Word meaning much loved


God knows how much I loved you — бог свидетель, как я любил вас

Перевод по словам

much  — много, гораздо, значительно, очень, почти, многое
love  — любовь, влюбленность, любить, возлюбить, хотеть, любовный, возлюбленный


The LSO will perform a much-loved concert piece.

Лондонский симфонический оркестр исполнит всеми любимую концертную пьесу.

In 1941, her much-loved sister was killed in an accident.

В 1941 году её любимая сестра погибла в результате несчастного случая.

I was very much in love with her once.

Я когда-то очень любил её.

He was laid in rest in God’s acre, with a comforting view of the river he loved so much.

Он был похоронен /упокоился с миром/ на кладбище с благостным видом на реку, которую так любил.

She is so much in love that she scarcely knows if she’s coming or going. *

Она так влюбилась, что совсем потеряла голову.

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The old steam trains were much-loved, and we all mourn their passing.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

очень любимый

очень любимым

столь любимой

всенародно любимой

столь любимый

очень любимое

очень любимой

всеми любимый

очень любимого

Today, it is a much-loved accessory you can buy from a jewellery store and wear with a range of garments.

Сегодня это очень любимый аксессуар, который вы можете купить в ювелирном магазине и носить с различными предметами одежды.

The peony is also a much-loved subject of Japanese artists, who have used it to adorn tapestries and porcelain.

Пион также очень любимый предмет японских художников, которые использовали его для украшения гобеленов и фарфора.

Rome, with its stunning sights and attractions, is a much-loved destination among die-hard romantics.

Рим, с его потрясающими достопримечательностями и достопримечательностями, является очень любимым местом среди диких романтиков.

Since joining our Academy more than 17 years ago aged just nine, Jack has been a tremendous player for the club and a much-loved member of the Arsenal family.

С момента вступления в нашу Академию более 17 лет назад в возрасте девяти лет, Джек был потрясающим игроком для клуба и очень любимым членом семьи «Арсенала».

Newly-appointed Russian Poker Series tournament director Artur Voskanyan said, The Russian Poker Series is the richest and most prestigious poker tour in Russia and CIS, and I’m delighted to join a much-loved and well-run live tour.

На должность турнирного директора Российской покерной серии назначен Артур Восканян: «Российская покерная серия — это самый богатый и престижный покерный тур в России и странах СНГ, и я очень рад возможности присоединиться к столь любимой и известной «живой» серии.

Even after all these years, he’s still a much-loved family pet, and we were delighted to get him back.

Даже после всех этих лет он всё ещё очень любимый семейный питомец, и мы были рады его возвращению.

Bongoyo Island, a much-loved island getaway, lies off Msasani Peninsula, about four miles north of the city.

Остров Бонгойо, очень любимый отдых на острове, лежит у полуострова Мсасани, примерно в четырех милях к северу от города.

While a much-loved household item in today’s society, Espresso Machines have existed since 1884, built and patented by Angelo Moriondo of Turin, Italy.

Кофе эспрессо Кофе: в то время как очень любимый предмет домашнего хозяйства в современном обществе, эспрессо-машины существуют с 1884 года, построены и запатентованы Анджело Мориондо из Турина, Италия.

A much-loved fighter for the working class.

A much-loved orange cat called Ivanhoe.

A much-loved avant-garde theater in Uzbekistan had been threatened with imminent closure until the president’s daughter intervened this week, but management is concerned that they are not yet in the clear.

Всеми любимый авангардный театр в Узбекистане находился под угрозой скорого закрытия, пока на этой неделе в ситуацию не вмешалась дочь президента.

The alterations are designed to reflect the change of occupancy, while maintaining the familiar atmosphere of a much-loved family house.

Изменения разработаны, чтобы отразить изменение занятости, поддерживая знакомую атмосферу очень любимого семейного дома.

Being without parental guidance at university appears to be the trigger that turned his gaming from a much-loved activity to an obsession.

Пребывание без родительского руководства в университете, кажется, стало причиной того, что его игры превратились из любимой игры в одержимость.

Your clock is a much-loved and cherished part of our town.

Ваши часы — любимая и заветная часть нашего города.

He was a much-loved friend and teacher and continues to be respected and loved.

Он был горячо любимым другом и учителем, он и сейчас продолжает вызывать уважение и любовь.

The hibiscus is a much-loved garden plant anywhere within its natural range.

Гибискус — очень любимое садовое растение в любом месте его естественного ареала.

‘I don’t think she ever used it in public, but I hear it became a much-loved family joke.

«Я не думаю, что она когда-либо использовала его (приспособление) на публике, но я слышал, что оно стало обожаемой семейной шуткой», — сообщил автор.

Today, this last-minute provision is a much-loved part of the city.

Сегодня это горящее предложение — любимая часть города.

It is no wonder that the area has been developed into a much-loved tourist destination.

Неудивительно, что этот район был превращен в любимое туристическое направление.

Graham is widely known as a pastor to presidents and a much-loved evangelist.

Грэм широко известен как пастор для президентов и всеми любимый евангелист.

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Asked by: Jace Roob

Score: 4.6/5
(15 votes)

phrase. DEFINITIONS1. used for describing someone or something that is loved, respected etc a lot or by many people. Lord Buckingham was a much loved and respected figure.

What is a synonym for much loved?

Regarded with deep and special affection. adored. favouriteUK. favoriteUS. chosen.

What does much love mean in texting?

It can imply a casual tone to show a friend affection. Similar to «Wish you well» or «Best of luck». In the two major parts of the U.S. it wasn’t a very common phrase. And if it was used it was shortened to «Much love», «Much love, man» or «Much love, bro».

What is the synonym of sincerely?

In this page you can discover 26 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for sincerely, like: genuinely, insincerely, dishonestly, truly, untruthfully, truthfully, sincerely yours, unfeignedly, ingenuously, sincerley and really.

What is another way to say so much?

synonyms for so much

  1. awfully.
  2. extraordinarily.
  3. remarkably.
  4. so.
  5. strangely.
  6. terribly.
  7. uncommonly.
  8. very.

36 related questions found

What’s another word for Best regards?

Formal alternatives to Best Regards include “Sincerely,” “Sincerely Yours,” “Yours Truly,” “Faithfully Yours,” “Respectfully Yours,” “With Sincere Appreciation,” and “With Gratitude.” On the other hand, some informal alternatives include “Best,” “Thanks,” “See you soon,” “Take care,” “Love,” “I miss you,” and “Hugs.” …

What is the meaning of with all one’s heart?

: in a very sincere and deeply felt way I love him with all my heart.

What is the synonym of heartfelt?

Some common synonyms of heartfelt are hearty, sincere, unfeigned, and wholehearted. While all these words mean «genuine in feeling,» heartfelt suggests depth of genuine feeling outwardly expressed.

What do you say after saying much love?

Sweet Responses To ‘I Love You’

  • ‘I’m crazy about you! …
  • ‘Sometimes I feel like my heart will burst with happiness when you say those three words! …
  • ‘You are the best thing that ever happened to me. …
  • ‘You complete me. …
  • ‘If I could say how much I love you in mere words, I might be able to talk more.

Can you end a letter with much love?

Yours sincerely — put at the end of a business letter, or a letter where you want to be quite formal. With much love — put if you love the person. You can also just shorten it to ‘Love’.

What can you say instead of I love You?

How do I say “I love you” without saying it in a text?

  • “Smiling so much today just thinking of you”
  • “Just wanted to thank you for being you :)”
  • “I hope you know how much you mean to me”
  • “I’m so glad you’re in my life!”
  • “You are so amazing!”
  • “You mean so much to me”
  • Send a sweet GIF.
  • Send a romantic song.

How can I use lots of love?

lots of love in a sentence

  1. Yet lots of loving parents choose to do those very things.
  2. We got a lot of love and respect for each other.
  3. We will see a whole lot of love in its place.
  4. I believe there is a lot of love in this sport.
  5. They are going to need a lot of love from us.

Is much loved hyphenated?

Do not use hyphens after adverbs ending in -ly, eg a hotly disputed penalty, a constantly evolving newspaper, genetically modified food, etc, but hyphens are needed with short and common adverbs, eg ever-forgiving family, much-loved character, well-established principle of style (note, however, that in the construction …

How do you say thanks synonyms?


  1. appreciative,
  2. appreciatory,
  3. glad,
  4. grateful,
  5. obliged,
  6. thankful.

What does with all my love mean?

1 tr to have a great attachment to and affection for. 2 tr to have passionate desire, longing, and feelings for. 3 tr to like or desire (to do something) very much.

What does wearing heart on sleeve mean?

We use the phrase «wear your heart on your sleeve» in a casual way to say that we are showing our intimate emotions in an honest and open manner. … Knights would often wear a lady’s token around their sleeve of armor.

What White heart means?

What does White Heart emoji mean? The White Heart emoji depicts a classic representation of a heart, colored white or gray. It is commonly used to represent love, support, close bonds, and admiration for things that have some relation to the color white, such as white-colored clothing or animals.

How do you say wishing you the best?

You can say:

  1. Wish you all the best!
  2. Wish you the best of luck!
  3. Good luck with that!
  4. Best of luck!
  5. I wish you luck!
  6. Wishing you lots of luck!
  7. Fingers crossed!
  8. Break a leg!

What does Sincerely yours mean?

“Sincerely yours” indicates that the person sending the correspondence (and the information and sentiments presented) are trustworthy.

How do you say hello in a fancy way?


  1. greetings.
  2. hi.
  3. howdy.
  4. welcome.
  5. bonjour.
  6. buenas noches.
  7. buenos dias.
  8. good day.

How can I express too much?


  1. awfully.
  2. enormously.
  3. especially.
  4. excessively.
  5. extraordinarily.
  6. extremely.
  7. greatly.
  8. highly.

What does the phrase you are too much mean?

Usually it means you are difficult to deal with, or difficult to understand (in a metaphorical sense). It depends on the context. For example someone might say I was ‘too much’ if I kept changing my mind about something.

Central Asians vie for ownership of a much-loved dish.

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Народы Центральной Азии соперничают за« авторское право» на любимое блюдо.

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They heard the gentle remonstrance of a kindly king with an erring but much-loved minister.

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Теперь это было мягкое увещевание доброго короля ошибающемуся, но любимому министру.

Because everywhere you look there are little reminders of the much-loved 205 GTi.

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Потому что, куда бы ты не посмотрел, везде есть небольшие напоминания о столь любимом 205 GTi.

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Tchaikovsky’s much-loved music is matched to a magical adventure

on Christmas Eve for Clara and her Nutcracker doll.

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Любимая музыка Чайковского сочетается с волшебным приключением Клары

и ее куклы Щелкунчика в канун Рождества.

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I am confident that we will celebrate many more anniversaries of this competition, much-loved at Kurskenergo.».

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Уверен, что мы отметим еще немало юбилеев этого конкурса, столь любимого в Курскэнерго».

and consciously-rendered accents can also transform the bathroom into your own personal feel-good room.

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и мастерски расставленные акценты превратят и ванную комнату в индивидуальную зону комфорта.

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The villa was also the much-loved summer residence of Adenauer,

the first German prime minister after the end of World War Two.

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Вилла была, также, любимой летней резиденцией Аденауэра,

первого премьер-министра Германии после окончания Второй мировой войны.

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Thank you very much, our dear and much-loved Yandex, thank you to all the staff for so much joy

and exciting discoveries on that wonderful day!

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Спасибо большое, дорогой наш и любимый Яндекс, спасибо всем сотрудникам, подарившим детям замечательный праздник!

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This ball left a great impression on the writer and through his pen,

it became the spring ball of the full moon from the much-loved novel.

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Этот бал потряс воображение великого писателя и

под его волшебным пером превратился в бал Весеннего полнолуния из любимого романа.

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In May,

1837 Lebedev sent to Naples to work in the summer in his beautiful and much-loved landscape painters around.

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В мае 1837 г. Лебедев отправляется в Неаполь, чтобы поработать летом в его прекрасных и столь любимых пейзажистами окрестностях.

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The much-loved summertime waves that hit Málaga’s city beaches

and the beaches as far away as Rincon de la Victoria.

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Столь любимые всеми волны, которые приходят к городским пляжам Малаги и пляжи неподалеку(

Ринкон- де- ла- Виктория) в летний период.

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Almost never the artist did not touch on the much-loved contemporaries social issues,

and just worked on the conceptualization of human life as such.

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Практически никогда художник не затрагивал столь любимые современниками общественные проблемы, а

просто работал над осмыслением человеческой жизни как таковой.

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With all the features of the much-loved adult jacket, it is a fantastic investment for active, energetic children.

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С учетом всех особенностей столь любимые взрослого куртке, это фантастические инвестиции для активных, энергичных детей.

Clever stroller is one of the most popular and much-loved strollers in the offer of Baby Design.

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Коляска Clever- это одна из самых популярных и любимых прогулочных колясок в предложении Baby Design.

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She has lovely long legs(for a shorty!), pretty form,

nice connections, a much-loved(by me) illusion turn and an amazing oversplit!

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Она имеет прекрасные длинные ноги, симпатичные формы,

хорошие соединения, столь любимые( мной), иллюзию поворота и удивительные oversplit!

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The much-loved former striker for Saudi Arabia and Riyadh’s Al Nassr FC,

who was affectionately known as the‘Arabian Jewel’ during his playing days, has been named The First Group’s ambassador for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia(KSA) and the wider Middle East and North Africa(MENA) region.

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Всеми любимый футболист, бывший нападающий сборной Саудовской Аравии и клуба«

Аль- Наср» из Эр-Рияда, получивший прозвище« Сокровище Аравии», стал почетным представителем компании The First Group в Королевстве Саудовская Аравия( KSA) и во


ближневосточном и североафриканском регионе( MENA).

Among many other things,

ATP Innsbruck is home to the much-loved children’s day centre“ATPünktchen”,

its own fitness club“ATP Health”, which is open to the whole family, offers training courses with childcare and flexible working times and supports the return of Mothers after maternity leave.

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Помимо всего прочего, в ATP Инсбрук расположен всеми любимый детский сад“ ATPünktchen”,

есть собственный фитнес-клуб“ ATP Health”, доступный для всей семьи, практикуется гибкий рабочий график и оказывается поддержка женщинам, решившим вернуться на работу после декрета.

McShane also revealed that his character would»bring back a much-loved character everybody thinks is dead,» leading

many to speculate prior to the season that he would either play a role in bringing back Jon Snow, or the Hound, whose fate had also been called into question since his disappearance.

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Макшейн также раскрыл, что его персонаж« вернет полюбившегося персонажа, которого все считают мертвым»,

что заставило многих предполагать, что он либо сыграет роль в возвращении Джона Сноу, либо Пса, чья судьба также была поставлена под сомнение с момента его исчезновения.

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Моего самого любимого рыжего кота зовут Айвенго.

Select from much-loved Mario and Sonic characters.

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Играйте за любимых персонажей Mario и Sonic.

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Tonight, we present the enduring, much-loved classic.

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Сегодня мы представляем любимый вами классический фильм.

It portrays the cute, big-eared, much-loved cartoon character.

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Там изображен милый ушастый герой любимого мультика.

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Мой отец был великим королем. Его любили.

She is over-affectionate,»much-loved and very opinionated.

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Каких много« Она так нежно, так заботно…».

Her investigation continues in a much-loved mystery/encyclopedia format.

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Расследования юного детектива продолжаются в любимом формате приключенческой энциклопедии.

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AmongstThey have both time-tested and much-loved classics and the latest slots from popular manufacturers.

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Среди них есть как проверенная временем и любимая многими классика, так и новейшие слоты от популярных производителей.

Mary is a much-loved figure in the North, where we mean to impress our subjects.

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Мэри очень любима на севере, где мы… намерены произвести впечатление на наших подданных.

He was a much-loved friend and teacher and continues to be respected and loved.

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Он был горячо любимым другом и учителем, и до сих пор его уважают и любят.

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1 very.

muy bueno/cerca very good/near

¡muy bien! OK!, all right!; (vale) very good!, well done! (qué bien)

¡el muy fresco! the cheeky devil!

¡la muy tonta! the silly idiot!

Muy Sr. mío dear Sir

no cabe ahí, es muy grande it won’t fit in there, it’s too big

* * *

1 very

ser muy hombre/mujer familiar to be a real man/woman

por muy… no matter how…, however…

* * *


* * *

1) very

muy bien/tarde/mucho — very well/late/much

muy bien, que venga — all right, he can come (along)

muy de, muy de noche — very late at night

el/la muy, el muy tonto de Pedro — that great idiot Pedro

¡el muy bandido! — the rascal!

por muy, por muy cansado que estés — however tired you are, no matter how tired you are

2) too

3) greatly, highly



tongue; trap


, mouth

* * *


muy bien, sigamos adelante — OK o fine, let’s go on

* * *

= highly, very, eminent + Nombre, deeply, expansively, darn.

Ex. Even for those items that are designated relevant some may be judged to be highly relevant, whilst others may be regarded as partially relevant or only marginally relevant.

Ex. I have been very embarrassed at their embarrassment at the kinds of subject headings used.

Ex. ‘I think it makes eminent sense, for the reasons I’ve outlined,’ he said and started toward the door.

Ex. I have found in reading extracts from Scott’s diary of his trip to the South Pole that pupils interrupted all the time to ask questions, until the final entries were reached, when everyone went very quiet, moved deeply by Scott’s words and unwilling to bruise the emotion they felt.

Ex. Their survey is expansively scripted and probes for a variety of information from the interviewee = Su encuesta está muy detallada y obtiene una gran variedad de información de los encuestados.

Ex. However, as someone else said, people are pretty darn sensitive about terrorism, and the days of left-luggage may be over.


* algo muy agradable de oír = music to + Posesivo + ears.

* algo ya muy conocido y usado = old nag.

* andar (muy) apurado de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.

* andar (muy) apurado de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.

* andar (muy) corto de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.

* andar (muy) corto de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.

* andar (muy) escaso de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.

* andar (muy) escaso de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.

* andar (muy) falto de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.

* andar (muy) falto de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.

* apuntar muy alto = reach for + the stars, shoot for + the stars.

* a un precio muy razonable = at a very reasonable cost, at a very reasonable cost, at very reasonable cost.

* avanzar muy despacio = creep, creep along.

* curva muy cerrada = hairpin bend, hairpin curve, hairpin turn.

* curva muy pronunciada = hairpin bend, hairpin curve, hairpin turn.

* de un modo muy general = crudely, crudely.

* estar muy cerca de = be one step away from, be steps away from, come + very close to.

* estar muy convencido de = have + strong feelings about.

* estar muy por delante de su tiempo = be years ahead of + Posesivo + time.

* estar muy separado = set + far apart.

* evaluar muy positivamente según unos criterios establecido = rate + Nombre + high on + criteria.

* haber de muy diversos tipos = come in + all/many (sorts of) shapes and sizes.

* hacer Algo muy bien = do + an excellent job of.

* llegar muy lejos = go + a long way, come + a long way.

* muy activo = afire.

* muy a diferencia de = in marked contrast to/with.

* muy + Adjetivo = extremely + Adjetivo, grossly + Adjetivo, rather + Adjetivo, severely + Adjetivo, tightly + Adjetivo, wildly + Adjetivo, extraordinarily + Adjetivo, incredibly + Adjetivo, ludicrously + Adjetivo, seriously + Adjetivo, disappointingly + Adjetivo, not least + Adjetivo, heavily + Adjetivo, much + Adjetivo, mighty + Adjetivo, prohibitively + Adjetivo, sorely + Adjetivo, supremely + Adjetivo, vastly + Adjetivo, vitally + Adjetivo, immensely + Adjetivo, hugely + Adjetivo, significantly + Adjetivo, most + Adjetivo, impressively + Adjetivo, bloody + Adjetivo.

* muy + Adjetivo/Adverbio = quite + Adjetivo/Adverbio.

* muy + Adjetivo/Participio = keenly + Adjetivo/Participio.

* muy + Adverbio = ever so + Adverbio.

* muy al principio = in very early days, at the very outset.

* muy a menudo = more often than not, very often, most often than not.

* muy anunciado = well-publicised [well-publicized, -USA].

* muy a + Posesivo + pesar = to + Posesivo + chagrin.

* muy apreciado = highly appreciated, long-revered.

* muy apreciado desde hace tiempo = long-revered.

* muy arraigado = deep-rooted, well established, long-established.

* muy avanzado = well-developed, well-advanced.

* muy bien + podría + Verbo = might + well + Verbo.

* muy bien + puede + Verbo = may well + Verbo.

* muy caliente = piping hot, baking hot.

* muy cambiado = much-changed, much-changed.

* muy caro = high priced [high-priced].

* muy concurrido = well-used [well used], well attended [well-attended].

* muy condimentado = spicy [spicier -comp., spiciest -sup.].

* muy conseguido = slick, licked, well-crafted.

* muy criticado = much-criticised [much-criticized, USA].

* muy diferente de = far different… from, in marked contrast to/with.

* muy difícil de traducir = defy + translation.

* muy divulgado = well-publicised [well-publicized, -USA].

* muy estimado = highly regarded, highly esteemed, highly reputed.

* muy estrecho = poky [pokier -comp., pokiest -sup.].

* muy extendido = commonly-held, widely held.

* muy famoso = highly acclaimed, widely acclaimed, well-acclaimed.

* muy frecuentemente = so often, most often than not.

* muy generalizado = commonly-held, widely held.

* muy importante = critical, very importantly, big time.

* muy lejos = far away, far off.

* muy lejos de = a long way from, a long way removed from.

* muy moderno = trendy [trendier -comp., trendiest -sup.].

* muy necesario = much needed [much-needed], long overdue.

* muy nervioso = in a state of agitation, highly-strung.

* muy + Participio = badly + Participio.

* muy + Participio Pasado = widely + Participio Pasado, extensively + Participio Pasado.

* muy popular = widely-read, highly popular.

* muy posiblemente = for all you know, for all we know.

* muy preciado = much prized, highly prized.

* muy preciso = much needed [much-needed].

* muy probablemente = most likely, most probably.

* muy pronto = before long, pretty soon.

* muy pulido = licked, slick.

* muy rápidamente = like a house on fire, in short order.

* muy rara vez = all too seldom, all too seldom, once in a blue moon.

* muy reconocido = highly regarded, highly esteemed, highly reputed.

* muy respetado = highly regarded, highly esteemed, highly reputed, widely-respected.

* muy sazonado = spicy [spicier -comp., spiciest -sup.].

* muy unido = close-knit, tight-knit, closely knit, well-connected, tightly knit.

* muy usado = shabby [shabbier -comp., shabbiest -sup.], high-use, well-used [well used], well-worn, well-worn, heavily used, much-used.

* muy valioso = highly valuable, highly prized.

* muy valorado = highly valued, highly appreciated.

* nombre muy conocido = household name, household word.

* no muy despierto = slow.

* no muy lejos = within easy travelling distance, not far behind, not far off, not far away, not far, not too far.

* pasarlo muy mal = have + a tough time, have + a hard time.

* poner un precio a Algo muy alto = overprice.

* por muy + Adjetivo + be = Adjetivo + though + Nombre + be.

* por muy difícil que parezca = difficult though it may seem, difficult as it may seem.

* por muy extraño que parezca = strangely enough, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange, funnily enough.

* por muy increíble que parezca = incredible though it may seem, incredibly, incredibly enough, incredible as it may seem, although it may seem incredible.

* por muy mentira que parezca = incredibly, incredible though it may seem, strangely enough, incredibly enough, incredible as it may seem, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange, although it may seem incredible.

* por muy raro que parezca = strangely enough, oddly enough, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange.

* repasar Algo muy detenidamente = go over + Nombre + with a fine toothcomb.

* sentido muy desarrollado de su propio territorio = territoriality.

* ser Algo muy importante = loom + large.

* ser muy antiguo = go back + a long way.

* ser muy buena señal = bode + well.

* ser muy popular = have + mass appeal.

* ser muy probable = chances + be.

* ser muy prometedor = promise + great possibilities, bode + well.

* ser muy provechoso = pay off + handsomely.

* ser muy quisquilloso = be picky.

* ser muy rápido = be quick off + Posesivo + feet.

* ser muy revelador = speak + volumes, be an eye-opener.

* servir muy bien = take + Nombre + a long way.

* tejido muy delicado = gossamer.

* tener algo muy vivo en la mente de uno = be strong in + mind.

* tener muy mala cara = look like + death warmed (over/up).

* tenerse muy en cuenta por = carry + weight with.

* tener un día muy largo = have + a long day.

* venir muy bien = fit + the bill.

* verse muy afectado por = have + a high stake in.

* vigilar Algo muy de cerca = keep + a watchful eye.

* * *


muy bien, sigamos adelante — OK o fine, let’s go on

* * *

= highly, very, eminent + Nombre, deeply, expansively, darn.

Ex: Even for those items that are designated relevant some may be judged to be highly relevant, whilst others may be regarded as partially relevant or only marginally relevant.

Ex: I have been very embarrassed at their embarrassment at the kinds of subject headings used.

Ex: ‘I think it makes eminent sense, for the reasons I’ve outlined,’ he said and started toward the door.

Ex: I have found in reading extracts from Scott’s diary of his trip to the South Pole that pupils interrupted all the time to ask questions, until the final entries were reached, when everyone went very quiet, moved deeply by Scott’s words and unwilling to bruise the emotion they felt.

Ex: Their survey is expansively scripted and probes for a variety of information from the interviewee = Su encuesta está muy detallada y obtiene una gran variedad de información de los encuestados.

Ex: However, as someone else said, people are pretty darn sensitive about terrorism, and the days of left-luggage may be over.

* acento muy pronunciado = heavy accent.

* algo muy agradable de oír = music to + Posesivo + ears.

* algo muy diferente de = a far cry from.

* algo muy difícil = a tough sell.

* algo muy distinto de = a far cry from.

* algo ya muy conocido y usado = old nag.

* andar (muy) apurado de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.

* andar (muy) apurado de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.

* andar (muy) corto de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.

* andar (muy) corto de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.

* andar (muy) escaso de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.

* andar (muy) escaso de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.

* andar (muy) falto de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.

* andar (muy) falto de tiempo = be (hard) pressed for + time.

* apuntar muy alto = reach for + the stars, shoot for + the stars.

* a un precio muy razonable = at a very reasonable cost, at a very reasonable cost, at very reasonable cost.

* avanzar muy despacio = creep, creep along.

* como muy tarde = at the latest.

* con las manos muy largas = light-fingered.

* con lazos muy estrechos = close-knit.

* con medios muy escasos = on a shoestring (budget).

* con medios muy exiguos = on a shoestring (budget).

* con muy poca antelación = at (a) very short notice.

* con muy poca anticipación = at (a) very short notice.

* con muy poca frecuencia = all too seldom.

* con muy pocas excepciones = with a few exceptions.

* con muy pocos medios = on a shoestring (budget).

* con un plazo de tiempo muy corto = at (a) very short notice.

* curva muy abierta = sweeping curve.

* curva muy cerrada = hairpin bend, hairpin curve, hairpin turn.

* curva muy pronunciada = hairpin bend, hairpin curve, hairpin turn.

* de forma muy similar a = in much the same way as.

* de muy lejos = from afar.

* de ritmo muy acelerado = hard-driving.

* desde muy antiguo = since olden times.

* desde muy lejos = from afar.

* de un modo muy general = crudely, crudely.

* encontrar muy difícil = be hard-pushed to.

* en muy poco tiempo = before long.

* en un pasado muy lejano = in the dim and distant past.

* estar muy acostumbrado a = be all too familiar with.

* estar muy agradecido a = be indebted to.

* estar muy alejado de = be a long way from.

* estar muy arraigado en = be well embedded in.

* estar muy bajo = be way down.

* estar muy cerca de = be one step away from, be steps away from, come + very close to.

* estar muy convencido de = have + strong feelings about.

* estar muy emocionado con/por = be excited about.

* estar muy lejano = be far off.

* estar muy lejos = be far off.

* estar muy por delante de = be way out ahead of.

* estar muy por delante de su tiempo = be years ahead of + Posesivo + time.

* estar muy separado = set + far apart.

* estar muy usado = be well thumbed.

* evaluar muy positivamente según unos criterios establecido = rate + Nombre + high on + criteria.

* gente muy trabajadora = hard-working people.

* haber de muy diversos tipos = come in + all/many (sorts of) shapes and sizes.

* hablar muy bien de = rant and rave.

* hacer Algo muy bien = do + an excellent job of.

* hasta hace muy poco = up until recently.

* ignorancia es muy atrevida, la = ignorance is very daring.

* ir muy atrasado = be way behind schedule.

* ir muy por detrás de = be far behind.

* llegar muy lejos = go + a long way, come + a long way.

* lo que es muy importante = importantly.

* muy abreviado = highly-abbreviated.

* muy activo = afire.

* muy a diferencia de = in marked contrast to/with.

* muy + Adjetivo = extremely + Adjetivo, grossly + Adjetivo, rather + Adjetivo, severely + Adjetivo, tightly + Adjetivo, wildly + Adjetivo, extraordinarily + Adjetivo, incredibly + Adjetivo, ludicrously + Adjetivo, seriously + Adjetivo, disappointingly + Adjetivo, not least + Adjetivo, heavily + Adjetivo, much + Adjetivo, mighty + Adjetivo, prohibitively + Adjetivo, sorely + Adjetivo, supremely + Adjetivo, vastly + Adjetivo, vitally + Adjetivo, immensely + Adjetivo, hugely + Adjetivo, significantly + Adjetivo, most + Adjetivo, impressively + Adjetivo, bloody + Adjetivo.

* muy + Adjetivo/Adverbio = quite + Adjetivo/Adverbio.

* muy + Adjetivo/Participio = keenly + Adjetivo/Participio.

* muy admirado = much-admired.

* muy + Adverbio = ever so + Adverbio.

* muy agustito = snugly.

* muy alejado de = a long way removed from.

* muy al principio = in very early days, at the very outset.

* muy amado = much-loved.

* muy a menudo = more often than not, very often, most often than not.

* muy antiguo = centuries-old.

* muy anunciado = well-publicised [well-publicized, -USA].

* muy apartado de = a long way removed from.

* muy a + Posesivo + pesar = to + Posesivo + chagrin.

* muy apreciado = highly appreciated, long-revered.

* muy apreciado desde hace tiempo = long-revered.

* muy arraigado = deep-rooted, well established, long-established.

* muy a tiempo = in good time.

* muy atrás = far behind.

* muy atrasado = in the backwoods.

* muy avanzado = well-developed, well-advanced.

* muy beneficioso = high-payoff.

* muy bien = nicely.

* ¡muy bien! = the way to go!.

* muy bien cuidado = well-kept.

* muy bien pagado = highly paid.

* muy bien + podría + Verbo = might + well + Verbo.

* muy bien + puede + Verbo = may well + Verbo.

* muy bien remunerado = highly paid.

* muy bien tramado = carefully crafted.

* muy bien urdido = carefully crafted.

* muy caliente = piping hot, baking hot.

* muy cambiado = much-changed, much-changed.

* muy caro = high priced [high-priced].

* muy cerca = close-by.

* muy claramente = in no uncertain terms.

* muy completo = populated.

* muy concurrido = well-used [well used], well attended [well-attended].

* muy condicionado = well-conditioned.

* muy condimentado = spicy [spicier -comp., spiciest -sup.].

* muy conseguido = slick, licked, well-crafted.

* muy criticado = much-criticised [much-criticized, USA].

* muy crítico = highly critical.

* muy custodiado = heavily guarded.

* muy de cerca = not far behind.

* muy desarrollado = well-developed.

* muy despacio = very slowly.

* muy de tarde en tarde = once in a blue moon.

* muy diferente de = far different… from, in marked contrast to/with.

* muy difícil de traducir = defy + translation.

* muy dispuesto a = all ready to.

* muy divulgado = well-publicised [well-publicized, -USA].

* muy documentado = well-informed.

* muy duro = as hard as nails.

* muy eficaz = powerful.

* muy endeudado = heavily indebted.

* muy escandaloso = highly visible.

* muy especializado = highly specialised.

* muy estimado = highly regarded, highly esteemed, highly reputed.

* muy estrecho = poky [pokier -comp., pokiest -sup.].

* muy estructurado = highly-structured.

* muy extendido = commonly-held, widely held.

* muy famoso = highly acclaimed, widely acclaimed, well-acclaimed.

* muy frecuentado = heavily used.

* muy frecuentemente = so often, most often than not.

* muy frecuente y rápido = rapid-fire.

* muy gastado = worn-out.

* muy generalizado = commonly-held, widely held.

* muy grande = big time.

* muy iluminado = brightly illuminated.

* muy importante = critical, very importantly, big time.

* muy informado = well-informed.

* muy leído = widely-read.

* muy lejano = far off.

* muy lejos = far away, far off.

* muy lejos de = a long way from, a long way removed from.

* muy lejos de conseguir = a long way toward.

* muy lentamente = very slowly.

* muy lluvioso = rain-soaked.

* muy logrado = slickly produced.

* muy mal tiempo = severe weather.

* muy mayor = over the hill.

* muy moderno = trendy [trendier -comp., trendiest -sup.].

* muy motivado = highly-motivated.

* muy necesario = much needed [much-needed], long overdue.

* muy nervioso = in a state of agitation, highly-strung.

* muy nervioso, histérico = high-strung.

* muy notorio = highly visible.

* muy parecido a = much like.

* muy + Participio = badly + Participio.

* muy + Participio Pasado = widely + Participio Pasado, extensively + Participio Pasado.

* muy peculiar = highly distinctive.

* muy pertinente para = central to.

* muy poblado = heavily populated.

* muy poco = minimally.

* muy polémico = highly controversial.

* muy popular = widely-read, highly popular.

* muy por delante de = far ahead of.

* muy por detrás = far behind.

* muy por el contrario = in marked contrast.

* muy por encima de = far beyond.

* muy por encima de todo = over and above all.

* muy posiblemente = for all you know, for all we know.

* muy practicado = much practised.

* muy preciado = much prized, highly prized.

* muy preciso = much needed [much-needed].

* muy probablemente = most likely, most probably.

* muy pronto = before long, pretty soon.

* muy propio = highly distinctive.

* muy provechoso = high-payoff.

* muy pulido = licked, slick.

* muy querido = much-loved.

* muy rápidamente = like a house on fire, in short order.

* muy rara vez = all too seldom, all too seldom, once in a blue moon.

* muy recomendado = highly recommended.

* muy reconocido = highly regarded, highly esteemed, highly reputed.

* muy resistente = heavy-duty.

* muy respetado = highly regarded, highly esteemed, highly reputed, widely-respected.

* muy sazonado = spicy [spicier -comp., spiciest -sup.].

* muy similar a = much like.

* muy sistemático = highly-structured.

* muy solicitado = in great demand.

* muy trabajado = well-crafted.

* muy trabajador = committed.

* muy unido = close-knit, tight-knit, closely knit, well-connected, tightly knit.

* muy usado = shabby [shabbier -comp., shabbiest -sup.], high-use, well-used [well used], well-worn, well-worn, heavily used, much-used.

* muy útil = highly valuable.

* muy valioso = highly valuable, highly prized.

* muy valorado = highly valued, highly appreciated.

* muy venerado = long-revered.

* muy venerado desde hace tiempo = long-revered.

* muy vigilado = heavily guarded.

* no andar muy equivocado = be in the right realm.

* no estar muy lejos de = be just one step away from.

* nombre muy conocido = household name, household word.

* no muy bien informado = not-too-well-informed.

* no muy despierto = slow.

* no muy lejos = within easy travelling distance, not far behind, not far off, not far away, not far, not too far.

* no tener que ir muy lejos = not have to look far.

* pasarlo muy mal = have + a tough time, have + a hard time.

* persona muy trabajadora = hard-working person.

* poner un precio a Algo muy alto = overprice.

* por muy + Adjetivo + be = Adjetivo + though + Nombre + be.

* por muy difícil que parezca = difficult though it may seem, difficult as it may seem.

* por muy extraño que parezca = strangely enough, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange, funnily enough.

* por muy increíble que parezca = incredible though it may seem, incredibly, incredibly enough, incredible as it may seem, although it may seem incredible.

* por muy mentira que parezca = incredibly, incredible though it may seem, strangely enough, incredibly enough, incredible as it may seem, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange, although it may seem incredible.

* por muy raro que parezca = strangely enough, oddly enough, strange though it may seem, strange as it may seem, although it may seem strange.

* posibilidades muy variadas = rich possibilities.

* puede muy bien ser = could well be.

* puede muy bien ser que = it may well be that.

* regla muy precisa = finely graduated scale.

* repasar Algo muy detenidamente = go over + Nombre + with a fine toothcomb.

* sangre muy diluida = thin blood.

* sentido muy desarrollado de su propio territorio = territoriality.

* ser algo muy claro = be a dead giveaway.

* ser algo muy fácil de conseguir = be there for the taking.

* ser Algo muy importante = loom + large.

* ser algo muy obvio = be a dead giveaway.

* ser algo muy poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.

* ser algo muy raro = be a rare occurrence.

* ser algo muy revelador = be a giveaway.

* ser muy aconsejable que = be well advised to.

* ser muy amigo de = be pally with.

* ser muy antiguo = go back + a long way.

* ser muy buena señal = bode + well.

* ser muy conocido por = be well known for.

* ser muy diferente de = be quite apart from.

* ser muy difícil, no ser nada fácil = be hard-pushed to.

* ser muy escaso = be at a premium.

* ser muy gracioso = be a right laugh.

* ser muy melindroso = be picky.

* ser muy necesario = be long overdue.

* ser muy particular = be picky.

* ser muy poco probable = be remote.

* ser muy popular = have + mass appeal.

* ser muy probable = chances + be.

* ser muy prometedor = promise + great possibilities, bode + well.

* ser muy provechoso = pay off + handsomely.

* ser muy quisquilloso = be picky.

* ser muy rápido = be quick off + Posesivo + feet.

* ser muy revelador = speak + volumes, be an eye-opener.

* ser muy superior a los demás = be way above all the others.

* ser muy superior a los otros = be way above all the others.

* ser muy usado = be heavily used.

* servir muy bien = take + Nombre + a long way.

* tejido muy delicado = gossamer.

* tener algo muy vivo en la mente de uno = be strong in + mind.

* tener muy mala cara = look like + death warmed (over/up).

* tenerse muy en cuenta por = carry + weight with.

* tener un día muy largo = have + a long day.

* tiempo muy malo = severe weather.

* una probabilidad muy alta = a sporting chance.

* venir muy bien = fit + the bill.

* verse muy afectado por = have + a high stake in.

* vigilar Algo muy de cerca = keep + a watchful eye.

* * *

1 very

muy bien, sigamos adelante OK o fine, let’s go on

muy bien, si eso es lo que tú quieres very well, if that’s what you want

estoy muy, pero muy disgustado I’m very, very upset

¿sabes lo que hizo el muy sinvergüenza? do you know what he did, the swine?

* * *


muy adverbio

son muy amigos they’re great friends;

muy admirado much admired;

muy respetado highly respected;

muy bien, sigamos adelante OK o fine, let’s go on;

por muy cansado que estés however o no matter how tired you are

muy adverbio

1 (modificando a un adjetivo o adverbio) very: muy pronto llegará, he will arrive very soon

muy tierno, very tender

2 (modificando al sustantivo) es muy española, she’s a real Spaniard

3 (demasiado) está muy caliente, it’s too hot

muy‘ also found in these entries:


— abisal
— abominable
— abrigada
— abrigado
— acalorada
— acalorado
— acaramelada
— acaramelado
— accidentada
— accidentado
— acertada
— acertado
— achacosa
— achacoso
— ácida
— ácido
— acto
— actual
— aferrada
— aferrado
— agitada
— agitado
— agradecida
— agradecido
— ahora
— alentador
— alentadora
— amena
— ameno
— amiga
— amigo
— ancha
— ancho
— antojadiza
— antojadizo
— aparte
— aperreada
— aperreado
— apretada
— apretado
— apurada
— apurado
— arraigada
— arraigado
— auspicio
— avenida
— avenido
— baja
— bajo


— abject
— abominable
— abrupt
— abysmal
— actual
— afield
— Afro
— aggressive
— agony
— also
— ambience
— appealing
— appreciative
— arch
— archaic
— argument
— article
— articulate
— aware
— baby
— bad
— badly
— baking
— be
— bear
— beating
— become
— behind
— big
— blare
— boiling
— bolt
— bookmobile
— boom
— boy
— brilliant
— burn
— burning
— businesslike
— bustle
— candid
— capable
— celebrity
— chance
— charmer
— chart
— chirpy
— civil
— clever

* * *


muy bueno/cerca very good/near;

¡muy bien! OK!, all right!;

very good!, well done!;

¡el muy fresco! the cheeky devil!;

¡la muy tonta! the silly idiot!;


no cabe ahí, es muy grande it won’t fit in there, it’s too big;

* * *


1 very;

* * *

very, quite

es muy inteligente: she’s very intelligent

muy bien: very well, fine

eso es muy americano: that’s typically American


es muy grande para él: it’s too big for him

* * *

muy bien OK / fine very good / well done

por muy… que however…


participle причастие



  1. столь любимый

Примеры предложений

From time to time, a proposal to pull down a much-loved old building to make room for a new block of flats, raises a storm of angry protest.
Время от времени возникает предложение по сносу горячо любимого здания, чтобы освободить место под новый многоквартирный дом, и это поднимает волну протеста.

md5 hash от слова much-loved: 0d990f8ff962b3dbe5ddc673e992ebea



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Meaning of MUCH-LOVED in English


Much-loved is used with these nouns: ↑ brother

Oxford Collocations English Dictionary.

     Оксфордский английский словарь словосочетаний .

Similar words: much loved

  • you told me that you loved me — Вы сказали мне, что ты любишь меня
  • you told me that you loved — Вы сказали мне, что ты любишь
  • we loved so much — мы так любили
  • We lose loved ones — Мы теряем близких
  • We loved palmer — Мы любили Палмера
  • we loved each other — мы любили друг друга
  • loved life — любил жизнь
  • loved you for a long time — любил вас в течение длительного времени
  • loved you with all — любил вас всех
  • loved you more than — любил тебя больше, чем
  • loved seeing you — любил видеть вас
  • loved your mother — любил свою мать
  • Loved you on the cracker jack box — Любил тебя на крекерной коробке
  • loved watching — любил смотреть
  • loved that — любил, что
  • Synonyms & Antonyms: not found

    Examples: much loved

    Mary wondered if Tom loved her as much as she loved him.

    Мэри задавалась вопросом, любит ли Том ее так же сильно, как она его.

    I don’t think I realized how much I loved you.

    Я не Думаю, я понял, как сильно я тебя любил.

    I don’t think I realized how much I loved you until you left me.

    Я не думаю, что понял, как сильно я тебя любил, пока ты не бросил меня.

    It makes me wonder how much you really loved Tom.

    Это заставляет меня задуматься, насколько ты действительно любил Тома.

    I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love Mary.

    Я никогда никого не любил так сильно, как люблю Мэри.

    Tom’s mother put a note in his lunchbox to tell him how much she loved him.

    Мэри положила записку в коробку для завтрака Тома, чтобы сказать ему, как сильно она его любит.

    Sami wanted to remind Layla of how much he loved her.

    Сами хотел напомнить Лейле о том, как сильно он ее любит.

    It’s sometimes the case that in losing those that we love, we realize how much we loved them.

    Иногда случается, что, теряя тех, кого мы любим, мы понимаем, как сильно мы их любили.

    They were not brother and sister, but they loved each other as much as if they had been.

    Они не были братом и сестрой, но они любили друг друга так же, как если бы они были.

    I don’t think that Tom realized just how much Mary loved him.

    Я не думаю, что Том понял, как сильно Мэри любит его.

    I don’t think that I realized how much I loved you.

    Не думаю, что я осознавал, как сильно люблю тебя.

    I don’t think that I realized how much I loved you until we broke up.

    Я не думаю, что понял, как сильно я тебя любил, пока мы не расстались.

    All Mary wanted was for Tom to love her as much as she loved him.

    Мэри хотела, чтобы Том любил ее так же сильно, как и она.

    I didn’t know how to tell him how much I loved him.

    Я не знал, как сказать ему, как сильно я его любил.

    I’ve never loved anyone as much as much as I love Tom.

    Я никогда никого не любил так сильно, как Тома.

    It wasn’t until Mary left me that I realized how much I loved her.

    Только когда Мэри оставила меня, я понял, как сильно я ее люблю.

    Tom realized Mary didn’t love him as much as he loved her.

    Том понял, что Мэри любит его не так сильно, как он.

    The mischievous little boy loved his dad very much.

    Озорной маленький мальчик очень любил своего отца.

    I don’t think that Tom realizes just how much Mary loved him.

    Я не думаю, что Том понимает, как сильно Мэри любит его.

    It wasn’t until Tom left me that I realized how much I loved him.

    Только когда Том оставил меня, я понял, как сильно я его люблю.

    A great fire was lighted in the courtyard in which she was to be burnt, and the King stood above at the window and looked on with tearful eyes, because he still loved her so much.

    Во дворе, где она должна была быть сожжена, горел большой костер, а король стоял у окна и смотрел на нее полными слез глазами, потому что все еще очень любил ее.

    I don’t think I realized how much I loved you until we broke up.

    Не думаю, что осознавал, как сильно люблю тебя, пока мы не расстались.

    Have you ever loved somebody so much that it made you cry?

    Вы когда-нибудь любили кого-то так сильно, что это заставляло вас плакать?

    Tom realized that Mary didn’t love him as much as he loved her.

    Том понял, что Мэри не любит его так сильно, как он любит ее.

    He felt he had never loved waifs and strays as much as that evening.

    Он чувствовал, что никогда не любил беспризорников так сильно, как в тот вечер.

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