Word meaning lying down


Перевод по словам

lie  — ложь, обман, положение, направление, логово, лежать, находиться, лгать, солгать
down  — вниз, внизу, вниз, вниз по, пух, спуск, нисходящий, опускать


She was lying down with a head.

Она лежала с головной болью.

Keith was lying face down on the bed.

Кит лежал на кровати лицом вниз.

The unions are not going to take the government’s threats lying down.

Профсоюзы не собираются покорно сносить угрозы правительства.

Moore escaped by the simple expedient of lying down in a clump of grass.

Муру помогла сбежать простая уловка: он залёг в зарослях травы.

I’m not about to take it lying down. *

Я не собираюсь с этим мириться.

These men are not exactly lying down on the job. *

Эти парни вовсе не сачкуют.

I’m not going to take such impudence lying down. *

Я не собираюсь молча терпеть такое хамство.

You don’t expect me to take that lying down, do you? *

Ты ведь не думаешь, что я смирюсь с этим, правда?

I’m not the kind of person who’ll take something like that lying down. *

Я не из тех, кто будет молча терпеть подобное.

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I’m not going to take this lying down!  

…the guest rumpled the antique bedspread by lying down on it…  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

  • 1
    lying-down trench

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > lying-down trench

  • 2
    lying (down) trench

    Военный термин:

    окоп для стрельбы лёжа

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > lying (down) trench

  • 3
    lying-down case

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > lying-down case

  • 4
    lying-down trench

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > lying-down trench

  • 5
    lying-down case


    лежачий больной

    Англо-русский медицинский словарь > lying-down case

  • 6
    lying-down trench

    НБАРС > lying-down trench

  • 7
    lying (-down) case

    лежачий раненый [больной]

    English-Russian military dictionary > lying (-down) case

  • 8
    lying (-down) case

    лежачий раненый [больной]

    English-Russian military dictionary > lying (-down) case

  • 9
    lying (down) trench

    English-Russian military dictionary > lying (down) trench

  • 10
    lying (down) trench

    English-Russian military dictionary > lying (down) trench

  • 11
    lying-down trench

    English-Russian base dictionary > lying-down trench

  • 12
    lying down case

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > lying down case

  • 13
    take something lying down

    You don’t expect me to take that lying down, do you? — Ты ведь не думаешь, что я смирюсь с этим, правда?

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > take something lying down

  • 14
    take it lying down

    безропотно сносить что-л., примириться с чем-л. без борьбы; ≈ сдать свои позиции без боя

    I know my father thinks so; but I should never have done it myself. I can’t take things lying down. (J. Galsworthy, ‘To Let’, part II, ch. VII) — Я знаю, что так же думает и мой отец; но я никогда не поступила бы так сама. Я без борьбы не сдамся.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > take it lying down

  • 15
    take it (or smth.) lying down


       бeзpoпoтнo cнocить чтo-л., пpимиpитьcя c чём-л., cдaтьcя бeз бopьбы; cдaть cвoи пoзиции бeз бoя

    I know my father thinks so, but I should never have done it myself. I can’t take things lying down (J. Galsworthy)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > take it (or smth.) lying down

  • 16
    take smth. lying down

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > take smth. lying down

  • 17
    position lying down/supine/prone

    1. положение ребенка в сиденье лежачее/лежачее на спине/лежачее на животе

    положение ребенка в сиденье лежачее/лежачее на спине/лежачее на животе
    Положение, при котором, по меньшей мере, голова и туловище ребенка в состоянии покоя (за исключением конечностей) находятся на горизонтальной поверхности в удерживающем устройстве.
    [ ГОСТ Р 41.44-2005]


    • автотранспортная техника


    • position lying down/supine/prone

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > position lying down/supine/prone

  • 18
    decumbency (The state of lying down on the ground, carpet, etc.)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > decumbency (The state of lying down on the ground, carpet, etc.)

  • 19
    he won’t take the insult lying down

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he won’t take the insult lying down

  • 20
    take a defeat lying down

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > take a defeat lying down


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Lying Down With Dogs — Infobox Television episode | Title = Lying Down With Dogs Series= Caption = Season = 8 Episode = 10 Airdate = December 13, 2007 Writer = Christopher Barbour Michael F. X. Daley Director = Michael Slovis Prev = Cockroaches Next = Bull Lying Down… …   Wikipedia

  • lying down — (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. reclining, reposing, sleeping; see asleep , resting 1 …   English dictionary for students

  • Won’t Take It Lying Down — Single infobox Name = Won t Take It Lying Down Artist = Honeyz from Album = Wonder No. 8 Released = 2000 Format = CD Recorded = 1999 Genre = Pop | Label = Mercury Records Reviews = Last single = Never Let You Down (1999) This single = Won t Take… …   Wikipedia

  • Done Lying Down — Origin United Kingdom Genres Rock Years active 1993–1997 Labels Abstract Sounds (UK), Immaterial (UK) Website …   Wikipedia

  • take lying down —    If you take something lying down, you suffer as a result of an offensive act without reacting or protesting.     Jack won t take the accusation lying down he ll fight to defend his reputation …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • not take something lying down — (not) take (something) lying down to refuse to be treated badly by someone. He can t just order you about like that. Surely you re not going to take that lying down! …   New idioms dictionary

  • not take lying down — (not) take (something) lying down to refuse to be treated badly by someone. He can t just order you about like that. Surely you re not going to take that lying down! …   New idioms dictionary

  • take something lying down — (not) take (something) lying down to refuse to be treated badly by someone. He can t just order you about like that. Surely you re not going to take that lying down! …   New idioms dictionary

  • take lying down — (not) take (something) lying down to refuse to be treated badly by someone. He can t just order you about like that. Surely you re not going to take that lying down! …   New idioms dictionary

  • take lying down — {v. phr.} To accept something without defense or protest. * /If you take such insults lying down, you will only encourage more of the same./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take lying down — {v. phr.} To accept something without defense or protest. * /If you take such insults lying down, you will only encourage more of the same./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

lying down — перевод на русский

Now lie down.

Давай, ложись.

Yes, yes you are. Now lie down.

Умер, не спорь, ложись.

Now, you lie down and make yourself comfortable.

Теперь, ты ложись поудобнее чтобы тебе было комфортно.

Lie down and rest awhile.

Ложись и отдыхай.

Lie down and try not to think of anything.

Ложись и больше ни о чем не думай.

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I’m ready to lay down and sleep for a year. And that’s the truth.

Я готов лечь и заснуть на целый год, вот это правда.

You’re going to lie down and close your eyes.

Вам лучше лечь и закрыть глаза.

Maybe I better lay down.

Наверное мне лучше лечь.

I believe that I have to lie down.

Я думаю, что должен лечь.

I think you’d better lie down, try and get a little rest.

Я думаю, вам лучше лечь, и попытаться немного отдохнуть.

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Detachment… lie down!

Отделение… лежать!

Detachment, lie down!

Отделение… лежать!

Look, sweetie pie, you ought to lie down.

Послушай, сладенький, ты должен лежать.

Come on, you can’t lay down here.

Давай, ты не можешь лежать здесь.

You can’t lie down here five days and five nights in the same position.

Ты не можешь лежать здесь 5 дней и ночей в одном и том же положении.

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Won’t you, uh, lie down?

Хотите прилечь?

I gotta lie down once in a while.

Я должен прилечь иногда.

But you’d better lie down now and get some rest.

Но тебе лучше прилечь и отдохнуть.

I’ll be all right as soon as I can get some place where I can lie down.

Со мной все будет в порядке, как только я смогу дойти и прилечь.

You should lie down and rest for a little, Paula.

Ты должна прилечь и немного отдохнуть.

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Well, then… if you don’t mind, I’ll lie down a while before dinner.

Тогда… если вы меня извините, я пойду прилягу перед ужином.

I go back in the room and lie down.

Я думаю, лучше вернусь в номер, прилягу.

I’ll lie down for a while.

Я прилягу.

— Show me to my cabin so I can lie down.

Где моя каюта? Пойду, прилягу.

— I’m going to lie down.

— Пойду прилягу.

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— You ought to lie down for a while.

— Вам нужно немного полежать.

And you have to lie down.

Тебе надо полежать.

Why not go home and lay down?

Почему бы не пойти домой и не полежать?

— Just let me lie down.

— Дай мне просто полежать.

I need to lie down.

Мне надо полежать.

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Please lie down and get some rest.

Пожалуйста, приляг и отдохни.

Lie down, I’ll massage you. I can’t stand.

Приляг, я сделаю тебе массаж.

Go and have a lie down.

Пойди приляг.

You’d better lie down for a while.

Ты лучше приляг ненадолго.

— No, come lie down a little…

— Нет, приляг хоть ненадолго…

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Unless Parliament supports this war to the full, I am bound to say, in all conscience, that I will lay down my sword and let this House make its peace with the king, be that peace ever so base.

Если парламент не поддержит войну, мне придется, …понимая последствия, сложить оружие и покинуть вас, …что бы вы помирились с королем, …чего бы это вам не стоило.

We’re calling on you to lay down arms.

Призываем вас сложить оружие!

Are you willing to lay down your arms and surrender?

Ты хочешь сложить оружие и сдаться?

Arms have to be laid down?

Придётся сложить оружие?

I suggest you surrender your sword and order your men to lay down their muskets.

Полагаю, вы отдадите саблю и велите своим людям сложить мушкеты.

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I shall have to get him somewhere to lie down.

Мне нужно его где-нибудь положить.

…lay down my life selflessly for you?

…самоотверженно положить свою жизнь за вас?

There is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends.

Нет большей любви, чем положить жизнь за своих друзей.

So, where’s it writ that we got to lay down our lives for her?

Так что, где это написано, что мы должны положить свои жизни за нее?

Care to lay down your king?

Не хочешь положить своего короля?

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Tereza, where can I lie down for a while?

Тереза, где я могу немного отдохнуть?

I’ll just lie down.

…которая хочет немного отдохнуть. Нет, нет, я…

After that, Mama went to the hotel to lay down, so I went out for a walk to see our nation’s capital. Hilary!

После этого, мама поехала в гостиницу отдохнуть, а я отправился погулять и посмотреть на столицу страны.

I have to lie down.

Мне надо отдохнуть.

— She went to lie down.

Ей нужно отдохнуть.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

He painted that ceiling on scaffolding lying down.

Поразительно. Он рисовал на потолке лежа на строительных лесах.

Get up slowly if you are sitting or lying down.

Медленно вставайте, сидя или лежа.

With hyperbaric oxygen, you’re typically sitting or lying down and simply breathing normally.

С гипербарическим кислородом вы обычно сидите или лежите и просто дышите нормально.

A person should not feel any discomfort when lying down on the mattress.

Человек не должен испытывать никакого дискомфорта, лежать на матрасе должно быть приятно.

You yourself can imagine the difference in perspective on life from always lying down to standing up, Fredrik comments on the psychological importance.

Вы сами можете представить себе разницу в перспективе жизни всегда лежать и стоять, отметил физиологическую важность физиотерапевт Фредерик.

First, an overwhelming number of exercises are done sitting or lying down.

Сначала подавляющее число упражнений выполняется сидя или лежа.

He was not afraid of voltages up to 2000 volts, has been used for action lying down.

Он не боялся напряжения до 2000 вольт, использовался для действий лежа.

However, they may cause great discomfort while sitting or lying down.

Тем не менее, они могут вызвать большой дискомфорт в положении сидя или лежа.

This condition usually occurs in the evening or night when you are sitting or lying down.

Обычно подобное состояние возникает вечером или ночью в положении сидя или лежа.

In some cases it is possible to conduct x-ray standing or lying down.

В отдельных случаях возможно проведение рентгена стоя или лежа.

You can’t take no pictures lying down there, sonny.

Лежа ты ничего не снимешь, сынок.

I know I shouldn’t eat lying down.

Я знаю, не следует есть лежа.

Sitting or lying down, will let out the misery.

Сидя или лежа, когда ему явится чудо.

Just getting up, sitting down, lying down

Просто вставая, сидя, лежа

She had less wrinkles lying down.

Лежа у нее было меньше морщин.

This can be affected by whether you are standing, sitting or lying down.

Это может быть зависеть от того, что вы стоите, сидя или лежа.

Take a relaxed body position, better lying down, with head to the East.

Примите расслабленное положение тела, лучше лежа, и хорошо, если получится лечь головой на восток.

Kat posed astride the Taiwan military technology, as well as climbing stairs and lying down on a wooden beam.

Кэт позировала верхом на тайваньской военной технике, а также карабкаясь по лестнице и лежа на деревянной балке.

James Joyce preferred writing while lying down on his stomach.

Джеймс Джойс предпочитал писать лежа на животе.

Kiss me, Linda, and we can fly lying down.

Поцелуй меня, Линда и мы сможем летать лежа.

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to move into a position in which your body is flat, usually in order to sleep or rest: He lay down on the bed and tried to relax. More examples.

What is meaning of lying down?

1. to place oneself or be in a prostrate position in order to rest or sleep. 2. to accept without protest or opposition (esp in the phrases lie down under, take something lying down)

Is it laying in bed or lying in bed?

Mary Lying in bed is correct. Both “laying” and “lying” are the present participles of the verbs “lay” and “lie.” “Lay” is a transitive verb that refers to putting something in a horizontal position, while“lie” is an intransitive verb that refers to being in a flat position.

Is it go lay down or go lie down?

Lay means «to place something down flat,» while lie means «to be in a flat position on a surface.» The key difference is that lay is transitive and requires an object to act upon, and lie is intransitive, describing something moving on its own or already in position.

Do dogs lay down or lie down?

The verb «laid» always requires a direct object, because it’s the act of putting something somewhere. The confusion arises because «lay» is the past tense of «lie.» So people and dogs are forever laying down.

37 related questions found

How do you spell lying like a liar?

Liar is an agent noun, a noun that denotes someone or something that performs an action described by the verb from which the noun is derived. The verb in question is lie, meaning “to say something that’s not true.” So, a liar is a person who lies—a person who says something they know is not true.

Is it bad to lie down after eating?

Don’t lie down after eating.

For those with acid reflux, the valve between the esophagus and the stomach doesn’t function properly, allowing the contents of the stomach to back up into the esophagus. Lying down can make this problem worse, leading to late-night heartburn.

Is lying around correct?

Laying around’ is incorrect. The two verbs ‘to lie’ and ‘to lay’ are frequently misused, more often by native speakers, unfortunately. ‘To lay’ is a transitive verb. e.g. The hen is laying an egg.

How do you use lying and laying in a sentence?

The verb ‘laying’ means ‘putting something somewhere’. The verb ‘lying’ means ‘telling falsehoods’ or ‘resting’ or ‘reclining’. The woman is laying the plate on the table. The girl is lying (not telling the truth) to the teacher.

What does laying around mean?

1 : to be lying in a disordered way He always had a lot of clothes lying around (his house). 2 : to be somewhere within a general area or place I know that pen is lying around here somewhere. 3 : to spend time resting in a lazy way She spent the whole day just lying around.

Is lying not telling the truth?

Lying and not-telling the truth are different in their own right, and have moral and ethical implications associated with each one. … Similarly, in the case of a lie there is an unjustified discrepancy between what you believe and what you say, and so lying is may always be considered immoral.

Can I lay down 2 hours after eating?

Recommended Intervals. As a general rule of thumb, nutritionists will tell you to wait about three hours between your last meal and bedtime. 1 This allows digestion to occur and the contents of your stomach to move into your small intestine. This may prevent problems like heartburn at night and even insomnia.

Will I gain weight if I lay down after eating?

Your body gains weight when you take in more calories than you are burning off. This is the case no matter when you eat. Going to sleep directly after you eat means your body doesn’t get a chance to burn off those calories. And, eating a big meal and then hitting the couch can be just as harmful.

Do you gain weight if you sit after eating?

It’s not true that food consumed later in the evening will just sit there, unused, and automatically get converted into fat. «You will gain weight if your total daily energy intake exceeds your energy expenditure, regardless of the timing of consuming these calories,» Stanner said.

What are the 4 types of lies?

There are four types of lie that can be characterized by naming them with four colors: Gray, White, Black and Red.

What is bad about lying?

Lying is bad because a generally truthful world is a good thing: lying diminishes trust between human beings: if people generally didn’t tell the truth, life would become very difficult, as nobody could be trusted and nothing you heard or read could be trusted — you would have to find everything out for yourself.

How do you spot a liar in a relationship?

Signs of Lying

  1. Avoiding eye contact, eyes glancing to the right, staring past you, or turning away from you while talking.
  2. Being hesitant.
  3. Being vague, offering few details.
  4. Body language and facial expressions don’t match what is being said, such as saying «no» but nodding the head up and down.

Can you get fat from lying down all day?

Turns out, just sitting or lying down on the couch may make you fat, found Tel Aviv University researchers. When we plop in front of the television for a long time, the weight of our body subjects our cells to tension and elongation, explains study author Professor Amit Gefen.

How long after eating can you lay down?

Experts recommend waiting at least three hours after you’ve eaten to go to bed. This allows your body time to digest your food so you’re not up at night with an upset stomach, indigestion or heartburn.

Which side do you lay on to digest food?

The stomach’s natural position is on the left side, where it can digest food more effectively. Gravity helps the waste travel from the small intestine to the large intestine.

Can I lay down after drinking water?

It’s important to drink enough water during the day, however, it can be disruptive if you drink directly before bed. Avoid drinking water or any other fluids at least two hours before sleeping to prevent waking up at night.

What should you not eat before bed?

Five worst foods for sleep

  • Chocolate. High levels of caffeine in chocolate make it a poor choice for late-night snacking. …
  • Cheese. While cheese is generally considered a comfort food, it is actually one of the worst foods to eat before bed. …
  • Curry. …
  • Ice cream. …
  • Crisps. …
  • Cherries. …
  • Raw honey. …
  • Bananas.

What should you eat before going to bed?

Here are the 9 best foods and drinks you can have before bed to enhance your quality of sleep.

  1. Almonds. Almonds are a type of tree nut with many health benefits. …
  2. Turkey. Turkey is delicious and nutritious. …
  3. Chamomile tea. …
  4. Kiwi. …
  5. Tart cherry juice. …
  6. Fatty fish. …
  7. Walnuts. …
  8. Passionflower tea.

What do you call a person who believes his own lies?

A pathological liar tells lies and stories that fall somewhere between conscious lying and delusion. They sometimes believe their own lies. It’s difficult to know how to deal with a pathological liar who may not always be conscious of their lying. … Pathological liars also tend to be natural performers.

What are the three types of lies?

The three most commonly referred to are lies of commission, lies of omission, and lies of influence, aka character lies. The reading below neatly summarizes these and provides some examples.

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