Word meaning named after

named after — перевод на русский

Named after her, too.

Тоже назван в её честь.

According to tradition, he should be named after his deceased grandpa.

Согласно традиции, он должен быть назван в честь его дедушки-покойника.

…is to be named after Sub-lieutenant Ogilvy… hero of the State of Oceania… recently awarded, posthumously, the Order of Conspicuous Gallantry… for his action in the recent glorious victory… over the forces of Eastasia on the Malabar Front, in South India.

…назван в честь младшего лейтенанта Огилви… героя штата Океании.. Посмертно награжден… за храбрость … в войне с силами Остазии в Южной Индии на фронте Малабар.

Named after a saint who betrayed his best friend.

Назван в честь святого, который предал своего лучшего друга.

Named after Saint Augustine, who coined my favorite phrase…

Я назван в честь святого Августина, автора моей любимой фразы

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He was named after a general.

Его назвали в честь генерала.

They’re probably just named after them.

Их просто назвали в честь тех.

I was named after Arnold Bennett.

Меня так назвали в честь Арнольда Беннета.

He was named after his great-grandmother on his mother’s side: Remigia or Reymtge Cornelis’ daughter of Banchem:

Его назвали в честь прабабки по материнской линии — то ли Ремигии, то ли Реймигии, урождённой Банхем, —

Named after Scarlett O’Hara, but much less trouble.

Назвали в честь Скарлетт О’Хара. Хотя до её стервозности мне далеко.

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The capital of North Dakota is named after what German ruler?

Столица северной Дакоты названа в честь какого немецкого правителя?

It is named after our 18th president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Она названа в честь нашего 18-ого Президента, Франклина Делано Рузвельта.

It’s one of the 30 named giant sequoias in the Giant Forest in California, and it’s named after the first man.

Одна из 30 гигантских секвой в гигантском калифорнийском лесу названа в честь первого человека.

The award’s named after the legendary Tony Tellenson, who was a great man.

Премия была названа в честь легендарного Тони Телленсона, который был великим человеком.

You never told me you were named after Joni M.

Ты никогда не говорила что была названа в честь Джони М.

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Must be rough being named after a complete butthead.

Трудно, должно быть, носить имя законченного придурка.

Yes, yes, it’s named after the Serbian porn star.

Да-да, это имя сербской порно-звезды.

Fun fact for you, a lot of people think the Mustang was named after the horse.

Не плохо, все думают, что мустнаг получил имя от лошади, а на самом деле от самолёта.

The projects I lived in was named after Zachary Taylor, Generally considered to be

Дом для бедных, в котором я жил носил имя Закари Тейлора, который считается

Which, by the way, isn’t exactly gonna be a fitting name after you, you know, stop blurring and start standing in the spotlight.

И это имя, между прочим, будет не очень-то подходить, когда ты прекратишь исчезать в тумане и будешь стоять в свете прожекторов.

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Named after my grandfather, I think.

Вроде бы, это в честь дедушки.

My mother said it was named after my grandfather.

Мама говорила, что это в честь моего дедушки.

Named after Heinrich Christian Funck, who also invented disco dancing.

» в честь Генриха Кристиана Фанка, который изобрел диско»

Yes, named after Dr. O’Neal of Los Angeles… formerly of Orlando.

ПрорьIвом Шакила. Да, в честь доктора О’Нила из Лос-Анджелеса.

It was named after the revolt…

— А почему? — В честь восстания.

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You are named after the dog?

Тебя назвали собачьим именем?

Clayton Ravine was named after a teacher.

«щелье лейтон назвали из.за учительницы.

Being named after your mother; it seems as though it was always meant to be.

Ее и назвали в честь твоей матери, кажется, что все так и должно было случиться.

He tells people he was named after a gun.

Он всем говорит, что его назвали в честь пистолета.

In fact, I even got a mountain named after me.

В мою честь там даже гору назвали.

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Sound good to you, to have an avenue name after you?

А вы бы хотели, чтобы вашим именем назвали улицу?

I mean, when I pulled you out of that burning wreckage, I wasn’t doing it to have a battleship named after me.

В смысле, когда я вытаскивал вас из того горящего самолета, я делал это не для того, чтобы моим именем назвали линкор.

«Richard Stands» sounds real, like one of those guys that you don’t really know what he did, but there’s a beer named after him.

«Которон Симвализир» звучит так же реально, как один из тех парней, о которых ты ничего не знаешь, но его именем назвали пиво.

It’s a job with many responsibilities, and today it’s my responsibility to kiss the butt of some jerk getting a goal post named after him, but at least now I feel really good about it.

Эта работа включает в себя многие обязанности, и сегодня моя обязанность заключается в том, чтобы целовать задницу одному козлу, именем которого назовут стойку ворот, но в данный момент мне нравится этим заниматься.

My best friend isn’t screwing my wife on the boat that I paid for and named after her?

Мой лучший друг не спит с моей женой на лодке, которую я купил и назвал ее именем?

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As a result of this, President Monroe put forth the eponymous — meaning «named after oneself» — Monroe Doctrine, which, in one sense, established the US as a local peacekeeper

В результате, президент Монро предложил эпоним — что значит «названную его именем» — Доктрину Монро, в которой США провозглашалось региональным миротворцем

(TAPE SPOOLS) The fourth planet of the solar system, named after the Roman God of War.

Четвертая планета Солнечной системы, названная по имени римского бога войны.

Is the word «tapestry» named after the Bayeux tapestry but they decided to make it mean something…

Слово «гобелен» названо по имени гобелена из Байё, но они решили, что его значение больше подойдёт…

One of the newest languages on the planet is Klingon, named after the eponymous Star Trek species.

Один из самых молодых языков на планете — клингонский, названный по имени одной из рас в Звёздном Пути.

The man with the fort named after him.

Человек, чьим именем назван форт.

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I won’t change my last name after marriage

Я не буду менять фамилию после свадьбьI, ладьI?

I won’t change my name after marriage

Я не поменяю фамилию после свадьбьI.

I changed my name after my sister died.

Я сменил фамилию после смерти сестры.

No, We stopped taking names after the president was murdered,

Мы перестали регистрировать фамилии после смерти президента.

But the reality is that anything named after a Zinberg will always be at the end of the book.

Но дело в том, что Z — последняя буква алфавита, и фамилия Зинберг обречена оказаться в самом конце книги.

Light leaders are named after our sacred trees.

Светлые же — названия наших священных деревьев

Now each table is named after a college I want to go to.

Теперь у каждого столика есть названия колледжей, в которые я хочу поступить.

The lindy hop was so named after Charles Lindbergh’s flight to Paris in 1927, when the newspaper headlines read,

Лин хоп получил свое название в 1927, когда Чарльз Линдберг вернулся из Парижа, а газетные заголовки гласили,

But I’ll go to any town named after a food.

Но я поеду в любой город с вкусным названием.

Named after my favorite network.

Название моего любимого канала.

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В Москве обучение русскому языку иностранцев, как в во всей России много учреждений названых в честь кого-либо. От этого ни гостям столицы, ни тем более, местным жителям, не скрыться. Музеи имени Пушкина, Тимирязева, МГУ имени Ломоносова, Метрополитен и Библиотека имени Ленина, Университеты имени Губкина, Шолохова, Лумумбы, Парк имени Горького, колледж имени Гнесиных, Театральный институт имени Бориса Щукина, институт скорой помощи имени Н. В. Склифосовского, Больница имени Кащенко…

Конечно, москвичи, со свойственной им страстью к сокращениям давно придумали Склиф, Щепку, Шолоховку, Лумумбарий, Ленинку, Гнесинку. Щуку, Горбушку (Дворец культуры имени Горбунова).

Однако, от необходимости донести до иностранцев названия учреждений не уйти.

Часто на уроке английского дистанционно при переводе используется фраза «named after». Например, пензенский «The Museum of One Painting named after G. V. Myasnikov». Вместо просто » Myasnikov Museum of One Painting » И таких пример настолько много, что «named after» стало привычкой перевода на пост-советском пространстве.

Но так ли оно правильно? Глагол «name» вместе с предлогом «after» в английском языке действительно существует. Только означает она «назван в честь». Казалось бы, всё правильно, но рассмотрим реальный пример, для экзотики, из Эфиопии:

A renovated and expanded Modern Art Museum named after Gebre Kristos Desta, who lived and painted from 1932 to 1981, opened on Friday, October 10, 2008.

Обновлённый и расширенный музей современного искусства НАЗВАННЫЙ В ЧЕСТЬ Гебре Кристоса Десты, который жил и творил с 1932 до 1981, открыт в пятницу, 10 октября, 2008.

При этом, на самом здании написано: Modern Art Museum. Gebre Kristos Desta center.

Есть, конечно, ещё sacred to. Но его точно так не используют.

То есть, само название музея фразы «named after» не содержит. Мы употребляем её, когда рассказываем о том, почему в честь кого-то назвали то или иное здание.

В США учебное заведение, которое мы называем «Университет имени Вашингтона» именуется просто «Washington University». Но только не «Washington’s University» ибо это уже означает «университет, в котором обучался Вашингтон». «Named after» непривычно для английского слуха, поэтому и Парк имени Горького называется Gorky Park. Ведь мы уже и сами говорим «Парк Горького».

«Именами» стали наряду с фамилиями партийные клички: Санаторий имени Артёма, Мариупольский металлургический комбинат имени Ильича.

Давать такие имена начали не только в честь людей, и даже не событий, а юбилеев этих событий: Парк имени 60-летия Октября.

В компьютерной игре Half-Life 2 присутствует локация: Шахта Победы им. 50-летия. Прочитайте внимательно. Шахта Победы им. 50-летия , а не Шахта им. 50-летия Победы.

Да и объекты стали немалыми: географическими объектами. Существует Село имени Калинина (Дагестан), Район имени Полины Осипенко в Хабаровском крае, Посёлок имени Цюрупы (Подмосковье), Хутор имени Тельмана (Ставропольский край). А в этом случае, «имени» стоит транслитеровать, так как это имя собственное. Imeni Tsuryupy.

Традиция дошла до смешного. В частности, появились шутки про «хор имени мальчиков», «Парк культуры имени отдыха», а во времене десталинизации, когда всё, названное в честь Сталина срочно меняли на Ленина шутили, что Институт стали превратился в Институт лени.

Однако, добавлять слово «имени» к названиям университетов, школ, музеев и прочих учреждений начали даже не в Советском Союзе, а ещё до революции.

С мая 1895 года до ноября 1917 года официальное название Государственного исторического музея (ГИМ), находящегося рядом с Интенсивом, звучало следующим образом — «Императорский Российский исторический музей имени Императора Александра III».

Полное собрание законов Российской Империи 1898 года указывает на:

  • Гатчинское реальное училище имени императора Александра III,
  • Приюта имени братьев Петра, Александра и Василия Бахрушиных
  • Санкт-Петербургская школа пивоварения имени С.Ю. Витте

И главный вопрос, следует ли прекратить использовать это «named after», до которого носители сами просто не додумаются, ставшее уже своего рода русизмом или советизмом в английских текстах, раскрывающих родной язык пишущего?

Конечно, если с этими названиями не иметь дела, это всегда будет несколько коробить нерусского слушателя, но разве такое необычное для англичан использование причастия внутри официального названия не является достойным изобретением русских, говорящих на английском? Вероятность того, что англичане «заимствуют» этот оборот, крайне мала. Использовать «named after» как национальную фишку или принести этот феномен в жертву правильности современного (пока ещё) английского (хотя теперь на нём говорят не только англо-саксы) языка ещё нужно решить.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Myrl Johns

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(23 votes)

named after. DEFINITIONS1. (name someone after someone/something) to give someone or something the same name as someone or something else, especially the same first name as a member of your family. Albert was named after his grandfather. Synonyms and related words.

Is named after or was named after?

Both are correct and interchangeable. But let’s look at some more examples: She was named after her mother. She was named for her mother.

How do you use named after?

to give someone or something the same name as another person or thing: Paul was named after his grandfather. She told us about his brother, Apollo, born in 1969 and named for the US astronauts’ mission to the moon. We named our dogs after Tolkien characters.

When something is named after a person?

Eponymous is a fancy word used to describe things (restaurants, books, movies, etc.) that are named after a person. One of the more common uses of eponymous is in articles or stories about the history of something that’s named after a person who is still alive or involved.

Was named or is named?

Accordingly, it doesn’t matter if you go with «is named» or «was named.» The point here is that if you use the construction who + participle, then you need to add a linking verb, and syntax doesn’t care if it’s «is» or «was.» That said, if John Meyer is still alive, use is; sentence processing flows much better that …

30 related questions found

What do you call a place named after someone?

An eponym is a person, place, or thing after whom or which someone or something is, or is believed to be, named. The adjectives derived from eponym include eponymous and eponymic.

Is Down syndrome an eponym?

In this study, Down syndrome has been used as an example because of several reasons – it is one of the long-lived eponyms used worldwide without many variations; its both possessive and nonpossesive forms are widely prevalent within a country, journal, textbook, monograph, or even within an article; it has dropped an …

What are the six types of eponyms?

Eponyms may be grouped traditionally into at least six structural types: simple eponyms, compounds and attributive constructions, suffix-based derivatives, possessives, clippings and blends, the division being suggested by McArthur [4:378].

Are you named after anyone meaning?

To be “named after” someone or something means that there must be a specific person, place, or event that inspires the name.

What is a synonym for namesake?


  • brand.
  • flag.
  • label.
  • nickname.
  • sign.
  • signature.
  • style.
  • term.

How do you say you were named after someone?

Eponymous, being the adjective derived from the word eponym, carries the same meaning—it describes someone after whom something was named. So, if you talk about the movie John Carter, you can say that its eponymous character gets to go to Mars.

What is not named after its creator?

Marmalade, a fruit preserve, is the item that is not named after a person. … The word marmalade itself first appeared in the English language in 1480, borrowed from French marmelade which, in turn, came from the Galician-Portuguese word marmelada.

What kind of eponym is theremin?

An eponym is a person or thing, whether real or fictional, after which a particular place, tribe, era, discovery, or other item is named or thought to be named. For example, Léon Theremin is the eponym of the theremin; Louis Braille is the eponym of the Braille word system created by him for use by the blind.

What type of eponym is Fahrenheit?

Our two methods of measuring temperature, Celsius and Fahrenheit, are both eponyms. The former comes from Anders Celsius (1701-1744), a Swedish astronomer, and the latter from Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit (1686-1736), the German physicist who introduced the use of mercury in thermometers.

Is nicotine a eponym?

It may come as a surprise to learn that nicotine is an eponym. … Nicotine occurs in the compound nouns nicotine gum and nicotine patch, used by those who are trying to give up smoking. Many plants and animals are named either after the person who discovered them, or after important people involved in their discovery.

Is Kleenex an eponym?

Proprietary eponyms are another matter entirely. These are general words that are, or were at one time, proprietary brand names or service marks. Kleenex, for example, is a brand of facial tissues, yet the word is used today to refer to facial tissues of any brand.

What are the other names for Down syndrome?

A medical term for having an extra copy of a chromosome is ‘trisomy. ‘ Down syndrome is also referred to as Trisomy 21. This extra copy changes how the baby’s body and brain develop, which can cause both mental and physical challenges for the baby.

Does Crohns have an apostrophe?

There has been a gradual transition over the past few decades by both authors and editors to omit the apostrophe (Crohns disease) and, more recently, to eliminate the possessive altogether (Crohn disease).

Can 2 people have the exact same name?

One who or that which has the same name as another; a namesake.

What is it called when you are named after your father?

A patronymic, or patronym, is a component of a personal name based on the given name of one’s father, grandfather (avonymic), or an earlier male ancestor. A component of a name based on the name of one’s mother or a female ancestor is a matronymic.

What is it called when a daughter is named after the mother?

A daughter named after her mother is fairly unusual, and a daughter whose naming is proclaimed with the title “Junior” or “II” betokens a woman—perhaps two women—of unusual stature. Consider a few modern examples: Ad. 1. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Jr.

Has been created synonym?

In this page you can discover 51 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for created, like: produced, spawned, made, established, reproduced, molded, generated, invented, planned, contrived and actualized.

What is the meaning of appellation?

1 : an identifying name or title : designation was entitled to the appellation «doctor» 2 : a geographical name (as of a region, village, or vineyard) under which a winegrower is authorized to identify and market wine also : the area designated by such a name.


Автоматический перевод


Перевод по словам

name  — назвать, называть, указывать, назначать, имя, название, наименование, фамилия
after  — после, спустя, вслед, после, через, за, по, после того как, последующий, задний


He was named after his father.

Его назвали в честь отца.

He was named after his grandpa.

Его назвали в честь дедушки.

The new school was named after the famous Civil Rights leader.

Новая школа была названа в честь знаменитого лидера Движения за гражданские права.

The street is named after the famous South African leader, Nelson Mandela.

Эта улица названа в честь знаменитого южноафриканского лидера, Нельсона Манделы.

The region is littered with bridges and buildings named after this great man.

В этом районе многие мосты и здания носят имя этого великого человека.

…a dressmaker whom everyone knows as “Bet,” her adopted alias in the dressmaking business that she named after Betsy Ross…

…портниха, которую все знают как “Бет», это ее псевдоним в швейном бизнесе, который она взяла в честь Бетси Росс…

Whose name is after yours on the list?

Чьё имя находится в списке после вашего?

Zimmerman changed his name after he left Germany.

После отъезда из Германии Циммерман изменил имя.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He decided to westernize his name after moving from Japan to Canada.  

The explorers were immortalized when the mountains were named after them.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


This Roman-era doorway was named after the 19th-century French archaeologist who discovered it.

Этот римский дверной проем был назван в честь французского археолога 19-го века, который его открыл.

None of them were named after the late President.

Ни один из них не был назван в честь последнего президента.

This minor planet was named after named after the Greek region of Arcadia in central Peloponnese.

Малая планета названа в честь греческой области Аркадия в центральном Пелопоннесе.

Another asks me if I was named after Lenin.

The album was named after the defunct theme park in Houston.

Как мы помним, альбом назван в честь закрытого парка развлечений в Хьюстоне.

Another theory suggests it was named after Benjamin Count, a heavyweight boxing champion.

Другая теория предполагает, что он был назван в честь Бенджамина Графа, чемпиона по боксу в супертяжелом весе.

Asteroid 2362 Mark Twain was named after him.

В дополнение к этому, астероид 2362 был назван в честь Марка Твена.

Founded in 1855 and named after founder Ovid Butler.

Основан в 1855 году и назван в честь его основателя Овида Батлера.

The latest F4 to be named after Castiglioni is even wilder.

Последний F4, который будет назван в честь Кастильони, станет ещё более диким.

1920, she was named after the 18th-century Admiral Samuel Hood.

Введенный в эксплуатацию в 1920 году, он был назван в честь адмирала 18-го века Сэмюэля Гуда.

It was named after the English gardener Thomas Hoy.

Род назван в честь английского садовода Томаса Хойа (Thomas Hoy).

Hutchinsonite was named after John Hutchinson, a prominent mineralogist from Cambridge University.

Гутчинсонит был назван в честь Джона Хатчинсона (John Hutchinson), известного минералога из Кембриджского университета.

Son Sergei (named after Rachmaninoff and Yesenin).

It was named after the Dutch singer Aaltje Noordewier-Reddingius.

Назван в честь голландской певицы Алтье Нордевир-Реддингиус (нидерл. Aaltje Noordewier-Reddingius).

The bridge named after the four statues that characterize it.

They were named after governors, brigadiers and high-ranking officers.

Нередко их называли в честь губернаторов, бригадных генералов и высокопоставленных чиновников.

Investigating this effect, he created the device named after him.

Изучая этот эффект, он и создал устройство, названное в его честь.

Trams still trundle down streets named after colonial governors.

Трамваи по-прежнему ездят по улицам, названным в честь колониальных правителей.

Historically, there are some tribal areas named after some ethnic groups.

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named after. DEFINITIONS1. (name someone after someone/something) to give someone or something the same name as someone or something else, especially the same first name as a member of your family. Albert was named after his grandfather. Synonyms and related words.

Is named after or was named after?

Both are correct and interchangeable. But let’s look at some more examples: She was named after her mother. She was named for her mother.

How do you use named after?

to give someone or something the same name as another person or thing: Paul was named after his grandfather. She told us about his brother, Apollo, born in 1969 and named for the US astronauts’ mission to the moon. We named our dogs after Tolkien characters.

When something is named after a person?

Eponymous is a fancy word used to describe things (restaurants, books, movies, etc.) that are named after a person. One of the more common uses of eponymous is in articles or stories about the history of something that’s named after a person who is still alive or involved.

Was named or is named?

Accordingly, it doesn’t matter if you go with «is named» or «was named.» The point here is that if you use the construction who + participle, then you need to add a linking verb, and syntax doesn’t care if it’s «is» or «was.» That said, if John Meyer is still alive, use is; sentence processing flows much better that …

30 related questions found

What do you call a place named after someone?

An eponym is a person, place, or thing after whom or which someone or something is, or is believed to be, named. The adjectives derived from eponym include eponymous and eponymic.

Is Down syndrome an eponym?

In this study, Down syndrome has been used as an example because of several reasons – it is one of the long-lived eponyms used worldwide without many variations; its both possessive and nonpossesive forms are widely prevalent within a country, journal, textbook, monograph, or even within an article; it has dropped an …

What are the six types of eponyms?

Eponyms may be grouped traditionally into at least six structural types: simple eponyms, compounds and attributive constructions, suffix-based derivatives, possessives, clippings and blends, the division being suggested by McArthur [4:378].

Are you named after anyone meaning?

To be “named after” someone or something means that there must be a specific person, place, or event that inspires the name.

What is a synonym for namesake?


  • brand.
  • flag.
  • label.
  • nickname.
  • sign.
  • signature.
  • style.
  • term.

How do you say you were named after someone?

Eponymous, being the adjective derived from the word eponym, carries the same meaning—it describes someone after whom something was named. So, if you talk about the movie John Carter, you can say that its eponymous character gets to go to Mars.

What is not named after its creator?

Marmalade, a fruit preserve, is the item that is not named after a person. … The word marmalade itself first appeared in the English language in 1480, borrowed from French marmelade which, in turn, came from the Galician-Portuguese word marmelada.

What kind of eponym is theremin?

An eponym is a person or thing, whether real or fictional, after which a particular place, tribe, era, discovery, or other item is named or thought to be named. For example, Léon Theremin is the eponym of the theremin; Louis Braille is the eponym of the Braille word system created by him for use by the blind.

What type of eponym is Fahrenheit?

Our two methods of measuring temperature, Celsius and Fahrenheit, are both eponyms. The former comes from Anders Celsius (1701-1744), a Swedish astronomer, and the latter from Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit (1686-1736), the German physicist who introduced the use of mercury in thermometers.

Is nicotine a eponym?

It may come as a surprise to learn that nicotine is an eponym. … Nicotine occurs in the compound nouns nicotine gum and nicotine patch, used by those who are trying to give up smoking. Many plants and animals are named either after the person who discovered them, or after important people involved in their discovery.

Is Kleenex an eponym?

Proprietary eponyms are another matter entirely. These are general words that are, or were at one time, proprietary brand names or service marks. Kleenex, for example, is a brand of facial tissues, yet the word is used today to refer to facial tissues of any brand.

What are the other names for Down syndrome?

A medical term for having an extra copy of a chromosome is ‘trisomy. ‘ Down syndrome is also referred to as Trisomy 21. This extra copy changes how the baby’s body and brain develop, which can cause both mental and physical challenges for the baby.

Does Crohns have an apostrophe?

There has been a gradual transition over the past few decades by both authors and editors to omit the apostrophe (Crohns disease) and, more recently, to eliminate the possessive altogether (Crohn disease).

Can 2 people have the exact same name?

One who or that which has the same name as another; a namesake.

What is it called when you are named after your father?

A patronymic, or patronym, is a component of a personal name based on the given name of one’s father, grandfather (avonymic), or an earlier male ancestor. A component of a name based on the name of one’s mother or a female ancestor is a matronymic.

What is it called when a daughter is named after the mother?

A daughter named after her mother is fairly unusual, and a daughter whose naming is proclaimed with the title “Junior” or “II” betokens a woman—perhaps two women—of unusual stature. Consider a few modern examples: Ad. 1. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Jr.

Has been created synonym?

In this page you can discover 51 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for created, like: produced, spawned, made, established, reproduced, molded, generated, invented, planned, contrived and actualized.

What is the meaning of appellation?

1 : an identifying name or title : designation was entitled to the appellation «doctor» 2 : a geographical name (as of a region, village, or vineyard) under which a winegrower is authorized to identify and market wine also : the area designated by such a name.

  • 1
    named after

    Общая лексика: им., имени

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > named after

  • 2
    named after

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > named after

  • 3
    named after the scientist

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > named after the scientist

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    (the) town is named after …

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (the) town is named after …

  • 5
    All-russian scientific-research institute of mineral resources named after N.M.Fedorovsky (VIMS)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > All-russian scientific-research institute of mineral resources named after N.M.Fedorovsky (VIMS)

  • 6
    City of Saints (Montreal, so called because of its streets named after saints)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > City of Saints (Montreal, so called because of its streets named after saints)

  • 7
    Federal Scientific Centre of Hygiene named after F.F. Erisman

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Federal Scientific Centre of Hygiene named after F.F. Erisman

  • 8
    Flight Research Institute (FRI) named after M.M. Gromov


    Лётно-исследовательский институт им. М.М. Громова

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  • 9
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    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov

  • 10
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    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Nichiren Buddhism (One of the largest schools of Japanese Buddhism named after its founder, the 13th-century militant prophet and saint Nichiren)

  • 11
    Russian academy of economics named after Plekhanov

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Russian academy of economics named after Plekhanov

  • 12
    State Academy of Oil and Gas named after I.M.Gubkin

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > State Academy of Oil and Gas named after I.M.Gubkin

  • 13
    State Central Museum of Musical Culture named after M.I. Glinka

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > State Central Museum of Musical Culture named after M.I. Glinka

  • 14
    Zaporozhstal Named after S.Ordzhonikidze, Zaporozhje metallurgic plant

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Zaporozhstal Named after S.Ordzhonikidze, Zaporozhje metallurgic plant

  • 15
    be named (after)

    Общая лексика:

    носить имя

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be named (after)

  • 16
    be named after

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be named after

  • 17
    he was named after his uncle

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he was named after his uncle

  • 18
    the child was named after his father

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the child was named after his father

  • 19
    the equations are named after

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the equations are named after

  • 20
    the university is named after Lomonosov

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the university is named after Lomonosov


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См. также в других словарях:

  • named after — {adj. phr.} Given the same name as someone. * /Archibald was named after his father./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • named after — {adj. phr.} Given the same name as someone. * /Archibald was named after his father./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • named after — adj. phr. Given the same name as someone. Archibald was named after his father …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Named after — named for; to call someone the same name …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • named after — named in honor of a person or thing, given the name of a person or thing …   English contemporary dictionary

  • named after — Australian Slang named for; to call someone the same name …   English dialects glossary

  • List of foods named after people — This is a list of food items named after people. :For other lists of eponyms (names derived from people) see eponym. :For a list of eponyms sorted by name see List of eponyms.A* Fillet of Beef Prince Albert – Queen Victoria s Consort Prince… …   Wikipedia

  • List of comic and cartoon characters named after people — For other lists of people, see Lists of people. For other lists of eponyms (names derived from people), see Lists of etymologies. For a list of eponyms sorted by name, see List of eponyms. This is a list of characters from animated cartoon, comic …   Wikipedia

  • List of U.S. counties named after rivers — This is a list of U.S. counties which are named for rivers.Counties possibly named for rivers*Cumberland County, Illinois: Cumberland is named for either the Cumberland River or the Cumberland Road. *San Juan County, Utah: San Juan is possibly… …   Wikipedia

  • List of places named after people — There are a number of places named after famous people. For more on the general etymology of place names see toponomy. For other lists of eponyms (names derived from people) see eponym.Continents*Americas (North America and South America) ndash;… …   Wikipedia

  • List of places named after places in the United States — This is a list of places named after places in the United States. It does not include places named after nearby cities, such as East Cleveland, Ohio.*Bowling Green, Ohio named after Bowling Green, Kentucky named after Bowling Green, Virginia *… …   Wikipedia

Named after

Today’s expression is “named after.” What does it mean to be “named after” someone or something? This is how we describe where you got your name or, more specifically, how and why your parents selected your name. And this is the rule: to use “named after” there must be a specific person, place, or event that inspires the name. Keep that in mind as we go through the examples. To be “named after” someone or something, there must be some meaning in the name.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are in the news again because they had a baby daughter. The daughter’s name is Lilibet and she is named after her great-grandmother, the Queen of England. The great-grandmother’s name is Elizabeth, but her private nickname is Lililbet; the new baby’s name is Lilibet; so we can say, Meghan and Harry’s new daughter is named after Queen Elizabeth.

She is also named after her grandmother. How can that be true, you might ask? Well, Lilibet’s middle name is Diana. Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor is her full name. So, she’s named after the Queen and the late Princess Diana. In that way, a person can be named after two people. Now, it wouldn’t be a story about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex if there wasn’t a little family controversy: Lilibet is the Queen’s fairly private nickname, used only by her inner circle. And there are rumors—which everyone denies—that the Queen was not consulted before her private nickname was given, officially, to Harry and Meghan’s daughter. I’ll stay out of that family drama!

It’s common to name kids after family members. That would be the most common inspiration of names for children. But, some parents name their kids after their idols or heroes. The first black baseball player in the Major Leagues was called Jackie Robinson; today, Robinson Canó is the second baseman for the Seattle Mariners. He was named after Jackie Robinson. There are a lot of similar examples. Mariah Carey’s daughter is named Monroe; she’s named after Marilyn Monroe, the actress who Carey admired.

Some people’s names—their first names, I mean—are just a name that their parents liked. In that case, they’re not named after anyone. I, for example, am not named after anyone. Jeff, Jeffrey: this was just a name my parents liked, and that’s what I got.

I’m going to pause here and give you an example where you cannot use “named after.” A popular baby name these days is Brooklyn, which is also the name of a part of New York City (we talked about it in Lesson 236 ). But most babies named “Brooklyn” are not given that name because their parents have a particular affection for Brooklyn, New York; they get the name because it’s a popular name. So, most of the little Brooklyns running around are not named after a part of New York. They were just given that name.

If you find a person has an unusual name, you might ask him or her, “Were you named after anyone special?” And that person may reply, “Yes, I was named after my grandmother” or “Nope, I wasn’t named after anyone. My parents just liked this name.”

Now, let’s talk about another way to use “named after” and that’s pets. You have a little more license with pets, a little more freedom than you have with naming a child. You can’t ruin a pet’s life by naming him after something embarrassing!

There is a famous comet called Halley’s comet. It’s visible on earth every 75 or 76 years and was last seen in 1986. Prior to that, it was visible in 1910 and 1835; its appearances have been recorded by humans dating back to the year 141 AD in China. Some people think it was recorded on earth even earlier than that, but we can’t be certain. One of my family pets was born in 1986. My parents named her Halley, after the famous comet that appeared in the year of her birth. She was named after the comet.

Do you remember, then, how you heard it in today’s lesson? A pair of dinosaur researchers found fossils on their property. They suspected it was a new species, but they weren’t sure. So, they gave the dinosaur a nickname: Cooper. They named it after Cooper Creek , which was a creek, really a small river, near where he was found. The scientists could have named it anything they wanted; this was just an informal name while they examined the fossils more closely.

Did you know, that the city of New York is named after the Duke of York? Dutch settlers in the area named it New Amsterdam, after the capital of the Netherlands. Then, England seized the land in 1664 and named it after the Duke of York. And, so now, we have New York. Chicago is a Native American word that means “garlic.” Our city was named after the most common plant growing nearby when the area was settled. The city of Houston was named after a famous general, Sam Houston, who fought for the Republic of Texas before it became part of the United States.

Quote of the Week

Here’s another disputed quote. A lot of my quotes lately have been disputed, meaning we don’t know exactly who said them first. This quote has been attributed to many people. We’ll officially say it’s from Albert Einstein, although when he used it, he was quoting someone else—he just didn’t say who. But since he was the first to commit it to writing, we’ll say it belongs to Einstein.

Here’s the quote, “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.” This quote draws a distinction between the very practical things you learn in school, versus the wisdom and experience you come away with from everyday life. Meaning that wisdom and experience can come from school, or from what I like to call “the school of life.”

But education, according to this quote, is not simply facts or very narrow skills, but something you acquire over the years that runs deeper. So, listen one more time, “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school,” and we’ll give that to Albert Einstein.

See you next time!

And that’s all for today, Monday, June 28, 2021. Thanks so much for making Plain English a part of your English learning; for more on this lesson, visit PlainEnglish.com/376.

Before we go, I wanted to let you know about one feature in Plain English Plus+ that I don’t talk about too often. On our website, we have lots of places where you can practice writing your own examples. So, on the page for “named after,” for example, Plus+ members can go to the bottom of the page and write their own examples. And I read every single example and provide feedback or little suggestions to help you improve. And that goes for all our expressions and how-to videos.

So, if you ever find yourself thinking, you’re learning a lot of great new expressions, but you’re worried that you won’t remember them, or you’re not quite sure how to use it yourself—get into Plain English Plus+ and start practicing right on our pages and I will personally look and give you tips. That’s just one of the great ways Plain English Plus+ can help you upgrade your English. To join, visit PlainEnglish.com/Plus .

¿Hablas español?

The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into Spanish. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

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Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

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The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

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Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

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Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

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Você fala português?

The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

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Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

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Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

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The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

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Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

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Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

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Yes, please visit PlainEnglish.com/sample to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

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Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!

Parli italiano?

The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

How can I use the translations in my studies?

Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

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Yes, please visit PlainEnglish.com/sample to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

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Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

How can I use the translations in my studies?

Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

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Yes, please visit PlainEnglish.com/sample to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

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Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!

Sen Türkçe konuşmayı biliyor musun?

The transcripts of Plain English lessons are available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation. Turkish translations are available starting at Lesson 278.

How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

How can I use the translations in my studies?

Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

Do the translations work on mobile?

Yes! Instead of hovering over a highlighted word, just tap on it .

Can I see a sample?

Yes, please visit PlainEnglish.com/sample to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

How can I access the translations?

Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!

Mówisz po polsku?

The transcript of Plain English lessons are available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation. Polish translations are available starting at Lesson 278.

How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

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Предложения с «named after»

Perhaps my favorite example comes from colleagues who are studying a pond scum microorganism, which is tragically named after the cow dung it was first found in.

Возможно, мой самый любимый пример — от коллег, изучающих микроорганизм, обитающий в тине и названный , к сожалению, в честь коровьего навоза, где его впервые нашли.

The cookies are named after a town in Massachusetts.

Ведь печенки называются в честь города в штате Массачусетс.

Each avenue is named after one of the fifty states: Pennsylvania avenue, Massachusetts avenue and others.

Каждая авеню носит название одного из 50 штатов: авеню Пенсильвании, авеню Массачусетса и другие.

The city is named after George Washington, the first president of the USA.

Город назван именем Джорджа Вашингтона , первого президента США .

It’s named after a hiker who got lost there.

Он назван в честь путешественника, который там потерялся.

He’s named after my late husband, Richard.

Его зовут в честь моего покойного мужа, Ричард.

Our school is named after B S Okrestin, hero of the Soviet Union.

Наша школа носит имя Окрестина — Героя Советского Союза.

According to the popular legend the city is named after Cossack Kharko.

Согласно популярной легенде город назван в честь казака Харько.

An Irish legend says that jack-o’-lanterns are named after the man called Jack.

В ирландской легенде говорится, что фонари на Хэллоуин названы так в честь человека по имени Джек.

Most people send valentines, a greeting card named after the notes that St.

Большинство людей посылают валентинки —открытки — приветствия, названные так в честь св.

The bell was named after the first commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall.

Колокол был назван в честь первого комиссара работ — сэра Бенджамина Холла.

Another theory claims that it has been named after Benjamin Caunt, who was one of the well-known heavyweight boxers of the 19th century.

Другая теория утверждает, что он был назван в честь Бенджамина Каунта, который был одним из известных боксеров тяжеловесов 19 — го века.

The city was named after the first President of the USA, George Washington.

Город был назван в честь первого президента США, Джорджа Вашингтона.

The main sight of this square is the Kremlin Palace and mausoleum named after V. Lenin.

Главной достопримечательностью площади является Кремлёвский дворец и мавзолей имени В.И. Ленина.

Due to the increase in attendance another hall was built, named after A. A.Ivanov.

В связи с ростом посещаемости был построен другой зал имени А. А. Иванов.

His name is Ryjiy and it was named after his fur.

Его имя Рижий и он был назван в честь его меха.

An Irish legend says that jack-o’-lanterns are named after the man called Jack.

В ирландской легенде говорится, что фонари на Хэллоуин (по — английски jack — o’ — lanterns) названы так в честь человека по имени Джек.

My firstborn, Starfish, named after the graceful and stylish sea creature.

Моего первенца, Морскую Звезду, названного так в честь изящного и элегантного морского создания.

That the National Air and Space Museum isn’t named after some guy named Aaron Space?

Что национальный музей авиации и космонавтики назвали не в честь парня по имени Авиатор Космонавт?

Jupiter’s four largest moons are named after the four lovers of the Greek god Zeus.

4 самых крупных спутника Юпитера были названы в честь четырёх возлюбленных греческого бога Зевса.

Named after the Nepalese warriors whose undying bravery made a lasting impression on the British soldiers.

Названы в честь непальских воинов, чья непоколебимая смелость произвела неизгладимое впечатление на британских солдат.

You know, we even have a nacho platter named after you.

Вы знаете, мы даже назвали тарелку в вашу честь .

It’s named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, because of its benign, ethereal appearance in the sky.

Она названа в честь римской богини любви и красоты из — за того, как кротко и божественно она смотрится в небе.

Mickey Mantle had a whole bar named after him.

В честь Мики Мантла был назван целый бар.

All three of those shelf corps are named after Minnesota lakes.

Все три шельфовые корпорации названы в честь озер в Миннесоте.

And there’s actually a crater on the moon named after Jack.

Есть даже кратер на Луне, названный его именем.

Nowadays, however, the establishment is named after a popular Soviet borscht-western (or eastern) filmed in 1969 and set in Central Asia during the 1919 Civil War.

Свое теперешнее название заведение получило в честь популярного советского борщ — вестерна (или истерна), снятого в 1969 году и повествующего о Гражданской войне 1919 года в Средней Азии.

The son of a Russian mother and Cuban father, Bezrukov is now a waiter in the Russian restaurant Na Zdarovie!, named after Russia’s traditional toast, in Havana.

Его отец — кубинец, а мать — русская. Сейчас он работает официантом в Na Zdarovie! — русском ресторане в Гаване, названном в честь традиционного русского тоста.

Honey, there’s nobody at the company named Larry Pancake or anybody else named after food.

Дорогая, нет никого в компании кого зовут Ларри Панкейк, и никого другого, которого называют как еду.

Don’t expect cute and cuddly names like Panda or Fiesta — everything here is named after a dog, except the Warthog, which is named after a warthog.

Не ожидайте услышать милые и потешные имена, типа Панда или Фиеста — все машины здесь названы в честь собак, кроме Бородавочника, который назван в честь бородавочника.

Gadomski became a world-known promoter of astronautics and his contribution was, notably, recognised when a crater on the far side of the Moon was named after him.

Гадомский стал известным мировым пропагандистом космонавтики, и его вклад был оценен в том числе тем, что один из кратеров на обратной стороне Луны был назван в его честь .

And the development of Stockholm Syndrome, named after a 1973 bank robbery that went wrong, where the hostages ended up helping their kidnappers against the police.

И развития Стокгольмский синдром, имени банка 1973 грабеж, что пошло не так, где заложников, закончившийся до помогая их похитителей против полиции.

It’s named after Latin for seahorse, which it resembles.

Название извилины происходит от латинского морской конёк, который она напоминает.

It is named after a lawyer who exposed a $230 million corruption scheme and died in detention, apparently as a result of torture, beatings and denial of medical care.

Он назван в честь юриста, который раскрыл коррупционную схему на сумму в 230 миллионов долларов и умер в следственном изоляторе – предположительно, в результате пыток, избиений и отказа в медицинской помощи.

According to Moore’s Law — named after the president of Intel, who formulated it in 1975 — the amount of components on a computer chip doubles every two years.

По правилу Мура — названному в честь президента Intel, выведшего его в 1975 году — число деталей на чипах компьютеров удваивается каждые два года.

It was named after Frankfurt, a German city.

Его назвали в честь Франкфурта, города в Германии.

Your ship is named after the greatest disappointment in the history of warfare?

Твой корабль назван в честь величайшего разочарования за всю военную историю?

He was a remarkable scientist, town planner, he has a law named after him of tension and springs.

Он был удивительным учёным, градостроителем, есть закон, названный в честь него, о напряжении и пружинах.

Even the Goodyear tyre company, was just named after him because the founders of it admired him.

Компания Шины Гудье была названа так только потому, что создатели компании восхищались им.

Named after the Serpent God of the Aztecs.

Он назван в честь пернатого змея — божества ацтеков.

The nature of the contour here means there’s an effect, named after me, actually…

Особенности профиля здесь дают эффект, кстати, названный в честь меня…

Named after the Italian Air Force aerobatic squadron, this too is a quietened down, softer version of the R.

Назван в честь пилотной эскадрилии Итальянских Воздушных Сил, Немного худшего качества, более нежная версия R.

Theodore Roosevelt hated the fact that a bear was named after him.

Теодора Рузвельта бесило, что игрушечного мишку назвали в его честь .

As a result of this, President Monroe put forth the eponymous — meaning named after oneself — Monroe Doctrine, which, in one sense, established the US as a local peacekeeper

В результате, президент Монро предложил эпоним — что значит названную его именем — Доктрину Монро, в которой США провозглашалось региональным миротворцем

Um, it’s made with arugula and a honey truffle sauce, and it’s named after my ex-boyfriend, Josh Kaminski.

Сделанный с рукколой и медово — трюфельным соусом, и он назван в честь моего бывшего — Джош Камински.

Not many people are named after a plane crash.

Немногие люди названы в честь авиакатастрофы.

Your hometown’s only named after you because your family infested it like some hyper-breeding rats.

А твой родной город назван в твою честь только потому, что ваша семья расплодилась там, как крысы.

It’s a concern I’m sure you share for your son Carl, a child proudly named after the man whose legacy you’re willing to go to jail to uphold.

Вы ведь тоже беспокоитесь за своего сына Карла, с гордостью названного в честь человека, благодаря которому тебе придётся сесть в тюрьму.

You got the Zodiac Killer, the Grim Sleeper, and this guy’s named after a bird.

У вас есть Зодиак, Зловещий спящий, а этого парня назвали в честь птицы.

Named after an eminent French psychologist.

Назван в честь именитого Французского психиатра.

Named after my favorite network.

Название моего любимого канала.

One of the newest languages on the planet is Klingon, named after the eponymous Star Trek species.

Один из самых молодых языков на планете — клингонский, названный по имени одной из рас в Звёздном Пути.

Don’t expect cute and cuddly names like Panda or Fiesta — everything here is named after a dog, except the Warthog, which is named after a warthog.

Не ожидайте услышать милые и потешные имена, типа Панда или Фиеста — все машины здесь названы в честь собак, кроме Бородавочника, который назван в честь бородавочника.

A lot of military figures had clothing named after them, particularly in the Crimean War.

А ещё множество одежды было названо в честь военачальников, в частности, в период Крымской войны.

I share my home with a fish, some snails, whom I have named after famous scientists a parakeet called Mr Biscuit and, finally, a cat called Hal.

У меня дома живёт рыба, несколько улиток, названных в честь учёных… попугая зовут мистер Бисквит и, наконец, кот по имени Хэл.

The hangman’s knot is named after one of the most famous hangmen in history, Charles II’s hangman.

Висельный узел назван в честь самого известного палача в истории. Во времена Чарльза Второго.

The street is the famous Unter den Linden, named after the linden trees, which they’ve replanted now.

Эта улица — знаменитая Унтер — ден — Линден, названная в честь лип, которые посадили заново.

Can you take the word of a man named after an inflammation of the foreskin?

Но как можно полагаться на слова человека названного в честь воспаления крайней плоти?

Like the Secretary de Pompadour, named after Madame Pompadour, one of Louis’ frequent companions was configured with a secret compartment hidden by a double wall.

Секретер де Помпадур, названный в честь маркизы де Помпадур, одной из фавориток Людовика, предусматривал тайное отделение, спрятанное за двойной стенкой.

A hospital in Cape Town is named after me.

Больница в Кейптауне названа ее именем.

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