Word meaning have in mind


have in mind — иметь в виду; быть на уме
we have in mind — имеется в виду
what have you in mind? — а) что ты собираешься сделать?; что у тебя на уме?; б) что ты имеешь в виду?
to bear / have/ keep / in mind — помнить, вспоминать
This is not exactly what I had in mind. — Я имел в виду несколько другое.

Автоматический перевод

иметь в виду, помнить

Перевод по словам

have  — иметь, обладать, получать, содержать, обман, мошенничество
mind  — разум, ум, внимание, взгляд, возражать, помнить, мягкий, слабый


Not exactly what I had in mind.

Не совсем то, что я имел в виду.

He had in mind to see his old teacher.

Он хотел повидать своего старого учителя.

Did you have anyone in mind for the job?

Есть ли у вас кто-нибудь на примете для этой работы?

I had it in mind that one day I might move to Spain.

Я имел в виду, что в один прекрасный день я мог бы переехать в Испанию.

It was a nice house, but it wasn’t quite what we had in mind.

Это был хороший дом, но не совсем то, что мы имели в виду.

For a long time I had it in mind to write a book about my experiences.

Долгое время я вынашивал мысль написать книгу о том, что мне случилось пережить.

He was making soothing noises to the neighbours with assurances that what her indoors really had in mind was not really that. *

Он просил соседей не волноваться и уверял, что его половина имела в виду совсем другое.

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

This definitely wasn’t what I’d had in mind.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

have in mind

1. To be considering someone or something as a candidate or possibility for something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «have» and «in.» I have Jane in mind for this job because she is clearly the most qualified candidate. What did you have in mind for dinner tonight?

2. To plan or intend to do something. I have in mind to ground you for a month for disobeying me like that!

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

have someone or something in mind

Fig. to be thinking of someone or something as a candidate for something. Did you have anyone in mind for the job? I have something in mind for the living-room carpeting. He probably had himself in mind when he spoke about the need for new blood.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

have it in mind to do something


have something in mind

plan or intend to do something: How long have you had this in mind?

have somebody/something in ˈmind (for something)

be planning to ask somebody to do a job, or use something to do a job: I need a secretary, but I haven’t got anyone in mind.I’ve got a picture by Hockney in mind for the front cover of the book.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

have in mind

1. To remember or think of: She has your best interests in mind.

2. To intend or be inclined (to do something): I have in mind to sell the house.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • (something) to go on
  • a casualty of (something)
  • a whole different animal
  • a whole different ball of wax
  • a whole different beast
  • (someone or something) promises well
  • (something) is not your daddy’s
  • (something) is not your dad’s
  • (something) is not your father’s
  • a/the feel of (something)

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иметь в виду

имеется в виду



имеются в виду

имею ввиду


имеют ввиду


имеешь ввиду

нужно учитывать


There are several things that you should have in mind before going car shopping.

Есть несколько вещей, которые вы должны иметь в виду, прежде, чем идти автомобиль покупки.

Further, speaking about the acute gastritis, we will have in mind his usual, the most frequent form.

В дальнейшем, говоря об остром гастрите, мы будем иметь в виду его обычную, наиболее частую форму.

Here we have in mind that the person is not able to resist the shameful acts, capable of various heinous acts.

Здесь имеется в виду, что человек не способный устоять перед постыдными деяниями, способен на различные отвратительные поступки.

Here we have in mind the use of one type of weapon initially, but with the intention to use the second one if necessary.

Тут имеется в виду использование одного вида оружия изначально, но с намерением задействовать и второй при необходимости.

People who invented alarms probably didn’t have in mind a tidsoptimist.

Люди, которые придумали сигналы тревоги, вероятно, не имели в виду типоптимиста.

What they really have in mind in announcing their dicta is a moral obligation.

В действительности, то, что они имели в виду, делая свои заявления, является моральным обязательством.

What you have in mind will be doable, affordable and lasting.

То, что вы имеете в виду, будет выполнимым, доступным и прочным.

Some of these answers may even cause you to reconsider the model you have in mind.

Некоторые из этих ответов могут даже заставить вас пересмотреть модель, которую вы имеете в виду.

Plus, have in mind they only get 5$ per day to do this.

Кроме того, имейте в виду, что они получают только 5 $ в день, чтобы сделать это.

On the contrary, you might have in mind a completely relaxing tour.

Напротив, вы можете иметь в виду полностью расслабляющий тур.

Another factor that you should have in mind is how much light you really want to block.

Еще один фактор, который вы должны иметь в виду, сколько света вы действительно хотите заблокировать.

Players need to also have in mind that such machines usually play a maximum of 5 credits.

Игроки также должны иметь в виду, что такие машины обычно принимают максимум 5 кредитов.

Whether inequality is rising or falling depends on where, when and what aspect of inequality we have in mind.

Растет или падает неравенство, зависит от того, где, когда и какой аспект неравенства мы имеем в виду.

What we have in mind is cooperation between two independent missile defense systems.

Мы имеем в виду сотрудничество между двумя независимыми системами противоракетной обороны.

You may think that the menu you have in mind is great, but your customers can perceive it absolutely differently.

Вы можете подумать, что меню, которое вы имеете в виду, великолепно, но ваши клиенты могут воспринимать его совершенно по-разному.

Scientists have in mind is extremely dangerous phenomena, which are very often can cause tragedies.

Ученые имеют в виду чрезвычайно опасные явления, которые весьма часто могут стать причиной трагедий.

For ordinary goods or services we have in mind in the first instance usually their relation to money.

Для обычных товаров и услуг мы, прежде всего, имеем в виду их отношение к деньгам.

Variation is great because it will give you a chance to test out different designs that you might have in mind.

Вариация хороша тем, что она даст вам возможность опробовать различные дизайны, которые вы могли иметь в виду.

Speaking about the variety of forms of ownership, we have in mind fairly well-known things.

Говоря о многообразии форм собственности, мы имеем в виду довольно известные вещи.

This view also admits chaos and self-organization of matter, but let us clarify what exactly we have in mind.

Этот взгляд также допускает хаос и самоорганизацию материи, но надо уточнить, что мы имеем в виду.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат have in mind

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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  • 1
    have a mind to

    быть не прочь, быть склонным (сделать или сказать что-л.)

    …I have a mind to manage my life in my own way without interference from anybody. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Mrs. Craddock’, ch. IV) —…я намерена устроить свою жизнь, как мне захочется, и ни в чьих советах не нуждаюсь.

    I’ve half a mind to arrest you for vagrancy. (P. G. Wodehouse, ‘Biffen’s Millions’, ch. 1) — я подумываю, не арестовать ли вас за бродяжничество.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > have a mind to

  • 2
    have a mind like a cesspool

    I always thought you had a mind like a sewer, and Malaya hasn’t improved it. (D. Cusack, ‘Southern Steel’, ch. LV) — я всегда знала, что ум твой подобен сточной яме. И, побывав в Малайе, ты не стала лучше.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > have a mind like a cesspool

  • 3
    have in mind

    have in mind помнить, иметь в виду;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > have in mind

  • 4
    have in mind

    Персональный Сократ > have in mind

  • 5
    have in mind to

    собираться (сделать или сказать что-л.)

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > have in mind to

  • 6
    have in mind

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > have in mind

  • 7
    have in mind

    1. помнить; иметь в виду

    2. иметь в виду

    Синонимический ряд:

    mean (verb) aim at; aim for; contemplate; expect; intend; mean; plan; project; propose

    English-Russian base dictionary > have in mind

  • 8
    have a mind to

    English-Russian base dictionary > have a mind to

  • 9
    have in mind

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > have in mind

  • 10
    have in mind

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > have in mind

  • 11
    have a mind

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > have a mind

  • 12
    have a mind of one’s own

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > have a mind of one’s own

  • 13
    have a mind of somebody own

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > have a mind of somebody own

  • 14
    have a mind to

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > have a mind to

  • 15
    have a mind to do

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > have a mind to do

  • 16
    have in mind

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > have in mind

  • 17
    have in mind that

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > have in mind that

  • 18
    have off mind

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > have off mind

  • 19
    have in mind

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > have in mind

  • 20
    have in mind

    иметь в виду, помнить

    Новый англо-русский словарь > have in mind


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • have a mind of your own — phrase to have strong opinions and the ability to make your own decisions William certainly has a mind of his own! Thesaurus: to have an opinion or opinionssynonym Main entry: mind * * * have a mind of your own : to have your own ideas and make… …   Useful english dictionary

  • have in mind someone — have in mind (someone/something) to think about someone or something as being right for a particular situation. What job did the president have in mind for the former senator? The costumes were exactly what he had in mind. She would say only that …   New idioms dictionary

  • have in mind something — have in mind (someone/something) to think about someone or something as being right for a particular situation. What job did the president have in mind for the former senator? The costumes were exactly what he had in mind. She would say only that …   New idioms dictionary

  • have in mind — (someone/something) to think about someone or something as being right for a particular situation. What job did the president have in mind for the former senator? The costumes were exactly what he had in mind. She would say only that they had… …   New idioms dictionary

  • have a mind like a sieve — see ↑sieve, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑mind * * * have a memory/mind like a ˈsieve idiom (informal) to have a very bad memory; to forget things easily Main entry: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • have in mind — have (something) in mind to be thinking about something as a possibility. I thought we might eat out tonight. Where did you have in mind? (usually used in questions) I think that s probably what he had in mind …   New idioms dictionary

  • have a mind of its own — informal phrase if a machine or object has a mind of its own, it behaves in a way that you do not expect This shopping trolley has a mind of its own. Thesaurus: describing machines and pieces of equipmenthyponym parts of machines and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • have a mind of one’s own — {v. phr.} To be independent in one s thinking and judgment. * /Tow has always had a mind of his own so there is no use trying to convince him how to vote./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • have a mind of one’s own — {v. phr.} To be independent in one s thinking and judgment. * /Tow has always had a mind of his own so there is no use trying to convince him how to vote./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • have a mind of one’s own — To be strong willed and independent, unwilling to be persuaded or dissuaded by others • • • Main Entry: ↑mind * * * be capable of independent opinion or action ■ (of an inanimate object) seem capable of thought and intention, esp. by behaving… …   Useful english dictionary

  • have (your) mind on (something) — to be thinking about something. It s hard to work when you ve got your mind on other things …   New idioms dictionary

have in mind — перевод на русский

/hæv ɪn maɪnd/

Well, that isn’t quite what I had in mind.

Ну, это не совсем тот звук, который я имел в виду.

This is just the sort of thing I had in mind when I decided to have you down here.

Это как раз то, что я имел в виду когда решил призвать вас сюда.

That is not what I had in mind, Mr. Towns.

Я неэто имел в виду, мистер Таун.

Then you need to know what the artist really had in mind what his meanings and intentions were.

При этом вы можете узнать, что художник на самом деле имел в виду Какого его замысел и намерения.

What I had in mind was actually more on the line of a few words of sage counsel, as it were, advice.

Я, вообще-то, имел в виду нечто другое. Пару слов сказать, дать мудрый совет.

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Not exactly what I had in mind though.

Хотя,не то,о чем я думал.

Do you have any idea what the painter had in mind?

Можете предположить, о чем думал художник?

You know, that’s exactly what I had in mind.

Я именно об этом и думал.

That’s not the future I have in mind.

Это не то будущее, о котором я думал.

I had in mind to give you a little something, before all the fuss begins.

Я думала дать тебе кое-что, пока вся эта возня не началась.

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Stop fussing over me; tell me what you have in mind?

Мне не нравятся все эти любезности. Говорите сразу, что вы задумали.

What is it you have in mind?

Что вы задумали?

No matter what number you have in mind, infinity is larger.

Не важно, какое число вы задумали — бесконечность больше.

And you, what do you have in mind?

А вы, что вы задумали?

What exactly did you have in mind?

Что именно вы задумали?

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You know what I have in mind.

Ты знаешь, что у меня на уме.

Not for what I have in mind.

Не для того, что у меня на уме.

I’ll show you what I have in mind.

Я покажу тебе, что у меня на уме.

What did you have in mind?

Что у вас на уме?

What exactly did you have in mind?

Что конкретно у вас на уме?

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At first I had in mind to become a biologist.

Сначала я хотел стать биологом.

This isn’t exactly the career I had in mind when I got out of OCS.

Я тоже не этим хотел заниматся, когда закончил офицерские курсы.

How much did you have in mind?

Сколько вы хотите?

— When did you have in mind?

А когда бы ты хотел?

— I don’t know what you have in mind.

— Что ты хочешь?

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What do you have in mind?

Интересно, что у тебя в голове?

What do you have in mind, Gut?

Что у тебя в голове, Гут?

I had in mind a chimp.

У меня в голове стройные.

It’s the framing of what I have in mind which I enjoy most in filming.

Это заключение в рамку того, что у меня в голове, и есть наибольшая радость, которую я испытываю от киносъёмки.

I have the right to know what he had in mind before he died

У меня есть право знать, что творилось у него в голове перед смертью.

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Well, what I had in mind, darn it… was a month off just for you and me.

Чёрт возьми, я рассчитывал провести этот месяц вдвоём, только ты и я.

I don’t know what you have in mind.

Не знаю, на что ты рассчитываешь.

-Well, I know it’s not exactly what you had in mind but now I’m afraid you’re rather stuck with him.

— Ну, я знаю, что это не то, на что вы рассчитывали, но боюсь, теперь вам придется работать на него.

That’s not quite what we had in mind.

Это не совсем то, на что он рассчитывал.

This is not what I had in mind when I moved in here.

Я не на это рассчитывал, когда переезжал сюда.

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What I had in mind was a kind of a sports model, baby.

Ну, я представлял себе спортивную модель, детка.

— I feel like there’s an agenda and it’s not what I had in mind.

Тем, что вокруг происходит, я совсем по другому себе это представлял.

I’m sure this isn’t exactly what you had in mind for our first date.

Я уверена, что ты не так представлял наше первое свидание.

That’s not what I had in mind.

Не так я это представлял.

I know that wasn’t exactly what you had in mind for your picnic.

Я знаю, это не совсем то, как вы представляли свои пикник.

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What did you have in mind?

— Что вы подразумеваете?

— What did you have in mind?

— Что вы подразумеваете?

— Well, what did you have in mind?

Что вы подразумеваете?

— What did you have in mind?

— Что вы подразумеваете? — Вам удобно?

This isn’t what I had in mind for more excitement.

что я подразумевал под более волнительным.

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    • 1.1 Pronunciation
    • 1.2 Verb
      • 1.2.1 Alternative forms
      • 1.2.2 Translations
      • 1.2.3 See also



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have in mind (third-person singular simple present has in mind, present participle having in mind, simple past and past participle had in mind)

  1. (transitive, idiomatic) To consider, to contemplate, to intend.
    That’s not what I had in mind, but I’ll take it.
    I had in mind going shopping this afternoon.
    I had in mind to go shopping.
    I had your birthday in mind when I went shopping.
    I had in mind your birthday when I went shopping.
    I had buying you a present in mind when I went to the store.
    I had in mind buying you a present when I went to the store.

Alternative forms[edit]

  • have got in mind (colloquial)


consider, intend

  • Dutch: in gedachte hebben
  • Finnish: olla mielessä
  • French: avoir en tête
  • German: vorschweben (de): I have something in mindEtwas schwebt mir vor
  • Hungarian: gondol (hu) (with -ra/-re)
  • Italian: avere in mente
  • Russian: име́ть в виду́ (ru) (imétʹ v vidú)

See also[edit]

  • bear in mind
  • keep in mind
  • put someone in mind of

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Whom do I have in mind?
Кого я имею в виду?

I know that this is not exactly a new lesson, but it is what I have in mind when I think of efficient multilateralism.
Я знаю, что это не новый урок, но именно это является для меня примером эффективного многостороннего подхода.

What do I have in mind?
Что я имею в виду?

By contrast, the type of prize system I have in mind would rely on competitive markets to lower prices and make the fruits of the knowledge available as widely as possible.
В отличие от этого, тот тип призовой системы, который имею в виду я, основывался бы на конкурентных рынках, что позволило бы снизить цену и сделало бы плоды знаний намного более доступными.

But what sort of competitiveness do they have in mind?
Но какую конкурентоспособность они имеют в виду?


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    • See Also:
      • hauteur
      • Hauts-de-Seine
      • haüynite
      • Havana
      • Havana cigar
      • Havant
      • Havasupai
      • Havdalah
      • have
      • have at
      • have on
      • have out
      • have up
      • have-a-go
      • have-not
      • Havel
      • havelock
      • haven
      • haven’t
      • haver
      • Haverford
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

have /hæv; unstressed həv, əv;
for 26. usually hæf/USA pronunciation
v. and auxiliary v., pres. sing. 1st and 2nd pers. have, 3rd has;
 pres. pl. have;
 past and past part. had;
 pres. part. hav•ing, n. 

v. [+ object]

  1. to possess;
    hold for use;
    contain:[not: be + ~-ing]I have very little property. She has green eyes.
  2. to accept in some relation:[not: be + ~-ing]He wants to marry her, if she’ll have him.
  3. to get;
    take:[not: be + ~-ing]I have some bad news.
  4. to gain possession of:[not: be + ~-ing]There are no apples to be had at that price.
  5. to experience, undergo, suffer, or endure:Have a good time; had a bad cold.[not: be + ~-ing] [+ object + verb-ed/-en]He had several cars stolen from him.[+ object + root form of verb]It would be nice to have my children speak Italian.[+ object + verb-ing]had the children speaking Italian in no time.
  6. to cause to be done or to happen, as by command or invitation: [+ object + root form of verb]Have him come here at five.[+ object + verb-ed/-en]We were having the kitchen redone.[+ object + verb-ing]She had me running back and forth all day.
  7. to hold or put in a certain position or situation:[+ object + verb-ed/-en* not: be + ~-ing]The problem had me stumped.
  8. to be responsible for:[not: be + ~-ing]She has a lot of homework.[+ object + to + verb]I have a letter to write.
  9. to hold in mind, sight, etc.:They were having doubts about his abilities.
  10. to be in a certain relation to:[not: be + ~-ing]She has three cousins.
  11. to show in action or words:[not: be + ~-ing]She had the nerve to refuse my invitation.
  12. to be distinguished by;
    characterized by:[not: be + ~-ing]This wool has a silky texture.
  13. to engage in;
    carry on:to have a conversation.
  14. to eat or drink:We had cake for dessert.
  15. to permit;
    allow:I will not have any talking during the concert.
  16. The word have is used with certain subjects, such as rumor, gossip, and talk, to mean that the following statement is an opinion or states a fact:[often: ~ + it + (that) clause* not: be + ~-ing]Rumor has it that she’s moving.
  17. The word have is used with certain subjects, such as I, we, you, one, and they, to mean much the same thing as the expression «there is» or «there are,» namely, that the object after have exists, or that the object is under consideration for discussion:Let’s see what we have here (= Let’s see what there is here).
  18. Do not use the word there with the verb have for this meaning;
    there is used with the verb be to mean «exist.»

  19. to beget or give birth to:going to have a baby.
  20. to hold an advantage over:[not: be + ~-ing]He has you there.
  21. to outwit;
    cheat:We’d been had by a con artist.
  22. to exercise;
    show:Have pity on them.
  23. to invite or cause to be present as a companion or guest:We had friends over for dinner.
  24. to engage in sexual relations with.

auxiliary verb.

  1. The verb have is used as an auxiliary verb with a past participle of another verb to form:
    • the present perfect tense, which, esp. with adverbs such as just, already, and since, shows that an action happened in the past, esp. the recent past, or its effects are still felt at the time of speaking or writing:I have just eaten (= I ate in the very recent past). I’ve known her ever since she came to the United States (= I knew her when she came to the United States, and I still know her now).
    • the past perfect tense, which shows that the action of that verb happened earlier in time than another verb:By the time the police came to the house, the crooks had already left (= The action of the crooks took place earlier than the action of the police).

  2. The verb have is used with to and the root form of a main verb to mean «must;
    to be required, compelled, or under obligation»:I have to leave now (= I must leave now).
  3. The verb have is used to stand for or replace another entire verb phrase that contains have in it
    • when answering a question:Have you been there before? —No, I haven’t.
    • when asking for agreement from the listener:We’ve been there before, haven’t we?

n. [countable]

  1. Usually, haves. [plural] a person or group that has wealth or other material advantages (contrasted with have-not ):The haves in this society are not about to give up their wealth.


  1. Idioms have done with, [ + obj] to cease;
    finish:It seemed that they would never have done with their problems.
  2. Idioms have had it:
    • Idioms[~ (+ with + object)] to be tired and disgusted:I’ve had it with your excuses.
    • [no object] to be ready for discarding, as something old or no longer useful or popular:These old computers have had it.

  3. Idioms have it coming, [~ (+ to + object)] to deserve whatever one receives:We weren’t surprised by his sudden fall from power; he had it coming to him for a long time.
  4. have it in one, to show (the ability or capability mentioned):She never knew he had it in him to be so funny.
  5. Idioms have it in for, [+ object] to wish harm to:certain the boss had it in for her.
  6. Idioms have it out, [~ (+ with + object)] to reach an understanding through fighting or arguing freely:had it out with his critics.
  7. have on:
    • [not: be + ~-ing] to wear: [+ object + on]She had a bathing suit on.[+ on + object]He had on a wrinkled old shirt.
    • [not: be + ~-ing] to have (something) switched on: [+ object + on]They had their music on very loud.[+ on + object]He had on the vacuum cleaner so he didn’t hear the bell.
    • [ + obj + on][Chiefly Brit.]to tease or fool (a person):We were having him on about the award.

  8. Idioms have to do with, [+ object]
    • to be associated with:Your ambition had a lot to do with your success.
    • to deal with:I won’t have anything to do with her until she apologizes.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(hav; unstressed həv, əv;
for 26. usually haf ),USA pronunciation
 v.  and auxiliary v., pres. sing. 1st pers. have, 2nd have  or (Archaic) hast, 3rd has  or (Archaic) hath, pres. pl. have*  past sing. 1st pers. had, 2nd had  or (Archaic) ) hadst  or had•dest, 3rd had, past pl. had;
 past part. had;
 pres. part. hav•ing, n. 


  1. to possess;
    hold for use;
    contain:He has property. The work has an index.
  2. to hold, possess, or accept in some relation, as of kindred or relative position:He wanted to marry her, but she wouldn’t have him.
  3. to get, receive, or take:to have a part in a play; to have news.
  4. to experience, undergo, or endure, as joy or pain:Have a good time. He had a heart attack last year.
  5. to hold in mind, sight, etc.:to have doubts.
  6. to cause to, as by command or invitation:Have him come here at five.
  7. to be related to or be in a certain relation to:She has three cousins. He has a kind boss.
  8. to show or exhibit in action or words:She had the crust to refuse my invitation.
  9. to be identified or distinguished by;
    possess the characteristic of:He has a mole on his left cheek. This wood has a silky texture.
  10. to engage in or carry on:to have a talk; to have a fight.
  11. to partake of;
    eat or drink:He had cake and coffee for dessert.
  12. to permit or allow:I will not have any talking during the concert.
  13. to assert, maintain, or represent as being:Rumor has it that she’s going to be married.
  14. to know, understand, or be skilled in:to have neither Latin nor Greek.
  15. to beget or give birth to:to have a baby.
  16. to hold an advantage over:He has you there.
  17. to outwit, deceive, or cheat:We realized we’d been had by an expert con artist.
  18. to control or possess through bribery;
  19. to gain possession of:There is none to be had at that price.
  20. to hold or put in a certain position or situation:The problem had me stumped. They had him where they wanted him.
  21. to exercise, display, or make use of:Have pity on him.
  22. to invite or cause to be present as a companion or guest:We had Evelyn and Everett over for dinner. He has his bodyguard with him at all times.
  23. to engage in sexual intercourse with.


  1. to be in possession of money or wealth:There are some who have and some who have not.

auxiliary verb.

  1. (used with a past participle to form perfect tenses):She has gone. It would have been an enjoyable party if he hadn’t felt downcast.
  2. to be required, compelled, or under obligation (fol. by infinitival to, with or without a main verb):I have to leave now. I didn’t want to study, but I had to.
  3. Idioms had better or best, ought to:You’d better go now, it’s late.
  4. Idioms had rather. See rather (def. 8).
  5. have at, to go at vigorously;
    attack:First he decided to have at his correspondence.
  6. Idioms have done, to cease;
    finish:It seemed that they would never have done with their struggle.
  7. Idioms have had it:
    • to become weary of or disgusted with whatever one has been doing:I’ve been working like a fool, but now I’ve had it.
    • to suffer defeat;
      fail:He was a great pitcher, but after this season he’ll have had it.
    • to have missed a last opportunity:He refused to take any more excuses and told them all that they’d had it.
    • to become unpopular or passé:Quiz shows have had it.

  8. Idioms have it coming, to merit or deserve:When they lost their fortune, everyone said that they had it coming.
  9. Idioms have it in for, to plan or wish to do something unpleasant to;
    hold a grudge against:She has it in for intelligent students who fail to use their abilities.
  10. Idioms have it out, to come to an understanding or decision through discussion or combat:We’ve been in disagreement about this for a long time, and I think we should have it out, once and for all.
  11. Idioms have on:
    • to be clothed in;
      be wearing:She had on a new dress.
    • to have arranged or planned:What do you have on for Christmas?
    • to tease (a person);
      make the butt of a joke. Cf. put (def. 34).

  12. Idioms have to do with:
    • to be connected or associated with:Your lack of confidence probably had a lot to do with your not getting the job.
    • to deal with;
      be concerned with:I will have nothing to do with their personal squabbles.

  13. Idioms to have and to hold, to possess legally;
    have permanent possession of:The house, with the mortgage finally paid, was at last their own to have and to hold.


  1. Usually, haves. an individual or group that has wealth, social position, or other material benefits (contrasted with have-not).
  • bef. 900; Middle English haven, habben, Old English habban; cognate with German haben, Old Norse hafa, Gothic haban to have; perh. akin to heave

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged Have, hold, occupy, own, possess mean to be, in varying degrees, in possession of something.
      Have, being the most general word, admits of the widest range of application:to have money, rights, discretion, a disease, a glimpse, an idea; to have a friend’s umbrella.To hold is to have in one’s grasp or one’s control, but not necessarily as one’s own:to hold stakes.To occupy is to hold and use, but not necessarily by any right of ownership:to occupy a chair, a house, a position.To own is to have the full rights of property in a thing, which, however, another may be holding or enjoying:to own a house that is rented to tenants.Possess is a more formal equivalent for own and suggests control, and often occupation, of large holdings:to possess vast territories.
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged obtain, gain, secure, procure.

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged lack.

    See of. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

have /hæv/ vb (has, having, had)(mainly tr)

  1. to be in material possession of; own: he has two cars
  2. to possess as a characteristic quality or attribute: he has dark hair
  3. to receive, take, or obtain: she had a present from him, have a look
  4. to hold or entertain in the mind: to have an idea
  5. to possess a knowledge or understanding of: I have no German
  6. to experience or undergo: to have a shock
  7. to be infected with or suffer from: to have a cold
  8. to gain control of or advantage over: you have me on that point
  9. (usually passive) slang to cheat or outwit: he was had by that dishonest salesman
  10. (followed by on) to exhibit (mercy, compassion, etc, towards)
  11. to engage or take part in: to have a conversation
  12. to arrange, carry out, or hold: to have a party
  13. to cause, compel, or require to (be, do, or be done): have my shoes mended
  14. (takes an infinitive with to) used as an auxiliary to express compulsion or necessity: I had to run quickly to escape him
  15. to eat, drink, or partake of
  16. slang to have sexual intercourse with
  17. (used with a negative) to tolerate or allow: I won’t have all this noise
  18. to declare, state, or assert: rumour has it that they will marry
  19. to put or place: I’ll have the sofa in this room
  20. to receive as a guest: to have three people to stay
  21. to beget or bear (offspring)
  22. (takes a past participle) used as an auxiliary to form compound tenses expressing completed action: I have gone, I shall have gone, I would have gone, I had gone
  23. had rather, had soonerto consider or find preferable that: I had rather you left at once
  24. have had itinformal to be exhausted, defeated, or killed
  25. to have lost one’s last chance
  26. to become unfashionable
  27. have it away, have it offBrit slang to have sexual intercourse
  28. have it so goodto have so many benefits, esp material benefits
  29. have to do withto have dealings or associate with
  30. to be of relevance to
  31. let someone have itslang to launch or deliver an attack on, esp to discharge a firearm at someone


  1. (usually plural) a person or group of people in possession of wealth, security, etc: the haves and the have-nots

See also have at, have onEtymology: Old English habban; related to Old Norse hafa, Old Saxon hebbian, Old High German habēn, Latin habēre

have in mind‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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Перевод по словам

have [verb]

verb: иметь, обладать, получать, содержать, испытывать, проводить, знать, родить, говорить, подвергаться

noun: обман, мошенничество

  • have a hand in — иметь руку в
  • have a thing for — есть вещь для
  • have dinner — обедать
  • have a discussion with — обсудить с
  • have stroke — переносить инсульт
  • have a screw loose — чокнуться
  • have a runny nose — течь из носа
  • generally have — обычно иметь
  • I have an upset stomach — У меня расстройство желудка
  • I have to — я должен

in [adjective]

preposition: в, на, по, во, при, с, у, из, через, в течение

adverb: внутри, согласно, внутрь, в дом, в наличии, дома, в моде, в прессе, на станции, на службе

noun: связи, влияние

adjective: расположенный внутри, направленный внутрь, прибывающий, находящийся у власти, для узкого круга, модный

  • be in contact — быть в контакте
  • engrossed in — поглощенный
  • be in the family way — быть в интересном положении
  • jump in place — прыжок на месте
  • be in serious condition — находиться в тяжелом состоянии
  • master of science in physics — магистр наук в области физики
  • acceleration in translation — переносное ускорение
  • difference in cost — разница в стоимости
  • role in climate change — роль в изменении климата
  • in the country — в стране
  • to my mind — на мой взгляд
  • fine mind — прекрасный ум
  • study of the mind — изучение ума
  • calculating mind — расчетливый ум
  • make up mind — решаться
  • confessions of a dangerous mind — Признания опасного человека
  • eternal sunshine of the spotless mind — Вечное сияние чистого разума
  • broaden mind — расширять кругозор
  • out of sight out of mind — с глаз долой-из сердца вон
  • open mind — открытый ум

Предложения с «have in mind»

But actually, what I have in mind today is something else.

Но сегодня у меня совсем другая цель.

What I have in mind is how much worse things might’ve been if I weren’t affluent.

Я имею в виду, что дело могло закончиться гораздо хуже, будь я не состоятельным.

What I have in mind is our policy of bail.

Я имею в виду нашу политику залогов.

The task I have in mind will require a great deal of stealth and no small amount of courage.

Для исполнения моего плана потребуется значительная доля скрытности и не меньшая доля отваги.

I have in mind taking you out, buying you a bloody steak, plying you with liquor, and asking you a question.

Я задумал угостить тебя бифштексом, напоить ликером и задать тебе вопросик.

What she did is child’s play compared to what I have in mind.

Что она сделала — это детская забава по сравнению с тем, что я задумал.

Child… you have in mind to slay, and slay your mother.

На мать, на мать ты руку поднимаешь, сын.

Here I have in mind the galloping unemployment and the rising curve of poverty.

Здесь я имею в виду быстро растущую безработицу и растущий уровень бедности.

What I have in mind is to reinforce these efforts.

Я говорю о подкреплении этих усилий.

It’s fine for social network use or anything else an amateur photographer might have in mind, but no mobile phone camera will ever satisfy a pro.

Она прекрасно подходит для социальных сетей и для всего прочего, что может придумать фотограф — любитель; но профессионала не удовлетворит ни одна камера на мобильном телефоне.

I’m obviously not going to be able to do that for you today, so let me just present to you two headlines as an illustration of what I have in mind.

Очевидно, сегодня я не смогу это сделать, поэтому позвольте мне просто предоставить вам два заголовка в качестве иллюстрации того, что я имею в виду.

I know that this is not exactly a new lesson, but it is what I have in mind when I think of efficient multilateralism.

Я знаю, что это не новый урок, но именно это является для меня примером эффективного многостороннего подхода.

“All right, Buster,” I asked, “what kind of consequences do you have in mind?”

— Ну ладно, ты, чудо — юдо, — обратился я к стене. — Какие такие последствия ты имеешь в виду?

What, err, sum did you have in mind?

Какую, э.., сумму вы имеете в виду?

Ms. Tench, whatever you have in mind, I do not appreciate being blackmailed, coerced, or talked down to.

Мисс Тенч, что бы вы ни имели в виду, мне очень не нравится, когда меня шантажируют, принуждают или унижают.

Now, I have in mind a certain elegant lady.

Короче, я положил глаз на одну шикарную особу.

You know, when I suggested we have dinner and a movie night, I didn’t exactly think a $3.99 special number 2 combo with cheese and a droning police blotter was what I would have in mind.

Знаешь, когда я предлагала совместный ужин и кино, я имела в виду не чизбургер за 3 доллара 99 центов под аккомпанимент полицейской рации.

Well, what kind of makeover did you have in mind?

Так скажи мне, что за новый образ у тебя в голове, а?

It’s the framing of what I have in mind which I enjoy most in filming.

Это заключение в рамку того, что у меня в голове, и есть наибольшая радость, которую я испытываю от киносъёмки.

In saying that West’s fear of his specimens was nebulous, I have in mind particularly its complex nature.

Когда я говорю, что страх Уэста перед своими созданиями был смутным, я прежде всего хочу подчеркнуть сложную природу этого чувства.

The matter I have in mind requires that I know all about you.

Дело, которое я имею в виду, требует безусловно, чтобы я знал о вас решительно все.

They have in mind a switch to more democratic tracks, concessions to general legality, and that in the very near future.

Имеется в виду переход на более демократические рельсы, уступка общей законности, и это дело самого недалекого будущего.

I also asked a production designer I have in mind to do a rendering of Rage’s lair.

Я также попросил художника — постановщика изобразить то, как я себе представляю берлогу Гнева.

Whatever the take, it’s more than enough payment for what I have in mind

Что бы вы ни взяли, это более чем достойная плата за то, что я задумал

If he dies, as he well may . . . well, judge for yourself how any such public attack as you have in mind will be received.

Если он умрет, а это вполне возможно… что ж, судите сами, как будет оценен тогда публичный выпад, который вы задумали.

But getting back to your needs, what did you have in mind in terms of redecorating?

Но возвращаясь к началу нашего разговора, что ты имел ввиду говоря о косметическом ремонте?

But then… what endorsement did you have in mind?

Но тогда… какую же именно поддержку вы имеете в виду?

What did you have in mind in terms of escalators?

А что Вы думаете на счет эскалаторов?

What did you have in mind? Kate asked.

Чего же ты хочешь?

It’s not what I have in mind.

У меня не то на уме.

Because nine times out of ten, what you have in mind gives me grief.

Потому что в девяти случаях из десяти то, что у вас на уме, доставляет мне одни огорчения.

We must have in mind that they are on the eve of entering Upper school.

Мы должны быть уверены, что они смогут хорошо учиться в средней школе.

Murdoch, what did you have in mind besides ruining my moving picture?

Мёрдок, чего ещё вы хотели, не считая вторжения в мой фильм?

What kind of account do you have in mind?

О каком счёте вы думали?

Is he anything like the type I have in mind?

Но это действительно такой тип, какого я имею в виду?

What did they have in mind? And what was he expected to do? He had no idea.

Что они имели в виду? и как он должен был поступить? — ему не было понятно.

What did you have in mind, Commander?

Как Вы думаете, командор что случится?

All commitments, but I have in mind specifically your commitments concerning grain shipments.

Все обязательства, но в первую очередь обязательства по поставкам зерна.

But I have in mind a way more likely to discourage other finks.

Но у меня есть план, который должен отбить всякое желание шпионить у всех потенциальных доносчиков.

One particularly I have in mind.

В особенности тот, с кем я знаком.

What time did you have in mind?

Какое время вы планируете?

What superstition did you have in mind?

Что вы называете суеверием?

What concept did you have in mind?

И какая у тебя концепция?

Can you give us some details of the reforms you have in mind?

Можете ли вы дать нам некоторые подробности о вашей реформе?

But for what I have in mind, your human form is useless. I need Plasmus.

Твоя человеческая форма бесполезна, для моих замыслов мне нужен Плазмус.

Now then… what kind of business proposition do you have in mind?

А теперь… Расскажите мне о вашем деловом предложении.

For a project of the size you have in mind there’s not another architect living who can equal Peter Keating in efficiency, taste, originality, imagination.

Для столь грандиозного проекта среди работающих ныне архитекторов нет более подходящего, чем Питер Китинг, с его деловитостью, вкусом, оригинальностью, фантазией.

And those I have in mind must be approached with caution.

А к тем, кто готов, нужно подходить с осторожностью.

So Rishon LeZion is probably what they have in mind.

Так что Ришон — ле — Цион, вероятно, то, что они имеют в виду.

But this is of course very vague, and I think it’s actually not quite the same category that you have in mind in your edit.

Но это, конечно, очень неопределенно, и я думаю, что это на самом деле не совсем та категория, которую вы имеете в виду в своем редактировании.

The wiki I have in mind is a Wikia wiki, in case that makes a difference.

Вики, которую я имею в виду, — это Wikia wiki, если это имеет значение.

The ethics is always important to have in mind, and using fear or other strong messages might not always be the best and most effective method to use.

Этика всегда важна, чтобы иметь в виду, и использование страха или других сильных сообщений не всегда может быть лучшим и наиболее эффективным методом использования.

what sort of cleanup of myths do you have in mind?

какую очистку мифов вы имеете в виду?

Is this the sort of criticism you have in mind?

Вы имеете в виду именно такую критику?

If that’s just for tease or if that is on some purpose they have in mind.

Если это просто для того, чтобы подразнить, или если это с какой — то целью, которую они имеют в виду.

Very rough version of what I have in mind for what would appear under the table of contents.

Очень приблизительная версия того, что я имею в виду для того, что появится под оглавлением.

Is there any particular application that you have in mind for such a list?

Есть ли какое — то конкретное приложение, которое вы имеете в виду для такого списка?

So the acceptability of axioms for modal logic depends on which of these uses we have in mind.

Таким образом, приемлемость аксиом для модальной логики зависит от того, какое из этих применений мы имеем в виду.

They have to have in mind that all investments have a certain degree of risk.

Они должны иметь в виду, что все инвестиции имеют определенную степень риска.

Specifically, what kind of talk pages did you have in mind?

В частности, какие страницы разговора вы имели в виду?

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