Word meaning money spent

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

потраченных денег

потраченные деньги

потраченных деньгах

потраченных средств

потраченные средства

деньги потрачены

затраченные средства

денег тратится

затраченных средств

потраченными деньгами

деньги, потраченные

денег, потраченных

средства, потраченные

средств, потраченных

деньги, затраченные


You will find them worth the money spent.

Simply put, in this scenario, you overpay 20-40 thousand for «insurance» you and your money spent.

Проще говоря, в данном варианте вы переплачиваете 20-40 тысяч за «страховку» вас и ваших потраченных денег.

Many parents felt that it wasted time and money spent.

Многие родители считали, что это впустую проведенное время и потраченные деньги.

If you have credit cards, make sure you keep track of the money spent with them too.

Если у вас есть кредитные карты, убедитесь, что вы отслеживать потраченные деньги с них тоже.

Many people who purchased the Waterpik WP-100 E2 Ultra for a fairly large amount — about 4,800 rubles, regret the money spent.

Многие люди, которые приобрели Waterpik WP-100 E2 Ultra за достаточно крупную сумму — около 4800 рублей, жалеют о потраченных деньгах.

Although the prices are not small, this place is worth the money spent.

Almost all investments are differentiated from other kinds of transactions based on the aim of the money spent.

Почти все инвестиции отличаются от других видов транзакций, основанных на цели потраченных денег.

Horrifying, considering the money spent.

A little less money spent on football.

I would prefer to see the money spent on roads.

This means more money spent to keep a comfortable temperature.

Small business expenses refer to money spent to help a business carry on.

Расходы малого бизнеса представляют собой средства, потраченные для того, чтобы помочь бизнесу удерживаться на плаву.

Sorry for the time and money spent.

We need this money spent differently.

Half of the money spent on advertising bring no return whatsoever.

Hence there is not much money spent for the agriculture.

С другой стороны, на сельское хозяйство выделяются не такие большие деньги.

As a result of the money spent

Military chiefs want more money spent on arms.

Японские «ястребы» хотят больше денег на военные расходы.

This means more money spent to keep a comfortable temperature.

Sometimes I feel like it’s money spent wastefully.

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Not only that, but we have filtered out over 35% of trades which not only means far less money spent on commissions, but also frees up capital for other trades.
Но не только. Еще мы отфильтровали больше 35% сделок, что означает не только трату намного меньшего количества денег на комиссии, но также высвобождение капитала для других сделок.

If you look at the amount of money spent on the Russian and American militaries you would not expect them to have even remotely similar combat capabilities.
Если посмотреть на те деньги, которые тратятся на российскую и американскую армии, вряд ли можно сделать вывод о том, что у них почти равные боевые возможности.

This is allowed to happen because the citizens, the tax-payers, do not know and do not care about money spent on “defense.”
Происходит так потому, что граждане-налогоплательщики ничего не знают деньгах, которые тратятся на «оборону», и не тревожатся из-за этих расходов.

“Keep hearing about ‘tiny’ amount of money spent on Facebook ads, Trump tweeted, “What about the billions of dollars of Fake News on CNN, ABC, NBC & CBS?”
«Постоянно слышу о „небольших» суммах, потраченных на рекламу в Facebook, — написал Трамп в Twitter. — А как насчет миллиардов долларов на фейковые новости CNN, ABC, NBC и CBS?»

Rep. Obey, who in 2007 proposed a similar levy for Iraq, complains that the money spent in Afghanistan «will cost us on education, on our efforts to build the entire economy.»
Конгрессмен Оби, предложивший в 2007 году схожий налог для Ирака, жалуется, что деньги, потраченные в Афганистане «будут стоить нам нашего образования и наших усилий по восстановлению всей экономики».

In the meantime, as the debate continues, my contributions help to ensure that the money spent by those trying to reelect President Bush doesn’t overwhelm the process.
И пока обсуждение идёт, мои вложения дают мне уверенность — деньги, потраченные теми, кто пытается переизбрать Президента Буша, не задушат противоположный процесс.

Even if Americans have not been cheated by Defense Department suppliers like Halliburton, it is clear that the money spent in Iraq has not bought the promised peace and security in the Middle East.
Даже если бы американцев не обманывали поставщики министерства обороны, такие как «Халлибертон», очевидно, что деньги, потраченные в Ираке, не принесли обещанного мира и безопасности на Ближнем Востоке.

These officials should take the money spent trying to convince other nations about the generous nature of Cuba’s public health and education systems and apply it to the needs of Cuba’s people.
Деньги, расходуемые чиновниками на то, чтобы убедить другие народы в «благородной натуре» систем здравоохранения и образования Кубы, должны быть использованы на нужды кубинского народа.

But if a new stimulus is well designed, with much of the money spent on assets, the fiscal position and future growth can actually be made stronger.
Однако если новые стимулы будут разработаны должным образом, где большая часть средств будет потрачена на активы, то финансовое положение и будущий рост, фактически, могут стать более сильными.

At the same time, money spent on the war could have been spent elsewhere.
В то же время, деньги, потраченные на войну, могли бы пойти на что-нибудь другое.

In the real world, 90% of the money spent on medical research is focused on conditions that are responsible for just 10% of the deaths and disability caused by diseases globally.
В реальном мире 90% денег, которые тратятся на медицинские исследования, направлены на условия, которые приводят только к 10% смертей и инвалидности в результате болезней во всем мире.

But the same is true of money spent on, say, national defense.
Но то же самое можно сказать и о деньгах, расходуемых, скажем, на национальную оборону.

The returns from money spent on strengthening tax systems can be staggering.
Результаты от денег, потраченных на укрепление налоговой системы могут быть ошеломляющими.

In particular, President Donald Trump has announced sweeping cuts to the United States’ international aid budget, in order to appease economically frustrated US voters who want their tax money spent at home.
В частности, президент Дональд Трамп объявил о резком сокращении американского бюджета на программы международной помощи ради того, чтобы угодить американским избирателям, недовольным своим экономическим положением: они хотят, чтобы их налоги тратились в родной стране.

Some aspects of the campaign, particularly the amount of money spent and its negative tone, struck many observers as objectionable.
Некоторые аспекты предвыборной кампании, в частности затраченные суммы и негативные настроения, многим наблюдателям показались крайне нежелательными.

New research shows that, globally, money spent to reduce gender disparity in education yields benefits around five times higher than the costs.
По данным нового глобального исследования, отдача от денег, потраченных на снижение гендерного неравенства в образовании, превышает затраты более чем в пять раз.

Moreover, money spent on the Iraq war does not stimulate the economy today as much as money spent at home on roads, hospitals, or schools, and it doesn’t contribute as much to long-term growth.
К тому же, деньги, потраченные на войну в Ираке, не стимулируют сегодня экономику так же сильно, как деньги, потраченные внутри страны на дороги, больницы или школы, и не привносят заметного вклада в долговременный экономический рост.

Of course, money spent to contain violence is not always a bad thing.
Конечно деньги потраченные на сдерживание насилия не всегда бесполезны.

Despite vast sums of money spent aiding such states over the last 50 years, armed conflict and violence continue to blight the lives of millions of people around the world.
Несмотря на огромные суммы денег, направляемые на помощь таким государствам в течение последних 50 лет, вооруженные конфликты и насилие продолжают разрушать жизни миллионов людей по всему миру.

Money spent on sustainable development and climate action should be mutually reinforcing.
Деньги, потраченные на устойчивое развитие и меры по противодействию изменениям климата, должны взаимно усиливать получаемые результаты.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам



Автоматический перевод

тратить деньги, потратить деньги, потратиться

Перевод по словам

spend  — тратить, проводить, расходовать, затратить, истратить, терять, проводить время
money  — деньги, денежные суммы, богатство, монетные валюты, монетные системы


She had nothing to do except spend money.

Ей нечего было делать, кроме как тратить деньги.

Every Christmas people spend money like it’s going out of style. *

Каждый раз перед Рождеством люди тратят деньги как сумасшедшие.

Every Christmas people spend money like it’s going out of fashion. *

Каждый раз перед Рождеством люди тратят деньги как сумасшедшие.

He spends money with reckless abandon.

Он сорит деньгами с неуёмной энергией /направо и налево/.

Mum never spends any money on herself.

Мама никогда не тратит на себя ни копейки.

You can spend the money however you please.

Можете потратить эти деньги как вам заблагорассудится.

They were arguing about how to spend the money.

Они спорили о том, как потратить деньги.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…anticipant of receiving a holiday bonus, she had mentally spent the money by Thanksgiving…  

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Examples from texts

The Rockefeller Institute has the right idea. They’ve utilized their best minds, and spent money magnificently, on such problems as pneumonia, meningitis, cancer.

Рокфеллеровский институт взял правильную линию: там наилучшие силы и большие средства плодотворно направляются на разрешение таких проблем, как пневмония, рак, менингит.

Lewis, Sinclair / ArrowsmithЛьюис, Синклер / Эрроусмит


Льюис, Синклер

© «Государственное издательство художественной литературы», 1956


Lewis, Sinclair

© 2002 by Literary Classics of the United States, Inc., New York, N.Y.

© 1925 by Harcourt, Inc.

© renewed 1953 by Michael Lewis

I spent money right and left. I was thought to be rich; I thought so myself.

Денег я бросал много, верили, что я богат, я и сам тому верил.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы

Братья Карамазовы

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1988

The brothers Karamazov

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

But when Harry spent money, he spent it fancying it to be his; Madam Esmond never could be made to understand she was dealing hardly with me—the money was paid and gone, and there was an end of it.

Но ведь Гарри, когда он тратил эти деньги, считал, что тратит свои собственные, а госпожа Эсмонд решительно отказывалась понимать, что поступает со мной очень сурово, — деньги были выплачены и ушли, о чем же тут еще толковать?

Thackeray, William Makepeace / The VirginiansТеккерей, Уильям Мейкпис / Виргинцы. Том 2

Виргинцы. Том 2

Теккерей, Уильям Мейкпис

© Издательство «Правда», 1961

The Virginians

Thackeray, William Makepeace

Instead of questioning it, she’d spent the money and then had to pay it all back when it was found to be the result of a computer error.

Она не стала задавать никаких вопросов и потратила деньги, а потом ей пришлось выплачивать долг, поскольку был обнаружен сбой в работе компьютера.

De Lint, Charles / Someplace To Be FlyingДе Линт, Чарльз / Покинутые небеса

Покинутые небеса

Де Линт, Чарльз

Someplace To Be Flying

De Lint, Charles

© 1998 by Charles de Lint

He swindled his own son and spent his money, his maternal inheritance, on trying to get his mistress from him.

Он обсчитывает родного сына, и на его же деньги, на наследство матери его, которые не хочет отдать ему, отбивает у него, у сына же своего, любовницу.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы

Братья Карамазовы

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1988

The brothers Karamazov

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

Many states spent more money on jails than schools.

В некоторых штатах на тюрьмы уходит больше денег, чем на школы.

Sakey, Marcus / The Blade ItselfСэйки, Маркус / По лезвию ножа

По лезвию ножа

Сэйки, Маркус

© 2007 by Marcus Sakey

© Перевод. А.И.Ахмерова, 2009

© ООО «Издательство «АСТ», 2009

The Blade Itself

Sakey, Marcus

Next morning, her husband consented to her keeping it for eight roubles a month, and I immediately paid him for the first month in advance. He at once spent the money on drink.

Наутро муж позволил за восемь рублей в месяц, и я тут же отсчитал ему за первый месяц вперед; тот тотчас же пропил деньги.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw YouthДостоевский, Фёдор / Подросток


Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Советская Россия», 1979

A Raw Youth

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

She had always spent her money as freely as she made it, and on leaving Szuchuan she had paid extravagant severance bonuses to all members of her numerous suite.

Она всегда так же легко тратила деньги, как и приобретала, и, уезжая из Сечуани, выплатила всем многочисленным своим слугам невероятные деньги за потерю работы.

Gulik, Robert van / Poets and MurderГулик, Роберт ван / Поэты и убийцы

Поэты и убийцы

Гулик, Роберт ван

© Перевод, ЗАО «Издательство «Центрполиграф», 2002

© 1968 by Robert van Gulik

Poets and Murder

Gulik, Robert van

© 1968 by Robert van Gulik

He spent his money on decorating the flat and on making presents to Natasha, who tried to check his extravagance, scolded him, and sometimes even cried about it.

Деньги он употреблял на украшение квартиры, на подарки Наташе, которая восставала против его мотовства, журила его, иногда даже плакала.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The Insulted and InjuredДостоевский, Фёдор / Униженные и оскорблённые

Униженные и оскорблённые

Достоевский, Фёдор

© «Государственное издательство художественной литературы», 1955

The Insulted and Injured

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

This soldier, Kolpakoff, stole some leather from one of his comrades, intending to sell it, and spent the money on drink. Well!

Рядовой Колпаков совершает кражу, — сапожный товар у товарища, — и пропивает его; хорошо.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / IdiotДостоевский, Фёдор / Идиот


Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1971


Dostoevsky, Fyodor

© 2004 by Fine Creative Media, Inc.

Charles Honeyman spent his money elegantly in wine-parties at Oxford, and afterwards in foreign travel; — spent his money and as much of Miss Honeyman’s as that worthy soul would give him.

Чарльз Ханимен еще в Оксфорде преспокойно тратил свои денежки на пирушки, а потом на заграничные путешествия; когда же не стало своих, принялся за сестрины и промотал ровно столько, сколько дала ему эта добрая душа.

Thackeray, William Makepeace / The NewcomesТеккерей, Уильям Мейкпис / Ньюкомы


Теккерей, Уильям Мейкпис

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1978

The Newcomes

Thackeray, William Makepeace

© 1898, by Harper & Brothers

A great point for you is whether a man is spending money or not.

Вот ведь что у вас главное: тратит ли человек деньги или нет?

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and PunishmentДостоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказание

Преступление и наказание

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1970

Crime and Punishment

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

Under MM assumptions, decisions to spend money can be separated from decisions to raise money.

Согласно допущениям ММ, решения о том, как тратить деньги, отделены от решений о том, как их добывать.

Brealey, Richard,Myers, Stewart / Principles of Corporate FinanceБрейли, Ричард,Майерс, Стюарт / Принципы корпоративных финансов

Принципы корпоративных финансов

Брейли, Ричард,Майерс, Стюарт

© 2003, 2000, 1996, 1991, 1988, 1984, 1981 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

© ЗАО «Олимп-Бизнес», перевод на рус. яз., оформление, 2004

Principles of Corporate Finance

Brealey, Richard,Myers, Stewart

© The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2003

They are caught spending money, they are not all as cunning as you are.

На трате-то их и ловят. Не все же такие, как вы хитрецы.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and PunishmentДостоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказание

Преступление и наказание

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1970

Crime and Punishment

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

«After all, no,» she said, leaving the window and going to sit down on the sofa at the other end of the room. «Why should we spend money abroad?

— Нет, не стоит, — продолжала она, отходя от окна и садясь на диван в темном углу комнаты. — Зачем ехать так далеко, тратить деньги?

Dumas fils, Alexandre / CamilleДюма-сын, Александр / Дама с камелиями

Дама с камелиями

Дюма-сын, Александр

© Издание на русском языке, оформление. ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2009


Dumas fils, Alexandre

© New American Library, a division of Penguin Group

User translations

The part of speech is not specified


well-spent money

правильно израсходованные деньги

spend money — перевод на русский

Stop spending money on girls.

Прекрати тратить деньги на девочек.

You’re not secretly giving him spending money?

Ты же не позволяешь ему тайно тратить деньги?

You love spending money and I love giving it you.

Ты любишь тратить деньги, а я люблю давать тебе их.

— I’m glad to see you do know how to spend money.

— Рад видеть, что вы знаете, как тратить деньги.

Why spend money on a product that you can find inside the kibbutz.

Зачем тратить деньги на продукт, который можно найти и у нас в хозяйстве?

Показать ещё примеры для «тратить деньги»…

I still think we should have spent the money to fix Main Street.

Я считаю, что нужно было потратить деньги на ремонт Главной улицы.

You’ll let the DNC spend money?

Так ты хочешь нанять нового медиа-консультанта, ты разрешишь партии потратить деньги?

We’re not gonna let you go to some sleazy tattoo parlor… and spend money for something you’ll regret for the rest of your life.

Мы не позволим тебе пойти в какой-то грязный тату-салон и потратить деньги на то, о чем ты будешь жалеть весь остаток жизни.

So they decided to spend the money Michael had promised Lindsay… to get their father out for the pageant, where he’d catch his wife with Barry.

Итак, они решили потратить деньги, предназначенные для Линдси, чтобы выпустить папу на фестиваль, где он застукает свою жену с Барри.

— Tell him to spend the money.

— Скажите им потратить деньги.

Показать ещё примеры для «потратить деньги»…

Shimbei Furusawa, owner of one of the largest dry goods stores in Kyoto, is asking little old me for spending money.

Симбеи Фурусава владелец крупнейшего антикварного магазина Киото просит деньги у такого старика как я.

After the dishes had been washed, the box was brought to the table for the spending money to be handed out.

После мытья посуды к столу приносили банку, чтобы распределить деньги.

Why to spend money?

Зачем бросать деньги?

You have to spend money to make money.

Чтобы сделать деньги, нужно сначала вложить деньги.

Are the collections so small or do you … spend money in some other way?

Так мало собираешь или … пускаешь деньги на другие цели?

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We won’t be spending money for a week visiting Aunt Anastacia in Bridgewood.

Мы целую неделю ничего не будет тратить пока будем гостить у моей тёти Анастасии в Бриджвуде.

And how will you spend the money?

Ну а как тратить собираешься?

I didn’t think you’d want to spend the money. You will love it here.

Я думал,ты не захочешь тратить деньги.Тебе понравится здесь.

Need all my spare change for spending money.

Коплю всё баблишко, чтобы его тратить.

So you might want to think about saving the money you make instead of spending the money you make!

Так, может быть, тебе стоит подумать о сохранении того, что ты заработал, вместо того, чтобы это тратить!

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For you to spend money on me.

Чтобы ты потратился на меня.

I spent money.

Я потратился.

Someone’s been spending some money.

Кто-то неслабо потратился.

Kentucky decided they would spend money on a new phrase for Kentucky.

В Кентукки решили потратиться на новую фразу.

Get him ready to spend some money.

Заставь его потратиться.

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No. No, see, you have to make money to spend money.

Нет, надо сначала заработать, чтобы потом потратить.

Stupid to spend money you do not have.

— Как можно потратить то, чего у тебя нет, парень?

The days of robbing banks and trying to live to spend the money… they’re long gone.

Дни, когда грабил банки и пытался успеть пожить, чтобы их потратить… давно прошли.

Spending this money is no big deal.

Неважно, я потратил совсем немного.

Yeah, I got all the invoices at my apartment -— What I got, what I spent the money on.

Все счета в моей квартире… сколько получил и на что потратил.

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You didn’t do anything but spend money.

Не был занят ничем, кроме траты денег.

if it comes down to spending money protecting a street rat, or one of us…

Если дойдет до траты денег на защиту бродяжки, или одного из нас…

It’s about spending money to buy things to stuff into the giant black sucking hole in the center of each of us that reminds us life is hard and then we die.

Всё дело в трате денег на покупку вещей, всякой фигни, заполняя огромную чёрную дыру в каждом из нас, которая напоминает нам, что жизнь тяжела и мы все умрём.

Something about spending money that wasn’t hers.

Что-то о трате денег, которые ей не принадлежали.

The man I married would never think he could fix a problem just by spending money!

Мужчина, на котором я женилась никогда бы не подумал решать проблемы… простой тратой денег!

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I’m gonna be spending some money.

Я собираюсь потратить немного денег.

— Wanna help me spend some money?

— Хочешь помочь мне потратить немного денег?

Get ready to spend some money.

Ѕудь готов потратить немного денег.

Now we spend some money.

Давай потратим немного денег.

According to the credit card companies, they also spent some money there today.

Согласно кредитным компаниям, они также потратили немного денег там сегодня.

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(CROWD EXCLAIMING) This fabulous prize also includes 200 euros spending money and, Barbara, this wonderful video camera, kindly donated by AK Electrics of Arbor Road.

В этот сказочный приз ещё входят 200 евро карманных денег и, Барбара, эта чудесная видеокамера которую предоставил магазин на Арбе-Роут.

It’s only for a few weeks but it’s enough for you to make some spending money Before we leave for your aunt louise’s.

Эта работа только на несколько недель, но ты сможешь заработать достаточно карманных денег, прежде чем мы поедем к твоей тете Луиз.

If you wanted me to stay out later, you should’ve given me more spending money.

Если ты хочешь, чтобы я подольше гулял, стоит давать мне больше карманных денег.

Now if you want to have spending money, you’re going to have to get a job.

И если тебе нужны карманные деньги, тебе придётся найти работу

Spending money.

Карманные деньги.

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And I guess they didn’t want to spend money parking in a lot, they parked far away, past Tenth Avenue.

Они не хотели тратиться на парковку, поэтому припарковались недалеко от 10-й Авеню.

Yeah, and we’re never gonna get there if you keep our spending money on purse freshener.

Да, и мы никогда не попадем туда, если ты продолжишь тратиться на освежители для сумки.

Let’s not spend money on a back-up singer.

Давайте не будем тратиться на бэк-вокалистку.

I’m not spending money to scrape mud off a bunch of dirt roads.

Я не стану тратиться на то, чтобы соскребать грязь с грунтовок.

— Gays spend money on Mardi Gras like grandmas at Christmas.

— Геи тратятся на Марди Гра как бабули на Рождество.

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  • 1

    Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок > MONEY

  • 2
    тратить деньги

    карманные деньги; деньги на текущие расходы — spending money

    деньги, доставшиеся легко, легко нажитые деньги — easy money

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > тратить деньги

  • 3

    spend money (on), spend up (on)

    be spent, be wasted

    Русско-английский словарь Wiktionary > тратиться

  • 4
    тратить деньги

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > тратить деньги

  • 5
    тратить деньги

    Русско-Английский новый экономический словарь > тратить деньги

  • 6

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > потратиться

  • 7
    тратить деньги

    4000 полезных слов и выражений > тратить деньги

  • 8

    «горячие деньги» — финанс. hot money

    сорить деньгами, швырять деньгами, бросаться деньгами, сыпать деньгами — to squander money, to throw one’s money around, to spend money like water

    — прогонные деньги


    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > деньги

  • 9
    сорить деньгами

    1) General subject: be flush with money, launch out, overspend, spend money like water, spend money with both hands, splash money, throw away handfuls of money, throw money about, throw one’s money about, make ducks and drakes with one’s money, throw money to the dogs, fling one’s money around, make the money fly

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > сорить деньгами

  • 10

    1. consume

    2. disburse

    3. lay

    4. outlaid

    5. outlay

    6. spending

    7. spends

    8. spent

    9. wasted

    10. wasting

    11. spend; waste

    12. expend

    Синонимический ряд:

    расходовать (глаг.) изводить; издерживать; переводить; расходовать

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > тратить

  • 11
    тратить деньги

    1) General subject: expend money on , lay out, put hand in pocket, put hand into pocket, spend money on, expend funds on

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > тратить деньги

  • 12

    несовер. — тратиться; совер. — истратиться, потратиться (на кого-л./что-л.)

    spend money (on); spend up (on)

    * * *

    тратиться; истратиться, потратиться spend money

    Новый русско-английский словарь > истратиться

  • 13

    несовер. — тратиться; совер. — истратиться, потратиться (на кого-л./что-л.)

    spend money (on); spend up (on)

    * * *

    тратиться; истратиться, потратиться spend money

    Новый русско-английский словарь > потратиться

  • 14

    I несовер. — тратиться; совер. — истратиться, потратиться (на кого-л./что-л.)

    spend money (on); spend up (on)

    II страд. от тратиться

    * * *

    тратиться; истратиться, потратиться spend money

    Новый русско-английский словарь > тратиться

  • 15

    Бизнес, юриспруденция. Русско-английский словарь > тратит

  • 16


    ВЫБРАСЫВАТЬ/ ВЫБРОСИТЬ) НА ВЕТЕР1 (НА ВЕТЕР) деньги, имущество и т. п.





    : human to spend (money), fritter away (one’s fortune) to no purpose, senselessly

    X бросает деньги на ветер — X throws money to the (four) winds

    X throws money away
    X throws money out the window (down the drain)
    X squanders (away) money.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-67

  • 17



    : human to spend money carelessly, extravagantly, often wastefully

    X сорит деньгами — X throws (his) money around (away)

    X blows (squanders) (his) money
    X spends money like water
    (in limited contexts) money burns a hole in X’s pocket.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-165

  • 18
    бросать на ветер




    to spend (money), fritter away (one’s fortune) to no purpose, senselessly:

    X squanders (away) money.

    ♦ «… Бросать денег на ветер я не стану. У ж пусть меня в этом извинят!» (Гоголь 3). «…I am not going to throw my money to the four winds. Here they must excuse me!» (3c).

    ♦ «…Кто за каждую копейку дрожит, у того их [ денег] не будет». — «Как же не будет, если он их не бросает зря на ветер, не пропивает, как ты?» (Распутин 1). «A person who counts every kopeck’ll never have money.» «Why won’t he if he doesn’t throw it away and doesn’t drink it up like you do?» (1a).

    ♦ Давать деньги Терещенко — это значит выбрасывать их на ветер… (Рыбаков 1). Giving money to Tereshchenko was like throwing it down the drain… (1a).






    ; human; often








    to speak without thinking, make rash promises that will not be fulfilled:

    X means what he says.

    ♦ Все знали, что Болтун — не дурак, слов на ветер зря не бросает (Зиновьев 1). Everyone knew that Chatterer was no fool, that he never spoke lightly (1a).

    ♦ Его вызвали в Москву… и дали важное задание по выпуску танков, знали, что Ефим задание выполнит, он слов на ветер не бросал (Рыбаков 1). Не [Yefim] had been called to Moscow…and given an important assignment on tank output, which they knew he would deliver, as he was always as good as his word (1a).

    ♦ Он довольно долго молчал, а затем сказал — неторопливо, сосредоточенно — слова, которые я не могу забыть до сих пор, прибавив: «Я своих слов на ветер не бросаю» (Катаев 3). He was silent for a time, then he said-with unhurried concentration — something that I have not forgotten to this day, and added: «I mean what I say» (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > бросать на ветер

  • 19
    бросить на ветер




    to spend (money), fritter away (one’s fortune) to no purpose, senselessly:

    X squanders (away) money.

    ♦ «… Бросать денег на ветер я не стану. У ж пусть меня в этом извинят!» (Гоголь 3). «…I am not going to throw my money to the four winds. Here they must excuse me!» (3c).

    ♦ «…Кто за каждую копейку дрожит, у того их [ денег] не будет». — «Как же не будет, если он их не бросает зря на ветер, не пропивает, как ты?» (Распутин 1). «A person who counts every kopeck’ll never have money.» «Why won’t he if he doesn’t throw it away and doesn’t drink it up like you do?» (1a).

    ♦ Давать деньги Терещенко — это значит выбрасывать их на ветер… (Рыбаков 1). Giving money to Tereshchenko was like throwing it down the drain… (1a).






    ; human; often








    to speak without thinking, make rash promises that will not be fulfilled:

    X means what he says.

    ♦ Все знали, что Болтун — не дурак, слов на ветер зря не бросает (Зиновьев 1). Everyone knew that Chatterer was no fool, that he never spoke lightly (1a).

    ♦ Его вызвали в Москву… и дали важное задание по выпуску танков, знали, что Ефим задание выполнит, он слов на ветер не бросал (Рыбаков 1). Не [Yefim] had been called to Moscow…and given an important assignment on tank output, which they knew he would deliver, as he was always as good as his word (1a).

    ♦ Он довольно долго молчал, а затем сказал — неторопливо, сосредоточенно — слова, которые я не могу забыть до сих пор, прибавив: «Я своих слов на ветер не бросаю» (Катаев 3). He was silent for a time, then he said-with unhurried concentration — something that I have not forgotten to this day, and added: «I mean what I say» (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > бросить на ветер

  • 20
    выбрасывать на ветер



    to spend (money), fritter away (one’s fortune) to no purpose, senselessly:

    X squanders (away) money.

    ♦ «… Бросать денег на ветер я не стану. У ж пусть меня в этом извинят!» (Гоголь 3). «…I am not going to throw my money to the four winds. Here they must excuse me!» (3c).

    ♦ «…Кто за каждую копейку дрожит, у того их [ денег] не будет». — «Как же не будет, если он их не бросает зря на ветер, не пропивает, как ты?» (Распутин 1). «A person who counts every kopeck’ll never have money.» «Why won’t he if he doesn’t throw it away and doesn’t drink it up like you do?» (1a).

    ♦ Давать деньги Терещенко — это значит выбрасывать их на ветер… (Рыбаков 1). Giving money to Tereshchenko was like throwing it down the drain… (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > выбрасывать на ветер


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См. также в других словарях:

  • spend money like water — informal phrase to spend too much money in a careless way Thesaurus: to spend or to pay moneysynonym Main entry: money …   Useful english dictionary

  • spend money hand over fist — ► make (or lose or spend) money hand over fist informal make (or lose or spend) money very rapidly. Main Entry: ↑hand …   English terms dictionary

  • spend money like water — of someone spends money like water, they spend too much. Carol spends money like water no wonder she s always broke …   New idioms dictionary

  • spend money — waste money, spend extravagantly …   English contemporary dictionary

  • spend money like water — informal to spend too much money in a careless way …   English dictionary

  • spend money like water — waste money, squander money …   English contemporary dictionary

  • make (or lose or spend) money hand over fist — informal make (or lose or spend) money very rapidly. → hand …   English new terms dictionary

  • lose/spend money hand over fist — ► make (or lose or spend) money hand over fist informal make (or lose or spend) money very rapidly. Main Entry: ↑hand …   English terms dictionary

  • Spend management — is the way in which companies control and optimize the money they spend. It involves cutting operating and other costs associated with doing business. These costs typically show up as operating costs or SG A (Selling, General and Administrative)… …   Wikipedia

  • spend — /spend/ past tense and past participle spent /spent/ verb 1 MONEY (I, T) to use your money to buy or pay for things: spend money/ 5/$10/a lot: I spent so much money this weekend! | spend money etc on sth: More money should be spent on health and… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • spend — /spend/, v., spent, spending. v.t. 1. to pay out, disburse, or expend; dispose of (money, wealth, resources, etc.): resisting the temptation to spend one s money. 2. to employ (labor, thought, words, time, etc.), as on some object or in some… …   Universalium

    • See Also:
      • spelunk
      • spelunker
      • Spemann
      • Spence
      • spence
      • Spencer
      • spencer
      • Spencer Gulf
      • Spencerian
      • spend
      • spendable
      • Spender
      • spender
      • spending money
      • spendthrift
      • spendthrift trust
      • Spener
      • Spengler
      • Spenser
      • Spenserian
      • Spenserian sonnet
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WordReference can’t find this exact phrase, but click on each word to see its meaning:

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The entry for «money» is displayed below.

Also see: spend | (money)

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

mon•ey /ˈmʌni/USA pronunciation  
n., pl. mon•eys, mon•ies, adj. 
n. [uncountable]

  1. the coins and bills issued by a country to buy something:He doesn’t have a lot of money with him.
  2. wealth:Money can’t buy love.

adj. [before a noun]

  1. of or relating to money or finance:a money drawer.


  1. Idioms for my money, according to my opinion:For my money, she’d make a perfect president.
  2. Idioms in the money, [Informal.]financially successful:Once the deal was completed his company was clearly in the money.
  3. make money, to get money by earning it:makes good money as an accountant.
  4. one’s money’s worth, a value equal to what one spends or has paid for something:We got our money’s worth on that car.
  5. Informal Terms (right) on the money, done expertly or with great accuracy:His weather forecasts are always right on the money.

See monies.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(munē),USA pronunciation n., pl. mon•eys, mon•ies, adj. 

  1. any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money, and demand deposits.
  2. See paper money. 
  3. Currencygold, silver, or other metal in pieces of convenient form stamped by public authority and issued as a medium of exchange and measure of value.
  4. any article or substance used as a medium of exchange, measure of wealth, or means of payment, as checks on demand deposit or cowrie.
  5. Currencya particular form or denomination of currency. See table under currency. 
  6. BusinessSee money of account. 
  7. Businesscapital to be borrowed, loaned, or invested:mortgage money.
  8. an amount or sum of money:Did you bring some money?
  9. wealth considered in terms of money:She was brought up with money.
  10. Lawmoneys or monies, [Chiefly Law.]pecuniary sums.
  11. Businessproperty considered with reference to its pecuniary value.
  12. pecuniary profit:not for love or money.
  13. Idioms, Informal Termsfor one’s money, [Informal.]with respect to one’s opinion, choice, or wish:For my money, there’s nothing to be gained by waiting.
  14. Informal Termsin the money:
    • having a great deal of money;
      affluent:You can see he’s in the money by all those clothes he buys.
    • first, second, or third place in a contest, esp. a horse or dog race.

  15. Idiomsmake money, to make a profit or become rich:You’ll never make money as a poet.
  16. Informal Termson the money:
    • Idiomsat just the exact spot or time;
      on target:The space shuttle landed on the money at 9:55 a.m.
    • Idiomsexhibiting or done with great accuracy or expertise:His weather forecasts are always on the money.Also, right on the money. 

  17. Idioms, Informal Termsput one’s money where one’s mouth is, [Informal.]to prove the truth of one’s words by actions or other evidence;
    demonstrate one’s sincerity or integrity:Instead of bragging about your beautiful house, put your money where your mouth is and invite us over to see it.


  1. of or pertaining to money.
  2. used for carrying, keeping, or handling money:Have you seen my little money purse?
  3. of or pertaining to capital or finance:the money business.
  • Latin monēta mint2, money
  • Middle French
  • Middle English moneie 1250–1300

money•less, adj. 

    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged coin, cash, currency, specie, change.
    • 11.See corresponding entry in Unabridged funds, capital, assets, wealth, riches.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

money /ˈmʌnɪ/ n

  1. a medium of exchange that functions as legal tender
  2. the official currency, in the form of banknotes, coins, etc, issued by a government or other authority
  3. a particular denomination or form of currency: silver money
  4. ( pl moneys, monies) formal a pecuniary sum or income
  5. an unspecified amount of paper currency or coins: money to lend
  6. for one’s moneyin one’s opinion
  7. in the moneyinformal well-off; rich
  8. one’s money’s worthfull value for the money one has paid for something
  9. put money intoto invest money in
  10. put money onto place a bet on


  1. best, most valuable, or most eagerly anticipated: the money shot, the money note

Related adjective(s): pecuniary

Etymology: 13th Century: from Old French moneie, from Latin monēta coinage; see mint²

spend (money)‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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to spend money

1. to use money to buy things

2. to spend a lot of money

3. to spend money quickly or carelessly

4. to spend less money

5. spending as little as possible

6. someone who spends a lot of money carelessly

7. someone who spends money carefully

8. someone who hates spending money

9. the amount that you spend

spend time

10. to spend time

11. to spend time working

12. to spend a period of time in a particular job or in prison

13. to use your time badly


see also










1. to use money to buy things

▷ spend /spend/ [intransitive/transitive verb]

to use money to buy things :

▪ Everyone spends more at Christmas — it’s an important time for business.

▪ During the recession, even the tourists weren’t spending.

spend £5/$10/a dollar etc

▪ I bought two skirts and a T-shirt and I only spent $50.

spend on

▪ We spend about £85 a week on food.

▪ The government has promised to spend more money on education.

▪ She spends most of her salary on clothes.

spend money on doing something

▪ They spend quite a lot of money each week on eating out.

▷ pay /peɪ/ [intransitive/transitive verb]

to spend £5, $10 etc on something because that is what it costs :

▪ Of course you have to pay more if you want to travel in the summer.

▪ What quality accommodation you get depends on how much you’re prepared to pay.

pay for

▪ I like your new car — how much did you pay for it?

pay £5/$10/a dollar etc for

▪ They paid over $100 each for tickets.

▪ The set meal costs £15 but you have to pay extra for wine.

▷ pay out /ˌpeɪ ˈaʊt/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb]

to spend more money on something than you want to spend or more than you think is fair :

▪ £65! I don’t want to pay out that much!

pay out for

▪ You have to pay out so much money for car repairs these days.

pay out on

▪ The idea of paying out half my salary on rent didn’t sound too good.

pay out £5/$10 etc

▪ Did you know that Eddy paid out nearly £2000 for his new computer?

▷ give /gɪv/ [intransitive/transitive verb] informal

to pay a particular amount of money for something, especially when you are buying it from another person, so that the price is not fixed :

▪ ‘I don’t really want to spend that much.’ ‘OK, how much are you prepared to give?’

give for

▪ Did they give you the asking price for the house?

give (somebody) £5/$10 etc

▪ He said he’d give £40 for the painting, so I said yes.

▷ break into /ˈbreɪk ɪntuː/ [transitive phrasal verb]

to start spending an amount of money that you have saved or that you were keeping for a particular purpose before you really wanted to :

▪ We had to break into our savings to pay the hospital fees.

▪ I really want to avoid having to break into the money I was saving for college.

▷ pay good money for /ˌpeɪ gʊd ˈmʌni fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] spoken

use this to talk about something you paid a reasonable price for, so you expect it to be of good quality or used properly so that your money has not been wasted :

▪ I paid good money for that tennis racquet and it broke the first time I used it.

▪ What’s the point of paying good money for a wedding dress when I’m only going to wear it once?

2. to spend a lot of money

▷ spend a lot /ˌspend ə ˈlɒtǁ-ˈlɑːt/ [verb phrase]

▪ You don’t have to spend a lot to be fashionable — you just need a sense of style.

spend a lot on

▪ They must have spent a lot on their new kitchen. It’s made of solid oak

spend a lot of money

▪ In recent years the company has spent a lot of money on new technology.

▷ go to great expense /gəʊ tə ˌgreɪt ɪkˈspens/ [verb phrase]

to spend very large amounts of money on something important, even if it costs you more than you can afford :

▪ The wedding was wonderful. Your parents obviously went to great expense.

go to great expense to do something

▪ Please let us have your comments on the plans for the new offices — we’re going to great expense to get everything just right.

▷ spare no expense /speəʳ ˌnəʊ ɪkˈspens/ [verb phrase]

to spend as much money as is necessary to get what you want or make something successful, without worrying about the cost :

▪ The organizers were told to spare no expense — this was going to be the biggest show on Earth.

no expense spared

▪ ‘Go out and buy whatever you want,’ he said, ‘no expense spared!’

▷ shell out/fork out /ˌʃel ˈaʊt, ˌfɔːʳk ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] spoken informal

to have to spend more money on something than you think is fair or reasonable :

▪ No, we can’t afford to go to the bowling alley — I’ve forked out enough already today.

shell out #50/$100 etc

▪ Insurance companies are having to shell out millions of pounds to the victims of the floods.

shell out/fork out on

▪ I’m not shelling out any more money on this old car. It’s not worth it!

shell out/fork out for

▪ I failed my driving test and Dad said that he wasn’t forking out for any more lessons for me.

▷ go on a spending spree /ˌgəʊ ɒn ə ˈspendɪŋ ˌspriː/ [verb phrase] informal

to spend a lot of money and buy a lot of things in a short time for enjoyment, especially when other people think this is stupid or a waste of money :

▪ Jilly and I decided to cheer ourselves up and go on a spending spree.

▪ You haven’t been on another spending spree, have you? What did you buy this time?

▷ money is no object /ˌmʌni ɪz nəʊ ˈɒbdʒɪktǁ-ˈɑːb-/

use this to say that you do not care how much money you spend on something even if it is a lot :

▪ Simon always ordered the best. It was obvious that money was no object.

money no object

▪ Choose whatever outfit you want — money no object!

▷ live the high life /ˌlɪv ðə ˈhaɪ laɪf/ [verb phrase]

to enjoy yourself by going out often and spending a lot of money, especially with rich or important people :

▪ For several years they lived the high life with Hollywood stars and celebrities.

▪ You’ve been living the high life recently, haven’t you! You’re always going out to clubs and fancy restaurants.

3. to spend money quickly or carelessly

▷ squander /ˈskwɒndəʳǁˈskwɑːn-/ [transitive verb]

to spend all the money you have on unnecessary things instead of saving it or using it carefully :

▪ In less than three years he had squandered the entire family fortune.

▪ There was no money to pay the rent. They’d already squandered the little that they had.

squander on

▪ Here’s £50 but don’t just go and squander it on beer!

▷ blow /bləʊ/ [transitive verb] informal

to spend a lot of money on something expensive and enjoyable, especially something that you do not really need :

blow £50/$100 etc on something

▪ We blew $3000 on a trip to Barbados.

blow it all/blow the lot

British spend everything

▪ He won £500,000 in the National Lottery, but he’s already blown the lot.

▷ go through also get through something British /ˌgəʊ ˈθruː, ˌget ˈθruː something/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive]

to spend the money that you have more quickly than expected, so that you have nothing left :

▪ I got through all of my money in less than a month and had to get my parents to send me more.

go through £100/$2000 etc

▪ The hotel was really expensive. We went through $3000 in the first week.

▷ spend money like water/like there’s no tomorrow /spend ˌmʌni laɪk ˈwɔːtəʳ, laɪk ðeəʳz ˌnəʊ təˈmɒrəʊǁ-ˈmɔː-/ [verb phrase] informal

to spend a lot of money very quickly and carelessly without worrying how much you are spending or how long your money will last :

▪ Richard spends money like there’s no tomorrow! Where does he get it all from?

▪ I don’t trust myself with a credit card — I spend money like water as it is.

4. to spend less money

▷ cut down /ˌkʌt ˈdaʊn/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb]

to reduce the amount of money that you regularly spend :

▪ We’ve had to cut down a lot since Craig lost his job — it’s been very hard for us.

cut down on

▪ She’s already cut down on going out and buying clothes, but she doesn’t have enough money to start paying off her debts.

cut down somebody’s expenses/bills etc

▪ The department has overspent this year and we will have to cut down our expenses.

▷ economize also economise British /ɪˈkɒnəmaɪzǁɪˈkɑː-/ [intransitive verb]

to spend less money by buying only the things that you really need, or by buying cheaper things :

▪ Sorry, I can’t come out tonight — I’m trying to economize.

▪ We’re economizing this year by having a cheaper vacation.

economize on

spend less money on something

▪ Families on low incomes are having to economize on food and heating costs.

▷ scrimp and save /ˌskrɪmp ən ˈseɪv/ [verb phrase]

to spend as little money as possible, only buying things you really need, because you have very little money and want to save it to use in the future :

▪ Chris’s parents scrimped and saved so that he could go to college.

▪ I had hardly any money left and was scrimping and saving just to buy the bare necessities.

▷ tighten your belt /ˌtaɪtn jɔːʳ ˈbelt/ [verb phrase]

to spend less money than you usually do because there is less money available :

▪ Most people have to tighten their belts a little when they retire.

▪ Governments and companies are forced to tighten their belts during a recession.

▷ budget /ˈbʌdʒɪt, ˈbʌdʒət/ [intransitive verb]

to carefully plan and control how much you spend :

▪ We’ll have to budget more carefully in the future. We’ve spent far more than we can afford.

budget for

▪ By the time I had budgeted for food and rent I only had a few pounds left.

5. spending as little as possible

▷ on a shoestring /ɒn ə ˈʃuːstrɪŋ/ [adverb]

if you make a film, run a business etc on a shoestring, you spend very little money on it, but it is usually a success :

▪ Nearly all of our research had to be conducted on a shoestring.

▪ The paper started on a shoestring, but soon had a circulation of over 100,000 readers.

shoestring [adjective only before noun]

using very little money: :

▪ a shoestring budget

▷ skimp on /ˈskɪmp ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive]

to not spend enough money on important materials, equipment etc, so that what you are doing or making is unsuccessful or of bad quality :

▪ There’s no point in skimping on essentials such as food and heating.

▪ A company will never get anywhere by skimping on training and technology.

▷ on the cheap /ɒn ðə ˈtʃiːp/ [adverb] British

if you do or make something on the cheap, you spend as little money as possible on it, so that it is often unsuccessful or of bad quality :

▪ You only had to look at the houses to see that they’d been built on the cheap.

▪ It’s impossible to provide good nursing care on the cheap.

6. someone who spends a lot of money carelessly

▷ extravagant /ɪkˈstrævəgənt/ [adjective]

spending more money than you can afford on expensive things that you do not really need :

▪ $400 on a dress! That’s a bit extravagant, isn’t it?

▪ Rich and extravagant parents are spending more and more money on their children’s parties.

extravagantly [adverb]

▪ She put the money in to a savings account so she wasn’t tempted to spend it extravagantly.

▷ spendthrift /ˈspendˌθrɪft/ [countable noun] formal

someone who spends money carelessly even when they know that they do cannot afford to :

▪ I remember him as a charming but irresponsible spendthrift.

▪ She was by no means a spendthrift, but somehow all the money disappeared anyway.

▷ big spender /ˌbɪg ˈspendəʳ/ [countable noun]

a rich person who spends a lot of money, especially in order to impress other people :

▪ I didn’t trust him at all. He was a big spender, that’s all.

▪ This is the time of year when all the big spenders pour into Las Vegas hotels and casinos.

7. someone who spends money carefully

▷ thrifty /ˈθrɪfti/ [adjective]

spending money carefully and cleverly so that nothing is wasted and you can manage with the money you have :

▪ Mrs Jones was a very thrifty woman who never wasted anything.

▪ By being thrifty and shopping wisely you can feed an entire family on as little as $100 a week.

thrift [uncountable noun]

▪ The old values of thrift being thrifty and hard work seem to be things of the past.

▷ careful /ˈkeəʳf ə l/ [adjective not before noun]

spending money only on things that are necessary or cheap because you want your money to last as long as possible :

▪ I wouldn’t say he was mean — he’s just careful.

careful with money

▪ Once you’ve spent your allowance there won’t be any more. You must learn to be more careful with money.

▷ economical /ˌekəˈnɒmɪk ə l, ˌiː-ǁ-ˈnɑː-/ [adjective]

spending money carefully and sensibly so that you do not spend more than necessary :

▪ I’m trying to be more economical when I go shopping, and only buying what I really need.

▪ Tim’s a very economical person,. He always looks around for the best buys.

economically [adverb]

▪ By shopping economically, you can save a lot of money on your weekly bill.

▷ frugal /ˈfruːg ə l/ [adjective]

spending as little money as possible, even on things that are necessary such as food and drink, especially because you are poor :

▪ He was very frugal, and would often use a tea bag three or four times over.

▪ The monks lead a frugal life, allowing themselves only the bare essentials.

frugally [adverb]

▪ We moved to a little house in the country and tried to live as frugally as possible.

8. someone who hates spending money

▷ stingy /ˈstɪndʒi/ [adjective]

not generous with your money, even though you are not poor :

▪ Don’t be so stingy! It’s your turn to buy me a drink.

▪ It’s no use asking him — he’s too stingy to give money to charity.

▷ mean /miːn/ [adjective] British

someone who is mean does not like spending money or sharing what they have with other people :

▪ Rick’s so mean he never even buys his wife a birthday present.

▪ My father was a mean old man who resented every penny he spent on us.

▷ cheap /tʃiːp/ [adjective] American, especially spoken

someone who is cheap does not like spending money, and always tries to avoid spending it :

▪ Uncle Matt was really cheap — he used to stay with us for weeks, and he never paid for anything.

▷ tight-fisted /ˌtaɪt ˈfɪstə̇d◂/ [adjective] informal

not generous with money — use this about people who annoy you because they have money but do not like spending it :

▪ He was known to have made a fortune on the stock market, but was nonetheless notoriously tight-fisted.

▷ miser /ˈmaɪzəʳ/ [countable noun]

someone who hates spending money, and prefers to save as much as possible — use this especially about someone who has collected a lot of money by doing this :

▪ Mr Henny was a miser who had thousands of pounds hidden away under his bed.

9. the amount that you spend

▷ spending/expenditure /ˈspendɪŋ, ɪkˈspendɪtʃəʳ/ [uncountable noun]

the amount of money that is spent, especially by a government or other organization :

▪ The government intends to cut its expenditure by 10% next year.

public spending/expenditure

by a government

▪ The answer to inadequate health care is to increase public spending, not reduce it.

spending/expenditure on

▪ Company spending on staff benefits has been cut dramatically in recent years.

▷ costs /kɒstsǁkɔːsts/ [plural noun]

the money that a person or organization has to spend regularly on heating, rent, electricity etc :

▪ What are your annual fuel costs?

cut costs

reduce costs

▪ Falling sales have forced companies to cut costs.

running costs

the cost of owning and using something

▪ I’m looking for a car with low running costs.

▷ outlay /ˈaʊtleɪ/ [singular noun]

the amount of money that someone must spend when they first start a new business or activity :

▪ The best business is one with a small outlay and with no risk involved.

outlay on

▪ When we built the factory the outlay on machinery was heavy but we were able to buy all the latest equipment.

initial outlay

outlay in the beginning

▪ T- shirts are easy to produce, requiring little initial outlay and a minimum of time and effort.

▷ outgoings /ˈaʊtˌgəʊɪŋz/ [plural noun]

the amount of money that someone has to spend regularly on rent, bills, food etc for their home or business :

▪ The outgoings on a house this size are very high.

▪ I wrote a check for $200 to cover various outgoings.

▷ overheads British /overhead American /ˈəʊvəʳhed(z)/ []

the amount of money that a company or a business person has to spend on rent, their workers’ pay, office furniture etc :

▪ The cost of the movie was high because of the large production overhead.

▪ The company’s overheads were much lower this year owing to the closure of several offices nationwide.

▪ Restaurant prices have been put up to cover the ever-increasing overheads.

▷ expenses /ɪkˈspensɪz, ɪkˈspensəz/ [plural noun]

the money that you spend on things that you need, for example on food, rent, and travel :

▪ John and Rachel have a new baby, so they have a lot of expenses right now.

travel/living/medical etc expenses

▪ Living expenses are much higher in London.

▪ The company doesn’t pay my travel expenses.

▷ budget /ˈbʌdʒɪt, ˈbʌdʒət/ [countable noun usually singular]

the amount of money that you have planned to spend or that is available to spend on a particular thing :

▪ You can choose any type of wood for your furniture, according to your budget.

▪ Government cuts in the defence budget have meant a loss of 2000 jobs.

10. to spend time

▷ spend /spend/ [transitive verb]

to spend time somewhere, with someone, or doing something :

spend time

▪ I never seem to have any time to spend with the children.

spend an hour/two days/a week etc

▪ Dani spends hours on the phone.

spend an hour/two days/a week etc doing something

▪ Fay spent a year in Italy teaching English.

▪ He spent the whole morning reading the report.

▷ pass the time /ˌpɑːs ðə ˈtaɪmǁˌpæs-/ [verb phrase]

to spend time doing something unimportant, because you have nothing else to do :

▪ I started doing a crossword to pass the time .

pass the time doing something

▪ The security guards used to pass their time playing cards.

▷ kill /kɪl/ [transitive verb]

kill time/a couple of hours etc


to do something in order to make time seem to pass more quickly while you are waiting for something :

▪ I was early, so I sat in a café, killing time.

▪ The train doesn’t leave till two, so we have a couple of hours to kill.

▷ busy yourself /ˈbɪzi jɔːʳself/ [verb phrase]

to keep yourself busy doing things, especially because you cannot think of anything else to do or to stop yourself from getting bored :

busy yourself doing something

▪ Martin sat down nervously and busied himself rearranging the papers on his desk.

busy yourself with

▪ Mrs Smithers pottered about busying herself with light household tasks.

▷ hang out /ˌhæŋ ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] informal

to often spend a lot of your time in a particular place or with a particular person or group :

▪ You’ll probably find Dave at the pool hall — he often hangs out there.

hang out with

▪ I used to hang out with them when I was at college.

11. to spend time working

▷ put in /ˌpʊt ˈɪn/ [transitive phrasal verb]

▪ She usually ends up putting in several extra hours work at weekends.

▪ When I’m preparing for a tournament I put in thirty or forty hours of training a week.

▷ devote /dɪˈvəʊt/ [transitive verb]

to spend a long time working hard at a particular thing, especially something important :

▪ He’s decided to give up racing and devote all his time to his farm in Ireland.

▪ She intends to devote the next ten years to her charitable work.

12. to spend a period of time in a particular job or in prison

▷ serve /sɜːʳv/ [transitive verb]

▪ Reagan was serving his second term as President at the time.

▪ Smith has already served a ten-year sentence for armed robbery.

▷ do /duː/ [transitive verb] informal

to spend a long time doing a difficult job or doing something that you are forced to do :

▪ As a young teacher she did two years in one of the city’s toughest schools.

do time

▪ I did my time in the army like everyone else.

13. to use your time badly

▷ waste /weɪst/ [transitive verb]

to use your time badly, by doing nothing or by doing something that is not useful :

▪ Stop wasting time. We have to finish this today.

▪ I must have wasted two hours trying to fix my car.

▪ Now she feels she’s wasted her life.

▷ lose /luːz/ [transitive verb]

to not use your time for what you intended, for example because of delays, interruptions etc :

▪ While you’re talking, we’re losing valuable time.

▪ The work is already behind schedule. The firm’s lost at least 45 days through staff illness.

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     Английский словарь Longman активатор .

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