Word meaning goes well with

goes well with — перевод на русский

I pray God things go well with you, Miss Melly.

Молю Бога, чтобы у вас всё было хорошо.

Everything goes well with forget me nots.

Незабудки со всем хорошо сочетаются.

— It goes well with them.

Видишь, я вспомнила. У них всё хорошо.

All goes well with your husband?

Все хорошо у тебя с мужем?

If it’s sushi, then it will go well with soy sauce.

Если это суши, то они будут хороши с соевым соусом.

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— It goes well with your complexion.

— Этот подходит к цвету вашей кожи.

Does the chef have a dressing that goes well with chrysanthemums?

Шеф-повар не будет любезен надеть что-нибудь, что подходит к хризантемам?

It would go well with your coat.

Подходит к вашему пальто.

Looks very good but doesn’t go well with my school uniform

Вглядит просто прекрастно но не подходит к моей школьной форме

It goes well with meat.

Он подходит к мясу.

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If Claudio hadn’t returned, things must have gone well with Câline.

Она могла найти тридцать секунд, чтобы им позвонить и их успокоить. Я полагаю, что если Клаудио еще не вернулся домой, значит, с Калин все прошло хорошо?

Please tell me that it went well with Mary Beth?

Пожалуйста скажи мне, что с Мэри Бэт все прошло хорошо?

It went well with the US attorney.

У прокурора всё прошло хорошо.

If you buy a policy and it goes well with Emily, who knows?

Если ты купишь полис и все пройдет хорошо с Эмили, кто знает?

You want to tell me that you hope that everything goes well with the attorney today?

Ты хочешь сказать мне, что ты надеешься, что все пройдет хорошо с адвокатом сегодня?

Показать ещё примеры для «прошло хорошо»…

So, it’s er, going well with you two?

Так что, это ээ, все в порядке между вами двумя?

So it’s going well with you two, you and Alex?

Так что все в порядке между вами двумя, тобой и Алексом?

All goes well with you?

Все ли у Вас в порядке?

Peter and I suspected it was not going well with Lee.

Мы с Питером догадывались, что у вас с Ли не всё в порядке.

Things haven’t been going well with me…

Со мной не всё в порядке…

Показать ещё примеры для «в порядке между вами»…

— It’s going well with my father, it seems.

— У вас ведь, кажется, всё идет хорошо?

Things went well with the leadership?

— Дела идут хорошо с лидерами партий? — Что?

As for Balzac, he goes well with…

А под кого хорошо идет Бальзак?

It really goes well with unpaid overtime, I hear.

Очень хорошо идет за неоплачиваемые сверхурочные, я слышала.

So I guess things are going well with you and Parker?

Так, мне кажется, дела идут хорошо у тебя с Паркером?

Показать ещё примеры для «идёт хорошо»…

I hope your arrangements for next term have not been too much upset and that everything will go well with you.

Надеюсь, ваши планы на будущий семестр не очень сильно расстроились и всё у вас пойдёт хорошо.

If all goes well with the King’s chancellor, Kingsbridge will change hands, and I can return to proclaim us

Если все пойдет хорошо в канцелярии короля, то Кингсбридж перейдет к другому владельцу и я вернусь, чтоб объявить

Goes well with lamb.

Лучше всего пойдёт под баранину.

You know what would go well with this shot?

Знаешь, что хорошо пойдет с этой стопкой?

So things went well with Ms. Saunders?

Так все пошло хорошо с мисс Сондерс?

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  • go up in front of (something)
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  • go up the wall
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  • go weak in the knees
  • go wee
  • go wee-wee
  • go well
  • go well with
  • go well with (someone or something)
  • go west
  • go whatever way the wind blows
  • go whichever way the wind blows
  • go while the going is good
  • go whole hog
  • go wide
  • go wild
  • go wilding
  • go window-shopping
  • go with
  • go with (one’s) gut
  • go with (someone or something)
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  • go with hat in hand to (someone)
  • go with it
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  • go with the tide

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  • Go Volunteer Africa
  • go walkabout
  • go walkies
  • go way
  • go way
  • go way
  • go way
  • go way
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  • go weak at the knees
  • go weak in the knees
  • Go Web Api
  • Go Webserver Application Programming Interface
  • go wee
  • go wee wee
  • go wee-wee
  • go wee-wee
  • go well
  • go well with
  • go well with (someone or something)
  • go well with her
  • go well with him
  • go well with it
  • go well with me
  • go well with one
  • go well with somebody
  • go well with someone
  • go well with something
  • go well with them
  • go well with us
  • go well with you
  • go well!
  • Go West
  • Go West
  • Go West
  • Go West
  • Go West, Young Lottery Player
  • go whatever way the wind blows
  • go whichever way the wind blows
  • go while the going is good
  • go whole hog
  • go wide
  • go wild
  • go wilding
  • go window-shopping
  • go with
  • go with
  • go with
  • go with

go well with

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

хорошо сочетается с

отлично сочетается с

прекрасно сочетается с

хорошо сочетается со

хорошо подходит к

пойдет хорошо с

будет хорошо с

отлично сочетается со

прекрасно сочетается со

пройдет хорошо с

хорошо гармонируют с

пойдет хорошо в

отлично подойдет к

получится с

Ayran is a yogurt drink which goes well with kebabs.

This wine goes well with fish.

Yellow lentils are ideal for soups and purees, and goes well with vegetables.

Желтая чечевица идеально подходит для приготовления супов и пюре и отлично сочетается с овощами.

It goes well with red wine and jamon.

The drug goes well with caffeine, which improves the effectiveness of the reception.

Particularly it goes well with CJC-1295 DAC.

This goes well with the typical preferences of hunters and poachers.

It goes well with milk and sugar and also makes an exceptional iced tea.

Он хорошо сочетается с молоком и специями, а также отлично подходит для приготовления холодного чая со льдом.

Such a model looks, although simple, but incredibly stylish and goes well with various stoles and scarves around the neck.

Выглядит такая модель хоть и просто, но невероятно стильно и хорошо сочетается с различными палантинами и шарфами на шею.

Cremona goes well with vegetables, fruits, bread and cheeses.

Coriander goes well with ham and pork, especially when orange is included.

Кориандр хорошо сочетается с ветчиной и свининой, особенно, когда добавляется апельсин.

You can choose the one that goes well with the design of your home.

The red hat goes well with her dress.

Each of the brief melodic compositions goes well with the development of the plot and helps to perceive the text.

Каждая из коротких мелодичных композиций хорошо сочетается с развитием сюжета и помогает восприятию.

It goes well with all types of aroma.

It goes well with all types of flavors.

No, it goes well with the suit.

Wool goes well with a number of other materials, textiles, fibers and yarns.

Шерсть хорошо сочетается с различными материалами, тканями, волокнами и пряжей.

A creamy classic that goes well with shrimp, grilled vegetables and as a dip for raw food.

Кремовый классик, который хорошо сочетается с креветками, овощами на гриле и погружением в сырую пищу.

This elegant cocktail, so creamy and rich, goes well with any dessert.

Этот элегантный коктейль с ярко выраженным сливочным и богатым вкусом хорошо сочетается с любым…

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 529. Точных совпадений: 529. Затраченное время: 176 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Wine is an excellent aperitif, goes well with fish soups, risotto and white meat.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

buckwheat, pasta, vegetable stew and rice.

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гречкой, макаронными изделиями, овощными рагу и рисом.

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Cheese goes well with meat and vegetable dishes and complementing their shading taste.

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Сочетается с блюдами из запеченного красного мяса и



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The cheese goes well with all kinds of meat, poultry, potatoes and vegetables.

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context icon

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as from other brands.

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context icon

Сочетается с любой акриловой пудрой как« Lady Victory»,

так и других брендов.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

See large swatch Goes well with all interior colour schemes and styles.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The elegant dusty rose goes well with neutral colours to add a delicate and subtle expression.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Элегантный цвет пыльной розы хорошо сочетается с нейтральными цветами и создает тончайший и нежнейший эффект.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

game, cheese, poultry and grilled chicken, cooked



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дичью, сырами, птицей на гриле и курицей, приготовленной


добавлением чеснока.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg



cream, fruit cake


peach, apple or pineapple, various ice cream and sherbet.

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context icon

клубникой со сливками, фруктовыми тортами


персиками, яблоками или ананасами, различным мороженым и шербетами.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The wine is perfect as an aperitif or to accompany spicy dishes, goes well with white meat and fish,

seafood and Mediterranean salads, sushi, fresh cream cheeses.

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Вино идеально в качестве аперитива или для сопровождения острых блюд, хорошо сочетается с белым мясом и рыбой,

морепродуктами и средиземноморскими салатами, суши, свежими сливочными сырами.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The high quality of WolfVision Visualizers goes well with our products and the image we are aiming to present at Extron.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Высокое качество документ- камер WolfVision хорошо подходит к нашей продукции и имиджу, который мы стараемся создать в Extron.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

perfectly accentuate the taste of cheese.

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context icon

птицы или дичи, прекрасно подчеркнет вкус сыров.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Wine is served as an aperitif, goes well with snacks, soft cheeses,

eggs, fish, seafood and white meat poultry.

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икрой, рыбой, морепродуктами и белым мясом домашней птицы.

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The classical model of denim pants fits most and goes well with different clothes, regardless of style.

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Классическая модель джинсовых брюк подходит большинству и отлично сочетается с разной одеждой, независимо от стиля.

Fine and fragrant composition


notes of vanilla and flowers goes well with fruit, nuts and sweets.

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Утонченная душистая композиция


яркими нотками ванили и цветов отлично сочетается с фруктами, орехами и сладостями.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

This easily-drinking wine goes well with meat courses under berry sauces,

duck, pate and dishes of Italian cuisine.

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уткой, паштетами и блюдами итальянской кухни.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Champagne is an excellent aperitif, goes well with caviar, oysters,

white meats, cheeses Beaufort, Brie, Camembert, Cheddar, Parmesan cheese, fruits and desserts.

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Шампанское является прекрасным аперитивом, хорошо сочетается с икрой, устрицами,

белым мясом, сырами Бофорт, Бри, Камамбер, Чеддер, Пармезан, фруктами и десертами.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The wine goes well with spicy dishes and is considered to be the perfect complement to desserts.

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Coffee Lavazza Qualita

Rossa is the perfect drink for Breakfast because it goes well with milk, crackers, rolls, biscuits.

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Кофе Lavazza Qualita Rossa это идеальный напиток для завтрака, поскольку он прекрасно сочетается с молоком, сухариками, булочками, печеньем.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Each of the brief melodic compositions goes well with the development of the plot and helps to perceive the text.

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context icon

Каждая из коротких мелодичных композиций хорошо сочетается с развитием сюжета и помогает восприятию.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

English breakfast»- is the embodiment of»the British cup of tea»,

a classic blend of strong saturated, which goes well with milk and sugar.

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Английский к завтраку»- это воплощение« британской чашки чая»,

классического крепкого насыщенного бленда, который хорошо сочетается с молоком и сахаром.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Go well with

I’ve got a food-related expression for you today, “to go well with.” We use this when we’re talking about two things that are even better when they’re together. It’s common to use this with food and drink. We were talking about Waffle House and the hash browns. The hash browns go well with eggs and toast and bacon. You can soak up the broken yolk of your eggs with the hash browns. They each taste better when they go along with the other. They go well together; when they come together, the combination is really good.

Sometimes you’re preparing a dish and you have one great ingredient, but you don’t know what to serve with it. I really like scallops. It’s seafood from the north Atlantic. But I never know what to cook with them. I always wonder, “what goes well with scallops?” I still don’t have a great answer. If you read recipe books, they tell you broccolini goes well with scallops and they say corn dishes go well with scallops. But I still haven’t found that perfect side dish that goes well with scallops.

What goes well with steak? You can’t go wrong with almost any type of potatoes. I like spinach with steak. Sauteed mushrooms go well with steak. Grilled asparagus goes well with steak. Some people think a wedge salad goes well with steak. A wedge salad is like a hunk of iceberg lettuce covered in bleu cheese dressing. I don’t think that goes well with anything, but that’s just my opinion!

We use this with alcohol, too. You can eat or drink whatever you like. But certain combinations are generally thought to be better than others. White wine goes well with seafood. Red wine goes well with steak. A darker beer might go well with chili. A lighter beer goes well with tacos. Tequila goes well with spicy food.

You can use “go well with” to describe colors that look good in combination with one another. Black and orange go well with each other. Yellow and blue go well with each other. The In-N-Out Burger logo is red and yellow; those colors go well with each other, too. I’m terrible at determining what colors go well with what other colors. I have such a hard time picking colors for my walls. Some people have a good eye for this sort of thing. They can look at one color, look at the room, and tell you what other colors go well with what’s already there.

JR’s song of the week

Today’s song of the week is “Uptown Girl” by Billy Joel. You know JR likes to pick songs from the TV shows he’s watching, and this one appeared in The Crown, the last season. Bill Joel is a New Yorker, and a lot of his songs are about New York City. Uptown is where the more traditional New York families used to live, while downtown is a little edgier. According to the stereotype, people downtown might have tattoos or body piercings; that does not fly uptown. That’s not a completely true stereotype, especially not these days, but it makes for a catchy song. “Uptown Girl” by Billy Joel is the song of the week.

See you next time!

That’s all today. I had Chick-Fil-A for breakfast. That, unfortunately, doesn’t qualify as a regional chain because they are now in too many places. But probably my favorite fast-food menu item is the Chick-Fil-A breakfast biscuit. And I got my fix of that this morning. I don’t have fast food a lot, but when I do, I like to make it count. The Chick-Fil-A breakfast biscuit is absolutely delicious, since we were on that topic!

I hope you enjoyed this one. Like I said on Monday, I needed a break from the heavy research, so I this was a perfect day to share a little bit of the American experience. Remember you can join our free Facebook group and tell me and your fellow listeners about your favorite chain restaurants in the US. You can visit PlainEnglish.com/Facebook to join that group.

¿Hablas español?

The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into Spanish. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

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The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

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Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

How can I use the translations in my studies?

Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

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Parlez-vous français?

The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

How can I use the translations in my studies?

Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

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Yes, please visit PlainEnglish.com/sample to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

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Você fala português?

The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

How can I use the translations in my studies?

Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

Do the translations work on mobile?

Yes! Instead of hovering over a highlighted word, just tap on it .

Can I see a sample?

Yes, please visit PlainEnglish.com/sample to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

How can I access the translations?

Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!


The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

How can I use the translations in my studies?

Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

Do the translations work on mobile?

Yes! Instead of hovering over a highlighted word, just tap on it .

Can I see a sample?

Yes, please visit PlainEnglish.com/sample to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

How can I access the translations?

Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!

Parli italiano?

The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

How can I use the translations in my studies?

Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

Do the translations work on mobile?

Yes! Instead of hovering over a highlighted word, just tap on it .

Can I see a sample?

Yes, please visit PlainEnglish.com/sample to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

How can I access the translations?

Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

The transcript of this lesson is available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation.

How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

How can I use the translations in my studies?

Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

Do the translations work on mobile?

Yes! Instead of hovering over a highlighted word, just tap on it .

Can I see a sample?

Yes, please visit PlainEnglish.com/sample to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

How can I access the translations?

Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!

Sen Türkçe konuşmayı biliyor musun?

The transcripts of Plain English lessons are available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation. Turkish translations are available starting at Lesson 278.

How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

How can I use the translations in my studies?

Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

Do the translations work on mobile?

Yes! Instead of hovering over a highlighted word, just tap on it .

Can I see a sample?

Yes, please visit PlainEnglish.com/sample to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

How can I access the translations?

Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!

Mówisz po polsku?

The transcript of Plain English lessons are available with interactive translations into your language. In each lesson transcript, we select about one hundred difficult words, phrases , and expressions for translation. Polish translations are available starting at Lesson 278.

How is this different than simply using a translation engine?

Translation engines are powerful tools for communicating in the modern world . However, they often miss the context and can either mislead you or leave you confused . Our human translators are here to make sure that you’re getting not only the correct definition, but also the full context .

How can I use the translations in my studies?

Most members use the translations as they are listening to the lesson and reading along . When you come across a word you don’t understand, you don’t have to press pause to discover the meaning . You can simply hover your mouse over the highlighted word . This lets you learn the definition of the word without having to press pause on the audio.

Do the translations work on mobile?

Yes! Instead of hovering over a highlighted word, just tap on it .

Can I see a sample?

Yes, please visit PlainEnglish.com/sample to see a sample episode with the Spanish translations.

How can I access the translations?

Translations are included in two memberships: Plain English Plus+ and Starter. Choose a plan and get started today!

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  • Word meaning getting used to something