Word meaning in keeping with

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In keeping with our housing policy, free housing is also provided for poor families on social security.

Кроме этого, в соответствии с нашей жилищной политикой бесплатное жилье предоставляется неимущим семьям, находящимся на социальном обеспечении.

In keeping with the theme, payment for merchandise will be accepted only in virtual currencies.

В соответствии с темой концерта оплата билетов и сопутствующих товаров будет производиться только в виртуальных валютах.

In keeping with its tradition of service to the region, the University will offer a limited number of carefully selected graduate degrees.

В соответствии со своей традицией службы в регионе, университет будет предлагать ограниченное количество тщательно отобранных учеными степенями.

In keeping with Russia’s status as a major hydrocarbon exporter, natural gas has figured prominently in this attempted reorientation.

В соответствии со статусом России как крупного экспортера углеводородов природный газ занимает видное место в этой попытке переориентации.

In keeping with its long-standing tradition, Peru has adopted the democratic and representative system in its new Constitution.

Перу приняла новую Политическую конституцию, следуя сложившимся в этой стране традициям демократической и представительной системы.

In keeping with your style, please accept my abbreviated compliments.

Следуя Вашему стилю работы, я хочу в сокращенной форме выразить Вам мою признательность.

In keeping with the data protection principles, we will only store your data for as long as is necessary.

В соответствии с принципами защиты данных мы будем хранить ваши данные столько, сколько потребуется для указанных целей.

In keeping with the back-to-nature movement, homeowners did what they could to bring the outdoors in.

В соответствии с движением «назад к природе» домовладельцы делали то, что они могли принести на улицу.

In keeping with universal laws, assistance from one civilization to another can be given only when it is requested.

В соответствии с универсальными законами, помощь от одной цивилизации к другой может быть дана только тогда, когда она запрашивается.

In keeping with the theme of evolution, one core issue with the game is that it can be very slow.

В соответствии с темой эволюции, одной из основных проблем игры является то, что она может быть очень медленной.

In keeping with the initial setup, the state’s influence on the management of privatized enterprises was and remains quite strong.

В соответствии с изначальной установкой влияние государства на управление приватизированными предприятиями было и остается достаточно сильным.

In keeping with the tradition of this conference series, the meeting was informal: no material was published.

В соответствии с традицией этой серии конференций совещание имело неофициальный характер: никакие материалы не были опубликованы.

In keeping with this concept, qi also describes mental functions and emotions.

В соответствии с этим понятием, ци также описывает умственные функции и эмоции.

In keeping with their draconian social order, they closed schools, technical and teacher training institutions and universities to girls and women.

В соответствии с проповедуемыми ими драконовскими нормами общественной жизни они запретили девушкам и женщинам посещать школы, технические и педагогические учебные заведения и университеты.

In keeping with that new vision, the gender perspective should be incorporated into all national, regional and international policies and programmes.

В соответствии с этим новым пониманием необходимо учитывать гендерные проблемы во всех национальных, региональных и международных стратегиях и программах.

In keeping with the spirit of international cooperation, developed countries must help developing countries to integrate into the international economy.

В соответствии с духом международного сотрудничества развитые страны должны помогать развивающимся странам интегрироваться в международную экономику.

In keeping with our policy of transparency we maintain a sustained dialogue with important non-governmental organizations, which includes affording greater access to them.

В соответствии с нашей политикой транспарентности мы поддерживаем устойчивый диалог с крупнейшими неправительственными организациями, что включает в себя и предоставление им большего доступа.

In keeping with the principle of equitable geographical and regional representation, my delegation would further propose the following geographical distribution of these non-permanent seats.

В соответствии с принципом справедливого географического и регионального представительства моя делегация также хотела бы предложить следующее географическое распределение мест этих непостоянных мест.

In keeping with regulation 4.2, objectives are derived from the policy orientations and goals set by the intergovernmental organs.

В соответствии с положением 4.2 цели вытекают из стратегических направлений и задач, установленных межправительственными органами.

In keeping with past practice, it would be necessary to add $4.4 million to the preliminary estimate.

В соответствии с практикой прошлых лет предварительную смету необходимо будет увеличить на 4,4 млн. долл. США.

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in keeping with — перевод на русский

In keeping with the spirit of passionate experimentation of the Dead Poets I’m giving up the name Charles Dalton.

В соответствии с духом традиций Мертвых Поэтов страстно экспериментировать, я отказываюсь от имени Чарльз Далтон.

In keeping with Tavnian tradition I stand before you here in my home among my worldly possessions and declare my wish to add this woman to that which is mine.

В соответствии с тавнианскими традициями я стою перед вами здесь, в моем доме, посреди моих земных сокровищ, и провозглашаю желание причислить эту женщину к тому, что принадлежит мне.

In keeping with the values and traditions of our people.

В соответствии с ценностями и традициями нашего народа.

As I speak, an alien armada of biblical proportions is on it’s way, bent, dare I say hellbent, in keeping with the metaphor, on our destruction.

Как я сказал, вражеская армада библейских размеров уже на пути к нашему неминуемому, смею сказать даже чертовски неминуемому, в соответствии с метафорой, уничтожению.

It’s been clear from the start, from how she operated and from the inquiry, she was a high-class whore, murdered in keeping with her profession.

Это было понятно с самого начала, исходя из её образа жизни и из расследования. Она была высококлассной проституткой, убитой в соответствии с ее профессией.

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And more in keeping with the period, I would say, than a modern police box.

И более соответствует периоду, я бы сказал, чем современная полицейская будка.

And that was in keeping with the truth.

И это соответствует истине.

Ha! Let me ask you this question. How many thought the music was fine but not in keeping with the tone of the restaurant?

Кто из вас подумал, что музыка неплохая но она не соответствует уровню ресторана?

Right. It’s also in keeping with the victimology and abduction sites.

Это также соответствует виктимологии и местам похищений.

He’s not in keeping with our other clients.

Он не соответствует другим нашим клиентам.

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Автоматический перевод

соответствии с

Перевод по словам

keep  — держаться, держать, сохранять, содержание, прокорм, главная башня, пища
with  — с, вместе с, от, несмотря на, напихать


In keeping with tradition, everyone wore black.

В соответствии с традицией, все были одеты в чёрное.

His behavior was not in keeping with the occasion.

Он вёл себя неподобающе данному событию.

The cheerful cover of the book is out of keeping with the sad story told inside it.

Весёлая обложка этой книги никак не согласуется с рассказанной в ней печальной историей.

The ballet struck me as extraneous and somewhat out of keeping with the rest of the play.

Балет показался мне чужеродным и идущим несколько вразрез со всей остальной пьесой.

Keeping up with twin toddlers wears me out.

Уход за малышами-двойняшками изнуряет меня.

Food production is not keeping up with population growth.

Производство пищевых продуктов не поспевает за ростом населения.

Jack’s having trouble keeping up with the rest of the class.

Джек не удаётся держаться наравне с остальным классом.

She steps out so actively that I have difficulty keeping up with her.

Она так быстро идёт, что я с трудом за ней поспеваю.

Even on two incomes, we’re having a hard time keeping up with our bills.

Даже несмотря на то, что мы оба работаем, нам сложно оплачивать все счета и не влезать в долги.

Brian’s just not keeping up with the workload. Can you have a quiet word?

Брайан просто не справляется с нагрузкой. Можете поговорить с ним с глазу на глаз?

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in keeping with (something)

Conforming to or in compliance with something. In keeping with the family’s wishes, we’re declining to make a comment on the case at this point in time. The new building was designed in keeping with the Georgian style of the city’s older structures.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

in keeping with

Conforming to, in harmony with, as in The new wing is in keeping with the house’s original architecture, or His actions are not in keeping with his words. This expression uses keeping in the sense of «harmony,» as does its antonym, out of keeping with, as in The funeral arrangements were out of keeping with the family’s wishes. [c. 1800] Also see in key; in line.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • in keeping with (something)
  • in keeping
  • in step
  • in step with (someone or something)
  • be in step (with someone or something)
  • get in(to) step (with someone or something)
  • but seriously, folks
  • folk
  • seriously
  • be not playing the game

  • 1
    не соответствовать

    1) General subject: be not answerable to , be out of character , be out of sympathy with , disaccord, not to conform to (smth.) , thwart one another, to be at odds, to be out of character , to be out of keeping with (smth.) , to be out of sympathy with (smth.) , to be out of the picture, be at odds, be at odds with , be out of character, disagree, miss mark, be out of tune with, come short (of smth.)

    10) Makarov: be out of keeping with , be out of the picture, fall out, come short of

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > не соответствовать

  • 2

    1) General subject: accord, accord with, act , address, agree, align with , answer , be in character, be in compliance with (smth.) , be in congruence with , be in step, be in tune with , bring in line with, bring into accordance with, chime, coincide, come up to, comply, comply with, comport, conform, consort, consort , correspond, correspond with (smth.) , dovetail, fit, fulfill , hang together, hit off, jibe , jump upon, match, meet, parallel, parallelize, quadrate, quadrate , respond, satisfy , size up, sort with, square , streamline, suit, sympathize, tally, to be en rapport, to be in agreement with, to be in character (with), to be in harmony with (smth.) , to be in tune with (smth.) , up, work in , be en rapport, fall in, work in, up to , go with , comply with Islamic finance principles , fashion, be in sync with, keep with, be appropriate to, to be in line with, line up with, in keeping with the character of, live up to, to be true to, occur

    8) Railway term: pass

    12) Diplomatic term: be in harmony with , meet

    13) Deprecatingly: consort

    15) Mechanic engineering: mate

    21) Makarov: be fit for, be representative of, befit, belong together , do, go with (smth.) , hitch, measure up , meet the case, pertain, represent, serve, tie up, check against, check with, chime in, chime with, come up, comport with, correspond to, correspond with, fall into line, fill the bill, fit in, coincide with , fit in with , comply with , conform to , conform with , fall in , fit with

    23) SAP.tech. am according to, are according to, be according to, be that of

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > соответствовать

  • 3
    в соответствии с

    In line with this assumption, we have devised a model of…

    In keeping with the limitation of only four orbitals, the formation of double or triple bonds between atoms of these elements reduces the coordination number of the central atom.

    In the reactors designed around this approach the energy-carrying neutrons released by thermonuclear reactions will be absorbed in a lithium blanket.

    * * *

    В соответствии с (нормами)

    The specimens were tested at a frequency of approximately 130 Hz, following ASTM E466 […].

    В соответствии с — in accordance with, in agreement with, in keeping with, in line with, in compliance with, consistent with; as required by, to match, following, according to; in step with (синхронно); per (в инструкциях); to conform to (о требованиях стандарта и т. п.), pursuant to (в письмах)

    Fatigue life results of the bearings tested were statistically analyzed in accordance with the methods of […].

    In agreement with this, it was found that the low ф machine went into a part-span stall.

    Also, in keeping with practice, the inter-plate spacing was made equal to the plate length.

    The section on low-pressure heating boilers now had testing and marking requirements in line with those of the power boiler section.

    (Tf — Ts) is kept fixed by increasing Ts with time as required by the surface temperature, Ts.

    Normally, this value of radial clearance is established to match the bearing size.

    According to a previous investigation of dressing […], fracture can occur within the grain.

    The Sh number increases in step with the wake turbulence.

    Install housing and grease per figure and table.

    They are metered by orifice plate assemblies built to conform to BS 1042.

    Pursuant to your request, I am confirming our consent to the publication of the book in two volumes.

    Floating roof tanks generally do not require protection when installed in compliance with Section…

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > в соответствии с

  • 4

    to correspond to, to be in keeping with; to conform to/to meet/to satisfy requirements; to suit , to be appropriate/suitable for ; to be commensurate with lit

    соотве́тствовать тре́бованиям безопа́сности — to conform to safety standards

    соотве́тствовать ситуа́ции — to suit the occasion, to be appropriate for the occasion

    разме́ры дета́ли не соотве́тствуют описа́нию — the size sg/dimensions pl of the part does/do not correspond to the description

    его́ поведе́ние не соотве́тствовало серьёзности моме́нта — his behavio(u)r wasn’t in keeping/was out of keeping with the solemn occasion

    её зарпла́та соотве́тствует её квалифика́ции — her pay/salary is commensurate with her qualifications

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > соответствовать

  • 5
    в соответствии

    1) General subject: (to be) in sympathy with (smth.) , according, according to, accordingly, amenably, in accord with (smth.) , in accordance, in accordance with, in agreement with (smth.) , in compliance with, in conformity (with) , in keeping with, pro rata, pursuant, in compliance of, in sympathy with, up-to-date, in accord, in concord, in keeping, as outlined (in)

    10) Sakhalin energy glossary: as directed by , in accordance (with requirements) , quoted by, quoted per

    11) Sakhalin R: as directed by , in accordance

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > в соответствии

  • 6
    находиться в соответствии с

    It has been proved that the capacity, efficiency and strength of the boiler are as guaranteed by the manufacturer.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > находиться в соответствии с

  • 7

    В ЛАД


    1. — чему, скем-чем (Prep

    the resulting




    corresponding exactly to (the beat, rate, rhythm




    ): in tune (keeping, accord, harmony, concert) with

    in time with
    to the rhythm of
    at one with.



    together, in harmony, synchronously

    in unison

    in concert
    in tune
    as one (man)


    не в лад — out of step (tune, time).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Л-8

  • 8



    1. петь, звучать — (с чем) music (to sing, sound notes


    ) at the same pitch or in octaves

    in unison.

    2. — с чем, чему corresponding exactly to the mood, emotional spirit (of some person, group, happening


    ): in unison with

    in harmony (tune, keeping) with
    harmonize with.

    3. У-116 скем-чем (to do


    ) in coordination, together (with




    ): as one

    in unison.

    4. — отвечать (to answer) with the same inflection, intonation, expressing the same emotion (as one’s interlocutor)

    in the same fashion (spirit, tone)




    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > У-116

  • 9
    в лад


    1. в лад чему, с кем-чем [


    ; the resulting





    corresponding exactly to (the beat, rate, rhythm





    in tune (keeping, accord, harmony, concert) with;

    at one with.

    ♦ «Была бы у меня эта книжечка, — сказала Лёлька, провожая меня до порога с малышом на руках, — я бы спать не ложилась — её читала! День и ночь бы читала, глаз бы не перевела!» Её речь звучала в лад со сказкой — это наново поразило меня (Чуковская 2). «Had I this little book,» said Lyolka as she accompanied me to the door with the baby in her arms, «I would not go to bed, I would read it! Night and day I would read it without closing my eyes!» I was struck again how much her words sounded in tune with the fairy-tale (2a).

    ♦…Сами себе Андрей и Настёна виделись в этот укромный час не настоящими, чужими — настолько покаянно и тихо, смиряя всё вокруг, с полным прощением перед прощанием, отходил этот крутой, горячий день. И они в лад его смирению говорили тихо, почти шёпотом (Распутин 2)….Andrei and Nastyona seemed unreal, strangers to themselves in this secluded hour-that was how funereally and quietly the abrupt, harsh, hot day departed, calming everything around them, with full forgiveness before its farewell. And they spoke softly, almost in a whisper, in keeping with the day’s passing (2a).

    ♦ [ Иван:] Быть может, настал час той славы, о которой мечтали вы с детства! Не уступите, не прозевайте… миллионы сердец бьются в лад с вами… (Олеша 6). [I.:] Perhaps now the hour has arrived of that glory of which you have been dreaming since childhood! Don’t turn back, don’t let the opportunity slip away; millions of hearts are beating in time with yours (6a).

    together, in harmony, synchronously:

    || Neg не в лад out of step (tune, time).

    ♦ Мы поздоровались с классом. Ребята ответили негромко, но в лад. We said hello to the class, and the kids responded softly, though in unison.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > в лад

  • 10
    в унисон


    1. петь, звучать (с чем) music (to


    , sound notes


    ) at the same pitch or in octaves:

    in unison.

    2. в унисон с чем, чему corresponding exactly to the mood, emotional spirit (of some person, group, happening



    in harmony <tune, keeping> with;

    harmonize with.

    ♦ Музыка звучала в унисон моему меланхоличному настроению. The music was in keeping with my melancholy mood.

    ♦ «В воздухе чувствовалось дыхание приближающейся грозы». Этой фразой я завершу роман «В поисках радости»… Приближающаяся гроза оживляет пейзаж и звучит в унисон событиям: лёгкий намёк на революцию, на любовь моего Вадима к Татьяне Кречет… (Терц 4). «The breath of an approaching thunderstorm could be sensed in the air.» With this phrase I would end my novel In Search of Joy….An approaching storm would enliven the landscape and harmonize with the novel’s events, introducing a faint hint of revolution and of the love of my hero Vadim for Tatyana Krechet (4a).

    3. в унисон с кем-чем (to do


    ) in coordination, together (with





    in unison.

    4. в унисон отвечать( to answer) with the same inflection, intonation, expressing the same emotion (as one’s interlocutor):

    in the same fashion <spirit, tone>;

    match(ing) s.o.‘s tone.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > в унисон

  • 11
    находиться в соответствии с

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > находиться в соответствии с

  • 12

    to correspond , to conform , to be in accordance / in harmony / in keeping ; to meet, to answer

    соответствовать чьим-л. планам — to fit in with smb.’s arrangements

    Russian-english dctionary of diplomacy > соответствовать

  • 13
    не в лад

    1) out of keeping with smth.; at variance with smth.; out of tune with smth.

    Странная улыбка, не в лад с разговором, на миг появилась на его лице. (А. Бек, Жизнь Бережкова) — A faint smile oddly out of keeping with the drift of the conversation flitted across his face.

    — Ступайте до табора, ласковая моя, желанными гостями будете! — И не в лад дружественным словам в тесно сведенных к переносью глазах цыгана сверкнула какая-то зловещая насмешка. (Ю. Нагибин, Трубка) — ‘Come, precious, you’ll be welcome!’ But the ominous flash in his close-set eyes was at variance with his amicable speech.

    2) out of tune, not quite in tune; out of time; out of harmony

    Гармонист шёл серединой улицы и играл, повторяя мелодию и украшая её всё новыми и новыми узорами. И вдруг, как будто не в лад, как будто немного опаздывая, смелый, пронзительный девичий голос начал частушку. (С. Антонов, Поддубенские частушки) — The accordion player strode down the middle of the street, repeating the tune with ever new embellishments and then, seemingly not quite in tune and a little late, a confident high-pitched girlish voice struck up a chastushka.

    Едва разместившись в грузовике, они начали разноголосо и не в лад дуть в трубы. (Г. Бакланов, Бабичев) — Now, hardly had they settled themselves in the lorry, when they began to blow, out of time and out of harmony.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не в лад

  • 14


    to agree with, to fit in with, to be in keeping with

    э́то заявле́ние не вя́жется с показа́ниями свиде́телей — the statement doesn’t agree/fit in with the testimony of the witnesses

    его́ слова́ не вя́жутся с дела́ми — his words are out of keeping with his deeds

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > вязаться

  • 15

    В ХАРАКТЕРЕ чьём, кого


    the resulting




    with бытье (






    often neg) it is characteristic of or natural for


    (to do


    ): X (делать X) в Y-овом характере — X (doing X) is in (keeping with) Y’s character
    X (doing X) is in character for Y
    itfs (just) like Y (to do X)
    X ( doing X) is typical of Y


    X ( делать X) не в Y-овом характере = itis out of character for Y (to do X)

    itis not in Y (to do X)
    it’s not (in) Y% nature (to do X)
    ift unlike Y (to do X).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Х-5

  • 16
    в характере

    В ХАРАКТЕРЕ чьём, кого





    ; the resulting




    with быть (






    ); often




    it is characteristic of or natural for


    (to do



    it’s unlike Y (to do X).

    ♦ Приглашение доброе и деловое, вполне в его характере… (Орлова 1). The invitation was kind and businesslike, completely in keeping with his character… (1a).

    ♦ [Пепел:] Ну… говори… [Василиса:] Что же говорить? Насильно мил не будешь… и не в моём это характере милости просить… (Горький 3). [R:] Well, if you have anything to say — [V.:] What is there to say? You can’t force one to like you — and it’s not in my character to beg for alms (3b).

    ♦ «…Вы связали меня данным словом, от которого теперь отрекаетесь… и наконец… наконец, я вовлечён был, так сказать, через то в издержки…» Эта последняя претензия до того была в характере Петра Петровича, что Раскольников… вдруг не выдержал и — расхохотался (Достоевский 3). «…You bound me with your promise and now you’re going back on it…and any way… any way, I was led, so to speak, into expense because of that…» This last complaint was so in character for Mr. Luzhin that Raskolnikov…suddenly gave way and — burst out laughing (3a).

    ♦…Я думаю, отец знал о гибели своих детей. Дядя Гриша вряд ли скрыл бы от него этот факт, это было не в его характере (Рыбаков 1)….I think father knew about the death of his children. Uncle Grisha wouldn’t have kept it from him, it wasn’t his nature (1a).

    ♦ [Линевский:] Если только он меня не уволил. Скорей всего уволил. Скорей всего. Не в его характере не уволить (Панова 1). [L.:] If only he hasn’t fired me. Probably has, though. Probably has. It would be unlike him not to (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > в характере

  • 17

    несовер.; (с чем-л.)

    clash (with), jar (with), be out of tune/keeping (with)

    * * *

    * * *

    clash, jar, be out of tune/keeping

    * * *



    Новый русско-английский словарь > дисгармонировать

  • 18

    1. to be in keeping with, in conformity with

    Политика нашего правительства полностью соответствует интересам и устремлениям широких масс нашего народа. – The policy of our government is fully in keeping with the interests and wishes of our people/all of our people.

    2. be advanced/promoted/helped

    Этой цели соответствовало бы создание международной рабочей группы. – This goal would be advanced/promoted/helped by the establishment/creation of an international working group.

    Словарь переводчика-синхрониста (русско-английский) > соответствовать

  • 19

    1. to be in keeping with, in conformity with

    Политика нашего правительства полностью соответствует интересам и устремлениям широких масс нашего народа. – The policy of our government is fully in keeping with the interests and wishes of our people/all of our people.

    2. be advanced/promoted/helped

    Этой цели соответствовало бы создание международной рабочей группы. – This goal would be advanced/promoted/helped by the establishment/creation of an international working group.

    Русско-английский словарь переводчика-синхрониста > соответствовать

  • 20
    его действия идут вразрез с его словами

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > его действия идут вразрез с его словами

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    in keeping with

    1. In accordance with.
      • 2023 February 22, Paul Stephen, “TfL reveals first of new B23s for Docklands Light Railway”, in RAIL, number 977, page 12:

        In keeping with the stock they are replacing, the B23s are fully automated.


    • out of keeping with


    in accordance with

    • Arabic: تَمَاشِيًا مَعَ(tamāšiyan maʕa), تَبَعًا لِـ(tabaʕan li-)
      Egyptian Arabic: وفقا لـ(wefqn le)
    • Bulgarian: в съгласие с (v sǎglasie s)
    • German: entsprechend (de), gemäß (de), in Übereinstimmung mit, im Einklang mit
    • Greek:
      Ancient: εἰκότως (eikótōs) (+ genitive)
    • Polish: zgodnie z
    • Serbo-Croatian: у складу са, u skladu sa
    • Turkish: -e uygun olarak


    • keeping in with

    : agreeing with or sharing important qualities with (something)

    The decorations in the house are in (perfect) keeping with her personality.

    In keeping with the overall design of the park, the playground will remain small.

    Cite this Entry

    “In keeping with.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/in%20keeping%20with. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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    Merriam-Webster unabridged

    Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

    This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

    Asked by: Collin Hauck

    Score: 4.7/5
    (17 votes)

    : agreeing with or sharing important qualities with (something) The decorations in the house are in (perfect) keeping with her personality.

    What Does not in keeping with mean?

    Conforming to, in harmony with, as in The new wing is in keeping with the house’s original architecture, or His actions are not in keeping with his words.

    What does keep with it mean?

    keep with (someone or something)

    To associate with or remain in the company of someone or something.

    Was in for meaning?

    be in no mood for something/to do something phrase. DEFINITIONS1. to be going to experience something, especially something unpleasant. It looks as if we’re in for some stormy weather. If he’s expecting everyone to support him, he’s in for a shock.

    What does keeping together mean?

    to keep things or a group of people together; to keep something, including a group of people, from falling apart. I hope we can keep our club together for a few more years. We will keep it together for a while longer. Keep your toys together. Don’t scatter them all over the house.

    31 related questions found

    What is a word for coming together?

    Some common synonyms of gather are assemble, collect, and congregate. While all these words mean «to come or bring together into a group, mass, or unit,» gather is the most general term for bringing or coming together from a spread-out or scattered state.

    What does get it together mean?

    1 : to begin to live in a good and sensible way : to stop being confused, foolish, etc. If he doesn’t get it together pretty soon, he’s going to end up in jail. 2 : to begin to function in a skillful or effective way The company finally got it together and started making a profit this year.

    Are Into Meaning?

    Idiom: be into something. to be really interested in something. to really like doing some activity. to be very active in something.

    What is something in meaning?

    see (something) in (something or someone)

    phrasal verb. : to notice or perceive (something good or attractive) in (someone or something)

    Is in for a treat Meaning?

    used for saying that you know someone is going to enjoy something. The public is in for a treat when this new show opens. Synonyms and related words.

    What is a word for keep going?

    In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for keep-going, like: persevere, continue, proceed, keep on, progress, advance, support, endure, patronize, patronise and bridge-over.

    How do you say 100 in slang?

    $100 bill is occasionally «C-note» (C being the Roman numeral for 100, from the Latin word centum) or «century note»; it can also be referred to as a «Benjamin» or «Benny» (after Benjamin Franklin, who is pictured on the note), or a «yard» (so $300 is «3 yards» and a $50 bill is a «half a yard»).

    What does it mean to keep someone around?

    1. To continue to have someone or something at hand, in close proximity, or in one’s employ. A noun or pronoun can be used between «keep» and «around» Whether you rent or own your home, you should always keep a good toolkit around.

    Is in consonance with meaning?

    : in agreement with His beliefs are in consonance with the political party’s views.

    What is pursuant to mean?

    : in carrying out : in conformity with : according to.

    What should I say instead of something?

    Synonyms & Antonyms of something

    • being,
    • commodity,
    • entity,
    • existent,
    • individual,
    • individuality,
    • integer,
    • object,

    What Simping means?

    As a verb, “simping” describes the act of attempting to impress a woman by doing things for her that you would not otherwise have an interest in doing. TikTok has built a nation on the back of the term, as only viral hashtagging can.

    What does Somethink mean?

    New Word Suggestion. common mispronunciation of the word «something» Submitted By: boyerul — 12/09/2012. Approval Status: Pending Investigation.

    What is another word for into?

    In this page you can discover 29 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for into, like: toward, within, in, interested, in the direction of, inside, against, among, form, through to and divisor.

    What did you get up reply?

    It just means «do something.» So «What did you get up to» means «What did you do?» Perhaps your friend wanted to ask you about how you spent your free time and also implied about the rest of it. «What did you get up to?» is asking what you’ve been doing, in the past.

    What does I’m into mean?

    4. The phrase «I’m really into it» means that the speaker is very interested in the subject or activity he or she is talking about. Here’s an example. I have been playing football for ten years. I am really into it.

    Is keep it together an idiom?

    To remain calm, composed, and self-possessed, especially despite or in the midst of some trouble or difficulty. I had a really hard time keeping it together after my wife died. I don’t know how she keeps it together with so many different responsibilities to manage.

    How do you use get together in a sentence?

    become part of; become a member of a group or organization.

    1. They usually get together once a month.
    2. Every week they get together to make music .
    3. Employees get together and brainstorm ideas .
    4. Let’s all get together and act as one.
    5. Let’s get together again sometime.
    6. All the members of the family get together once a year.

    Is it get together or get together?

    The hyphenated term, get-together, is a noun that describes a casual social gathering. The word get-together came into use at the beginning of the twentieth century. Remember, the verb phrase get together is never hyphenated, the noun form get-together is always hyphenated.

    Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

    Meaning of IN KEEPING WITH in English

    going well together, agreeing, similar In keeping with our tradition of letting the visiting team kick first we will do it for this game as well.

    English idioms vocab.

         Словарь английских идиом и выражений.

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