Word meaning good at everything

good at everything — перевод на русский

Mary Grace was fantastically good at everything.

Мари Грейс была фантастически хороша во всём.

I’m good at everything!

Я хороша во всем!

No, I think she’s good at everything.

Нет, я думаю она хороша во всем.

You’re really good at everything.

Во истину, ты хороша во всем.

I’m good at everything, so…

Я хороша во всем, так что…

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You don’t have to be best at everything.

Тебе не нужно быть лучшей во всем.

I thought I would finally stop obsessing over how to be the best at everything, and… all the reasons I should hate myself and everyone else.

Я думала, что прекращу ломать голову над тем, как быть лучшей во всем, и… над причинами, почему я ненавижу себя и всех остальных.

When I grow up, I’m going to be the best at everything.

Когда я вырасту, я стану лучшей во всём.

You’re the best at everything else, but somehow you don’t know English?

Ты лучшая во всем остальном. Но почему-то не знаешь английский?

You’re not the best at everything anymore.

Ты больше не лучшая во всём.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

хорош во всем

хороши во всем

хороша во всем

хорошим во всем

лучшими во всем

хорошим для всех

всегда все получается

совершенным во всем

талантлив во всем

во всем хорош

правыми во всем

хорошо разбираться во всем

хорошим во всех отношениях

идеальным во всем

для всех хорошим

You cannot expect your pastor to be good at everything.

Не стоит ожидать, что ваш финансовый директор будет хорош во всем.

No university can be equally good at everything.

Ни один человек в мире не может быть одинаково хорош во всем.

Well, she’s one of those people who’s good at everything.

Not everyone is good at everything and it’s important to recognize and celebrate that.

No, I think she’s good at everything.

I’m good at everything, so…

Now, understand that no-one can be good at everything.

Однако, разумность в том, что никто не может быть хорош ВО ВСЁМ.

No-one can be good at everything.

Explain that no one can be good at everything.

Однако, разумность в том, что никто не может быть хорош ВО ВСЁМ.

You’re good at everything without even trying whether it’s grades or sports.

Даже не прилагая усилий, ты хорош во всем, будь то учеба или спорт.

Matty was good at everything, but he loved the water.

You’re really good at everything.

There is no one who is good at everything.

And I want to be good at everything.

I use to say that a good horse is good at everything.

A very nice player who’s good at everything.

Then you’ll be good at everything.

Benson is good at everything he does.

The caregivers were really good at everything.

A camera can be good at everything.

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What word means good at everything?

Originally Answered: What is the word for someone who is good at everything? A “word” might be “multi-talented”. A person who knows a lot of different stuff is a “polymath” but a polymath can be really bad at doing things, as opposed to knowing things. The term “Renaissance man” might do it.

What is a person with many talents called?

Multipotentiality is the state of having many exceptional talents, any one or more of which could make for a great career for that person. A multipotentialite is a person who has many different interests and creative pursuits in life.

What do you call someone who is very talented?

Synonyms of ‘talented’ They are bright, intelligent, able and confident. expert. The faces of the waxworks are modelled by expert sculptors. master. a master craftsman.

What do you call someone who is good at many things?

A person who has many skills (juggling, picking pockets, etc.) is a jack of all trades. If the skills are in intellectual matters, that person is a polymath. Merriam Webster’s Dictionary lists two senses of the word, Ambidextrous, which seem to apply to your scenario.

When a person is good at their job?

“Proficient” is defined by Merriam-Webster as “good at doing something”, and “well advanced in an art, occupation, or branch of knowledge”.

What means witty?

1 : marked by or full of clever humor or wit : smartly facetious or jocular a witty novel. 2 : quick or ready to see or express illuminating or amusing relationships or insights a witty raconteur.

Is witty smart?

When used as adjectives, smart means exhibiting social ability or cleverness, whereas witty means wise, having good judgement. Smart is also noun with the meaning: a sharp, quick, lively pain.

How can I be charming and witty?

5:59Suggested clip 111 secondsHow To Be Witty And Charming (Think Quick On Your Feet) – YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clip

What is a witty statement?

A witty remark is clever and funny and timed just right. When you make such a remark, you are also considered to be witty. The adjective witty can be used to describe those quick little funny remarks that often demonstrate a sharp, biting humor delivered in a playful manner.

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Ќе дл€ мен€, потому что все, что€ делаю,€ делаю хорошо.

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Тебе никогда не казалось немного странным то, что Джонатан настолько хорош во всем?

He was quite good at everything, maths, latin, greek… We barely had water to wash ourselves.

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Он был сыт по горло всей этой математикой, латынью, греческим, умыванием ледяной водой.

You’re so

good at

so many things, you could do anything you wanted to do, you’re good at everything that you do, isn’t there something else you wanna do?

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Ты хорош во многих вещах, ты мог бы заниматься чем-то, чем ты хочешь, у тебя все получается хорошо, за что не возьмешься, есть ли то, чем бы ты хотел заняться еще?

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Table of contents:

  1. What word means good at everything?
  2. What do you call someone that eats everything?
  3. What can I say instead of experience?
  4. Do years of experience matter?
  5. Does work experience really matter?
  6. What do you say when you don’t have a job experience?

What word means good at everything?

Synonyms for Good at everything n. all-purpose. best at everything. dip. fix-a-lot.

What do you call someone that eats everything?

‘omnivore’ does mean ‘eats everything‘ in the literal sense — omnis = every, vorare = to eat. … A totivore is an animal that gathers/hunts and eats its food rather than burrowing into and feeding off a host. Think humans or lions rather than botflies or tapeworms.

What can I say instead of experience?

What is another word for experience?

knowledge skill
wisdom expertise
exposure familiarity
involvement proficiency
skills capability

Do years of experience matter?

Ultimately, experts agree that even if you don’t have the required numbers of years of experience, it is still worth applying for the position—within reason, of course. … “But if you have one to two years of experience and they are looking for three to five, that doesn’t rule you out, and you could be just as qualified.”

Does work experience really matter?

Although some work experience does involve doing menial tasks, it can still be very important. Some work experience placements might even give you the opportunity to take on some really interesting and challenging responsibilities.

What do you say when you don’t have a job experience?

Using your own words, try something along the lines of: «I am interested in an entry-level position. I know I have much to learn, and I’m looking for an opportunity that will let me build a solid professional foundation. You say, ‘Jump,’ I’ll ask, ‘How high?

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