or «without,» as in atypical or asymptomatic. The dictionary definition of amoral is «having or showing no concern about whether behavior is morally right or wrong»—compendiously, «without morals.» For example, an infant, unlearned in what is right and wrong, is amoral; someone who lacks the mental ability to understand right or wrong due to illness might be described as amoral. These are illustrative examples, however; amoral can be used to describe any person, or his or her actions, who is aware of what is right and wrong but does wrong anyway and responds indifferently about it.

… if you hooked him up to a lie detector test, he could say one thing in the morning, one thing at noon, and one thing in the evening, all contradictory and he would pass the lie detector each time. Whatever lie he is telling at that minute, he believes it. But the man is utterly amoral. Morality does not exist for him.
— Ted Cruz, quoted in The Examiner (Washington, DC), 3 May 2016

As noted earlier, the spirit of modern capitalism shares with the historical forms of capitalism … an alternative conception that favors pursuit of as much wealth as can be attained. Importantly, however, the spirit of modern capitalism differs from what we might call this «profiteering» ethos of amoral opportunism….
— Solomon Stein and Virgil Henry Storr, The Independent Review, Spring 2020

Additionally, amoral means «being neither moral nor immoral,» or specifically «lying outside the sphere to which moral judgments apply.»

It’s almost a truism, art is amoral. Art doesn’t care about morality. Art may have to deal with morality, but art in its own marshaling of the materials given to it is only looking for art. It’s looking how to make an effect, an impact.
— Henry Bean, NPR, 27 Sept. 2001

Summarizing the Difference

The moral of this article is unmoral is reserved for things (and sometimes people) incapable of understanding right and wrong. Immoral describes people who can differentiate between right and wrong but intentionally do wrong anyway. Nonmoral is used when morality is clearly not an issue, and amoral implies acknowledgment of what is right and what is wrong but an unconcern for morality when carrying out an act. Confusion of these words might be regarded by some people as a moral offense so heed this lesson.

Похожие слова: no morals

  • You have no morals — У тебя нет морали
  • you have morals — у вас есть мораль
  • traditional morals — традиционная мораль
  • ethics and morals — этика и мораль
  • the protection of health or morals — охраны здоровья и нравственности
  • without morals — без морали
  • violation of morals — нарушение морали
  • picture of the morals of this period — картина нравов этого времени
  • christian morals — христианская мораль
  • have morals — есть мораль
  • protect the morals — защиты нравственности
  • faith and morals — вера и нравственность
  • questionable morals — сомнительная нравственность
  • high morals — высокая нравственность
  • commit a sin against morals — преступить законы морали
  • Синонимы & Антонимы: не найдено

    Примеры предложений: no morals

    There are no judgments or morals behind the crime.

    За преступлением нет приговоров или морали.

    This is mainly because of the Witnesses’ Bible — based position on such matters as blood transfusions, neutrality, smoking, and morals .

    Это происходит главным образом из-за библейской позиции свидетелей по таким вопросам, как переливание крови, нейтралитет, курение и мораль.

    The priest tried to improve the people’s morals .

    Священник пытался улучшить нравственность людей.

    Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.

    Никогда не позволяйте своему чувству морали мешать вам делать то, что правильно.

    Recently, I feel like the number of women with loose morals is increasing.

    В последнее время я чувствую, что число женщин со слабой моралью увеличивается.

    While the easiest way in metaphysics is to condemn all metaphysics as nonsense, the easiest way in morals is to elevate the common practice of the community into a moral absolute.

    В то время как самый простой способ в метафизике-осудить всю метафизику как бессмыслицу, самый простой способ в морали — возвысить обычную практику сообщества до морального Абсолюта.

    In short, systems of morals are only a sign — language of the emotions.

    Короче говоря, системы морали — это только язык жестов эмоций.

    The morals of children are tenfold worse than formerly.

    Нравственность детей в десять раз хуже, чем раньше.

    Public morals are not respected anymore in this town.

    Общественная мораль больше не соблюдается в этом городе.

    When you are constantly told no smoking, no smoking like that, you start thinking, maybe smoking really is a threat to public morals or something.

    Когда вам постоянно говорят не курить, не курить вот так, вы начинаете думать, может быть, курение действительно представляет угрозу общественной морали или что-то в этом роде.

    I would appeal to your morals , but those seem to be all over the map.

    Я бы апеллировал к вашей морали, но они, похоже, повсюду.

    Capital exists beyond the auspices of ethics, morals or even law.

    Капитал существует за пределами этики, морали или даже закона.

    Yes, Madame Lefrancois, every month — a good phlebotomy, in the interests of the police and morals

    Да, мадам Лефрансуа, каждый месяц — хорошая флеботомия , в интересах полиции и нравственности «.

    Our corporate bylaws have a morals clause that call for the removal of any officer engaged in any immoral or unethical behavior.

    В нашем корпоративном уставе есть пункт о морали, который требует отстранения любого сотрудника, занимающегося любым аморальным или неэтичным поведением.

    You must have a good character, Moral outlook and good morals .

    У тебя должен быть хороший характер, нравственное мировоззрение и хорошие нравы.

    It’s like everyone’s sense of morals just disappeared.

    Как будто у всех просто исчезло чувство морали.

    Inverted morals aside, you and I are very much cut from the same cloth.

    Если отбросить перевернутую мораль, мы с вами во многом сделаны из одной ткани.

    It feels instinctively that manners are of more importance than morals , and, in its opinion, the highest respectability is of much less value than the possession of a good chef.

    Он инстинктивно чувствует, что манеры важнее морали, и, по его мнению, самая высокая респектабельность имеет гораздо меньшую ценность, чем владение хорошим поваром.

    And from the amount of money they were paying her, you have to wonder what morals she wasn’t willing to chew up and swallow.

    И судя по тому, сколько денег они ей платили, можно только гадать, какую мораль она не желала жевать и глотать.

    For many of them, the experience was so ghastly, so completely inexplicable and incompatible with their morals that they literally erased it from their memories.

    Для многих из них этот опыт был настолько ужасным, настолько совершенно необъяснимым и несовместимым с их моралью, что они буквально стерли его из своей памяти.

    He was accused of corrupting morals and spreading dangerous ideas.

    Его обвинили в развращении нравов и распространении опасных идей.

    You see, their morals , their code it’s a bad joke.

    Понимаете, их мораль, их кодекс — это плохая шутка.

    Parents in the Arizona Tewa community, for example, teach morals to their children through traditional narratives.

    Например, родители в общине Тева в Аризоне учат своих детей нравственности с помощью традиционных повествований.

    While Paine focused his style and address towards the common people, the arguments he made touched on prescient debates of morals , government, and the mechanisms of democracy.

    В то время как Пейн сосредоточил свой стиль и обращение к простому народу, аргументы, которые он приводил, касались предвидящих дебатов о морали, правительстве и механизмах демократии.

    Kant’s last application of the categorical imperative in the Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals is of charity.

    Последнее применение кантом категорического императива в основе метафизики морали-это милосердие.

    Domitian firmly believed in the traditional Roman religion, and personally saw to it that ancient customs and morals were observed throughout his reign.

    Домициан твердо верил в традиционную римскую религию и лично следил за тем, чтобы древние обычаи и нравы соблюдались на протяжении всего его правления.

    Unlike the broad variety of questions in the earlier columns, modern advice columns tended to focus on personal questions about relationships, morals , and etiquette.

    В отличие от широкого спектра вопросов в предыдущих колонках, современные колонки советов, как правило, сосредоточены на личных вопросах об отношениях, морали и этикете.

    Garak on numerous occasions is seen to have internal conflicts between his morals and his obligations to the Cardassian central command.

    Гарак неоднократно сталкивался с внутренними конфликтами между его моралью и обязательствами перед Кардассианским Центральным командованием.

    Sexual ethics, morals , and norms relate to issues including deception/honesty, legality, fidelity and consent.

    Сексуальная этика, мораль и нормы касаются таких вопросов, как обман/честность, законность, верность и согласие.

    Narratives can be shared to express the values or morals among family, relatives, or people who are considered part of the close — knit community.

    Повествованиями можно поделиться, чтобы выразить ценности или мораль среди семьи, родственников или людей, которые считаются частью сплоченного сообщества.

    The new pope, Clement X, worried about the influence of theatre on public morals .

    Новый папа Климент X беспокоился о влиянии театра на общественную мораль.

    Iaido is a reflection of the morals of the classical warrior and to build a spiritually harmonious person possessed of high intellect, sensitivity, and resolute will.

    Иайдо — это отражение морали классического воина и создание духовно гармоничного человека, обладающего высоким интеллектом, чувствительностью и твердой волей.

    This essay revolves around certain recurring and intertwined aspects of Emerson’s thought—most notably, society, culture, morals , nature, the meaning of life, and friendship.

    Это эссе вращается вокруг некоторых повторяющихся и переплетающихся аспектов мысли Эмерсона—прежде всего, общества, культуры, морали, природы, смысла жизни и дружбы.

    Jeremy Bentham’s book The Principles of Morals and Legislation prioritized goods by considering pleasure, pain and consequences.

    В книге Джереми Бентама «Принципы морали и законодательства» благам уделяется приоритетное внимание с учетом удовольствия, боли и последствий.

    Del Toro acknowledged this message’s simplicity, but said he would have liked to have seen adventure films with similar morals when he was a child.

    Дель Торо признал простоту этого послания, но сказал, что в детстве хотел бы посмотреть приключенческие фильмы с похожими моральными принципами.

    Creed’s lack of shame or morals extends beyond mere kleptomania.

    Отсутствие стыда и морали у Крида выходит за рамки простой клептомании.

    Bentham’s book An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation was printed in 1780 but not published until 1789.

    Книга Бентама «Введение в принципы морали и законодательства» была напечатана в 1780 году, но не публиковалась до 1789 года.

    In seasons 6–8, Ryan seems to be devoid of many of his former morals and ambitions.

    В сезонах 6–8 Райан, кажется, лишен многих своих прежних нравов и амбиций.

    Parents are responsible for the upbringing of their children, and that responsibility includes protecting them from anything that may corrupt their morals .

    Родители несут ответственность за воспитание своих детей, и эта ответственность включает защиту их от всего, что может повредить их морали.

    Morley gets a kick out of arguing morals and ethics with anybody who’ll sit still for it.

    Морли получает удовольствие от споров о морали и этике со всеми, кто за это усидит.

    The New Testament is not seen by the Orthodox as supporting any extraordinary authority for Peter with regard to faith or morals .

    Новый Завет не рассматривается православными как подтверждающий какой-либо исключительный авторитет Петра в отношении веры или нравственности.

    Morals excite passions, and produce or prevent actions.

    Мораль возбуждает страсти и производит или препятствует действиям.

    Other understandings of courage that Hume offered can be derived from Hume’s views on morals , reason, sentiment, and virtue from his work An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals .

    Другое понимание храбрости, предложенное Юмом, может быть получено из взглядов Юма на мораль, разум, чувства и добродетель из его работы «Исследование принципов морали».

    Several authors wrote on the morals of people, consciousness, and human values.

    Несколько авторов писали о морали людей, сознании и человеческих ценностях.

    Additionally, the Right Hand of Fellowship can be viewed as merely an expression of good faith and morals .

    Кроме того, «Правая рука братства» можно рассматривать просто как проявление доброй воли и морали.

    Price and Priestley took diverging views on morals and metaphysics.

    Прайс и Пристли придерживались различных взглядов на мораль и метафизику.

    Stakeholder theory is a theory of organizational management and business ethics that addresses morals and values in managing an organization.

    Теория заинтересованных сторон — это теория организационного управления и деловой этики, которая обращается к морали и ценностям в управлении организацией.

    I took it over to the morals officer, Deacon Farrar.

    Я передал его офицеру по вопросам нравственности дьякону Фаррару.

    Ena was the widowed caretaker of the Glad Tidings Mission Hall and spent much of her time criticising the activities and loose morals of the street’s other residents.

    Ина была вдовой смотрительницей Миссионерского зала «радостная весть» и проводила большую часть своего времени, критикуя деятельность и распущенные нравы других жителей улицы.

    In addition to this, al — Shafi’i was an eloquent poet, who composed many short poems aimed at addressing morals and behavior.

    Вдобавок к этому аш-Шафии был красноречивым поэтом, сочинившим множество коротких стихотворений, направленных на обращение к морали и поведению.

    To enlighten mankind and improve its morals is the only lesson which we offer in this story.

    Просвещать человечество и повышать его нравственность — единственный урок, который мы предлагаем в этой истории.

    Annabella developed into a stiff, religious woman with strict morals .

    Аннабелла превратилась в жесткую, религиозную женщину со строгими нравами.

    Kant himself did not think so in the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals .

    Сам Кант так не думал в «Основах метафизики морали».

    Diffusion of responsibility can negatively affect personal morals .

    Распространение ответственности может негативно сказаться на личной морали.

    Around this time Severus’ wife, Julia Domna, reportedly criticised the sexual morals of the Caledonian women.

    Примерно в это же время жена Северуса Джулия Домна, как сообщается, критиковала сексуальную мораль каледонских женщин.

    John B. Stetson quickly gained a reputation as an employer driven by religious morals .

    Джон Б. Стетсон быстро завоевал репутацию работодателя, руководствующегося религиозной моралью.

    After this, he joined Leland McCauley’s Workforce to try to get the money to follow Mekt again, but only stayed with them a short time before McCauley’s complete lack of morals became too much and he quit.

    После этого он присоединился к рабочей силе Леланда Макколи, чтобы попытаться получить деньги, чтобы снова следовать за Мектом, но пробыл с ними лишь короткое время, прежде чем полное отсутствие морали Макколи стало слишком большим, и он ушел.

    Advocacy research units are created by individuals who are independently motivated through their own values and morals .

    Исследовательские подразделения по защите интересов создаются людьми, которые независимо мотивированы своими собственными ценностями и моралью.

    Afzal Biabani used to teach his disciples high morals like simplicity, social equality and to serve people irrespective of their caste, creed, language, religion and region.

    Афзал Биабани учил своих учеников высокой морали, такой как простота, социальное равенство и служение людям независимо от их касты, вероисповедания, языка, религии и региона.

    After faith, the second important requirement of religion is purification of morals .

    После веры вторым важным требованием религии является очищение нравов.

    Based on his experience at the Hampton Institute, Washington intended to train students in skills, morals , and religious life, in addition to academic subjects.

    Основываясь на своем опыте в Хэмптонском институте, Вашингтон намеревался обучать студентов навыкам, морали и религиозной жизни в дополнение к академическим предметам.

    Dougherty offers Richards a job paying three times more but he declines due to his morals .

    Догерти предлагает Ричардсу работу с зарплатой в три раза больше, но он отказывается из-за своих моральных принципов.

    Chapter three is an exposition of Islamic beliefs and practices, and concentrates more on the theological and legal manifestations of the morals discussed in the chapter of the Qur’an.

    Третья глава представляет собой изложение исламских верований и обычаев и больше концентрируется на богословских и правовых проявлениях морали, обсуждаемых в главе Корана.

    Conspiracy to corrupt public morals is an offence under the common law of England and Wales.

    Заговор с целью развращения общественной морали является преступлением в соответствии с общим правом Англии и Уэльса.

    Checkered flooring has become a de facto sign of Freemasons and signifies some member’s connection to biblical parables and morals .

    Клетчатый пол стал де-факто признаком масонов и означает связь некоторых членов с библейскими притчами и моралью.

    Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

    This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

    Asked by: Alberto Wintheiser

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    (52 votes)

    Immoral means not moral and connotes evil or licentious behavior. Amoral, nonmoral, and unmoral, virtually synonymous although the first is by far the most common form, mean utterly lacking in morals (either good or bad), neither moral nor immoral.

    What is morally wrong?

    Morally wrong acts are activities such as murder, theft, rape, lying, and breaking promises. Other descriptions would be that they are morally prohibited, morally impermissible, acts one ought not to do, and acts one has a duty to refrain from doing. Morally right acts are activities that are allowed.

    What is a morally person?

    By definition, moral character is the existence or lack of virtues such as integrity, courage, fortitude, honesty and loyalty. In other words, it means that you’re a good person and a good citizen with a sound moral compass.

    What is moral and non moral?

    ween moral and non-moral issues is that moral issues are based on values. … an immoral action is that is considered morally wrong. a moral action is an action which is considered morally right or good.

    Is morality bad or good?

    Both morality and ethics loosely have to do with distinguishing the difference between “good and bad” or “right and wrong.” Many people think of morality as something that’s personal and normative, whereas ethics is the standards of “good and bad” distinguished by a certain community or social setting.

    18 related questions found

    What does morally good mean?

    MORALLY GOOD AND MORALLY RIGHT. Let us understand at the outset that by «morally good» we mean the state of possessing what is generally regarded as good character, rooted in virtue, in the broad sense of this term that embraces a variety of particular virtues such as courage, justice, temperance and the like.

    What is moral behavior?

    Definition. To act according to ones moral values and standards. Children demonstrate prosocial and moral behavior when they share, help, co-operate, communicate, sympathize or in otherwise they demonstrate ability to care about others.

    What are the examples of non-moral?

    Examples include money, reputation, or fun; even liking sweet foods or loud music could be considered non-moral values.

    What is the difference between moral and non-moral action?

    Moral standards involve the rules people have about the kinds of actions they believe are morally right and wrong, as well as the values they place on the kinds of objects they believe are morally good and morally bad. Non-moral standards refer to rules that are unrelated to moral or ethical considerations.

    What is a person with no morals called?

    immoral Add to list Share. … When someone is immoral, they make decisions that purposely violate a moral agreement. Immoral is sometimes confused with amoral, which describes someone who has no morals and doesn’t know what right or wrong means.

    What is immoral behavior?

    Immoral describes a person or behavior that conscientiously goes against accepted morals—that is, the proper ideas and beliefs about how to behave in a way that is considered right and good by the majority of people. Immoral connotes the intent of evilness or wrongdoing, and it is a true antonym of moral.

    Can a person be moral but not ethical?

    Someone doesn’t need to be moral to be ethical. Someone without a moral compass may follows ethical codes to be in good standing with society. On the other hand, someone can violate ethics all the time because they believe something is morally right.

    How do you say someone is moral?

    1. conscientious,
    2. conscionable,
    3. ethical,
    4. honest,
    5. honorable,
    6. just,
    7. principled,
    8. scrupulous.

    Which word means morally bad?

    Immoral, referring to conduct, applies to one who acts contrary to or does not obey or conform to standards of morality; it may also mean licentious and perhaps dissipated. … Immoral, amoral, nonmoral, and unmoral are sometimes confused with one another. Immoral means not moral and connotes evil or licentious behavior.

    What does morally just mean?

    : treating people in a way that is considered morally right. : reasonable or proper.

    What is non-moral dilemma in ethics?

    There can be non-moral dilemmas, where the choice is between options that are undesirable or unsatisfactory for non-moral reasons. A person can have enough money to buy either a book or a shirt, and need both.

    What is immoral behavior examples?

    Since morality refers to things that are right, immorality has to do with things that are wrong — like stealing, lying, and murdering. … We can all agree killing is an example of immorality, but people disagree on whether things such as bad language are truly signs of immorality.

    What is non-moral action class 10?

    An act done for consideration of comfort and personal happiness in another world is non-moral. That action is moral which is done only for the sake of doing good. St. Francis Xavier and St. Theresa were devoted souls who prayed to God because they loved him.

    Is amorality a word?

    Amorality is an absence of, indifference towards, disregard for, or incapacity for morality. … Some simply refer to it as a case of not being moral or immoral. Amoral should not be confused with immoral, which refers to an agent doing or thinking something they know or believe to be wrong.

    What are examples of morals?

    While morals tend to be driven by personal beliefs and values, there are certainly some common morals that most people agree on, such as:

    • Always tell the truth.
    • Do not destroy property.
    • Have courage.
    • Keep your promises.
    • Do not cheat.
    • Treat others as you want to be treated.
    • Do not judge.
    • Be dependable.

    Are emotions moral or immoral?

    Most people do not realize how much their emotions direct their moral choices. But experts think it is impossible to make any important moral judgments without emotions. Inner-directed negative emotions like guilt, embarrassment, and shame often motivate people to act ethically.

    What makes something moral or immoral?

    A person is moral if that person follows the moral rules. A person is immoral if that person breaks the moral rules. … A person is ethical if that person is aware of the basic principles governing moral conduct and acts in a manner consistent with those principles. If the person does not do so they are unethical.

    Why moral is important?

    Morality protects life and is respectful of others – all others. … If morals are not taught our children will make decisions based on immediate needs and desired, and based on emotions, not on sound judgment and they take the short cut and easy path even if it is wrong.

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