Word meaning good job

good job — перевод на русский

A new woman neighbor asked if there was a good job.

Новая соседка спрашивала, есть ли хорошая работа.

It may be your idea of a good job, it’s not mine.

Если по-твоему это хорошая работа, то мне так не кажется.

But you’ve got this good job, and you’re getting more used to it every day, and you see parties, like tonight, meet men like Stanhope. Millionaires.

Но у тебя хорошая работа, и ты все больше привязываешься к ней, и ты бываешь на вечеринках, как сегодня, встречаешься с такими людьми как Стэнхопы.

Good job she ain’t like her old dad, Pinkie.

Хорошая работа, она не похожа на старого папашу Пинки.

I’ve got a good job.

Хорошая работа.

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Good job.

Вот именно. Молодец.

Already paid you for running the errand, did you do a good job?

Я тебе уже заплатил. — Tы молодец, все сделал правильно.

That man of letters did a good job.

Молодец, литератор!

Really good job, Edouard.

Эдуар. Ты большой молодец.

Good job DEATH next time you’d better avoid me

Молодец, Костлявая, но в следующий раз мне лучше не попадайся!

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A very good job.

Отличная работа.

Good job, Officer.

Отличная работа, офицер.

Good job, fella.

Отличная работа, дружище!

Good job, people.

Отличная работа, ребята.

— Yeah, did a good job.

— Да, отличная работа.

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jolly good job the wives don’t go out on strike.

Очень хорошо, что домохозяйки не бастуют.

It’s a good job we haven’t been over-eating recently.

Хорошо, что мы давно не ели.

Well, I don’t think you’ve done a very good job on him.

Ну, я не думаю, что Вы хорошо его обработали.

Grammy always does such a good job.

Бабушка всегда все делает хорошо.

You’ve done a good job, Gaston.

«ы хорошо потрудилс€, √астон.

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They did a good job, don’t they?

Я хорошо поработал, не так ли!

You did a good job today, Nog.

Ты хорошо поработал сегодня, Ног.

The doctor did a good job, but that’s the Ricky you’ll see in the baby.

Доктор хорошо поработал, но вот именно такого Рики ты увидишь в своём ребёнке.

Hey. You done a good job, Wayne.

Ты хорошо поработал, Уэйн.

Squid did a good job with this body.

Скуид хорошо поработал с этим телом.

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Do a good job

Все отлично.

Playing dead and from what I heard, doing a damn good job of it, too.

Я притворился… и, похоже, у меня это отлично получилось.

Only to come home: ‘Well done, good job.

Чтобы вернувшись домой, услышать: «Отлично!

Amber Waves’ ripe cherry lips do a wonderful job of handling Diggler’s wide load. And Reed Rothchild’s stiff biceps do a slapping good job with Becky Barnett’s supple ass.

Губки Эмбер Вэйвс справляются с инструментом Дигглера, а крепкие бицепсы бицепсы Рида отлично сочетаются с попкой Бэкки Барнет.

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Well, not a very good job of nursing.

— Да, уход за больными — работа крайне неблагодарная.

No, no. She just said she’d met a guy who had a good job for me, that’s all.

Она только сказала, что нашла человека, у которого есть для меня работа.

It’s not a good job for me because I’m better than that, and you know I’m better than that.

Это неподходящая работа, потому что я достоин большего, и вы это знаете.

Well, I thought that… it would be a good job for you.

И я подумала что эта работа — для вас.

Girl, not my party, but good job.

Детка, я здесь не на отдыхе, это моя работа.

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Well, that’s the best job I never got.

Что ж, это лучшая работа из тех, что я не получил.

It’s the world’s best job.

Это лучшая работа в мире.

It’s the best job you can find, the best one.

Это лучшая работа, что ты можешь найти наилучшая.

Then after my bust, the best job I could get was with Cabo Air, which is the worst job you can get in this industry.

Затем, после моего бюста, лучшая работа, я мог бы получить было с Кабо-Air, что является худшим работа, которую вы можете получить в этой отрасли.

I have the best job in the entire world!

У меня лучшая работа в мире!

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Good job.

Хорошо работает.

He’s doing a good job.

Он хорошо работает.

I’m hoping he does a good job.

Я надеюсь он хорошо работает.

Good job one of us can!

Хоть кто-то из нас хорошо работает!

Does a good job, right?

Hо она ведь хорошо работает?

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I mean, you did a good job.

Ты хорошо постарался.

Kramer did a good job.

Крамер хорошо постарался.

Vir did a very good job creating a fake bureaucrat.

Вир очень хорошо постарался, создав поддельного бюрократа.

I love Georgia and I’ve been able to do a damn good job of denying the truth.

Я люблю Джорджию… и я чертовски хорошо постарался отрицать правду.

I mean, I gotta say, that kid did a pretty good job of giving birth in a bunk bed.

Должна сказать, что этот ребенок хорошо постарался для того, чтобы родиться на верхней полке.

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Автоматический перевод

хорошая работа, отличная работа

Перевод по словам

good  — хороший, добрый, благой, хорошо, добро, благо, польза
job  — работа, задание, выполнять задание, аккордный, наемный


That’s my boy! Good job, Son.

Вот умница! Молодец, сынок.

They did a good job on the dress alteration.

Они здорово потрудились над переделкой платья.

On graduation from college, she got a good job.

Окончив колледж, она получила хорошую работу.

Mike’s done a good job of painting the windows.

Майк хорошо покрасил окна.

The coach said the offensive unit did a good job.

Тренер сказал, что группа атаки хорошо потрудилась.

Nothing satisfies her so much as doing a good job.

Ничто не радует её так же сильно, как хорошо выполненная работа.

Joking apart, they did do quite a good job for us.

Кроме шуток, они сделали для нас очень хорошую работу.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…give the movers a perquisite if they do a good job…  

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


No worries, he did a good job.

It was a good job — heavy Mogami-class cruisers.

Это была хорошая работа — тяжелые крейсера типа «Могами».

Methamphetamine estimates are subject to the greatest uncertainty because national datasets do not do a good job of capturing its use.

«Оценки метамфетамина подвержены наибольшей неопределенности, — утверждают авторы исследования, — потому что национальные наборы данных не очень хорошо отражают его использование».

My dad had a good job in advertising.

It’s not because we did a good job this quarter .

Но не потому, что мы проделали хорошую работу в этом квартале».

He had pretty good job cost and billing data but needed bank financing.

У него были довольно хорошие затраты на работу и выставление счетов, но они нуждались в банковском финансировании.

Most employees want to do a good job, at least initially.

Большинство сотрудников хотят делать свою работу хорошо, по крайней мере, на начальном этапе.

But presuming I do a good job

Probably because you did a good job.

Это наверное потому, что я думаю, что вы сделали хорошую работу.

Dishwashers require some heat to do a good job.

Посудомоечные машины требуют небольшого количества тепла, чтобы сделать хорошую работу.

I believe the organization does a good job.

Whoever invented it did a good job.

The guys who replaced them did a good job today.

Но тем не менее, ребята, которые их заменили сегодня со своей задачей справились.

He has a good job and a bright future.

We did a very good job, especially in defense.

Мы проделали действительно очень хорошую работу, в частности, в обороне.

Did a good job, like everything she tackled.

Удалось блестяще, как и всё, за что она бралась.

Praise him for doing a good job.

After that, I thought we did a good job.

После этого, на мой взгляд, мы проделали хорошую работу».

The guy I hired did a good job.

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What is better in life than knowing that you are successful? 

Having someone acknowledge that you successfully accomplished a task, and say that you did a good job is priceless!

Everyone likes to be praised for their achievements, and in English, one of the most common ways to applaud someone is to use the phrase “good job”.

What Do We Mean When We Say “Good Job”?

“Good job” is an English phrase that is used to praise someone. When you say that someone did a “good job” you think that they

did something well.

It consists of an adjective “good” and a noun “job”. A job is usually defined as something that someone does to earn money. So “good job” is usually associated with a workplace setting. 

However, the word job is also defined as a task that someone has done or needs to accomplish. In this case, you can say “good job” when you mean to praise someone for doing something successfully. For example, a student who passed a hard exam did a “good job” or a child who cleaned their room did a “good job” or a friend who got the number of a cute girl at a bar did a “good job.”

Someone who did a “good job” accomplished something. Saying “good job” acknowledges that accomplishment and conveys admiration and pride.

40 Ways To Say “Good Job” Without Saying “Good Job”

The following words and phrases are synonyms for “good job”. 

If you look at an online thesaurus, these are
several of the synonyms that they will list down for “good job”. 

Some of these are one-word utterances that you can say to imply that you think someone did a good job. Some are phrases that elaborate on what you think is praiseworthy. Native English speakers will use these words automatically, without thinking about them too much, so it’s important that you learn them too. 

1. Well done

2. Great work

4. That’s the way 

3. Good thinking

“That’s the way” and “good thinking” are used when someone has come up with a good solution to a problem. So if someone has come up with a process that made workflow more efficient, you can use these phrases.

5. You’re a genius 

6. Compliments to (name/pronoun)

7. Good boy/girl 

“Good boy” or “good girl” might seem a bit condescending if you are talking to an adult. It’s also technically what one might say to a dog. Best be careful about when you use this. 

8. Have the right idea

9. I couldn’t have put it better myself

“Have the right idea” or “I couldn’t have put it better myself” is a great way to acknowledge someone who came up with a good idea during a brainstorming session or a meeting. It implies that what they said will be implemented going forwards.

10. Congratulations

11. Long live

12. Let’s hear it for

13. Simply Superb

14. To your credit

15. First class job/work

16. Good for you

17. That’s great

18. All right

19. Excellent

20. Wonderful 

21. Outstanding 

22. I’m impressed

23. You’ve mastered it

24. You always amaze me

25. What an improvement

26. You are learning a lot/fast

27. You got it right 

28. You are very good at that

29. Fantastic

30. Sensational

31. Nice going

32. That’s it

33. That’s right

34. Good going

35. Keep it up

36. You’ve got it now

37. Couldn’t have done it better myself

38. That’s the right way to do it

39. We couldn’t have done it without you

40. You certainly did well today

6 Other Ways to Say “Good Job” On The Job

As we mentioned, one of the most common places that “good job” is used is in the workplace setting. It’s used to praise someone who has completed their tasks and contributed to the overall success of a project.

Here are a few other good ways to say “good job” that are more likely to be heard in an office setting.

1. Outstanding work/job

2. Exceptional work/job

3. Congratulations on a job well done

4. Congratulations on your good work

5. Keep up the good work.

6. We couldn’t have done it without you.

10 Slang terms That Mean “Good Job”

Slang is words or phrases in a language that may not have a direct translation in other languages but is understood by native speakers. Often times the words may be “nonsense”, mishmashes of actual words or shortened versions of formal phrases, or they could make sense but have a different meaning from the actual translation.

What’s important to remember about slang terms in English is that they are often considered “informal”, so you need to be careful about when you use them. While “good job” may be appropriate in a formal business setting, these slang terms that mean “good job” are considered informal and should probably only be used among friends or with co-workers in informal settings. Don’t use them around the company owner or during a board meeting.

Slang also tends to be influenced by “regions”. For example, British English and Australian English have different slang terms than American English. 

The first terms we are going to enumerate here are slang words that mean “good job” that you will hear from someone speaking British English.

1. Brilliant/Bril!

2. Well done, mate!

3. Ace!

4. Bully for (name/pronoun/title)

This next slang term is associated with speakers of
Australian English.

5. Good on ya! 

It’s short for “good on you” and Australians use to say that they approve of what you have done. 

Now here are a few more English slang terms that mean “good job”. We’re going to list them down and, in some cases, explain the reasoning behind why they can be used in the place of “good job”

6. Congrats

Short for “congratulations” which is an English word used to praise someone. Native speakers will understand it and accept its usage, but it’s considered informal.

7. Respect

8. Props 

9. Way to go

10. Nice one

7 Idioms and Expressions That Mean “Good Job”

The English language is
filled with idioms and expressions that are used almost daily to convey the speaker’s thoughts and emotions.

Like they would slang, a native English speaker will grasp what an idiom means almost instinctively, but because what they mean is different from what they say an English language learner might be confused.

Here are a few possible “confusing” terms that mean a good job.

1. Credit where credit’s due

When you give someone “credit”, you are saying that a good idea as there’s or a good job was accomplished by them. This phrase is used by a speaker when they want to highlight someone else’s contribution to a task.

For example, you were head of the decorating committee during the office
Halloween party. Bob, one of your team members painted a scary “welcome sign” and your boss complimented it. You can acknowledge and point out that Bob did a “good job” by saying:

Credit where credit is due, Bob painted the sign. 

2. Deserve a medal

When someone wins a race or has done something outstanding, they often get a medal or an award, right?  So if you say this, you are implying that someone did such a “good job” that they should get a medal or award, even if there was no medal or award at stake.

3. Hats off to (name)

This dates back to earlier days when hats were a regular part of people’s wardrobe. Back then, to show respect, you would take off your hat to someone. So now, when you just have to respect the “good job” that someone did, you say this.

4. Take a bow

This particular expression goes back to the theater. When a performance was ended, the performers came out to take a bow and hear the audience applaud them. When you say someone should “take a bow”, you said they did such a good job that they at least deserve praise if not actual applause.

5. You hit the target

When someone hit’s a target, they fired a successful shot. So, saying this means that they were successful and that they accomplished a job or a task.

6. That’s a real work of art

A work of art is a rare, valuable, and praiseworthy thing. So, if you tell someone they’ve created a “work of art”, they’ve done something that is really admirable and worth praise.

7. You’re one of a kind

This idiom implies that someone is unique and special. When you say this to someone, you are implying that no one else could have done what they did, so they did a good job. 


One of the most interesting – and sometimes confusing — things about learning conversational English is finding out about all the different ways that native speakers have to express themselves.  Like “good job”, such a simple phrase with wonderful meaning, and so many synonyms. 

While memorizing lists of common English vocabulary words are a good way for beginners to start, you need to go a little deeper if you want to have meaningful conversations with native English speakers. 

One of the best ways to increase your fluency and learn different ways to say basic things like “good job” is to work with a native English language speaking tutor. You can ask them all about the different ways that you can say “good job” and other things. They can help you learn not only what these phrases mean, but the best times to use which specific phrase.

Good Job Synonym! List of other ways to say Good Job in English with images. Learn synonyms for good job to increase your vocabulary in English.

Ways to Say GOOD JOB in English

1. All Right!

2. Exactly right

3. Excellent!

4. Exceptional

5. Fabulous!

6. Fantastic!

7. Sensational!

8. Wonderful!

9. Outstanding!

Good Job Synonym: 99 Ways to Say GOOD JOB in EnglishPin

10. That’s it!

11. Just right!

12. Unbelievable

13. Way to go!

14. Simply superb

15. Stupendous!

16. Magnificent

17. Marvelous!

18. First class job

19. First class work

20. Good for you!

21. That’s great

22. Good going!

23. Good thinking

24. Right on!

25. Better than ever!

26. I’m impressed!

27. You’re one of a kind

28. You’ve got it now.

29. You’ve mastered it!

30. What an improvement!

31. You always amaze me

32. You are fantastic

33. You are learning a lot

34. You are learning fast

35. You are so good

36. You did it that time!

37. You did that very well

38. You don’t miss a thing

39. You got it right!

Good Job Synonym: 99 Ways to Say GOOD JOB in EnglishPin

Good Job Synonym: 99 Ways to Say GOOD JOB in EnglishPin

40. You hit the target

41. I’m very proud of you

42. Keep up the great work!

43. Nothing can stop you now

44. Now you’ve figured it out

45. You make it look easy

46. You haven’t missed a thing

47. You did that all by yourself

48. That’s really nice work!

49. You’re doing beautifully!

50. You are very good at that

51. That’s the way to do it

52. It’s perfect!

53. Nice going!

54. That’s right!

55. Well done

56. I’m speechless!

57. Great work

58. How creative

59. Keep it up!

60. Keep on trying!

61. You got it!

62. Not bad at all!

63. That’s the way!

64. Now you have it

65. I knew you could do it!

66. Great improvement!

67. That’s much better

68. That’s it exactly

69. That’s the best ever

70. That’s the way to do it

71. Couldn’t have done it better myself 

72. Tremendous job

73. What a creative idea!

74. What a good try!

75. What a neat work!

76. You’re doing well

77. You’re learning fast

78. That looks like it is going to be a great paper 

79. That’s quite an improvement

80. That’s the right way to do it

81. That’s a real work of art

82. That’s coming along nicely

83. You’re doing a great job

84. You’ve just about mastered it

85. Your studying really paid off

86. You must have been practicing

87. You’re on the right track now

88. You’re getting better every day

89. You’ve just about mastered that

90. I’ve never seen anyone do it better

91. One more time and you’ll have it

92. It looks like you’ve put a lot of work into this

93. Now that’s what I call a great job

94. We couldn’t have done it without you

95. Keep working on it, you’re improving

96. I’m happy to see you working like that

97. That’s an interesting way of looking at it

98. That’s the right way to do it

99. You certainly did well today.

Ways to Say GOOD JOB in English | Images

Other Ways to Say GOOD JOB in English | Good Job Synonym Image 1

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Ways to Say GOOD JOB in English | Good Job Synonym Image 2

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Other Ways to Say GOOD JOB in English | Good Job Synonym Image 3

Good Job Synonym: 99 Ways to Say GOOD JOB in English 3Pin

Ways to Say GOOD JOB | Good Job Synonym Video

Learn different synonyms for good job with American English pronunciation.

Last Updated on July 17, 2019

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