Word meaning in need of help

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Behind each


these doors is a chair waiting for women in need of help.

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За каждой из этих дверей стоит стул в ожидании женщин, которым нужна помощь.

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The people who come from a ravaged war has great need of help.

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However, she was concerned at the lack


practical measures,

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то же время она обеспокоена отсутствием практических мер,




отношении тех,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Need of help to get rid


all dragons and live in peace for a long time.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Нужна помощь, чтобы избавиться от всех драконов и жить в мире в течение длительного времени.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The consolidated appeals


1994 identified a target population


39.5 million people in need of help.

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сводных призывах 1994 года численность людей, нуждающихся в помощи, была оценена


39, 5 млн. человек.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The agreement on basic assistance to aliens in need of help and protection therefore ensures that the target group’s



are protected.

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Таким образом, Соглашение об оказании базовой помощи нуждающимся в защите иностранцам обеспечивает удовлетворение насущных потребностей

данной целевой группы.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

M: When you have understood that all existence, in separation and limitation, is painful, and when you are willing and able to live integrally, in oneness with all life, as pure being,

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М: Когда вы поймете, что все существование


разделенном и ограниченном виде болезненно, и когда вы захотите и сможете жить целостно,


единстве с жизнью, как чистое бытие,

Development in the Home


Services is moving towards progressively fewer numbers receiving home


with inputs being concentrated on the very oldest and those most in need of help.

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Система оказания


на дому развивается


направлении постепенного сокращения круга лиц, получающих такую



том, что основное внимание уделяется самым пожилым людям и лицам,


наибольшей степени нуждающимся в помощи.

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The number


children in need of help is increasing every year.

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Assisting refugees and others in need of help in our society.

With each passing day, these brands are increasingly in need of help.

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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In the pitch black, he began calling out people in need of help.

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Indeed, it is the rich who are sometimes most in need of help.

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I also realize… that we are in desperate need of help right now.

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The animals are rescued are homeless and hurt, and in need of help.

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Results: 25315,
Time: 0.0206





  • 1
    need i am in need of help

    English-Serbian dictionary > need i am in need of help

  • 2
    need of help

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > need of help

  • 3
    need for help

    English-german dictionary > need for help

  • 4
    need of help

    English-Finnish dictionary > need of help

  • 5
    to be in need of help

    нуждаться в помощи (в деньгах, в отдыхе)

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to be in need of help

  • 6
    are you in need of help?

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > are you in need of help?

  • 7
    be in sore need of help

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be in sore need of help

  • 8
    be in urgent need of help

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be in urgent need of help

  • 9
    i’am in need of help

    English-Serbian dictionary > i’am in need of help

  • 10
    to stand in need of help

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to stand in need of help

  • 11
    people in need of help

    English-Dutch dictionary > people in need of help

  • 12
    to be in urgent need of help

    требовать срочной помощи (срочного ремонта)

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to be in urgent need of help

  • 13
    to be in sore need of help

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > to be in sore need of help

  • 14
    to be in urgent need of help

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > to be in urgent need of help

  • 15
    in need of help

    English-Indonesian dictionary > in need of help

  • 16
    I’m in sore need of help

    man ļoti nepieciešama palīdzība

    English-Latvian dictionary > I’m in sore need of help

  • 17
    iam in need of help

    English-Serbian dictionary > iam in need of help

  • 18

    have you got everything you need? est-ce que tu as tout ce qu’il te faut?;

    she needs rest elle a besoin de repos ou de se reposer;

    I need more money/time j’ai besoin de plus d’argent/de temps;

    you take the car, I won’t be needing it this evening prends la voiture, je n’en aurai pas besoin ce soir;

    I need a drink/a shower j’ai besoin de boire quelque chose/de prendre une douche;

    ironic that’s all we need! il ne nous manquait plus que ça!;

    who needs money anyway? de toute façon, l’argent n’a aucune importance;

    liquid nitrogen needs careful handling or to be handled with care l’azote liquide demande à être manié avec précaution;

    you need to try harder tu vas devoir faire ou il va falloir que tu fasses un effort supplémentaire;

    you needn’t wait il est inutile que vous attendiez, inutile (pour vous) d’attendre;

    I needn’t have bothered je me suis donné bien du mal pour rien, ce n’était pas la peine que je me donne autant de mal;

    need I say more? ai-je besoin d’en dire davantage ou plus?;

    need that be the case? est-ce nécessairement ou forcément le cas?;

    I feel the need of some fresh air or to get some fresh air j’ai besoin d’air;

    there’s no need to panic or for any panic inutile de paniquer;

    I’ll help with the dishes — no need, I’ve done them already je vais vous aider à faire la vaisselle — inutile, c’est terminé;

    to be in need of sth, to have need of sth avoir besoin de qch;

    should the need arise si cela s’avérait nécessaire, si le besoin s’en faisait sentir;

    humorous your need is greater than mine vous en avez plus besoin que moi

    £1,000 should be enough for our immediate needs 1000 livres devraient suffire pour répondre à nos besoins immédiats;

    Marketing needs and wants besoins mpl et désirs mpl

    (c) besoin


    , nécessité


    ; adversité


    , besoin



    proverb needs must when the devil drives nécessité fait loi;

    familiar needs must il le faut, c’est indispensable ;

    if needs must, I’ll go s’il le faut absolument ou si c’est indispensable, j’irai

    5 if need be, if needs be

    si besoin est, le cas échéant


    Marketing needs analysis analyse


    des besoins;

    Marketing needs assessment estimation


    des besoins;

    Marketing need identification identification


    des besoins;

    Marketing need recognition reconnaissance


    des besoins;

    Marketing needs and wants exploration exploration


    des besoins et des désirs

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > need

  • 19



    au secours! ; help! I’ve got nothing to wear for tonight! hum mince alors

    ! je n’ai rien à mettre pour ce soir!

    1 ( assist) aider ; I was only trying to help! je voulais seulement aider! ; he never helps with the cooking/housework il n’aide jamais à faire la cuisine/le ménage ; they offered to help with the expenses ils ont offert d’aider à payer les frais or de participer aux frais ; this map doesn’t help much cette carte n’est pas d’un grand secours or ne sert pas à grand-chose ; will it help if I give you a clue? est-ce que ça t’aiderait si je te donnais un indice? ; every little helps ( when donating money) tous les dons sont les bienvenus ; ( when saving) les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières ;

    2 ( be an improvement) would it help if I turned the light off? est-ce que ce serait mieux si j’éteignais? ; it might help if we knew where they lived ça nous arrangerait de savoir où ils habitent, ça serait déjà quelque chose si on savait où ils habitent ; she tried going to bed earlier, but it didn’t help much elle a commencé à se coucher plus tôt, mais ça n’a pas servi à grand-chose.

    3 ( prevent) to help oneself s’en empêcher ; I tried not to laugh, but I couldn’t help myself j’ai essayé de ne pas rire, mais je n’ai pas pu m’en empêcher or c’était plus fort que moi.

    help [sb] along aider [qn] à marcher [infirm person] ;

    help [sth] along faire avancer [process, negotiations, project].

    help out aider, donner un coup de main


    Big English-French dictionary > help

  • 20
    ♦ need

    ♦ need /ni:d/


    3 [u] bisogno; indigenza; ristrettezze; povertà: to be in need, essere nel bisogno, nell’indigenza

    ● (in GB) needs test, accertamento delle condizioni di bisogno di assistenza sociale o medica (


    means test, sotto mean /3/) □ to be in need of, essere bisognoso di; aver bisogno di: He’s in need of treatment, è bisognoso di cure mediche; Are you in need of help?, hai bisogno d’aiuto? □ (


    ) in case of need, occorrendo □ to fail


    in his need, non aiutare


    che si trova in bisogno (o nell’ora del bisogno) □ good at need, utile in caso di bisogno □ (


    ) if need be, in caso di bisogno; se necessario; all’occorrenza: I will come if need be, verrò se sarà necessario □ if need were, se ce ne fosse bisogno; in caso di bisogno □ people in need, i bisognosi; gli indigenti.

    ♦ (to) need /ni:d/


    v. t.



    ; si comporta spesso come i verbi modali davanti a un infinito; si costruisce invece regolarmente quando regge un

    compl. ogg.


    1 avere bisogno di; essere necessario; bisognare; importare; occorrere; (in frasi




    ) dovere, abbisognare di, sentire la mancanza di: Do you need any assistance?, hai bisogno d’aiuto?; The farmers need rain, i contadini hanno bisogno di pioggia; The car needs repairing ( o to be repaired), l’auto ha bisogno d’essere riparata; DIALOGO → — At the photocopier- The toner needs changing, bisogna cambiare il toner; I need hardly say that…, non occorre ch’io dica che…; è superfluo dire che…; This is a book I’ve needed a long time, questo è un libro di cui ho sentito a lungo la mancanza (che ho molto desiderato avere); He need not come ( o he doesn’t need to come), non importa (o non occorre) che venga; You needn’t do it, if you don’t want to, non occorre che tu lo faccia (o non devi farlo), se non vuoi (


    You mustn’t do it, non devi farlo!; te lo vieto; non sta bene, ecc.); He needn’t be told, non è necessario dirglielo ( è meglio che non lo sappia); He doesn’t need to be told, non c’è bisogno d’informarlo ( lo sa già); Need you go ( o do you need to go) so soon?, devi andare così presto?; I didn’t need to take the umbrella, non occorse (o non occorreva) che prendessi l’ombrello; I needn’t have taken the umbrella, era inutile che avessi preso l’ombrello; non avrei dovuto prendere l’ombrello; This work needs to be done with great care, bisogna fare questo lavoro (o questo lavoro va fatto) con ogni cura; DIALOGO → — Absence 3- I need to speak to the boss, devo parlare con il capo NOTA D’USO: — to need o to be necessary?-

    1 (


    ) essere necessario; importare; occorrere: It needs not, non è necessario; non importa

    2 trovarsi in bisogno; essere bisognoso (o povero)

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ need

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • You Need Professional Help — Infobox Album | Name = You Need Professional Help Type = Live Album Artist = The Party Boys Released = 1985 Recorded = Genre = Rock Length = Label = CBS Producer = The Party Boys Reviews = Last album = No Song Too Sacred (1984) This album = You… …   Wikipedia

    • help — [help] vt. [ME helpen < OE helpan, akin to Ger helfen < IE base * k̑elb , *k̑elp , to help > early Lith sělbinos, to aid] 1. to make things easier or better for (a person); aid; assist; specif., a) to give (one in need or trouble)… …   English World dictionary

    • help — vb 1 Help, aid, assist and their corresponding nouns help, aid, assistance are often used with little distinction as meaning (for the verbs) to furnish another person or thing with what is needed (as for the accomplishment of work or the… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

    • help — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, considerable, enormous, great, huge, immense, invaluable, real, substantial, tremendous …   Collocations dictionary

    • help — help1 W1S1 [help] v [: Old English; Origin: helpan] 1.) [I and T] to make it possible or easier for someone to do something by doing part of their work or by giving them something they need ▪ If there s anything I can do to help, just give me a… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • need — need1 W1S1 [ni:d] v 1.) [T not in progressive] to have to have something or someone, because you cannot do something without them, or because you cannot continue or cannot exist without them = ↑require ▪ You don t really need a car. ▪ Plants need …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • help — 1 /help/ verb 1 MAKE POSSIBLE OR EASIER (I, T) to make it possible or easier for someone to do something by doing part of their work or by giving them something they need: If there s anything I can do to help, just give me a call. | She devoted… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

    • Help! (песня) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Help!. Help! …   Википедия

    • Help! (song) — Infobox Single Name = Help! Artist = The Beatles from Album = Help! B side = I m Down Released = 1965 08 06 (UK) 1965 08 13 (U.S.) Format = 7 Recorded = Abbey Road: 1965 04 13 Genre = Folk rock Length = 2:18 (UK), 2:39 (US) Label = Parlophone… …   Wikipedia

    • help — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. servant[s], staff, employees; aid, assistance, succor; relief, remedy. v. assist, serve, befriend; relieve, ameliorate, better. See aid, auxiliary. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Assistance] Syn. advice,… …   English dictionary for students

    • help — 1. noun /hɛlp/ a) Action given to provide assistance; aid. I need some help with my homework. b) A person or persons who provide assistance with some task. He was a great help to me when I was moving house. Syn …   Wiktionary



    need help — нуждаться в помощи
    be in sore need of help — в крайне тяжелом положении; крайне нуждаться в помощи
    are you in need of help? — не нужна ли вам помощь?
    be in urgent need of help — крайне нуждаться в помощи
    to be in sore need of help — крайне нуждаться в помощи
    to be in urgent need of help — крайне нуждаться в помощи
    he proudly averred that he needed no help — он гордо заявил, что в помощи не нуждается
    he proudly aver red that he needed no help — он гордо заявил, что в помощи не нуждается
    when we needed your help, all you did was sit back — когда нам была нужна ваша помощь, вы и пальцем не шевельнули

    Автоматический перевод

    нуждаться в помощи, надобность помогать, помощь потребности

    Перевод по словам

    need  — необходимость, потребность, нужда, нуждаться, требоваться
    help  — помощь, помощник, подсказка, подмога, помогать, способствовать


    Do you need help to carry your shopping?

    Вам нужна помощь, чтобы донести ваши покупки?

    Bear in mind that some children will need help.

    Имейте в виду, что некоторым детям понадобится помощь.

    Old people may need help decorating their homes.

    Старикам, возможно, нужна помощь с украшением домов.

    I like the security of knowing there will be someone there to help me when I need help.

    Мне нравится чувство уверенности в том, что если мне понадобится помощь, кто-то мне обязательно поможет.

    He needs help in reading.

    Он нуждается в помощи по чтению.

    We need any help we can get.

    Нам понадобится любая возможная помощь.

    The survivors needed help fast.

    Выжившие нуждались в быстрой помощи.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    She provided some sorely needed help.  

    Don’t do me any favors. I don’t need your help.  

    …he needed help to mount such a walloping horse…  

    They needed help, but their pride wouldn’t let them ask for it.  

    It’s nice to know that there’s someone nearby if she needs help.  

    The new jobs were an economic lifeline for a city in need of help.  

    …did not mean to affront you when I told you I didn’t need your help…  

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    in need of — перевод на русский

    We found out those Germans are part of a battalion stuck back at the first well, badly in need of water.

    Мы узнали, что эти немцы — разведка батальона, стоящего у первого колодца. Им очень нужна вода.

    Are you in need of assistance?

    Вам нужна помощь?

    What if they’re waiting for me, in need of my help?

    Что, если они заждались меня, если им нужна моя помощь?

    Gentlemen, we are in need of a car.

    Джентльмены, нам нужна машина.

    It would appear that you are in need of assistance, monsieur.

    Кажется, Вам нужна помощь, месье? Мне?

    Показать ещё примеры для «нужна»…


    Клуб не нуждается в деньгах.

    And in need of repair?

    И нуждается в ремонте?

    Filip says I can buy myself out of this, since the organistion is in need of cash.

    Филипп говорит, что я могу спасти свою шкуру, так как организация нуждается в деньгах.

    Therefore, a child in need of money steals, plunders, and sinks into despicable crime.

    Вывод: ребенок нуждается в деньгах, и поэтому ворует. Он может погрязнуть в пучине преступности. И надолго оказаться в тюрьме.

    Now, come on, Jerry, you gotta have shoes in need of a cobbler.

    Вот, давай, Джерри, у тебя же есть обувь которая нуждается в сапожнике.

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    Think of a battalion so in need of water they got to come 70 miles off their line of march.

    Представьте батальон, так нуждающийся в воде,.. …что он готов идти лишних 70 миль.

    — Men in need of money will do just about anything!

    — Человек, нуждающийся в деньгах, именно та и поступает!

    Cowardly, stupid, longing to be loved, clumsy, and in need of comforting.

    трусливый, глупый, жаждущий любви, нескладный, нуждающийся в утешении.

    Somebody else in need of a good Samaritan.

    Ещё один, нуждающийся в добром самаритянине.

    A Christian, in need of burial.

    Христианин, нуждающийся в погребении.

    Показать ещё примеры для «нуждающийся в»…

    All I know is that Jean called to say you were here, in need of my usual services

    Что ты тут и что необходимо приступить к обычной операции.

    A man who loses the King’s Colors is in need of a sense of humor, Sir Henry.

    Человеку, который теряет знамя короля, оно необходимо, сэр Генри.

    After tonight’s pretty exertions on the stage, you must surely be in need of refreshment, my dear.

    После столь блестящего выступления, Вам необходимо освежиться.

    I for one am in need of some serious refreshing.

    Мне, например, необходимо встряхнуться.

    Person trapped in apartment, in need of rescue.

    Пострадавший заперт в квартире, необходима помощь.

    Показать ещё примеры для «необходимо»…

    Any team members may exchange to another team member whenever they feel exhausted or in need of help.

    Любому участнику разрешено просить замену, если он устал или ему требуется помощь.

    They’ve helped us, and now we hear they’re in need of… well, a little help themselves.

    Они помогли нам. И теперь, как мы слышали, требуется… ну, небольшая помощь им самим.

    I know he never liked me, but he thought you might be in need of some comfort and guidance.

    Знаю, я никогда ему особо не нравилась, но он думает, тебе возможно требуется поддержка.

    There are in my parish despondent souls in need of my ministry.

    В моем приходе, Джеймс, есть заблудшие души, которым требуется мое четкое руководство.

    I have patients in need of medical attention right now.

    у меня пациент, которым требуется уделить внимание прямо сейчас.

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    I fear he will be in need of the funeral rites very soon after the wedding.

    Боюсь, похороны ему понадобятся вскоре после свадьбы.

    When in need of money, I will be the first one to give.

    Когда понадобятся деньги, я буду первый, кто их даст.

    If you go on like this, sir, you might find yourself in need of a solicitor.

    Если будете продолжать в том же духе, возможно вам самому понадобится адвокат.

    And I will send out for some coffee, and thus enlivened, you will venture into the world, converse with the merchants and anybody else in need of an attorney.

    я также прикажу подать кофе. И Вы, воодушевленный, снова отважитесь быть в мире, полным торговцами и всеми, кому понадобится адвокат.

    Before we both find ourselves in need of gas and air!

    Пока нам самим не понадобился газ и кислород!

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    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    The founders wanted to help persons in need, without giving them a handout, and providing employment which would allow the person to earn money for life.

    Их учредители хотели помочь нуждающимся, не давая им подаяние, а обеспечивая работой, которая бы позволяла человеку самому заработать себе деньги на жизнь.

    It was advanced and on April 1, 2005, it expanded operations as the National Crisis Management and Information Telephone Service, which provides round-the-clock information and — in crisis situations — immediate measures to help persons in need.

    Он был усовершенствован и с 1 апреля 2005 года начал работу на более широкой основе в качестве Национальной телефонной службы управления кризисами и информации, которая круглосуточно предоставляет информацию и — в кризисных ситуациях — принимает срочные меры по оказанию помощи нуждающимся в ней лицам.

    The nature of every normal person is to help a person in need.

    Notarial services in a remote format will help a person in need of legal assistance, here and now.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 62958. Точных совпадений: 2. Затраченное время: 697 мс


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    Справка и о нас

    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

    Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    used to say that someone or something needs to have something

    The program is in desperate/dire/urgent need of financial support.More important things were in need of her attention.The trucks are in constant need of repair.

    Dictionary Entries Near in need of

    Cite this Entry

    “In need of.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/in%20need%20of. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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    Merriam-Webster unabridged

    help verb

     help yourself B1

    to take something for yourself:

    «Might I have some more bread?» «Please, help yourself

    Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples
    • takeHe offered her the microphone but she wouldn’t take it.
    • take hold ofGet ready to take hold of the baton as the next runner approaches.
    • snatchHe snatched the letter out of my hands before I could read it.
    • stealThe car was stolen from right outside our house.
    • pinchA thief pinched his wallet and phone.
    • seizeFederal agents seized two computers.

    See more results »



    Phrasal verb


    (Definition of help from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

    help | American Dictionary

    help verb

    [ T ] How can I help you?

    help verb

    [ T ]

    to serve something to someone, or to take something for yourself:

    Help yourself to more cake.


    Phrasal verb

    help noun [U]

    Do you need help with those boxes?

    (Definition of help from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

    Examples of help


    The risk is that clinicians increasingly will be reluctant to do quite ordinary procedures to help patients because of existing guidelines.

    Second, physically speaking, patients are usually helped in any such transfer by a nurse, a doctor, or one of the patient’s relatives.

    Many people with symptoms of psychological distress do not seek professional help.

    Their claim that higher levels of unemployment help extreme right parties is valid given their model.

    These parties had a common interest and were supported by non-governmental organisations which helped them put together a strong campaign.

    It helps me to think things through systematically and adopt resolve to take action, and it reminds me of my own past thinking.

    These roles help to explore other important dimensions of the experience of the patient.

    And we can consider possible roles for computers in helping students acquire these necessary skills.

    Also, hybrid strategies applied to formation control could help to enhance formation control performance in some robotic tasks.

    The role of a doctor is to help the patient at all times and remove the anxiety surrounding the condition.

    Pupils were told that they could ask their teachers, another adult or friend for help with the sheets if they needed this.

    The story, as it has been told, offers them ‘a usable past’ that should help them to cope with future change.

    You told him that you would help him with writing.

    They were explicitly told that some of the characters have features that could help them choose and some did not.

    Others pointed out that young people took tremendous risks attempting to help out their families.

    These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

    Collocations with help

    These are words often used in combination with help.

    Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

    expert help

    To ensure that the correct forms were followed, expert help was necessary, and this help often took the form of the litigation master.

    extra help

    However, even with extra help on the farm, progress was slow.

    These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

    When we’re stuck, we might ask somebody for help. The phrase “I need your help” is a common way to do this, but it’s not the most polite way to ask. This article will explore the synonyms of “I need your help” and how you can say it more politely in a professional context.

    What Can I Say Instead Of “I Need Your Help”?

    In this article, we will look at the following polite alternatives to saying “I need your help:”

    • I’m hoping you can assist me
    • I’m hoping you can help me
    • I have an issue that you may be able to help me with
    • I require your assistance
    • I was wondering if you might be able to help me
    • If you have the time, I could use your help

    What Can I Say Instead Of "I Need Your Help"?

    The preferred version is “I’m hoping you can assist me” when we’re asking for somebody to help us out. In a professional context (mostly on email), we must be as polite as possible before asking for someone to aid us.

    I’m Hoping You Can Assist Me

    We’ll start with the most effective polite version to say. “I’m hoping you can assist me” (or “I am” if you want to remove the contraction) is a great way to start.

    “I’m hoping you can assist me” is a way to encourage someone to help you as politely as possible. “Hoping” means you desire help from the recipient of the email, though you don’t outright expect it from them.

    When you use this phrase, you’re expecting help out of the kindness of the recipient’s heart rather than telling them that they “need” to help you. It’s much better to use words like “hoping” in this case.

    Also, “assist” is a polite word compared with “help,” which is another reason we think it’s the best version to use.

    The definition of “assist,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to help.” It couldn’t be simpler to explain, and if a word has the same meaning as “help” as “assist” does, then it’s likely that you’ll find the more polite version of the two.

    It would help you to see a few examples of the phrase in action, though, so we’ve included a few example email formats:

    • Dear sir,
    • I’m hoping you can help me with something very important to me.
    • If you have the time, I’d love to hear what you’ve got to say.
    • Kind regards,
    • Jeremy Peacock
    • Dear ma’am,
    • I am hoping you can help me with the situation that’s presented itself to us.
    • I’m currently quite short-staffed and could do with some backup.
    • I look forward to hearing from you,
    • Mr. Schumacher

    I’m Hoping You Can Help Me

    “I’m hoping you can help me” is another great option. The only reason we don’t think it’s the preferred version is that “help” is a less polite word than “assist” (though both are overall very polite).

    “I’m hoping you can help me” is a great choice for professional contexts. We can use it when we want to get help from somebody by using the verb “hoping” again to stress that we’re not dependent on it, but we could really do with their insight.

    We take the stress away from the person we’re asking when we use words like “hoping.” It means we could use their help, but if they’re too busy to provide it, we won’t mind if we have to do it ourselves or find the help elsewhere.

    Again, it might help you if you could see some example emails of how we might use this phrase:

    • Dear Mr. Johnson,
    • I am hoping you can help me because I’ve got some important documents to deliver.
    • Let me know when you have a chance to discuss matters further.
    • Kind regards,
    • Dominic Summers
    • Dear Madam Jones,
    • I have an issue with one of my employees, and I’m hoping you can help me.
    • I’d love to discuss the issue with you further over a lunch meeting if you have the time.
    • I look forward to hearing back from you,
    • Allan Walters

    I Have An Issue That You May Be Able To Help Me With

    Moving away from the “I’m hoping” phrases, we come to the next most effective choice.

    “I have an issue that you may be able to help me with” is a long-winded phrase, but it works well in professional formats. It sets up an issue that you need urgent help with, but using “may” means you understand if it’s not possible for the recipient to help.

    If we replaced the “may be able to” with something like “can,” it means we know that the person we’re asking has the capacity to help (which can put a lot of pressure on them). Instead, saying “may be able to” means, “we think you have what we need, but we want to ask first.”

    We adopt this method in polite formats when we want to encourage help from the other person without overwhelming them with the possibility of potential getting it wrong (or not being able to help us).

    Here are some examples of how we might use it:

    • Dear Mr. Tate,
    • I have an issue that you may be able to help me with regarding my pay slip.
    • If you’re available, I’d like to discuss it with you when you’re next in.
    • Kind regards,
    • Peter Parkinson
    • Dear sir,
    • I have an issue that you may be able to help me with.
    • There’s no pressure, but I’d appreciate it if you could lend an ear when I next see you.
    • Thank you,
    • Sarah Woodward

    I Require Your Assistance

    This next phrase is less polite than the others, but certain situations might depend on it.

    “I require your assistance” is something we can say in professional situations when we are someone else’s boss and “require” their attention. We’re not asking for help; we’re simply saying that they must help us in the most professional way.

    Generally, we only say this to people that we’re certain can help us. That means they’ll have the relevant qualifications or knowledge that we’re looking for.

    You should not use “I require your assistance” when talking to a boss or superior if you’re an employee. You should only use this phrase if you’re already superior, and talking to someone below you that you know can help.

    While this phrase isn’t the most polite, it’s still a great option if you’re in a management position. You’re using it to acknowledge someone else’s skills or abilities with something while also showing that you’re still in charge.

    Here are some examples to help you understand:

    • Dear Thomas,
    • I require your assistance with resetting my computer.
    • If you could kindly make your way to my office when you have time, that would be grand.
    • Kind regards,
    • Mr. Tomkins
    • Dear Sarah,
    • I require your assistance with something related to the incident from yesterday.
    • Bring all of the HR documents with you, as we will need these.
    • Thank you,
    • Mrs. Smith

    I Was Wondering If You Might Be Able To Help Me

    “I was wondering if you might be able to help me” is another polite phrase to use. We say “wondering” here to encourage the other person to help while also understanding if they cannot help us at that time.

    “Wondering” works in this phrase similarly to how “hoping” works in some of the earlier ones. We’re not putting pressure on the other person to help us; we’re simply asking whether they can help and what they’ll do about it if they’re able to.

    We typically want to use a verb like “wondering” or “hoping” when we’re trying to be polite. It’s the most effective way to convey our message without risking sounding rude or impatient.

    Here are some examples to show you what we mean:

    • Dear Mr. Potter,
    • I was wondering if you might be able to help me with the upcoming event.
    • Of course, I understand if you’re too busy, but I’d appreciate it if you could let me know.
    • Kind regards,
    • Sarah Tomlinson
    • Dear Mrs. Smith,
    • I was wondering if you might be able to help me with a personal matter.
    • If that’s too much to bear, I understand and will find someone else.
    • Thank you,
    • George Brown

    If You Have Time, I Could Use Your Help

    “If you have time, I could use your help” is the last phrase to go through. It’s the least effective but is still much more polite than “I need your help.” We use “If you have time” to tell the other person that there is no rush for their help, we’re simply asking if they can.

    “I could use your help” isn’t the most polite phrase, but it works well to show that there is a sense of urgency about our request. Generally, we counter that by saying, “If you have time.”

    A simple response with “yes, I have time” or “no, I have no time” is all that we require when writing this in an email.

    Here are some examples of its usage:

    • Dear Mr. Carter,
    • If you have time, I could use your help with something important.
    • Let me know if you can make the time for me.
    • Kind regards,
    • Connor Coombes
    • Dear Mrs. Lynchford
    • If you have the time, I could use your help with the latest publicity matter.
    • I have all the required documents that need filtering.
    • Thank you,
    • Jessie Parker

    You may also like: 10 Formal Replies to “I Need Your Help”

    martin lassen dam grammarhow

    Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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