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Full list of words from this list:
a pauper who lives by begging
In others are the broken-down
mendicants who live on soup-kitchens and begging. -
tastelessly showy
Mediocre actors are often undone by great material, but good ones can burnish even
meretricious nonsense with craft and conviction. -
make imperfect
The new blood, however, instead of redeeming the tainted stock, itself became
vitiated. -
lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest
Tired of constantly hearing this same
vapid truism, I asked him, ‘What then? -
inclined to a healthy reddish color
The prime minister, his face
ruddy with disdain, responded by calling Balls a “muttering idiot.” -
being of the property-owning class
Ashamed of being only a
bourgeois, he was squandering his fortune at Paris under an assumed title. -
predict from an omen
Republicans believe the special election
augurs well for them in November. -
lacking wit or imagination
But inside Greece, local leaders are struggling with more
prosaic concerns, like trash pickups. -
unrestrained by convention or morality
German voters are even more skeptical than their leaders about financing their “slothful” and “
profligate” neighbors. -
having gray or white hair as with age
By thy glad youth, and tranquil prime Assured, I smile at
hoary time! -
nonchalantly unconcerned
Westwood is
blase about going to next week’s major as world number one or being favorite to win at Royal St George’s. -
narrowly restricted in outlook or scope
And yet, Japanese firms have remained largely
insular, resisted change, and doubled down on existing strategies. -
threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
There were no
baleful stares at his box, only fist pumps after winning a well-played point. -
appearing as such but not necessarily so
Google insists its data gathering practice is done for the
ostensible purpose of better serving its users. -
hate coupled with disgust
It is now forgotten that with one exception—Johnson—no President ever went out of office so loaded with
odium as Washington. -
attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery
obsequious servant brings me a rump steak, grilled to perfection, and so tender that it melts in the mouth. -
anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day
With services such as Amazon’s One-Click, money and transactions are more
ephemeral than ever. -
lofty in style
Nothing is so distressing in an argument as to have a burst of
grandiloquent sentiment set aside by a few words of common sense. -
correct by punishment or discipline
The United States is an imperial power
chastened by more than 10 years of failed, heavy-footprint wars. -
emotionally purging
A few seriously evolved jazz musicians swoop in for
cathartic solos, including Mr. Sánchez and Mr. Zenón. -
formally expressing praise
He began with
panegyric verse, first on Cromwell and then on Charles, which is full of fine things and false writing. -
having the sticky properties of an adhesive
Making thin, as fluids; diluting; rendering less dense and
viscid; diluent. -
suitable for use as food
And her basket contained a miscellaneous assortment of esoteric
comestibles which would later appear in an astonishingly appetizing form at the table. -
marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners
Alexander Garvin,
natty in bowtie and jacket, watched commuters hustle through the gray, sunken concrete plaza at Citicorp Center on Lexington Avenue. -
cleverly amusing in tone
«We have a very
facetious Liverpool sense of humour, laughing at things which are stupid,» says Wells. -
threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
There was a silence which, it seemed to her, could be more
minatory even than accusation. -
call forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response
Mr. Tillotson was a little
piqued at being found so absurdly in the wrong. -
avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing
lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness
He’s now a
wizened 74-year-old, retired after serving 40 years as chief of his village. -
a composition that humorously imitates somebody’s style
I made no doubt privately that the creature would be on hand in plenty of time to write some
pasquinades about my master.Seawell, Molly Elliot -
being present everywhere at once
Back then, there were no
ubiquitous advertising campaigns promoting sports brands and fast food restaurants. -
a shackle for the ankles or feet
By nature his ideas were transformed and released from the
fetters of inherited prejudice. -
capable of relieving pain
A lull following the tempest seemed an
anodyne for broken rest. -
prudence in avoiding waste
Frugality makes an easy chair for old age.
unprovoked or without motive or justification
At heart as
wanton as he was weak…. -
disturb, especially by minor irritations
treat with contemptuous disregard
Fire safety codes are routinely
flouted in India both in private and government buildings. -
a molding between the ceiling and the top of a wall
displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses
All the same, the new focus on food safety has not necessarily translated into
epicurean experiences at breakfast, lunch and dinner. -
small and of little importance
This mystified me, but to object to the tent, of course, would have been
Created on July 25, 2012
(updated July 27, 2012)
Mastering a new language is not easy because there are numerous challenges to overcome while learning and comprehending the language. These difficulties are exacerbated when the language in question is as important as English. One of the many challenges is remembering the vocabulary.
Do many newcomers have trouble remembering English words? Well, memorising new words is a significant challenge in learning a new language, but it is not insurmountable.
Here are 100 vocabulary words, which will enhance your English language skills.
100 Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentences
Many people have a firm grasp on English grammar and even make it a point to learn new words every day, but when it comes to actually using those new words, they fall short. Is it similar in sound? If you react yes, you’ve arrived at the right place.
Reading is widely recommended as the most effective way to increase vocabulary. While immersed in a science fiction storey or a romantic work of art, it broadens your exposure to different styles and sentence structures.
Also Read: How to Remember Vocabulary Words? 9 Best Ways to Memorize English Words Fast
Vocabulary Words Meaning Set One
#Competence (Noun): capability
Similar Word: ability, proficiency
Reverse: bluntness, dullness
Usage: My competence in work has made me reach great heights.
#Compendium (Noun): summary
Similar Word: digest, compilation
Reverse: extension, enlargement
Usage: He has neatly and clearly compended his novel in less than 500 words.
#Compassion (Noun): pity
Similar Word: tenderness, gentleness
Reverse: antipathy, ruthlessness
Usage: People with too much ego don’t show any compassion.
Vocabulary Words Meaning Set Two
#Libidinous (Adjective): lustful
Word: sensual, lascivious
Reverse: moral, decent
Usage: Teenagers are becoming more libidinous nowadays.
#Ravelry (Noun): merrymaking
Word: festivity, celebration
Reverse: mourning, sadness
Usage: Ganesh Chaturthi is the best ravelry celebrated among Hindus.
#Ruse (Noun): trick, deception
Word: gimmick, a ploy
Reverse: honesty, openness
Usage: Sam had ruse Mika and also robbed money from her.
Vocabulary Words Meaning Set Three
#Simpleton (Noun): fool
Word: buffoon, jerk
Reverse: brain, genius
Usage: She is a simpleton, but has a lot of egos.
#Clannish (Adjective): exclusive
Word: selected, reserved
Reverse: welcoming, open
Usage: Nowadays clannish dresses have become a new trend.
#Satanic (Adjective): demonic
Word: cruel, maniacal
Reverse: angelic, good
Sentence: It is said that bad deeds always leave a satanic effect.
Also Read: English Conversation Sentences: Buckle Up with Spoken English Conversation Practice
Vocabulary Words Meaning Set Four
#Titular (Adjective): having a title
Word: nominal, so-called
Reverse: actual, real
Sentence: He had always refused to be titular but, he achieved many because of his personality.
#Speckle (Adjective): dotted
Word: flecked, mottled
Reverse: plain, simple
Sentence: Her dress was speckled beautifully and glossy.
#Befoul (Verb): contaminate
Word: dirty, malign
Reverse: cleanse, purify
Sentence: Vehicles today have befouled air and water.
Vocabulary Words Meaning Set Five
#Flurry (Noun): commotion
Word: turmoil, outbreak
Reverse: calm, peace
Sentence: After the corona outbreak there was no flurry in the markets.
#Quandary (Noun): Delicate situation
Word: difficulty, dilemma
Reverse: advantage, boon
Sentence: In the amusement ride, I found myself in a quandary situation.
#Quitedude (NOUN): Calm
Word: dispassion, peace
Reverse: agitation, clamour
Sentence: She felt quite a dude after the fight.
Vocabulary Words Meaning Set Six
#Proclivity (Noun): Inclination
Word: penchant, predilection
Antonyms: antipathy, dislike
Sentence: The new novel surmises in a way that hardly fits my own social
#Quisling (Noun): Traitor
Word: betrayer, collaborator
Antonyms: loyalist, patriot
Sentence: The boy who committed the crime was proved not to be a quisling.
#Plebeian (ADJECTIVE): Native
Word: local, indigenous
Antonyms: uncommon, different
Sentence: She is a plebian writer.
Also Read: Modern English Words Used in Conversation: Let’s Learn Effective English Speaking Ethics!
New Vocabulary Words with Meanings Set One
#Opulence (Noun): Wealth
Word: abundance, affluence
Antonyms: dearth, deficiency
Sentence: His opulence made her have many fake friends.
#Obviate (Verb): Counteract
Word: preclude, forestall
Antonyms: assist, support
Sentence: The weather shown on the tv obviates the snow.
#Overt (Adjective): Obvious
Word: apparent, definite
Opposite: obscure, uncertain
Example: The person in the last smiled overtly at that woman.
New Vocabulary Words with Meanings Set Two
#Meddlesome (Adjective): Interfering
Word: intrusive, meddling
Opposite: avoiding, dodging
Example: She made a meddlesome statement.
#Mincing (Adjective): Affected
Word: artificial, dainty
Opposite: extroverted, unaffected
Example: Claire can’t put up with his mincing singer for the rest of her life.
#Lavish (Adjective): wasteful
Word: extravagant, profligate
Opposite: economical, mean
Example: He came to grief because of his lavish dating habits.
New Vocabulary Words with Meanings Set Three
#Laconic (Adjective): brief
Similar Word: short, terse
Opposite: verbose, wordy
Example: Though her conversation was laconic, yet it was clear.
#Mammoth (Adjective): huge
Similar Word: enormous, gargantuan
Opposite: little, miniature
Example: My mammoth program will be finalized very soon.
#Menace (Noun): danger
Similar Word: threat, peril
Opposite: safety, surety
Example: Pollution is a potential menace to the health of the people.
New Vocabulary Words with Meanings Set Four
#Manifest (Adjective): clear
Similar Word: understandable, palpable
Opposite: unclear, obscure
Example: Her evil ambitions were manifest when she remembered the question of dowry.
#Modicum (Noun): small amount
Similar Word: ounce, shred
Opposite: lot, whole
Example: There is no modicum of fact in his statement.
#Oblivion (Noun): mental blankness
Similar Word: forgetfulness, unconsciousness
Opposite: awareness, concern
Example: She was immersed in oblivion when he left.
New Vocabulary Words with Meanings Set Five
#Refurbish (Verb): make clean
Similar Word: repair, renovate
Opposite: ruin, destroy
Example: An individual can refurbish his/her image by discipline.
#Raze (Verb): destroy completely
Similar Word: demolish, obliterate
Opposite: build, construct
Example: Dozens of forests have been razed.
#Rapt (Adjective): fully attentive
Similar Word: elated, ecstatic
Opposite: dejected, doleful
Example: She listened to the lecturer with rapt interest.
New Vocabulary Words with Meanings Set Six
#Perpetuate (Verb): maintain
Similar Word: preserve, conserve
Opposite: discontinue, cease
Example: In order to perpetuate the method of teaching, teachers should make it fun.
#Malignant (Adjective): deadly
Similar Word: destructive, mortal
Opposite: harmless, healthful
Example: She died of malignant cancer.
#DENIGRATE (VERB): besmirch
Similar Word: defame, disparage
Opposite: praise, laud
Example: We should not try to denigrate the personality of anyone.
Also Read: Daily Routine English Conversation: Make Your Communication Skills Effective
Daily Vocabulary Words Set One
#Dauntless (Adjective): bold
Similar Term: brave, gallant
Opposite: timid, fearful
Example: Hilter was a dauntless and cruel ruler.
#Decorum (Noun): grace
Similar Term: propriety, dignity
Opposite: Impropriety, Levity
Example: Maintaining decorum in school is necessary.
#Detriment (Noun): damage
Similar Term: harm, loss
Opposite: profit, benefit
Example: Drinking is a detriment to good health and hygiene.
Daily Vocabulary Words Set Two
#Dreary (Adjective): cheerless
Similar Term: comfortless, dark
Opposite: inspiring, pleasant
Example: There will be a dreary meeting tomorrow.
#Grotesque (Adjective): ugly
Similar Term: absurd, odd
Opposite: graceful, natural
Example: Her grotesque appearance makes her less popular.
#Glide (Verb): pass
Similar Term: relapse, go by
Opposite: stop, freeze
Example: Her team glided across the region easily.
Daily Vocabulary Words Set Three
#Gingerly (Adverb): carefully
Similar Term: cautiously, delicately
Opposite: hesitantly, timidly
Example: One should gingerly check their details.
#Teem (Verb): Overflow
Similar Term: overrun, full
Opposite: lack, need
Example: The teem of water squashed the shore
#Chunky (Adjective): Chubby
Similar Term: stocky, stout
Opposite: skinny, thin
Example: Ram is a chunky friend of mine.
Daily Vocabulary Words Set Four
#Hasping (Verb): Fasten
Similar Term: grab, catch
Opposite: loose, release
Example: Riya went to the door and hasped it.
#Undertone (Noun ): Mumble
Similar Term: murmur, hint
Opposite: overtone, enunciate
Example: Rai was talking in an undertone.
#Unscsthed (Adjective): Unharmed
Similar Term: unhurt, uninjured
Opposite: hurt, injured
Example: The dogs caught in the fire escaped unscathed.
Also Read: Simple Phone Conversation in English: Important Etiquette Phrases & Dialogues
Daily Vocabulary Words Set Five
#Varnish (Verb): add a layer to; embellish
Similar Term: lacquer, Cover
Opposite: uncover. reveal
Example: The painter varnished the windows.
#Tout (Verb): Laud
Similar Term: praise, promote
Opposite: blame, discourage
Example: They touted his achievement.
#Tepid (Adjective): Mild
Similar Term: warm, unenthusiastic
Opposite: enthusiastic, keen
Example: The cheering from the balcony was tepid.
Daily Vocabulary Words Set Six
#Vestige (Noun): Sign
Similar Term: glimmer, indication
Opposite: information, lot
Example: We can get a vestige through astrology.
#Ingrained (Adjective): Deep-rooted
Similar Term: deep-seated, inbred
Opposite: acquired, learned
Example: The belief of poverty is ingrained in them.
#Feud (Noun): major argument
Similar Term: conflict, dispute
Opposite: friendship, accord
Example: The feud between the two brothers lasted for one hour.
English Vocabulary Words Set One
#Fluster (Noun): perturbation, upset
Similar Term: agitation, disturbance
Opposite: peace, calmness
Example: There is a great fluster in the atmosphere due to increasing pollution.
#Fealty (Noun): allegiance
Similar Term: faithfulness, loyalty
Opposite: disloyalty, treachery
Example: They have expected fealty from their close friends.
#Broach (Verb): bring up a topic
Similar Term: introduce, moot
Opposite: stop, close
Example: The topic was broached to educate the teachers in a better way.
English Vocabulary Words Set Two
#Coy (Adjective): bashful
Synonyms: Skittish, timid
Antonyms: aggressive, forward
Sentence: Riya gave him a coy grin.
#Concoct (Verb): formulate, think up
Synonyms: contrive, create
Antonyms: demolish, destroy
Sentence: She concocted an intention to start a new career.
#Dilatory (Adjective): procrastinating
Synonyms: delaying, laggard
Antonyms: diligent, eager
Sentence: She had been dilatory but now she intended to shut her shop.
English Vocabulary Words Set Three
#Gambol (Verb): run or jump about playfully
Synonyms: prank, play
Antonyms: work, study
Sentence: The children gambolled all around the home.
#Impeach (Verb): denounce, censure
Synonyms: accuse, criticize
Antonyms: praise, commend
Sentence: He impeached the actress in front of everyone for her wrong deeds.
#Indignation (Noun): anger
Synonyms: rage, displeasure
Antonyms: delight, cheer
Sentence: The client came out in indignation from the office.
Also Read: English Words Used in Daily Life Conversation: Know How to Improve Your English
English Vocabulary Words Set Four
#Besmirch (Verb): taint
Synonyms: blacken, defile
Antonyms: honour, praise
Sentence: The actress insisted that the charge was to besmirch her
#Smear (Verb): To make something blurred
Synonyms: smudge, stained
Antonyms: clean, purity
Sentence: She painted a beautiful floral painting but, because of the rain it smeared.
#Spongy (Adjective): cushioned
Synonyms: soft, porous
Antonyms: hard, inflexible
Sentence: She baked a fluffy and spongy cake on her father’s birthday.
English Vocabulary Words Set Five
#Brevity (Noun): briefness
Synonyms: concise, short
Antonyms: longevity, lengthiness
Sentence: She explained the whole situation in brevity.
#Appal (Verb): horrify
Synonyms: alarm, amaze
Antonyms: comfort, encourage
Sentence: I am always appalled in a horror house.
#Astound (Verb): amaze
Synonyms: astonish, bewilder
Antonyms: calm, expect
Sentence: He was astounded at her presence.
English Vocabulary Words Set Six
#Exalted (Verb): praised
Synonyms: elevated, illustrious
Antonyms: criticized, debased
Sentence: She exalted the paintings made by me.
#Abandon (Verb): cease to support or look after (someone)
Synonyms: desert, leave
Antonyms: adopt, adapt
Sentence: They abandoned their old house and moved to a cottage.
#Boredom (Noun): disinterest
Synonyms: apathy, disgust
Antonyms: concern, energy
Sentence: Boredom had settled on his face since he came back from London.
Basic Vocabulary Words Set One
#Stupefy (Verb): stun
Synonyms: benumb, daze
Antonyms: enliven, inspire
Sentence: She was stupied to her spot, when she saw an accident
#Quixotic (Adjective): generous
Synonyms: idealistic, dreamy
Antonyms: cautious, pragmatic
Sentence: She has not been successful in life because of her non-quixotic ideas.
#Noxious (Adjective): harmful
Synonyms: offensive, putrid
Antonyms: helpful, healthy
Sentence: Emission from petrol cars generating noxious gases causes pollution.
Basic Vocabulary Words Set Two
#Narcissism (Noun): self-love and devotion
Synonyms: egotism, selfishness
Antonyms: humility, modesty
#Vitriolic (Adjective): bitter
Synonyms: astringent, sardonic
Antonyms: courteous, gracious
Synonyms: burglary, misappropriation
Antonyms: veto, disapprove
Also Read: Tongue Twisters in English: Practice Easy, Medium and Hard Tongue Twisters Here
Basic Vocabulary Words Set Three
#Myriad (Adjective): infinite
Synonyms: multitudinous, multiple
Antonyms: finite, limited
#Reposistion (Verb): alter
Synonyms: deviate, change
Antonyms: keep, hold
#Rambunctious (Adjective): noisy
Synonyms: boisterous, raucous
Antonyms: calm, quiet
Basic Vocabulary Words Set Four
#Rankle (Verb): annoy
Synonyms: bother, embitter
Antonyms: comfort, aid
#Recidivism (Noun): lapse
Synonyms: backsliding, decadence
Antonyms: ascent, increase
#Apposite (Adjective): apt
Synonyms: appropriate, relevant
Antonyms: inapt, inapplicable
Basic Vocabulary Words Set Five
#Jumble (Verb): disturb
Synonyms: disorder, disorganise
Antonyms: Organise, Arrange
Sentence: My life gets jumbled everyday because of new obstacles.
#Agility (Noun): quickness
Synonyms: swiftness, sprightliness
Antonyms: dullness, sluggishness
Sentence: My dog has shown agility after his training.
#Rampart (Noun): defensive wall
Synonyms: barricade, fortification
Antonyms: opening, ditch
Sentence: I have formed a rampart against boys in my school.
Basic Vocabulary Words Set Six
#Quandary (Noun): dilemma
Synonyms: in a fix, predicament
Antonyms: advantage, good fortune
Sentence: Yesterday I saw my teacher in a quandary.
#Quip (Noun): A clever remark
Synonyms: banter, gag
Antonyms: praise, flattery
Sentence: I usually make a quip when I pass by creative people.
#Pernicious (Adjective): destructive
Synonyms: injurious, unsafe
Antonyms: safe, harmless
Sentence: Aria’s approach is self-pernicious; she needs to expand a lot.
Reading is the most effective way to improve your vocabulary, but make a habit of taking notes and using the words you learn in a novel to make it even more effective. Every day, try to read something and keep a dictionary nearby. So start today!
Also Read: What are Modals in English Grammar? Important Topics of English Grammar
30 Amazing daily use vocabulary words with meaning pdf. You can download this list of thirty amazing vocabulary words.
- 30 Amazing Vocabulary Words
- 100 Daily Use Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentence
- List of Daily Use Words in English (1000+)
- Info-graphics of Vocabulary Words
30 Amazing Vocabulary Words
Sr. No. | Words | Meanings |
1 | Tedious | Tiresome |
2 | Execute | Carry out |
3 | Demolish | Destroy |
4 | Appetizing | Luscious |
5 | Hazardous | Risky |
6 | Slice | Cut |
7 | Twisted | Zigzag |
8 | Shimmering | Radiant, Sparkling |
9 | Astonishing | Unbelievable |
10 | Wrathful | Furious |
11 | Gorgeous | Beautiful |
12 | Enormous | Huge |
13 | Gigantic | Big |
14 | Initiate | Start |
15 | Frosty | Cold |
16 | Sob | Weep |
17 | Savory | Delicious |
18 | Raze | Destroy |
19 | Inequity | Difference |
20 | Definite | Certain |
21 | Wreck | Break |
22 | Murky | Dark |
23 | Narrate | Describe |
24 | Frigid | Cool |
25 | Unimaginative | Lifeless |
26 | Acknowledge | Response |
27 | Abominable | Terrible |
28 | Rotten egg | Bad Person |
29 | Nettle | Anger |
30 | Dauntless | Brave |
100 Daily Use Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentence
- Abuse: to use something wrongfully
- I am abusing my character.
- Acknowledge: to recognize or admit the truth or validity of something
- I acknowledge your hard work.
- Adult: a person who has reached the age of majority
- He is an adult now.
- African: pertaining to the continent of Africa or its peoples
- African culture is very diverse.
- Agricultural: relating to farming or agriculture
- The region has a strong agricultural heritage.
- Air: the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth
- The air was fresh and clean.
- Also: in addition or as well
- I also want to try that new restaurant.
- And: used to link words, phrases, and clauses together
- I went shopping and ate out.
- Author: someone who writes books, articles, or other written works
- K Rowling is an author.
- Baseball: a sport played by two teams on a diamond-shaped field
- Baseball is my favorite sport.
- Believe: to accept something as true without proof or evidence
- I believe we can make a difference.
- Beneath: lower or less than something
- The river is beneath the bridge.
- Biological: relating to living things, their structure, and functions
- Biological processes are very complex.
- Blue: a color between green and violet in the visible spectrum
- The sky was a deep blue today.
- Break: to separate into two or more pieces
- I accidentally dropped the plate and it broke.
- Business: an organization, or industry involved in providing goods
- She runs her own successful business.
- By: used to indicate how something is done
- The food was cooked by me.
- Cap: a protective covering for the head
- He was wearing a baseball cap.
- Carrier: someone or something that provides transportation
- FedEx is a renowned carrier company.
- Championship: the title held by the winner of any competition
- The team won the championship last year.
- Commit: to pledge or promise to do something
- I committed to helping the charity.
- Concern: an issue, problem, or point of interest
- Air pollution is a growing concern.
- Conduct: the way in which someone behaves or something happens
- He showed excellent conduct during the meeting.
- Conservative: looking to traditional values and cautious about change
- She is a conservative voter.
- Consumer: someone who purchases goods or services
- The consumer market is growing.
- Cooperation: the act of working together to achieve a common goal
- Cooperation between the two teams was essential for success.
- Cow: a female bovine kept for milk production
- The farmer has three cows.
- Creation: the act of making or producing something
- The artist is known for her amazing creations.
- Crowd: a large number of people gathered in one area
- There was a huge crowd at the concert.
- Dad: an informal term for father
- My dad is a great teacher.
- Deeply: in a profound way
- She was deeply moved by his words.
- Depth: the distance downward from a surface or level
- The ocean has an incredible depth.
- Design: a plan, pattern, or arrangement of something
- He designed his own website.
- Device: a machine or tool used for a particular purpose
- The device helps measure temperature accurately.
- Dining: the act of eating at a restaurant
- We had an enjoyable dining experience.
- Emission: the release of something, usually gas or radiation
- Carbon dioxide emissions are causing global warming.
- Enterprise: a project or undertaking that typically involves risk and organization
- The new enterprise is expected to be a success.
- Environmental: relating to the natural world and its effects on living things
- He is passionate about environmental protection.
- Estimate: an approximate calculation of value, size, or amount
- The contractor gave us an estimate of the cost.
- Every day: occurring or done regularly, typically as part of a routine
- I do yoga every day to stay healthy.
- Expectation: an idea of what one expects to happen or achieve
- He had high expectations for the project.
- Fact: a piece of information that can be proven to be true
- It’s a fact that the earth is round.
- Fair: treating people equally without favoritism or discrimination
- The competition was conducted in a fair manner.
- Graduate: a person who has completed a degree or course of study
- The school had five graduates this year.
- Grow: to develop in size, amount, or importance over time
- My business has been growing steadily for years.
- Hair: thin thread-like strands that grow from the skin of humans
- She has long, blonde hair.
- Height: the distance from the bottom to the top of something
- The tree is over ten feet in height.
- Hit: to come into contact with forcefully
- He hit the ball out of the park.
- Honest: adhering to the facts and being truthful
- He is an honest person.
- How: in what manner or way
- How did you solve the problem?
- Idea: a thought or suggestion of something that could be done
- I have a great idea for a new business.
- Impression: an opinion or feeling
- He left a good impression on everyone he met.
- Inflation: a sustained increase in the average price of goods
- The government is trying to control inflation.
- Initiative: an act or strategy intended to resolve a difficulty
- She took the initiative to organize the event.
- Instructor: a person who teaches a subject or skill
- We had an excellent instructor for our class.
- International: relating to or involving more than one nation
- The company has an international presence.
- Military: of, relating to, or characteristic of members of the armed forces
- He served in the military for five years.
- Mix: to combine or blend together
- He mixed the ingredients together.
- Moon: an astronomical body that reflects light from the Sun
- The Earth has one moon.
- Musical: relating to music or musicians
- She’s learned to play several musical instruments.
- Negotiation: the process of discussing in order to reach an agreement
- The two sides engaged in negotiations for several hours.
- Network: a system or group of interconnected people or things
- He joined a network of entrepreneurs.
- Nomination: putting someone forward as a candidate for election
- His name was put forward for nomination.
- Novel: a long work of fiction
- She wrote a best-selling novel.
- Pass: to move past or beyond something
- The driver failed to pass the test.
- Period: a length of time during which certain conditions exist
- The Roman Empire flourished during the Renaissance period.
- Personally: in a way that involves oneself
- I personally think it’s the best option.
- Prefer: to like or want something more than another thing
- He prefers coffee to tea.
- Pretend: to make-believe; to act as if something were true
- The children pretended to be pirates.
- Prior: existing or coming before in time, order, or importance
- He had no prior experience in the industry.
- Proper: conforming to accepted standards; appropriate
- She wore proper attire for the event.
- Punishment: an action intended to correct or deter an offense
- He received punishment for his misbehavior.
- Qualify: to meet the necessary requirements and be eligible
- He qualified for the competition.
- Radio: a system of communication that uses electromagnetic waves
- She listens to the radio every day.
- Raw: not cooked, processed, or altered
- They ate raw fish for dinner.
- Red: the color at the end of the spectrum next to orange
- The walls were painted a bright red.
- Relax: to make or become less tense or anxious
- He took a deep breath to relax.
- Remain: to stay in the same place or condition
- She remained silent during the discussion.
- Representative: a person who represents on behalf of another
- He was elected as our representative.
- Resolve: to make a firm decision about something
- After much deliberation, they were able to resolve the issue.
- Right: correct or appropriate in a particular situation
- She was right about the answer.
- Sense: a feeling or understanding of something
- He had a sense of dread.
- Sheet: a large piece of cloth used as bedding
- She spread the sheets on her bed.
- Shirt: an article of clothing worn on the upper body
- He wore a white shirt to the party.
- Sport: an activity involving physical exertion and skill
- Basketball is his favorite sport.
- Stick: a thin and usually long piece of wood
- He used a stick to stir the fire.
- Structure: the way in which parts are arranged or organized
- The poem had a complex structure.
- Style: a manner of doing something; mode of expression
- She has her own unique style.
- Sufficient: enough to meet a need or requirement
- He had sufficient knowledge of the subject matter.
- Supposed: generally believed or accepted as true
- It was supposed to rain today.
- There: in or at that place
- He went there and never came back.
- Tiny: very small in size or amount
- She had a tiny mole on her cheek.
- Tournament: a sporting competition in which competitors play a series of games
- He won the tennis tournament.
- True: in accordance with fact or reality
- His story was true.
- Union: an organization of people formed to protect the rights of its members
- He joined a union for better benefits.
- Valuable: having worth, importance, or usefulness
- His advice was very valuable.
- Vast: very large in size or amount
- The desert was vast and empty.
- Wish: to want something to happen or be the case
- I wish I had more time.
- Working: active; having practical results or effects
- He tested the working of the machine.
- Youth: the period between childhood and adulthood
- He enjoyed his years of youth.
List of Daily Use Words in English (1000+)
adult | apply | baseball |
break | championship | commit |
cooperation | deeply | distinction |
emission | expectation | first |
general | height | impression |
Italian | let | may |
musical | offense | pass |
pollution | proper | red |
right | sense | slightly |
stick | tactic | tiny |
union | weapon | youth |
agricultural | as | believe |
business | cholesterol | concern |
cow | depth | dramatically |
enterprise | fact | foreign |
golf | hit | inflation |
key | load | message |
negotiation | opponent | period |
powerful | punishment | relax |
sacred | sheet | someone |
structure | telescope | tournament |
valuable | whole | abuse |
also | athlete | biological |
cap | climb | conservative |
crowd | device | ease |
estimate | fat | French |
grow | how | instructor |
land | lucky | mix |
nomination | ourselves | physician |
pretend | radio | representative |
scandal | show | special |
sufficient | text | travel |
village | wish | air |
assert | beneath | by |
circumstance | conduct | creation |
design | driver | environmental |
fair | former | graduate |
honest | initiative | king |
long-term | military | network |
orange | personally | prefer |
qualify | remain | sale |
shirt | soon | style |
tendency | track | vast |
wife | acknowledge | and |
author | blue | carrier |
coal | consumer | dad |
dining | education | everyday |
female | fully | hair |
idea | international | lawn |
maker | moon | novel |
package | plane | prior |
raw | resolve | scream |
silent | sport | supposed |
there | true | voice |
working | African | arise |
beautiful | broken | check |
complain | could | delivery |
dog | enemy | expression |
float | girl | high |
increasingly | journal | limit |
medication | national | once |
peak | possess | prove |
region | rose | settlement |
soccer | strategic | taxpayer |
tongue | upon | wet |
afford | argue | bear |
British | chase | competitive |
cotton | delay | doctor |
encourage | exposure | flesh |
gift | hi | increased |
joint | like | media |
narrow | Olympic | PC |
position | protest | regardless |
root | setting | so |
strange | taste | tomorrow |
unusual | west | active |
anniversary | avoid | bombing |
cat | coffee | contemporary |
dangerous | director | effectively |
evolution | fiction | funding |
handle | ie | interview |
lead | manage | mortgage |
number | painter | plate |
private | reader | respondent |
season | simply | squeeze |
surgery | thin | tube |
vs | worry | absorb |
already | at | bind |
candidate | climate | consequence |
cross | development | earth |
estate | fast | freeze |
group | housing | instruction |
lake | luck | mistake |
noise | our | physically |
pressure | radical | representation |
scale | shout | speaker |
suffer | testing | transportation |
viewer | wise | aircraft |
assess | benefit | cabin |
cite | conference | creative |
designer | drop | episode |
fairly | formula | grain |
honey | injury | kiss |
look | milk | never |
order | personnel | preference |
quality | remaining | sales |
shit | sophisticated | subject |
tennis | trade | vegetable |
wild | ago | article |
behind | burn | chip |
concentrate | cousin | depending |
drag | enough | fabric |
football | God | historic |
industry | justice | little |
mere | need | operation |
perform | poverty | publish |
relationship | rural | share |
some | stroke | teen |
tough | utility | whisper |
administrator | apparently | bank |
boy | chain | comfortable |
conviction | decision | disorder |
else | exist | finding |
gather | heart | imply |
iron | legislation | massive |
much | occur | particular |
policy | project | recommendation |
rhythm | self | sky |
status | switch | throw |
under | wave | yield |
advocate | Arab | be |
bright | charge | comparison |
correct | definitely | divorce |
empty | explore | flat |
get | hero | income |
Jewish | lifetime | measurement |
naked | ok | pause |
portrait | protect | refuse |
romantic | service | smooth |
storm | tape | toe |
unlike | welcome | according |
American | attention | blade |
car | clothes | constantly |
current | different | economics |
even | feature | friendship |
guide | hunter | intensity |
late | main | modest |
northern | overcome | pilot |
priest | rapidly | researcher |
scholarship | sight | spend |
summit | their | trial |
virus | wonder | additional |
anything | bag | bother |
central | column | controversial |
dear | discrimination | electricity |
exchange | film | gap |
headline | immediately | invite |
leave | marketing | move |
obvious | park | poem |
professional | recent | retirement |
seek | situation | stare |
sustain | threat | typically |
warn | year | actor |
another | awareness | book |
Catholic | collapse | context |
darkness | disability | effort |
exactly | fifth | furniture |
happy | ill | introduction |
leading | manner | mother |
nut | pale | player |
procedure | real | responsible |
secret | sing | staff |
surprising | thinking | TV |
wait | wound | aim |
assault | bend | buyer |
circle | condition | create |
deserve | drive | environment |
failure | formation | gradually |
homeless | initially | kind |
long | might | net |
or | personality | predict |
put | rely | salary |
ship | song | stupid |
tend | trace | vary |
widespread | advertising | appropriate |
basketball | brick | chapter |
communication | corn | defense |
diverse | employ | expert |
five | gentleman | helpful |
incentive | jail | license |
mean | my | official |
patch | population | propose |
reflect | road | series |
smart | stone | talk |
title | universe | weekend |
account | among | attitude |
blame | carbon | clothing |
constitute | currently | differently |
economist | evening | federal |
from | guideline | hunting |
intention | later | mainly |
mom | nose | overlook |
pine | primarily | rare |
resemble | school | sign |
spending | sun | them |
tribe | visible | wonderful |
accompany | AM | attempt |
bite | captain | closely |
consistent | cup | differ |
eat | evaluate | favorite |
friend | guess | hundred |
intend | largely | magazine |
moderate | normally | over |
piece | price | rank |
requirement | scheme | side |
speech | suit | the |
tremendous | virtually | witness |
accurate | amount | attorney |
blanket | card | cloud |
constitutional | curriculum | difficult |
economy | event | fee |
front | guilty | hurt |
interaction | Latin | maintain |
moment | not | owe |
pink | primary | rarely |
reservation | science | signal |
spin | super | theme |
trick | vision | wood |
accident | always | attack |
bit | capital | close |
consist | culture | diet |
easy | European | favor |
fresh | guard | humor |
intelligence | large | mad |
model | normal | oven |
pie | previously | range |
require | schedule | sick |
specifically | suicide | that |
tree | violent | without |
advise | approve | battery |
brief | characteristic | company |
corporate | deficit | divide |
employer | explanation | flag |
German | here | include |
jet | life | meanwhile |
mystery | oh | patient |
port | prosecutor | reform |
role | seriously | smile |
storage | tank | tobacco |
unknown | weigh | aggressive |
art | behavior | burden |
Chinese | computer | court |
dependent | draft | enormous |
eye | foot | goal |
historian | industrial | just |
literature | menu | neck |
operating | perfectly | pour |
publicly | relation | running |
shape | solve | strip |
technology | touch | usually |
while | act | angry |
available | body | cash |
coat | contain | dance |
direction | effect | everywhere |
fewer | fund | hand |
identify | interpretation | lay |
mall | moreover | n’t |
painful | plant | prisoner |
reaction | respect | sea |
similarly | spring | surely |
they | truth | vote |
world | abandon | album |
assign | best | cake |
civil | confirm | crew |
desperate | due | equipment |
false | forward | grandmother |
horizon | inquiry | knife |
loss | mine | newly |
organization | pet | preparation |
question | remind | sample |
shoot | soul | substance |
term | traffic | version |
win | AIDS | aspect |
bench | buy | cigarette |
concrete | cream | desert |
drink | entry | fail |
formal | grade | home |
initial | killing | lock |
middle | nervous | option |
personal | precisely | push |
religious | salad | shine |
son | stuff | ten |
toy | various | widely |
adventure | approach | basket |
breathe | channel | communicate |
core | defendant | district |
emphasize | experiment | fitness |
genetic | help | in |
jacket | library | meal |
mutual | officer | past |
popular | proposal | reference |
river | sequence | small |
stomach | talent | tissue |
universal | week | a |
airport | asset | besides |
cable | city | confident |
credit | desk | dry |
equally | fall | fortune |
grandfather | hope | innocent |
knee | lose | mind |
new | organic | persuade |
pregnant | quarterback | remember |
same | shoe | sort |
subsequent | tent | traditional |
venture | willing | age |
arrangement | beer | build |
chicken | component | county |
demonstration | doubt | engineering |
extra | folk | glass |
himself | Indian | juice |
list | membership | nearby |
onto | perceive | potato |
psychologist | regulation | row |
shade | solar | stress |
tear | topic | used |
where | adviser | approximately |
battle | briefly | characterize |
compare | corporation | define |
division | employment | explode |
flame | gesture | heritage |
including | Jew | lifestyle |
measure | myth | oil |
pattern | portion | prospect |
refugee | roll | serve |
smoke | store | tap |
today | unless | weight |
agency | arrest | before |
building | chief | compose |
couple | deny | down |
English | extraordinary | follow |
global | hip | indicate |
jump | listen | memory |
nearly | open | percentage |
potential | psychology | reinforce |
rub | shadow | soldier |
stretch | teaspoon | toss |
useful | whereas | adjust |
apart | ball | boundary |
ceremony | come | conventional |
debt | disease | elementary |
exercise | finance | garlic |
healthy | impact | involvement |
legacy | marry | Mr |
occasionally | participant | point |
profit | recognition | revenue |
seize | ski | statement |
sweet | throat | ultimately |
waste | yes | adapt |
anybody | background | borrow |
celebrity | college | contribute |
dead | discourse | elect |
excellent | figure | gallery |
have | imagination | investigator |
learning | margin | mountain |
observe | pant | plus |
product | reasonable | result |
security | sister | standard |
survive | though | two |
want | wrong | agent |
arrive | beginning | bunch |
childhood | comprehensive | course |
depend | dozen | enjoy |
extremely | food | go |
his | individual | jury |
literary | mention | necessary |
operate | perfect | pound |
publication | relate | run |
shall | solution | string |
technique | totally | usual |
which | abortion | all |
assistance | between | camera |
class | confusion | crisis |
destruction | duty | escape |
famous | founder | grave |
hospital | insist | knowledge |
lots | minority | next |
origin | philosophy | presence |
quiet | repeat | satellite |
shopping | source | success |
territory | train | vessel |
wine | accomplish | amazing |
attend | black | capture |
closer | constant | curious |
difference | economic | evaluation |
fear | friendly | guest |
hungry | intense | last |
modern | north | |
overall | pile | pride |
rapid | research | scholar |
sigh | speed | summer |
theater | trend | virtue |
woman | actual | anticipate |
awful | boot | ceiling |
collect | continued | date |
disappear | eight | examine |
fight | future | hardly |
illness | invest | league |
manufacturing | motivation | objective |
palm | pleasure | process |
realize | restaurant | section |
single | stair | surround |
thirty | twenty | walk |
write | admission | appear |
barely | brain | chairman |
commander | cook | declare |
dispute | existing | |
finger | gaze | heaven |
important | island | lemon |
match | murder | odd |
partly | politically | promise |
recording | rich | Senate |
sleep | steady | symptom |
ticket | understand | we |
young | adopt | application |
base | bread | champion |
commission | cool | deep |
distinct | emergency | expect |
firm | gene | heel |
impress | it | lesson |
matter | music | off |
party | poll | proof |
recruit | rifle | senior |
slight | step | tablespoon |
time | uniform | wealthy |
yourself | above | accuse |
allow | analysis | associate |
attract | Bible | blind |
campaign | care | classroom |
club | congressional | construct |
critic | custom | detailed |
difficulty | eager | edge |
essay | eventually | fantasy |
feed | fourth | fruit |
great | gun | hot |
husband | install | interest |
label | latter | love |
maintenance | miracle | money |
night | note | originally |
own | photo | pipe |
presentation | prime | quit |
rate | replace | resident |
satisfy | scientific | short |
significance | southern | spirit |
successfully | supply | terrorism |
themselves | transfer | trip |
via | visit | winner |
wooden | airline | assessment |
beside | cabinet | citizen |
confidence | creature | desire |
drug | equal | faith |
forth | grand | honor |
inner | kitchen | loose |
million | nevertheless | ordinary |
perspective | pregnancy | quarter |
remarkable | salt | shock |
sorry | submit | tension |
tradition | vehicle | will |
afternoon | army | become |
brush | chef | completely |
count | Democrat | dominate |
engage | extensive | flower |
given | highway | independence |
joy | line | meet |
naturally | onion | people |
possibly | province | regular |
round | severe | soft |
street | teacher | tool |
urge | wheel | action |
animal | average | bomb |
cast | code | container |
danger | directly | effective |
evidence | fiber | fundamental |
handful | identity | intervention |
layer | man | morning |
nuclear | paint | plastic |
privacy | read | respond |
search | simple | square |
surface | thick | try |
voter | worried | advance |
appoint | basic | breakfast |
chance | commitment | cop |
deer | distinguish | emotion |
expense | fish | generally |
helicopter | impressive | item |
letter | maybe | musician |
offensive | passage | pool |
properly | reduce | ring |
sensitive | slip | still |
tail | tip | unique |
wear | zone | achieve |
analyst | attractive | block |
career | clue | construction |
customer | dig | edition |
ever | feel | frustration |
guy | hypothesis | interested |
laugh | major | monitor |
nothing | owner | pitch |
principal | rather | resist |
scientist | significant | spiritual |
support | then | troop |
visitor | word | absence |
advanced | almost | appointment |
assume | basically | bike |
breast | can | change |
clear | committee | connection |
cope | criticism | defeat |
determine | distribute | early |
emotional | essentially | expensive |
farm | fishing | framework |
generate | green | hell |
hour | improve | instead |
its | laboratory | level |
lover | mayor | miss |
Muslim | no | offer |
others | passenger | photographer |
poor | president | property |
quote | reduction | report |
rise | save | sentence |
shot | slow | space |
stir | sudden | take |
test | tire | transformation |
unit | victory | weather |
wipe | affair | architect |
beach | brilliant | charity |
compete | correspondent | definition |
DNA | enable | explosion |
flavor | ghost | herself |
incorporate | job | lift |
meat | name | okay |
pay | portray | protection |
regard | roof | session |
snap | story | target |
together | unlikely | welfare |
address | anyway | bake |
bottle | century | combination |
controversy | death | discuss |
electronic | exciting | final |
garage | headquarters | immigrant |
involve | left | marriage |
movement | obviously | parking |
poet | professor | recently |
return | seem | six |
start | swear | threaten |
ugly | warning | yell |
achievement | analyze | attribute |
blood | careful | cluster |
consultant | cut | digital |
editor | every | feeling |
fuel | habit | I |
interesting | launch | majority |
month | notice | pace |
place | principle | rating |
resistance | scope | significantly |
split | supporter | theory |
trouble | visual | work |
actress | answer | away |
boom | cause | colleague |
continue | data | disagree |
egg | examination | fifty |
furthermore | hard | illegal |
invasion | leaf | manufacturer |
motion | object | Palestinian |
please | proceed | reality |
rest | secretary | singer |
stage | surprisingly | third |
twelve | wake | wrap |
against | arrange | bedroom |
budget | chest | complicated |
country | demonstrate | double |
engineer | external | focus |
glance | him | index |
judgment | lip | member |
near | only | per |
pot | psychological | regulate |
routine | sexual | soil |
strengthen | team | top |
use | whenever | affect |
area | bean | bring |
chart | competition | cost |
degree | do | encounter |
expose | flee | giant |
hey | increase | join |
light | mechanism | narrative |
old | payment | pose |
protein | regarding | room |
set | snow | straight |
task | tomato | until |
well | ah | Asian |
bell | busy | choose |
concerned | crack | deputy |
draw | entertainment | factor |
forest | good | hold |
influence | kick | loan |
metal | neighbor | opportunity |
permanent | practical | purchase |
release | sad | shelf |
something | struggle | television |
toward | value | whom |
agenda | arrival | begin |
bullet | child | composition |
courage | department | downtown |
enhance | extreme | following |
glove | hire | indication |
junior | literally | mental |
necessarily | opening | perception |
potentially | public | reject |
rule | shake | solid |
strike | technical | total |
user | whether | actually |
anxiety | baby | border |
celebrate | collection | contract |
daughter | disaster | either |
example | fighter | gain |
hat | illustrate | investigate |
lean | many | motor |
obligation | pan | plenty |
produce | really | restore |
sector | sink | stake |
survey | this | twice |
wall | writer | addition |
anyone | badly | both |
center | color | control |
dealer | discovery | electric |
exception | fill | gang |
head | immediate | investor |
leather | market | mouth |
obtain | parent | |
profession | receive | retire |
seed | site | star |
suspect | thousand | typical |
warm | yeah | agreement |
artistic | belief | bus |
choice | concept | coverage |
depression | dramatic | enter |
facility | force | golden |
history | infection | keep |
living | mess | negotiate |
opinion | perhaps | power |
pull | relatively | Russian |
she | somehow | strongly |
telephone | tourist | valley |
who | African-American | arm |
beauty | brother | cheek |
complaint | council | demand |
domestic | energy | extend |
floor | girlfriend | highlight |
incredible | journalist | limitation |
medicine | native | one |
peer | possibility | provide |
regional | rough | seven |
social | strategy | tea |
tonight | upper | what |
activity | annual | aware |
bone | category | cold |
contest | dark | dirty |
efficient | exact | fifteen |
funny | happen | ignore |
introduce | leadership | manager |
mostly | nurse | pair |
play | problem | ready |
responsibility | second | since |
stable | surprised | think |
turn | wage | would |
adjustment | apartment | ban |
bowl | certain | comedy |
conversation | decade | dish |
eliminate | exhibit | financial |
gas | hear | implement |
Iraqi | legal | mask |
Mrs | occupation | participate |
pole | program | recognize |
review | select | skill |
station | swim | through |
unable | watch | yesterday |
aid | ask | below |
butter | Christmas | conclude |
crash | describe | dream |
entirely | faculty | forget |
governor | holiday | information |
kill | locate | method |
neither | opposite | permit |
pray | purpose | relief |
safety | shelter | somewhat |
studio | temperature | tower |
variation | why | after |
armed | because | brown |
cheese | complete | counselor |
democracy | dominant | enforcement |
extension | flow | give |
highly | indeed | journey |
limited | medium | natural |
ongoing | penalty | possible |
provider | register | roughly |
several | society | stream |
teach | too | urban |
whatever | admit | appearance |
barrel | branch | challenge |
comment | cookie | decline |
distance | embrace | expand |
finish | gear | heavily |
impose | Israeli | length |
material | muscle | odds |
partner | politician | promote |
recover | rid | senator |
slice | steal | system |
tie | understanding | weak |
your | again | around |
bed | buck | chemical |
complex | counter | democratic |
door | engine | extent |
fly | glad | hill |
independent | judge | link |
meeting | nature | online |
pepper | post | provision |
regularly | route | sex |
software | strength | teaching |
tooth | us | when |
access | although | attach |
birthday | capacity | clock |
consideration | cultural | die |
eastern | ethnic | fault |
frequently | guarantee | human |
intellectual | lap | machine |
mode | nor | outside |
picture | previous | raise |
request | scene | shut |
specific | suggestion | thanks |
treaty | violence | within |
able | alive | assist |
better | call | claim |
confront | criminal | destroy |
dust | error | family |
foundation | grass | horse |
insight | know | lot |
minor | newspaper | orientation |
phenomenon | prescription | quickly |
remove | sand | shop |
soup | succeed | terrible |
trail | very | window |
ability | alcohol | assignment |
bet | calculate | civilian |
conflict | crime | despite |
during | era | familiar |
found | grant | horror |
inside | knock | lost |
minister | news | organize |
phase | prepare | quick |
remote | sanction | shooting |
sound | substantial | terms |
tragedy | versus | wind |
activist | announce | award |
bond | catch | cognitive |
content | dare | dirt |
efficiency | evolve | field |
funeral | hang | if |
into | leader | management |
most | numerous | painting |
platform | probably | reading |
response | seat | sin |
stability | surprise | thing |
tunnel | vulnerable | worth |
abroad | ally | association |
big | campus | clean |
connect | critical | detect |
ear | essential | far |
frame | greatest | hotel |
instance | labor | lovely |
mirror | nine | other |
photograph | preserve | quite |
reply | sauce | shortly |
Soviet | such | terrorist |
transform | victim | winter |
absolute | alone | assumption |
bill | Canadian | clearly |
consciousness | criticize | develop |
earn | establish | farmer |
free | grocery | house |
institution | lack | low |
missile | nobody | otherwise |
phrase | presidential | race |
reporter | saving | should |
Spanish | suddenly | testify |
transition | video | wire |
acquire | anger | authority |
board | carry | coalition |
consumption | daily | dinner |
educational | everyone | fence |
fun | half | ideal |
Internet | lawsuit | makeup |
moral | now | page |
planet | priority | reach |
resort | screen | silver |
spot | Supreme | therefore |
truly | volume | works |
aide | asleep | belt |
button | church | conclusion |
crazy | description | dress |
entrance | fade | form |
grab | holy | ingredient |
killer | location | Mexican |
nerve | opposition | person |
prayer | pursue | religion |
sake | shift | somewhere |
study | temporary | town |
variety | wide | adolescent |
apple | barrier | brand |
chamber | commercial | cooking |
decrease | distant | emerge |
expansion | fire | gender |
heavy | impossible | issue |
less | math | museum |
of | partnership | politics |
prompt | recovery | ride |
send | slide | steel |
table | tight | unfortunately |
wealth | yours | administration |
apparent | band | box |
certainly | comfort | convert |
decide | dismiss | elite |
exhibition | find | gate |
hearing | implication | Irish |
legend | mass | Ms |
occupy | participation | police |
progress | recommend | revolution |
selection | skin | statistics |
swing | throughout | uncle |
water | yet | adequate |
anywhere | balance | bottom |
CEO | combine | convention |
debate | discussion | element |
executive | finally | garden |
health | immigration | involved |
leg | married | movie |
occasion | part | poetry |
profile | recipe | reveal |
segment | size | state |
sweep | three | ultimate |
wash | yellow | academic |
alter | athletic | bird |
capability | clinic | consider |
crucial | devote | easily |
etc | fate | frequency |
growing | however | instrument |
landscape | lunch | mixture |
none | out | piano |
pretty | rail | Republican |
scared | shower | specialist |
sugar | than | treat |
violate | with | acid |
ancient | audience | blow |
carefully | coach | consume |
cycle | dimension | educate |
everybody | fellow | full |
habitat | ice | internal |
law | make | mood |
notion | pack | plan |
ratio | resolution | |
score | silence | spokesman |
suppose | therapy | truck |
vital | worker | accept |
alternative | atmosphere | birth |
capable | clinical | considerable |
cry | dialogue | east |
ethics | father | frequent |
growth | huge | insurance |
language | lung | mm-hmm |
nonetheless | outcome | pick |
prevent | rain | reputation |
scenario | shrug | species |
suggest | thank | treatment |
violation | withdraw | across |
angle | auto | boat |
case | coast | contact |
damage | direct | educator |
everything | few | function |
hall | identification | interpret |
lawyer | male | more |
nowhere | pain | planning |
prison | react | resource |
script | similar | spread |
sure | these | trust |
volunteer | workshop | about |
alliance | assistant | beyond |
camp | classic | Congress |
criteria | detail | each |
especially | fan | four |
gray | host | inspire |
lab | loud | minute |
nice | original | phone |
present | quietly | repeatedly |
satisfaction | shore | south |
successful | terror | training |
veteran | wing | absolutely |
along | assure | billion |
cancer | client | consensus |
crop | developing | earnings |
establishment | fashion | freedom |
ground | household | institutional |
lady | lower | mission |
nod | ought | physical |
press | racial | represent |
say | shoulder | speak |
sue | testimony | translate |
view | wisdom | afraid |
argument | beat | broad |
cheap | competitor | couch |
deliver | document | end |
express | flight | gifted |
hide | increasing | joke |
likely | medical | nation |
on | peace | positive |
proud | regime | rope |
settle | so-called | stranger |
tax | tone | up |
western | agree | artist |
being | bury | chocolate |
concentration | cover | depict |
drama | ensure | face |
for | gold | historical |
infant | justify | live |
merely | negative | operator |
performance | powder | publisher |
relative | rush | sharp |
somebody | strong | teenager |
tour | vacation | white |
ahead | aside | belong |
but | Christian | concert |
craft | derive | drawing |
entire | factory | forever |
government | hole | inform |
kid | local | meter |
neighborhood | oppose | permission |
practice | pure | relevant |
safe | shell | sometimes |
student | tell | towards |
variable | whose | add |
anymore | bad | boss |
cell | colonial | contribution |
deal | discover | election |
except | file | game |
he | imagine | investment |
least | mark | mouse |
observer | paper | PM |
production | recall | retain |
see | sit | standing |
survivor | thought | type |
war | yard | admire |
appeal | bar | boyfriend |
chair | command | convince |
deck | display | elsewhere |
existence | fine | gay |
heat | importance | Islamic |
legitimate | master | multiple |
ocean | particularly | political |
prominent | record | rice |
sell | slave | stay |
symbol | thus | undergo |
way | you | ad |
any | back | born |
celebration | collective | contrast |
day | discipline | elderly |
exceed | fighting | galaxy |
hate | image | investigation |
learn | map | mount |
observation | panel | plot |
producer | reason | restriction |
secure | sir | stand |
survival | those | twin |
wander | writing | advantage |
appreciate | basis | breath |
changing | common | copy |
defend | distribution | emphasis |
experience | fit | generation |
hello | improvement | itself |
liberal | me | must |
office | passion | pop |
proportion | refer | risk |
separate | slowly | stock |
tale | tired | United |
wedding | advice | approval |
bathroom | bridge | character |
community | corner | defensive |
diversity | employee | explain |
fix | gently | her |
incident | Japanese | lie |
meaning | myself | often |
path | porch | proposed |
reflection | rock | serious |
smell | stop | tall |
to | university | weekly |
Info-graphics of Vocabulary Words
Daily use vocabulary words with meaning Pdf
About The Author
The English language has an astounding number of words, and this number continues to grow each year. From preparing for your SATs or IELTS to communicating better with your peers, here are 50 daily use of English words with meanings to add to your vocabulary!
Daily use English words | Some interesting facts
The English language is arguably the most widely spoken language in the world, with approximately 1.5 billion people speaking it regularly. An interesting fact to note is that over 1 billion of this population speak English as a secondary language. The Second Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (which has a whopping volume of 20) has registered around 171,476 common words in English that are currently in use. This, however, does not account for the wide range of jargon and slang worldwide.
How many words does an average person know? Robert Charles Lee writes that around 3000 words comprehensively cover everyday writing and reading. This includes speech, texts, movies, books, newspapers, and blogs.
Understanding the meaning of some of the most commonly used English words might help you improve your daily language and comprehension. Here are 50 common English words with definitions to help you with everything from discussing current events to writing an experience letter to simply communicating better at your workplace!
1. Absence – The lack or unavailability of something or someone.
2. Approval – Having a positive opinion of something or someone.
3. Answer – The response or receipt to a phone call, question, or letter.
4. Attention – Noticing or recognizing something of interest.
5. Amount – A mass or a collection of something
6. Borrow – To take something with the intention of returning it after a period of time.
7. Baffle – An event or thing that is a mystery and confuses.
8. Ban – An act prohibited by social pressure or law.
9. Banish – Expel from the situation, often done officially.
10. Banter – Conversation that is teasing and playful.
11. Characteristic – referring to features that are typical to the person, place, or thing.
12. Cars – Four-wheeled vehicles used for traveling.
13. Care – extra responsibility and attention.
14. Chip – a small and thin piece of a larger item.
15. Cease – to eventually stop existing.
16. Dialogue – A conversation between two or more people.
17. Decisive – a person who can make decisions promptly.
18. Delusion – false impression or belief.
19. Deplete – steady reduction in the quantity or number of something.
20. Derogatory – disrespectful person or statement.
21. Edible – something suitable to be eaten.
22. Effervescent – an event marked by excitement and high spirits.
23. Eloquent – an individual who expresses themselves effectively and clearly.
24. Elusive – a person skilled at evading capture; a daily use of English words used to describe evasive criminals.
25. Embody – represented in a physical form.
Just a few more…
26. Fabricate – an invention of untrue facts to a story or situation.
27. Feasible – an activity that is possible.
28. Feat – an activity that requires great strength, skill, and courage.
29. Feeble – a person or statement that is unconvincing and weak.
30. Fixation – An obsession over something or someone.
31. Generic – a group or class that does not have a brand name.
32. Gimmick – a device or trick delivered to attract attention.
33. Graffiti – Drawings or writings on a surface in public.
34. Grandiose – a person, plan, or situation that is ambitious, showy, and impressive.
35. Grievous – an event or person causing severe grief.
You’re almost there!
36. Hiatus – A noun among daily use English words describing a gap or a pause in a sequence.
37. Hogwash – Insincere or useless statements.
38. Hostile – an unfriendly person or situation.
39. Huddle – to gather together in a close mass or group.
40. Hindsight – the understanding of an event after it has already happened.
41. Idealistic – a person who is motivated by moral and noble beliefs as opposed to practicality.
42. Imminent – an event or a situation that is about to occur or close in time.
43. Impartial – a person who is free from preconceived notions or undue bias.
44. Imperative – an action that is necessary or crucial.
45. Impromptu – describing a situation that occurs without advance preparations.
46. Jeopardize – the endangerment to a person or situation.
47. Jovial – a cheerful, merry and good-natured person.
48. Jug – a utensil or container used to hold liquids.
49. Jostle – moving through a crowd by means of shoving and pushing.
50. Jubilant – a person or crowd that is full of delight and high spirits.
Key takeaways
- The English language is extensive, with a large number of diverse terms used in daily conversations.
- Regularly updating yourself with some common English vocabulary and learning how to use them will improve your communication in the language.
- You’ll be able to convey yourself and your views much more clearly with the correct words and phrases, making you quite the orator!
Feel free to check out our blog for more such tips! In case of any assistance, reach out to us or drop a comment below!
Happy Learning!
Liked this blog? Read: Improve your English speech with these 6 amazing tips!
Q1. What are common sentences in English?
Answer- Some basic sentences that you should know are-
- How are you?
- Thank you so much.
- My name is___
- Nice to meet you.
- Where are you from?
- What do you do for a living
- Excuse me?
- I am sorry.
Q2. How do I improve my English speaking?
Answer- To improve your English you could listen to podcasts, watch movies, listen to music, and of course, read more. You can even make a list of new words you learn and try to incorporate them into your day-to-day activities.
Listen to the iSchoolConnect podcast to learn more about studying abroad and improve your English along the way!
Q3. Can I learn English by myself?
Answer- This might be challenging as you won’t know which areas need improvement, but you can do this on your own. Practice on your own through the tips mentioned above and ask your friends to help you when needed. You can also use different apps like Duolingo to learn English.
Mrs. Malaprop in Richard Sheridian’s play The Rivals tells Lydia to forget her lover in these words,
“But the point we would request of you is, that you will promise to forget this fellow—to illiterate him, I say, quite from your memory”
And the effect is hilarious! And when Shakespeare continued the tradition through Dogberry in Much Ado About Nothing, it became a trend we remember to this day. The memorable characters who provided comic relief through their mix-up of similar words also have a serious message for us. Getting your words wrong in real life can lead to just the opposite effect – tragic and disastrous.
It’s not just about not confusing similar words. It is also about knowing the right words to be used in the right contexts in the right form. Confusing? Not quite. Bear with me and I shall take you through the amazing journey of becoming a wizard with words.
FREE DOWNLOAD: 6 simple strategies to communicate better at work
In this post, we will talk about how useful vocabulary can be in so many aspects of your life.
1. To score high in entrance exams
No matter what stream you study in, entrance exams are a norm for higher studies. Word power is one of the essential skills tested in all such exams.
This is because your vocabulary indicates how well you can communicate in different situations and people.
A good vocabulary is necessary to not just crack the written exams but also to score well in sections like reading comprehension and writing essays.
The sense you make out of written material is greatly dependent on your understanding of the words in it.
Apart from this, most foreign universities require a statement of purpose where applicants make their case. and justify your candidature.
A decent word power assists in putting together an impressive write up about oneself. The lack of vocabulary and language skills of students leaves students confused.
Worse still, they outsource it and get someone else to write flowery prose for them which may not all be true in spirit.
If the foundation of basic skills as a student is weak, it’s twice as hard to make up for it as a professional. Hence, it’s a good time to start working on these basic skills even as a student.
2. To comprehend what you read
“There are many little ways to enlarge your world. Love of books is the best of all.” – Jacqueline Kennedy
Reading is an integral part of our lives. Whether or not we like it. Reading online for our daily dose of knowledge is equally important.
A good word power can help appreciate the written word better and read between the lines, understand the literal and metaphorical implications of words.
In fact, reading, in turn, also adds to your word power. So it a win-win two way street.
You can learn about developing a reading habit here
3. To be able to write well
A stockpile of words at your disposal could help you write better in any context.
As a student, you will be better equipped to write your assignments, exam essays and admission SOPs.
Emails with the right words can help you communicate more effectively. No matter what you are profession is, you can use your writing skills to share your knowledge and experiences together.
You could write for magazines, blogs etc. In fact, you can be a homemaker and start a blog of your own to tell everyone about your passions and interests.
FREE DOWNLOAD: 6 simple strategies to communicate better at work
4. To generally articulate well
Ever found yourself using the word ‘awesome’ to describe anything that’s great. Or the word ‘hate’ for everything you dislike?
Wouldn’t it be great of you could choose among, say excellent, superb, magnificent, outstanding, astounding, stunning, breathtaking, to suit the right context in which you mean it!
I also often notice that people just add the word ‘very’ to express the intensity of an emotion – “I am very very happy”.
How about getting to express the right degree of happiness – delighted, thrilled, overjoyed, ecstatic, exhilarated, euphoric!
That’s the power of a strong vocabulary! You can use the right word to express your feelings in the right manner.
5. To persuade others
Personal life or professional, it’s the power of your words that will help you persuade and get things done your way.
The art of persuasion is to be able to present your argument clearly and logically. And this becomes easier when you are able to express yourself better and present your ideas eloquently.
6. To increase level of confidence
Communication skills is one of the core skills to succeed in personal and professional life. And being proficient in it definitely boosts one’s confidence and personality.
Coherent articulation helps confidently put forth our ideas and views. You will be confident going up to people with your proposals or stand up in a meeting and explain your objections.
I am sure you can think of many situations and experiences in your life where a good vocabulary helped you. I’d love to hear from you and add to this list of reasons for developing word power. Drop in a line below.
FREE DOWNLOAD: 6 simple strategies to communicate better at work
The other posts in the series are:
1. How to build your vocabulary in 4 steps – the next post in the series takes you through the step wise process. Starting from the basics of learning the meaning of each word to how you could pile on synonyms to multiply your word power. These are steps that I used to build my own word power and wanted to share this with everyone who wants to build their command over words.
2. Learn new words – the third post in the series goes on discuss step one in detail illustrating how to start the process of learning words one step at a time. It shows a sample illustration of how your vocabulary book should have words, meanings, word forms and examples to every new word you come across. And I hope that 2 weeks after the post, you are well on your way to continuing addition to your wordpower.
3. The next post deals with making connections between words. Words that have similar meanings can be grouped together to make it easier to remember them.
4. The third post is taking step 2 a little further and develop word networks to make your learning more dynamic.
5. The final post talks about understanding nuances and connotations of words. This post talks about learning to use words in different contexts even if it means using them metaphorically and in different intensity of emotions.
Follow these steps one by one and you’ll have a strong vocabulary to reckon with. IT can help you speak better, write better and communicate better.