Word meaning give rise to

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Help and need feed upon one another; their interaction can give rise to uncontrolled cumulative processes.

Помощь и нужда питаются друг другом; их взаимодействие может порождать неуправляемые кумулятивные процессы.

The rewards and their distribution become a part of the social order, and thus give rise to stratification.

Выгоды и их распределение становятся частью общественной системы и порождают стратификацию…

Current patterns of market-driven globalization may even give rise to marginalization within and among countries.

Нынешние модели глобализации под воздействием рыночных сил могут даже привести к маргинализации как внутри стран, так и между странами.

The soma may give rise to numerous dendrites, but never to more than one axon.

Сома может привести к многочисленным дендритов, но не более одного аксона.

Conflicts give rise to intolerable crimes against humanity, such as genocide.

Конфликты приводят к таким преступлениям против человечности, как геноцид, мириться с которыми нельзя.

These situations give rise to legal pluralism.

Эти вопросы прямо приводят к рассмотрению политики правового плюрализма.

This would not give rise to any inconsistency.

Это не приведет к какой бы то ни было непоследовательности.

These in turn give rise to employment lawsuits.

И это, в свою очередь, приводит к трудовым спорам в суде.

These will give rise to different kinds of commentary.

Это приводит к разного рода комментариям.

Bites from mosquitoes usually give rise to lumps, wheals and swelling that goes away within a day.

Укусы комаров, как правило, приводят к шишки, волдыри и отек уходит в течение дня.

Multiple studies suggest that these cancer stem cells resist therapy and give rise to recurrences.

Многочисленные исследования показывают, то эти стволовые клетки сопротивляются лечению и приводят к рецидивам.

The three levels are unique and give rise to different ethical issues.

Три уровня являются уникальными и порождают различные этические проблемы.

After many believe the rumors, there are various kinds of fears and fears that give rise to a whole series of completely absurd questions.

После того, как многие верят слухам, возникают различного рода опасения и страхи, которые порождают целый ряд совершенно нелепых вопросов.

Revolutionary conditions often give rise to previously unknown leaders.

Революционные условия часто порождают ранее неизвестных лидеров.

We believe that it can give rise to the next major transformation of business thinking.

Мы считаем, что это может привести к следующей крупной трансформации бизнес-мышления».

It discusses how these nine basic realities give rise to everything.

Она обсуждает, как эти девять базовых реальностей порождают всё.

Our results should give rise to increased awareness of depression in the weeks following the transition to standard time.

«Наши результаты должны привести к повышению осведомленности о депрессии в течение нескольких недель после перехода на стандартное время.

At this stage, the logic of the law 13 = s/g can automatically give rise to very large international capital imbalances.

На данном этапе мы лишь отметим, что логика закона β = s/g может автоматически привести к очень сильным имущественным дисбалансам на международном уровне, как это ярко демонстрирует пример Японии.

The consequences of those changes, which are well known in the capitals of the main European countries, give rise to catastrophic problems for humanity.

Последствия подобных изменений, хорошо знакомые столицам главных европейских стран, порождают катастрофические для человечества проблемы.

These collisions give rise to electrons and protons being expelled, escaping from the Sun’s atmosphere.

Эти столкновения порождают электроны и протоны вытесняются, вырвавшись из атмосферы Солнца.

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give rise — вызывать, давать повод, давать начало
give rise to — иметь результатом; иметь результаты; давать начало
to give rise (to) — а) причинять, вызывать, быть источником; давать повод; иметь результатом; the rumour gave rise to a lot of unnecessary worry
give rise to smth — давать начало чему-л
give rise to wear — вызывать износ
give rise to doubt — вызывать сомнения
give rise to smth. — давать начало чему-л.
give rise to concern — вызывать озабоченность; вызывать беспокойство; вызывать тревогу
to give rise to wear — вызывать износ
give rise to penalty — приводить к штрафу

ещё 15 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод

привести, рождать

Перевод по словам

give  — давать, придать, отдавать, предоставлять, податливость, эластичность
rise  — рост, подъем, повышение, увеличение, восход, подниматься, повышаться, возрасти


His speech gave rise to a bitter argument.

Его речь породила ожесточённый спор.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…villainous behavior that made him one of the most notorious figures in history and gave rise to the legend of Dracula…  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

  • 1
    give rise

    Персональный Сократ > give rise

  • 2
    give rise to

    Персональный Сократ > give rise to

  • 3
    give rise to smth.

    порождать, вызывать что-л.; давать повод к чему-л.; быть источником, причиной чего-л., иметь что-л. результатом

    The late war, as we all know, gave rise to enormous business. (Th. Dreiser, ‘Tragic America’, ch. I) — Общеизвестно, что последняя война была для капиталистов источником огромных прибылей.

    But passion alone cannot give rise to a great art. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Don Fernando’, ch. XI) — Но одной страсти для создания великого произведения мало.

    When I had got over the impression of bewilderment, surprise and horror to which my first visit to the prison camp gave rise, I bethought myself that there were certain matters that I was interested to enquire into. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Complete Short Stories’, ‘A Man with a Conscience’) — И когда я несколько оправился после того потрясения, изумления и ужаса, какие я испытал при первом своем посещении тюрьмы, я стал соображать, что здесь, пожалуй, можно разузнать кое-что новое о таких сторонах жизни, которые меня всегда интересовали.

    The mention of his name always gave rise to a boo or a cheer. (S. O’Casey, ‘Pictures in the Hallway’, ‘A Coffin Comes to Ireland’) — Имя Парнелла встречают или улюлюканьем, или приветственными криками.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > give rise to smth.

  • 4
    give rise to smth.

       пopoждaть, вызывaть чтo-л.; дaвaть пoвoд к чeму-л.; быть иcтoчникoм, пpичинoй чeгo-л., имeть чтo-л. peзультaтoм

    But passion alone cannot give rise to a great art (W. S. Maugham). The mention of his name always gave rise to a boo or a cheer (S. O’Casey)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > give rise to smth.

  • 5
    give rise to

    1. давать начало

    2. вызывать; приводить к

    Синонимический ряд:

    originate (verb) be behind; cause; create; engender; originate; provoke

    English-Russian base dictionary > give rise to

  • 6
    give rise to

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > give rise to

  • 7
    give rise to

    1.вызывать; обуславливать

    2.служить источником

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > give rise to

  • 8
    give rise

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > give rise

  • 9
    give rise

    вызывать, возбуждать

    {to }give security

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > give rise

  • 10
    give rise to smth

    давать начало ч-л.

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > give rise to smth

  • 11
    give rise

    10) Макаров: быть источником, иметь результатом, причинять, служить источником, давать начало

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > give rise

  • 12
    give rise (to)


    быть источником, иметь результатом, причинять, служить источником, давать начало

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > give rise (to)

  • 13
    give rise to

    1) Общая лексика: вызвать, вызывать, давать начало , иметь результатом, порождать, привести, приводить, вызывать , вызывать (что-л.) приводить к (каким-л.) результатам, давать начало , давать повод , давать повод , давать начало , быть причиной, являться причиной, повлечь за собой, дать толчок к развитию, послужить толчком к развитию

    3) Математика: образовать, образовывать, обуславливать, обусловить, обусловливать, породить, приводить к, приводить к тому, что, рождать, создавать

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > give rise to

  • 14
    give rise to (…)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > give rise to (…)

  • 15
    give rise to a new stir

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > give rise to a new stir

  • 16
    give rise to a taxable permanent establishment

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > give rise to a taxable permanent establishment

  • 17
    give rise to an action

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > give rise to an action

  • 18
    give rise to complications

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > give rise to complications

  • 19
    give rise to concern

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > give rise to concern

  • 20
    give rise to contradictions

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > give rise to contradictions

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • give rise to something — phrase to make something happen or begin, especially something unpleasant or unexpected Delays could give rise to further problems. The remark about an election inevitably gave rise to widespread speculation. Thesaurus: to make something bad… …   Useful english dictionary

    • give rise to something — give rise to (something) to cause something to exist. Her experiences have given rise to the passion she expresses in her poetry. Stem cells produce more cells of the same kind liver stem cells give rise to liver cells, skin stem cells give rise… …   New idioms dictionary

    • give rise to — (something) to cause something to exist. Her experiences have given rise to the passion she expresses in her poetry. Stem cells produce more cells of the same kind liver stem cells give rise to liver cells, skin stem cells give rise to skin, and… …   New idioms dictionary

    • give rise to — ► give rise to cause or induce to happen. Main Entry: ↑give …   English terms dictionary

    • give rise — index provoke Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

    • give rise to — index avail (bring about), cause, compose, create, develop, engender, establish (launch) …   Law dictionary

    • give rise to — phrasal : to bring about : produce, occasion has exercised the skill of … scholars and given rise to an enormous body of literature Edward Clodd a watershed that gives rise to two large river systems American Guide Series: New Hampshire * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

    • give rise to something — to make something happen or begin, especially something unpleasant or unexpected Delays could give rise to further problems. The remark about an election inevitably gave rise to widespread speculation …   English dictionary

    • give rise to — {v. phr.} To be the reason for; cause. * /A branch floating in the water gave rise to Columbus hopes that land was near./ * /John s black eye gave rise to rumors that he had been in a fight./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

    • give rise to — {v. phr.} To be the reason for; cause. * /A branch floating in the water gave rise to Columbus hopes that land was near./ * /John s black eye gave rise to rumors that he had been in a fight./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

    • give rise to — v. phr. To be the reason for; cause. A branch floating in the water gave rise to Columbus hopes that land was near. John s black eye gave rise to rumors that he had been in a fight …   Словарь американских идиом

    Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Financial, Encyclopedia.

    give rise to (something)

    To trigger or cause the genesis or growth of something. The technological advances gave rise to the Industrial Revolution. If left untreated, the infection can give rise to a number of other complications.

    Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

    give rise to something

    to cause something; to instigate something. The attack gave rise to endless arguments. Her ludicrous living gave rise to further speculation as to the source of her money.

    McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

    give rise to

    be the cause of.

    Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

    give rise to

    To be the cause or origin of; bring about.

    American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

    See also:

    • give rise to (something)
    • give rise to something
    • give birth
    • give birth to
    • give birth to (someone or something)
    • use (something) over
    • use over
    • bring (something) in its train
    • bring something in its train
    • trigger-happy

    References in periodicals archive

    108(e)(2) should be read to exclude from COD income a cancellation of debt that would otherwise give rise to basis because the debt would have been covered by Section 346(j)(2) of the old Bankruptcy Code (11 U.S.C.

    may give rise to a covered Loss, provided, however, that the 120-day deadline for performance will be extended to the benefit of the defaulting party and to the detriment of the non-defaulting party for so long as the non-defaulting party is not appreciably prejudiced thereby.»

    Software updates embedded in maintenance agreements may give rise to DPGR, assuming they meet the requirements of section 199, (43) a result consistent with prior administrative guidance.

    The transplanted sphere-derived cells did indeed give rise to cells from all three germ layers.

    In an October editorial, The Wall Street Journal suggested that such an agreement might give rise to a national sales tax.

    Ultimately, these layers will give rise to every single body organ and part (see diagram, left).

    The way to do this was to endorse international moves to outlaw and combat terrorist violence along with accompanying efforts to address the hurts and inequities that give rise to terrorist behavior.

    The greater an object’s size, according to Edmund Burke, the more violently it excites the retina: Thus giant objects give rise to perceptions of the sublime.

    But works of beauty that give rise to childlike wonder and delight are still possible.

    (La Jolla, CA) has patented methods for isolating and using prechondrocytes from the umbilical cord, specifically from Wharton’s jelly, that give rise to chondrocytes which produce cartilage.

    Facts — even singularly incredible facts — were more readily accepted than theories in the new scientific societies of the seventeenth century because they did not give rise to so acrimonious and unsociable debate.

    These dreams will give rise to a three-story, 60,000-square-foot home for Miami City Ballet.

    It is one of only a few such discoveries of comets beyond the solar system and provides intriguing new insights into the primordial conditions that give rise to planets, asteroids, and comets.

    Service contracts may give rise to private business use because of the flow of monies between the service provider and the facility financed by tax-exempt bonds.

    Once the fragments were identified, one could reason out the structure of longer stretches of the molecules by arguing that a certain long stretch would give rise to shorter pieces, all of which would be found among the fragments, but would not give rise to shorter pieces that were not found there.

    Idioms browser

    • give one’s eyeteeth
    • give one’s eyeteeth for, to
    • give one’s right arm, to
    • give oneself over to
    • give oneself up
    • give or take
    • give out
    • give out (to one) about (someone or something)
    • give out with (something)
    • give out with something
    • give over
    • give pap with a hatchet
    • give pause
    • give pause for thought
    • give pause to (one)
    • give pause to someone
    • give pause to, to
    • give place to (someone or something)
    • give place to somebody/something
    • give preference to (someone or something)
    • give preference to somebody/something
    • give props to (one)
    • give rein to
    • give rein to (someone or something)
    • give right arm
    • give rise to
    • give rise to (something)
    • give rise to something
    • give shape to (something)
    • give shape to something
    • give short shrift
    • give short shrift to (someone or something)
    • give some lip
    • give some skin
    • give some sugar
    • give some thought to
    • give somebody a bell
    • give somebody a big hand
    • give somebody a break
    • give somebody a buzz
    • give somebody a hand
    • give somebody a leg-up
    • give somebody a piece of your mind
    • give somebody a ring
    • give somebody a rocket
    • give somebody a rough, hard, bad, etc. time
    • give somebody a shout
    • give somebody a taste/dose of their own medicine
    • give somebody a turn
    • give somebody an inch
    • give somebody enough rope

    Full browser

    • give props to them
    • give props to us
    • give props to you
    • give qualms
    • give rein to
    • give rein to (someone or something)
    • give rein to her
    • give rein to him
    • give rein to me
    • give rein to someone
    • give rein to something
    • give rein to them
    • give rein to us
    • give rein to you
    • give right arm
    • give right arm
    • give right arm
    • give right arm
    • give right arm
    • give right arm
    • give right arm for
    • give right arm for it
    • give right arm for something
    • give right arm to
    • give right arm to do it
    • give right arm to do something
    • give right of way
    • give right-of-way
    • give rise
    • give rise
    • give rise to
    • give rise to (something)
    • give rise to something
    • give running shoes
    • give second thoughts
    • give shape to
    • give shape to (something)
    • give shape to something
    • give short shrift
    • give short shrift to
    • give short shrift to (someone or something)
    • give short shrift to her
    • give short shrift to him
    • give short shrift to it
    • give short shrift to me
    • give short shrift to one
    • give short shrift to somebody
    • give short shrift to someone
    • give short shrift to something
    • give short shrift to them
    • give short shrift to us
    • give short shrift to you
    • give skin
    • give skin
    • give skin
    • give skin
    • give skin
    • give some elbow room
    • give some Larry Dooley
    • give some lip
    • give some skin



    give rise to (third-person singular simple present gives rise to, present participle giving rise to, simple past gave rise to, past participle given rise to)

    1. To be the origin of; to produce; to result in.


    to be the origin of; to produce

    • Bulgarian: пора́ждам (bg) (poráždam)
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 引起 (zh) (yǐnqǐ), 造成 (zh) (zàochéng), 導致导致 (zh) (dǎozhì)
    • Dutch: veroorzaken (nl)
    • Finnish: aiheuttaa (fi)
    • French: donner lieu (fr)
    • German: führen zu (de)
    • Greek: οδηγώ σε (odigó se)
    • Hungarian: előidéz (hu), okoz (hu), kelt (hu), alkalmat ad
    • Indonesian: menimbulkan (id)
    • Italian: dare luogo, dare adito, dare origine
    • Japanese: please add this translation if you can
    • Korean: 야기(惹起)하다 (yagihada), 초래(招來)하다 (choraehada), 불러일으키다 (ko) (bulleoireukida)
    • Macedonian: да́ва по́вод (dáva póvod), до́веде (dóvede), по́роди (pórodi)
    • Polish: zapoczątkować (pl) dać początek
    • Portuguese: ocasionar (pt), produzir (pt), dar origem a, resultar (pt) em (pt)
    • Russian: порожда́ть (ru) (poroždátʹ), (+ dative case) дава́ть нача́ло (ru) (davátʹ načálo), дава́ть по́вод (davátʹ póvod)
    • Spanish: engendrar (es), ocasionar (es), producir (es), dar pie
    • Thai: please add this translation if you can

    See also[edit]

    • give birth
    • be born
    • beget

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