Word meaning need for change

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

необходимость перемен

необходимость изменений

необходимости перемен

необходимость в переменах

необходимы перемены

необходимости изменений

потребность в изменении

на необходимость измениться

необходимы изменения

нужны перемены

Anger indicates a need for change.

As practice shows, people became interested in yoga when his not satisfied with something, when there is a need for change.

Как показывает практика, человек начинает интересоваться йогой тогда, когда в жизни его что-то не устраивает, когда присутствует необходимость перемен.

However, this leadership can also come from other stakeholders who have identified a need for change and who are willing to facilitate the process through leadership.

В то же время такое лидерство могут взять на себя и другие заинтересованные стороны, осознавшие необходимость перемен и готовые содействовать им, возглавив процесс консультаций.

Do Londoners see a need for change?

Similarly, senior leaders at the real estate firm mentioned earlier-the one that launched so many initiatives at once-began to see a need for change.

Аналогично, высшее руководство в упомянутой ранее риэлтерской фирме, — те, кто начали несколько инициатив одновременно, почувствовали необходимость перемен.

1 Response to A need for change

These shocking statistics demonstrate a need for change.

After more than 30 years I felt a need for change.

There definitely is a need for change in the political field…

Mermaids and fantastical sea animals, show a need for change or an urge to escape into a different life.

Русалки и фантастические морские животные — необходимость изменений или желание бегства в другую жизнь.

They had some issues come up with the kid’s schedule and a need for change.

It sought to analyse the reasons why there is a need for change.

The city comptroller commented that no statistics released by the oversight committee reflect a need for change in the budget plan.

The fact the bill had been submitted implied that there was a need for change.

The increased demand for peace operations and their greater scope and scale, however, had created a need for change.

Однако возросшая потребность в миротворческих операциях и увеличение их количества и масштабов обусловили необходимость изменений.

We believe that there is a need for change from the dull monotony of prepared statements.

There exists a need for change and quality improvement.

There is likely to be a need for change of approach and habits.

Castillo said he saw a need for change.

However, I’ve found that there are a few ways to create an environment that drives a need for change and fosters a culture of innovation.

Но мы разработали несколько способов создания пространства, которое пробуждает стремление к изменениям и развитию инновационной культуры.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 71. Точных совпадений: 71. Затраченное время: 239 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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including in document NPT/CONF.2005/WP.51.

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CONF. 2005/ WP. 51.

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The need for change was recognized by all, but agreement about the details proved elusive.

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The closing session of the conference tackled the need for change under four main headings.

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На заключительном заседании конференции необходимость изменений рассматривалась в контексте четырех основных вопросов.

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We are pleased to note that the need for change is now being widely recognized.

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We are all agreed on the need for change; we have been discussing it


four years.

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We believe that there is a need for change from the dull monotony of prepared statements.

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but Member States must consider carefully how to initiate such


and how to build consensus.

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члены должны тщательно взвесить, с чего начинать такие


и как обеспечить консенсус.

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As already noted and covered by many colleagues in their statements during this debate, the need for change is not the issue.

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Как уже указывали и отмечали многие коллеги в своих выступлениях в ходе этих прений, необходимость перемен более не ставится под сомнение.

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The Special Representative recommends that the Government publicly acknowledge the need for change and that it commit itself to addressing the human rights problems that abound in this area;

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Специальный представитель рекомендует правительству публично признать необходимость изменений и проявить приверженность решению правозащитных проблем, которых в этой области имеется огромное множество;

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Although the proposals in question were also modest, particularly when compared to the immense scale of peacekeeping operations,

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Хотя рассматриваемые предложения также носят умеренный характер, особенно в сравнении с огромными масштабами операций по поддержанию мира,

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At the High-level Meeting of 24 September,

a majority of States acknowledged the shortcomings of the existing machinery and the need for change in that area.

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На состоявшемся 24 сентября совещании

высокого уровня большинство государств признали недостатки существующего механизма и необходимость перемен в этой области.

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The real reasons behind the rebellion was not the meat, and the overall situation in the country,

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Истинными причинами восстания послужило не мясо, а общая ситуация



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During the biennium 2008-2009, the need for change became more pressing and a


management process was

implemented to ensure that ITC kept pace with


in the external environment.

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В течение двухгодичного периода 2008- 2009 годов необходимость преобразований стала более настоятельной для обеспечения соответствия

ЦМТ темпу изменений во внешних условиях, и был предпринят процесс управления


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The increased demand


peace operations and their greater scope and scale, however,

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Однако возросшая потребность в миротворческих операциях и увеличение их количества и

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The weakness of the existing institutions highlights the need for change to update

and democratize the entire architecture of the United Nations and the Bretton Woods agreements.

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Слабость существующих институтов делает настоятельно необходимыми изменения с целью обновления

и демократизации всей архитектуры Организации Объединенных Наций и бреттон- вудских соглашений.

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However, this leadership can also

come from other stakeholders who have identified a need for change and who are willing to facilitate the process through leadership.

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В то же время такое

лидерство могут взять на себя и другие заинтересованные стороны, осознавшие необходимость перемен и готовые содействовать им, возглавив процесс консультаций.

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The new format of economic relations dictates the need for change in the management of the agricultural industry.

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Most experts mentioned that there was a need for change to the international arrangement on forests

in order to further promote the achievement of sustainable forest management.

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Большинство экспертов отмечали потребность в изменениях


рамках Межправительственного механизма по лесам для дальнейшего

содействия обеспечению устойчивого лесопользования.

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It was important to help staff understand the direction in which the organization was heading and

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Было важно помочь персоналу понять, в каком направлении движется организация,

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Results: 112,
Time: 0.0277







Автоматический перевод

для разнообразия, для изменения, об изменении, для перемен, на изменение, к изменению, за изменение, к переменам, к смене, за смену, для смены, за перемены, ради разнообразия

Перевод по словам

change  — изменение, смена, замена, изменяться, изменять, разменный


How about dinner out for a change?

Давай для разнообразия поужинаем в ресторане?

We bought an unused car for a change.

На этот раз мы купили новый автомобиль.

Try and see my side of things for a change!

Попробуйте хоть раз посмотреть на вещи с моей точки зрения!

Many voters believe that it’s time for a change.

Многие избиратели считают, что пришло время для перемен.

Why don’t you pick on someone else for a change?

Почему бы тебе ради разнообразия не подразнить кого-нибудь другого?

It won’t hurt Julia to get up early for a change.

Джулии не повредит хоть раз для разнообразия встать рано утром.

After she left me I was longing for a change in my life.

После того, как она меня покинула, мне очень хотелось радикально изменить свою жизнь.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He takes the car in for periodic oil changes.  

His arguments for changing the rules were unconvincing.  

The day for changing from one occupancy to the next was on a Saturday.  

…it was time for a change of do, which called for a consult with her hairdresser…  

He won the election so convincingly that he believed he had been given a mandate for change.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

: as something different from what is usual

Let’s eat out for a change.

Why don’t you help me out for a change instead of me always helping you?!

Dictionary Entries Near for a change

Cite this Entry

“For a change.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/for%20a%20change. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Merriam-Webster unabridged

  1. Three aspects of semantic

  2. Causes of semantic change.

  3. Nature of semantic change.
    Metaphor and metonymy.

  4. Results of semantic change.

Word meanings are liable to change in the process of historical
of the language. The semantic structure of a word is never static.
The number of meanings may change, with new meanings being added and
some meaning dropping out; the existing meanings may be rearranged in
the semantic structure.

When speaking about semantic
change, we must distinguish between:

  1. the

    of semantic change, i.e. the factors bringing it about; we try to
    find out why
    the word has changed its meaning;

  2. the

    of semantic change; we describe the process of the change and try to
    answer the question how
    it has been brought about;

  3. the

    of semantic change; we try to state what
    has been changed.

These are three different but
closely connected aspects of the same problem.

The causes,
or factors,
that bring about semantic changes are classified into linguistic
and extralinguistic.
By extralinguistic

we mean various changes in the life of a speech community; changes in
social life, culture, science, technology, economy, etc. as reflected
in word meanings,

e.g. mill
originally was borrowed from Latin in the 1st c. B.C. in the meaning
«a building in which corn is ground into flour». When the
first textile factories appeared in Great Britain it acquired a new
meaning — «a textile factory». The cause of this semantic
change is scientific and technological progress.


are factors that operate within the language system.
They are:

In a phrase made up of two words one of them is omitted and its
meaning is transferred to the other one,

e.g. In
OE sterven (MnE to starve) meant “to die, perish». It was
often used in the phrase «sterven of hunger», the second
word was omitted and the verb acquired the new meaning
die of hunger».

of synonyms

e.g. In
OE land had two meanings: «1. solid part of Earth’s surface; 2.
the territory of a nation». In ME the word country was borrowed
as a synonym to land. Then the second meaning of land came to be
expressed by country and the semantic structure of land changed.


If one member of a synonymic set takes on a new meaning, other
members of the same set may acquire this meaning, too,

to catch acquired the meaning «understand»; its synonyms to
get, to qrasp also acquired the same meaning.

    1. A
      necessary condition of anу
      semantic change is some connection or association between the old,
      existing meaning and the new one. There are two
      main types of association

  1. Similarity
    of meaning or metaphor

  2. Contiguity
    of meaning or metonymy
    i.e. contact, proximity in place or time.

is the semantic process of associating two referents, one of which in
some way resembles the other. Metaphors may be based on similarity of
shape, size,
position, function, etc.

In various languages
metaphoric meanings of words denoting parts of the human body are
most frequent,

e.g. the
eye of a needle «hole in the end of a needle», the neck of
a bottle, the heart of a cabbage — the metaphoric meaning has
developed through similarity of the shape of two objects; the foot of
the hill — this metaphoric change is based on the similarity of
position; the hand of the clock, the Head of the school — the
metaphoric meaning is based on similarity of function.

A special group of metaphors
comprises proper nouns that have become common nouns,

e.g. a
Don Juan — «a lady-killer» , a vandal — «one who
destroys property, works of art» (originally «Germanic
tribe that in the 4th-5th c. ravaged Gaul, Spain, N. Africa, and
Rome, destroying many books and works of art»).

is a semantic process of associating two referents which are somehow
connected or linked in time or space. They may be connected because
they often appear in the same situation,

e.g. bench
has developed the meaning «judges» because it was on
benches that judges used to sit,

or the association may be of
material and an object made of it, etc.,

e.g. silver
– 1) certain .precious metal; 2) silver coins; 3) cutlery; 4)
silver medal,

or they may be associated
because one makes part of the other,

hands «workers» (because strong, skillful hands are the
most important part of a person engaged in physical labour).

Common nouns may be derived
from proper names through metonymic transference,

«high boots covering knees in front» (from the 1st Duke of
Wellington, Br. general and statesman, who introduced them in

Results of semantic change may be observed in the changes of the
denotative component

and the
connotative component

of word meaning.

1) Changes
of the denotative component are of two types

  1. broadening
    (or generalization,
    = widening, = extension)
    i.e. the range of the new meaning is broader, the word is applied to
    a wider range of referents,

e.g. to
arrive, borrowed from French, originally meant «to come to
shore, to land». In MnE it has developed a broader meaning «to
come». Yankee – 1) a native of New England (originally); 2) a
citizen of the USA (now).

(b) narrowing
(or specialization,
= restriction)

The word comes to denote a
more limited range of referents, fewer types of them,

e.g. meat
in OE meant «any food», now it means «flesh of animals
used as food» (i.e. some special food); in OE hound meant «a
dog», now it is «a dog of special breed used in chasing

As a
special group, we can mention proper
names derived from common nouns

e.g. the
Border — between Scotland and England,

Tower — the museum in London

2) Changes
in the connotative component of meaning are also of two types:

(or degradation,
= deterioration)
i.e. a word develops a meaning with a negative evaluative connotation
which was absent in the first meaning,

e.g. silly
«happy» (originally) — «foolish» (now);

(or amelioration)
i.e. the first meaning has a negative connotation and the new one has

e.g. nice
originally «foolish» — now «fine, good».

In other cases the new meaning
acquires positive connotation absent in the original meaning,

e.g. knight
«manservant» (originally) — «noble, courageous man»

The terms elevation and
degeneration of meaning are inaccurate as we actually deal not with
elevation or degradation of meanings but of referents.

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change verb

You don’t need to change — you look great as you are.

How often do you think he changes his shirt?

Could you change the baby (= the baby’s nappy)?

More examplesFewer examples
  • You are going to change, aren’t you? You can’t go in those tatty old jeans.
  • When did you last change the linen on the children’s beds?
  • I hadn’t even changed when our first guests arrived, so Jeff had to cope on his own.
  • I usually insist that he changes out of his work clothes before dinner.
  • Can you make sure your brother doesn’t walk in when I’m changing?

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

change verb

change verb

I changed into fourth (gear).

UK Change down to go round the corner.


Phrasal verbs

change noun

She gave me €5 in change.


Tuomas Lehtinen/ Moment/GettyImages

Do you have change for a 20-dollar bill?

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

change noun

She did a quick change before going on TV.

change noun

change noun

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases


(Definition of change from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

change | American Dictionary

change verb

[ I/T ]

to make or become different, or to do, use, or get one thing in place of another thing:

[ I ] Attitudes about lots of things changed during the 1960s.

[ I/T ]

To change over from one thing to something else is to stop doing or using one thing and to start doing or using another:

change verb

[ I ] I’ll just change into (= put on) something a little dressier.

change verb

Can you change a $100 bill for me?

change verb

[ I ] Change at Hartford for the train to Springfield.


change noun

 a change

Why don’t we eat on the porch for a change?

change noun

It costs $17 and you gave me $20, so here’s your $3 change.

I need change for a $50 bill because I want to take a taxi.

Do you have change for/of a dollar?

change noun

(Definition of change from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Examples of change


In each experimental session, there was just one color change to the sky or sphere and just one test-surface color.

You should say them all in the prescribed manner; do not change a thing.

The focus of the debate changed as well.

Ideas can «become true» if the world changes.

Co-ordination of head and eyes in the gaze changing behavior of cats.

We induced a change in direction selectivity in one of ten cells.

Dark- and light-induced changes in coupling between horizontal cells in mammalian retina.

But she also knows that when she is old her mind will have changed.

Disaggregation of household results by sources of income and expenditure patterns permits a fairly detailed analysis of likely changes in poverty.

The screening system permitted a population approach for quantification of changes in seed population thermal behaviour in relation to dormancy loss.

This is evident in changes of the nomenclature of family planning board to family welfare organization.

In contrast, the nonspatial characteristics of the target (such as its weight or function) are almost completely unlikely to change after the movement is planned.

When children attend to the input and repeatedly attempt to parse it, their performance undergoes a qualitative change.

The upshot of this is that adaptation to nonstationarity does not require qualitative changes in a learning algorithm.

Initial analysis of the data from the interviews and tapes of the novices also indicated qualitative changes in the nature of expertise as it developed.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Collocations with change

These are words often used in combination with change.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

abrupt change

The theoretical curves follow closely the dashed and dash-dotted numerical curves, and the abrupt change in tangent angle appears to fit almost exactly.

accelerating change

But, when we speak of helping young people to settle down in employment, we must recognise that they are facing a turbulent world of extraordinary and accelerating change.

adaptive change

The perception-action coupling is the result of an adaptive change of our central nervous system to environmental properties.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Generalization, Specialization, Amelioration, and Pejoration

APCortizasJr / Getty Images

Updated on October 05, 2018

Stick around long enough and you’ll notice that language changes—whether you like it or not. Consider this recent report from columnist Martha Gill on the redefinition of the word literally:

It’s happened. Literally the most misused word in the language has officially changed definition. Now as well as meaning «in a literal manner or sense; exactly: ‘the driver took it literally when asked to go straight over the traffic circle,'» various dictionaries have added its other more recent usage. As Google puts it, «literally» can be used «to acknowledge that something is not literally true but is used for emphasis or to express strong feeling.» . . .

«Literally,» you see, in its development from knock-kneed, single-purpose utterance, to swan-like dual-purpose term, has reached that awkward stage. It is neither one nor the other, and it can’t do anything right.»

(Martha Gill, «Have We Literally Broken the English Language?» The Guardian [UK], August 13, 2013)

Changes in word meanings (a process called semantic shift) happen for various reasons and in various ways. Four common types of change are broadening, narrowing, amelioration, and pejoration. (For more detailed discussions of these processes, click on the highlighted terms.)

  • Broadening
    Also known as generalization or extension, broadening is the process by which a word’s meaning becomes more inclusive than an earlier meaning. In Old English, for instance, the word dog referred to just one particular breed, and thing meant a public assembly. In contemporary English, of course, dog can refer to many different breeds, and thing can refer to, well, anything.
  • Narrowing
    The opposite of broadening is narrowing (also called specialization or restriction), a type of semantic change in which a word’s meaning becomes less inclusive. For example, in Middle English, deer could refer to any animal, and girl could mean a young person of either sex. Today, those words have more specific meanings.
  • Amelioration
    Amelioration refers to the upgrading or rise in status of a word’s meaning. For example, meticulous once meant «fearful or timid,» and sensitive meant simply «capable of using one’s senses.»
  • Pejoration
    More common than amelioration is the downgrading or depreciation of a word’s meaning, a process called pejoration. The adjective silly, for instance, once meant «blessed» or «innocent,» officious meant «hard working,» and aggravate meant to «increase the weight» of something.

What’s worth keeping in mind is that meanings don’t change over night. Different meanings of the same word often overlap, and new meanings can co-exist with older meanings for centuries. In linguistic terms, polysemy is the rule, not the exception.

«Words are by nature incurably fuzzy,» says linguist Jean Aitchison in the book Language Change: Progress Or Decay. In recent years, the adverb literally has become exceptionally fuzzy. In fact, it has slipped into the rare category of Janus words, joining terms like sanction, bolt, and fix that contain opposite or contradictory meanings.

Martha Gill concludes that there’s not much we can do about literally. The awkward stage that it’s going through may last for quite some time. «It is a moot word,» she says. «We just have to leave it up in its bedroom for a while until it grows up a bit.»

More About Language Change

  • The Endless Decline of the English Language
  • The Great Vowel Shift
  • Inconceivable!: 5 Words That May Not Mean What You Think They Mean
  • Key Dates in the History of the English Language
  • Six Common Myths About Language
  • Semantic Change and the Etymological Fallacy

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