Word meaning lack of words

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недостаток слов

отсутствие слов

нехватки слов

отсутствию слов

The term literally means ‘a lack of words for feelings’.

Дословно этот термин означает «недостаток слов для выражения чувств».

compensate the lack of words (for example, when one is learning to ride a bicycle).

восполнять недостаток слов (например, при обучении езде на велосипеде)

A sign of strong excitation can serve as a focus and the lack of words.

Признаком сильного возбуждения может служить сосредоточенность и отсутствие слов.

Translated literally from the Greek, it means «a lack of words to express ones feelings».

В переводе с греческого — «отсутствие слов для описания чувств».

You can’t condemn the boy for answering with his arm for lack of words.

Вы не можете обвинять мальчика в том, что он ответил кулаком, когда у него не хватило слов.

I thought my lack of words said it all.

If you were to describe in your own words any known phenomenon, you’d have no lack of words.

Если мы попробуем описать своими словами любое известное нам явление, никакого дефицита слов не возникнет.

He understood everything, but it was hard for him to express his thoughts because of a lack of words.

Он все понимал, но ему тяжело было выразить свои мысли из-за нехватки слов.

This is even more difficult if you have lack of words.

Here, dear friends, we are compelled to pause for lack of words adequate to describe the mental state.

На этом, дорогие друзья, мы должны остановиться за недостатком слов, пригодных Для описания такого психического состояния.

Passion is, for lack of words — how do you express passion? — the true understanding of the I AM.

Страсть является, из-за нехватки слов — как вы выражаете страсть? — является истинным пониманием Я Есть.

«One of the problems was the lack of words adequately that would explain the phenomena…»

«Одной из проблем была нехватка слов, чтобы описать этот феномен…»

This is putting the cart before the horse, though, for the real problem we have is not a lack of words to describe elements of game design — the problem is a lack of clear thinking about what these ideas really are.

Но эти люди бегут впереди паровоза, потому что настоящая проблема заключается не в недостатке слов для описания элементов геймдизайна — проблема в недостатке четкого понимания того, чем, на самом деле, являются эти идеи.

I sit with a lack of words

Sometimes a lack of words is sadness.

I am suddenly left with a lack of words

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 16. Точных совпадений: 16. Затраченное время: 208 мс


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Life without love 💘, for lack of a better word, is really pointless. —Жизнь без любви 💘, скажем так (не побоюсь этого слова), и вправду бессмысленна.

Перевод добавил Талгат Мырзаханов

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In linguistics terms, this is known as a lacuna or lexical gap.

In particular, a word that might otherwise exist, but doesn’t, is known as an accidental gap, which is distinguished from systematic gaps, which are prohibited by the fundamental rules of the language in question.

From Wikipedia’s article on this topic:

In linguistics an accidental gap, also known as a gap, lexical gap, lacuna, or a hole in the pattern, is a word or other form that does not exist in some language but which would be permitted by the grammatical rules of the language.

Accidental gaps differ from systematic gaps, those words or other forms which do not exist in a language due to the boundaries set by phonological, morphological, and other rules of that specific language.

Now, as that passage notes, there are several types of accidental gaps (phonological, morphological, etc), but the specific kind where a word which expresses some idea which we might otherwise expect to exist, does not in fact exist, is known as a semantic gap:

In semantics a gap may be noted when a particular meaning distinction visible elsewhere in the lexicon is absent. For example, English words describing family members generally show gender distinction. Yet the English word cousin can refer to either a male or female cousin. Similarly, while there are general terms for siblings and parents, there is no comparable gender-neutral term for an aunt or uncle.

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