paying for friends; joining a fraternity or sorority; by joining greek life people will stereotype you correctly based on your letter and where you will have no individual identity
Greek life sucks, why should you pay for your friends when you can just pay for your alcohol and drink with your friends?
by GDindependent February 12, 2012
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Greek For Life
You cannot change what you are.
Very strong sense of identity and pride. Sense of belonging to something great. Passion.
Being born Greek is a blessing. No Greek would want to be anything else. Ever.
(Unlike many other cultures who convert to Judaism or whatever, you will never hear of a Greek converting to anything else. But you will see many people, including Jews, wishing they were Greek).
Tasso is «Greek for life». He was born Greek, he will die Greek.
by hahahahahahahahahaha January 15, 2008
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Greek for Life
You were in a fraternity or sorority so the hazing and occultism has left you unable to grow beyond that. The three core values of
giving everything to your social group,
being sleazy, and
never having to earn anything
will never leave you. «Greek for life» is a heavily masked call for help.
What they will say: My mates and I are all Greek for life, you can’t sit with us.
Subtext: I hate 6 out of 8 of these overgrown babies but am not confident enough to sit with anyone else.
by 123someone December 3, 2021
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Greek For Life
The opposite of winning the lottery.
John: I won the lottery!
Jim: Ah damnit, I’m Greek.
by foy_45 March 28, 2004
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Greek For Life
Strange fellow with a rectal obsession. He is ugly and smelly and he will probably go to hell some day.
I spoke to Greek For Life the other day and he is still ugly and smelly, I almost feel sorry for him.
by G.F.L February 21, 2003
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Greek for life
A smelly drunken greek who thinks hes great because he hangs around in emulation forums.
But he is really a Geek for life.
Greek for life: «I’m so great because i havn’t bathed in 4 years!»
Greek for life: » hey guys i’m so great because i was raped when i went to jail last night!»
by The incredible edible egg April 12, 2004
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More random definitions
Амфипольская епа́рхия греч.
The movie spawned an unsuccessful TV series, My Big Fat Greek Life.
You know, kind of breaking him into the Greek life.
Знаете ли, это типа вовлечения его в братство.
Living on-campus in one of the conveniently located Residence and Greek Life halls will ensure you build a community.
Проживание в одном из корпусов( Резиденс холл или Грик лайф холл) на территории кампуса позволит вам без труда
влиться в студенческую жизнь.
Papadimitrakopoulos, which feature both the subjects traditional for fiction and the scenes of Greek life in the late 19 th-
first half of the 20 th century, in particular, in the period of German occupation during World War II.
Пападимитракопулоса, в которых представлены как традиционные для художественной литературы сюжеты, так и сцены из жизни греческого общества в конце XIX-
первой половине XX века, в частности, в тяжелый период немецкой оккупации во время Второй мировой войны.
Nikiphoros Lytras is considered the pope of
painting and
the major iconographer of Greek life during the 19th century.
Литрас, Никифорос,« родоначальник
считается главным иллюстратором греческой жизни и пейзажей XIX века.
During the time of the
military junta of 1967-1974,
Mytaras sought to comment critically on Greek life through a series of realistic works entitled Photographic Documents.
В период пребывания у власти
военной хунты 1967- 1974,
Димитрис Митарас стремился придать критические комментарии греческой жизни через серию реалистических работ под названием« Фотографические документы».
It is noted that this is the only survived example of the Greek life written by hexameter, which from the genre point of view can be considered both as a
and as an epic poem.
Отмечается, что это единственный сохранившийся образец написанного гекзаметром греческого жития, который с жанровой точки зрения может рассматриваться и как
и как эпическая поэма.
Member of the Archdiocesan Council and Financial Counsellor for Life, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North
and South America and Executive Committee Member of the Endowment Fund.
член Епархиального архиепископского совета и пожизненный финансовый советник, архиепископская епархия Греческой православной церкви Северной и Южной Америки,
и член Исполнительного совета Попечительского фонда.
Greek women’s life expectancy was one of the highest in the world.
Продолжительность жизни женщин в Греции является одной из самых высоких
Biology. Biology, biology— it’s from a Greek word meaning»Life discourse.
The members of the Muslim minority actively participate in Greek political life and a good number of them are members of political parties.
Члены мусульманского меньшинства принимают активное участие в греческой политической жизни, и многие из них являются членами политических партий.
John learned about it from a Greek pharmacist, whose life was speared by Turks.
Иоанн узнал об этом от грека— аптекаря, которому турки сохранили жизнь.
The members of the Muslim minority actively participate in Greek political life and a good number of them are members of political parties.
Члены мусульманского меньшинства принимают активное участие в политической жизни Греции, и многие из них входят в политические партии.
After all, there’s more to life than the Greek system and pie, right?
В конце концов, есть больше в жизни чем греческая система и пирог, верно?
Meaning»new life,» is derived from Greek καινός kainós»new,» and ζωή zōḗ»life.
и может быть дословно истолковано как« новая жизнь».
The word Biology comes from the Greek word bios meaning» life«, and logy which basically means»the study of.
Слово биология происходит от греческого слова, означающего BIOS» жизнь«, и ЛОГОС, которое означает» слово» или» изучение.
Modern historians consider him the last King whose life account is part of Greek mythology.
Современные историки считают его последним королем, чья жизнь является частью древнегреческой мифологии.
Hatzimihalis Dalianis, the Greek leader, lost his life in a bloody battle along with 350 locals after a long siege.
Хатзимихалис Далянис, греческий лидер, потерял свою жизнь в кровопролитной битве вместе с 350 местными жителями после долгой осады.
As to the participation of the so-called Macedonian minority,
through its Rainbow Association, in Greek political life, she said that it had increased by a very small
percentage in recent years following the parliamentary elections.
Что касается участия так называемого македонского меньшинства через
его ассоциацию<< Радуга>> в политической жизни Греции, то, по словам оратора, за последние годы со времени проведения
парламентских выборов оно увеличилось совсем не намного.
You have been living life with the passionate expression of a classic Greek drama.
Since Ukrainian religious life is strongly influenced by the Greek New Testament
and the
Fathers, the student should have an elementary knowledge of the
of the New Testament.
Отцы оказывают большое влияние на религиозную жизнь в Украине, студенты должны иметь начальные
языка Нового Завета.
Article 3 of the Constitution reflects, in legal terms, the objective fact that the Orthodox Church is the religion of the overwhelming majority of the population of Greece(98 per cent),
and has played and continues to play an important role in Greek cultural life.
В статье 3 Конституции юридическим языком выражен тот объективный факт, что православие является религией подавляющего большинства населения
98 процентов) и что оно играло и
продолжает играть важную роль в культурной жизни Греции.
This image does not reflect the present state of
who have gained an important position in Greek social life.
Такой образ не отражает подлинного положения греческих женщин,
которые заняли важное место в общественной жизни Греции.
The term is taken from the Greek letter theta for»thought» or»life» or»the spirit.
Этот термин происходит от греческой буквы« тэта»- символа, которым обозначают мысль, жизнь или дух.
Christopher, in Greek“Carrying Christ”, served the Lord in life by carrying travellers through the river.
Христофор( с греческого-« носящий Христа») при жизни служил Господу, перенося путников через реку.
An ancient legend says that the Greek priest and poet Epimenides managed to extend his life to 300 years.
Античная легенда гласит, что греческому жрецу и поэту Эпимениду удалось продлить свою жизнь до 300 лет.
The science that studies origins, existence and interconnections of life organisms in the Universe is called“astrobiology”(Greek“astron”- star,“bios”- life,“logos”- science).
Наука, которая изучает происхождение, существование и взаимосвязи жизни во вселенной называется“ астробиология”( от греч.“ astron”- звезда,“ bios”- жизнь,“ logos”- наука).
When most people think about the typical college campuses in the United States, they may envision fraternities and sororities. Known as Greek life, fraternities and sororities are primarily social organizations but offer much more than social life.
Fraternities and sororities also represent other important aspects of college life:
- Leadership
- Academics
- Community Service
If you’re a high school student or you’re heading to college soon, you might be wondering: What is Greek life?
Read on to find out what Greek life is and what to consider when joining a fraternity or sorority.
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What Is Greek Life?
Fraternities and sororities, known as “Greek life,” are an essential part of many college campuses. Greek life are value-based college and university organizations that began nearly 250 years ago!
Each Greek letter organization at a college is part of a national organization. Each national organization has multiple chapters at universities across the country. Additionally, every fraternity and sorority has its own guidelines and traditions that each chapter is expected to follow.
Why do Sororities and Fraternities use Greek Letters?
The reason that fraternities and sororities use Greek letters dates back to the first academic fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa in 1776. This was a time when the study of ancient Greek was common in higher education. The idea of using Greek letters gained popularity because it created a sense of elitism and secrecy, even as the study of Greek dwindled.
In addition to displaying and wearing Greek letters, fraternities and sororities often have specific membership criteria and secret rituals.
Fraternities and sororities are primarily available to undergraduate students. However, some chapters allow graduate students to join. Joining a fraternity or sorority is a lifelong membership that offers opportunities to participate in leadership activities long after graduation
Related Resource: Best College Towns in America
What are Greek Councils? 
Greek life organizations are governed and supported by larger national organizations such as the North American Interfraternity Council (IFC). The national organizations unite different fraternities on the same college campus. The purpose of uniting different fraternities is to foster a more inclusive Greek community. This unity ensures it remains a beneficial aspect of college life to all its members.
Similarly, the National Panhellenic Council supports women in sororities across the country. This national organization aims to unite sorority sisters through the goals of improving their communities and upholding high academic standards. The National Panhellenic council includes 26 sororities at 670 campuses across the United States.
The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) is another organization that helps fraternities and sororities unite both on and across campuses. The NPHC advances equality for black men and women in Greek life through:
- Communication
- Workshops
- Initiatives
- Collaboration
The nine largest black Greek organizations belong to the NPHC.
Reasons to Join Greek Life
Greek life organizations can date back decades, offering a rich legacy to those who join. While people often associate fraternities and sororities with social life and partying, there’s much more to it than that. Plus, many organizations have strict rules on drinking, and some prohibit the consumption of alcohol in chapter houses.
So how can Greek life help with academics?
For one, some sororities and fraternities require a certain GPA in order to maintain good standing. This means a student wouldn’t be able to participate in social activities without keeping good grades.
Sororities and fraternities also connect you to fellow students with different academic strengths. This networking can provide a supportive study network when you need homework help.
Career Opportunities
Greek life also offers access to vast alumni networks, which are known to help with job connections after graduation. Membership in a Greek organization can serve as a resume booster too.
These student organizations usually require volunteering and service projects, so joining one will allow you to be involved in your community. It also shows you have social and leadership skills that are valued in a professional setting.
Social Life
Greek life is a great way to establish friendships early in your college experience. Greek organizations draw students from a variety of backgrounds, home towns, and majors. This diversity can be an opportunity to connect with and learn about students who are different from you.
Additionally, fraternity and sorority chapters often host seasonal fundraisers and formal events. These chapter events offer additional opportunities to expand your network and mingle with other students on campus.
Sororities vs. Fraternities
Sorority life fosters a sisterhood in which members support one another in all types of ways:
- Academically
- Emotionally
- Professionally
- Socially
Each sorority is designed to promote friendship and leadership. Additionally, each specific organization has its own ideals sisters are expected to hold.
Similarly, college fraternities unite men in pursuit of career and social goals. Fraternity men are part of a brotherhood, and brothers are expected to look out for one another and further each other’s interests.
Sorority members and fraternity members bond over secret initiations and often remain friends for life.
Get Involved in Greek Life
Joining the Greek community at your college can greatly enrich your college experience. However, before you join, it’s important to consider why you seek membership in a Greek letter organization and what role that organization plays in campus life overall.
Prospective members should consider these three important factors before committing to a fraternity or sorority:
- Commitment requirements
- Price
- Type of community
All fraternities and sororities have some kind of rush process for prospective Greek life members. This experience includes multiple events where students can learn more about each organization and decide which ones are their top choice. Meanwhile, current members of each Greek organization evaluate each potential member to see if they’d be a good fit.
Once a college student is offered a bid to join, they undergo a pledging process. This process includes learning about the history of the organization and attending certain events. This can be an intensive and time-consuming process, so it’s important to plan for it so you don’t neglect your academics.
Sororities and fraternities cost money to join. These costs include membership dues, which tend to be around $400 per semester but can vary. Living in a sorority or a fraternity house also costs money, and some prices include in-house meal plans. Other sororities or fraternities may charge an initial enrollment fee for new members.
Hidden costs also exist. For example, participating in recruitment as a new or participating Greek like member may require you to purchase formal or themed outfits. Brothers and sisters are also required to represent the organization with:
- Lettered clothing
- Hats
- Bags
- Other apparel
It goes without saying that the price of these items can add up.
Kinds of Greek Life
Lastly, consider if there’s a certain type of Greek organization you’d like to join. For example, you may be interested in joining an organization primarily for:
- Latinx communities
- African-Americans
- Asian communities
Other fraternities and sororities unite students based on common interests or areas of study, such as:
- Art
- Music
- Mathematics
- Medicine
- Sociology
Additionally, certain fraternities and sororities are primarily focused on academics and less on social life. These institutions are known as honor societies, and they require a high GPA both before joining and throughout college.
Understanding Greek Life Before You Join
Greek life has been an important part of college campuses for centuries and will continue to be.
Many people who join Greek life look back on their experiences fondly. From lasting friendships to leadership skill-building and career advancement, joining a Greek letter organization offers many lifelong benefits. Still, these organizations cost money and require a significant time commitment.
It’s important to have clear intentions for joining so you know what to look for before you sign up.
For more information on choosing the right college for you and maximizing your college experience, visit College Rank for rankings on campuses, majors, and more.
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
греческой жизни
греческой цивилизации
жизни греков
греческую историю
греческая жизнь
университетской жизни
греческого общества
Греческая земля
The oil produced from the olive harvest is an essential ingredient in Greek life.
Масло, полученное из урожая оливок, является неотъемлемым компонентом греческой жизни.
This Roman history is hard and prosaic; it was never clad with these ideological complements which were suited to Greek life.
Эта римская история сурова и прозаична; она никогда не облекается в те идеологические покровы, которые были характерны дли греческой жизни.
With increasing wealth went increasing isolation of respectable women, who in later times had little part in the civilized aspects of Greek life except in Sparta.
С увеличением богатства усугублялась изоляция знатных женщин, которые позднее стали уже принимать весьма малое участие в различных сторонах жизни греческой цивилизации, за исключением Спарты и Лесбоса.
Greek life is not overly prevalent.
In the past few years the refugee crisis has become a part of Greek life.
За последние несколько лет экономические трудности стали неотъемлемой частью жизни греков.
Naples city is the personification of ancient Roman and Greek life, which can be seen on the streets, in the surviving architectural elements.
Неаполь город олицетворение древней римской и греческой жизни, которую можно увидеть на его улицах, в сохранившихся архитектурных элементах.
In Iraklia, visitors will find the purest aspect of traditional Greek life.
В Ираклии посетители найдут самый чистый аспект традиционной греческой жизни.
They would have come into regular contact with Greek life and language, which were already widespread along the shores of the Galilean Sea.
Они часто возможность вступления в контакт с греческой жизни и языка, которые уже были широко распространены вдоль берегов Галилея моря.
This was a taste of Greek life in Ukraine.
Yanni’s parents provided a typical Greek life for the young boy.
Родители Янни обеспечили маленькому мальчику традиционной устой греческой жизни.
He paid homage to the Byzantine icon by floating symbols of everyday Greek life on washes of gold or sea-blue color, very much like the religious symbols that float on gold in religious art.
Он поклонился византийской иконе плавающими символами повседневной греческой жизни на моющих золотах или сине-голубом цвете, очень похожей на религиозные символы, которые плавают на золоте в религиозном искусстве.
With the promulgation of such an individualistic and faceless worldview, the axe was truly laid at the roots of Greek life.
С созданием такого индивидуалистско-безрасового интеллектуалистического мировоззрения топор опустился на корень греческой жизни».
For superb views across the Saronic Gulf, head on over to the Hill of Castella, or visit the traditional Kaminia district to experience a taster of Greek life.
Для превосходных видов через Саронический залив, отправляйтесь на гору Кастелла или посетите традиционный район Каминия, чтобы испытать дегустацию греческой жизни.
thoroughly gets a comparative view of the whole of Greek life.
Like most Greek colonies, the city was a small enclave of Greek life, and not an empire unto its own, in the later European sense of the word.
Как большинство греческих колоний, город был маленьким анклавом греческой жизни, а не отдельной империей.
During the time of the Greek military junta of 1967-1974, Mytaras sought to comment critically on Greek life through a series of realistic works entitled Photographic Documents.
В период пребывания у власти греческой военной хунты 1967-1974, Димитрис Митарас стремился придать критические комментарии греческой жизни через серию реалистических работ под названием «Фотографические документы».
This is the way Greek life functioned.
It became the uniform of Greek life.
The same goes for Greek Life.
Well, congrats on completely destroying Greek Life.
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The word life appears numerous times in the New Testament. But have you ever wondered what this word means? For instance, when Jesus said in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life and may have it abundantly,” was He saying He would help us have a better life, or that He would enrich or improve our life?
The New Testament was originally written in Greek, a language richer than English in the diversity and complexity of its vocabulary. For example, there are three Greek words for life used in the New Testament: bios, psuche, and zoe. These words have different meanings, but they’re all translated into English as life. So if we want to know which meaning life has in a particular verse, we need to know which Greek word is being used.
In this post, we’ll explore the meaning of each of these three Greek words for life using verses and notes from the New Testament Recovery Version, with a special focus on zoe.
Bios, psuche, and zoe
Let’s see some examples where bios, psuche, and zoe appear in the New Testament.
1. Bios
The Greek word translated as life in Luke 8:14 is bios:
“And that which fell into the thorns, these are those who heard and, going away, are utterly choked by anxieties and riches and pleasures of this life, and do not bring any fruit to maturity.”
Bios here refers to the life of the physical body. The English word biology comes from bios.
2. Psuche
The Greek word translated as soul-life in Matthew 16:25 is psuche:
“For whoever wants to save his soul-life shall lose it; but whoever loses his soul-life for My sake shall find it.”
Most English versions of the New Testament simply use the word “life” in this verse. But the Recovery Version translates it as soul-life to refer specifically to psuche, the Greek word used here. Psuche refers to the psychological life of the human soul, that is, the mind, emotion, and will. The English word psychology comes from psuche.
3. Zoe
The Greek word translated as life in John 1:4 is zoe:
“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”
Zoe refers to the uncreated, eternal life of God, the divine life uniquely possessed by God.
A closer look at zoe
To take a closer look at zoe, let’s read 1 John 1:1-2:
“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we beheld and our hands handled, concerning the Word of life (and the life was manifested, and we have seen and testify and report to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us).”
The notes on these verses in the New Testament Recovery Version are of tremendous help in understanding zoe. We’ll read just a few here. Note 5 of verse 1 explains the phrase Word of life:
“This is the Word mentioned in John 1:1-4, 14, who was with God and was God in eternity before creation, who became flesh in time, and in whom is life. This Word is the divine person of Christ as an account, a definition, and an expression of all that God is. In Him is life, and He is life (John 11:25; 14:6). The phrase the Word of life in Greek indicates that the Word is life. The person is the divine life, the eternal life, which we can touch. The mentioning of the Word here indicates that this Epistle is a continuation and development of John’s Gospel (cf. John 1:1-2, 14).”
Then note 1 on verse 2 explains the connection between Word of life in verse 1 and life in verse 2:
“This indicates that life is a synonym for Word of life in the preceding verse. Both denote the divine person of Christ, who was with the Father in eternity and was manifested in time through incarnation, and whom the apostles saw and testified and reported to the believers.”
And finally, note 3 on the eternal life in verse 2 says:
“Lit., the life the eternal. This life denotes the divine spiritual life, not the human soulish life or the physical life (see note 174 in Rom. 5). Eternal denotes not only duration of time, which is everlasting, without end, but also quality, which is absolutely perfect and complete, without any shortage or defect. Such an expression emphasizes the eternal nature of the divine life, the life of the eternal God. The apostles saw this eternal life and testified and reported it to people. Their experience was not of any doctrine but of Christ, the Son of God, as the eternal life, and their testimony and preaching were not of theology or biblical knowledge but of such a solid life.”
With the help of these verses and the notes, we can see that zoe is the divine person of Christ. Christ was incarnated as the man Jesus, whom the apostles could see with their eyes and even handle with their hands. Zoe isn’t something vague; it’s the wonderful person of our dear Lord Jesus!
Having, enjoying, and living by the divine life
Now let’s revisit John 10:10, which was mentioned at the beginning of this post. Here the Greek word zoe is used for life. Let’s read it again, replacing life with zoe:
“I [Christ] have come that they may have zoe and may have zoe abundantly.”
Christ as the eternal life came so we could have the eternal, divine life. This is vastly different from thinking Christ came so that we could have a better or improved human life. He came so we could have Him, the divine life.
By our physical birth, we possess only the physical life (bios) and the soulish life (psuche). No one has the divine life (zoe) when they’re born. But when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, we received Christ into us. We were born again with the divine life!
So now that we’ve received Christ, the divine life, our Christian life must be fully involved with Him. What Christ wants is for us to enjoy His life, live by His life, and let that life grow in us. Then the riches of His divine, eternal life will be expressed through us, and He will be manifested to the people all around us.
Focusing on zoe daily
When we realize that Christ’s desire is for us to have His divine, eternal, zoe life, and even have it abundantly, we’ll focus on Him enjoying Him in our spirit. We can do this by feeding on the riches in God’s Word, spending time with Christ in prayer, and experiencing Him day by day. As we enjoy the eternal life we’ve received, that life will increase within us, and little by little, we’ll express Christ in our daily life on earth.
We hope you’ve learned more about zoe. We couldn’t include all the notes on the verses mentioned in this post. But if you live in the US, you can order a free copy of the New Testament Recovery Version to read the verses with all the enlightening commentary.
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