Word meaning making no sense

The phrase “makes no sense” gets used more than you might realize, especially if you have a hard time understanding why someone said something. We’re looking at why people use the phrase, as well as what it means and how you might be able to use it yourself.

What Is The Meaning Of “Makes No Sense”?

The meaning of “makes no sense” is that someone cannot construct a rational argument for a particular situation to be true. It’s used in response to something someone else has said when someone either can’t understand what they mean or doesn’t understand why they said it.

What Is The Meaning Of "Makes No Sense"?

According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, “make sense” means “to be clear and easy to understand.” So, if something makes no sense, then it is not clear or easy to understand.

Examples Of When It Is Appropriate To Answer “That Makes No Sense” (All Variations)

There are plenty of times where it’s appropriate to answer “that makes no sense” to somebody. In all of these cases, it might not be the most polite option, but you can say it if you don’t understand what they’re talking about or can’t figure out why they said what they did.

  • We should go out tonight.
  • That makes no sense. All the clubs are closed.
  • I’m sorry but can you, just wait, for like, a minute, but don’t, if you can.
  • You don’t make sense! Use your words!
  • I know that “tack” is French for “thank you.”
  • That does not make any sense. “Merci” is French for “thank you.”
  • I love Star Wars so much!
  • That makes no sense. Star Trek is so much better; you’re even wearing the t-shirt!
  • I’m having a great day!
  • You make no sense; you hate rollercoasters and threw up twice already!
  • Does everyone understand this math assignment?
  • Sorry, miss, but this doesn’t make sense to me!
  • Your essay looks strange!
  • My essay makes no sense. Can you proofread it for me?
  • Babble babble babble
  • You’re making no sense. Slow down and take a breath, then tell me what’s wrong.
  • Can we go shopping tomorrow?
  • That makes no sense. The shops are all closed!

We can use “that makes no sense” as an answer when we want to show someone that we don’t understand why they said what they did. It’s a good way to tell them that they’re either speaking nonsense or they’ve presented us with a difficult argument that we aren’t able to understand.

What Is The Difference Between “This Makes No Sense” And “This Doesn’t Make Sense”?

The main difference between “this makes no sense” and “this doesn’t make sense” is the wording. They can be used interchangeably, though “this doesn’t make sense” is the more common choice of the two.

If you look at the graph, you can see how much more popular the phrase “does not make sense” is compared to “makes no sense.” These findings were taken from books written in English. Most authors opt for “does not make sense” or some variation of it when writing.

There is one rather substantial difference between the two that you might need to know to help you remember which one is used more.

“Makes no sense” uses the word “no,” showing that we ultimately do not understand the situation. “No,” tells the other person we’re talking to that there’s no way we can come up with a valid argument for whatever they’re saying. It’s often considered an impossible situation – which rarely comes up.

“Doesn’t make sense” implies that we’re pointing out an inconsistency or struggling to come up with an argument for it. However, that doesn’t mean we’ve seen it as impossible and will keep working to try and figure out the meaning of what’s been said.

It’s that difference between the words that might make “doesn’t make sense” the more popular choice over “makes no sense.”

Is It Rude To Say “That Doesn’t Make Sense”?

The context that requires you to say “that doesn’t make sense” is what decides whether or not you’re polite. If someone is trying to explain a concept to you and you’re not quite understanding it, then saying “that doesn’t make sense” might be seen as a way for you to ask for help. However, it is considered rude if you use this rather than simply asking for help.

If you use it in a situation where someone is talking nonsense, and you’re trying to get them out of it, then it might encourage them to take a minute to gather their thoughts. However, there are still nicer ways to say that they need to slow down, and “that doesn’t make sense” is rude in this case too.

The only time “that doesn’t make sense” isn’t rude is when you immediately follow it with constructive criticism. If someone says something you disagree with and you use the phrase, you can tell them directly why it makes no sense to you and help them out.

Synonyms For “That Does Not Make Sense”

There are always better ways to say “that does not make sense,” which are considered more polite and constructive. We recommend you use one of these no matter what situation you might find yourself in.

  • Could you clarify

If you’re struggling to understand a concept, this simple question might work well and is also really polite.

  • I don’t understand

This is a more polite way of saying that you do not understand what somebody says to you. It will encourage them to change their wording or explain something in a better way to help you.

  • Don’t be silly!

This one is more colloquial and should only be used in friendly situations when someone isn’t making sense with their suggestions.

Is The Correct Spelling Doesn’t Make Sense Or Sence?

When we’re writing “doesn’t make sense,” it’s important to get the spelling correct. Hopefully, you’ve been paying attention to how we’ve been spelling the word throughout this article, and you don’t even need to worry about this section.

“Doesn’t make sense” is the correct spelling. “Sence” is an incorrect spelling and is not a word.

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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несу непонятно

не имеет никакого смысла

He’s making no sense at all.

Young man, you are making no sense.

Over time the value of those separate hotel rooms has dwindled to the point of making no sense at all.

Others are going on rampages, making no sense whatsoever, and making you wonder all about humanity and what is truly happening.

Другие прибегают к нападениям, не имеющим совсем никакого смысла, и заставляют с удивлением узнать всё о человеческой природе, и о том, что на самом деле происходит.

Your assertion that you never left the service of Apophis is completely illogical, almost to the point of making no sense whatsoever.

А твое утверждение о том, что ты никогда не оставлял службу Апофису, абсолютно нелогично и не имеет никакого смысла.

20 years of my life, making no sense!

And if I was Ray Charles, I would actually be blind and need this dog, so thanks for making no sense.

И если бы я была Рэем Чарльзом, я была бы слепой и без собаки не могла бы ходить, так что вы глупости говорите.

In making no sense of nonsense,

What? This is making no sense.

I’m making no sense. Okay.

I’d call family members or friends and just be sobbing for no reason, and making no sense because I was in full-on panic mode.

Я звал членов семьи или друзей и просто всхлипывал без причины, потому что я был в панике.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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makes no sense — перевод на русский

In the present state of inertia and self-satisfaction to speak of masses makes no sense.

В современном состоянии инерции и самоудовлетворенности общества говорить о массах не имеет смысла.

You want to decide for others and that makes no sense!

Вы хотите решать за людей, а я уверен, что это не имеет смысла!

It makes no sense to speak of knowing something in a context where we could not possibly doubt it.

Не имеет смысла говорить о знании в контексте отсутствия сомнения.

If you don’t do your job right the experiment makes no sense and we can stop it right now.

Если вы будете выполнять свои обязанности без должной ответственности и дисциплины, …эксперимент не имеет смысла, и нам придется остановить его.

— It makes no sense.

Это не имеет смысла.

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It don’t make no sense no more.

— В этом больше нет смысла.

That don’t make no sense at all, does it, Joe?

В этом просто нет смысла, так ведь, Джо?

Well, as a woman, it makes no sense.

Ну, для женщины нет смысла.

The fact is, I’m tired of being lonely, and it makes no sense going on being lonely when the woman I long for is unattached.

Факты таковы, что я устал от одиночества да и нет смысла оставаться одному когда женщина, к которой я давно неравнодушен, свободна.

I met with their cartoon editor and I got him to admit that that cartoon made no sense.

Встретилась с редактором отдела карикатур и заставила его признать, что в той карикатуре нет смысла.

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— It makes no sense.

— Это бессмысленно.

It’s not smart to leave like that, it makes no sense.

Бежать вот так просто глупо. Бессмысленно!

But it makes no sense anymore.

Но это бессмысленно.

But that makes no sense.

Но говорить такое бессмысленно.

That makes no sense. You know why?

Это бессмысленно.

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Then it makes no sense to me at all.

Тогда я вообще ничего не понимаю.

Well, that makes no sense at all.

Ничего не понимаю.

Your stories make no sense.

Я ничего не понимаю.

— It makes no sense…

— Ничего не понимаю. — Это была просто идея, забудь.

— That don’t make no sense.

— Ничего не понимаю!

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It makes no sense!


That makes no sense!

Это бессмыслица!

It makes no sense. They’re opposing processes.

Бессмыслица, это противоположные процессы.

That makes no sense.

Но это бессмыслица.

But that makes no sense.

Но это бессмыслица.

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What you’ve said so far makes no sense at all.

Но зачем? В том, что вы сказали, вообще никакого смысла.

We read it aloud and it made no sense, because there was no connection made.

Мы читали его вслух, но в этом не было никакого смысла, потому что мы не могли связать все воедино.

— That makes no sense for a public institution.

Никакого смысла для общественного заведения. Ладно.

See, it don’t make no sense to hate nobody.

Видите, я не вижу смысла ненавидеть кого-то.

Last night made no sense, but still… it was necessary.

В прошлой ночи было не много смысла, но все же… она была необходима.

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That don’t make no sense at all.

Это какая-то бессмыслица.

— It makes no sense, I know. — It doesn’t.

— Это какая-то бессмыслица.

It makes no sense.

Это какая-то бессмыслица.

— Don’t make no sense.

Бессмыслица какая-то, офицер.

That makes no sense at all.

Это вообще бессмыслица какая-то.

That makes no sense.

Но это глупо!

That makes no sense.

Это глупо!

It makes no sense!

Это же глупо!

— That makes no sense.

Это глупо. — Нет, не глупо.

That makes no sense, their dad was a cobbler.

Это глупо, у них отец — сапожник.

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«make sense»:

  1. To be coherent or intelligible:

an explanation that made sense.

  1. To be practical or advisable:

It makes sense to go now.


«to make sense» means to be logical, intelligible or reasonable. Your example should be «People sometimes make sense». As a complete sentence, this is a slightly unusual thing to say because experience shows that most people are reasonably logical and intelligible for much of the time. It could be used with a touch of irony, but one would need more context to judge.

Some more examples:

«It makes sense to get professional advice.»

«Ah, so I should have added rather than subtracted. That makes sense.»

«It tells me to click ‘OK’, but there’s no OK button to click. These instructions don’t make sense.»

«He tried to explain his theory to us, but frankly he wasn’t making much sense.»

You can also «make sense of» something, meaning that you manage to understand it:

«I can’t make sense of these instructions.»

«It took me all night, but finally I made sense of these accounts.»

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It would certainly make no sense to advise these countries to return to the closed economies of the past.

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Очевидно, что сейчас было бы бессмысленно рекомендовать этим странам вернуться к той закрытой экономике, которая имела место в прошлом.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

You know some people say that modern art is not actually art, and make no sense in comparison with Leo Da Vinci, for example.

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Некоторые люди говорят, что современное искусство на самом деле


искусство, и не имеет никакого смысла по сравнению с Лео Да Винчи, например.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

For example, long“seclusions” by themselves, i.e. without special esoteric techniques, make no sense; those who resort to such seclusions only waste their time.

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Так, длительные« затворы» сами по себе, то есть, без специальных эзотерических методик, толку не дают, адепты лишь напрасно тратят время.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Change for the sake of change would make no sense if it led to a situation in which a new Council was

less able to carry out its heavy responsibilities than the present one.

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Перемены только ради перемен не будут иметь никакого смысла, если они приведут к такому положению дел, в котором новый

Совет окажется менее, чем нынешний, способным выполнять свои обременительные обязанности.

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If, however, it finds the criticisms levelled at the test of economic control in paragraphs 32 and 33 to be persuasive,

it would make no sense to approve such a test in the context of dual protection.

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Однако, если она сочтет критику в отношении критерия экономического контроля в пунктах 32 и 33 убедительной,

то не будет никакого смысла одобрять такой критерий в контексте двойной защиты.

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The SIZEOF() macro is applied to a pointer, which makes no sense at all.

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Without overcoming, without resistance, I am convinced that it makes no sense.

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Мы получаем какое-то сообщение из подлодки, но оно бессмысленное.

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