Word meaning just like

just like — перевод на русский

/ʤʌst laɪk/

You’re just like

Ты прямо как…

Just like a doll’s house.

Прямо как в сказке!

That’s just like in the movies.

Прямо как в кино.

Just like in the catalogs. — Hey!

Прямо как в каталогах!

Uh, why, he flies just like a eagle.

Он прямо как орел.

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I go to the movies just like that.

Я хожу в кино просто так.

— What do you mean «just like that»?

— Что значит «просто так»?

I couldn’t leave just like that, could I?

Разве я могу просто так уехать?

Well, the whole future of every year and time on Earth will change just like that, and nobody’ll know that it has?

Ну, всё будущее, каждый год и время на Земле изменятся просто так, и никто не будет знать этого?

Come off it! I mean, if you don’t get this charged in time you aren’t going to let us go just like that

Я имею в виду, если зарядка не завершится вовремя, вы же не отпустите нас просто так.

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It’s just like shorthand.

Ёто похоже на стенографию.

Just like a game.

Похоже на игру.

If I had a mustache, I’d look just like him.

Если у меня были бы усы я бы был похоже на него.

It’s just like real Taranium!

Это похоже на настоящий Тараниум!

It’s just like our place.

Похоже на нашу квартиру.

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Just like our Führer.

Совсем как наш фюрер!

Oh Henry, you sound just like Daddy.

О, Генри! Ты совсем как наш отец.

Just like you, in that case!

Совсем как у тебя!

Now you’re going to look just like a little princess.

Ну вот, теперь ты выглядишь совсем как маленькая принцесса.

Everything just like home.

Всё совсем как дома.

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I’d just like to get a little satisfaction out of that young lady.

Я просто хочу получить сатисфакцию от этой юной леди.

I’d just like to know.

Нет. Я просто хочу знать.

If I could see it, maybe I could…well, I’d just like to see it anyway.

Если я увижу это, может быть я смогу…ну, я просто хочу увидеть это в любом случае.

I’d just like to finish my dinner.

Я просто хочу доесть свой ужин.

I’d just like yuh to know that I feel that all I’ve ever worked for, it has meaning today, and I’m very proud.

В общем, просто хочу, чтобы вы знали, что вся моя работа… Сегодня обрела смысл, и я горжусь этим. Горжусь нашей программой.

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I’d just like to know the price.

Но я только хотел узнать цены

— I just like to know, that’s all.

— Я только хотел узнать и всё. — Белый.

I’d just like to inform the ladies that Tony will be here next week.

Я только хотел бы проинформировать женщин,что Тони будет здесь на следующей неделе.

I’d just like to tell you, sir, how glad we are to be here.

Я только хотел сказать вам, сэр, как мы рады быть здесь.

In that case, I’d just like to see the color of the money.

Да, да. А теперь я хотел бы получить деньги.

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Just like that.

Вот так.

Just like that?

Вот так и снять?

Just like that.

Вот так хорошо.

Just like yours, in fact.

Вообще-то вот как ваше.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


They had disagreements just like any other couple.

Проблемы у них были, как и у любых других пар.

Cats can experience health problems just like people do.

У кошек со здоровьем бывают такие же проблемы, как и у людей.

He has feelings just like you.

У него есть чувства, как и у вас.

It is normal because they are travelling just like me.

Это нормально, потому что они тоже путешествуют, как и я.

Africa can certainly be a dangerous continent just like others.

Африка, безусловно, может быть опасным континентом, как и другие.

They are Kenyans just like others.

Ведь они являются такими же гражданами Украины, как и остальные».

Mormons are people just like everyone else.

«Мормоны — такие же люди, как и все.

They taste just like regular chocolate.

Shooting is just like every other sport.

В стрельбе ситуация такая же, как и в любом другом виде спорта.

Basically, just like the empire.

Plants require nutrients just like us.

Ведь растения требуют питания так же, как и мы с вами.

Celebrities suffer just like everyone else.

Знаменитости, к сожалению, также страдают, как и все смертные.

They operate just like any other rifle.

Остальные части УСМ работают так же, как и на любой другой винтовке.

A keylogger can be installed just like any other program.

Kids grow up and become adults just like you.

Поймите, что дети вырастают и становятся такими же взрослыми людьми, как и вы.

Sometimes I just like to talk about various things.

Zebras are quite sociable, just like their cousin the horse.

Зебры живут табунами, так же, как их ближайшие родственники — лошади.

I pay my tax just like everybody else.

That they get scared sometimes just like me.

Иногда подтруниваю, так же, как и они надо мной.

It looks just like the moon.

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just like


точно так же, как

(emphatic construction)

Just like the Whore of Babylon.

Точно так же, как вавилонская блудница.



Brand new, just like this.
Новенькую, прямо как эта.

Just like the Whore of Babylon.
Точно так же, как вавилонская блудница.

You sound just like Veda.
Говоришь прям как Веда.

At the U.N. General Assembly in September, he called for an anti-terror coalition “similar to the anti-Hitler coalition” which could “unite a broad range of forces that are resolutely resisting those who, just like the Nazis, sow evil and hatred of humankind.”
Выступая в сентябре на заседании Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН, он призвал к созданию антитеррористической коалиции по образу и подобию «антигитлеровской коалиции», которая может «сплотить в своих рядах самые разные силы, готовые решительно противостоять тем, кто, как и нацисты, сеет зло и человеконенавистничество».

Just like my homeboy, schindler.
Прямо как у моего дружка Шиндлера.


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  • 1
    just like

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > just like

  • 2
    just like

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > just like

  • 3
    just like me

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > just like me

  • 4
    just like

    Новый англо-русский словарь > just like

  • 5
    just like that

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > just like that

  • 6
    (just) like mother makes (it)


       дoбpoтный, xopoшo cдeлaнный; пo душe, пo cepдцу

    There’s a new musical comedy at the Regal. Opened last night, and seems to be just like mother makes (P. G. Wodehouse)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > (just) like mother makes (it)

  • 7
    just like mother makes (it)

       см. like mother makes (it)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > just like mother makes (it)

  • 8
    Just Like Heaven

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Just Like Heaven

  • 9
    just like that

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > just like that

  • 10
    just like that

    идиом. нареч.

    как гром среди ясного неба

    ни с того ни с сего


    без всякого повода

    без всякой причины

    совершенно неожиданно

    как снег на голову


    she phoned me out of the blue.

    I feel really tired all of a sudden.
    All of a sudden I felt something hard hit me in the back.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > just like that

  • 11
    just like that

    просто так, точно такой же, очень просто

    Новый англо-русский словарь > just like that

  • 12
    cyclic esters (lactones), just like lactams, are only formed with ease when they contain a five- or six-membered ring

    Общая лексика:

    циклические сложные эфиры (лактоны), точно так же как лактамы, образуются с лёгкостью только тогда, когда они содержат пяти- или ше

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > cyclic esters (lactones), just like lactams, are only formed with ease when they contain a five- or six-membered ring

  • 13
    doctors make mistakes just like any other people

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > doctors make mistakes just like any other people

  • 14
    isn’t that just like a boy!

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > isn’t that just like a boy!

  • 15
    it was just like him to do that

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > it was just like him to do that

  • 16
    it was just like you said

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > it was just like you said

  • 17
    that’s (just) like his impudence

    Общая лексика:

    нахальство, типичное для него

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > that’s (just) like his impudence

  • 18
    that’s just like her

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > that’s just like her

  • 19
    that’s just like his impudence

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > that’s just like his impudence

  • 20
    cyclic esters , just like lactams, are only formed with ease when they contain a five- or six-membered ring

    Общая лексика: циклические сложные эфиры (лактоны), точно так же как лактамы, образуются с лёгкостью только тогда, когда они содержат пяти- или ше

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > cyclic esters , just like lactams, are only formed with ease when they contain a five- or six-membered ring


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Just Like U — is a song from rap group D12 s second album D12 World . All of the credited vocals are performed by Bizarre, making it his only solo on the whole album. In the song, Bizarre s son clearly sees him as a role model, and in the chorus he repeatedly… …   Wikipedia

  • just like — just like/just as/just the same/ phrase exactly the same, or in exactly the same way He’s just like his father. Of course, Cameron’s plan failed, just as I expected it would. Thesaurus: samesynonym …   Useful english dictionary

  • Just Like Me — Infobox Single Name = Just Like Me Artist = Paul Revere the Raiders from Album = B side = Released = 1965 Format = Recorded = Genre = Length = Label = Columbia Writer = Rick Dey and Rich Brown Producer = Certification = Chart position = 11 (US)… …   Wikipedia

  • Just Like a Pill — «Just Like a Pill» Сингл Pink из альбома …   Википедия

  • Just Like the Fambly Cat — Studio album by Grandaddy Released May 9 …   Wikipedia

  • Just like You (Keyshia Cole album) — Just Like You Studio album by Keyshia Cole Released September 25, 2007 …   Wikipedia

  • Just Like a Pill — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Just Like a Pill» Sencillo de Pink del álbum M!ssundaztood Publicación 2002 Grabado 2001 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Just Like That (песня) — Just Like That Исполнитель ABBA Альбом Thank You For The Music Дата выпуска 18 апреля 1995 Дата записи 4 мая 1982 …   Википедия

  • Just like a Pill — «Just Like a Pill» Sencillo de Pink del álbum M!ssundaztood Grabación 2001 Género(s) Rock Duración 3:57 Autor(es) …   Wikipedia Español

  • just like that — (just) like that 1. Straight away, without effort 2. Without further ado • • • Main Entry: ↑that * * * just like that mainly spoken phrase used for emphasizing that something happens very quickly or easily I should be able to get a job just like… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Just like You — may refer to: * Just like You (Poster Children album), 1994 EP by Poster Children. ** Just like You , the title track of that album. * Just like You (Keb Mo album) , second album by blues artist Keb Mo , released in 1996. ** Just like You , the… …   Wikipedia

    • See Also:
      • jus gentium
      • jus naturale
      • jus postliminii
      • jus primae noctis
      • jus sanguinis
      • jus soli
      • Jusserand
      • jussive
      • just
      • just intonation
      • just-in-time
      • justaucorps
      • juste-milieu
      • justice
      • justice in eyre
      • justice of the peace
      • justice’s court
      • justicer
      • justiceship
      • justicia
      • justiciable
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Also see: like

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

just1 /dʒʌst/USA pronunciation  

  1. within a brief preceding time;
    only a moment before:The sun just came out.
  2. at this moment:The movie is just ending.
  3. exactly or precisely:That’s just what I mean.
  4. by a narrow margin;
    barely:She’s just over six feet tall.
  5. only or merely:I was just a child.
  6. simply:We’ll just have to wait and see.
  7. quite;
    positively:I’m feeling just fine.


  1. guided by reason, justice, and fairness:a just society.
  2. done or made according to principle;
    proper:a just reply.
  3. based on right;
    lawful:a just claim to the land.
  4. given or awarded rightly;
    deserved:The criminal received a just punishment.


  1. just about, almost;
    nearly:Dinner was just about ready.

just•ly, adv. 
just•ness, n. [uncountable]]See -jus-.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

( just),USA pronunciation adj. 

  1. guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairness:We hope to be just in our understanding of such difficult situations.
  2. done or made according to principle;
    proper:a just reply.
  3. based on right;
    lawful:a just claim.
  4. in keeping with truth or fact;
    correct:a just analysis.
  5. given or awarded rightly;
    deserved, as a sentence, punishment, or reward:a just penalty.
  6. in accordance with standards or requirements;
    proper or right:just proportions.
  7. (esp. in Biblical use) righteous.
  8. actual, real, or genuine.


  1. within a brief preceding time;
    but a moment before:The sun just came out.
  2. exactly or precisely:This is just what I mean.
  3. by a narrow margin;
    barely:The arrow just missed the mark.
  4. only or merely:He was just a clerk until he became ambitious.
  5. actually;
    positively:The weather is just glorious.
  • Latin jūstus righteous, equivalent. to jūs law, right + -tus adjective, adjectival suffix
  • Middle English 1325–75

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged upright; equitable, fair, impartial.
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged legitimate, legal.
    • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged accurate, exact; honest.
    • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged merited, appropriate, condign, suited, apt, due.

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged biased.
    • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged untrue.
    • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged unjustified.

( just),USA pronunciation n., v.i. 

  1. World Historyjoust.

juster, n. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

just adj /dʒʌst/

  1. fair or impartial in action or judgment
  2. (as collective noun; preceded by the): the just
  3. conforming to high moral standards; honest
  4. consistent with justice: a just action
  5. rightly applied or given; deserved: a just reward
  6. legally valid; lawful: a just inheritance

adv /dʒʌst; (unstressed) dʒəst/

  1. used with forms of have to indicate an action performed in the very recent past: I have just closed the door
  2. at this very instant: he’s just coming in to land
  3. no more than; merely; only: just an ordinary car
  4. exactly; precisely: that’s just what I mean
  5. by a small margin; barely: he just got there in time
  6. just aboutat the point of starting (to do something)
  7. very nearly; almost: I’ve just about had enough
  8. just a moment, just a second, just a minutean expression requesting the hearer to wait or pause for a brief period of time
  9. just nowa very short time ago
  10. at this moment
  11. South African informal in a little while
  12. just soarranged with precision

Etymology: 14th Century: from Latin jūstus righteous, from jūs justice

ˈjustly adv ˈjustness n

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