Word meaning hard times

hard times


Before it was a bouncy hit by rockers Paramore, the great American songwriter Stephen Foster had his 1854 songbook staple “Hard Times Come No More,” often shortened to “Hard Times.” That same year, Charles Dickens published Hard Times – For These Times, a summary of the economic conditions of life in England during the Industrial Revolution and the rich for ignoring the plight of the poor.

Both works helped to popularize the phrase hard times, with hard meaning “difficult” and “down on one’s luck.”

In 2017, rock group Paramore released a popular track “Hard Times,” with its titular trials referring to emotional difficulties: “Hard times, gonna make you wonder why you even try / Hard times, gonna take you down and laugh when you cry.”

The punk news site, The Hard Times, might find Paramore’s colorful video and upbeat tempo a little soft, though. For punks, hard times are times when you are beaten by the cops, lose your squat, or your band breaks up.

Dating to the late 1800s, hard time is American slang for a “jail sentence,” with hard meaning a “long” punishment for a serious crime.

And … to give someone a hard time is to criticize someone … so you can probably give someone serving hard time a hard time … right?

hard times

1) Общая лексика: не лучшие времена , лихая година, безвременье

2) Сленг: «тяжёлые времена», период экономического кризиса, период экономической депрессии

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «hard times» в других словарях:

  • Hard Times — Titre original The Hard Times of RJ Berger Genre Sitcom Créateur(s) David Katzenberg Seth Grahame Smith Production David Katzenberg Seth Grahame Smith Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hard Times — (1854) a book by Charles ↑Dickens about life in an imaginary industrial city in northern England. One of its main characters is the businessman Thomas Gradgrind, who is only interested in facts and practical matters, and teaches his children that …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Hard Times — For other uses, see Hard Times (disambiguation). Hard Times   …   Wikipedia

  • hard times — noun a time of difficulty (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑time * * * hard times see ↑hard, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑time * * * Hard Times [Hard Times …   Useful english dictionary

  • hard times — a time of poverty and drought and famine    We endured hard times in the 1930s. We were all poor …   English idioms

  • Hard, Hard Times — is a traditional Newfoundland folk song/ballad. There is an earlier version, from England, called Rigs of the Times . The latest version written in 1936 at the time of the Great Depression by William Emberley of Bay de Verde and performed by Dick …   Wikipedia

  • Hard Times Café — is a cooperatively owned restaurant in the Cedar Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis, Minnesota. It is known for its punk and hippie ideology, its gritty ambience, and its large selection of vegan and vegetarian food. It is open 22 hours a day …   Wikipedia

  • Hard Times (disambiguation) — Hard Times can refer to: * Hard Times , a novel by Charles Dickens * , a book by Studs Terkel * Hard Times , a song by Stephen Foster * At least seven movies. See Hard Times (film). * Hard Times , a song by Public Image Limited …   Wikipedia

  • Hard times token — Hard times tokens are large cent sized copper tokens, struck from about 1833 through 1843, serving as unofficial currency. These privately made pieces, comprising merchant, political and satirical pieces, were used during a time of political and… …   Wikipedia

  • Hard Times (film) — Hard Times is the title of at least seven movies. *A 1975 movie starring Charles Bronson: Hard Times (1975 film) . *Other movies titled Hard Times were released in 1909, 1915, 1930, 1977, 1988, and 1994 …   Wikipedia

  • Hard Times are in Fashion — is the third LP by Doghouse Records recording artist Koufax.Infobox Album | Name = Hard Times are in Fashion Type = Studio Album Artist = Koufax Released = August 9, 2005 Genre = Indie rock Length = Label = Doghouse Records Producer = Last album …   Wikipedia

hard times — перевод на русский

Erna falls on hard times and Christian needs some new clothes.

У Эрны настали тяжёлые времена, а Христиану нужна новая одежда.

Our country is having a hard time now.

Наша страна переживает тяжёлые времена.

But we’re going to be quitting all this as soon as hard times are over, I can tell you that.

Мы это бросим, когда пройдут тяжелые времена.

Fallen on hard times and deep sorrow,

Наступили тяжёлые времена, и глубокая печаль.

Without your help, my family must’ve been having a hard time.

Без твоей помощи моя семья переживала бы сейчас тяжёлые времена.

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These are hard times.

Нынче трудные времена.

It’s their duty to stand by the leader in hard times.

Их долг поддерживать правителя в трудные времена.

Hard time?

Трудные времена?

Golly. You girls sure are having a hard time, aren’t you?

У вас сейчас трудные времена, да?

Go to the people, tell them there are hard times ahead.

Иди к людям, и скажи им, что предстоят трудные времена.

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You’d have a hard time proving that any of those gifts Were bought with stolen money.

Вам будет трудно доказать, что подарки куплены на украденные деньги.

We’d have a hard time, but we’d do it.

Будет трудно, но мы докажем.

Mom has hard time with you.

Маме с тобой трудно.

After this session, you will have a hard time doing your job.

После того как мы закончим, вам будет трудно делать свою работу.

I think that’s why you have a hard time relaxing.

Мне кажется, поэтому тебе трудно расслабиться.

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-Your father often had hard times in his life, he lived like a dog he worked hard, but they insulted and humiliated him…

Твоему отцу часто приходилось тяжело, он жил, как собака! Он много работал, его унижали…

Worf is having a hard time dealing with his injuries.

Ворф тяжело переживает свои ранения.

Look, Tommy, we know you’re getting a hard time off Lizzy, but there’s really no need to take it out on us.

Послушай, Томми, мы все знаем, что тебе тяжело без Лиззи. но в действительности незачем взваливать это на нас.

«Mongrel children have such a hard time fitting in, dearest!»

«детям полукровкам так тяжело вписаться, дорогуша! »

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I’m having a hard time hating you too.

Я тебя понимаю. Я сама с трудом тебя ненавижу.

I must say I have a hard time stomaching those kind of scientists.

Должен сказать, я с трудом перевариваю таких учёных.

If I’m a vegetarian all my life, and one night I eat a steak, my body has a hard time digesting it, right?

Если я — вегетерианец всю свою жизнь и однажды я съем стейк, моё тело с трудом его переварит, так?

I, I have a hard time remembering what happened yesterday.

А я с трудом вспоминаю, что произошло вчера.

And it’s been my observation that you humanoids have a hard time giving up the things you love no matter how much they might hurt you.

А по моему наблюдению, вы, гуманоиды, с трудом отказываетесь от вещей, которые вам нравятся, вне зависимости от того, как сильно они могут ранить.

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You had a hard time, right?

Тебе пришлось нелегко?

Even normal parents have a hard time… raising normal children.

Даже нормальным родителям приходится нелегко … вырастить нормальных детей.

You’ll have a hard time, these are big books.

Вам будет нелегко, это очень большие книги.

Hermes had a hard time.

Гермесу тогда пришлось нелегко.

Forgive Ridzik, Captain. He’s been having a hard time lately.

Простите Ридзика капитан ему сейчас нелегко.

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I asked her because she’s going to be asked on the stand… why she has such a hard time giving me a straight answer.

Я спросил потому, что у неё спросят в суде, почему ей так сложно прямо ответить.

Well, I’m having a really hard time off the pot. It makes me so cranky and unpunctual. I’m sorry about that.

Мне правда очень сложно без травы, я становлюсь таким грубым и непунктуальным.

What you say in hard times is the truth.

Что тебе сложно сказать — так это правду.

Is this going to work, or is the top going to come off and we’ll have a really hard time explaining to the ambulance people how he’s got beef bone antlers stuck in his head?

Итак мы сделали это. Это будет работать или все вылетит вверх и нам будет действительно сложно объяснить Санитарам почему у него в голове застрял кусок кости от говядины?

I’m having a hard time figuring out who’s evil and who’s just naughty.

Мне вообще сложно понять, кто злой, а кто просто капризный.

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I’m still not convinced… and this is hardly the time to discuss it.

Сейчас не время это обсуждать.

This is hardly the time for games. Why not?

Сейчас не время для игр.

This is hardly the time to brood over the past

Не время размышлять о прошлом.

This is hardly the time to get lovey-dovey

Извини, сейчас не время разводить шуры-муры!

Onodera san, it’s hardly the time for poetry

Онодэра-сан, сейчас не время для стихов.

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Did Mom give you a hard time about borrowing her new car?

С мамой были проблемы, чтобы взять её машину?

Everyone’s having hard times.

У всех проблемы.

They’re giving my son a hard time!

Из-за них у моего сына проблемы!

Hard time, huh?


She’s a judge, she has a hard time dating,

Она судья, у нее проблемы с личной жизнью,

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I would have a hard time sleeping, so my mother would give me these pills.

я плохо спала, поэтому мо€ мама давала мне таблетки.

I’m having a really hard time with it.

И мне сейчас очень плохо.

I remembered my hard time during my living with husband’s parents, so I nearly cried.

( Со мной плохо обращались и не разрешали есть вместе со всеми. )

You having a hard time hearing me?

Ты что, плохо меня слышишь?

He has a hard time seeing the true potential of his employees.

Он плохо видит настоящие возможности своих сотрудников.

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hard  — жесткий, трудный, твердый, жестко, твердо, тяжело, каторга, брод
time  — время, времена, раз, период, приурочить, повременный

The couple nursed the business through hard times.

Супругам удалось сберечь фирму в трудные времена.

It wasn’t easy scratching out a living in those hard times.

В те времена нелегко было сводить концы с концами.

They had their happy times, but they had their hard times too.

У них были счастливые времена, но и трудности тоже были.

He had clearly fallen on hard times (=did not have much money).

Он явно переживал тяжёлые времена (т.е. у него было мало денег).

The aim is to raise money for workers who have fallen on hard times.

Цель — собрать деньги для работников, переживающих трудные времена.

Life is hard at times.

Жизнь порой трудна.

Giving you a hard time, is she?

Даёт она тебе прикурить, правда? / Тяжело тебе с ней приходится, да?

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Unpleasant and difficult situation

Hard Times Sentence Examples

  • It’s been hard times for the company since the pandemic hit.
  • I’ve been going through some hard times lately, but I know I’ll get through it.
  • I’m afraid the economy is heading for some hard times.
  • He’s been through some hard times, but he’s come out stronger for it.
  • She’s been having a hard time finding a job in this tough market.
  • It’s been hard times for the small business owners in the area.
  • I’m trying to save money for a rainy day, because you never know when hard times will come.
  • I know it’s hard times for everyone, but we need to stay strong and keep going.
  • They say that when the going gets tough, the tough get going, and these are certainly hard times.
  • He’s been through some hard times in his life, but he’s always managed to bounce back.
  • It’s hard times for the farmers, with the drought and all.
  • We’re all going through hard times right now, but we’ll come out on the other side.
  • I know it’s hard times, but we need to keep our spirits up.
  • It’s hard times for the retail industry, with so many stores closing.
  • I’m trying to stay positive, even though it’s hard times.
  • We all have to pull together during these hard times.
  • It’s hard times for the airline industry, with so many flights being cancelled.
  • I’m trying to stay hopeful during these hard times.
  • It’s hard times for the restaurant industry, with so many places shutting down.
  • We need to band together during these hard times.
  • It’s hard times for the oil industry, with prices so low.
  • I’m trying to keep my head above water during these hard times.
  • It’s hard times for the housing market, with so many foreclosures.
  • We need to support each other during these hard times.
  • It’s hard times for the stock market, with so much volatility.
  • I’m trying to keep my chin up during these hard times.
  • It’s hard times for the auto industry, with sales down.
  • We need to stick together during these hard times.
  • It’s hard times for the construction industry, with so many projects on hold.
  • I’m trying to keep a stiff upper lip during these hard times.
  • It’s hard times for the banking industry, with so many defaults.
  • We need to be there for each other during these hard times.
  • It’s hard times for the tech industry, with so many layoffs.
  • I’m trying to keep my cool during these hard times.
  • It’s hard times for the insurance industry, with so many claims.
  • We need to have each other’s backs during these hard times.
  • It’s hard times for the healthcare industry, with so many shortages.
  • I’m trying to keep my footing during these hard times.
  • It’s hard times for the education industry, with so many schools closed.

Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Wikipedia.

a hard time

1. Grief or frustration intentionally inflicted on one by another, in the form of teasing, bullying, or other ill treatment. The school bully started giving the new kid a hard time until the teacher sent him to the principal’s office. I give my brother a hard time for the gangly way he runs, but jokes aside, he’s quite a remarkable athlete. Aw, come on, dude, I was just giving you a hard time. No need to get upset about it.

2. Difficulty or a source of struggle. Often used in the phrase «have a hard time.» I’m really having a hard time in math this semester—I need to get a tutor. A: «He’s having a hard time hiding his stage fright.» B: «Um, yeah, anyone could see that.» I’ve had a hard time making friends at my new school. The other kids have been together since kindergarten and are all thick as thieves.

3. A period of emotional turmoil. I had no idea Tom was going through such a hard time because he was always so nice to me. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to start crying in your office. I’ve just been going through a hard time since my mom died. I went through a really hard time after Janet broke up with me, but I’m finally feeling better now.

hard times

Times of trouble, struggle, or unhappiness. I’ve had some hard times since losing my job, but I’m trying to stay positive.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

See also:

  • a hard time
  • hard time
  • get a hard time (from someone)
  • give (someone) the business
  • give someone the business
  • mean-spirited
  • spirited
  • take (something) too far
  • carry (something) too far
  • carry/take something too, etc. far

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Some numerology numbers have more positives that challenges while others predict hard times.

Некоторые числа в нумерологии имеют больше положительных результатов, в то время как другие предсказывают трудные времена.

I never said that I had hard times here.

People that had seen hard times.

Goodbye, and behave yourselves… because these are hard times.

До свидания, и оставайтесь самим собой… потому что сейчас тяжёлые времена.

In hard times, Russians would first of all cut off expenses on clothing and entertainment.

В сложные времена родители в первую очередь сокращают расходы на свои развлечения и одежду.

However, this is not the only sign that the economy of the United States are waiting for hard times.

Однако это не единственный признак того, что экономику США ждут сложные времена.

Because sooner or later there comes hard times.

Потому что мы знаем, что рано или поздно придут тяжелые времена.

Everyone has hard times in life and in business.

In hard times, it flourishes and grows.

Autumn and winter are hard times.

We see what hard times they had.

Мы стали свидетелями того, какие трудные времена они смогли пережить.

It just says they’ve gone through some hard times.

Это просто говорит о том, что они прошли через трудные времена.

Creativity helps people survive hard times.

These are hard words, but hard times require straight-talking.

Это жесткие слова, я знаю, но тяжелые времена требуют прямого разговора.

But she hasn’t fallen on hard times.

But he did pass through hard times, friends say.

My faith is what helps me during hard times.

However, substantive standards that promoted economic efficiency should apply equally in hard times.

Однако основные нормы, направленные на повышение экономической эффективности, должны в равной мере применяться и в тяжелые времена.

Tom never betrayed Elvis, remained faithful even in hard times.

Том ни разу не предал Элвиса, оставался верным даже в тяжелые времена.

He is near you during hard times.

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Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Meaning of HARD TIMES in English

a time of poverty and drought and famine

We endured hard times in the 1930s. We were all poor.

Wayne Magnuson.
English idioms vocabulary.

     Словарь английских идиом.

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