Word meaning it will happen

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

это произойдет

это случится

это будет происходить

произойдет это

оно произойдет

случится это

это может произойти

он произойдет

оно случится

это может случиться

он состоится

все получится

так и будет

это случиться

она случится


I know it will happen during my stint.

Hopefully it will happen when I am ready.

Hopefully it will happen sooner, not later.

I still hope it will happen.

So hopefully it will happen more often.

If it will happen is secondary.

Hopefully it will happen… at some point.

But all indications are that it will happen.

Some believe it will happen earlier.

А некоторые считают, что это случится еще раньше.

How soon it will happen, nobody can give accurate answers.

Но как скоро это случится, пока никто не может с точностью ответить.

Another 20% believe it will happen within seven years.

Еще 25 процентов считают, что это произойдет уже в ближайшие 20 лет.

Maybe it will happen this year…

But it will happen, and fairly quickly.

And she thinks it will happen.

Unfortunately we cannot predict in which patients it will happen.

К сожалению, мы не можем предугадать, у кого из пациентов это произойдет.

Like I said; it will happen anyway.

Probably, it will happen 20 years earlier.

True, disagree on when it will happen.

Правда, расходятся во мнениях относительно того, когда это случится.

Eventually I suppose it will happen

But that it will happen no one should doubt.

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Suggestions that contain it will happen

Results: 2694. Exact: 2694. Elapsed time: 294 ms.


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I don’t know when it will happen, but

it will

be sooner than I ever planned.

context icon

Не знаю, когда это случится, но гораздо раньше, чем я ожидал.

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There are such plans, thoughts, and hopes, so it will happen sooner or later.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Есть такие планы, мысли, желания, значит, рано или поздно это случится.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Я не хочу, чтобы

это случилось

сегодня, но поверь мне, это случится.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Ты никогда не будешь знать, когда это случится, а оно


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It will happen due to clean-up and opening of the Ghidighici Reservoir beach.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Расслабься, когда случится, тогда и случится.

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Изменения в нем произойдут только в случае форс-мажорных обстоятельств.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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context icon

И произойдет намного скорее чем многие из вас думают.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Results: 212,
Time: 0.021





will happen — перевод на русский

Mom, if you leave, some thing will happen.

то что-то случится.

— It will happen again.

-Значит это случится снова.

As a matter of fact, I can tell you, it will happen.

Кстати, я точно знаю, что это случится.

You mean, Will happen tomorrow.

Вы хотели сказать, случится завтра.

I’d like to know what’ll happen next year.

Я хотел бы знать, что случится в будущем году.

Показать ещё примеры для «случится»…

Something big will happen if he does.

Что-то произойдёт в таком случае.

What will happen to you?

Что произойдёт с тобой?

I know just what’ll happen, Nick.

Я знаю, что произойдет, Ник.

— Yes — you won’t feel too badly for a while, then it will happen suddenly, a day, two days, a week at the most.

Какое-то время вам не будет так уж плохо. Затем это произойдёт внезапно. Через день, два дня.

And whatever will happen to you, be assured Rémonville and its inhabitants aren’t ingrates, and you can count on their gratitude.

И независимо от того, что произойдёт с тобой будь уверен, Ремонвиль и его жители не будут неблагодарными. Ты можешь рассчитывать на их признание.

Показать ещё примеры для «произойдёт»…

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Compare will and would:

  • I’ll stay a little longer. I’ve got plenty of time.

I’d stay a little longer, but I really have to go now. (so I can’t
stay longer)

  • I’ll call Lisa. I have her number.

I’d call Lisa, but I don’t have her number. (so I can’t call her)

(Taken from English grammar book)

From what I’ve understood after reading the examples above, can I conclude that will is used to express desire in the future spontaneously (my book told me to use «be going to» when the event is planned), but wouldn’t is used to say something that failed to happen (wouldn’t happen)? Is that correct?

By the way, these are some references that I’ve read, but got no explicit information about what I’m asking.




Most explanations said would is just the past form of will or in another case, would is softer than will when it’s used to ask someone to do a favor or to offer something to someone. (Would you like…, would you please…, etc).

In my case, there’s no unambiguous clause using the past verbs, so why do we use «would»?

To make sure that I have understood, here I made some sentences and let me know whether they’re correct or not. Thanks.

  1. I’ll buy some books tonight.

I’d buy some books, but I don’t have money. (I won’t be able to buy some books)

  1. I’ll paint the wall because there’s a stain on it.

I’d paint the wall, but I don’t have paint. (I won’t be able to paint the wall)


Use of modal verbs is one of the most subtle aspects of English grammar, and it is not helped at all that usage is in rapid flux.

Historically, will/would, can/could, may/might, and shall/should were present and past forms. However, “will” and “shall” designated futurity, intention, or obligation so talking about “present” tense is a bit misleading.

He will go

is talking about an event that is expected or intended to occur in the future, not one that is occurring in the present.

Moreover, the “past” forms are often used in conditional sentences that have nothing to with past time.

If I knew her number, I would call her.

Structurally, the verbs are in the past tense, but the meaning is present. We are discussing events that are contrary to fact at the present time.

The examples you are talking about reflect differences in fact.

I will stay; I have plenty of time.

Future intention at present.

I would stay if I had time.

Counter-factual in present.

I cannot stay because I have no time.

Factual and present form discussing future reality.

As I said, usage of modal verbs is complex, and I am not trying to be exhaustive, but the use of “will” and “would” to distinguish between what is implied to be true and what is admitted to be false is common and important.

Source : Link , Question Author : user516076 , Answer Author : Jeff Morrow


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9 янв. 2020

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  • Английский (американский вариант)

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«It will be happened» would be grammatically incorrect. You might have meant «It happened» which would mean something in the past happened. «It will happen» means that something hasnt occurred yet, but will occur in the future. For example, «I happened to meet Tom yesterday, if you ever happen to meet him, tell him I liked his new shoes»

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Норвежский (букмол)

«It will be happened» would be grammatically incorrect. You might have meant «It happened» which would mean something in the past happened. «It will happen» means that something hasnt occurred yet, but will occur in the future. For example, «I happened to meet Tom yesterday, if you ever happen to meet him, tell him I liked his new shoes»

  • Корейский

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В чем разница между It will be happened и It will happen ?

  • В чем разница между it’ll be all right. и it’s gonna be all right. ?


    Yes! That would be perfectly fine! :)
    I hope I could help!

  • В чем разница между must have happened и might have happened ?


    @Julia_Black “must have happened” infers that’s it DEFINITELY did happen; while “might have happened” infers that they don’t know whether it …

  • В чем разница между What will happen. и What will be happened. ?


    “What will be happened” doesn’t sound right. The right answer would be “what will happen “ which makes more sense for a English speaking pers…

  • В чем разница между that’ll be it и that’s it ?


    There is no difference and you can use both interchangeably. Although I feel «that’ll be all» is more common than «that’ll be it.»

  • В чем разница между It will work out и It will pan out ?


    No real difference. The first is much more commonly used though.

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