Word meaning in the same place

in the same place — перевод на русский

Maybe we can work in the same place.

Может, мы сможем работать в одном месте.

For men who can live summer and winter in the same place.

Для мужчин, которые живут в одном месте.

All three in the same place?

Все трое в одном месте?

Look at that, and they’re all in the same place, up here.

Вот-вот, посмотри, они все в одном месте.

There’s no reason why we should all end up in the same place.

Нет причин, по которым мы должны были оказаться в одном месте.

Показать ещё примеры для «в одном месте»…

— Why is the new well not built in the same place as the old?

— Почему новый колодец строят не там же, где был старый?

She lived in the same place where Sarah.

Она жила там же, где Сара.

But I think they’re in the same place as my boy.

Но думаю, они там же, где мой мальчик.

You wash your cup in the same place you throw your…

Ты моешь свою чашку там же, куда выливаешь свою…

And William Burke ended up in the same place as his victims.

А Уилльям Берк закончил свои дни, там же, где и его жертвы.

Показать ещё примеры для «там же»…

So, it’s just a coincidence that we found a strain of Marburg and the Miranda virus in the same place.

Значит это совпадение, что мы нашли штамм Марбурга и вирус Миранды вместе.

— I hope so. We’re gonna need them both in the same place if we’re gonna take them down.

Нужно собрать их вместе, чтобы прикончить разом.

We shouldn’t’ at all pile up in the same place.

Не надо ходить вместе.

Who knew I’d be working in the same place as you?

что будем работать вместе?

To get… us in the same place?

что бы … мы были вместе?

Показать ещё примеры для «вместе»…

This is probably the first time in history these four great men have been in the same place at the same time.

У тебя кстати вообще есть помада? Это, вероятно, первый случай в истории, когда эти четверо мужчин находятся в одном месте в одно время.

If both ends were in the same place and separated by time instead of distance, a ship could fly in and come out still near the Earth but in a distant past.

Если обе стороны находятся в одном месте, но разделены во времени, а не в расстоянии, Корабль может пролететь и выйти снова около Земли, но в далеком прошлом.

They’re in the same place exactly opposite each other.

Они находятся в одном месте, точно друг против друга

So they could possibly be in the same place.

Так может быть, всё находится в одном месте.

so it’s never in the same place. Quite clever.

И каждый день он запрограммирован на то, чтобы прятаться в разных местах, поэтому он никогда не находится на том же месте.

Показать ещё примеры для «находятся в одном месте»…

Then we’re in the same place we’re in now.

Ну тогда мы окажемся в том же положении, что и сейчас.

Look, even if Kadabra hadn’t showed up, we’d still be in the same place we are right now.

И если бы Кадабра не появился, мы бы были в том же положении, что и сейчас.

Are the stars in the same place or different?

Звезды в одном и том же положении или нет?

You and I, we are both in this hold, but we are not in the same place.

Ты и я, мы оба в этом трюме, но мы не в одном и том же положении.

I was in the same place as you not so long ago.

Я был в таком же положении, как вы, не так давно.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Nor can more than one angel be in the same place at once.

Нет, в одном месте может находиться только один ангел.

If so always leave it in the same place.

They reported that other detainees in the same place had suffered similar treatment.

По их рассказу, с другими людьми, содержавшимися в том же месте, обходились аналогичным образом.

That is, where pain or discomfort is not always sited in the same place in the body.

Боли или нарушения чувствительности не всегда происходят в том же месте.

The fish will stay in the same place until eaten.

Ваша рыба будетнеподвижно стоять на том же месте, пока не будет съедена.

She was in the same place but weaker still.

Она располагалась на том же месте, но была более укрепленной.

Lunch was in the same place as before.

Ex-smokers were in the same place you’re in now.

Пожарная команда находилась на том же месте, где находится и поныне.

You can stay in the same place by…

В противном случае вы можете остаться на том же месте даже по…

Keep users in the same place when they change orientation.

Убедитесь, что пользователи остаются на том же месте, когда ориентация изменяется.

After surgery they may appear in the same place.

My heart is in the same place as everyone else here.

Сердце же находится на том же месте, что и у остальных людей.

No, this story starts in the same place that it ends.

Поэма начинается на том же месте, на котором и заканчивается.

We are not in the same place as we began.

И поэтому мы находимся не совсем на том же месте, с которого начали.

If you will not take steps, you will remain in the same place.

in the same place where he was.

It took a long time to get all the people in the same place and get the deal with Fox.

Потребовалось очень много времени, чтобы собрать всех людей в одном месте, и подписать контракты с Фокс.

This Egypt was in the same place as the other but it existed much earlier.

Этот Египет находился в том же месте, что и нынешний, но существовал он гораздо раньше.

Don’t keep your card and your PIN in the same place.

Не держите банковскую карту и PIN-код от нее в одном месте.

I think that in the same place where its biblical prototype existed — in Brussels.

Думаю, что на том же месте, на котором и существовал её библейский прототип — в Брюсселе.

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  • 1
    at the same place

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > at the same place

  • 2
    in the same place

    Англо-русский технический словарь > in the same place

  • 3
    in the same place

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > in the same place

  • 4
    lightning never strikes twice in the same place


    молния в одно и то же место дважды не бьёт; ≈ судьба одним и тем же дважды не балует

    Billy won a pony in the contest last year, but lightning never strikes twice in the same place. (DAI) — В прошлом году на состязаниях Билли выиграл пони. Второй раз на такую удачу рассчитывать нечего.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > lightning never strikes twice in the same place

  • 5
    Ibid (in the same place, сокр. ib.)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Ibid (in the same place, сокр. ib.)

  • 6
    focus (…) on the same place


    фокусировать (…) в одну точку

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > focus (…) on the same place

  • 7
    going into the same place

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > going into the same place

  • 8
    ibidem (Latin for in the same place)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ibidem (Latin for in the same place)

  • 9
    ibidem; in the same place

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ibidem; in the same place

  • 10
    lightning never strikes twice in the same place

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > lightning never strikes twice in the same place

  • 11
    put (smth.) back in the same place


    положить (что-л.) обратно на то же самое место

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > put (smth.) back in the same place

  • 12
    put back in the same place

    2) Макаров: положить (что-л.) обратно на то же самое место

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > put back in the same place

  • 13
    focus on the same place

    Математика: фокусировать (…) в одну точку

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > focus on the same place

  • 14
    to wait for smb in the same place

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to wait for smb in the same place

  • 15
    place on the same footing as

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > place on the same footing as

  • 16
    place on the same shelf

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > place on the same shelf

  • 17
    place on the same shelve

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > place on the same shelve

  • 18
    take place at the same interval

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > take place at the same interval

  • 19
    take place at the same period of time

    English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications > take place at the same period of time

  • 20

    1. [seım]

    (the same)

    то же самое, одно и то же

    to say [to do] the same — говорить [делать] одно и то же

    he got up and I did the same — он поднялся, и я сделал то же самое

    a Happy New Year to you! — The same to you! — поздравляю вас с Новым годом! — Вас также!

    same here — я того же мнения; и у меня то же самое (происходит); и я тоже

    2. [seım]



    the choruses were perhaps a little same — хоровые номера были несколько однообразны

    3. [seım]

    (the same)

    так же, таким же образом

    can you feel the same towards him as you used to? — можешь ли ты относиться к нему так же, как прежде?

    old people do not feel the same about sport as young ones do — старики относятся к спорту не так, как молодёжь

    you still look the same — вы выглядите, как и прежде

    when I am away things go on just the same — когда меня нет, всё идёт так же

    all /just/ the same — а) всё-таки, тем не менее; I feel anxious all the same — и тем не менее я беспокоюсь; thank you all the same — всё же разрешите вас поблагодарить; he is often rude, but I like him all /just/ the same — он часто грубит, но я всё-таки люблю его; the word is French, all the same it is in common use — это французское слово, но тем не менее оно широко употребляется; б) всё равно, безразлично; it is all the same to me — мне это безразлично

    4. [seım]


    1. 1) (

    the same) тот же самый, этот же, один и тот же

    at the same time — в одно и то же время, одновременно

    to settle several matters at the same time — решать одновременно несколько дел

    to belong to one and the same class — принадлежать к одному и тому же классу

    to put smth. back in the same place — положить что-л. обратно на то же самое место

    she was always the same little girl to me — для меня она всегда оставалась всё той же маленькой девочкой

    that is the very same tune I heard yesterday — этот самый мотив я слышал вчера

    2) ( this, that, these, those )


    these same boasted heroes were the first to run away — и именно эти хвалёные герои первыми бросились бежать

    what is the use of this same patience? — в чём же смысл этого терпения?

    1) такой же, одинаковый

    in the same way — точно так же, таким же образом

    the same sort of thing — то же самое, одно и то же

    to hold the same opinion as the majority — придерживаться мнения большинства

    to give the same answer as before — ответить так же, как и раньше

    the same causes produce the same effects — одинаковые причины порождают одинаковые следствия

    sailors received the same pay as soldiers — матросам платили столько же, сколько и солдатам

    they get the same wages for the same work — они получают одинаковую зарплату за одну и ту же работу

    to be exactly the same height [width, depth] — быть точно такой же /одинаковой/ высоты [ширины, глубины]

    one cannot eat the same food every day — нельзя есть одно и то же каждый день

    2) не изменившийся, не претерпевший изменений

    with reference to our letter and your answer to same — говоря о нашем письме и вашем ответе на него

    please, return same by return of post — пожалуйста, отправьте его () обратной почтой

    to repairing table 15 shillings, to polishing same 10 shillings — за ремонт стола 15 шиллингов, за его полировку 10 шиллингов

    we have heard from Mr. Jones and have written to same — мы получили от м-ра Джоунза письмо и ответили ему

    НБАРС > same


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См. также в других словарях:

  • in the same place — See: LIGHTNING NEVER STRIKES TWICE IN THE SAME PLACE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • in the same place — See: LIGHTNING NEVER STRIKES TWICE IN THE SAME PLACE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lightning never strikes twice in the same place — The same accident does not happen twice; the same person does not have the same luck again. A proverb. * /Billy won a pony in the contest last year, but lightning never strikes twice in the same place./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lightning never strikes twice in the same place — The same accident does not happen twice; the same person does not have the same luck again. A proverb. * /Billy won a pony in the contest last year, but lightning never strikes twice in the same place./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • All the Dolls in the Same Place — Infobox Album | Name = All the Dolls in the Same Place Type = Album Artist = Jay Terrien Released = 2006 Recorded = 2005 Genre = Length = 63:10 Label = Drunker Quicker Music Producers = Jay Terrien, Chris Murphy Reviews = Last album = This album …   Wikipedia

  • Same Time, Same Place — Infobox Television episode Title=Same Time, Same Place Series=Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season=7 Episode=3 Airdate=October 8 2002 Production=7ABB03 Writer=Jane Espenson Director=James A. Contner Guests=Camden Toy (Gnarl) Anthony S. Johnson… …   Wikipedia

  • The Song Remains the Same — is the name of several works by rock band Led Zeppelin. It may refer to:* The Song Remains the Same (song), the opening track from their 1973 album Houses of the Holy * The Song Remains the Same (film), a concert film taking place during three… …   Wikipedia

  • The Other Place — may refer to: The Other Place (novel), a 1999 young adult novel The Other Place, a collection of short stories by J. B. Priestley The other place (euphemism), a euphemism used in many bicameral parliaments using the Westminster system The Other… …   Wikipedia

  • Same Place the Fly Got Smashed — is the fourth album from Dayton, OH s Guided by Voices. Often said to be a concept album about alcoholism, the album displays bandleader Robert Pollard s maturing songcraft and increasing interest in lo fi soundscapes.In James Greer s book Guided …   Wikipedia

  • The Sleeping Place of the Stars — is a piece of band music written by Ralph Ford. He was commissioned by the Homewood, Alabama Middle School Band to write the tune, and the inspiration came from a poem of the same title written by Ethel Armes with the quote I have found the… …   Wikipedia

  • The Puzzle Place — Infobox television show name = The Puzzle Place caption = format = Children s television series runtime = 30 minutes creator = starring = Julie Woo, Kiki Flores, Ben Olafson, Sonny MacNeal (aka Leon), Cuchi Nakaiye (aka Skye), Jody Silver, Sizzle …   Wikipedia

  • #1

I am seeking a single word meaning «in the same place», that has the same feel as «simultaneous». The only one I can find is «colocal», but I think that’s too uncommon. I would swear that I have heard such a word before. It’s for the following (rather awkward) sentence:
«To attempt integrated management, rather than trying to manage for many species simultaneously and in the same place but separately, it is necessary to conduct such studies.»
If anyone can think of such a word, I would be delighted.

    • #2

    I have never heard of «colocal» and right now I can’t think of a word that would fit that description.
    To make your sentence sound better you could try to split it into two or three sentences.


    • #3

    Indigenous has the same essence of meaning, but I have never seen it as «indigenously».


    • #4

    I have never heard of colocal, how about colocate.

    • #5

    Thanks for the help, perhaps it is a word which I have imagined exists, again. I’ll see if I can’t figure out how to split the sentence.


    • #6

    «To attempt integrated management, rather than trying to manage for many species simultaneously and in the same place but separately, it is necessary to conduct such studies.»

    I think you can do better, but here is a suggestion:

    It is necessary to conduct studies to determine the feasibility of managing several species in the same locale. Previously each specie in that locale was treated as a separate entity. Our goal is to integrate this into a master plan.

    Helpful Ideas

    • #7

    I am seeking a single word meaning «in the same place», that has the same feel as «simultaneous». The only one I can find is «colocal», but I think that’s too uncommon. I would swear that I have heard such a word before. It’s for the following (rather awkward) sentence:
    «To attempt integrated management, rather than trying to manage for many species simultaneously and in the same place but separately, it is necessary to conduct such studies.»

    If anyone can think of such a word, I would be delighted.


    Helpful Ideas

    • #8

    Means in the same place


    • #9

    «To attempt integrated management, rather than trying to manage for many species simultaneously and in the same place but separately, it is necessary to conduct such studies.»

    I think you can do better, but here is a suggestion:

    It is necessary to conduct studies to determine the feasibility of managing several species in the same locale. Previously each specie in that locale was treated as a separate entity. Our goal is to integrate this into a master plan.

    I cannot edit posts that are this old, but I should have written «species» and not «specie». Better late than never. I stand corrected by myself. :D

    icon forward

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Там же— на крыше здания- песчаный пляж.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    And, what is most interesting is that even hosen for Esee-3 was sewn in the same place.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    И, что самое интересное, даже ножны для Esee- 3 сшиты там же.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    Но думаю, они там же, где мой мальчик.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    В том же месте проживает и другая сторона реальности.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    Lightening not strike twice in the same place… without some kind of lightning rod, right?

    context icon

    Молния не бьет дважды в то же место если нет молниеотвода, правильно?

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    Повторять выставку в одном и том же месте не рекомендуется( Вена 2005- 2006).

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    Results: 357,
    Time: 0.037





    Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

    Meaning of IN THE SAME PLACE in English


    Dictionary of English idioms .

         Словарь английских идиом.

    As mentioned, coincide and intersect both work, as do many common words stapled to the prefixes co- and inter-. For technical work, these terms are absolutely fine.

    However, if your goal in the future is to paint a warmer or richer picture, consider using terms such as cohabitate, cosituate, intermingle, interweave, entwine, enmesh, or for added dimensionality and dynamicism, over-, under-, interlap, and superimpose.

    Another standard term useful for those familiar with intersection detection in N-space and the theory of collision detection might prove useful: interpenetrate. It might elicit a giggle or two from your audience, but it’s in common use for situations where two subspaces share some intersection, just not perfect equivalence.

    As an aside, you might consider rephrasing your answer in terms of the equivalence relation between your functions. Literally, these two functions are equivalent for range {a,b}; therefore, their representations are identical.

    Just food for thought, for next time and for others interested in this question.

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    A complete search of the internet has found these results:

    in the same place is the most popular phrase on the web.

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    in the same place

    42,800,000 results on the web

    Some examples from the web:

    • Jul 28, 2015 We should host the Olympics in the same place every time. The Olympics are bad for cities. So why do we keep asking new places to invest …
    • Face to face but not in the same place: A pilot study of prolonged exposure therapy. J Trauma Dissociation. 2017 Jan-Feb;18(1):116-130. doi: …
    • Expert and experiential knowledge in the same place: patients’ experiences with online communities connecting patients and health professionals · Authors.
    • Jun 30, 2022 There are identical instances in the same place…When using Remove Beam system while in a design option in Revit.
    • Mar 2, 2021 “You can actually feel like you’re in the same place”: Microsoft Mesh powers shared experiences in mixed reality.

    at same place

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    • “Human who is reviewing my question not automated machine.»

      MohammadFrom Australia January 2023

    • “I love being able to see the tracking of the changes! and the comments from the editors»

      LydiaFrom Spain January 2023

    • “My editor understood my intention and gave me a good advice !! Thank you !!»

      mia0906From United States January 2023

    • “a real person to guide me, instead of some AI :)»

      PmanFrom Malaysia January 2023

    • “The best feature of this service is that the text is edited by a human. This gives me more confidence that the context will be correct, which is hard to trust with auto-correction apps»

      shubhrajaFrom New Zealand — Featured comment.

    • “A real person editor is much2 better than a software editor.»

      ThomasFrom Singapore January 2023

    • “This a great. Far better then the AI tools»

      avinashFrom United States — Featured comment.

    • “This website is fantastic. So efficient. I highly recommend it.»

      AldecineteFrom Brazil — Featured comment.

    • “So worth the money.»

      LeslieFrom United States November 2022

    • “I love how the editors make my work so much better.»

      LeslieFrom United States — Featured comment.

    • “Human understanding of the context. Artificial intelligence still cannot do this !»

      CarlosFrom Argentina November 2022

    • “The most useful app that I have ever found.I truly appreciate your efforts.»

      SarkisFrom Armenia October 2022

    • “Reliable, meticulous and astonishingly prompt. Love the feedback from the editor.»

      MagdalenaFrom Italy October 2022

    • “Thank you so much! I didn’t expect that a real editor, not AI, would check my text. and the result is so good!!»

      KijaeFrom South Korea — Featured comment.

    • “Quick and smart, plus is «human-based»! I love it! ;)»

      FrancescaFrom Italy — Featured comment.

    • “So good. I thought text is edit by machine, but it’s real editor.Stunning!»

      YANG KANGXIANFrom Thailand August 2022

    • “Easy to use. Real people not machines.»

      JoãoFrom Portugal — Featured comment.

    • “Its one of the best way of improving written skills. I was really helpful. I wish I could find out about Textranch earlier. Thanks a lot for editors.»

      MoxiFrom Uzbekistan July 2022

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