Word meaning left alone

left alone — перевод на русский

I just want to be left alone.

Я только хочу, чтобы меня оставили в покое.

Please, go away, I want to be left alone.

Пожалуйста, уходите. Я хочу, чтобы меня оставили в покое.

I want to be left alone.

Я хочу, чтобы меня оставили в покое.

He thought he knew what he wanted— to be left alone, just as you thought you knew what you wanted— to kill yourself.

Он думал, что знает чего хочет — что бы его оставили в покое. Так же, как ты думал, что знаешь, чего хочешь — убить себя.

I’m nervous, and I’m sick, and I just want to be left alone.

Я нервничаю, я больна и хочу, чтобы меня оставили в покое

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I was left alone.

И я остался один.

I was left alone.

Я остался один.

But the blizzard didn’t stop. The coachman went to look for the road, and Burmin left alone. The blizzard didn’t stop.

Казалось кто-то его так и толкал между тем метель не унималась кучер пошел отыскивать дорогу, Бурмин остался один

Alexander was left alone, but to grieve he did not.

Александр остался один, но не потерял надежду.

By the way, we went out and I was left alone with a dog..

Когда мы вышли и я остался один с собачкой..

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They just can’t be left alone for one minute.

Ни на минуту их нельзя оставить одних.

— You want to be left alone?

— Хотите, чтобы я вас оставил? — Да.

I can’t let him leave alone.

Я не могу оставить его одного.

To have him formy very own now if we were only left alone now if they would leave him here with me

Он был бы только моим. Если бы нас оставили одних… Только моим.

Leave alone the fire, or tonight we don’t have embers to put in the bed.

Оставьте огонь в покое, а то не хватит углей для грелки!

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— Gilda’s too beautiful to be left alone.

Отправившись за тобой, я был вынужден оставить Гилду одну, а она слишком красива, чтобы сидеть в одиночестве.

We were left alone with a pack of survivors whom we were supposed to defend.

Мы были в одиночестве. С кучкой гражданских недоносков, которых мы обязаны были защищать.

Pups don’t like to be left alone.

Щенки не любят оставаться в одиночестве.

From here on, no one is to be left alone.

Возьмите с собой охрану. Отныне никто не должен находиться в одиночестве.

He is bound to be left alone because nobody can love the king beyond the degree of their own egoism or their own goodness.

Он обречен остаться в одиночестве, потому что никто не может любить короля больше, чем того требует их эгоизм или соображения выгоды.

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But I feel sick… when I’m left alone.

А я… мне плохо, когда я остаюсь одна.

When you two get together, I’m always left alone.

Когда Вы оба вместе, я всегда остаюсь одна.

I was constantly left alone with the kids.

Я постоянно оставалась одна с детьми

Matilda was left alone.

И Матильда оставалась одна.

You were left alone in the room.

Оставался один в комнате?

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My mother-in-law can’t be left alone.

Свекровь нельзя оставлять одну.

You shouldn’t be left alone right now.

Тебя теперь нельзя оставлять одну.

Do not leave alone which is still very small.

Не оставляйте её одну, ибо она ещё слишком слаба.

Do not leave alone

Не оставляйте её одну,

My old lady’s always complaining. She doesn’t like being left alone.

Моя жёнушка всё жалуется, что я оставляю её одной.

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After an hour, I left alone, so that she would not be seen with me.

Через час я ушёл один, чтобы её не видели вместе со мной.

That night I didn’t wait till Serge did his dishes… but left alone without saying goodnight.

В тот вечер, я не стал ждать, пока Серж вымоет посуду и ушёл один, не попрощавшись.

— Did he leave alone?

— Он ушел один?

For the last time, Lanyon, would you let me leave alone?

Последний раз, Лэнион, позвольте мне уйти.

Why will you leave alone?

Почему ты ушла так внезапно?

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Can a man not be left alone to dine in peace in his own home?

Дадут мне пообедать в покое в этом доме?

I just want to be left alone.

Оставьте меня в покое.

The art of loving but also the art of leaving alone.

После свадьбы требуется не только умение любить, но и умение создать покой.

I don’t want your help, I don’t want your friendship I just want to be left alone!

Мне не нужна твоя помощь, мне не нужна твоя дружба, мне нужен только покой!

— I want to be left alone, please!

Оставьте меня в покое!

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I’d prefer to be left alone.

We ask only to be left alone and in peace.

So now Sonia is left alone.

People want to be left alone.

A man who just wants to be left alone.

Carter refused medical treatment and wanted to be left alone.

Музыкант отказался пройти медицинское освидетельствование и потребовал, чтобы его оставили в покое.

And folks who like to be left alone.

We merely wish to be left alone.

We want to be left alone.

Putin wants Russia to be left alone, unencumbered by liabilities and obligations.

Путин хочет, чтобы Россию оставили в покое, не обременяли ее какими-то долгами и обязательствами.

Simyra Taback: Bears want to be left alone.

If constantly left alone can develop behavioral problems.

She was too pretty to be left alone.

This helps build a positive association with being left alone.

Это может быть сделано, связывая положительную ассоциацию с тем из вас, находясь вдали.

If left alone too often, they pine.

Babies and toddlers should never be left alone.

He is literally not left alone.

Sometimes my grandfather talks to himself when left alone.

She leaves a note requesting that it be left alone.

Она оставляет ему записку, в которой просит уйти из её жилища.

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1. Being apart from others; solitary.

2. Being without anyone or anything else; only.

3. Considered separately from all others of the same class.

4. Being without equal; unique.


1. Without others: sang alone while the choir listened.

2. Without help: carried the suitcases alone.

3. Exclusively; only: The burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone.

[Middle English : al, all; see all + one, one; see one.]

a·lone′ness n.

Synonyms: alone, lonely, lonesome, solitary
These adjectives describe lack of companionship. Alone emphasizes being apart from others but does not necessarily imply unhappiness: «The first lesson reading teaches is how to be alone» (Jonathan Franzen).
Lonely and lonesome usually connote painful awareness of being alone: «‘No doubt they are dead,’ she thought, and felt … sadder and … lonelier for the thought» (Ouida).«You must keep up your spirits, mother, and not be lonesome because I’m not at home» (Charles Dickens).
Solitary often stresses physical isolation that is self-imposed: I thoroughly enjoyed my solitary dinner.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



adj, adv (postpositive)

1. apart from another or others; solitary

2. without anyone or anything else: one man alone could lift it.

3. without equal; unique: he stands alone in the field of microbiology.

4. to the exclusion of others; only: she alone believed him.

5. leave alone leave be let alone let be to refrain from annoying or interfering with

6. leave well alone leave well enough alone let well alone let well enough alone to refrain from interfering with something that is satisfactory

7. let alone much less; not to mention: he can’t afford beer, let alone whisky.

[Old English al one, literally: all (entirely) one]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



adj. (used predicatively)

1. separate, apart, or isolated from others.

2. to the exclusion of all others or all else: to live by bread alone.

3. unequaled; unexcelled: alone among his peers in artistry.


4. solitarily; by oneself: She prefers to live alone.

5. solely; exclusively: It’s sold by us alone.

6. without aid or help: The baby can stand alone.


1. leave or let alone, to refrain from bothering or interfering with.

2. let alone, not to mention: too tired to walk, let alone run.

3. let well enough alone, to leave things as they are.

[1250–1300; Middle English al one all (wholly) one]

a•lone′ness, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.



1. ‘alone’

If you are alone, you are not with any other people.

I wanted to be alone.

Barbara spent most of her time alone in the flat.

Be Careful!
Don’t use ‘alone’ in front of a noun. For example, don’t talk about ‘an alone woman‘. Instead, you say ‘a woman on her own‘.

These holidays are popular with people on their own.

2. ‘lonely’

Don’t confuse alone with lonely. If you are lonely, you are unhappy because you don’t have any friends or anyone to talk to. Lonely is used either in front of a noun or after a linking verb like be or feel.

He was a lonely little boy.

She must be very lonely here.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adj. 1. alone - isolated from othersalone — isolated from others; «could be alone in a crowded room»; «was alone with her thoughts»; «I want to be alone»

unsocial — not seeking or given to association; being or living without companions; «the unsocial disposition to neglect one’s neighbors»

2. alone - lacking companions or companionshipalone — lacking companions or companionship; «he was alone when we met him»; «she is alone much of the time»; «the lone skier on the mountain»; «a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel»; «a lonely soul»; «a solitary traveler»

lone, lonely, solitary

unaccompanied — being without an escort

3. alone - exclusive of anyone or anything elsealone — exclusive of anyone or anything else; «she alone believed him»; «cannot live by bread alone»; «I’ll have this car and this car only»


exclusive — excluding much or all; especially all but a particular group or minority; «exclusive clubs»; «an exclusive restaurants and shops»

4. alone - radically distinctive and without equalalone — radically distinctive and without equal; «he is alone in the field of microbiology»; «this theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem»; «Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint»; «craftsmen whose skill is unequaled»; «unparalleled athletic ability»; «a breakdown of law unparalleled in our history»

unequaled, unequalled, unique, unparalleled

incomparable, uncomparable — such that comparison is impossible; unsuitable for comparison or lacking features that can be compared; «an incomparable week of rest and pleasure»; «the computer proceeds with its incomparable logic and efficiency»; «this report is incomparable with the earlier ones because of different breakdowns of the data»

Adv. 1. alone - without any others being included or involvedalone — without any others being included or involved; «was entirely to blame»; «a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children»; «he works for Mr. Smith exclusively»; «did it solely for money»; «the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone»; «a privilege granted only to him»

exclusively, solely, entirely, only

2. alone — without anybody else or anything else; «the child stayed home alone»; «the pillar stood alone, supporting nothing»; «he flew solo»

solo, unaccompanied

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. solitary, isolated, sole, separate, apart, abandoned, detached, by yourself, unattended, unaccompanied, out on a limb, unescorted, on your tod (slang) He was all alone in the middle of the hall.
solitary accompanied, among others, escorted

2. lonely, abandoned, deserted, isolated, solitary, estranged, desolate, forsaken, forlorn, destitute, lonesome, friendless Never in her life had she felt so alone.


2. by yourself, independently, unaided, unaccompanied, without help, on your own, unassisted, without assistance, under your own steam He was working alone, and did not have an accomplice.
by yourself with help, with assistance

«I want to be alone» [Greta Garbo Grand Hotel (film)]

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. Lacking the company of others:

2. Set away from all others:

3. Without equal or rival:

incomparable, matchless, nonpareil, only, peerless, singular, unequaled, unexampled, unique, unmatched, unparalleled, unrivaled.


1. Without the presence or aid of another:

Idioms: all by one’s lonesome, by oneself.

2. To the exclusion of anyone or anything else:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


وَحْدَهُ، فَقَطوَحِيدوَحِيد، مُنْفَرِد









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2. (= undisturbed)

to leave or let sb alonedejar a algn en paz
leave or let me alone!¡déjame en paz!, ¡déjame estar! (LAm)

2.2. to leave or let sth aloneno tocar algo
leave or let it alone!¡déjalo!¡no lo toques!
why can’t he leave or let things alone? (fig) → ¿por qué no puede dejar las cosas como están?
to leave or let well alone you’d better leave or let well alonemejor no te metas en ese asunto
don’t interfere, just leave or let well aloneno te entrometas, déjalo estar
the article doesn’t look bad as it is, I would leave or let well aloneel artículo no está mal tal y como está, yo no lo tocaría

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[əˈləʊn] adj & adv(da) solo/a
all alone → tutto/a solo/a
am I alone in thinking so? → sono il solo a pensarla così?
leave me alone! → lasciami in pace!, lasciami stare!
to let or leave sth alone (object) → lasciar stare qc (business, scheme) → non immischiarsi in qc
let alone … → figuriamoci poi…, tanto meno…
he can’t read, let alone write → non sa leggere, figuriamoci scrivere
you can’t do it alone → non puoi farlo da solo
the flight alone cost £600 → il volo da solo è costato 600 sterline

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(əˈləun) adverb

1. with no-one else; by oneself. He lived alone; She is alone in believing that he is innocent.

2. only. He alone can remember.

all alone

completely by oneself. He has been all alone since the death of his wife.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


وَحِيد sám alene allein μόνος solo yksin seul sam solo ただ一人の 홀로 alleen alene samotny sozinho одинокий ensam โดยลำพัง yalnız một mình 单独的

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. solo-a, solitario-a.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

  • I’m here alone (US)
    I’m here on my own (UK)
  • I’m traveling alone (US)
    I’m travelling alone (UK)
  • Leave me alone!

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


adj solo; to feel — sentirse solo; adv solo; Do you live alone?..¿Vive solo?

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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WordReference English-Russian Dictionary © 2023:

Главные переводы
английский русский
alone adv (without others) один прил
    в одиночестве предл + ср пред
  I was alone for a few hours today, so I read a book.
  Сегодня я была несколько часов одна, так что я почитала книгу.
  Я провела сегодня несколько часов в одиночестве, так что я почитала книгу.
alone adv (without assistance) сам мест
    в одиночку нар
   (форм.) единолично нар
  I washed the car alone.
  Я сам помыл машину.

Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

alone [əˈləun]
adj , adv
to leave sb/sth alone оставля́ть (оста́вить*perf) кого́-н/что-н в поко́е

let alone … не говоря́ уже́ о +prp

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

Is there a word that means «left alone and to die»?

Edit: I believe there is such a word. I think I’m looking for abandoned and alone. Others expectations are that you’ll die.

RegDwigнt's user avatar


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asked Feb 24, 2011 at 9:39

Charuru's user avatar


Neglected immediately comes to mind (particularly in the context of elderly people in hospitals), my Thesaurus is also suggesting condemned which would fit better in the context of a prisoner on death row although a building can also be declared unfit and condemned. Forsaken might also work depending on context (it has many Biblical connotations).

answered Feb 24, 2011 at 12:52

Chris Woods's user avatar

Chris WoodsChris Woods

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Apart from the obvious close-but-no-cigar candidates abandoned and forsaken, how about marooned?

  1. [put] ashore on a desolate island or coast and [left] to one’s fate
  2. [placed or left] in isolation or without hope of ready escape

answered Feb 24, 2011 at 11:11

RegDwigнt's user avatar


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I cannot think of anything that specifically means “to leave someone alone to die”, even though “leave alone” has many synonyms. The closest I can think of are:

  • “to be left for dead”: to be abandoned as certain to die, but it can also have the connotation of “almost dead”, which may or may not be desirable depending on the context
  • “to leave him to his fate”: although it does not imply death in particular, it is usually implied that the fate in question is unfavourable
  • strand, which means leave someone without means to move, may also be relevant in some cases (stranded on an deserted island)

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answered Feb 24, 2011 at 9:47

F'x's user avatar


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Perhaps castaway is sufficient

Sailors were cast away onto desert islands with the intention that they would suffer a slow and painful death, or go mad (although that is technically being marooned).

answered Feb 24, 2011 at 16:05

Gary's user avatar


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