Word meaning less than



Автоматический перевод

меньше, чем

Перевод по словам

less  — менее, меньше, без, меньший, без, без-, не-
than  — чем, кроме, как, чтобы


She walks less than she should.

Она ходит меньше, чем следует.

The course was less than a mile.

Дистанция была меньше мили длиной.

8 times 2 is less than 6 times 3.

Восемью два меньше, чем шестью три.

She charges less than the usual fee.

Она просит меньше обычной платы.

The fees work out to less than $1,000.

Гонорары составляют менее 1000 долларов.

We made it there in less than six hours.

Мы добрались туда менее чем за шесть часов.

They stayed there for less than an hour.

Они пробыли там меньше часа.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She mastered Japanese in less than two years  

Women’s bodies can tolerate less alcohol than men’s.  

No agent would trouble about you for less than that.»  

His job is much less grand than his title makes it sound.  

The issues have proved to be less tractable than expected.  

None of these sculptures was less than three metres in height.  

The police collared him less than twenty minutes after the robbery.  

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less than — перевод на русский

There’s, like, less than a gram in there.

Да тут же меньше одного грамма.

— We’ll be there in less than two hours.

Меньше двух часов пути.

Jerry, do you realize that we have less than an hour before the show opens?

Джерри, ты знаешь, что осталось меньше часа до открытия шоу?

You will see in a year perhaps less than a year, they will all be taking their orders from us.

И Вы увидите через год возможно меньше, они примут наш порядок.

Less than half of what you’ve been getting.

Меньше половины от номинальной.

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Less than an hour ago, the girl and her companion, Steve Collins, were sighted by an army air squadron when the pair flashed a distress signal skyward by mirror.

Менее часа назад, девушка и ее спутник, Стив Коллинз, были обнаружены военной авиацией после подачи сигнала бедствия с помощью зеркала.

This plan can’t possibly work with less than 75 men. So speaking as a strategist…

дл€ реализации этого плана нам требуетс€ не менее семидес€ти п€ти человек.

But I’d be less than honest if I didn’t point out that the cost may be high in men… and in money.

Но я был бы менее честен, если бы не отметил, что цена может быть высока, как в людях, так и в деньгах.

Anthony, I don’t think that somebody who’s been in the Marines for less than five minutes should be trying to decide Corps policy.

Энтони, мне кажется что тот, кто стал морпехом менее пятиминут назад не должен решать стратегию целого корпуса.

Less than 7,000 to one, captain.

Менее 7000 к одному, капитан.

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Yes, and we’ve got less than half an hour, Doctor.

Да, и у нас осталось меньше получаса, Доктор.

And the explosive device is supposed to go off in less than a minute.

Взрывчатка, наверное, сейчас сработает, осталось меньше минуты.

Introduce me! I had less than 24 hours to prep for Leone and I hadn’t even kissed a girl yet.

У меня осталось меньше суток, а я еще ни разу никого не целовал.

Less than a minute!

Осталось меньше минуты.

We have less than a minute.

У нас осталось меньше минуты.

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Unless we can get those beams off us so we can use our engines, we’re due to hit atmosphere in less than 12 hours. Keep your shields up.

Если не избавиться от лучей, чтобы включить двигатели, мы войдем в атмосферу через 12 часов.

I’m sure there is, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to find it in less than 12 hours!

Может, и есть, но это не значит, что мы найдем его за 12 часов!

in less than 48 hours,we will evacuate this island in gunships… under cover of hostages and V.X. gas warheads.

Господи, через сорок восемь часов, под прикрытием заложников и газовых боеголовок… мы покинем этот остров.

The Alliance fleet is less than eight hours away.

Флот Альянса приблизится через восемь часов.

Paris to Toulon in less than ten hours.

Париж-Тулон за 1 0 часов.

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I’ll be honest with you. When I bought this house 17 years ago, it cost less than this blessed event… in which Annie Banks became Annie Banks-MacKenzie.

«есто говор€… огда € купил этот дом 17 лет назад он стоил дешевле этого благословенного меропри€ти€… которое превратило Ённи Ѕэнкс в Ённи Ѕэнкс ћаккензи ћне говор€т, что когда-нибудь € вспомню все это

A lot less than the alternative.

Куда дешевле возможной альтернативы.

Which is actually $36 less than we’ve got in the Wish Dish… so we can probably spring for a full tank of gas.

За пятьсот баксов — великолепна, тем более это дешевле на 36 баксов, чем мы рассчитывали, так что у нас даже останутся деньги на бензин. Ну, знаешь.

Last week’s episode we did for less than 50,000 dollars.

На той неделе мы сделали ее дешевле.

I told him I don’t generally get into vehicles that cost less than my handbag.

Я ему заявила, что не сяду в машину, которая стоит дешевле моей сумочки.

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It refuses to listen and it plans on detonating in… less than eleven minutes.

Компьютер отказывается выполнить приказ и собирается ее взорвать через 11 минут.

Call us back and we’ll be there in less than 5 minutes.

Позвоните нам. Через 5 минут мы у Вас.

All right. If we don’t hear from him in less than 5 minutes, I’m going in there and doing some major butt kicking.

Если он не выйдет на связь через пять минут я пойду туда и ему несдобровать!

The prosecution’s entire case lasted less than 20 minutes.

Все обвинение длилось 20 минут.

If we’re gonna be back in less than 45 minutes, to be honest, we’re hungry.

А нам возвращаться в зал через 45 минут. Скажу вам честно, сэр, мы голодные.

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Maybe less than you, deep down.

А вот ты в душе, вероятно, больше любишь интрижки.


88% … 88% всех крупных забастовок продолжались не больше 48 часов, так что это не должно тянуться долго.

Few of us were ever born, less than a handful each year.

Мы рождались редко, не больше пятерых за год.

Less than 30 seconds.

Секунд 30, не больше.

Thanks, if it’s less than five, I don’t care how many eyes he has.

TСпасибо, но меня не волнует, сколько глаз у человека.Если, конечно, не больше пяти.

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Yes, it was 15 years ago, for less than that, from what I hear.

— 15 лет назад. За меньшее прегрешение, как я слышал.

That’s a hell of a lot less than he deserves.

Но, чёрт, это самое меньшее, что он заслужил.

And of the rekill you claim that it would be impossible without chopping the body up in no less than 165 pieces.

И что вы утверждаете, что повторное убийство невозможно без расчленения тела на самое меньшее 165 частей.

We’ve got less than a minute before this thing goes critical.

У нас меньшее минуты, прежде чем процесс станет необратим.

I’ve seen people go to jail for less than that.

Я видела, как люди попадали в тюрьму за меньшее.

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He has told me that no less than 30 women, have been found to participate for tomorrow evening.

Он сообщает, что более 30 женщин хотят встретиться с вами

No, not really, but you’re more… Less than at school…

— Ну, нет конечно, но вы как-то более… легко одеты чем в школе…

And that right there took me a little less than four and one half hours.

И эта фигня заняла немногим более четырех с половиной часов. Писательство звучит клёво.

But that doesn’t mean it requires anything less than a careful and considered approach.

Но это не значит, что ситуация не требует более осторожного и продуманного подхода.

It has an error rate of less than 1 in a million.

Это детонатор с коэффициентом точности более 99.9%.

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We’ll be home in less than three hours.

И успокойся, мы будем дома уже через два с половиной часа.

They didn’t make a deal with hodge. They let him go ’cause the case was less than ironclad,

Они отпустили его, потому что не было железных доказательств, а они уже слишком долго возились с Ходжем и грешниками.

My wedding rehearsal starts in less than an hour.

Репетиция моей свадьбы уже через час.

Note how many more heated areas appear after less than a minute with me.

Гляди, как увеличивается выделение тепла уже через минуту общения со мной.

Rather less than the purser.

Гораздо меньше, чем уже сказал помощник капитана.

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  • 1
    less than

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > less than

  • 2
    less than

    3) Макаров: ( LT) меньше, чем

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > less than

  • 3
    less than

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > less than

  • 4
    less than

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > less than

  • 5
    less than

    English-Russian glossary on space technology > less than

  • 6
    less than

    English-Russian dictionary of computer science > less than

  • 7
    less than

    English-Russian dictionary of program «Mir-Shuttle» > less than

  • 8
    less than half-time

    less than half-time (LHT)

    1) занятый менее половины полной рабочей недели



    обучающийся менее половины полного учебного дня

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > less than half-time

  • 9
    less than container load



    груз на неполный контейнер


    , неполный контейнерный груз




    * * *

    партия груза меньшая, чем грузовместимость контейнера

    * * *

    Международные перевозки/Таможенное право

    партия меньше, чем полная контейнерная загрузка



    Англо-русский экономический словарь > less than container load

  • 10
    less than fair value


    межд. эк.

    цена ниже справедливой

    Through its antidumping legislation the United States discourages the sale of merchandise in the United States at less than fair value if such sales cause or threaten material injury to a U.S. industry. — Путем применения антидемпингового законодательства США препятствуют продажам товаров в США по цене ниже справедливой, если такие продажи наносят или угрожают нанести существенный ущерб американской промышленности.


    * * *

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > less than fair value

  • 11
    less than container load (lcl)

    1. мелкая отправка, недостаточная для полной загрузки контейнера

    мелкая отправка, недостаточная для полной загрузки контейнера
    Мелкая контейнерная отправка, не обеспечивающая полную загрузку контейнера
    [Упрощение процедур торговли: англо-русский глоссарий терминов (пересмотренное второе издание) НЬЮ-ЙОРК, ЖЕНЕВА, МОСКВА 2011 год]



    • торговля


    • less than container load (lcl)

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > less than container load (lcl)

  • 12
    less than full container load

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > less than full container load

  • 13
    less than truckload



    груз на неполный грузовик


    , неполный груз грузовика



    Англо-русский экономический словарь > less than truckload

  • 14
    less than carload lot

    партия товара размером менее грузового вагона; для перевозки приходится комбинировать разные партии товаров;

    carload lot.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > less than carload lot

  • 15
    less than … after

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > less than … after

  • 16
    less than nothing

    ничто, сущие пустяки

    Cauchon: «Yes, it is a painful duty: even, as you say, a horrible one. But in comparison with the horror of heresy it is less than nothing.» (B. Shaw, ‘Saint Joan’, sc. IV) — Кошон: «Да, сжечь деву на костре тяжелая, я бы сказал, мучительная обязанность, но это ничто по сравнению с распространением ужасной ереси.»

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > less than nothing

  • 17
    less than release unit

    LRU, less than release unit

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > less than release unit

  • 18
    less than track load

    1. груз, недостаточный для загрузки грузовика

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > less than track load

  • 19
    less-than-perfect part

    1. недостаточно надёжный элемент

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > less-than-perfect part

  • 20
    less than саr load

    1. партия груза меньше вместимости вагона

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > less than саr load


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
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  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • less than — (something) not something. The weekend was less than wonderful, but parts of it were pretty good. The result was less than thrilling television – you could even call it boring. Usage notes: used to describe a quality you had expected or hoped for …   New idioms dictionary

  • less than — adverb : by no means : far from : not at all the road … was something less than smooth M.W.Fishwick America s friends abroad would be less than candid if they did not report the fact Barbara Ward * * * less than phrase used before a number or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • less than — used before a number or amount to say that the actual number or amount is smaller than this It costs less than £50 to fly to Rome. His death was the second skiing tragedy in less than a week. In some areas there is a less than 30% turnout in… …   English dictionary

  • less than — {adv.} Not; little. * /We were busy and less than delighted to have company that day./ * /The boys were less than happy about having a party./ Contrast: MORE THAN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • less than — {adv.} Not; little. * /We were busy and less than delighted to have company that day./ * /The boys were less than happy about having a party./ Contrast: MORE THAN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • less than — adv Not; little. We were busy and less than delighted to have company that day. The boys were less than happy about having a party. Contrast: more than …   Словарь американских идиом

  • less than — noun the character 2 < 3 Ant: greater than See Also: less than or equal to, inequality …   Wiktionary

  • less than — phrasal by no means ; not at all < less than honest in his replies > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Less Than Jake — performing in August 2006. Background information Origin Gainesville, Florida, United States …   Wikipedia

  • Less than Perfect — Original cast Format Situation comedy Created by Terri Minsky …   Wikipedia

  • Less than truckload shipping — Less Than Truckload (LTL) shipping is the transportation of relatively small freight. The alternatives to LTL carriers are parcel carriers or full truckload carriers. Parcel carriers usually handle small packages and freight that can be broken… …   Wikipedia

  • Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks.

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

less /lɛs/USA pronunciation  
adv., [a comparative of little with least as superlative.]

  1. to a smaller length, amount, or degree:a less-developed country.
  2. to say nothing of:[much/still + ~]I could barely pay for my own meal, much less hers.
  3. in any way different;
    other:[with a negative word or phrase]He’s nothing less than a thief.

adj., [a compar. of little with least as superl.]

  1. smaller in size, amount, degree, etc.:He has less money than before.
  2. lower in consideration, rank, or importance:complained to no less a person than the mayor (= to no one ranking lower than the mayor).
  3. fewer:There were less than ten speakers before me.

n. [uncountable]

  1. a smaller amount or quantity:She eats less every day.
  2. something not as important:People have been imprisoned for less.


  1. minus;
    subtracting:a year less two days.


  1. Idioms less and less, to a decreasing extent or degree:I see less and less of my sister these days.

-less, suffix.

    • -less is attached to nouns to form adjectives with the meaning «without, not having (the thing or quality named by the noun)»:care + -less → careless;
      shame + -less → shameless
    • -less is also attached to verbs to form adjectives with the meaning «that cannot be» plus the -ed/en form of the verb;
      or «that never» plus the -s form of the verb:tire + -less → tireless (= that never tires);count + -less → countless (= that cannot be counted).

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(les),USA pronunciation adv., [a compar. of] little [with] least [as superl.]

  1. to a smaller extent, amount, or degree:less exact.
  2. most certainly not (often prec. by much or still):He could barely pay for his own lodging, much less for that of his friend.
  3. in any way different;
    other:He is nothing less than a thief.
  4. Idioms less than, by far short of being;
    not in the least;
    hardly at all:The job is less than perfect.

adj., [a compar. of] little [with] least [as superl.]

  1. smaller in size, amount, degree, etc.;
    not so large, great, or much:less money; less speed.
  2. lower in consideration, rank, or importance:no less a person than the manager.
  3. fewer:less than a dozen.


  1. a smaller amount or quantity:Hundreds of soldiers arrived, but less of them remained.
  2. something inferior or not as important:He was tortured for less.


  1. minus;
    without:a year less two days; six dollars less tax.
  • bef. 900; Middle English; Old English lǣs (adverb, adverbial), lǣssa (adjective, adjectival); cognate with Old Frisian lês (adverb, adverbial), lêssa (adjective, adjectival). See least

    • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See small. 

    Even though less has been used before plural nouns (less words; less men) since the time of King Alfred, many modern usage guides say that only fewer can be used in such contexts. Less, they say, should modify singular mass nouns (less sugar; less money) and singular abstract nouns (less honesty; less love). It should modify plural nouns only when they suggest combination into a unit, group, or aggregation:less than $50(a sum of money); less than three miles (a unit of distance). With plural nouns specifying individuals or readily distinguishable units, the guides say that fewer is the only proper choice:fewer words; fewer men; no fewer than 31 of the 50 states.Modern standard English practice does not reflect this distinction. When followed by than, less occurs at least as often as fewer in modifying plural nouns that are not units or groups, and the use of less in this construction is increasing in all varieties of English:less than eight million people; no less than 31 of the 50 states.When not followed by than, fewer is more frequent only in formal written English, and in this construction also the use of less is increasing:This year we have had less crimes, less accidents, and less fires than in any of the last five years.


  1. an adjective suffix meaning «without» (childless;
    ), and in adjectives derived from verbs, indicating failure or inability to perform or be performed (resistless;
  • cognate with Old Norse lauss, German los, loose Middle English -les, Old English -lēas, special use of lēas free from, without, false

less than‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):



less than (plural less thans)

  1. The character <, denoting having a smaller amount or number.


less than (not comparable)

  1. (predicative) Inferior in consideration, rank, or importance.
    • 2020 March 1, Frank Bruni, “Mayor Pete Flew Sky High”, in The New York Times[1]:

      On Sunday night in South Bend, where he delivered a poignant valediction to his campaign before hundreds of cheering supporters, he noted that it had “sent a message to every kid out there wondering if whatever marks them out as different means they are somehow destined to be less than.”

    • 2022 May 5, Eleanor Gordon-Smith, “I’ve got a seven-month-old baby. How do I make sure she doesn’t feel the same body shame I did?”, in The Guardian[2]:

      I worry for her. I know it sounds silly but the world is judged on looks and I don’t want her to feel the same, less-than, body-shamed feelings that I did. How do I go about making sure she doesn’t feel less-than or not-as-good-as based on her looks?

    • 2022 December 4, “SNL’s Chloe Fineman Gets Pete Davidson Appeal, Calls Him ‘Deeply Charming’”, in TooFab[3]:

      Perhaps too much continues to be made about Davidson’s romantic life, with even him cracking jokes about it back when he was engaged to Ariana Grande. He joked that he was clearly dating up, referring to his apparently less than looks compared to Grande.

Usage notes[edit]

When used as an adjective, less than can never be used attributively, but it is also ungrammatical to use it as a postpositive immediately after the word modified. Rather, it must be used postpositively as part of a complement.


  • less-than sign


  • greater than


  • less than or equal to
  • inequality


the character <

  • Arabic: أَصْغَر مِن‎ m (ʔaṣḡar min), صُغْرَى مِن‎ f (ṣuḡrā min)
  • Finnish: pienempi kuin -merkki
  • French: plus petit que
  • Italian: meno di
  • Japanese: 小なり (しょうなり, shōnari)
  • Korean: 보다 작다 (boda jakda)
  • Portuguese: menor que m
  • Romanian: mai mic decât
  • Spanish: menor que m
  • Swedish: mindre än
  • Tagalog: kubus sa

See also[edit]

  • less than on Wikipedia.Wikipedia


  • nathless

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