Word meaning little known

Смотреть что такое «little known» в других словарях:

  • little-known — I adjective abstract, abstruse, arcane, concealed, cryptic, dark, enigmatic, esoteric, hidden, mysterious, mystic, mystical, nebulous, obscure, perplexing, profound, puzzling, recondite, secret, shrouded in mystery II index peculiar (curious), re …   Law dictionary

  • little-known — adj. Little known is used with these nouns: ↑fact …   Collocations dictionary

  • Little Known Facts — is a musical number in the Broadway musical comedy, You re a Good Man, Charlie Brown. The music and lyrics were written by Clark Gesner in 1966. The song was in the original Off Broadway production of the show in 1967 and was also in the revival… …   Wikipedia

  • little known — Synonyms and related words: ignotus, inglorious, nameless, no credit to, obscure, renownless, uncelebrated, undistinguished, unfamed, unglorified, unheard of, unhonored, unknown, unnotable, unnoted, unnoticed, unpopular, unremarked, unrenowned,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • little-known — adjective unknown to most people • Similar to: ↑unknown …   Useful english dictionary

  • On Little Known Frequencies — Studio album by From Monument to Masses Released …   Wikipedia

  • Little Richard — Infobox musical artist Name = Little Richard| Img capt=Little Richard performing in Austin, Texas in March, 2007 Img size = Background = solo singer Birth name = Richard Wayne Penniman Alias = The Georgia Peach Born = birth date and age|1932|12|5 …   Wikipedia

  • little — lit|tle1 W1S1 [ˈlıtl] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(size)¦ 2¦(something you like or dislike)¦ 3 a little bit 4¦(time/distance)¦ 5¦(young)¦ 6¦(slight)¦ 7¦(unimportant)¦ 8 (just) that little bit better/easier etc 9 the little woman ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • little — 1 / lItl/ adjective 1 SIZE small in size: a little house | their little group of supporters | a little bit of especially BrE (=a small piece of something): little bits of paper all over the floor | little tiny spoken (=extremely small): a little… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Little Boy — Infobox Weapon name= Little Boy caption= A post war Little Boy model. origin= United States type= Nuclear weapon is explosive=yes designer= design date= manufacturer= unit cost= production date= number= weight= 8,818.49 lbs. 4,000 kg length= 9.84 …   Wikipedia

  • little — lit|tle1 [ lıtl ] (comparative less [ les ] ; superlative least [ list ] ) function word, quantifier *** Little can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a noun): There s little time left. Little progress has been made. as a …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.



мало известных

мало кому известный

мало кому известных

мало кому известной

мало кому известного


мало кому известная



Little-visited, little-known Paraguay is a country much misunderstood.

Мало посещаемый, малоизвестный Парагвай — страна, которую неправильно понимают.

There’s another little-known law in France.

Нужно отметить, что во Франции есть малоизвестный закон.

Little-known regions have limited demand among people seeking peace and quiet.

Малоизвестные регионы пользуются ограниченным спросом среди людей, ищущих покоя и тишины.

Little-known names, events, facts.

Little-known services can display information even after a few minutes.

А малоизвестные сервисы могут отображать информацию даже спустя несколько минут.

Little-known structure called Inca huasi ruina, built with using of polygonal masonry is oriented according to nonagon along the azimuth of 40 degrees.

Малоизвестное сооружение под названием Inca huasi ruina, построенное с применением полигональной кладки сориентировано согласно нонагону по азимуту 40 градусов.

Little-known places and «chips», which most tourists pass by unknowingly

Малоизвестные «фишки» и места, мимо которых по незнанию проходит большинство туристов

Little-known Spanish company has presented to public a very interesting model: in the heart of the car is the monocoque, manufactured using carbon fiber, titanium, and graphene.

Малоизвестная испанская компания представила вниманию публики весьма интересную модель: в основе автомобиля лежит монокок, изготовленный с применением углеродного волокна, титана и графена.

Little-known facts about Guernica are gradually being recognized worldwide.

Малоизвестные факты о Гернике постепенно узнаются во всем мире.

Little-known literary jokes of Stevenson are among the most caustic, witty and concise in English literature.

Малоизвестные литературные анекдоты Стивенсона стоят в ряду самых едких, остроумных и лаконичных в английской литературе.

Little-known people are appointed to the posts of directors of departments, and what is known about them does not make them specialists of at least a good level.

На посты директоров департаментов назначаются люди малоизвестные, а то, что о них известно, не делает их специалистами хотя бы хорошего уровня.

Little-known and extremely rare in our country, the Somali cat has long been conquered America and Europe for its unusual beauty.

Малоизвестные и чрезвычайно редкие в нашей стране, кошки Сомали давно уже покорили Америку и Европу своей необычной красотой.

Little-known episodes of fighting the Japanese submarines in the Indian ocean dedicated to this material, prepared on foreign military and seal the book m.

Малоизвестным эпизодам боевых действий японских субмарин в Индийском океане посвящен данный материал, подготовленный по материалам зарубежной военной печати и книги М. Уилсона «Война подводников.

Little-known details about Al Pacino, who turned 79 years old

Малоизвестные подробности про Аль Пачино, которому исполнилось 79 лет

Little-known facts about the ‘unsinkable’ Titanic

Little-known Russian war of the country: the struggle with the Crimean Khanate in the second half of the XVI century.

Малоизвестные войны русского государства: борьба с Крымским ханством во второй половине XVI в.

Over a year ago I published the original 12 Little-known CSS Facts and, to this day, it has been one of SitePoint’s most popular articles ever.

Больше года назад я опубликовал 12 малоизвестных фактов о CSS (перевод на хабре), и по сей день это была одна из самых популярных статей на SitePoint.

Little-known outside the region, they make up the German portion of the North Frisian Islands.

Малоизвестные за пределами региона, они составляют немецкую часть Северных Фризских островов.

Little-known universities, PhD thesis with funny names, lack of systematic education, writes the No. 3 Magazine Reporter.

Малоизвестные вузы, кандидатские диссертации со смешными названиями, отсутствие системного образования, пишет Денис Лавникевич в Nº3 Журнала Корреспондент.

Little-known PBS interview that was never aired linked HIV to Merck’s polio vaccine, which contained AIDS-causing SV40

Малоизвестное интервью PBS, которое никогда не транслировалось, связывало ВИЧ с полиовакциной Мерк, в которой содержался вызывающий СПИД SV40

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An incredibly high percentage of successful entrepreneurs are dyslexic. That’s one of the little-known facts.

Malcolm Gladwell





Little-Known is an adjective.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.




Obscurantism is the practice of deliberately preventing the facts or the full details of some matter from becoming known. There are two common historical and intellectual denotations to Obscurantism: deliberately restricting knowledge—opposition to the spread of knowledge, a policy of withholding knowledge from the public; and, deliberate obscurity—an abstruse style characterized by deliberate vagueness. Anti-obscurantist: The humanist scholar Johannes Reuchlin actively opposed obscurantism. The term obscurantism derives from the title of the 16th-century satire Epistolæ Obscurorum Virorum, based upon the intellectual dispute between the German humanist Johann Reuchlin and Dominican monks, such as Johannes Pfefferkorn, about whether or not all Jewish books should be burned as un–Christian. Earlier, in 1509, the monk Pfefferkorn had obtained permission from Maximilian I, the Holy Roman Emperor, to incinerate all copies of the Talmud known to be in the Holy Roman Empire; the Letters of Obscure Men satirized the Dominican monks’ arguments at burning «un–Christian» works.

Definition of little-known in the English dictionary

The definition of little-known in the dictionary is not widely known; not famed.


Synonyms and antonyms of little-known in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «little-known» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of little-known to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of little-known from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «little-known» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

poco conocida

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

لم تكن معروفة

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

pouco conhecido

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

সামান্য বিখ্যাত

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

peu connue

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Kurang diketahui

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German

wenig bekannte

180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

잘 알려지지 않은

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Kurang dikenal

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

ít được biết đến

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

சிறிய அறியப்பட்ட

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

थोडेसे ज्ञात

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

az bilinen

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

poco conosciuto

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

mało znany

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

putin cunoscut

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

λίγο — γνωστό

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

min bekende

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish

mindre kända

10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

Lite kjente

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of little-known


The term «little-known» is quite widely used and occupies the 26.443 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Quite widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «little-known» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of little-known

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «little-known».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «little-known» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «little-known» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about little-known


Famous quotes and sentences with the word little-known.

An incredibly high percentage of successful entrepreneurs are dyslexic. That’s one of the little-known facts.

The decentralized nature of online conversations often makes it easier to manipulate public opinion, both domestically and globally. Regimes that once relied on centralized systems of media control can now deliver ideological messages more subtly, with the help of little-known intermediaries like anonymous commenters on websites.


Discover the use of little-known in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to little-known and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a LittleKnown

Inside this book, you’ll find: How consumption of grass-fed animals traditionally provided us with ample quantities of vitamin K2—while grain-based animal feed contributed to the eradication of vitamin K2 in our modern diet How K2 is the …


500 More LittleKnown Facts in Mormon History

This colorful and informative collection is a great sequel to George Givens’ popular 500 Little-Know Facts in Mormon History. for example, did you know . . . at a special conference in Nauvoo, Sidney Rigdon was sustained as a Counselor to …


Conservation of Rare or LittleKnown Species: Biological, …

The book brings together leading ecologists, biologists, botanists, economists, and sociologists to classify approaches, summarize their theoretical and conceptual foundations, evaluate their efficacy, and review how each has been used.

Martin G. Raphael, Randy Molina, 2013

Although the countryside has changed much since the time of its writing, Little Known England offers both a nostalgic peek back at the past and a reminder of the delights that still await present-day travellers.

Harold Donaldson Eberlein, 2007


101 Little Known Facts, with Dale Robertson

A lifetime trivia buff culls amazing information from the daily five-minute radio show, «Little Known Facts.»

Chaz Allen, Dale Robertson, 2002


A field guide to littleknown & seldom-seen birds of North …

Offers tongue in cheek descriptions of imaginary birds in a parody of field guides

Ben L. Sill, Cathryn P. Sill, John Sill, 1988


Another Field Guide to Littleknown & Seldom-seen Birds of …

Offers tongue-in-cheek descriptions of imaginary birds in a parody of field guides

Ben L. Sill, Cathryn P. Sill, John Sill, 1990


That’s Not in My American History Book: A Compilation of …

This book tackles the mesy details, reclaims disregarded heroes,and sets the record straight. It also explains why July 4th isn’t really Independence Day.


Lost Crops of the Incas: Littleknown Plants of the Andes …

Roots and tubers; Grains; Legumes; Fruits; Nuts.

National Research Council (U.S.). Advisory Committee on Technology Innovation, 1989


500 LittleKnown Facts in U.S. History

The more we know about the past, the better we understand the present.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term little-known is used in the context of the following news items.

Shravan Satpal and his battle with a little-known virus | Latest News …

Nagpur resident Shravan Satpal contracted Hepatitis B, and it got so worse that his damaged liver had to be removed. Hepatitis B, a viral … «Daily News & Analysis, Jul 15»

The Great Fall of China? Exploring a Little-Known Fact About …

The wild ride of Chinese stocks has many investors concerned. Daily movements resemble those of global equities in 2008—up 5% one day and down 5% the … «Proactive Investors USA & Canada, Jul 15»

Little-known Ontario company supplies world museums with …

Karen Lee works on a tail of a Thescelosaurus Neglectus fossil at Research Casting International in Trenton, Ont., on Thursday, July 16, 2015. «Globalnews.ca, Jul 15»

Little-known amateur Paul Dunne tied for lead British Open

All the big names are on the leaderboard at the British Open: Jordan Spieth, Jason Day, Justin Rose, Sergio Garcia … amateur Paul Dunne. «247Sports.com, Jul 15»

Little-Known History of the Euro: Crisis Was Baked In from the Start …

1. Unite Germany, France and other countries in a peaceful political situation, to prevent repeats of World War I and II. 2. Create a macro-zone … «Center for Research on Globalization, Jul 15»

Dennis Lillee: 10 little-known anecdotes about the premier fast bowler

Dennis Lillee, born on July 18, 1949, is one of the greatest fast bowlers the world has seen. Along with Jeff Thomson, he formed a lethal pace … «India.com, Jul 15»

Who is Ant-Man? 5 little-known facts about summer’s smallest …

Here are some little-known facts to carry into the theater with your popcorn: There are actually TWO Ant-Men: The first Ant-Man, introduced in … «Today.com, Jul 15»

Little-known company supplies hardwood for NBA Summer League …

Eddie Doucette, relations manager for Horner Flooring Co., stands on his the court, which was manufactured by his company, Wednesday at … «Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jul 15»

Ukrainian Film The Tribe Explores the Little-Known World of the …

After winning a slew of awards across Europe and major U.S. film festivals, The Tribe, a film featuring a cast of deaf teenagers playing … «Miami New Times, Jul 15»

Wikileaks reveals Indian security agencies using little-known firms to …

In emails released by Wikileaks last week, Sunworks even said the licences had to be in its name because RAW cannot buy from foreign … «ETTelecom.com, Jul 15»


« EDUCALINGO. Little-Known [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/little-known>. Apr 2023 ».

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little known — перевод на русский

It’s little known that some Indians, like Burns Red, will sunburn their own selves.

Мало кто знает, что индейцы, вроде Сгорающего, сами иногда получают ожоги.

Doctor Richard Benjamin Vannacutt. Little known today… but likely the most prolific mass murderer of this century.

Доктор Ричард Бенджамен Вэннакат, — …сегодня мало кто знает имя самого массового убийцы столетия.

And here’s a little known secret. Older women: Smarter, sexier, better.

Все знают маленький секрет: женщины постарше умнее, сексуальнее, лучше.

You know polio — if it’s really polio — is a very little known illness.

Знаете, полиомелит — если это полиомелит — мало изученная болезнь.

But the path to peace and happiness is little known.

Но путь к миру и счастью… мало изведан.

Your revered Admiral Nogura invoked a little known, seldom used reserve activation clause.

Ваш уважаемый Адмирал Ногура разморозил малоизвестный и редко-используемый резервный пункт активации.

You little know how unworthy even the best man is of a girl’s pure passion!

Вы даже не представляете, насколько даже лучший из мужчин не заслуживает чистой девичей любви.

He thinks he’s parted the young lovers and has got to exercise vigilance to keep them from getting together, little knowing you were never happier than when you got my letter.

Он считает, что разлучил две любящие души,.. и намерен неусыпно следить, чтобы они не соединились вновь. Хотя самым счастливым моментом в твоей жизни было письмо,..

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Little Known unexplored towns and villages advertise movie stars and other popular people.

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Малоизвестные неизведанные городки и села рекламируют кинозвезды и другие популярные люди.

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It is, however, unfortunately too little known even among Islamicists.

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Однако, к сожалению, он слишком мало известен даже среди исследователей ислама».

There is currently very little known about the mechanism of lycorine.

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Up to the middle of the twentieth century, Nepal was little known outside South Asia.

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До середины ХХ века о Непале было мало известно за пределами Южной Азии.

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Manufacturers may offer games Freestyle, representing a unique and little known destinations of human creativity.

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Производители могут предложить игры Фристайл, представляющие собой уникальные и малоизвестные направления творчества людей.

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Most ofthe time these are small and relatively little known theaters.

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Чаще всего это спектакли небольших, относительно малоизвестных театров.

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A little known way to get your teeth their whitest is

to use certain fruits.

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Малоизвестный способ получить ваши зубы белее их, чтобы использовать определенные плоды.

When transnational crime was little known this was not a serious limitation.

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Когда транснациональной преступности было мало, известно то, что то не было серьезным ограничением.

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Fox’s theory was little known until revived in a 1986 issue of National Geographic Magazine.

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Теория Фокса была мало известна до ее опубликования журналом« National Geographic» в 1986 году.

Another famous but little known in our wine- yugfark(«sheeps tail»).

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Еще одно знаменитое, но мало известное у нас вино- югфарк(« овечий хвост»).

In fact, Liposafe very little known and studies have shown weight loss agents.

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The brands were little known of course, but that didn’t matter.

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Up to the middle of this century, Nepal was little known outside South Asia.

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До середины нынешнего столетия о Непале было мало что известно за пределами Южной Азии.

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There are allies required, at least a little known on political field.

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Rakhmaninov, little known choral works by the Spanish cellist and composer Pablo Casals,

and 20 th-century vocal and choral music pieces.

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Рахманинова, малоизвестные хоровые сочинения испанского виолончелиста и композитора Пабло Казальса,

а также произведения вокально- хоровой музыки XX века.

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Kuzminyh in the field of history of science, the little known or completely unknown studies were discovered

as well as correspondence and biographies of the archaeologists of the last century were published.

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Кузьминых в области истории науки были открыты малоизвестные или совершенно неизвестные исследования,

опубликована переписка и биографии археологов прошлого века.

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Little known at the time salons»Aida»,» Dolores»,» Jacques Dessange»

and»Person» is now turned into the largest Russian Internet company, even owning their own schools.

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Малоизвестные на то время салоны« Аида»,« Долорес»,« Жак

Дессанж» и« Персона» сейчас превратились в крупнейшие российские сетевые компании, владеющие даже собственными школами.

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As applicator works is a question asked by dozens of

people every day, and still little known to this day.

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Как аппликатор работ это вопрос, который задают десятки людей каждый день,

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The session’s guests will learn some little known facts from the scientists’ biographies and their personal traits.

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Гости сессии смогут узнать малоизвестные факты из биографий ученых, открыть для себя их человеческие качества.

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Little known by the public, this material reflects the visual culture of Russian Jewry

and aesthetics of their traditional everyday life.

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Этот малоизвестный широкой публике материал наглядно отражает визуальную культуру российских евреев

и эстетику их традиционного быта.

This was crucial as sea power was never a priority of Austrian foreign policy and

the navy itself was relatively little known or supported by the public.

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Это имело решающее значение, поскольку морская держава никогда не была приоритетом австрийской внешней политики,

а сам флот был относительно мало известен и не поддерживался общественностью.

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