Word meaning love for life

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Every emotion is always love for life.

Every feeling is always love for life.

They were all created from the heart and with love for life.

He is the author of numerous thematic pictures, distinguished by imagery and sincere love for life.

Автор многочисленных тематических картин, выделяющихся образностью и искренней любовью к жизни.

I only joined the war to affirm my love for life.

Я пошел на войну, только чтобы утвердиться в моей любви к жизни.

I also want to mention the power of love for life.

The citizens withstood this horrible examination with dignity, keeping humaneness and love for life.

Горожане достойно выдержали и эту страшную проверку на прочность, сумев сохранить достоинство, человечность и любовь к жизни.

Their love for life is truly beyond me.

The ultimate aim is love for life.

That will unlock your love for life.

He was fifty-three and still had an incredible love for life.

Ему было пятьдесят три года, и у него была невероятная любовь к жизни.

This will give him more confidence in love for life.

It is a new declaration of love for life.

This unique mineral helps protect you from enemies, a new look at the world, generates a love for life.

Этот уникальный минерал помогает защититься от недоброжелателей, по-новому взглянуть на мир, порождает любовь к жизни.

We’ll miss his wisdom, friendship, humor&his love for life.

Мы пропустим его мудрость, дружбу, юмор и любовь к жизни».

I have renewed strength and a love for life.

It radiates warmth, joy and a love for life.

Our people have an ardent love for life.

She has such a love for life.

And she also had such joy and love for life.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 186. Точных совпадений: 186. Затраченное время: 271 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • 1
    love for life

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > love for life

  • 2
    make love the basis for life

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > make love the basis for life

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    1. n жизнь; существование

    2. n жизнедеятельность

    3. n живые существа, жизнь

    4. n живое существо, человек

    5. n собир. мир живых организмов

    6. n срок жизни, вся жизнь

    for life — на всю жизнь, до конца жизни, до смерти; пожизненно

    7. n срок службы или работы; долговечность

    life test — испытания на долговечность; ресурсные испытания

    8. n образ или характер жизни

    art is long, life is short — жизнь коротка, искусство вечно

    9. n общественная жизнь; взаимоотношения; общество

    high life — светское общество, высший свет; светская жизнь

    to see something of life, to see life — повидать свет, узнать жизнь

    10. n жизнеописание, биография

    life history — история жизни, биография, жизнеописание

    11. n энергия, живость; воодушевление; оживление

    12. n самое важное, необходимое; основа; душа

    13. n жив. натура

    14. n страх. застрахованное лицо

    15. a жизненный

    16. a пожизненный

    17. a с натуры

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. animation (noun) activity; animation; effervescence; energy; exhilaration; sparkle; vigor; vigour; vitality; vivacity

    2. biography (noun) autobiography; bio; biography; confession; confessions; memoir

    7. existence (noun) being; breath; existence; life-span; mortality

    9. human (noun) body; creature; human; human being; individual; lifeblood; man; mortal; party; person; personage; soul; wight

    11. spirit (noun) brio; dash; elan; esprit; gimp; oomph; spirit; verve; vim; zing

    Антонимический ряд:

    death; decease; demise; departure; destruction; dissolution; dullness; dying; end; finish; lethargy; lifelessness; lower; mortality; passing

    English-Russian base dictionary > life

  • 4

    1. n Лов, Лав

    true love — истинная любовь; любовь в полном смысле слова

    2. n любовь, привязанность, приязнь

    love knot — бант как символ любви, союза

    3. n влюблённость, любовь, страсть

    one-way love — неразделённая любовь, любовь без взаимности

    4. n предмет любви, возлюбленный; возлюбленная

    5. n прост. душечка, голубушка

    6. n Эрос, амур, купидон

    7. n любовная интрига; любовная история

    love story — роман или рассказ о любви, любовный роман

    8. n спорт. ноль

    put that gun down, for the love of God — ради бога, брось пистолет

    9. v ласкать

    10. v любить; находить удовольствие; хотеть

    some people love fo find fault — некоторые люди любят придираться; некоторым людям доставляет удовольствие находить недостатки

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. adoration (noun) adoration; amorousness; amour; eros; infatuation; passion

    4. agape (noun) agape; altruism; charity; kindness

    5. commitment (noun) affection; ardor; ardour; attachment; bond; commitment; devotion; fondness; liking; loyalty; tenderness; tie

    7. sweetheart (noun) beau; beloved; darling; dear; flame; heartthrob; honey; honeybunch; loveling; lover; sweet; sweetheart; sweetling; truelove; turtledove

    9. caress (verb) caress; cosset; cuddle; dandle; embrace; fondle; fornicate; kiss; pet; woo

    10. like (verb) admire; adore; adulate; affection; be enamored of; be fond of; cherish; delight in; dote on; fancy; have affection for; idolize; like; treasure; worship

    Антонимический ряд:

    abhorrence; abominate; abomination; alienation; animosity; antipathy; aversion; bitterness; coldness; contumely; desertion; detest; detestation; disaffection; disdain; hate; hatred; loathe; misanthropy

    English-Russian base dictionary > Love

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    (pl lives [laɪvz])

    1) жизнь, существование, деятельность

    The average life of a dog is ten years. — Собаки в среднем живут десять лет.

    The streets are full of life. — Жизнь на улицах бьет ключом.

    The drooping plant came to life in water. — Поникшее растение в воде ожило.

    — physical life
    — low life
    — busy life
    — adult life
    — this life
    — other life
    — all one’s life
    — one’s own life
    — somebody else’s life
    — working life
    — life force
    — life science
    — life span

    life boat

    — life jacket
    — life scientist
    — life giving rain
    — life of the people
    — life cycle of a frog
    — life of a battery
    — life for life
    — life of pleasure
    — matter of life and death
    — happiest days of smb’s life
    — original of life
    — fight struggle for one’s life
    — charities of life
    — necessities of life
    — people from all sections of public life
    — speed and the noise of city life
    — threat to smb’s life
    — thread of life
    — average span of life
    — books true to life
    — appointment for life
    — post for life
    — pension for life
    — love of life
    — way of life
    — end of smb’s life
    — meaning of one’s life
    — art of leading one’s life
    — her last hours of life
    — water swarms with life
    — in after life
    — in the course of smb’s life
    — at the cost
    — in the prime of life
    — for the rest of one’s life
    — at my time of life
    — for dear life
    — have enough food to sustain life
    — bring smb, smth to life
    — come to life
    — go forth into the highways and by ways of life
    — have power over life and death
    — preserve life
    — be sould of the party
    — beat smb within an inch of his life
    — beg for one’s life
    — cling to life
    — enjoy one’s life
    — value one’s life
    — fill up one’s life with useful work
    — get as much fun out of life as possible
    — get the fright of one’s life
    — give one’s life to science
    — give new life to smb, smth
    — guide smb’s life
    — have a double life
    — hold a post for life
    — lay down one’s life for one’s country
    — lead a dog’s life
    — lead smb a dog’s life
    — live a happy life
    — live an easy life
    — live a simple life
    — live one’s own life
    — make a new life for oneself
    — make one’s own life
    — make life easy
    — make an attempt on smb’s life
    — make smb’s life miserable
    — quit this life
    — risk one’s life
    — run for dear life
    — run for one’s life
    — save one’s own life
    — sell one’s life dearly
    — sentence smb to hard labour for life
    — spare smb’s life
    — spend one’s life in smth
    — start life as an messenger
    — take smb’s life
    — take one’s life
    — take one’s life in one’s hands
    — trust one’s life to doctors
    — everything that has life
    — smb’s last hours of life

    2) жизнь, образ жизни

    Sport has always been a part of university life. — Спорт всегда был частью университетской жизни.

    TV has become part of our everyday life. — Телевидение прочно вошло в наш быт.

    — private life
    — city life
    — human life
    — miserable life
    — everyday life
    — quiet life
    — American life
    — fashionable life
    — high life
    — social life
    — college life
    — fascinating life
    — married life
    — retired lie
    — life of the capital
    — life of crime
    — chose a political life
    — enter a political life
    — lead an active life

    3) реальность, действительность

    He has had a successful life. — У него была успешная карьера.

    The life of the Roman Empire was long. — Римская Империя существовала долго.

    There he stands, as large as life. — Вон он стоит собственной персоной.

    There he is as big as life. — Вот он, во всей своей красе.

    It is a larger than life version of our present society. — Это преувеличенная картина современного общества.

    — life portrait
    — life of the contract
    — realities of life
    — portrait from life
    — in real life
    — during the life of the last Labour Government
    — as big as life
    — face life
    — learn something of life
    — mould life
    — paint from life
    — paint smb, smth to the life
    — see something of life
    — see life
    — take life easy
    — take one’s subjects from life
    — characters taken from life

    4) (часто в отрицательных предложениях) жизнь, энергия

    There was no life in her movements. — Она вяло двигалась.

    Will you put more life into the matter. — Займись, пожалуйста, данным вопросом с бо́льшим воодушевлением.

    actors put no life in their performance

    — there was no life in her voice
    — there was no life in her eyes

    I have seen something of life. — я знаю настоящую жизнь.

    The portrait is my uncle to the life. — Портрет — точная копия моего дядюшки.

    There is life in the old dog yet. — Есть еще порох в пороховницах.

    While there is life there is hope. — Пока жив человек, жива и надежда

    — how is life?

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > life

  • 6

    любить; любовь

    one-way love — неразделённая любовь, любовь без взаимности

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > love

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    1) жизнь; существование

    adult life— взрослая жизнь

    to breathe (new) life into smth. — вдохнуть (новую) жизнь во что-л.

    to restore smb. to life — возродить, вернуть кого-л. к жизни

    to devote one’s life (to smth.) — посвятить жизнь (чему-л.)

    to give / lay down / sacrifice one’s life — отдать жизнь, пожертвовать жизнью

    to ruin smb.’s life — разрушить, сломать чью-л. жизнь

    to spend one’s life (doing smth.) — провести жизнь (делая что-л.)

    to stake one’s life on smth. — ручаться своей жизнью

    there is (still) plenty of life left in smth. / smb. — что-то (кого-то) ещё рано списывать со счетов

    The accident claimed many lives. — Этот несчастный случай унёс много жизней.

    The statue took on life in the sculptor’s skilled hands. — Статуя ожила в умелых руках скульптора.

    to claim one’s life, to snuff out one’s life, to take one’s life — уносить чью-л. жизнь

    2) биография, жизнеописание

    A life of John Paul Jones had long interested him. — Его давно интересовала биография Джона Поля Джонса.


    3) срок службы, работы , долговечность

    busy / hectic life — насыщенная, беспокойная жизнь

    difficult / hard / tough life — тяжёлая, трудная жизнь

    dissipated / dissolute life — жизнь, потраченная впустую

    peaceful / quiet / serene life — спокойная, мирная жизнь

    stormy / turbulent life — бурная жизнь

    cloistered life, solitary life — уединённая жизнь

    dull life — скучная, монотонная жизнь; безрадостная жизнь

    easy life — простая жизнь; спокойная, неторопливая жизнь

    full life — полная, наполненная жизнь

    — civilian life
    — country life
    — rural life
    — nomadic life

    5) общество, общественная жизнь

    high life — светское, аристократическое общество

    6) живость, оживление, энергия

    7) основа; душа

    He was life of the party. — Он был душой общества.


    While there is life there is hope. посл. — Пока живу, надеюсь.




    3) живой, естественный

    Англо-русский современный словарь > life

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    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > LIFE

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    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Life

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    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > life

  • 11
    for the love of one


       никaк, ни зa чтo (нa cвeтe); xoть убeй

    Livens. I’m willin’ enough to work, but for the life of me I can’t get anything to do (J. Galsworthy). Not for the life of him could he imagine Miss Everett flinging a halfcrown to a taximan without first carefully looking at the meter (A. J. Cronin)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > for the love of one

  • 12
    Everything in this life has to be paid for, and love too has to be paid for.


    За все в этой жизни надо платить, в том числе и за любовь. Murdoch (Мердок).

    Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом > Everything in this life has to be paid for, and love too has to be paid for.

  • 13
    Philokalia (Love of the Good, the Beautiful, prose anthology of Greek Christian monastic texts that was part of a movement for spiritual renewal in Eastern monasticism and Orthodox devotional life in general)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Philokalia (Love of the Good, the Beautiful, prose anthology of Greek Christian monastic texts that was part of a movement for spiritual renewal in Eastern monasticism and Orthodox devotional life in general)

  • 14

    9) Сокращение: Mongo, length of lead , Labor of Love, Lack of Laughter (встречается редко), Lack of Love (game), Ladies of Lallybroch, Lady of the Lake, Land O’ Lakes, Land of Legends (Canandaigua Speedway, New York), Land of Lincoln, Lands of Lore (game), Language of Literature, Language of Love, Laugh(ing) Out Loud, Lautes Online Lachen (German: Loud Online Laughter), Laws of Life, Lawyers on Line, League of Lightness (gaming clan), League of Losers (wild 17 chess team), Leaning Over Laughing, Learn Online, Legend of Legaia (video game), Legend of Lothian (computer game), Less Of Lip, Lewd Obscene Language, Life of Loan (banking), Life of the Land, Lightolier (компания, входящая в «Genlyte Group», а также ее брэнд, подразделение Royal Philips, расположена в шт.Массачусетс, специализируется на производстве электроники), Limited Operation Life, Limited Operational Life, Lips on Lips, List Of Lights, List of Links, List of Lists, Little Old Lady, Live-On-Line, Living on Line, Load of Laughs, Loads of Love, Locks of Love (Lake Worth, Florida charity), Log On Later, Longitudinal Output Level, Lord Oh Lord, Lord of Life (Church), Lord of Lords (Jesus), Lords of Legend (gaming), Loser on Line, Loss of Life (insurance), Loss of Light, Loss of Line (telephony), Loss of Load, Loss of Lock, Lot of Lamers, Lots Of Laughs, Lots Of Love, Lots Of Luck, Lots of Lag (on-line gaming), Lots of Laughter, Lots of Losers (Rocket Arena 3 clan), Love On Line, Love Our Lord, Love of Life, Love of Literacy (teaching), Lovelock, Derby Field Airport, Nevada (IATA code), Low Order Language, Lower Operating Limit, Loyal Orange Lodge, Lunatics on Line, Lying Out Loud, last or least, laughing on line, limit of liability (ограничение ответственности)

    16) AMEX. Lots Of Laugh

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > LOL

  • 15

    9) Сокращение: Mongo, length of lead , Labor of Love, Lack of Laughter (встречается редко), Lack of Love (game), Ladies of Lallybroch, Lady of the Lake, Land O’ Lakes, Land of Legends (Canandaigua Speedway, New York), Land of Lincoln, Lands of Lore (game), Language of Literature, Language of Love, Laugh(ing) Out Loud, Lautes Online Lachen (German: Loud Online Laughter), Laws of Life, Lawyers on Line, League of Lightness (gaming clan), League of Losers (wild 17 chess team), Leaning Over Laughing, Learn Online, Legend of Legaia (video game), Legend of Lothian (computer game), Less Of Lip, Lewd Obscene Language, Life of Loan (banking), Life of the Land, Lightolier (компания, входящая в «Genlyte Group», а также ее брэнд, подразделение Royal Philips, расположена в шт.Массачусетс, специализируется на производстве электроники), Limited Operation Life, Limited Operational Life, Lips on Lips, List Of Lights, List of Links, List of Lists, Little Old Lady, Live-On-Line, Living on Line, Load of Laughs, Loads of Love, Locks of Love (Lake Worth, Florida charity), Log On Later, Longitudinal Output Level, Lord Oh Lord, Lord of Life (Church), Lord of Lords (Jesus), Lords of Legend (gaming), Loser on Line, Loss of Life (insurance), Loss of Light, Loss of Line (telephony), Loss of Load, Loss of Lock, Lot of Lamers, Lots Of Laughs, Lots Of Love, Lots Of Luck, Lots of Lag (on-line gaming), Lots of Laughter, Lots of Losers (Rocket Arena 3 clan), Love On Line, Love Our Lord, Love of Life, Love of Literacy (teaching), Lovelock, Derby Field Airport, Nevada (IATA code), Low Order Language, Lower Operating Limit, Loyal Orange Lodge, Lunatics on Line, Lying Out Loud, last or least, laughing on line, limit of liability (ограничение ответственности)

    16) AMEX. Lots Of Laugh

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Lol

  • 16

    9) Сокращение: Mongo, length of lead , Labor of Love, Lack of Laughter (встречается редко), Lack of Love (game), Ladies of Lallybroch, Lady of the Lake, Land O’ Lakes, Land of Legends (Canandaigua Speedway, New York), Land of Lincoln, Lands of Lore (game), Language of Literature, Language of Love, Laugh(ing) Out Loud, Lautes Online Lachen (German: Loud Online Laughter), Laws of Life, Lawyers on Line, League of Lightness (gaming clan), League of Losers (wild 17 chess team), Leaning Over Laughing, Learn Online, Legend of Legaia (video game), Legend of Lothian (computer game), Less Of Lip, Lewd Obscene Language, Life of Loan (banking), Life of the Land, Lightolier (компания, входящая в «Genlyte Group», а также ее брэнд, подразделение Royal Philips, расположена в шт.Массачусетс, специализируется на производстве электроники), Limited Operation Life, Limited Operational Life, Lips on Lips, List Of Lights, List of Links, List of Lists, Little Old Lady, Live-On-Line, Living on Line, Load of Laughs, Loads of Love, Locks of Love (Lake Worth, Florida charity), Log On Later, Longitudinal Output Level, Lord Oh Lord, Lord of Life (Church), Lord of Lords (Jesus), Lords of Legend (gaming), Loser on Line, Loss of Life (insurance), Loss of Light, Loss of Line (telephony), Loss of Load, Loss of Lock, Lot of Lamers, Lots Of Laughs, Lots Of Love, Lots Of Luck, Lots of Lag (on-line gaming), Lots of Laughter, Lots of Losers (Rocket Arena 3 clan), Love On Line, Love Our Lord, Love of Life, Love of Literacy (teaching), Lovelock, Derby Field Airport, Nevada (IATA code), Low Order Language, Lower Operating Limit, Loyal Orange Lodge, Lunatics on Line, Lying Out Loud, last or least, laughing on line, limit of liability (ограничение ответственности)

    16) AMEX. Lots Of Laugh

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > lol

  • 17

    13) Образование: Health Education And Leadership Program, Health Education And Literacy Program, Health Education For Lay People, Health Education Leadership Project, Health Education Library For People, Health Enhancement Lifestyle Program, Heartland English Language Project, Heaton Effective Listening Programme, Help Early Leavers Programme, Help Educate Learning People, Help Entertain Learn Play, Higher Education Learning Programme, Home Education League Of Parents, Human Early Learning Partnership

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > HELP

  • 18

    13) Образование: Health Education And Leadership Program, Health Education And Literacy Program, Health Education For Lay People, Health Education Leadership Project, Health Education Library For People, Health Enhancement Lifestyle Program, Heartland English Language Project, Heaton Effective Listening Programme, Help Early Leavers Programme, Help Educate Learning People, Help Entertain Learn Play, Higher Education Learning Programme, Home Education League Of Parents, Human Early Learning Partnership

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > help

  • 19



    сражение, битва, бой, борьба, схватка

    A fierce battle is raging between the two peoples. — Между этими двумя народами идут ожесточенные бои.

    That’s half the battle. — Это половина всего дела. /Это залог победы.

    The love of battle is natural to all men. — Любовь к драке свойственна всем мужчинам. /Все мужчины любят драться.

    I can’t fight all your battles for you. — Я не могу лезть все время за тебя в драку.

    Let him fight his own battles. — Пусть он сам за себя постоит.

    They had a running battle with their neighbours about who owned the fence. — У них были постоянные споры с соседями о том, кому принадлежит забор.

    A good beginning/starting is half the battle. The first blow is half the battle. — Доброе начало полдела откачало. /Лиха беда начало. /Почин всего дороже.

    decisive battle

    — hard-fought battle
    — valiant battle
    — maiden battle
    — mimic battle
    — lost battle
    — fierce battle
    — bloody battle
    — losing battle
    — hand-to-hand battle
    — air battles
    — naval battle
    — indicisive battle
    — pitched battle
    — big land battle
    — land and sea battle
    — word battle
    — battle line
    — battle losses
    — battle map
    — battle royal
    — battle honour
    — battle task
    — battle practice
    — battle report
    — battle outposts
    — battle order
    — battle formation
    — battle area
    — battle casualties
    — battle reconnaissance
    — battle fleet
    — battle squadron
    — battle dress
    — battle blouse
    — battle pack
    — battle scene
    — battle for smth
    — battle of Stalingrad
    — battle of Waterloo
    — battle of blades
    — battle of revenge
    — battle between armies
    — battle between lions
    — battle against heavy odds
    — battle against the wind
    — battle of water against fire
    — battle between land and sea
    — usual battle between the cops and the robbers
    — battle for life
    — battle for the titlle of champion
    — battle of wits
    — battle of nerves
    — battle over the issue
    — battle to the death
    — battle with adversity
    — line of battle
    — issue of battle
    — love of battle
    — killed in battle
    — in the height of the battle
    — in the battle
    — during the battle
    — give a battle
    — offer a battle
    — accept a battle
    — win a battle
    — fight a 24 hour hard battles
    — fight a fair battle
    — fight a losing battle
    — fight a life and death battle
    — be above the battle
    — give battle to the enemy
    — fight a good battle for smth
    — wage a battle
    — fight one’s battle
    — fight smb’s battles for him
    — fight a running battle
    — refuse battle
    — start the battle
    — turn the battle in favour of smb
    — go into battle
    — lead the army to battle
    — distinguish oneself in a battle
    — die in battle
    — join battle
    — great battle has taken place
    — good health is half the battle
    — army drawn up in battle array


    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > battle

  • 20
    assume as a basis

    1. положить за основу; принять за основу

    2. положить в основу

    English-Russian base dictionary > assume as a basis

  • FreebaseRate this definition:1.0 / 1 vote

    1. Love of Life

      Love of Life is an American soap opera which aired on CBS from September 24, 1951, to February 1, 1980. It was created by Roy Winsor, whose previous creation Search for Tomorrow had premiered three weeks before Love of Life, and who would go on to create The Secret Storm two and a half years later.

    Suggested ResourcesRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. love of life

      Read the full text of the Love Of Life poem by Alfred Austin on the Poetry.com website.

    How to pronounce love of life?

    How to say love of life in sign language?


    1. Chaldean Numerology

      The numerical value of love of life in Chaldean Numerology is: 8

    2. Pythagorean Numerology

      The numerical value of love of life in Pythagorean Numerology is: 8

    Examples of love of life in a Sentence

    1. President Francois Hollande:

      I solemnly promise you all that France will do everything to defeat the army of fanatics who have committed these crimes, that she will act tirelessly to protect her children, the terrorists want to divide us, to oppose us, to pit us against one another. They will fail. They have the cult of death, we have the love of life.

    2. Henri Frdric Amiel:

      Hope is only the love of life.

    3. President Francois Hollande:

      The terrorists want to divide us, to oppose us, to pit us against one another. They will fail. They have the cult of death, we have the love of life.

    4. Roberta McCain:

      My friends, when I was growing up, my father was often at sea, and the job of raising my brother, sister and me would fall to my mother alone, roberta McCain gave us her love of life, her deep interest in the world, her strength and her belief that we’re all meant to use our opportunities to make ourselves useful to our country.

    5. Billy Kreutzmann -LRB- drums -RRB-:

      Jerry was way more than just a musician, he was a total humanitarian. I do miss him. But it’s not in sadness that I miss him. I miss his energy. I miss his love of life. I miss the way that he communicated with people very succinctly, very clearly. And his musicianship goes without saying. It was incredible.


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    Are we missing a good definition for love of life? Don’t keep it to yourself…

    2 pages, 823 words

    Many people today could easily say that they loved and appreciated life, that living in this world was a privilege that they would do anything to maintain. Through a story called “The Love of Life”, Jack London demonstrates what the true definition of loving life is like. He does not illustrate the “love of life” as something simple and pleasurable, but as something that is excruciating. London uses the phrase “love of life” with the definition of the will to survive, and the appreciation and love for life. “The Love of Life” is a brief, yet remarkable story concerning two men who sought out to the frigid, arctic Yukon in search of some gold. They had accomplished their task and earned each of themselves fifteen pounds of gold.

    The two companions were heading for “the land of little sticks” for supplies when one of the men finds himself with a sprained ankle. He calls for his partner, Bill, to help him but finds no assistance. “‘Hey, Bill! Bill! I’ve sprained my ankle.’ But Bill continued to stagger on through the foaming water.” Instead, Bill kept on walking, and eventually abandoned him. Alone and devoid of supplies, the man’s “love of life” will now be put to test by nature.

    It is the wish of every living thing in the world to stay alive, as is the man’s. He, however, was willing to risk more than what others would in order to fulfill their wishes. This man wanted to live under any circumstances, he wanted to stay alive, and he fought for it. “He did not stop. Madly, desperately, disregarding the pain, he hurried up the slope toward the top of the hill over which Bill had disappeared.” His will to survive had confined his brain from his knowledge of the pains that throbbed in his stomach and the frigidity which filled his entire body. His “love of life” had made him stubborn, and yet it was this obduracy that kept him alive and strong.

    3 pages, 1346 words

    The Essay on Life Love Hate Kiss Heart

    The world is a puzzle and we » re two pieces that fit perfectly together. Within you, I lose myself, without you, I find myself, searching to be lost again Love is like an hourglass with the heart filling up as the brain empties Immature love says: ‘I love you because I need you.’ Mature love says: ‘I need you because I love you.’ I don’t need to be wanted, I want to be needed. Love is when you » …

    An often overlooked challenge in life is the ability to provide food for ourselves. Many of us have utterly no trouble getting the food we need in order to survive. However, we must also take into consideration that many people out there in the world do not have the ability to feed themselves. These people do not consider food as an enjoyment, but as a way of survival. The character inside “The Love of Life” also felt the same way while he was struggling in the Yukon. He could no longer decide on what does into his stomach. Instead, he had to consume whatever he could find. “The man knew there was no nourishment in the berries, but he chewed them patiently anyway.” He knew that the berries were no of much help to him, but he also knew that he had to eat something. It was his “love of life” that obliged him to eat anything that was obtainable to him.

    As a student and resident of California, it is difficult for me to ever thoroughly comprehend the feeling of being in a freezing, desolate place where survival was only thing that possessed significance. However, I can somewhat relate to the experience of being extremely cold, although the pain I undergone was only a fraction of the pain that the character inside “The Love of Life” had experienced. Around a year ago, I had gone snow camping for 2 days. I was ecstatic when I arrived at the camp, not aware of the dangers of not having proper equipment and clothing. So, I started running around and throwing snowballs at my friends.

    Around thirty minutes later, I realized that an excessive amount of snow was gathering in my boots since I had accidentally bought larger snow boots than what I needed and did not bother to exchange for a pair of smaller snow boots. Shortly, the snow melted and the ice water surrounded my feet, giving me a painful and torturous feeling. My feet became so icy that they lacked feeling with each step that I took. During that whole day, my whole body was freezing. An urge keeps on coming to me, telling me that I should just go in the car for warmth and give up. However, I went on and tried my best. In the end, it all paid off.

    3 pages, 1301 words

    The Essay on Brothers Karamazov Life Without Love

    Life without Love — The Malady of Death The Brothers Karamazov, is a novel which contains many themes presenting outlooks on faith, life, and love. The character of Ivan is the cornerstone which Dostoevsky uses to present these outlooks. It is suggested that Ivan suffers from «The Malady of Death.» The idea of the malady of death is presented in the novel, The Malady of Death, by Marguerite Duras. …

    As we have learned, the “love of life” of one person can be something with power beyond imagination. It can make a desperate person perform tasks that no one would have ever thought of. Jack London portrays his definition for “the love of life” through the characters in this story. The unnamed man was of great courage, for he did not give up on life. His “love for life” kept him going, because he knew that every step he placed into the snow counted, and that each was a step closer to survival.

    All Papers Are For Research And Reference Purposes Only. You must cite our web site as your source.

    The female of you deepest desire, the one that you have nightmares about when you don’t see her. She is the person who you want constantly by your side, someone who will walk up on you from behind and squeeze so hard, that it makes you feel. If she would ever to leave, what would that make her. That would still make her the love of my life because it’s my life not her’s. If she choose to leave then, she never felt the same way, and there for you loved her so much, her love for you doesn’t even compare. She wont realize what a rare thing she had, when a man is completely loyal to her and not the other way around.

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