Word meaning name change

In this article, we will show you 4 ways to delete or change the author names for comments in your Word document.

Now and then, we’d like to insert comments to Word documents as to make revisions. As you may notice, there is the author or user name in every comment made in a document to display who the reviser is. However, there are times when we rather have the name deleted or changed out of certain reasons.

  1. First, if we are using a computer of someone else, then the name on this computer cannot be yours. Thus, you will need to change the user name.
  2. Second, due to privacy consideration, you want only your comments but not you name to go public. At this time, you probably want to remove your own name or any information indicating who you are.
  3. Third, you just change your name! This situation doesn’t happen a lot but it does sometimes. Consequently, you user name on your computer should be altered, too.

No matter what your case is, it shall do you no harm to learn ways to delete or change personal information on computer or digital documents, especially in an age when privacy breaches happen all the time.

2 Methods to Delete the Author Names for Comments

At first, there are 2 solutions for you to delete the author name.

Method 1: Remove Personal Information

For Example, this is our sample:Comments with Author Information

  1. Firstly, open the document and click “File”, then “Info”.
  2. Next, click “Check for Issues” icon.
  3. On the drop-down list, click “Inspect Document”.Click "File" ->Click "Info" ->Click "Check for Issues" ->Click "Inspect Document"
  4. In “Document Inspector” dialog box, ensure the “Document Properties and Personal Information” box is checked.
  5. Then click “Inspect”.Check "Document Properties and Personal Information" Box ->Click "Inspect"
  6. Soon, there will be a notice saying certain document information is found. You should only click the “Remove All” button in “Document Properties and Personal Information” part.
  7. Click “Close” lastly.Click "Remove All ->Click "Close"
  8. Now save the document and you shall see all Author names are replaces by letter “A”.

After applying this method, all comments you create neither in this document or others in the future will automatically take the author name of “A”. In other words, it’s a once for all solution.Effect of Removing Personal Information

In case you need to stop it, you should take the bellowing steps:

  1. Open Word and click “File” tab, then “Options” to open the “Word Options” dialog box.
  2. Click “Trust Center” first.
  3. Then click the “Trust Center Settings” on the right-sown corner to open the “Trust Center” dialog box.
  4. Next, clear the “Remove personal information from file properties on save” box.
  5. Lastly, click “OK” in both dialog boxes.Click "Trust Center" ->Click "Trust Center Settings" ->Click "Privacy Options" ->Clear "Remove personal information from file properties on save" Box ->Click "OK" in Both Boxes

Method 2: Use VBA Codes

Now there is the VBA way to handle the case. For future reference, it’s only a one-time trick for a single document each time so there is no need to worry about affecting other document settings. You certainly don’t have to undo the modification.

  1. To begin with, press “Alt+ F11” to open the VBA editor.Paste Codes ->Click "Run"
  2. Next, paste the following codes there and click “Run”.
Sub DeleteAllAuthorNamesInComments()
  Dim objComment As Comment

  ' Delete all author names in comments
  For Each objComment In ActiveDocument.Comments
    objComment.Author = ""
    objComment.Initial = ""
  Next objComment
End Sub

Effect of Running VBA Codes to Delete Author Information

2 Methods to Change Author Names for Comments

Sometimes, instead of deleting author names, we prefer to change them.

Method 1: Edit User Name

  1. First and foremost, click “Review” tab.
  2. Then click “Track Change” in “Tracking” group.
  3. Next, click “Change User Name”.Click "Review" ->Click "Track Change" ->Click "Change User Name"
  4. Now the “Word Options” dialog box will pop up. Make sure the “General” tab is displayed. Then change the user name and initials.
  5. Finally, click “OK”.Click "General" ->Change User Name and Initials ->Click "OK"


  1. This change will affect all future documents.
  2. For the comments made before the change, they keep the original names.

Method 2: Use Codes to Change Author Names

  1. Similarly, press “Alt+ F11” to open VBA editor.
  2. Only this time you should paste these codes and click “Run”:
Sub ChangeAllAuthorNamesInComments()
  Dim objComment As Comment

  ' Change all author names in comments
  For Each objComment In ActiveDocument.Comments
    objComment.Author = "Test Name"
    objComment.Initial = "TN"
  Next objComment
End Sub


  1. In codes “objComment.Author = “Test Name””, the “Test Name” refers to the name to be displayed when cursor hovers over the comment. You can change it as you like.
  2. In codes “objComment.Initial = “TN””, the “TN” refers to the initials of “Test Name”, which you should set according to the name you choose on last code line.

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Author Introduction:

Vera Chen is a data recovery expert in DataNumen, Inc., which is the world leader in data recovery technologies, including Excel file damage recovery and pdf repair software products. For more information visit www.datanumen.com

  1. Three aspects of semantic

  2. Causes of semantic change.

  3. Nature of semantic change.
    Metaphor and metonymy.

  4. Results of semantic change.

Word meanings are liable to change in the process of historical
of the language. The semantic structure of a word is never static.
The number of meanings may change, with new meanings being added and
some meaning dropping out; the existing meanings may be rearranged in
the semantic structure.

When speaking about semantic
change, we must distinguish between:

  1. the

    of semantic change, i.e. the factors bringing it about; we try to
    find out why
    the word has changed its meaning;

  2. the

    of semantic change; we describe the process of the change and try to
    answer the question how
    it has been brought about;

  3. the

    of semantic change; we try to state what
    has been changed.

These are three different but
closely connected aspects of the same problem.

The causes,
or factors,
that bring about semantic changes are classified into linguistic
and extralinguistic.
By extralinguistic

we mean various changes in the life of a speech community; changes in
social life, culture, science, technology, economy, etc. as reflected
in word meanings,

e.g. mill
originally was borrowed from Latin in the 1st c. B.C. in the meaning
«a building in which corn is ground into flour». When the
first textile factories appeared in Great Britain it acquired a new
meaning — «a textile factory». The cause of this semantic
change is scientific and technological progress.


are factors that operate within the language system.
They are:

In a phrase made up of two words one of them is omitted and its
meaning is transferred to the other one,

e.g. In
OE sterven (MnE to starve) meant “to die, perish». It was
often used in the phrase «sterven of hunger», the second
word was omitted and the verb acquired the new meaning
die of hunger».

of synonyms

e.g. In
OE land had two meanings: «1. solid part of Earth’s surface; 2.
the territory of a nation». In ME the word country was borrowed
as a synonym to land. Then the second meaning of land came to be
expressed by country and the semantic structure of land changed.


If one member of a synonymic set takes on a new meaning, other
members of the same set may acquire this meaning, too,

to catch acquired the meaning «understand»; its synonyms to
get, to qrasp also acquired the same meaning.

    1. A
      necessary condition of anу
      semantic change is some connection or association between the old,
      existing meaning and the new one. There are two
      main types of association

  1. Similarity
    of meaning or metaphor

  2. Contiguity
    of meaning or metonymy
    i.e. contact, proximity in place or time.

is the semantic process of associating two referents, one of which in
some way resembles the other. Metaphors may be based on similarity of
shape, size,
position, function, etc.

In various languages
metaphoric meanings of words denoting parts of the human body are
most frequent,

e.g. the
eye of a needle «hole in the end of a needle», the neck of
a bottle, the heart of a cabbage — the metaphoric meaning has
developed through similarity of the shape of two objects; the foot of
the hill — this metaphoric change is based on the similarity of
position; the hand of the clock, the Head of the school — the
metaphoric meaning is based on similarity of function.

A special group of metaphors
comprises proper nouns that have become common nouns,

e.g. a
Don Juan — «a lady-killer» , a vandal — «one who
destroys property, works of art» (originally «Germanic
tribe that in the 4th-5th c. ravaged Gaul, Spain, N. Africa, and
Rome, destroying many books and works of art»).

is a semantic process of associating two referents which are somehow
connected or linked in time or space. They may be connected because
they often appear in the same situation,

e.g. bench
has developed the meaning «judges» because it was on
benches that judges used to sit,

or the association may be of
material and an object made of it, etc.,

e.g. silver
– 1) certain .precious metal; 2) silver coins; 3) cutlery; 4)
silver medal,

or they may be associated
because one makes part of the other,

hands «workers» (because strong, skillful hands are the
most important part of a person engaged in physical labour).

Common nouns may be derived
from proper names through metonymic transference,

«high boots covering knees in front» (from the 1st Duke of
Wellington, Br. general and statesman, who introduced them in

Results of semantic change may be observed in the changes of the
denotative component

and the
connotative component

of word meaning.

1) Changes
of the denotative component are of two types

  1. broadening
    (or generalization,
    = widening, = extension)
    i.e. the range of the new meaning is broader, the word is applied to
    a wider range of referents,

e.g. to
arrive, borrowed from French, originally meant «to come to
shore, to land». In MnE it has developed a broader meaning «to
come». Yankee – 1) a native of New England (originally); 2) a
citizen of the USA (now).

(b) narrowing
(or specialization,
= restriction)

The word comes to denote a
more limited range of referents, fewer types of them,

e.g. meat
in OE meant «any food», now it means «flesh of animals
used as food» (i.e. some special food); in OE hound meant «a
dog», now it is «a dog of special breed used in chasing

As a
special group, we can mention proper
names derived from common nouns

e.g. the
Border — between Scotland and England,

Tower — the museum in London

2) Changes
in the connotative component of meaning are also of two types:

(or degradation,
= deterioration)
i.e. a word develops a meaning with a negative evaluative connotation
which was absent in the first meaning,

e.g. silly
«happy» (originally) — «foolish» (now);

(or amelioration)
i.e. the first meaning has a negative connotation and the new one has

e.g. nice
originally «foolish» — now «fine, good».

In other cases the new meaning
acquires positive connotation absent in the original meaning,

e.g. knight
«manservant» (originally) — «noble, courageous man»

The terms elevation and
degeneration of meaning are inaccurate as we actually deal not with
elevation or degradation of meanings but of referents.

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Name change is the legal act by a person of adopting a new name different from their current name.

The procedures and ease of a name change vary between jurisdictions. In general, common law jurisdictions have loose procedures for a name change while civil law jurisdictions are more restrictive.

A pseudonym is a name used in addition to the original or true name. This does not require legal sanction. Pseudonyms are generally adopted to conceal a person’s identity, but may also be used for personal, social or ideological reasons.

Reasons for changing one’s name[edit]

  • Marriage or civil partnership (e.g. Tiffany Rodriguez marries Aanchal Chaudhari and assumes her surname, becoming Tiffany Chaudhari)
  • Adoption, or marriage of a custodial parent
  • Divorce or estrangement of parents
  • Immigration / adaptation of the name to a different language or script (e.g. Samantha Ogden became Shilpa Ojha on becoming an Indian national)
  • To evade the law or a debt or commit fraud
  • To avoid a stalker or harassment
  • Religious conversion and/or deconversion, ordination or return to lay status (e.g., Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali upon conversion to Islam)
  • To choose a surname associated with a hobby, interest, or accomplishment (e.g., old name Henry Schifberg, new name Henry Lizardlover)
  • To receive an inheritance conditional on adopting the name of the deceased (this reason was once quite common in landowning families in the UK)
  • To replace a name which might be considered undesirable with a more desirable one (e.g., old surname Lipschitz, new surname London)
  • To dissociate themselves from a famous or infamous person (e.g., old name Michael Jackson, new name Martin Jackson)
  • To identify with a famous or infamous person (e.g., old name Simon Johnson, new name Simon Pendragon)
  • To dissociate themselves from a family black sheep (e.g., relatives of Adolf Hitler).
  • To dissociate themselves from an ethnic origin (e.g., changing Battenberg to Mountbatten or Jan Ludvik Hoch to Robert Maxwell).
  • Commercial sponsorship, e.g., Jimmy White temporarily became Jimmy Brown for HP brown sauce.[1] Ashley Revell became Ashley Blue Square Revell for Rank Group’s Blue Square service. Peter Janson briefly changed his name by deed poll to NGK Janson to circumvent a Motorsport Australia rule that only allowed a driver’s, and not a sponsor’s, name to be carried on a windscreen at the 1977 Bathurst 1000.[2][3]
  • Protest or activism (e.g., old name Jennifer Taylor, new name Jennifer Save the Forests)
  • To change to a fictional character’s name, (e.g., old name Tracy Darling, new name Tracy Beaker)
  • To make their name more attractive or «catchy» so as to increase their chance of success (see Stage name)
  • To change the legal name to the one used in everyday life (e.g., where middle name has been used throughout life)
  • To remove superstitious consequences of the old name (e.g. old name Mulyono, new name Joko Widodo)
  • To better fit one’s gender identity, or as part of one’s gender transition (e.g. Jake Zyrus)
  • Losing a bet — for instance, a New Zealand man changed his name to Full Metal Havok More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock And All The Superheroes Combined With Frostnova, and apparently discovered it has been accepted when his passport expired.[4]
  • In accordance with witness protection.

United Kingdom[edit]

A Deed Poll for Change of Name, drawn up in England.

In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, citizens and residents have the freedom to change their names with relative ease.

In theory, anyone who is at least 16 and resident in the United Kingdom can call themselves whatever they wish. However, over the past hundred years or so, formal procedures that are recognised by record holders such as government departments, companies and organizations have evolved, which enable someone to change the name recorded on their passport, driving licence, tax and National Insurance records, bank and credit cards, etc., provided that «documentary evidence» of a change of name is provided. Documents such as birth, marriage and educational certificates cannot be changed because these documents are considered «matters of fact», which means that they were correct at the time they were issued.[5] However, exceptions exist, such as holders of a Gender Recognition Certificate.[6]

Documentary evidence of a change of name can be in a number of forms, such as a marriage certificate, decree absolute (proof of divorce), civil partnership certificate, statutory declaration or deed of change of name. Such documents are mere evidence that a change of name has occurred, however, and they do not themselves operate to change a person’s name. Deeds of change of name are by far the most commonly used method of providing evidence of a change of name other than changing a woman’s surname after marriage. A deed poll is a legal document that binds a single person to a particular course of action (in this case, changing one’s name for all purposes). The term ‘deed’ is common to signed, written agreements that have been shown to all concerned parties. ‘Poll’ is an old legal term referring to official documents that had cut edges (were polled) so that they were straight.[7][8]

England and Wales[edit]

People whose births are registered in England and Wales may have their deed poll enrolled at the Royal Courts of Justice in London.[9][7] See also College of Arms#Change of names.


Residents of Scotland can change their name by deed poll or statutory declaration. Scottish-born/adopted people may optionally apply to the Registrar General for Scotland to have their birth certificate amended to show the new name and have the respective register updated.[10] There is also an alternative route to changing one’s name in Scotland, equivalent to enrolling a deed poll with the College of Arms; one may petition the Court of the Lord Lyon for a name change and subsequently receive a Certificate of Recognition of Change of Name.[11]

Historical usage[edit]

From the mediæval age to the 19th century, the era of family dynasties, name changes were frequently demanded of heirs in the last wills and testaments, legacies and bequests, of members of the gentry and nobility who were the last males of their bloodline. Such persons frequently selected a younger nephew or cousin as the heir to their estates, on condition that he should adopt the surname and armorials of the legator in lieu of his patronymic. Thus, the ancient family otherwise destined to extinction would appear to continue as a great dynasty in the making.

Such changes were also more rarely demanded by marriage settlements, for example where the father of a sole daughter and heiress demanded that as a condition of his daughter’s dowry her husband should adopt his father-in-law’s surname and arms. Thus the progeny of the marriage would continue the otherwise extinct family’s name. Such name changes were generally only demanded of younger sons, where an elder brother was available to inherit the paternal estates under primogeniture and carry on the name and arms abandoned by the younger brother. Such name changes were effected by obtaining a private Act of Parliament or by obtaining a Royal Licence.[12]

Well known examples are:

  • Russell to Gorges (14th century). Ralph IV Gorges, 2nd Baron Gorges, died without issue in 1331. In an effort to preserve his family name and arms he made one of his younger nephews his heir, on condition that he should adopt the name and arms of Gorges. This nephew was William Russell, the second son of his second sister Eleanor de Gorges who had married Sir Theobald Russell (d.1341) of Kingston Russell, Dorset. The event is referred to in one of the earliest heraldic law cases brought concerning English armory, Warbelton v. Gorges in 1347.
  • Smithson to Percy (18th century). Sir Hugh Smithson, 4th Baronet (1715–1786) in 1740 married Lady Elizabeth Seymour, daughter and sole heiress of Algernon Seymour, 7th Duke of Somerset, and granddaughter of Lady Elizabeth Percy (d.1722), daughter and sole heiress of Josceline Percy, 11th Earl of Northumberland (1644–1670). In 1740, by a private Act of Parliament,[13] Smithson changed his surname to Percy and inherited the title Earl of Northumberland and was later created Duke of Northumberland.

A less radical procedure adopted from the 18th century onwards was for the legator or settlor to demand only that the legatee or beneficiary should adopt his surname in addition to his patronymic, not in place of it, which gave rise to the «double-barrelled», even the «triple-barrelled» name, frequently parodied in literature as epitomising the wealthy «squirearchy» with an embarrassment of inherited estates.


In Canada, name changes are handled through the vital statistics bureaux of the various provinces and territories, except in Nunavut, where they are handled by the Courts.[14][15][16][17][18]

A Certificate of Change of Name issued by British Columbia.

All Canadian provinces and territories allow their residents, whether Citizens, Permanent Residents or Temporary Residents, to obtain a name change, provided they fulfil the pertinent regulations (e.g. time lived in province).[19] Quebec, being a civil law jurisdiction, has historically had substantial differences from the rest of Canada in how it permits its residents to obtain a change of name — for example, requiring them to be citizens; which was abolished on January 28, 2021, due to a Superior Court of Quebec decision.[16][20]

All Canadian provinces except Quebec (which is a civil law jurisdiction) also recognize common law name changes — i.e. by «general usage» — even if not registered with the government or ordered by a court.[21] Although a common law name change is still a legal name, formal processes may be required to get government-issued ID, or change the name on accounts (like banks) that depend on government ID; this is one situation where a person may have more than one name.[21]

Quebec also historically had other strict regulations regarding name changes. For example, the transgender Quebecker Micheline Montreuil had to undergo a lengthy process to have her name legally changed. Initially, the directeur de l’état civil refused to permit the change on the grounds that someone who was legally assigned male at birth could not bear a female name. According to Quebec law, Montreuil could not change her registered gender because that required proof of a completed gender confirmation surgery, which was not the case for her. On November 1, 1999, the provincial court of appeals ruled that nothing in the law prevented a person who was registered as male from legally adopting a woman’s name.[22]

Another issue specific to Quebec is married names. Because of the Quebec Charter of Rights, married women in Quebec have been unable to adopt their spouse’s surname since 1976.[23] Other provinces allow their residents to change their last name on the strength of their marriage certificate.[24] The directeur de l’état civil will amend a Quebec birth certificate if a name change certificate is issued by another province. Some have used that loophole to legally change their names by temporarily moving to another Canadian province or territory, which follow more permissive common law rules.

Additionally, Saskatchewan registers changes of name made outside its jurisdiction and issues a «Registration of Change of Name Effected Outside the Province of Saskatchewan».[25]

United States[edit]

In the United States, state laws regulate name changes. Several federal court rulings have set precedents regarding both court decreed name changes and common law name changes (changing the name at will), including Lindon v. First National Bank. In Christianson v. King County, 239 U.S. 356 (1915), the Supreme Court accepted a name changed using the common law method as a legal name (more detail of the decision accepted by the Supreme Court is found at 196 F. 791 (1912)).

A Change of Name Decree issued by California.

Usually a person can adopt any name desired for any reason. As of 2009, 46 states allow a person legally to change names by usage alone, with no paperwork, but a court order may be required for many institutions (such as banks or government institutions) to officially accept the change.[26] Although the states (except Louisiana) follow common law, there are differences in acceptable requirements; usually a court order is the most efficient way to change names (which would be applied for in a state court), except at marriage, which has become a universally accepted reason for a name change.

Where a court process is used, it is necessary to plead that the name change is not for a fraudulent or other illegal purpose, such as evading a lien or debt or for defaming someone else. Applicants may be required to give a reasonable explanation for wanting to change their names. A fee is generally payable, and the applicant may be required to post legal notices in newspapers to announce the name change. Generally the judge has limited judicial discretion to deny a change of name: usually only if the name change is for fraudulent, frivolous or immoral purposes.[27] In 2004, a Missouri man succeeded in changing his name to They.[28] The Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that a name change to 1069 could be denied, but that Ten Sixty-Nine was acceptable (Application of Dengler, 1979); the North Dakota Supreme Court had denied the same request several years before (Petition of Dengler, 1976).[29]

In nearly all states, a person cannot choose a name that is intended to mislead (such as adopting a celebrity’s name), that is intentionally confusing, or that incites violence; nor can one adopt, as a name, a racial slur, a threat, or an obscenity.

Some examples of typically allowed reasons for name changes in the U.S. include:

  • Adopting a new surname upon marriage (typically the surname of the spouse, a hyphenated surname, or some combination of parts of both surnames). This is usually done without court proceedings.
  • Returning to the use of a prior surname (e.g., a maiden name) upon divorce.
  • Simplification or improved familiarity of spelling or pronunciation.

A Certificate of Naturalization’s obverse.

A Certificate of Naturalization’s reverse, annotated with details of the naturalized citizen’s change of name.

Under U.S. nationality law, when immigrants apply for naturalization, they have the option of asking for their names to be changed upon the grants of citizenship with no additional fees. This allows them the opportunity to adopt more Americanized names.[30] During the naturalization interview, a petition for a name change is prepared to be forwarded to a federal court. Applicants certify that they are not seeking a change of name for any unlawful purpose such as the avoidance of debt or evasion of law enforcement. Such a name change would become final if within their jurisdiction, once a federal court naturalizes an applicant.

To maintain a person’s identity, it is desirable to obtain a formal order so there is continuity of personal records.[original research?]

Informal methods of legal name change[edit]

Assumed name[edit]

The «open and notorious» use of a name is often sufficient to allow one to use an assumed name. In some jurisdictions, a trade name distinct from one’s legal name can be registered with a county clerk, secretary of state, or other similar government authority. Persons who wish to publish materials and not to be associated with them may publish under pseudonyms; such a right is protected under case law pursuant to United States Constitution.

Usage method[edit]

A common law name (i.e. one assumed without formality and for a non-fraudulent purpose) is a legal name.[31] In most states a statutory method, while quick and definitive, only supplements the common law method,[32] unless the statute makes itself exclusive. A person may sue under a common law name.[33]

In California the «usage method» (changing the name at will under common law) is sufficient to change the name. Not all jurisdictions require that the new name be used exclusively.[34] Any fraudulent use or intent, such as changing the name to the same name as another person’s name, may invalidate this type of name change.

Specifically in California, Code of Civil Procedure § 1279.5 and Family Code § 2082 regulate common law and court decreed name changes. Code of Civil Procedure § 1279.5 (a) reads, «Except as provided in subdivision (b), (c), (d), or (e), nothing in this title shall be construed to abrogate the common law right of any person to change his or her name.» Subdivisions b through e preclude one from changing their name by common law if they are in state prison, on probation, on parole, or have been convicted of a serious sex offense. If a person is not in any of these categories, then a common law name change is allowed. (Family Code § 2082 also contains some of the same wording.)

Preferred name[edit]

Many universities, hospitals, and other institutions allow one to use a «preferred name» instead of one’s legal name. This name can show up on class rosters, online learning platforms, and student ID cards. It provides a «transitional» name change for those who have yet to, or cannot, receive a court-ordered name change.[35][36]

Official registration[edit]

A legal name change is merely the first step in the name-change process. A person must officially register the new name with the appropriate authorities whether the change was made as a result of a court order, marriage, divorce, adoption, or any of the other methods described above. The process includes notifying various government agencies, each of which may require legal proof of the name change and that may or may not charge a fee. Important government agencies to be notified include the Social Security Administration[37] (generally following statutory law, not common law),[38] Bureau of Consular Affairs[39] (for passports),[40] the Federal Communications Commission,[41] the Selective Service System[42] and the Department of Motor Vehicles (for a new driver’s license, learner permit, state identification card, or vehicular registration). Additionally the new name must be registered with other institutions such as employers, banks, doctors, mortgage, insurance and credit card companies. Online services are available to assist in this process either through direct legal assistance or automated form processing.

Most states require name changes to be registered with their departments of motor vehicles (DMVs) within a certain amount of time, and some state motor vehicle departments require updated social security cards to make changes, by first registering a new name with the Social Security office:


This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (March 2021)

Several United States Time limits in days Notes
Arizona 10 Must appear in person with updated social security cards[43]
Connecticut Undefined Must appear in person with updated social security cards[44]
Delaware 30 Must appear in person with updated social security cards[45]
Illinois 30 [46]
Maryland Undefined Must appear in person[47]
New Jersey 14[48] Must appear in person[49]
New York Undefined Must appear in person[50]
North Carolina 60 [51]
Pennsylvania Undefined Must appear in person for a driver’s license or photo ID[52]
Rhode Island Undefined Must appear in person[53]
South Carolina 10 [54]
Texas 30 [55]
Vermont 30 [56]
Wyoming 10 [57]

The fees for registering a new name vary from state to state. The forms, along with the state-specific requirements, can generally be obtained for free.

Many states will require reasons for wanting a name change. For example, in Florida, a court will not grant a petition for a change of name if it finds that (i) the petitioner has ulterior or illegal motives in seeking the name change, (ii) the petitioner’s civil rights are suspended, or (iii) granting the name change will invade the property rights (e.g., intellectual property rights) of others.[58]

Forcible name changes[edit]

In 1887, the Dawes Act directed that Indigenous Americans adopt a surname. This forcible solidification of individual identities, in pursuance of Western legal and political orders, assisted in the federal government’s efforts to remove their ownership of communally-held land.[59]

More recently, recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals have been forced to revert to the names on their birth registration documents by USCIS, even where this does not match the name they’ve been using all their life in the United States. This is especially true with DACA recipients from Spanish-speaking countries, whereby two last names appear on birth registration documents per Spanish naming customs. Even where the person has only ever used one surname (typically that of the father’s), USCIS forces them to revert to both surnames, creating a discrepancy in matters such as academic records and credit ratings.[60]

Other common law jurisdictions[edit]


A Certificate of Change of Name issued by Western Australia.

Individuals may legally change their name through the state and territory governments of Australia according to state or territory laws and regulations via agencies generally titled «Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages».[61] Exceptions exist for some states such as restricted persons (e.g. jail inmate)[62] and in some states, changes may only be made once a year.[63] A state/territory’s RBDM typically has jurisdiction over changes of name for people born in that state or territory, and for people born overseas now residing in that state or territory. Residents born interstate must typically apply to the Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages (RBDM) of their birth jurisdiction for a change of name, though there are exceptions.[61]

If a person’s birth or adoption was registered in Australia, the change will also be noted (in most cases) on the person’s birth or adoption registration, and in some states or territories, the name change can be evidenced either through a re-issued birth certificate if born in Australia and/or «Change of Name Certificate». Transgender residents born overseas may receive a recognised details certificate or identity acknowledgment certificate. These certificates are recognised secure identity documents and can be verified electronically through the Attorney-general of Australia’s Document Verification Service.[64]

Hong Kong[edit]

It is a common practice for ethnic Chinese residents of Hong Kong to adopt a western-style English name in addition to their transliterated Chinese name. As they often adopt western-style English names after being registered on the birth register, the fact that they want to include a western-style English name as part of their legal English name is regarded as a name change which usually requires a deed poll.

However, the Immigration Department which is responsible for processing applications for name change allows applicants to submit such applications without deeds poll; anyone who has a phonetic English name only and wishes to include a western-style English name as part of his or her legal English name can apply to the Immigration Department without a deed poll. Only one application of this kind is allowed for each applicant; any application for subsequent change(s) must be made with a deed poll.


In the Republic of Ireland, a person earns their name by «use and repute».[65] For most purposes it is enough to simply use the desired name and ask others to call you by that name.[65] This was the traditional practice for a bride adopting her husband’s surname.[65] A change of name deed poll is not required, but provides documentary evidence of a name change.[65] Resident non-EU nationals must apply to the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service for a deed poll.[65] The deed poll requires a witness affidavit, and may optionally be enrolled in the High Court upon payment of stamp duty.[65] An enrolled deed poll is required for some administrative name changes, such as on a driving licence[65] or when changing legal gender.[66]

There is a second option using an ‘unenrolled’ deed poll, this is a regular deed poll that is signed by yourself in the presence of a witness over 18. This can be used to update your name in banks, schools and other non-governmental institutions. This is the long process as the Irish Passport Office[67] and NDLS[68] require two years of ‘proof of usage’ e.g bank statements in your new name dating back two years in order to change your name in comparison to a registered deed poll which allows you to change your name in the NDLS instantly along with DESAP.[69]

New Zealand[edit]

From September 1995, New Zealanders can change their name by making a statutory declaration and, if approved, the new name is registered with the Births, Deaths and Marriages section of the Department of Internal Affairs (Identity Services). Prior to September 1995, they changed their name by deed poll.[70]

Other civil law jurisdictions[edit]

In general, unlike in common law countries, names cannot be changed at will in civil law jurisdictions. Usually, a name change requires government approval, though legal name changes have become more common in some jurisdictions over the last years. The reason given for this system is usually the public interest in the unique identifiability of a person, e.g., in governmental registers, although with the advent of personal identification numbers, that rationale may be in need of reconsideration.[citation needed]


Changes in law Aug 2018 changes first name and fee will fall under the authority of local town hall[71] In Belgian law, a name is in principle considered fixed for life, but under exceptional circumstances, a person may apply to the Ministry of Justice for a name change. This requires a Royal Decree (French: Arrêté royal, Dutch: Koninklijk besluit) for last names, but only a Ministerial Decree for first names. The new name must not cause confusion or cause damage to the bearer or others. Examples of requests that are usually considered favorably:

  • A person of non-European origin who wants to adopt a less exotic name to further their integration in Belgian society
  • A person stuck with a ridiculous last name that is causing them great embarrassment or emotional distress. Actual examples: Salami, Naaktgeboren («born naked»), and Clooten («sods of earth» in Middle Dutch, but «testicles» in modern Dutch)
  • (for minor children) following legal adoption or recognition of paternity[72]


In Brazil, legal name changes are regulated by the Public Records Act (Law No. 6,015/1973)[73] and can be requested by any person registered on a Brazilian civil registry office, through a court order or directly on a civil registry office, depending on the case.

People over the age of majority (18 years[74]) may change their given names without specifying a reason. The change of given name directly on a civil registry office can be done only once, and to revert the change, a court order is required.

A person’s surnames can be changed directly on a civil registry office, in the following circumstances:

  • inclusion of family surnames;
  • inclusion of the spouse’s or partner’s surname following marriage or stable union;
  • exclusion of the spouse’s or partner’s surname following divorce or extinction of a stable union;
  • inclusion or exclusion of surnames following change of filiation;
  • for stepchildren, the inclusion of the surname of the stepmother or stepfather, as long as there are justifiable reasons and consent from the stepparent whose surname is being included.


In India, the person concerned submits a name change request to an appropriate authority, with supporting documents. Subsequently, an application must be made to the Government Printing Press, which issues an Official Gazette Notification certifying the change of name.[75]
In India, name change legal process may be completed either publishing in State Government Gazette or Central Government Gazette. It is always preferred that one should opt for Central Govt. Gazette since in is valid all over world. Central Government Gazette process is explained here. There are four easy steps to complete the task. First, one has to make an affidavit on a Non-judicial stamp-paper. Get notarised. Second, publish in a newspaper about the change of name. Third, fill-in the required forms and attach affidavit and newspaper. Pay the government fee online. Attach the receipt also. Fourth and last step is submit the application. In certain States gazette application may be submitted online but most of the States and Central Government there is no online name change facility. One can either personally visit the concerned office and submit or may send by post. The Central Government Gazette office is located at Civil Lines, Near Delhi Metro Station, New Delhi. The office works from Monday to Friday only. For more details one can visit their website.[76] After submission of application one can download the same from their website.[77]


While name changes due to marriages performed in the Netherlands cannot be processed, it is certainly possible in the Netherlands to process name changes due to marriages performed outside the Netherlands, provided certain conditions are met: the marriage must be registered abroad, the application for name change abroad must be requested on the same date as the marriage date, the changed name must be recorded abroad on a certificate in accordance with the local rules of the foreign country, and the marriage and name change as well as proof of application as of the date of the marriage must be legalized/apostilled and provided to the Dutch consulate or Dutch municipality upon return to the Netherlands.

The reason is that international marriages are not necessarily governed by Dutch Law but by Private International Law which is codified in the Netherlands in the «Commoner’s Law Book» (Burgerlijk Wetboek) Book No. 10, Private International Law, Title 2 – The Name, Article 24.


Although it has always been relatively easy to change one’s legal names in Norway, it used to require some kind of government approval. As late as 1830, local vicars were instructed to write both given (Christian) names, as well as last names, in the baptismal record. Earlier, only the given name of the child, birth date, baptismal date, and sex were written down, alongside the parents’ names. It was not until the beginning of the 20th century, however, that the authorities required everyone to adopt a family surname. Until about 1980, the government still required that a name change applicant apply to the government regional representative (fylkesmann). The law has been replaced twice since then. Nowadays, the process is as easy as in common-law countries; the subject merely submits the names wanted (providing that the surname chosen is not in use or is not used by fewer than 200 persons) to the local authorities for the purposes of election rosters and census counts; there is no longer an application process.


2001 RA 9048 amends Articles 376 and 412 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, which prohibit the change of name or surname of a person, or any correction or change of entry in a civil register without a judicial order. Administrative Order No. 1 Series of 2001, implemented the law.[78] It authorizes the city or municipal civil registrar or the consul general to correct a clerical or typographical error in an entry or change the first name or nickname in the civil register without need of a judicial order.[79][80]

The first name or nickname on the civil register may be changed under any of the following circumstances:[80]

  • when the first name or nickname on the civil register is ridiculous, tainted with dishonor or extremely difficult to pronounce;
  • when the new first name or nickname has been used habitually and continuously by the applicant and they have been publicly known by the new first name or nickname in the community; or
  • when the change will avoid confusion.

Name and gender change[edit]

In case of controversial and substantial changes, Philippines jurisprudence requires full-blown court lawsuit, that must include the local civil registrar in the petition, since RA 9048 and Rule 108 (Cancellation or correction of entries in the Civil Registry) of the Rules of Court do not allow the change of sex in a birth certificate.[81]

The only landmark case in the Philippines on name and legal sex change is the Jeff Cagandahan case. The Supreme Court of the Philippines Justice Leonardo Quisumbing on September 12, 2008, allowed Cagandahan, 27, who has congenital adrenal hyperplasia, to change the name on his birth certificate to read Jeff, and his legal gender to male.[82][83][84]

South Africa[edit]

South Africa, which uses a mixture of common law and civil Roman Dutch law, mostly uses common-law procedures with regard to name change. Name changes in South Africa are regulated by the Births and Deaths Registration Act (Act 51 of 1992, as amended). The personal information of all citizens and permanent residents is recorded on the Population Register, so any name changes must be registered.

A person can change their forenames by submitting a form to the Department of Home Affairs. An individual’s surname, or that of a family, may be changed by applying to the Department and providing a «good and sufficient reason» for the change.

A married woman can change her surname to that of her husband or join her maiden name with her husband’s surname, and a divorced woman may return to her previous surname, without applying or paying a fee; but she must notify the department so that the details in the Population Register can be changed. (It is possible that, if challenged, these provisions might be held to be unconstitutional because they apply only to women.)

South Africa has officially recognized same sex marriages since 2006 and in doing so now allows one or both partners to change their surnames in the marriage register on the day of the marriage. A new passport and ID book can then be applied for with the new married surname as well.

The surnames of minor children can also be changed under various circumstances involving the marriage, divorce or death of a parent, children born out of wedlock, and guardianship.[85]


In Switzerland, a name change requires the approval of the respective Cantonal government, if there are important reasons (wichtige Gründe / justes motifs) for the change, according to article 30 of the Swiss Civil Code. When aliens apply for naturalization, they have the option of asking for their names to be changed upon the grants of citizenship with no additional fees.[citation needed] According to the case law of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, such requests must be granted only if the petitioner shows that they suffer substantially from their present name, e.g., if it is the same as that of a notorious criminal.


In Taiwan, the Name Act bans changing one’s legal name for some criminal reasons per Article 15 since 2015 (Article 12 since 2001). Otherwise, one may change the surname, given name, or both per Article 8, 9, or 10 since 2015 (Article 5, 6, or 7 since 1953, or Article 6, 7, or 8 since 2001).

Changing the given name is allowed if:[86]

  1. Having the same name when serving or studying in the same institution or school.
  2. Since 1983, having the same given name as one’s parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent.[87]
  3. Having the same name as someone else who lives in the same county or city and having lived there for at least 6 months.
  4. Having the same name as a wanted criminal, for example 陳進興 (Chén Jìnxīng), a common name used by not only a convicted kidnapper and murderer who was executed in Taiwan for major crimes in 1997 (zh:陳進興 (台灣罪犯)) but also a Taiwanese statesman (Chen Chin-hsing).
  5. Since 2015, acknowledgement by father or adoption starts or ends.
  6. Having special reasons,[88] which is limited to thrice since 2015 (twice since 2001) in one’s lifetime, while the second given name change of this type requires the age of majority.[89]

Replacing documents[edit]

Diplomas, work experience documents, licenses, permits, and other such documents shall use a person’s legal name to avoid being deemed invalid,[90] so those intending to change names have to note that:

Licensed Taiwanese driver who legally changes the name without reporting to the competent traffic authority is fined 300 to 600 new Taiwan dollars and asked to re-register the legal name.[91]

Taiwan passports are to be replaced after having changed the names.[92]

Registration of change in name of the right holder having been changed after a land right has been registered, shall be applied; the same shall apply to the change of the name of administrator.[93]

Overseas application[edit]

A national without household registration may apply for name change outside Taiwan at a Taiwanese diplomatic mission, but having had household registration in Taiwan may apply there only to forward a name change application to the Household Registration Office covering the last Taiwanese address of residency,[94] which is a better method only if no risk of discrepancies among Taiwanese documents, so anyone having considerable Taiwanese documents should still change the name in person at Taiwanese Household Registration Office, to also replace the National Identification Card, healthcard card, driver license, etc.[95]

Name change on religious conversion[edit]

Adherents of various religions change their name upon conversion or confirmation. The name adopted may not have any legal status but will represent their adopted religious beliefs.[96]


  • Individuals who attend a ceremony to officially become Buddhists are usually given a new «Dharma name», which marks their «taking refuge».


  • It has been historical Christian practice to adopt a name on baptism or (in some countries) confirmation.[97]
  • The customary practice whereby persons entering a religious institute take on a name in religion is still observed by Eastern Orthodox and some traditional Roman Catholics. Eastern Orthodox monastics are usually given the name of a prophet or a monastic saint.
  • Popes take a papal name upon their accession to office; for example, Jorge M. Bergoglio adopted the name Francis.


There is no formal concept of conversion in Hinduism but converts to Hinduism are accepted, usually after a small ceremony called Shudhikaran (purification). Individuals who attend a Shudhikaran ceremony to officially become Hindu may be optionally given a new Dharma (religious) name, which is usually based on Sanskrit or Indian name such as names based on Hindu deities.


  • Converts to Islamic faith may choose a new name; although it is not required, it may in some cases be preferable for personal reasons or because the name is of uncertain Islamicity (e.g. the person converting has a theophoric name in another religion, such as Christopher or Ganesh). Boxer Cassius Clay’s adoption of the name Muhammad Ali is a well-known example, as is Cat Stevens’ change to Yusuf Islam and Malcolm Little’s adoption of the name Malcolm X and later El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. On the other hand, converts may choose to keep their names, as did Dave Chappelle.
  • Women do not normally take their husbands’ surnames as their own. Their maiden name continues to be their surname even after marriage. Sometimes their husbands first name becomes their surname, similar to the case of surname chains indicating someone’s chain of fathers.
  • In Islamic tradition, there are two kinds of surname:
    1. The first kind comes from the father’s first name, which means that the particular person is the child of. For example, a name such as ibn Abdullah means «son of Abdullah», or bint Abdullah means «daughter of Abdullah». Father descendant names can be chained, meaning that an individual can have the name of their father, followed by their paternal grandfather, followed by the father of that grandfather, to indicate a patrilineal lineage.
    2. The second kind is associated with clan, tribal or ethnic affiliation and is also solely dependent on the person’s patrilineal line. In Islamic family law, the individual is required to keep the clan, tribal or ethnic affiliation of their father where it is known, whether the child be illegitimate, staying with their mother after divorce or adopted.
  • The last name cannot be changed in such a way as to reflect a heritage that is not that of one’s biological father.


  • Jewish people in the Diaspora sometimes give their children two names: a secular name for everyday use and a Hebrew name for religious purposes. Converts to Judaism choose a Hebrew name.[98] Full Jewish names include a patronym: converts take the patronym «ben/bat Avraham Avinu» (son/daughter of Our Father Abraham) as converts are held to be spiritual descendants of Abraham, the forebear of Jews.


  • Those in the Sikh faith adopt a new last name upon baptism into the Khalsa. Men adopt the last name Singh, while women adopt the last name Kaur.
  • The Sikhs adopted the name Singh in 1699 during the Birth of the Khalsa.


  • Some Wiccans have a craft name that is used during coven gatherings and rituals.

See also[edit]

  • Family name, including patrilineal surnames
  • Given name
  • Hornsleth Village Project
  • In re McUlta
  • Legal status of transgender people for information about name change for transgender and transsexual people
    • Diane Marie Rodriguez Zambrano, an activist who sued to enable legal name change in Ecuador for purposes of gender identity
  • Married and maiden names
  • Matriname
  • Nickname
  • Pen name
  • Regnal name
  • Salmon chaos, incident of mass name changes for a promotional event
  • Witness protection


  1. ^ «Jimmy Gets Saucy with Name Change». BBC News. February 8, 2005. Retrieved July 13, 2021.
  2. ^ «What’s in a name? The weirdest name changes in the world of sport». Herald Sun. August 20, 2013.
  3. ^ «Privateers: Peter Janson — The Trailblazer». Auto Action. November 1, 2020. Archived from the original on November 1, 2020.
  4. ^ «Dunedin man’s 99-character name». New Zealand Herald. March 10, 2014.
  5. ^ «Changing a Child’s Name or Birth Certificate» (PDF). Gingerbread. January 2017. Retrieved July 13, 2021.
  6. ^ «Advice for Transgender People». Deed Poll Office. Retrieved July 13, 2021.
  7. ^ a b «Enrolling a Name Change in the Royal Courts of Justice». Her Majesty’s Courts Service. March 2008. Archived from the original on October 2, 2008. Retrieved September 12, 2008.
  8. ^ «Judgement and Orders Section § Deed Polls». Her Majesty’s Courts Service. March 26, 2008. Archived from the original on June 6, 2011. Retrieved September 12, 2008.
  9. ^ Phillimore, W. P. W. & Fry, Edw. Alex. (1905). An Index to Changes of Name Under Authority of Act of Parliament or Royal Licence and including Irregular Changes from I George III to 64 Victoria, 1760 to 1901 (PDF). London, UK: Phillimore & Co. – via Deed Poll Office.
  10. ^ «Andrew Paterson: Your name, your choice: it’s a matter of declaration». The Scotsman. April 16, 2018. Retrieved July 15, 2020.
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  12. ^ «Researching a past change of name». Deed Poll Office.
  13. ^ «Hugh Earl of Northumberland’s name and arms». Deed Poll Office.
  14. ^ «Name Changes — Applying for a Legal Change of Name». eHealth Saskatchewan.
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    It is also possible for a person to change their name without complying with the Name Act. The change may be an offence under the Name Act, but that does not render the change ineffective. At «common-law a person could adopt any name in the community, provided that this was not done with any intention to defraud others. One’s legal name was the name one was known by, determined merely as a question of common usage within the community». (C.E.D. Western [3rd Edition] Volume 34, pp. 147-47).

    A person may have more than one name, or may be known by more than one name, or may change their name without going through a formal process which results in a record of that change. … The Name Act does not appear to require any formal registration of such an election or use.

    In addition, there does not appear to be anything which invalidates a change of name by common-law even though that change might be an offence under the Name Act. …

  22. ^ «Micheline Anne Hélène Montreuil and her fights». Micheline.ca. Archived from the original on February 12, 2012.
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  26. ^ Kushner, Julia Shear (2009). «The Right to Control One’s Name» (PDF). UCLA Law Review (313): 324–329. The states which require a statutory name-change procedure are Hawaii, Louisiana, Maine, and Oklahoma.
  27. ^ Bander, Edward J. (1973). «Ch. 2–3». Change of Name and Law of Names. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oceana Publications. ISBN 978-0-37911-088-3.
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  87. ^ Clause 2 of Article 6 of the Name Act (1983) (姓名條例 (民國72年)), amended into Clause 2 of Section 1 of Article 7 of the Name Act (2001), then amended into Clause 2 of Section 1 of Article 7 of the Name Act (2015).
  88. ^ Clause 6 of Section 1 of Article 7 of the Name Act (2001), amended into Clause 6 of Section 1 of Article 9 of the Name Act (2015).
  89. ^ Section 2 of Article 7 of the Name Act (2001), amended into Section 2 of Article 9 of the Name Act (2015).
  90. ^ Article 3 of the Name Act (1953), amended into Article 4 of the Name Act (2001), then amended into Article 6 of the Name Act (2015).
  91. ^ Article 25 of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act amended in 1986 and effective on January 1, 1987, having increased the administrative fine from 30 to 150 new Taiwan dollars effective on May 1, 1968, per Clause 1 of Article 31 of the same Act, and 150 to 300 new Taiwan dollars per Article 25 of the amendment in 1975 effective on January 1, 1976.
  92. ^ Clause 3 of Section 1 of Article 19 of the Passport Act fully amended in 2015 effective on January 1, 2016, from Clause 3 of Section 1 of Article 15 of the Passport Act effective on May 21, 2000.
  93. ^ Section 1 of Article 149 of the Regulations of The Land Registration
  94. ^ The last Section of Article 4 of the Enforcement Rules of the Name Act since 2001.
  95. ^ «國外申請護照相關資訊:一般人民換發». Bureau of Consular Affairs (in Traditional Chinese). October 28, 2019. Retrieved November 22, 2019.
  96. ^ Emmelhainz, Celia (2012). «Naming a New Self: Identity Elasticity and Self-Definition in Voluntary Name Changes». Names. 60 (3): 156–165. doi:10.1179/0027773812Z.00000000022. S2CID 144079752. Retrieved April 4, 2016.
  97. ^ «Christian Names: Change of Name at Baptism». Catholic-forum.com. Archived from the original on April 28, 2005.
  98. ^ Pelaia, Ariela. «Choosing a Hebrew Name – Naming a Jewish Baby». About.com: Religion & Spirituality.

4.1. Three aspects of semantic change.

4.2. Causes of semantic change.

4.3. Nature of semantic change. Metaphor and metonymy.

4.4. Results of semantic change.

4.1. Word meanings are liable to change in the process of historical development of the language. The semantic structure of a word is never static. The number of meanings may change, with new meanings being added and some meaning dropping out; the existing meanings may be rearranged in the semantic structure.

When speaking about semantic change, we must distinguish between:

2) the causes of semantic change, i.e. the factors bringing it about; we try to find out why the word has changed its meaning;

3) the nature of semantic change; we describe the process of the change and try to answer the question how it has been brought about;

4) the results of semantic change; we try to state what has been changed.

These are three different but closely connected aspects of the same problem.

4.2. The causes, or factors, that bring about semantic changes are classified into linguistic and extralinguistic. By extralinguistic causes we mean various changes in the life of a speech community; changes in social life, culture, science, technology, economy, etc. as reflected in word meanings,

e.g. mill originally was borrowed from Latin in the 1st c. B.C. in the meaning » a building in which corn is ground into flour». When the first textile factories appeared in Great Britain it acquired a new meaning — » a textile factory». The cause of this semantic change is scientific and technological progress.

Linguistic causes are factors that operate within the language system. They are:

1) Ellipsis. In a phrase made up of two words one of them is omitted and its meaning is transferred to the other one,

e.g. In OE sterven (MnE to starve) meant “to die, perish». It was often used in the phrase » sterven of hunger», the second word was omitted and the verb acquired the new meaning n die of hunger».

2) Discrimination of synonyms,

e.g. In OE land had two meanings: » 1. solid part of Earth’s surface; 2. the territory of a nation». In ME the word country was borrowed as a synonym to land. Then the second meaning of land came to be expressed by country and the semantic structure of land changed.

3) Linguistic analogy. If one member of a synonymic set takes on a new meaning, other members of the same set may acquire this meaning, too,

e.g. to catch acquired the meaning » understand»; its synonyms to get, to qrasp also acquired the same meaning.

4.3 A necessary condition of anу semantic change is some connection or association between the old, existing meaning and the new one. There are two main types of association:

1) Similarity of meaning or metaphor,

2) Contiguity of meaning or metonymy, i.e. contact, proximity in place or time.

Metaphor is the semantic process of associating two referents, one of which in some way resembles the other. Metaphors may be based on similarity of shape, size, position, function, etc.

In various languages metaphoric meanings of words denoting parts of the human body are most frequent,

e.g. the eye of a needle » hole in the end of a needle», the neck of a bottle, the heart of a cabbage — the metaphoric meaning has developed through similarity of the shape of two objects; the foot of the hill — this metaphoric change is based on the similarity of position; the hand of the clock, the Head of the school — the metaphoric meaning is based on similarity of function.

A special group of metaphors comprises proper nouns that have become common nouns,

e.g. a Don Juan — » a lady-killer», a vandal — » one who destroys property, works of art» (originally » Germanic tribe that in the 4th-5th c. ravaged Gaul, Spain, N. Africa, and Rome, destroying many books and works of art»).

Metonymy is a semantic process of associating two referents which are somehow connected or linked in time or space. They may be connected because they often appear in the same situation,

e.g. bench has developed the meaning » judges» because it was on benches that judges used to sit,

or the association may be of material and an object made of it, etc.,

e.g. silver – 1) certain.precious metal; 2) silver coins; 3) cutlery; 4) silver medal,

or they may be associated because one makes part of the other,

e.g. factory/farm hands » workers» (because strong, skillful hands are the most important part of a person engaged in physical labour).

Common nouns may be derived from proper names through metonymic transference,

e.g. Wellingtons » high boots covering knees in front» (from the 1st Duke of Wellington, Br. general and statesman, who introduced them in fashion).

4.4. Results of semantic change may be observed in the changes of the denotative component and the connotative component of word meaning.

1) Changes of the denotative component are of two types:

(a) broadening (or generalization, = widening, = extension) of meaning, i.e. the range of the new meaning is broader, the word is applied to a wider range of referents,

e.g. to arrive, borrowed from French, originally meant » to come to shore, to land». In MnE it has developed a broader meaning » to come». Yankee – 1) a native of New England (originally); 2) a citizen of the USA (now).

(b) narrowing (or specialization, = restriction) of meaning.

The word comes to denote a more limited range of referents, fewer types of them,

e.g. meat in OE meant » any food», now it means » flesh of animals used as food» (i.e. some special food); in OE hound meant » a dog», now it is » a dog of special breed used in chasing foxes»;.

As a special group, we can mention proper names derived from common nouns,

e.g. the Border — between Scotland and England,

the Tower — the museum in London.

2) Changes in the connotative component of meaning are also of two types:

(a) degeneration (or degradation, = deterioration) of meaning, i.e. a word develops a meaning with a negative evaluative connotation which was absent in the first meaning,

e.g. silly » happy» (originally) — » foolish» (now);

(b) elevation (or amelioration) of meaning, i.e. the first meaning has a negative connotation and the new one has not,

e.g. nice originally » foolish» — now » fine, good»;.

In other cases the new meaning acquires positive connotation absent in the original meaning,

e.g. knight » manservant» (originally) — » noble, courageous man» (now)

The terms elevation and degeneration of meaning are inaccurate as we actually deal not with elevation or degradation of meanings but of referents.

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>Change of meaning. Extension, narrowing, elevation, degradation of meaning of a word, metaphor, metonymy.
Change of meaning. Extension, narrowing, elevation, degradation of meaning of a word, metaphor, metonymy.

>Definition of changes of word meaning Types of changes Extension Elevation Narrowing Degradation Metaphor
Definition of changes of word meaning Types of changes Extension Elevation Narrowing Degradation Metaphor Metonomy

>Changes in word meaning When a word loses its old meaning and comes to
Changes in word meaning When a word loses its old meaning and comes to refer to something different, the result is a change in word meaning. Change of meaning refers to the alternation of the meaning of existing words, as well as the addition of new meaning to a particular word. Changing word meaning has never ceased since the beginning of the language and will continue in the future. The changes in meaning are gradual, and words are not changed in a day.

>Types of Change -Extension of meaning -Narrowing of meaning -Elevation of meaning -Degradation of
Types of Change -Extension of meaning -Narrowing of meaning -Elevation of meaning -Degradation of meaning

>Extension of Meaning - Generalization of Meaning It is a process by which a
Extension of Meaning — Generalization of Meaning It is a process by which a word which originally had a specialized meaning has now become generalized or has extended to cover a broader concept.

>salary (original) a sum of money given to Roman soldiers to enable them to
salary (original) a sum of money given to Roman soldiers to enable them to buy salt (present) fixed payment made by employer at regular intervals to employees holiday (original) holy day, a day of religious significance (present) day of festivity or recreation

>She is such a pretty little thing. I have to pack my things for
She is such a pretty little thing. I have to pack my things for the journey. There is another thing I want to ask you about. That only makes things worse. The thing is, can we finish the job in time? A large proportion of polysemous words of modern English have their meanings extended sometime in the course of development. Some words are generalized to such a degree that they can mean almost everything. “Thing” which used to mean “a public assembly” or “a council” in Anglo-Saxon times, now has become an all-purpose word. Its meaning is so general, and we sometimes call this noun a ‘light noun’.

>Generalization of meaning is also found in many technical terms, which are confined to
Generalization of meaning is also found in many technical terms, which are confined to specialized use. allergic (original) too sensitive to medicine (present) averse or disinclined alibi (original) a legal term signifying “the plea that the accused is not at the place when the crime is committed” (present) excuse

>Narrowing of Meaning It is a process by which a word of wide meaning
Narrowing of Meaning It is a process by which a word of wide meaning acquires a narrow or specialized sense. In other words, a word which used to have a more general sense becomes restricted in its application and conveys a special concept in present-day English. Narrowing; specialization; restriction


>Narrowing of Meaning For economy, some phrases are shortened and only one element of
Narrowing of Meaning For economy, some phrases are shortened and only one element of the original, usually an adjective, is left to retain the meaning of the whole. Such adjectives have thus taken on specialized meanings. a general = a general officer an editorial = an editorial article Some material nouns are used to refer to objects made of them and thus have a more specific sense. glass a cup-like container or a mirror iron device for smoothing clothes

>Change in associative meaning Both extension and narrowing of meaning are talking about the
Change in associative meaning Both extension and narrowing of meaning are talking about the changes in conceptual meaning. Next we will talk about the changes in associative meaning. Elevation of meaning Degradation of meaning

>Elevation of Meaning (amelioration) -It is the process by which words rise from humble
Elevation of Meaning (amelioration) -It is the process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance. -Some words early in their history signify something quite low or humble, but change to designate something agreeable or pleasant. -A “snarl” word becomes a “purr” word, or a slang becomes a common word. -elevation; amelioration

>Examples of elevation nice -ignorant --- foolish --- delightful, pleasant fond -foolish --- affectionate
Examples of elevation nice -ignorant — foolish — delightful, pleasant fond -foolish — affectionate awesome -terrible—terrific marshal -a keeper of horses — a high ranking army officer constable -a keeper of horses — a policeman Terrific headache Terrific party

>Degradation of Meaning It is a process by which words with appreciatory or neutral
Degradation of Meaning It is a process by which words with appreciatory or neutral affective meaning fall into ill reputation or come to be used in a derogatory sense. A “purr” word becomes a “snarl” word. degradation, degeneration, pejoration

>Examples silly blessed and happy--- innocent----simple or simple-minded ----foolish sad full, satisfied, contented -----
Examples silly blessed and happy— innocent—-simple or simple-minded —-foolish sad full, satisfied, contented —— calm —— serious —-sorrowful

>Figurative use of words Change in word meaning may result from the figurative use
Figurative use of words Change in word meaning may result from the figurative use of the language. Metaphor and metonymy are two important figures of speech. Metaphor is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison based on similarity. E.x.: A cunning person may be referred to as a fox. Here “fox” means something other than its literal meaning. The word “fox” gets the figurative meaning of “a cunning person”.

>Metaphor This is also a horse, but a metaphorical horse.
Metaphor This is also a horse, but a metaphorical horse.

>Example: foot foot 1. The lower extremity of the vertebrate leg that is in
Example: foot foot 1. The lower extremity of the vertebrate leg that is in direct contact with the ground in standing or walking. 2. The lowest part; the bottom the foot of a mountain the foot of a page This meaning is derived through the metaphor “The last line on this page is the foot of the page.”

>Metonymy is another important factor in semantic change. It is a figure of speech
Metonymy is another important factor in semantic change. It is a figure of speech by which an object or an idea is described by the name of something else closely related to it.

>Example: seat Seat (its sense is extended to the right to sit as a
Example: seat Seat (its sense is extended to the right to sit as a member of a committee, such as the House of Commons) He lost his seat in House of Commons. The word “seat” has acquired the meaning of “the right to sit as a member” through the above metonym.

>More Example: cradle Cradle 1. A small low bed for an infant, often furnished
More Example: cradle Cradle 1. A small low bed for an infant, often furnished with rockers 2. The earliest period of life; infancy from the cradle to the grave 3. A place of origin; a birthplace the cradle of civilization. These meanings are derived through the following metonyms.

Let’s say you’ve got a document with tracked changes in it, and the reviewer changes and comments are supposed to be by a corporate name — say XYZ Editing (apologies if this business exists) but they have been put in as by Fred Smith, an employee of XYZ.

How do you change them?

Changing the author of comments is pretty straightforward.

Try the method at:


This uses a VBA script.

Press “Alt+F11” to open VBA editor. Paste the code and click ‘run’.

Here is the suggested VBA code:

Sub ChangeAllAuthorNamesInComments()
  Dim objComment As Comment

  ' Change all author names in comments
  For Each objComment In ActiveDocument.Comments
    objComment.Author = "XYZ"
    objComment.Initial = "X"
  Next objComment
End Sub

So, this changes all comments to be by XYZ. It’s no good if you want to change only some.

Now, for the tracked changes, there seems to be no simple solution. The best advice I saw was at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38225918/vba-to-change-name-of-author-on-tracked-changes-in-word, but none of it is really simple.

But, let’s say I want to change every occurrence of Fred Smith to XYZ. The procedure below seems to work. (NOTE!!!! Your mileage may vary, I am not responsible for any butchering of your documents! Make backups! Caveat emptor. No promises, no liability etc.)

  1. Make a backup. Say copy document.docx to document-mod.docx
  2. Open the document in Word
  3. Save it as Word XML Document (*.xml)
  4. Open document-mod.xml in a text editor, or if in Word be sure to edit it as plain text
  5. Do a global search and replace for Fred Smith replaced by XYZ. (Ditto for any other names that need changing.)
  6. Save
  7. Open document-mod.xml in Word and save as document-mod.docx
  8. Check that nothing’s gone funny, maybe using document compare tools and some spot checks

Note that this will also change any appearances of Fred Smith in comments, and possibly in the body text (though I think the body text is encoded, so should be ok), so do do a few checks.

I used Vim as my editor, so my Vim command was just:

:%s/Fred Smith/XYZ/g

and all were changed.

Note also that this will not change reviewer initials, so it is better to do the comments change first using the VBA script, then do this to change the tracks.

Here’s a screenshot to add variety to this posting:

Schreenshot showing the save as options in Word

Choose Word XML

This is what a file might look like in Vim:

Lots of tags in angle brackets

The XML output — plain text, but otherwise pretty obscure

Best of luck!

I’m a scientist by training, currently working as a writer, trainer and editor.
View all posts by Darren

change verb

You don’t need to change — you look great as you are.

How often do you think he changes his shirt?

Could you change the baby (= the baby’s nappy)?

More examplesFewer examples
  • You are going to change, aren’t you? You can’t go in those tatty old jeans.
  • When did you last change the linen on the children’s beds?
  • I hadn’t even changed when our first guests arrived, so Jeff had to cope on his own.
  • I usually insist that he changes out of his work clothes before dinner.
  • Can you make sure your brother doesn’t walk in when I’m changing?

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

change verb

change verb

I changed into fourth (gear).

UK Change down to go round the corner.


Phrasal verbs

change noun

She gave me €5 in change.


Tuomas Lehtinen/ Moment/GettyImages

Do you have change for a 20-dollar bill?

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

change noun

She did a quick change before going on TV.

change noun

change noun

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases


(Definition of change from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

change | American Dictionary

change verb

[ I/T ]

to make or become different, or to do, use, or get one thing in place of another thing:

[ I ] Attitudes about lots of things changed during the 1960s.

[ I/T ]

To change over from one thing to something else is to stop doing or using one thing and to start doing or using another:

change verb

[ I ] I’ll just change into (= put on) something a little dressier.

change verb

Can you change a $100 bill for me?

change verb

[ I ] Change at Hartford for the train to Springfield.


change noun

 a change

Why don’t we eat on the porch for a change?

change noun

It costs $17 and you gave me $20, so here’s your $3 change.

I need change for a $50 bill because I want to take a taxi.

Do you have change for/of a dollar?

change noun

(Definition of change from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Examples of change


In each experimental session, there was just one color change to the sky or sphere and just one test-surface color.

You should say them all in the prescribed manner; do not change a thing.

The focus of the debate changed as well.

Ideas can «become true» if the world changes.

Co-ordination of head and eyes in the gaze changing behavior of cats.

We induced a change in direction selectivity in one of ten cells.

Dark- and light-induced changes in coupling between horizontal cells in mammalian retina.

But she also knows that when she is old her mind will have changed.

Disaggregation of household results by sources of income and expenditure patterns permits a fairly detailed analysis of likely changes in poverty.

The screening system permitted a population approach for quantification of changes in seed population thermal behaviour in relation to dormancy loss.

This is evident in changes of the nomenclature of family planning board to family welfare organization.

In contrast, the nonspatial characteristics of the target (such as its weight or function) are almost completely unlikely to change after the movement is planned.

When children attend to the input and repeatedly attempt to parse it, their performance undergoes a qualitative change.

The upshot of this is that adaptation to nonstationarity does not require qualitative changes in a learning algorithm.

Initial analysis of the data from the interviews and tapes of the novices also indicated qualitative changes in the nature of expertise as it developed.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Collocations with change

These are words often used in combination with change.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

abrupt change

The theoretical curves follow closely the dashed and dash-dotted numerical curves, and the abrupt change in tangent angle appears to fit almost exactly.

accelerating change

But, when we speak of helping young people to settle down in employment, we must recognise that they are facing a turbulent world of extraordinary and accelerating change.

adaptive change

The perception-action coupling is the result of an adaptive change of our central nervous system to environmental properties.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

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