Word meaning generous giving

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Support our initiatives through generous giving.

It was through the generous giving of their knowledge, time and energy that this revision was accomplished so successfully.

Именно благодаря тому, что они великодушно отдавали свои знания, время и энергию, настоящая редакция была столь успешно завершена.

It was through the generous giving of their knowledge, time and energy that this revision was accomplished so successfully.

Только благодаря их знаниям и потраченным усилиям и времени этот пересмотр был так успешно завершен.

Then generous giving follows personal dedication.

Щедрость идет вслед за личной преданностью.

They have understood well that teaching is a basic requirement of a life of generous giving.

Они хорошо усвоили, что обучение Вере — основная потребность жизни, нацеленной на то, чтобы щедро отдавать.

The German banks were generous giving long term credits for industrial firms.

What do these people gain from their generous giving?

But over time, charity became more closely aligned with the French word charité, which means demonstrating love for your fellow people through generous giving.

Однако со временем термин charity все чаще стал сопоставляться с французским словом charité, которое означает демонстрацию любви к ближним посредством бескорыстного даяния.

Another revealing study is found on the website, «Generous Giving,» a place where careful attention is given to a study of financial giving by the various religious denominations.

Еще одно разоблачающее исследование находится на веб-странице «Дженерос Гивинг», там, где особое внимание уделяется изучению финансового пожертвования разными религиозными конфессиями.

It trained its followers in generous giving, traditional rituals, family order, loyalty, respect for superiors and for the aged, and principled flexibility in advising rulers.

Это обучение своих приверженцев в доброжелательности, традиционные ритуалы, сыновнее благочестие, верность, уважение к начальству и для пожилых людей, и принципиальной гибкости в консультировании правителей.

We have been able to help several families with your generous giving!

Помогли многодетной семье благодаря вашей помощи!

Thanks to the generous giving of the Audacious Project, we are on a path toward liftoff.

Благодаря щедрой финансовой поддержке Audacious Project, мы на пути к взлёту.

Results of Generous Giving (9:6-15)

Generous giving of ourselves produces a generous harvest.

9:6-15 The Results of Generous Giving

Your life is one of generous giving.

Другие результаты

He is also very generous at giving and sharing his knowledge to all who’s willing to learn.

Он также должен быть щедрым и делиться своими знаниями со всеми, кто хочет учиться.

Of course, even in these scenarios you should be extremely generous in giving the other person credit.

Конечно, даже в этих случаях вы должны быть чрезвычайно щедрым в предоставлении другой кредитной человеком.

He who does not fear loss is generous in giving.

It was simple to use, and my neighborhood and friends were so generous and giving.

«Им было просто пользоваться, и мои соседи и друзья были такими щедрыми и жертвенными.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Asked by: Emie Wisoky

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Generosity is the virtue of being liberal in giving, often as gifts. Generosity is regarded as a virtue by various world religions, and is often celebrated in cultural and religious ceremonies.

What does giving generously mean?

Generosity is a quality that’s a lot like unselfishness. Someone showing generosity is happy to give time, money, food, or kindness to people in need. … When you show generosity, you might give away things or money or put others before yourself.

How do we give generously?

How to Give Generously When You Don’t Have A Dime

  • Make something. …
  • Go through your books and sell them online or to a local used bookstore. …
  • Give your time. …
  • Sign up for Ebates and get a $10 gift card. …
  • Keep a giving jar. …
  • Use local coupon blogs to buy gift items on extreme sale. …
  • Make a gift list for the year. …
  • Swagbucks.

What do you call someone who gives generously?

benevolent, freehearted. generous in providing aid to others. big, bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, freehanded, giving, handsome, liberal, openhanded. given or giving freely. lavish, munificent, overgenerous, too-generous, unsparing, unstinted, unstinting.

What is the true meaning of generous?

: the quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish : the quality of being generous especially : willingness to give money and other valuable things to others.

23 related questions found

What is a generous gift?

adjective. A generous person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.

Does generous mean kind?

Generosity refers to someone’s willingness to give help or money, especially more than would be expected. … Kind people are also generous but generous people are not always kind. For example, a generous person may give a lot of money to support charities but be a scoundrel in other aspects of life.

What is synonym of generously?

Some common synonyms of generous are bountiful, liberal, and munificent. While all these words mean «giving or given freely and unstintingly,» generous stresses warmhearted readiness to give more than size or importance of the gift.

What word class is generously?

generously adverb (SIZE)

What does the Bible say about tithing?

Leviticus 27:30 says, “A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord: it is holy to the Lord.” These gifts were a reminder that everything belonged to God and a portion was given back to God to thank him for what they had received.

What does Jesus say about tithing?

In Matthew 23:23 and Luke 11:42 Jesus referred to tithing as something that should not be neglected… “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cummin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness.

What is giving according to Bible?

Giving is a facet of a larger subject called stewardship. According to James 1:17, God owns everything because He is the Creator, Maker and Giver of all things — so when we give, we are merely giving back a portion of what belongs to God anyway.

What is the sentence of generously?

Generously sentence example. He also generously awarded those who helped him win battles. The public library is generously endowed, and in 1908 had about 90,000 volumes. The city is likewise generously provided with hospitals and asylums.

Who is a cheerful giver?

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). The word translated “cheerful” is the Greek hilaros, and means pretty much the same—cheerful, joyous. But it also has a sense of readiness.

What type of adverb is generously?

Adverbs of Manner

This category comprises the most common adverbs — the ones that end in -ly. Here are some examples of adverbs of manner: beautifully. generously.

What is antonyms of generously?

antonyms for generously

  • poorly.
  • coldly.
  • grudgingly.
  • heartlessly.
  • selfishly.
  • sparingly.
  • stingily.

What is an amply?

What does amply mean? Amply means fully, sufficiently, or abundantly. It is the adverb form of ample, which means enough—sufficient or adequate. Ample can also mean more than enough—plentiful or abundant.

What is a word for not generous?

: not generous: a : petty, mean ungenerous criticisms. b : deficient in liberality : stingy an ungenerous offer. Other Words from ungenerous Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About ungenerous.

What is nearest meaning of generously?

1′generous with money‘ liberal, lavish, magnanimous, munificent, giving, open-handed, free-handed, bountiful, unselfish, ungrudging, unstinting, unsparing, free, indulgent, prodigal, princely.

How do you describe a giving person?

Generous, charitable, liberal, bountiful, munificent all describe persons who give to others something of value, or the acts of such persons.

What are the qualities of a generous person?

5 Qualities of Generous People

  • Altruism. First and foremost, generous people are altruistic. …
  • Optimism. Generous people are idealists. …
  • Trust. Trust is a major quality amongst the most generous people. …
  • Energy. When you think of people being generous, energy is one of the first things that come to mind. …
  • Ability to lead.

Is it good to be generous?

Generosity can change your life

It can make you happier, healthier, and improve your relationships with others. There are all kinds of ways to be generous, from donating to a cause you believe in to volunteering your time. Not only will it benefit others, but it could also benefit you.

Who is a kindness person?

These words and phrases refer to people who are generous, helpful, and who think of other people’s feelings. One of the most common words for this is kind. Kind can be used of people or of their actions. You’ll never meet a kinder person.

Are giving and generous the same thing?

As adjectives the difference between generous and giving

is that generous is (obsolete) of noble birth while giving is having the tendency to give; generous.

  • 1



    1) великодушный, благородный, добрый



    The gift is generous by any standards. — По всем меркам это щедрый подарок.

    He was always generous in sharing his enormous knowledge. — Он всегда охотно делился своими обширными знаниями.



    3) обильный, изобильный, богатый



    5) интенсивный, густой

    6) благородный, с изысканным букетом

    Англо-русский современный словарь > generous

См. также в других словарях:

  • generous — generously, adv. generousness, n. /jen euhr euhs/, adj. 1. liberal in giving or sharing; unselfish: a generous patron of the arts; a generous gift. 2. free from meanness or smallness of mind or character; magnanimous. 3. large; abundant; ample: a …   Universalium

  • generous — 01. My grandmother was a very [generous] person who was always ready to help people in need. 02. David Lam is known for his [generosity] in supporting a number of charitable causes in our province. 03. His family always gives [generously] to… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • char´i|ta|ble|ness — char|i|ta|ble «CHAR uh tuh buhl», adjective. 1. generous in giving help to poor, sick, or helpless people; benevolent and kind: »He was a charitable man who used his wealth to give contributions to the relief of sickness and poverty. SYNONYM(S):… …   Useful english dictionary

  • char|i|ta|ble — «CHAR uh tuh buhl», adjective. 1. generous in giving help to poor, sick, or helpless people; benevolent and kind: »He was a charitable man who used his wealth to give contributions to the relief of sickness and poverty. SYNONYM(S): bountiful. 2.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • liberal — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Latin liberalis suitable for a freeman, generous, from liber free; perhaps akin to Old English lēodan to grow, Greek eleutheros free Date: 14th century 1. a. of, relating to, or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Faith-based foreign aid — refers to the international development and relief related spending and activities of religious or religiously motivated organizations, and the government financial and political support of those organizations. For centuries, Western religious… …   Wikipedia

  • Li Ka Shing Foundation — Infobox Company | company name = Li Ka Shing Foundation company location = Hong Kong company type = Charity foundation = 1980, Hong Kong company slogan = Knowledge changes fate知識改變命運 homepage = http://www.lksf.orgThe Li Ka Shing Foundation… …   Wikipedia

  • Labour Party (UK) — Labour Party …   Wikipedia

  • Matthew Hale (jurist) — For other people of the same name, see Matthew Hale (disambiguation). Sir Matthew Hale SL …   Wikipedia

  • The Invasion (professional wrestling) — This article is about the storyline. For the pay per view, see WWF InVasion. The Invasion was a professional wrestling storyline in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) that began shortly after the WWF s purchase of World Championship Wrestling… …   Wikipedia

  • The Ballad of the White Horse — is a poem by G K Chesterton about the idealized exploits of the Saxon King Alfred the Great, published in 1911 AD. Written in ballad form, the work is usually considered an epic poem. The poem narrates how Alfred was able to defeat the invading… …   Wikipedia

Giving adjective — Given or giving freely.

Usage example: Saturday’s child is loving and giving

Show all Definitions

Synonyms for Giving

Antonyms for Giving

Generous is a synonym for giving. You can use «Generous» instead an adjective «Giving».

Nearby Words: give, giver

Table of Contents

  1. What does the word generous mean?
  2. What does generous mean in a sentence?
  3. What generosity means?
  4. What is a generous boyfriend?
  5. How do I make him more generous?
  6. Do men like generous woman?
  7. How do you know if a guy is stingy?
  8. Why is generosity attractive?
  9. How do you deal with a cheap guy?
  10. Why is my bf so cheap?
  11. What is a cheap person?
  12. How do I get my boyfriend to pay for stuff?
  13. How do you politely ask your boyfriend for money?
  14. Should my boyfriend support me financially?
  15. How do you tell if a man likes you?
  16. What does it mean if a guy spends money on you?

Some common synonyms of generous are bountiful, liberal, and munificent. While all these words mean “giving or given freely and unstintingly,” generous stresses warmhearted readiness to give more than size or importance of the gift.

What does the word generous mean?

adjective. liberal in giving or sharing; unselfish: a generous patron of the arts; a generous gift. free from meanness or smallness of mind or character; magnanimous.

What does generous mean in a sentence?

willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially more than is usual or expected: a very generous man. [ + to infinitive ] It was generous of you to lend me the money. She’s been very generous with her time.

What generosity means?

: the quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish : the quality of being generous especially : willingness to give money and other valuable things to others. See the full definition for generosity in the English Language Learners Dictionary. generosity.

What is a generous boyfriend?

A generous man shows you with his actions that he deeply and unerringly values you for the beautiful and brainy self that you are. He knows you are worth his time, respect, and consideration. He will work to provide the best that he can give you, time and time again.

How do I make him more generous?

Men are very generous when you make them happy. Spending some dollars is not much for him. You may try some of these tricks below….11+ Ways To Make Your Boyfriend Give You Money

  1. Be Independent.
  2. Be Generous.
  3. Show Him Some Hint.
  4. Be The Woman He Dream Of.
  5. Be Faithful.
  6. Give Him A Wonderful Morning.
  7. Make Him Wants You More.

Do men like generous woman?

Reason #1: Both Men And Women Are Attracted To Generosity Iliades cites a study from the British Journal of Psychology that demonstrated that women view generous men—men who are honest, reliable, accountable, and trustworthy—as appealing partners for long-term relationships.

How do you know if a guy is stingy?

7 Obvious Signs That You Are Dating A Stingy Man

  1. He never buys you gifts.
  2. He is always broke.
  3. He’s happy you don’t ask him for anything.
  4. He finds it difficult to spend on himself.
  5. He is inquisitive about your money.
  6. He badmouths on men who spend on their women.
  7. He doesn’t spend on his family.

Why is generosity attractive?

New research found that more attractive people are more likely to be givers, and givers are rated as more attractive. It has long been known that giving can have positive effects on the person who is giving, such as an increase in happiness, confidence, and even physical health.

How do you deal with a cheap guy?

How To Deal With Cheap Men In Relationships?

  1. Address The Issue.
  2. Be Understanding.
  3. Love Him The Way You Want To Be Loved.
  4. Love You The Way You Want Him To.
  5. Seek A Different Opinion.
  6. Draw Up A List.
  7. Mirror His Financial Attitude Towards You.
  8. Spend Money In A Fun Way.

Why is my bf so cheap?

Part of being cheap might come from your guy just not getting what makes nice things nice. Some people have a hard time discerning the right level of quality for a gift. An easy way to fix this problem is to let him know in advance what you might want or expect for an occasion.

What is a cheap person?

A “cheap person” is usually a person who doesn’t like to spend money, especially someone who doesn’t spend money in situations when he can and should. A slang term for such a person is “cheapskate”.

How do I get my boyfriend to pay for stuff?

14 Ways to Make Him Buy You Anything You Want

  1. Get him something small to leverage reciprocation.
  2. Break out your sad face.
  3. Whine!
  4. Leverage your physical and personal assets to your advantage.
  5. Leave hints around for him.
  6. Just ask.
  7. Make him food.
  8. Make him feel like he would like it too.

How do you politely ask your boyfriend for money?

How to ask for financial help from your boyfriend

  1. Choose a Perfect Environment.
  2. Help Him and Ask Him for Money.
  3. Drop your requests subtly and repeatedly.
  4. Play the Moody Game.
  5. Get a Loan from Him.
  6. Play the Emotional Game.
  7. Continuous Murmuring and Complaints.
  8. Request and Withdraw.

Should my boyfriend support me financially?

A boyfriend is not obligated to take care of you financially. If that’s the type of relationship you want, make it very clear from the very start. That way, the guy has a choice to run for the hills or stay around for awhile.

How do you tell if a man likes you?

How to Tell If a Guy Likes You

  • He is touching you.
  • He remembers small details about you.
  • You two are social media friends.
  • He gives you eye contact.
  • He makes an effort in the conversations you have.
  • He’s using “alpha” body language.
  • He asks if you have a boyfriend.
  • He gets jealous when you talk to other guys.

What does it mean if a guy spends money on you?

Whether you like it or not, if a man is spending money on you, he is investing in you and the future. If you’re a man who thinks a woman owes you something because you spend money on her, maybe you shouldn’t spend money on women or you should go on cheap/free first dates.

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