Word meaning in the flesh


in the flesh — во плоти, живой; собственной персоной
thorn in the flesh — источник раздражения; бельмо на глазу; неприятности
ascension in the flesh — вознесение плоти
insights buried in the flesh of the narrative — озарения, скрытые в глубине повествования
what is bred in the bone will come out in the flesh — посл. природу не скроешь
she is prettier in the flesh than in her photographs — в жизни она красивее, чем на фотографиях
in flesh — в теле, полный
in high flesh — хорошо упитанный
in thin flesh — плохо упитанный; худой; тощий
a thorn in one’s side / flesh — бельмо на глазу
a thorn in one’s side /in one’s flesh/ — источник постоянного раздражения или неприятностей; ≅ бельмо на глазу

Автоматический перевод

во плоти, по плоти, на плоть

Перевод по словам

flesh  — плоть, мясо, тело, мякоть плода, сырое мясо, полнеть, разжигать кровожадность


He looked much shorter in the flesh than on television.

Вживую он казался гораздо ниже, чем по телевизору.

A personal appearance is an appearance by a person in the flesh.

Внешность — это внешний вид человека во плоти.

He’s more dishy in the flesh than in his pictures. *

В жизни он более обаятелен, чем в кино.

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.


Prepositional phrase[edit]

in the flesh

  1. Present in a physical body; in person.
    • 2014 November 14, Blake Bailey, “’Tennessee Williams,’ by John Lahr [print version: Theatrical victory of art over life, International New York Times, 18 November 2014, p. 13]”, in The New York Times[1]:

      [S]he [Edwina, mother of Tennessee Williams] was indeed Amanda [Wingfield, character in Williams’ play The Glass Menagerie] in the flesh: a doughty chatterbox from Ohio who adopted the manner of a Southern belle and eschewed both drink and sex to the greatest extent possible.

    Synonyms: in person, face to face, IRL
  2. (religion, especially Christianity) incarnate (of God or a deity: having assumed an earthly body)


with one’s own body and presence

  • Catalan: en car i òs, en persona
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 親自亲自 (zh) (qīnzì)
  • Dutch: persoonlijk (nl), in levenden lijve (nl)
  • Finnish: ilmielävänä
  • French: en personne (fr), en chair et en os (fr)
  • German: aus Fleisch und Blut, in echt (colloquial)
  • Greek: αυτοπροσώπως (el) (aftoprosópos), με σάρκα και οστά (me sárka kai ostá)
  • Italian: in carne ed ossa
  • Japanese: 直々に (jikijiki ni)
  • Korean: 스스로 (ko) (seuseuro)
  • Latin: in personam
  • Polish: we własnej osobie
  • Portuguese: em pessoa, em carne e osso
  • Russian: во плоти́ (vo plotí), ли́чно (ru) (líčno),, собственной персоной (sobstvennoj personoj)
  • Spanish: en carne y hueso, en persona (es)
  • Swedish: i egen hög person
  • Serbo-Croatian: u tjelo
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  • 1
    the flesh is weak

    See you, one should not ask for outside proof — no, reason should be enough. But the flesh is weak, it is consolation to find that one is on the right track (A. Christie, ‘The Mysterious Affair at Styles’, ch. X) — Видите ли, можно было бы и не искать каких-нибудь еще доказательств. Вывод напрашивается сам собой. Но слаб человек. Как приятно еще раз убедиться, что ты на верном пути.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the flesh is weak

  • 2
    the flesh-pots of Egypt


    материальные блага, благоденствие Exodus XVI, 3]

    Jeanie did not choose to offend her friendly landlady by speaking her mind on the probable origin of this complaint; but she thought on the flesh-pots of Egypt, and, in spite of all entreaties to better fare, made her evening meal upon vegetables, with a glass of fair water. (W. Scott, ‘The Heart of Mid-Lothian’, ch. XXVIII) — Джини, не желая обижать свою добрую хозяйку, не стала высказывать предположения о возможной причине подагры, но подумала, что это от слишком сытой жизни, и, несмотря на все уговоры за ужином покушать поплотнее, ограничилась только овощами и стаканом свежей воды.

    There’s no reason why you should continue to be a doctor if it irks you, but for Heaven’s sake don’t on that account despise the fleshpots of Egypt. (W. S. Maugham, ‘The Merry-Go-Round’, part II) — Можете не заниматься медицинской практикой, если она вам не по душе, но, ради бога, не презирайте по этой причине мирских благ.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the flesh-pots of Egypt

  • 3
    the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak

    Since then I have written many other books; and though ceasing my methodical study of the old masters (for though the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak), I have continued with increasing assiduity to try to write better. (W. S. Maugham, ‘The Summing Up’, ch. 10) — С тех пор я написал еще много книг. И хотя я перестал систематически изучать старых мастеров (дух бодр, плоть немощна), но всегда и все с большим усердием старался писать лучше.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak

  • 4
    the world, the flesh, and the devil


    стремление к удовольствиям, чувственные наслаждения, порочные наклонности

    But when I was in the hospital the pastor of the Pentecostal Communion Faith used to come to see me, and he showed me, tight from the prophecies written in the Word of God, that the day of Judgment is coming and all the members of the older churches are going straight to eternal damnation, because they only do lip-service and swallow the word, the flesh and the devil — (S. Lewis, ‘Babbitt’, ch. XXVI) — Но когда я попала в больницу, меня приходил навещать проповедник общины Святой Троицы, и он мне доказал — это в Священном Писании сказано, — что близится день Страшного суда, и вся паства необновленных церквей пойдет прямо в ад: ведь они чтут Бога не сердцем, а языком и попустительствуют всему мирскому, плотскому, дьявольскому.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the world, the flesh, and the devil

  • 5
    the lusts of the flesh


    вожделение, похоть I John II, 16]

    Machiavelli was not only the diligent and conscientious servant of the Republic, he was also a man consumed with the lusts of the flesh. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Then and Now’, ch. XVI) — Макиавелли был не только усердным и преданным слугой Флорентийской республики, он был человеком, снедаемым вожделениями плоти.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the lusts of the flesh

  • 6
    the nearer the bone the sweeter the flesh

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the nearer the bone the sweeter the flesh

  • 7
    the nearer the bone, the sweeter the flesh

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the nearer the bone, the sweeter the flesh

  • 8
    The nearer the bone, the sweeter the flesh.


    Ближе к кости – слаще мясо. Ср. Остатки сладки.

    Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом > The nearer the bone, the sweeter the flesh.

  • 9
    the nearer the bone, the sweeter the flesh


    Ближе к кости — слаще мясо.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > the nearer the bone, the sweeter the flesh

  • 10
    the nearer the bone the sweeter the flesh

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the nearer the bone the sweeter the flesh

  • 11
    the harpoon sank deep into the flesh

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the harpoon sank deep into the flesh

  • 12
    the lusts of the flesh

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the lusts of the flesh

  • 13
    the spirit is strong but the flesh is weak

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the spirit is strong but the flesh is weak

  • 14
    the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

  • 15
    the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak

  • 16
    the thorn entered the flesh

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the thorn entered the flesh

  • 17
    The spirit is sound, but the flesh is weak

    Дух бодр, но плоть немощна. Душа сильна, а тело немощно

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > The spirit is sound, but the flesh is weak

  • 18
    (the) flesh of an apple

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (the) flesh of an apple

  • 19
    press the flesh

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > press the flesh

  • 20
    in the flesh

    во плоти, сам, собственной персоной Philippians I, 22]

    ‘Your father’s here?’ ‘He’s here, all right. In the flesh…’ (J. O’Hara, ‘Hope of Heaven’, ch. 5) — — Ваш отец здесь? — Да, конечно, здесь, собственной персоной…

    In the meantime, much joyous anticipation centred on the opening of the Golden Springs Hotel when, in the flesh, would appear the fabulous character usually seen only in the newspapers. (D. Cusack, ‘Picnic Races’, ch. 26) — Все с веселым оживлением ждали открытия отеля «Голден спрингс», где можно было воочию увидеть живых знаменитостей, известных только по фотографиям в газетах…

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > in the flesh


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Flesh Eaters (band) — The Flesh Eaters is a Los Angeles punk rock band whose peak of popularity was in the late 1970s and early 80 s. Overview They were started in the fall of 1977 by punk poet [ [http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg sql=11:1ddnvwxva9ek T1… …   Wikipedia

  • The World, the Flesh and the Devil — may refer to: * The World, the Flesh and the Devil (1914 film) * The World, the Flesh and the Devil (1959 film), a post apocalyptic science fiction film * The World, the Flesh and the Devil (novel), an 1891 British novel by Mary Elizabeth Braddon …   Wikipedia

  • The Flesh Eaters — is the name of a horror film and a punk band. *The Flesh Eaters (film) *The Flesh Eaters (band) …   Wikipedia

  • The Flesh Mask — is a novel by American author Jack Vance.Originally published in 1957 under the pseudonym Peter Held as Take My Face , it was republished credited to Jack Vance in 1988 by Underwood Miller as Take My Face and as The Flesh Mask , the author s… …   Wikipedia

  • (the) spirit is willing (but the flesh is weak) — the spirit is willing (but the flesh is weak) mainly spoken phrase used for telling someone that you would like to do something but do not have the energy or strength to do it Thesaurus: ways of saying that you are willing to do somethingsynonym… …   Useful english dictionary

  • The World, The Flesh and Myself — is the 1962 autobiography of Michael Davidson. It is sub titled The Life Story of a Lover of Boys . It is the first of two volumes, the second, in 1970, being Some Boys . The book opens with Davidson declaring his desires, which he calls… …   Wikipedia

  • the world, the flesh and the devil — Temptations of the kind that notoriously distract one from the path of virtue • • • Main Entry: ↑world …   Useful english dictionary

  • the world, the flesh, and the devil — ► the world, the flesh, and the devil all forms of temptation to sin. Main Entry: ↑world …   English terms dictionary

  • The Flesh Eaters (film) — Infobox Film name = The Flesh Eaters caption = Theatrical Poster director = Jack Curtis producer = Jack Curtis Terry Curtis Arnold Drake writer = Arnold Drake starring = Martin Kosleck music = Julian Stein cinematography = Carson Davidson editing …   Wikipedia

  • The Flesh Eating Roller Skate Holiday Joyride — Infobox Album | Name = The Flesh Eating Rollerskate Holiday Joyride Type = EP Artist = Psychostick Released = September 25, 2007 US Recorded = Genre = Metalcore Parody music Comedy rock Length = 18:11 Label = Rock Ridge Music Producer =… …   Wikipedia

  • The World, the Flesh and the Devil (1959 film) — Infobox Film name = The World, The Flesh and the Devil caption = 1959 movie poster director = Ranald MacDougall producer = Sol C. Siegel George Englund Harry Belafonte (uncredited) writer = Ranald MacDougall starring = Harry Belafonte Inger… …   Wikipedia

in the flesh — перевод на русский

/ɪn ðiː flɛʃ/

Here’s Professor Thales… in the flesh, to perform his miracles!

Это сам профессор Фалес… во плоти, и он покажет вам чудеса!

Straight angel in the flesh.

Прям ангел во плоти.

She rose to heaven in flesh and blood, borne by the angels, and once there, pleaded on behalf of sinners.

Представьте себе, она вознеслась на небеса, оставаясь во плоти, несомая ангелами, и оттуда, сверху, она заступается за всех грешников.

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In the flesh and at your service.

Собственной персоной, к вашим услугам.

— You! — In the flesh.

Собственной персоной.

In the flesh!

Собственной персоной!

Kangaroo Jack in the flesh.

Кенгуру Джек собственной персоной.

Just a real pleasure to meet all of you in the flesh.

Действительно очень приятно встретить всех вас собственной персоной.

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I just, you know, I would like to see you in the flesh.

Я просто, ты знаешь, я бы хотела видеть тебя в живую.

But seeing him in the flesh made me realize I needed to set my pain bar a little higher.

Но, увидев его в живую, я поняла что мне надо поднять свой болевой порог немного выше.

Yeah, well, I just needed to check them in the flesh.

Да, но я хотел увидеть их в живую.

Yeah, nice to meet in the flesh.

Да, приятно познакомиться в живую.

Uh, BangBoard… Nice to meet in the flesh.

BangBoard…. приятно встретиться в живую.

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— Hi, Andie, I’m so happy to have you here in the flesh. You’re just as pretty as you sound on the telephone.

— Рада посмотреть на тебя вживую, я ещё по голосу поняла, что ты красивая.

«In the flesh you’re more feminine and Nigerian.»

«Вживую вы более женственный и похожи на нигерийца.»

Gotta say, in the flesh? Very disappointing.

Должен сказать, вживую ты очень разочаровываешь.

Wow, the Lasker Parkes, our most prestigious alum, in the flesh.

Ого,Ласкер Паркес,наш самый престижный выпускник,вживую.

I want to wait and see her in the flesh.

Я хочу дождаться и увидеть ее вживую.

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And I am Lucifer the devil in the flesh.

А я Люцифер дьявол во плоти.

«Time» Magazine’s daughter of the devil, in the flesh.

Журнал «Тайм» — это дьявол во плоти.

Explain the success of The Devil in the Flesh.

«Дьявол во плоти» имеет большой успех. Как Вы это объясните?

We reveal a captive Turk devil in the flesh.

Мы показываем пленного турка дьявола во плоти.

She is positive she just saw the devil in the flesh.

Она уверена, что видела дьявола во плоти.

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in the flesh

Physically present, as opposed to appearing or communicating via a medium such as video; in person. He’s my favorite actor! I can’t believe you met him in the flesh! The attendees expected a video message from the president, but were thrilled when he arrived in the flesh.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

in the flesh

Fig. bodily present; in person; totally real. I’ve heard that the queen is coming here in the flesh. I’ve wanted aflat-screen TV for years, and now I’ve got one right here in the flesh.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

in the flesh

COMMON If you meet or see someone famous in the flesh, you actually meet or see them in real life. But what does Jamie think of his hero now, having met him in the flesh? I was early for our meeting. I’d been impatient to see him in the flesh.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

in the flesh

in person rather than via a telephone, film, article, etc.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

in the ˈflesh

in somebody’s actual presence; in person: It’s very strange seeing somebody in the flesh after seeing them on television for years.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

in the flesh

1. Alive.

2. In person; present.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • in person
  • grapple
  • grappling
  • private language
  • in the wrong place at the wrong time
  • talk at
  • talk at (one)
  • light into
  • light into (someone or something)
  • light into someone

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

во плоти

в плоти

по плоти

в плоть

в теле

на плоть

в мякоти

на плоти

в его плоти

In the Flesh

в живую

в мясе


We while in the flesh will never be perfect.

А пока мы во плоти, мы никогда не будем совершенны.

Eternal life is in the flesh.

Вечная жизнь должна быть жизнью во плоти.

I’d love to see you… in the flesh.

Я бы хотела увидеться с тобой… вживую.

I have seen him on TV but not in the flesh.

Я видел его по телевизору, но не вживую.

Yes, it’s me, in the flesh.

Mr. Lachlan Rogers in the flesh.

Yet they still lived in the flesh.

Поэтому они остались существовать во плоти.

I’d love to see it in the flesh.

He can simultaneously be in the flesh and throughout the universe.

Он может одновременно быть во плоти и во всей вселенной.

I came in the flesh and gave it for all men.

Я пришел во плоти и отдал ее за всех людей.

It certainly connects to his life in the flesh.

It is a necessary condition that corresponds more to and is more in line with a person’s life in the flesh.

Это необходимое условие, которое больше соответствует и более сообразно жизни человека во плоти.

Today, the tractor was presented and shown in the flesh.

Сейчас же тягач был представлен и продемонстрирован во плоти.

For the work in the flesh has boundaries and does not extend to all corners of the universe.

Дело в том, что работа во плоти имеет границы и не распространяется до всех уголков вселенной.

After all, sculpture, unlike painting, is a three-dimensional art, and can only be appreciated properly in the flesh.

В конце концов, скульптура, в отличие от живописи, является трехмерным искусством, и ее можно правильно оценить только во плоти.

Whether this happens in the flesh or in your mind, it’s helpful and serves a good purpose.

Это происходит во плоти или в вашем уме, это полезно и служит полезной цели.

Such achievements require real psychotherapy, which presupposes an encounter between two persons in the flesh.

Такие достижения требуют реальной психотерапии, которая предполагает встречу двух людей во плоти.

It seems to many that the owner of this heavenly name must be a real angel in the flesh.

Многим кажется, что обладательница этого небесного имени должна быть сущим ангелом во плоти.

For people who lived in the flesh, they could not pass through the spiritual realm.

Люди, жившие во плоти, не могли проникнуть в духовный мир.

Is a real angel in the flesh.

Эта девушка — настоящий ангел во плоти.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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When someone is in the flesh, they’re somewhere in-person. A face-to-face meeting happens in the flesh.

Your flesh is your skin, and the word flesh is often used as shorthand for people’s entire bodies. Along those lines, we say someone is in the flesh when they are physically present somewhere. If you went to the Grand Canyon, you were there in the flesh. If you go to a restaurant with someone, you saw them in the flesh. Talking on the phone or emailing are not examples of communicating in the flesh, which requires being present.

Definitions of in the flesh

  1. adjective

    an appearance carried out personally in someone else’s physical presence

    “a personal appearance is an appearance by a person
    in the flesh




    concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality

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    • See Also:
      • In Praise of Folly
      • in principio
      • in propria persona
      • in re
      • in rem
      • in saecula saeculorum
      • in situ
      • in so far as
      • in statu quo
      • in terrorem clause
      • in toto
      • in trans.
      • in transitu
      • in utero
      • in utero surgery
      • in vacuo
      • in vino veritas
      • in vitro
      • in vitro fertilization
      • in vivo
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

flesh /flɛʃ/USA pronunciation  
n. [uncountable]

  1. Anatomythe soft substance of an animal body between the skin and the skeleton, esp. muscular tissue.
  2. this substance used as an article of food, usually excluding fish and sometimes fowl;
  3. the body, esp. as distinguished from the spirit or soul:[the + ~]The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
  4. humankind:She said that to die was the way of all flesh.
  5. Botanythe soft, pulpy portion of a fruit or vegetable:the flesh of the peach.


  1. flesh out:
    • to give dimension or substance to;
      develop: [ + out + obj]:Flesh out your essay with more details.[ + obj + out]:to flesh the essay out.
    • [no object] to become more fleshy or substantial:He had fleshed out considerably over the years.


  1. Idioms in the flesh, present and alive before one’s eyes;
    in person:She is even more beautiful in the flesh.
  2. Idioms, Informal Terms press the flesh, [Informal.]to shake hands, as with voters during a political campaign.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(flesh),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. Anatomythe soft substance of a human or other animal body, consisting of muscle and fat.
  2. Anatomymuscular and fatty tissue.
  3. this substance or tissue in animals, viewed as an article of food, usually excluding fish and sometimes fowl;
  4. fatness;
  5. the body, esp. as distinguished from the spirit or soul:The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
  6. the physical or animal nature of humankind as distinguished from its moral or spiritual nature:the needs of the flesh.
  7. humankind.
  8. living creatures generally.
  9. a person’s family or relatives.
  10. Botanythe soft, pulpy portion of a fruit, vegetable, etc., as distinguished from the core, skin, shell, etc.
  11. Anatomythe surface of the human body;
    skin:A person with tender flesh should not expose it to direct sunlight.
  12. See flesh color. 
  13. Idioms in the flesh, present and alive before one’s eyes;
    in person:The movie star looked quite different in the flesh.
  14. Idioms pound of flesh, something that strict justice demands is due, but can only be paid with great loss or suffering to the payer.
  15. Idioms, Informal Terms press the flesh, [Informal.]to shake hands, as with voters while campaigning:The senator is busy as ever pressing the flesh on the campaign trail.


  1. to plunge (a weapon) into the flesh.
  2. Sport[Hunting.]to feed (a hound or hawk) with flesh in order to make it more eager for the chase. Cf. blood (def. 23).
  3. to incite and accustom (persons) to bloodshed or battle by an initial experience.
  4. to inflame the ardor or passions of by a foretaste.
  5. to overlay or cover (a skeleton or skeletal frame) with flesh or with a fleshlike substance.
  6. to give dimension, substance, or reality to (often fol. by out):The playwright fleshed out the characters.
  7. to remove adhering flesh from (hides), in leather manufacture.
  8. [Archaic.]to satiate with flesh or fleshly enjoyments;
  • bef. 900; Middle English flesc, Old English flǣsc; cognate with Old Frisian flēsk, Old High German fleisk (German Fleisch), Old Norse flesk bacon

fleshless, adj. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

flesh /flɛʃ/ n

  1. the soft part of the body of an animal or human, esp muscular tissue, as distinct from bone and viscera
  2. informal excess weight; fat
  3. archaic the edible tissue of animals as opposed to that of fish or, sometimes, fowl; meat
  4. the thick usually soft part of a fruit or vegetable, as distinct from the skin, core, stone, etc
  5. the human body and its physical or sensual nature as opposed to the soul or spirit

    Related adjective(s): carnal

  6. mankind in general
  7. animate creatures in general
  8. one’s own family; kin (esp in the phrase one’s own flesh and blood)
  9. a yellowish-pink to greyish-yellow colour
  10. in the fleshin person; actually present
  11. press the fleshinformal to shake hands, usually with large numbers of people, esp in political campaigning


  1. (transitive) to stimulate the hunting instinct of (hounds or falcons) by giving them small quantities of raw flesh
  2. archaic or poetic to accustom or incite to bloodshed or battle by initial experience
  3. to fatten; fill out

Etymology: Old English flǣsc; related to Old Norse flesk ham, Old High German fleisk meat, flesh

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