Word meaning mean spirited

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Haven Gutkowski Sr.

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English Language Learners Definition of mean-spirited

: feeling or showing a cruel desire to cause harm or pain. See the full definition for mean-spirited in the English Language Learners Dictionary. More from Merriam-Webster on mean-spirited. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for mean-spirited.

What does spirited mean?

: full of courage or energy : very lively or determined.

What is another word for mean-spirited?

Mean-spirited synonyms

In the expression. … In this page you can discover 22 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for mean-spirited, like: base, mean, servile, timid, self-obsessed, small-minded, snobbish, , weak, Hesledon and self-important.

What is an example of spirited?

made lively or spirited. 1, She was spirited away to a harbour storage. 2, I spirited him with a cup of coffee. 3, This television program provoked a spirited debate in the United Kingdom.

What’s the opposite of mean-spirited?

Opposite of having a base, nasty, petty, or malevolent disposition. generous. kind. sympathetic. thoughtful.

32 related questions found

Is not mean spirited?

Anyone meanspirited is unkind, not particularly generous, or even deliberately rude. A meanspirited person might steal your place in line, or even kick you while you’re down.

What do you call a mean spirited woman?

The most likely answer for the clue is SHREW.

Who is a spirited person?

Someone who’s spirited is lively or enthusiastic. It can be challenging to babysit a bunch of spirited four-year-olds, but it’s also entertaining. You can also call a spirited person energetic, animated, or spunky.

How do you use the word spirited?

Spirited in a Sentence ?

  1. Spirited cheerleaders chanted and cheered for their players.
  2. At the end of the day, the usually cheerful and spirited girl was worn out.
  3. My spirited puppy attacks me with energetic licks and kisses when I come home for work.

What is a spirited soul?

According to Plato, the spirited or thymoeides (from thymos) is the part of the soul by which we are angry or get into a temper. He also calls this part ‘high spirit’ and initially identifies the soul dominated by this part with the Thracians, Scythians and the people of ‘northern regions. ‘

What is a better word for evil?


1 sinful, iniquitous, depraved, vicious, corrupt, base, vile, nefarious. 2 pernicious, destructive. 6 wickedness, depravity, iniquity, unrighteousness, corruption, baseness. 9 disaster, calamity, woe, misery, suffering, sorrow.

How do you deal with mean spirited people?

The best way to deal with a petty, mean spirited personality is to play it cool. You can and should stand up for yourself, but at the same time, you should do it in a positive manner. For example, if a love interest is treating you unfairly, you should inform them of what they’re doing calmly.

How do I stop being mean spirited?

20 Easy Ways to Be Less Mean

  1. Stop Prioritizing Being Right.
  2. Ditch the Discussions About Other People’s Appearances.
  3. Approach People First.
  4. Stop the «It Could Be Worse» Train.
  5. Take a Deep Breath First.
  6. Think of Positive Things to Say First.
  7. Listen to Other People’s Feelings.
  8. Show Up When You RSVP.

What is an evil person called?

Noun. A very wicked or cruel person. fiend. beast. brute.

What makes a person spirited?

A free spirited person is someone who is uninhibited by traditional society structures. A free spirit might go with the flow, embrace spontaneity, reject conformity, and live her life in an unconventional way. She says what she means and is simultaneously gentle and strong. She is spirited and free.

What is high spirited behavior?

adjective. characterized by energetic enthusiasm, elation, vivacity, etc. boldly courageous; mettlesome.

What does zestful mean in English?

full of zest. characterized by keen relish, hearty enjoyment, etc.

What does tedious task mean?

marked by monotony or tedium; long and tiresome: tedious tasks; a tedious journey. wordy so as to cause weariness or boredom, as a speaker, a writer, or the work they produce; prolix.

What does being spirited away mean?

In English, to «spirit away» means to remove without anyone’s noticing. In Japanese folklore, spiriting away (Japanese: Kamikakushi (神隠し), lit. ‘hidden by kami’) refers to the mysterious disappearance or death of a person, after they had angered the gods (kami).

How do you become highly spirited?

9 secrets to happiness and high-spirited serenity

  1. Fake it ’til you make it. Smile immediately upon waking (and we mean a wide, teeth-baring, cheek-hurting smile). …
  2. Repeat after you. …
  3. Savor your rituals. …
  4. Tune in to tunes. …
  5. Forgive yourself for being human. …
  6. Start sweating. …
  7. Fuel happy days. …
  8. Dress to impress yourself.

What is a spirited child?

According to the book, a spirited child is defined as: “a child who is more intense, persistent, sensitive, and perceptive than the average child.” Kurchinka coined the term «spirited» when she was looking for information regarding her son and only came across words like difficult, strong-willed, or stubborn.

Is light hearted a mood?

Someone who is light-hearted is cheerful and happy. They were light-hearted and prepared to enjoy life. Something that is light-hearted is intended to be entertaining or amusing, and not at all serious.

Why does naive mean?

: having or showing a lack of experience or knowledge : innocent or simple. See the full definition for naive in the English Language Learners Dictionary. naive. adjective. na·​ive.

What is a fancy word for mean?

unkind, nasty, spiteful, foul, malicious, malevolent, despicable, contemptible, obnoxious, vile, odious, loathsome, disagreeable, unpleasant, unfriendly, uncharitable, shabby, unfair, callous, cruel, vicious, base, low.

What word describes a mean person?

A mean (unkind) person. meanie. villain. rogue. scoundrel.

  • 1

    mean-spirited [ˏmi:nˊspɪrɪtɪd]


    по́длый; ни́зкий;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > mean-spirited

  • 2

    1) низкий, подлый mean-spirited fellow Syn: mean, base
    2) скупой, скаредный Syn: avaricious, stingy, niggardly, miserly
    подлый, низкий, злонамеренный скупой, скаредный, мелочный

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > mean-spirited

  • 3



    1) низкий, подлый


    2) скупой, скаредный


    Англо-русский современный словарь > mean-spirited

  • 4

    1. a подлый, низкий; злонамеренный

    2. a скупой, скаредный; мелочный

    Синонимический ряд:

    selfish (adj.) illiberal; mean; narrow; parsimonious; selfish; small; stingy; tight; ungenerous

    English-Russian base dictionary > mean-spirited

  • 5
    mean spirited

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > mean spirited

  • 6

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > mean-spirited

  • 7


    низкий, подлый

    скупой, скаредный

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > mean-spirited

  • 8
    mean spirited

    (a) злонамеренный; мелочный; низкий; подлый; скаредный; скупой

    * * *

    низкий, подлый

    Новый англо-русский словарь > mean spirited

  • 9

    Новый англо-русский словарь > mean-spirited

  • 10


    1. подлый, низкий; злонамеренный

    2. скупой, скаредный; мелочный

    НБАРС > mean-spirited

  • 11

    English-Russian smart dictionary > mean-spirited

  • 12
    mean-spirited fellow

    mean-spirited fellow подлец

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > mean-spirited fellow

  • 13
    mean-spirited fellow

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > mean-spirited fellow

  • 14
    mean-spirited fellow

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > mean-spirited fellow

  • 15
    mean-spirited fellow

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > mean-spirited fellow

  • 16
    mean spirited fellow

    Новый англо-русский словарь > mean spirited fellow

  • 17
    mean-spirited fellow

    Англо-русский современный словарь > mean-spirited fellow

  • 18




    а) живой, оживлённый, энергичный; яркий


    б) горячий


    2) предприимчивый; активный, деятельный, инициативный



    Англо-русский современный словарь > spirited

  • 19

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > -spirited

  • 20

    1> подлый, низкий, злонамеренный
    2> скупой, скаредный, мелочный

    НБАРС > meanspirited

См. также в других словарях:

  • mean-spirited — (adj.) also meanspirited, 1690s, from MEAN (Cf. mean) (adj.1) + SPIRITED (Cf. spirited). Ancient Greek had the same image in mikropsykhos …   Etymology dictionary

  • mean-spirited — [mēn′spir′it id] adj. characterized by or displaying a propensity to be mean; selfish, malicious, etc. mean spiritedness n. * * * mean spir·it·ed or mean·spir·it·ed (mēnʹspĭrʹĭ tĭd) adj. Having or characterized by a malicious or petty spirit.  … …   Universalium

  • mean-spirited — [mēn′spir′it id] adj. characterized by or displaying a propensity to be mean; selfish, malicious, etc. mean spiritedness n …   English World dictionary

  • mean-spirited — index caitiff Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • mean-spirited — adj not generous or sympathetic …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • mean-spirited — meanspirited mean spir it*ed, mean spirited mean spir it*ed, a. 1. Of a mean spirit; petty; small minded; base; groveling; of people. {Mean spir it*ed*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] 2. Done for malevolent reasons; of deeds and actions. Syn: base,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mean-spirited — adjective Having a base, nasty, petty, or malevolent disposition. My old acquaintances would sneer at me as a mean spirited cur, whose best exploit was to get in jail …   Wiktionary

  • mean-spirited — adjective not generous or sympathetic: a mean spirited, jealous man …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • mean-spirited — mean spirˈited adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑mean …   Useful english dictionary

  • mean-spirited — adjective Date: 1694 exhibiting or characterized by meanness of spirit • mean spiritedness noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • mean-spirited — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. abject, groveling; contemptible, petty. See narrowness. Ant., generous. II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. base, timid, servile; see cowardly , mean 1 , weak 3 …   English dictionary for students

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Перевод «Mean-spirited» на русский с транскрипцией и произношением


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y  *

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амер.  |ˈmiːnˈspɪrɪtɪd| Тег audio не поддерживается вашим браузером.  американское произношение слова mean-spirited

брит.  |ˈmiːnˈspɪrɪtɪd|

Russian  English 

низкий, подлый


- подлый, низкий; злонамеренный
- скупой, скаредный; мелочный

Мои примеры


mean-spirited — малодушный  
to morph into a mean-spirited, selfish person — превращаться в подлеца и эгоиста  
mean-spirited fellow — подлец  
mean spirited — злонамеренный; скаредный; мелочный  

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Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Англо-русский перевод MEAN-SPIRITED

transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈmin,spɪrɪtɪd ]


1) низкий, подлый

— mean-spirited fellow


mean , base

2) скупой, скаредный


avaricious , stingy , niggardly , miserly

English-Russian dictionary of general lexicon.

     Англо-Русский словарь по общей лексике.

Someone who’s spirited is lively or enthusiastic. It can be challenging to babysit a bunch of spirited four-year-olds, but it’s also entertaining.

You can also call a spirited person energetic, animated, or spunky. Spirited people are often determined, too, like a spirited activist for animal rights or a spirited defender of free school lunches. Long ago, this adjective was also used to mean «possessed by a spirit or ghost.» Today’s sense of spirited comes from the original meaning of the verb spirit, «to make more active.»

Definitions of spirited

  1. adjective

    displaying animation, vigor, or liveliness



    full of life and energy


    possessing or exerting or displaying energy

    enthusiastic, keen

    having or showing great excitement and interest

    boisterous, knockabout

    full of rough and exuberant animal spirits

    con brio

    with liveliness or spirit

    dashing, gallant

    lively and spirited

    ebullient, exuberant, high-spirited

    joyously unrestrained

    feisty, plucky, spunky

    showing courage

    impertinent, irreverent, pert, saucy

    characterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality

    lively, racy

    full of zest or vigor


    having a proud and unbroken spirit


    recovering readily from adversity, depression, or the like

    snappy, whipping

    smart and fashionable


    full of spirit and vitality

    vibrant, vivacious

    vigorous and animated

    barmy, yeasty, zestful, zesty

    marked by spirited enjoyment

  2. adjective

    made lively or spirited

    spirited debate”



    alive, animated

    having life or vigor or spirit

  3. adjective

    marked by lively action

    spirited dance”


    bouncing, bouncy, peppy, zippy


    full of life and energy

  4. adjective

    willing to face danger


    game, gamey, gamy, gritty, mettlesome, spunky

    brave, courageous

    possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching

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Britannica Dictionary definition of MEAN–SPIRITED

[more mean–spirited; most mean–spirited]


feeling or showing a cruel desire to cause harm or pain

  • a mean-spirited person

  • a mean-spirited book review

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подло и жестоко


Adding a work requirement to food stamps is a mean-spirited and short-sighted move that will harm our economy while exacerbating hunger.

Добавление требований к работе для получения талонов — подлый и близорукий шаг, который нанесет ущерб нашей экономике, одновременно обостряя голод.

If you’re greedy and mean-spirited, money will make you more so.

Если вы жадный и подлый, деньги сделают вас таким в большей степени.

Persons who seem unreasonably stern, stubborn, mean-spirited or unfair may be fulfilling their roles to the letter.

Люди, которые кажутся необоснованно суровыми, упрямыми, подлыми или несправедливыми, вероятно, просто неукоснительно выполняют свои роли.

It is an often filthy, dehumanizing, mean-spirited job.

Она часто грязная, бесчеловечная и подлая.

It is upsetting and deeply concerning when so-called friends are uncivil, condescending and downright mean-spirited.

Нас очень огорчает и беспокоит, когда так называемые друзья оказываются нецивилизованными, высокомерными и просто подлыми.

So she got desperate, and she resorted to mean-spirited gags.

И она отчаялась, и прибегла к подлым трюкам.

Never use anonymity or alias status to be mean-spirited, nasty or to behave like a troll.

Никогда не используйте анонимность или статус псевдонима, чтобы быть подлым, злобным или вести себя как тролль.

Harmony cannot thrive in a climate of mistrust, cheating, bullying and mean-spirited competition.

Но гармония не сможет расцвести в атмосфере всеобщего обмана, недоверия, агрессии и подлой конкуренции.

The popularity of nasty, mean-spirited, personal-attack cruelty that passes for «entertainment» is but one example.

Популярность мерзкой, подлой, личностно направленной жестокости, которая происходит для «развлечения» это всего лишь один пример.

This prosecution was a travesty of justice and one of the most mean-spirited attacks on an innocent person in legal history.

Это обвинение было пародией на правосудие и одним из самых подлых нападений на невинного человека в правовой истории.

Malcolm is a mean-spirited, sarcastic, and slightly deranged jester who commands incredibly powerful magic.

Малькольм — подлый, саркастичный и слегка ненормальный шут, распоряжающийся необычайно сильной магией.

Cyber bullying is the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person, often done anonymously.

Киберзапугивание — это электронное размещение подлых сообщений о человеке, часто анонимно.

To say anything to that effect and then proceed to write a poor letter of recommendation would just be mean-spirited and dishonest.

Что-либо сказать на этот счет, а затем приступаю к написанию плохое рекомендательное письмо просто быть подлым и нечестным.

The whole thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed.

Разумеется, вся эта история была сумасшедшей и подлой, а в основе ее лежали едва скрываемая ксенофобия и нетерпимость.

Young directors should be inspired by you, not publicly castigated by your mean-spirited and flawed analysis.

Молодые режиссеры должны быть вдохновлены Вами, а не публично наказываться Вашим подлым и некорректным анализом.

What started out as an intended parody account of DC culture developed over time into a series of inappropriate and mean-spirited comments.

То, что начиналось как пародия на культуру Вашингтона, с течением времени превратилось в серию неуместных и подлых комментариев.

School has mean-spirited and hypocritical Skvirz director whose sole purpose is to earn money.

Школой владеет подлый и лицемерный директор Сквирз, единственной целью которого является заработок денег.

As one can imagine, speculations abound — everything from possible chemical imbalances to unfair, unfounded comments which… well, small town gossip can be so mean-spirited.

Поскольку можно вообразить, предположения имеются в большом количестве — все от возможной химической неустойчивости до несправедливых, необоснованных комментариев, которые… хорошо, маленькая городская сплетня может быть настолько подлой.

The mean-spirited are jealous of him and start throwing stones at his plate, while the young man constitutes protection for the tribe.

Подлые люди завидуют ему и бросают в тарелку камни, хотя юноша обеспечивает племени защиту.

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