На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
хорошее изменение
хорошим изменением
хорошие изменения
хорошие перемены
хорошая перемена
позитивное изменение
хороших перемен
положительное изменение
добрые перемены
лучшую сторону
хорошей переменой
хорошими изменениями
Hence, studying in abroad will impact in a good change in mindset.
Следовательно, обучение за рубежом повлияет на хорошее изменение мышления.
A good change, in my opinion.
Simply go there together as a family, and it will be a good change for everyone.
Просто пойти туда вместе, как семья, и это будет хорошим изменением для всех.
It could even be a good change; maybe you’ve started eating more fiber, for example.
Это может даже быть хорошим изменением; возможно, вы начали есть больше волокон, например.
It requires individuals to make those decisions now, to effect good change in future generations in your democratic nations.
Это требует от людей принятия этих решений сейчас, чтобы произвести хорошие изменения в будущих поколениях в ваших демократических странах.
They must take their experience and use it to make a good change in the world.
Они должны взять свой опыт и использовать его, чтобы сделать хорошие изменения в мире.
You may be wondering if that change will be a good change.
In other words, even good change is stressful.
They offer a good change for people that are new to the BTC game by providing fiat deposit options.
Они предлагают хорошие изменения для новичков в игре ВТС, предоставляя варианты фиатного депозита.
All this unsettlement can cause you some stress, but, at the end, this is a good change.
Все эти проблемы могут вызвать у вас стресс, но, в конце концов, это хорошее изменение.
But please believe me when I say, with every ounce of conviction of my being: What is happening is a necessary and good change.
Но, пожалуйста, поверьте мне, когда я говорю с такой убежденностью всего моего существа: то, что происходит, является необходимым и хорошим изменением.
On the other hand, interior space is generous, especially in back, which is a good change from the slightly cramped older Malibu back seats.
С другой стороны, внутреннее пространство великодушно, особенно в спине, что является хорошим изменением от слегка стесненных старых задних сидений Malibu.
Dose, take which is necessary for a woman in menopause 100-200 mg, but the use of 50 mg of vitamin E, a good change becomes noticeable.
Доза, принимать которую необходимо женщине в период климакса — 100-200 мг, но при употреблении 50 мг витамина Е, хорошие изменения становится заметны.
Owing to the steady influx and rise in the number of interested visitors, the area is experiencing a good change so as to accommodate the new visitors.
Из-за постоянного притока и роста числа заинтересованных посетителей, область переживает хорошие изменения, с тем чтобы разместить новых посетителей.
This is a good change for the user, so all you need as a company is to adjust to this change when planning your SEO strategy.
Это хорошее изменение для пользователя, поэтому все, что вам нужно, как компании, это приспособиться к этому изменению при планировании своей стратегии SEO.
You think it’s a good change the Heap Size?
This could be a good change for a person who is moving out from one country and shifting to another one because Play Store for every country has a huge variety which is very different in some cases from the other.
Это может быть хорошим изменением для человека, который уезжает из одной страны и переходит в другую, потому что Play Store для каждой страны имеет огромное разнообразие, которое в некоторых случаях сильно отличается от другой.
Kaizen is the Japanese word for a «good change» (Kai = change, Zen = good) and it means constant improvement or, to be more exact, it means having a system of constantly looking for and implementing improvements.
Кайдзен — это японское слово означающее «хорошие изменения» (Kai = изменение, Zen = хорошо), что в совокупности подразумевает постоянное улучшение или, точнее, означает наличие системы постоянного поиска и осуществлении улучшений.
He adds, «This is a good change, but it raises new challenges, for Congress and for society.»
Он добавляет: «Это хорошее изменение, но оно ставит новые задачи перед Конгрессом и обществом».
Ask yourself whether it is really a good change.
Результатов: 101. Точных совпадений: 101. Затраченное время: 183 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
It will be a good change for a young man in need of it.
Well, I mean, I think it would be a good change for us.
The kids are older now,
And I think it would be a good change for me.
The process is continued until the person has a good change, a cognition and very
Процесс продолжается до тех пор, пока у человека не будет положительных изменений, озарения и очень хороших показателей.
The fact that you wrote this letter and
how you wrote shows that a great and good change took place in your heart, because you admit that you did wrong and are sorry for the evil you have done.
Тот факт, что вы написали это письмо, и то как вы написали, показывает,
что в вашем сердце произошло большое и хорошее изменение, потому что вы признаете, что поступали плохо и сожалеете о содеянном зле.
Winter is an amazing time of the glittering snow, clear ice, the time when we take out our cozy clothes, get closer to each other, and most importantly, wait for a miracle,
Зима- это удивительная пора сверкающего снега, прозрачного льда, время, когда мы достаем уютные вещи, ближе прижимаемся друг к другу, а самое главное, ждем чуда,
Hetfield said that radio airplay was not their intention, but because they felt»we had pretty much done the longer song format to death,» and
considered a good change doing songs with just two riffs and»only
taking two minutes to get the point across.
По словам Хэтфилда, ротация на радио не была главной целью сочинения коротких песен, однако, так как музыканты чувствовали,« что сделали уже все для смерти формата длинных песен»,
и« всего за две минуты, способные донести наши мысли».
Better change that to the fall of’64 or we will never get through.
As a result, good changes occurred in the body can be regarded as rejuvenescence.
If you want to turn the world around and
it for the better, change yourself.
However, in some cases, lice on the head can foreshadow good changes.
Many of them were protecting the mother understanding that Andrey has the right to study with peers, to grow and develop with them and
realizing that the loss of friends would be the best change in his life.
Многие педагоги были на стороне мамы, понимая, что Андрей имеет право учиться со сверстниками, расти и развиваться вместе с ними, а также осознавая,
Management and employees of the company constantly monitor the world’s best changes in agricultural and industrial engineering,
approaches to management and customer service, thus contributing to increasing of competitiveness of technical equipment of agricultural producers in Ukraine.
Руководство и сотрудники компании постоянно следят за передовыми мировыми изменениями в аргопромышленной технике, подходами
к управлению и обслуживанию клиентов, тем самым способствуя повышению конкурентоспособности технического оснащения сельскохозяйственных производителей Украины.
The original release also came with a free single containing»Choosey Susie»(from the 1977 UK single free with Rattus
Norvegicus),»Straighten Out»(b-side to the 1977 UK Single»Something Better Change«) plus»Ode to Joy/ Do The European»(live
Jean-Jacques Burnel solo tracks, unavailable elsewhere until the CD release of his first solo album Euroman Cometh), and»White Room», a Cream cover from the Nosferatu album by Hugh Cornwell& Robert Williams.
К оригинальному релизу прилагался бесплатный бонус- сингл, куда вошли:« Choosey Susie»( из британского сингла, бесплатным приложением вышедшего одновременно
с альбомом Rattus Norvegicus),« Straighten Out»( b- сторона сингла« Something Better Change») и« Ode To Joy/ Do The European»(
концертные записи Жана- Жака Бернела, включенные также в его сольный альбом Euroman Cometh), и« White Room», кавер Cream из альбома Nosferatu Хью Корнуэлла и Роберта Уильямса.
Dressing like someone else makes me realize how good change can be.
Переодевшись в другого человека, я понимаю как хороши могут быть перемены.
It requires individuals to make those decisions now, to effect good change in future generations in your democratic nations.
Это требует от людей принятия этих решений сейчас, чтобы произвести хорошие изменения в будущих поколениях в ваших демократических странах.
A good change management strategy has been crucial to managing diverse
stakeholders’ interests regarding IPSAS implementation.
Эффективная стратегия управления преобразованиями имеет решающее значение для урегулирования различных интересов сторон,
участвующих в процессе внедрения МСУГС.
Much of it is good change: scientific and technological progress making real advances for humankind,
an ever more interconnected world strengthening economic opportunity and developmental potential, the profound transformations that are sweeping through North Africa at present.
Большинство из них— это перемены к лучшему: научно-технический прогресс оборачивается настоящими достижениями для человечества,
более взаимосвязанный мир расширяет экономические возможности и укрепляет потенциал развития и на наших глазах сейчас происходят глубокие преобразования в Северной Африке.
change verb
You don’t need to change — you look great as you are.
How often do you think he changes his shirt?
Could you change the baby (= the baby’s nappy)?
More examplesFewer examples
- You are going to change, aren’t you? You can’t go in those tatty old jeans.
- When did you last change the linen on the children’s beds?
- I hadn’t even changed when our first guests arrived, so Jeff had to cope on his own.
- I usually insist that he changes out of his work clothes before dinner.
- Can you make sure your brother doesn’t walk in when I’m changing?
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
change verb
change verb
I changed into fourth (gear).
UK Change down to go round the corner.
Phrasal verbs
change noun
She gave me €5 in change.
Tuomas Lehtinen/ Moment/GettyImages
Do you have change for a 20-dollar bill?
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
change noun
She did a quick change before going on TV.
change noun
change noun
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
(Definition of change from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
change | American Dictionary
change verb
[ I/T ]
to make or become different, or to do, use, or get one thing in place of another thing:
[ I ] Attitudes about lots of things changed during the 1960s.
[ I/T ]
To change over from one thing to something else is to stop doing or using one thing and to start doing or using another:
change verb
[ I ] I’ll just change into (= put on) something a little dressier.
change verb
Can you change a $100 bill for me?
change verb
[ I ] Change at Hartford for the train to Springfield.
change noun
a change
Why don’t we eat on the porch for a change?
change noun
It costs $17 and you gave me $20, so here’s your $3 change.
I need change for a $50 bill because I want to take a taxi.
Do you have change for/of a dollar?
change noun
(Definition of change from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examples of change
In each experimental session, there was just one color change to the sky or sphere and just one test-surface color.
You should say them all in the prescribed manner; do not change a thing.
The focus of the debate changed as well.
Ideas can «become true» if the world changes.
Co-ordination of head and eyes in the gaze changing behavior of cats.
We induced a change in direction selectivity in one of ten cells.
Dark- and light-induced changes in coupling between horizontal cells in mammalian retina.
But she also knows that when she is old her mind will have changed.
Disaggregation of household results by sources of income and expenditure patterns permits a fairly detailed analysis of likely changes in poverty.
The screening system permitted a population approach for quantification of changes in seed population thermal behaviour in relation to dormancy loss.
This is evident in changes of the nomenclature of family planning board to family welfare organization.
In contrast, the nonspatial characteristics of the target (such as its weight or function) are almost completely unlikely to change after the movement is planned.
When children attend to the input and repeatedly attempt to parse it, their performance undergoes a qualitative change.
The upshot of this is that adaptation to nonstationarity does not require qualitative changes in a learning algorithm.
Initial analysis of the data from the interviews and tapes of the novices also indicated qualitative changes in the nature of expertise as it developed.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocations with change
These are words often used in combination with change.
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
abrupt change
The theoretical curves follow closely the dashed and dash-dotted numerical curves, and the abrupt change in tangent angle appears to fit almost exactly.
accelerating change
But, when we speak of helping young people to settle down in employment, we must recognise that they are facing a turbulent world of extraordinary and accelerating change.
adaptive change
The perception-action coupling is the result of an adaptive change of our central nervous system to environmental properties.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
How is the word change different from other verbs like it?
Some common synonyms of change are alter, modify, and vary. While all these words mean «to make or become different,» change implies making either an essential difference often amounting to a loss of original identity or a substitution of one thing for another.
changed the shirt for a larger size
When might alter be a better fit than change?
Although the words alter and change have much in common, alter implies a difference in some particular respect without suggesting loss of identity.
slightly altered the original design
When is it sensible to use modify instead of change?
The synonyms modify and change are sometimes interchangeable, but modify suggests a difference that limits, restricts, or adapts to a new purpose.
modified the building for use by the disabled
Where would vary be a reasonable alternative to change?
In some situations, the words vary and change are roughly equivalent. However, vary stresses a breaking away from sameness, duplication, or exact repetition.
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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
verb (used with object), changed, chang·ing.
to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone: to change one’s name;to change one’s opinion;to change the course of history.
to transform or convert (usually followed by into): The witch changed the prince into a toad.
to substitute another or others for; exchange for something else, usually of the same kind: She changed her shoes when she got home from the office.
to give and take reciprocally; interchange: to change places with someone.
to transfer from one (conveyance) to another: You’ll have to change planes in Chicago.
to give or get an equivalent amount of money in lower denominations in exchange for: to change a five-dollar bill.
to give or get foreign money in exchange for: to change dollars into euros.
to remove and replace the covering or coverings of: to change a bed.
to remove a dirty diaper from (a baby) and replace it with a clean one: new parents, learning to change a baby.
verb (used without object), changed, chang·ing.
to become different: Overnight the nation’s mood changed.
to become altered or modified: Colors change if they are exposed to the sun.
to become transformed or converted (usually followed by into): The toad changed back into a prince.
to pass gradually into (usually followed by to or into): Summer changed to autumn.
to switch or to make an exchange: If you want to sit next to the window, I’ll change with you.
to transfer between trains or other conveyances: We can take the local and change to an express at the next stop.
to remove one’s clothes and put on different clothes: She changed into jeans.
(of the moon) to pass from one phase to another.
(of the voice) to become deeper in tone; come to have a lower register: The boy’s voice began to change when he was thirteen.
the act or fact of changing; fact of being changed: They are pleased by the change in their son’s behavior.
a transformation or modification; alteration: They noticed the change in his facial expression.
a variation or deviation: a change in the daily routine.
the substitution of one thing for another: We finally made the change to an oil-burning furnace.
variety or novelty: Let’s try a new restaurant for a change.
the passing from one place, state, form, or phase to another: a change of seasons;social change.
Jazz. harmonic progression from one tonality to another; modulation.
the supplanting of one thing by another: We need a total change of leadership.
anything that is or may be substituted for another.
a fresh set of clothing.
money given in exchange for an equivalent of higher denomination.
a balance of money that is returned when the sum tendered in payment is larger than the sum due.
coins of low denomination.
any of the various sequences in which a peal of bells may be rung.
Obsolete. changefulness; caprice.
Verb Phrases
change off,
- to take turns with another, as at doing a task.
- to alternate between two tasks or between a task and a rest break.
There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?
Which sentence is correct?
Idioms about change
change front, Military. to shift a military force in another direction.
- to perform all permutations possible in ringing a set of tuned bells, as in a bell tower of a church.
- to vary the manner of performing an action or of discussing a subject; repeat with variations.
change one’s mind, to change one’s opinions or intentions.
ring the changes,
Origin of change
First recorded in 1175–1225; Middle English verb cha(u)ngen, from Anglo-French, Old French changer, from Late Latin cambiāre, Latin cambīre “to exchange, barter”; Middle English noun cha(u)nge, from Anglo-French, Old French, noun derivative of the verb; of Celtic origin
historical usage of change
The English noun and verb change are both recorded at just about the same time (between 1200 and 1225), but the meanings of the noun follow those of the verb. The Middle English verb change, chaungen, chaungie, changen, chaingen (and other spelling variants) “to be altered, alter (a purpose, attitude, or opinion), transform or be transformed; substitute, exchange” come from Anglo-French chaunger, changir and Old French changier, with the same meanings. The French verb comes from Latin cambiāre “to exchange,” from earlier cambīre “to exchange, barter,” both of Celtic (Gaulish) origin.
The French development from cambiāre to changier is regular; other Romance languages have developed in differing ways: Spanish and Portuguese cambiar keep cambiāre more or less intact; Catalan has canviar; Sardinian has cambiare; Old Provençal has both cambiar and camjar; Old Italian (late 12th century) has cambiare, but modern Italian only cangiare.
The Middle English verb was used to refer to the exchange of money, coins, or currency, but the corresponding noun meanings did not appear until the mid-16th century; the specific usage “the balance of money returned to a buyer” is first recorded in 1665.
chang·ed·ness [cheyn-jid-nis, cheynjd-], /ˈtʃeɪn dʒɪd nɪs, ˈtʃeɪndʒd-/, nounun·changed, adjectiveun·chang·ing, adjectiveun·chang·ing·ly, adverb
un·chang·ing·ness, noun
Words nearby change
Changan, Changchiakow, Changchow, Changchun, Changde, change, changeable, change down, changeful, change hands, change horses in midstream, don’t
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
What is another way to say change?
To change something is to make its form, nature, or content different from what it is currently or from what it would be if left alone. How is change different from alter? Find out on Thesaurus.com.
Words related to change
adjustment, advance, development, difference, diversity, innovation, modification, reversal, revision, revolution, shift, switch, transformation, transition, variation, turnaround, adjust, alter, diminish, evolve
How to use change in a sentence
One agency executive said that it would be surprising if advertisers return en masse in early August without commitments to address advertisers’ desired changes.
The government had estimated that the rule changes would cause about 70,000 women, and at most 126,000 women, to lose contraception coverage in one year.
His team’s mandate is to back companies tied to major long-term shifts in areas like climate change and health care.
The picture and the pace at which it was changing were dizzying.
The focus was on low-cost ergonomic changes that reduced physical stress.
Term limits could be a prescription to speed change along.
And as he adjusted to this change in circumstances, he screamed at himself a second time: Wait!
When we meet them, their lives are unfulfilled, and at no point are we convinced their condition will change.
If we want that to change, then all of us have to encourage our legislators to make funding community policing a priority.
Whatever happened overtook them both within a minute or so of that altitude change request, and they were never heard from again.
In treble, second and fourth, the first change is a dodge behind; and the second time the treble leads, there’s a double Bob.
The Seven-score and four on the six middle Bells, the treble leading, and the tenor lying behind every change, makes good Musick.
Never was a change more remarkable than that which had come upon Mrs. Collingwood.
When the whole hunt is hunting up, each single change is made between the whole hunt, and the next bell above it.
Almost, he saw her visibly change—here in the twilight of the little Luxor garden by his side.
British Dictionary definitions for change
to make or become different; alter
(tr) to replace with or exchange for anotherto change one’s name
(sometimes foll by to or into) to transform or convert or be transformed or converted
to give and receive (something) in return; interchangeto change places with someone
(tr) to give or receive (money) in exchange for the equivalent sum in a smaller denomination or different currency
(tr) to remove or replace the coverings ofto change a baby
(when intr, may be foll by into or out of) to put on other clothes
(intr) (of the moon) to pass from one phase to the following one
to operate (the gear lever of a motor vehicle) in order to alter the gear ratioto change gear
to alight from (one bus, train, etc) and board another
change face to rotate the telescope of a surveying instrument through 180° horizontally and vertically, taking a second sighting of the same object in order to reduce error
change feet informal to put on different shoes, boots, etc
change front
- military to redeploy (a force in the field) so that its main weight of weapons points in another direction
- to alter one’s attitude, opinion, etc
change hands to pass from one owner to another
change one’s mind to alter one’s decision or opinion
change one’s tune to alter one’s attitude or tone of speech
the act or fact of changing or being changed
a variation, deviation, or modification
the substitution of one thing for another; exchange
anything that is or may be substituted for something else
variety or novelty (esp in the phrase for a change)I want to go to France for a change
a different or fresh set, esp of clothes
money given or received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or in a different currency
the balance of money given or received when the amount tendered is larger than the amount due
coins of a small denomination regarded collectively
(often capital) archaic a place where merchants meet to transact business; an exchange
the act of passing from one state or phase to another
the transition from one phase of the moon to the next
the order in which a peal of bells may be rung
slang desirable or useful information
obsolete fickleness or caprice
change of heart a profound change of outlook, opinion, etc
get no change out of someone slang not to be successful in attempts to exploit or extract information from someone
ring the changes to vary the manner or performance of an action that is often repeated
Derived forms of change
changeless, adjectivechangelessly, adverbchangelessness, nounchanger, noun
Word Origin for change
C13: from Old French changier, from Latin cambīre to exchange, barter
Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other Idioms and Phrases with change
In addition to the idioms beginning with change
- change hands
- change horses in midstream, don’t
- change off
- change of heart
- change of life
- change of pace
- change one’s mind
- change one’s stripes
- change one’s tune
- change the subject
also see:
- for a change
- leopard cannot change its spots
- piece of change
- ring the changes
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.