Word meaning meant to be together

meant to be together — перевод на русский

Because we were meant to be together.

Потому что нам суждено быть вместе.

Do you think Maris and I are meant to be together?

Как думаешь, нам с Марис суждено быть вместе?

Do you think Maris and I are meant to be together?

Думаешь ли ты, что нам с Марис суждено быть вместе?

Perhaps the better question would be, «Do you think you and Maris are meant to be together?»

Возможно более уместен вопрос «Думаешь ли ты, что вам с Марис суждено быть вместе?»

I think he and Maris were meant to be together.

Думаю, им с Марис суждено быть вместе.

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We were meant to be together.

Мы созданы друг для друга.

Well, that’s why we’re meant to be together.

Просто мы созданы друг для друга.

And even though it doesn’t make sense to other people,… you know you’re meant to be together.

И даже не имеет значения, что думают об этом другие,… ты все равно уверена, что вы созданы друг для друга.

You and I are meant to be together.

Ты и я созданы друг для друга.

Once Lana’s out of the way… you’ll realize we were meant to be together.

Как только Лана уйдет с нашего пути ты поймешь, что мы созданы друг для друга.

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They’re not meant to be together, they’re not supposed to be together, but they are.

Они не должны быть вместе, они не думали быть вместе, и все же, они вместе.

If that baby is mine, maybe we’re meant to be together.

Если ребенок от меня, то возможно мы должны быть вместе.

We’re meant to be together. You know that in your heart.

Мы должны быть вместе, ты знаешь это в глубине души

And just because we love each other, it doesn’t mean that we’re meant to be together.

и из того, что мы любим друг друга, не следует, что мы должны быть вместе.

Because Wasabi and Soy Sauce are meant to be together

Потому что Васаби и Соевый соус должны быть вместе.

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We are meant to be together.

Мы предназначены друг для друга.

Oh, my God, honey, we are so meant to be together.

Милая, мы просто предназначены друг для друга.

-We’re meant to be together.

— Мы предназначены друг для друга. — Заткнись, Нил.

Well, when you don’t connect on that many fundamental levels, it’s only a matter of time before you realize you’re not meant to be together.

Ну, когда вы не походите друг другу на стольки фундаментальных уровнях, единственная причина, пока ты и сам этого не поймешь, в том, что вы не предназначены друг для друга.

It said that we meant to be together for ever. Wow…

По нему я поняла, что мы предназначены друг для друга навсегда.

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We knew we were meant to be together.

Мы знали, что нам предназначено быть вместе.

See, we were meant to be together.

Знаете, нам предназначено быть вместе.

You two are so meant to be together.

Вам двоим предназначено быть вместе.

That you were meant to be together, that she’s not a girl you cheat on.

Что вам предназначено быть вместе. Что она не та девушка, кому изменяют.

Maybe it’s a sign that Heather and I are meant to be together.

Может, это знак, что нам с Хезер предназначено быть вместе.

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I just think we were meant to be together, even though we never will be.

На самом деле я так не думаю. Я думаю, мы просто созданны друг для друга… даже если никогда не будем вместе.

You and I were meant to be together forever.

Мы с тобой будем вместе — вечно.

(Lillian) ‘I was so certain we were meant to be together.

Я думала, мы всегда будем вместе

Hey, if you two were meant to be together I’m sure the cops will pick her up on something.

Эй, если вы двое собрались быть вместе уверен, копы поймают ее на чем нибудь.

I think if you’re honest with yourself, we were never meant to be together that way.

Думаю, нам надо быть честными, мы никогда не сможем вот так быть вместе.

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суждено быть вместе

должны быть вместе

созданы друг для друга

предназначено быть вместе

предназначены друг для друга

суждено было быть вместе

предназначены друг другу

должна быть вместе

собирались быть вместе

обязаны быть вместе

We truly feel we were meant to be together.

People that are meant to be together always find each other in the end.

He started to convince me that we were meant to be together.

I know it sounds mad, but we’re meant to be together.

You and I are meant to be together.

Well, that’s why we’re meant to be together.

We’re meant to be together, you know we are.

Just as long as you’re not going to say that we’re meant to be together.

It’s as if we were meant to be together.

Because you’re truly meant to be together.

I know we’re meant to be together.

A sign from the universe that you’re meant to be together.

You know we are meant to be together.

Now we find out if we’re really meant to be together.

He said we weren’t meant to be together.

Maybe… you two aren’t meant to be together.

Because we were meant to be together.

But I don’t we’re meant to be together.

Maybe we were meant to be together.

If that baby is mine, maybe we’re meant to be together.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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so many different types of roses that they can


mixed with a variety of other roses and

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так много различных видов роз, что они могут


смешаны с различными другими розами и

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And here come the chair Angelica and the table Orlando, meant to be together, but their strong identity gives them the strength

to be

also lonely protagonists.

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It means that two people are supposed to know/love each other.

“Chandler and Monica were meant to be together!”

“My best friend and I are meant to be together!”

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Модальные конструкции в английском языке используются для выражения предположений, предсказаний, обязательств. В этой статье мы рассмотрим значения оборотов “be supposed to” и “be meant to”, на примерах объясним их различие.

“Be meant to” переводится как «предназначено», «предписано». Mean значить «иметь в виду» (3 формы: mean — meant — meant). В английских предложениях мы используем эту конструкцию, когда говорим, какими действия, события или предметы должны быть, или объясняя их предназначение.

Формула построения предложения: подлежащее + be meant to + инфинитив.

We’re meant to be together — Нам суждено быть вместе.
To be honest, this box of candies was meant to be a present — Честно говоря, эта коробка конфет предназначалась в качестве подарка.

“Be supposed to” значит «быть должным». “Suppose” переводится как «предполагать» (3 формы: suppose — supposed — supposed). В английском языке эта модальная конструкция используется, говоря об ожиданиях относительно обязанностей или функционала кого-то, или чего-то.

Формула построения предложения: подлежащее + be supposed to + инфинитив.

We were supposed to have lunch an hour ago, but we are still in a meeting — Мы должны были пообедать час назад, но мы до сих пор на совещании.

I’m supposed to get the answers today. Has anybody heard anything about it yet? — Я должен получить ответы сегодня. Кто-нибудь что-нибудь слышал об этом?

Главное различие между конструкциями “be meant to” и “be supposed to” в том, что первая обозначает намерение, а вторая — обязанность.

Переходите на эту статью, чтобы узнать, в чем различие между other и another в английском языке.

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  • #1

how would someone say, «if we were meant to be together, then it will be»

  • lily8

    • #2

    sevillamia said:

    how would someone say, «if we were meant to be together, then it will be»


    Anyway… I’m not quite convinced about the verbal tenses in the conditional phrase… wouldn’t it be better something like if we are meant to be together, then we will? :)


    • #3

    sevillamia said:

    how would someone say, «if we were meant to be together, then it will be»

    Si nuestro destino fuera estar juntos, entonces se cumplirá/entonces así será.:)


    • #4

    Yo diría «Si estamos hechos el uno para el otro, acabaremos juntos»

    • #5

    si nacimos para estar juntos
    Existe una frase mas informal y muy usada en mexico «si eres mi media naranja»


    What does mean «that we were meant to be together» ?
    Does that mean «We were born to live together» ?

    Ответы · 4

    You often hear or read this sentence in romantic films or novels. It means that 2 people are so suited to each other in every way that they should stay a couple forever.

    simple it means that both of you are destined to be one soul and one body.


    It means you two should be together ever forever,nomatter if you are couple or just into each other.

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    The expression «we were meant to be» as a pickup line is considered, as @DanBron says, «cheesy» in American culture.

    Two Perspectives on Romantic Love

    Permit me, if you would, to get a little philosophical for a moment. There are at least two general ways of looking at romantic love. One way is from the perspective of kismet, a word from Semitic roots which bespeaks fate, good fortune, or even God’s will for two «star-crossed» lovers. In other words, fate/fortune/God meant for two people to come together in a lasting relationship—at least «until death do [them] part» (a common phrase in Western wedding vows, with the word you in place of the word them).

    From this perspective, the exchange of vows publicly in a wedding ceremony (whether in a church, synagogue, or a mosque, or on a beach, in the office of a justice of the peace or in a room in city hall) only makes sense. The vows are a profound way (at least they should be) of officially and in the presence of God and witnesses sealing the relationship of «one husband and one wife for life.»

    Another way of looking at romantic love is from a more animalistic perspective. Guy meets girl. Guy and girl feel a strong attraction to one another. They «fall in love,» fall into bed with one another, and do what comes natural. If they turn out to be somewhat compatible as a couple, they might decide to live together without the cultural sanction which accompanies a «wedding license.» If the relationship doesn’t work out, they may look at the failure as a «no harm, no foul» sort of hook-up, and simply call it quits—or perhaps become «friends with benefits,» a euphemism for sex without commitment.

    «Made For» versus «Meant For»

    Of the two perspectives, the former is closer to the «meant to be» sort of romantic relationship. Instead of looking at the relationship through the spectacles of «we were made for each other,» the former perspective (i.e., we were meant for each other) looks at the inevitability of the relationship—again, according to a predetermined fate, fortune, or divine matchup.

    On a personal note, I identify more strongly with the «meant to be» perspective on love and marriage. Over 42 years ago in 1972, I met my wife in New York City at a Baptist church. She who was born in a predominantly Muslim country and had immigrated to America about four years before we met! Neither of us were Baptists. In fact, we came from the same (but much smaller) religious tradition, she in her country and I in mine. Since we did identify with the Baptists’ doctrinal perspective, however, we found a church «home» there in Midtown Manhattan, and we were married in that church.

    Compatibility As the Best Predictor of «Meant To Be»

    I won’t catalog the number of factors which brought us together and have kept us together for the last 40+ years, but I will suggest that our basic compatibility in the important areas of life (e.g., religion, values, family ties, and more) has been more influential in keeping our relationship alive and well than mere romantic love. Knowing that our marriage is a strong three-fold cord has made all the difference to us. (I’ll leave you to determine who or what the third cord is!)

    English grammar can be confusing, and this is especially true now in the era we live in. Just because we see something on the internet, it doesn’t mean it is correct. Sometimes people are in such a rush to reply that they don’t even notice typos. In this article, we will describe the terms togather and together and which one is correct.

    The correct word to use is «together.» It is the proper spelling when talking about things in the same spot or associated with each other. The term «togather» doesn’t exist in the English language.

    «Togather» might be a typo of the word «together» or the expression «to gather.» But there’s not a word like this in English. Let’s now see more details so you can understand the term together.

    Understanding The Term «Together» And «Togather»

    Now, we will see more details about these two terms. Where they come from, and what is the meaning they have had throughout history.

    example of together group

    Etymology Of Together

    The term «together» comes from the Proto-Germanic «tōgadar,» which meant to unite or join.

    It made its way into English before the 11th century. At the time, the spelling was togædere. By the 15th century, there were two acceptable spellings togedere and togadere. Eventually, it changed to the spelling we know today.

    When it comes to «togather,» we explored the etymology of «gather.» We found out that it has a similar origin as the word «together.» They both come from Proto-Germanic expressions; in this case, it is gadurōn which means bring together.


    The definition of the word «together» conveys a simple meaning, to unite. It is an adverb, so you will mostly find it along with a verb. Some of the definitions of this adverb include:

    • Things that are combined
    • Two or more items are approximate to each other.
    • Two or more people have a relationship.
    • Something occurred uninterruptedly.

    As an adjective, «together» describes:

    • Someone balanced and organized.

    How People Use The Terms «Together» And «Togather»

    «Together» is an adverb. Sometimes, it can work as an adjective, but it is not common and is considered informal.

    A common usage of the word is when someone asks a question or makes a statement and wants to include themselves.

    Also, people can say «we are together» to imply that they are in a romantic relationship with someone. If they decide to go on with their relationship after a break-up, you can say they «got back together.»

    Our Two Cents About «Togather»

    As we previously stated, we consider «togather» a typo from the word «together» or the expression «to gather.» It is not weird; if you think about it, people don’t always have time to proof-check what they write.

    It can happen to anyone, you tap the wrong key or miss a space, and then you have a different word. Thankfully, we have software that looks for grammatical errors to let you know about them.

    The Phonetics On «Together» And «Togather»

    The IPA symbol for «together» is /tə ˈgɛð ər/. In this word, we have three syllables. As you can see, marked with an apostrophe, the stressed syllable is the second one.

    The Sounds On The Words «Together» And «Togather»

    The consonants and vowel sounds in the word «together» include:

    • /t/: it is the typical unvoiced t sound you find in words like «time» or «today.»
    • /ə/: the schwa sound is a mid-central unstressed vowel and one of English’s most common vowel sounds.
    • /g/: it is a voiced consonant, the sound you have in words like «girl.»
    • /ɛ/: it is the open-mid front unrounded vowel, the exact sound you find in the word «bed.»
    • /ð/: it is the voiced, dental, fricative consonant. It is the same sound as in the word «this.»
    • /r/: it is called an alveolar approximant and is the sound you hear in words like «river.»

    The Pronunciation Of The Words «Together» And «Togather»

    Now that you have the symbols, we will explain how to pronounce the word «together.»

    Start with your lips spread, teeth touching each other, your tongue placed behind your teeth, push air from your throat and release your teeth-tongue seal. Slightly drop your jaw, relax your tongue and vibrate your vocal cords.

    Now, your tongue goes to the back of your mouth to block the throat and vibrate your vocal cords. Dramatically drop your jaw, relax your tongue, spread your lips and vibrate your vocal cords. Bring your tongue as if you were to bite it and vibrate your vocal cords to make the «th» sound; you will also feel your tongue vibrating.

    Finally, release your tongue into a resting position and vibrate your vocal cords. Quickly move the tip of your tongue to touch your palate while you vibrate your vocal cords.

    Related Terms

    Other words, idioms, and phrasal verbs related to the term «together» are:

    • Altogether: an adverb that means in total.
    • Cobble together: a phrasal verb that means to create something promptly.
    • Pull together: to accompany someone through a challenging situation.
    • Hang together: support someone even when you are in disagreement.
    • Hold oneself together: it means to keep control of one’s emotions and act accordingly.
    • Herd together: to form a group of people.
    • Throw together: 1) when two people meet each other by chance, or 2) create something without any care.
    • Weld together: to fuse two or more metals.
    • Stick together: to not separate.
    • Rake together: to struggle to collect money because you only get small amounts.
    • Sleep together: to have sexual intercourse with someone.
    • Bunch together: to be part of a mass of people.
    • Piece something together: to solve a situation.
    • Put your heads together: when a group of people explore different options and come to a final decision.

    Synonyms To The Word «Together»

    Here we have a list of some words you can use to replace the term «together.»

    As an adverb

    • Collectively
    • Jointly
    • Closely
    • Mutually

    As an adjective

    • Dependable
    • Even-tempered
    • Rational
    • Level-headed
    • Assertive

    Here are some phrases that people use to convey the same meaning:

    • As one
    • Shoulder to shoulder
    • Cheek to jowl
    • As cool as a cucumber
    • Chilled

    together sign in multishape patterns

    Example Sentences Using «Together» And «Togather»

    Here are some sample sentences using the term together.

    1. Do you want to go to the concert together?
    2. Susan never thought about leaving Mike, even after his alcohol problem, they are together.
    3. I know Caroll, we went to college together.
    4. After all the time she had to complete the assignment, Monica decided to leave it to the last minute to cobble together the essay.
    5. Something I learned at this job is that red and white cables always go together.
    6. Kids, we are going on a field trip; please stick together to avoid any inconveniences; thank you!
    7. The purpose of this meeting is to piece something together so we can solve this quarter’s results.
    8.  It was more than evident that they would sleep together; I noticed they were attracted to each other.

    Final Thoughts About The Terms

    The word «togather» does not exist in English; any grammar-check tool will highlight it as incorrect. It might be a typo from the word «together» or the verb «to gather.»

    If you are talking about the association of two or more objects or people, then the correct spelling is «together.» Additionally, you can find many phrasal verbs using the word; in most of them, you see how it helps to convey the meaning of connecting things. We hope this article helps you to clear any doubts you might have had.

    Shawn Manaher

    Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

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