Word meaning found out

found out — перевод на русский

To find out the truth about your death by yourself?

Чтобы ты могла узнать правду о своей смерти?

I need to find out why that guy was with my mother.

Я должен узнать почему он был с ней.

Lizzy, if you wanna find where the Pavlovich brothers are you need to find out where they’ve been.

Лиззи, если хочешь узнать, где сейчас братья Павловичи, то надо узнать, где они были.

If you connect to the Ziggurat’s network you can find out where he is.

Если ты подсоединишься к сети «Зиггурата» ты сможешь узнать, где он.


Не сомневаюсь, но что вам удалось узнать?

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Frankie was up to something— — I could feel it-— And I needed to find out what.

Френки что-то затеял, я это чувствовал, и я должен был выяснить что.

So she came back to find out the truth about her death.

Значит она вернулась выяснить всё.

A woman suspected of witchcraft is thrown into the water to find out whether she is guilty or not.

Женщину, уличённую в колдовстве, бросают в воду, чтобы выяснить, виновна она или нет.

But I’m going to find out. I’m tired of being pushed around.

Но я собираюсь это выяснить Надоело, что меня все пинают.

It wouldn’t do any harm, though, to find out where he is.

Но нам не повредит выяснить, где он.

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I have tried to find out how the excellent inquisition judges behaved in such circumstances.

Я пытаюсь понять, как вели себя в подобных случаях достопочтенные отцы инквизиции.

«There was something I had to find out — — and that hour was worth more to me than my whole life.»

«Мне нужно было кое-что понять, и этот час значил для меня больше, чем вся моя жизнь.»

We had the returns from the news agencies throughout the country, and then we went through the advertising of the last two years, in order to find out their revenue as best we could, not knowing their actual contract rates.

Мы получали отчеты о доходах со всех иноформационных агенств страны, и мы просматривали все публикации рекламы за последние два года, чтобы понять, какой доход они приносят, но это были приблизительные оценки, мы не знали их истинной стоимости.

I’m going to find out just what it is that secretaries have that wives haven’t.

Я хочу понять, что в секретаршах есть такого, чего нет в женах.

Yes, your work on these books is okay for a sucker like Tommy but it won’t take the Hastings brothers long to find out they’ve been juggled.

Да, ваша работа над этими отчётами подходит для лопуха как Томми но для братьев Хастингов не составит труда понять, что их надули.

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You tryin’ to forget who you are… and me tryin’to find out who I am.

Вы пытаетесь забыть, кто Вы, а я пытаюсь найти, кто я.

I’ve asked the Chief Engineer to come up here to find out if it’s possible to turn off every piece of machinery.

Я попросил главного механика подняться сюда чтобы найти возможность выключить машину полностью.

Find out what their whole card is.

Найти их стержень.

That’s all I need, for her to find out I had a girl in the car the night of the accident.

Всё, что нужно, так это найти девушку, что была за рулём в ночь аварии.

What I’m trying to do is to find out if there’s a relation between disposition and nutrition.

Я пытаюсь найти зависимость между питанием и поведением.

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And I find out that a couple of years ago…

И я обнаружил, что пару лет назад…

Finding out whether the two million I hid there three years ago was still there.

Я обнаружил, что два миллиона долларов, которые я спрятал три года назад, всё ещё там.

Later I found out Max was the only other person in that grim castle.

Позже, я обнаружил, что кроме Макса никого не было в этом мрачном замке.

And as flying, I’ve now found out, is my life, well, I…

И, поскольку, как я обнаружил, полёты это моя жизнь, я…

I found out we were taking a trimming from a clock manufacturer up in New England.

Я обнаружил, что наши крошки подбирает производитель часов из Новой Англии.

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It’s your business to find out what he’s been doing.

Это твое дело разузнать, что он делает.

I think they’re trying to find out something.

Кажется, они хотели что-то разузнать.

Maybe not, but I’m gonna find out about it.

Может и не понимаю, но хочу разузнать побольше.

— I don’t know, but I can tell you how to find out.

— Не знаю, но могу подсказать, как разузнать.

— I’ve tried to find out.

— Пыталась разузнать.

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— You’ll find out.

— Тебе лучше знать.

Your aunt must never find out who I am.

Ваша тетя не должна знать, кто я.

You must find out about it.

Ты должен знать.

It’s not good to find out too much, Charlie.

Лучше, не знать слишком много, Чарли.

I wanna find out what he was doing at the opera house during the holdup.

Я хочу знать, что он делал в Опере во время ограбления?

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Wait, I wanna find out something.

Погоди. Я хочу кое-что проверить.

But just to find out, I’ll bump ya 2,OOO. Eh, Frenchy?

Но чтобы проверить, я поднимаю до двух тысяч.

Just trying to find out if it’s true about putting salt on the bird’s tail, sir.

Хочу проверить, сможет ли он добиться успеха при мизерных шансах.

«Polly put one toe out from under the covers to find out how cold it was…

«Полли высунула один пальчик из-под одеяла, чтобы проверить, холодно ли…

You’re not gonna go diving off another rooftop to find out?

Но ты же не станешь снова прыгать с крыши, чтобы это проверить?

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Some monkey business was going on here that we want to find out about.

Здесь проворачивались какие-то темные делишки, и мы хотим в этом разобраться.

Julie, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m going to find out. Please stay with me tonight. No.

Джули, мы должны быть осторожны, я не знаю, что такое происходит в этом доме, но я намерена разобраться.

Maybe I can find out.

Попробую разобраться.

You must find out.

Ты должна разобраться.

It mentioned the girl, and I wanted to come here to find out if he had anything to do with Hugh’s death.

В приглашении упоминалась какая-то девушка. И я решил поехать, чтобы попытаться разобраться в смерти Хью.

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— You give me heart, gentlemen. I’m afraid it will take more than good wishes to get that car going. We’ll find out.

— вы возвращаете мне сердце, господа только боюсь добраться до него будет сложнее, чем сказать посмотрим все началось с того что тот актер получил контракт В Голливуде

Then let’s wait and find out who picks it up.

Тогда подождем и посмотрим, кто его получит.

— Well, let’s find out.


We’ll find out where we are!

Посмотрим, чья возьмет.

Let’s find out where it takes us.

Посмотрим, куда это нас приведет.

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Отправить комментарий

выяснять, узнавать, понять, обнаруживать, разузнавать, доискаться, раскрывать


- разузнать, выяснить

to find out smb.’s name and occupation — узнать чью-л. фамилию и профессию
find out when he will come — разузнай, когда он придёт
we found out that he was gone — мы узнали, что он уехал
I have found out all about it — я всё выяснил
can you find out when he is likely to arrive? — вы не могли бы выяснить /выясните, пожалуйста/, когда он может приехать?

- раскрыть (обман, тайну); разгадать (загадку)

to find out the truth — узнать правду, найти истину

- разоблачить, уличить (кого-л.)

he has been found out — его разоблачили
to find smb. out in a lie — поймать кого-л. на лжи, уличить кого-л. во лжи
one’s sin(s) will find one out — преступление, совершённое человеком, когда-нибудь раскроется

Мои примеры


to come to find out — случайно обнаружить, узнать  
to find out for oneself — добраться до истины  
find out — обнаружить  
find out the address at the information bureau — узнать адрес в справочном бюро  
come to find out — случайно обнаружить; случайно выяснить; случайно узнать  
find out how the wind blows — посмотреть, каково общее мнение; выяснить, каково общее мнение  
find out the address at the information office — узнать адрес в справочном бюро  
find out which way the wind blows — посмотреть, каково общее мнение; выяснить, каково общее мнение  
try to find out — допытываться; доискиваться; выспрашивать  
find out an invention — выявлять изобретение; сделать изобретение; выявить изобретение  

Примеры с переводом

I’ll find out your secret.

Я раскрою ваш секрет.

Find out if he speaks Russian.

Выясните, говорит ли он по-русски.

To find out more, visit our website.

Чтобы узнать больше, посетите наш сайт.

Jim need never find out what I said.

Джим никогда не должен узнать, что я сказал.

We won’t find out until morning.

Мы не узнаем этого до самого утра.

I never meant you to find out.

Я не хотел, чтобы ты об этом узнала.

We have to find out whence the water came.

Мы должны выяснить, откуда появилась вода.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…flip through this month’s fashion mags to find out what’s in style…

… who shall … through the palpable obscure find out his uncouth way …?

The magazine conducted a poll to find out the favorite 100 movies of all time.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

  • 1
    found out

    разоблаченный, раскрытый

    Новый англо-русский словарь > found out

  • 2
    found out

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > found out

  • 3
    be found out

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > be found out

  • 4
    to found out a town

    основать (построить) город

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to found out a town

  • 5
    FOFO (Found Out? Fuck off)

    Общая лексика:

    Выяснил? (теперь) Отъебись!

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > FOFO (Found Out? Fuck off)

  • 6
    I have found out all about it

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I have found out all about it

  • 7
    an animal not found out of Europe

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > an animal not found out of Europe

  • 8
    be found out

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be found out

  • 9
    get found out

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get found out

  • 10
    he has been found out

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he has been found out

  • 11
    we found out that he was gone

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > we found out that he was gone

  • 12
    what the old man said when he found out about it was nobody’s business

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > what the old man said when he found out about it was nobody’s business

  • 13
    The real character of a man is found out by his amusements.


    Истинный характер человека можно определить по тому, как он развлекается. Reynolds (Рейнольдс).

    Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом > The real character of a man is found out by his amusements.

  • 14
    be found out

    Новый англо-русский словарь > be found out

  • 15
    out of


    he took a handkerchief out of his pocket — он вынул носовой платок из кармана

    is there a way out of it? — есть ли из этого выход?

    she looked at him out of the corner of her eye — она украдкой посмотрела на него

    2) вне, за (пределами); вы-

    an animal not found out of Europe — животное, не встречающееся за пределами Европы

    in another year he will be out of the army — через год он вернётся из армии

    when I am out of here… — когда я уеду отсюда…

    the words were hardly out of my mouth when… — не успел я произнести эти слова, как…

    3) от

    the camp is six miles out of town — лагерь находится в шести милях от города

    1) вне, за

    2) от, не, в; :

    out of breath — запыхавшийся; задыхающийся

    out of the ordinary — необычный, особенный

    out of place — не на (своём) месте; неуместный

    out of order — не в порядке, неисправный, испорченный

    out of one’s mind /head/ — лишившийся рассудка

    3) :

    to be out of fashion — быть немодным; выйти из моды; устареть

    3. из, от

    out of pity — из /от/ жалости

    out of spite — по злобе, со злости

    4. из

    out of stone [glass] — из камня [стекла]

    she made a dinner out of hors-d’oeuvres — на обед она подала разные закуски

    2) из

    he was not long out of a theatre school — он недавно окончил театральную школу /-ое училище/

    3) :

    4) из

    we picked our puppy out of that litter — мы выбрали себе щенка из того помёта

    2) из

    what did you get out of his lecture? — что вы вынесли из его лекции?

    7. :

    he is out of money — у него нет денег /кончились деньги/

    8. у, из

    to get money out of smb. — вымогать у кого-л. деньги; выуживать /выманивать/ у кого-л. деньги

    can good ever come out of evil? — разве зло приводит к добру?; ≅ на чужом несчастье счастья не построишь

    9. :

    to make a good living out of painting — зарабатывать на жизнь продажей картин

    to talk /to argue/ smb. out of smth. — отговорить кого-л. от чего-л.

    to laugh smb. out of smth. — насмешками заставить кого-л. отказаться от чего-л.

    to frighten smb. out of his wits — напугать кого-л. до смерти

    to reason smb. out of his fears — рассеять чьи-л. страхи; убедить кого-л., что опасения напрасны

    to be out of it — а) быть непричастным; чувствовать себя посторонним; б) чувствовать себя неуютно; among these young people I feel that I am out of it — в компании этих молодых людей я чувствую себя неуютно; в) не понимать что к чему, быть не в курсе

    to be well out of it — удачно избежать чего-л. [ тж. out of it]

    сочетания см. под соответствующими словами

    НБАРС > out of

  • 16

    1. n парл. разг. оппозиция

    2. n спорт. аут

    3. n спорт. команда, которая в данный момент не отбивает

    4. n спорт. что-то неправильное; то, что не в порядке; недостаток

    5. n спорт. амер. разг. отговорка, оправдание, предлог, причина

    ease out — выживать; спровадить под благовидным предлогом

    6. n спорт. амер. разг. выход; решение

    7. n полигр. пропуск; то, что пропущено

    8. n полигр. пропущенное слово

    9. n полигр. диал. экскурсия, прогулка

    10. a внешний; наружный

    11. a крайний, отдалённый

    12. a необычного размера, большой

    13. a незанятый, свободный

    free out — свободно от выгрузки; свободная выгрузка

    14. a потерявший; освобождённый, уволенный

    15. a неизбранный, непереизбранный

    out party — партия, потерпевшая поражение на выборах

    16. a выключенный; потушенный

    17. a отсутствующий; имеющийся в недостаточном количестве

    18. a вышедший из моды, из употребления

    all out — от всей души; изо всех сил

    19. a потерпевший убыток

    20. a спорт. находящийся вне игры

    eat out — питаться, столоваться вне дома

    21. a действующий или происходящий в другом месте

    22. a рваный, продранный

    23. a в обмороке; в бесчувственном состоянии

    24. a тех. потерявший точность, смещённый; вышедший из строя

    25. v выгнать, выставить, изгнать

    cast out — выгнать, выбросить; заставить уйти

    sling out — выгнать, вышвырнуть; прогнать

    26. v гасить, тушить

    27. v спорт. разг. нокаутировать

    28. v спорт. сл. уложить на месте, убить

    29. v спорт. вывести из игры, удалить с поля

    30. v спорт. разг. выходить, отправляться на прогулку, пикник, экскурсию

    31. v спорт. разг. рассказать, высказать; разболтать

    hear out — выслушать; дать высказаться

    whip out — сказать резко и неожиданно; выкрикнуть

    32. v спорт. раскрыться, обнаружиться, всплыть

    33. prep амер. из; за

    34. prep амер. разг. вдоль, по

    shrink out — декатировать; усаживать под утюгом

    35. int спорт. аут!

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. escape (noun) escape; excuse; explanation; means of escape; way out

    3. eject (verb) boot out; chase; chuck; dismiss; eject; evict; extrude; kick out; throw out

    5. get out (verb) break; come out; get out; leak; transpire

    6. absent (other) absent; at lunch; busy; gone; left; not in; on vacation

    8. away from (other) away from; from; from within; out from; out of; out toward

    9. disqualified (other) disqualified; down; fanned; in the field; put out; retired; struck out

    12. outside (other) exposed; external; extraneous; extrinsic; open; out of doors; outdoors; outer; out-of-doors; outside; unconcealed; withoutdoors

    14. to completion (other) accomplished; completely; ended; finished; fulfilled; over; to completion; totally

    15. unconscious (other) comatose; insensate; insensible; out cold; senseless; unconscious

    English-Russian base dictionary > out

  • 17
    out of

    1. phr prep изнутри; из

    when I am out of here … — когда я уеду отсюда …

    the words were hardly out of my mouth when … — не успел я произнести эти слова, как …

    2. phr prep вне

    out of order — не в порядке, неисправный, испорченный

    3. phr prep из, от

    4. phr prep из; в

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. sold out (other) depleted; exhausted; gone; not in stock; sold out

    English-Russian base dictionary > out of

  • 18

    имя прилагательное:


    учреждать (establish, set up, Institute, constitute, found, start)

    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > found

  • 19

    1. n геол. поиск, разведка

    2. v основывать; закладывать

    3. v основывать, учреждать; создавать

    4. v учредить на свои средства; создать фонд для содержания

    to found a college — учредить колледж, выделив на это соответствующий фонд

    5. v создавать, быть основателем, основоположником

    6. v обосновывать, подводить основу; класть в основу

    7. v редк. основываться, опираться

    8. v плавить, выплавлять

    9. v лить, отливать

    10. v варить стекло

    11. a снабжённый всем необходимым; обеспеченный жильём и питанием

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. discovered (adj.) detected; discovered; encountered; located; met; no longer lost; rescued; retrieved; unearthed

    2. caught (verb) caught; descried; detected; encountered; espied; hit on; hit upon; met with; turned up

    3. found (verb) chance on; come across; come on; found; happen on; light on; run across; run into; stumble on

    4. gave/given (verb) delivered; dished out; dispensed; fed; furnished; gave/given; handed; handed over; provided; supplied; transferred; turned over

    6. rest (verb) base; bottom; build; establish; ground; predicate; rest; root in; seat; stay

    8. start (verb) constitute; create; establish; institute; organise; organize; originate; set up; start

    English-Russian base dictionary > found

  • 20
    out in the cold


    1. в дураках, ни при чем, на бобах, при пиковом интересе

    2. одинокий, отверженный, брошенный, изгнанный

    Everybody made plans for Christmas Day and Mary found herself out in the cold.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > out in the cold

  •   [ faɪnd aʊt ]   – выяснять, обнаруживать, узнавать.

    Если вы Find что-то Out, то вы узнаете нечто новое, чего раньше не знали.

    • В чем разница между Figure Out и Find Out?

    Выяснять, обнаруживать = To Discover

    Начнем с заголовка CNBC. Во время первого локдауна не все американцы получили стимулирующие чеки от администрации Трампа. Издание написало инструкцию.

    Find Out в заголовке статьи

    For many, the $1,200 stimulus check never came. These tips might help you find out why.

    Для многих стимулирующий чек на 1200 долларов так и не пришел. Эти советы могут помочь вам выяснить почему.

    A year later, police found out who chopped up the body.

    Спустя год следователи узнали, кто расчленил тело.

    Visit our website to find out more.

    Посетите наш веб-сайт, чтобы узнать больше.

    I’ll ask around the locals. Maybe I’ll find out where the tire shop is.

    Я поспрашиваю местных. Может, узнаю, где тут шиномонтаж.

    When he came up, I found out hat he was in charge here.

    Когда он появился, я понял, что он здесь главный.

    He had been cheating the Federal Tax Service but it was years before he was found out.

    Он обманывал налоговиков, но прошли годы, прежде чем его разоблачили.

    Фразовый глагол Take On – 1. Нанимать на работу; 2. Обладать определенным качеством + еще 3 значения.

    Have you found out if there are any seats left in the theater?

    Вы выяснили, остались ли какие-нибудь места в театре?

    Her parents found out that she had a boyfriend.

    Ее родители узнали, что у нее есть парень.

    I need to find out more about these night courses.

    Мне нужно узнать больше об этих вечерних курсах.

    Mark Twain once said: “Speaking of fresh eggs, I always remember the town of Squash.

    In my early lecturing days I went to Squash to lecture there. The town seemed very poorly billed. I thought I’d find out if the people knew anything at all about the lecture that was going to be in the evening. So I turned in at the store.

    ‘Good afternoon, friend,’ – I said to the storekeeper.– ‘Any entertainment here tonight to help a stranger while away his evening?’

    The storekeeper answered: ‘I expect there’s going to be a lecture. I’ve been selling eggs all day.’”

    Посмотреть перевод

    Марк Твен однажды сказал: “Говоря о свежих яйцах, я всегда вспоминаю город Сквош.

    В мои первые дни лекторства я поехал в Сквош, чтобы прочесть там доклад. В городе не было никаких анонсов мероприятия. Я подумал, почему бы не выяснить, знают ли люди вообще что-нибудь о предстоящей лекции, которая должна была состояться вечером. Поэтому я зашел в магазин.

    ‘Добрый день, друг”, – сказал я лавочнику.– “Есть ли здесь сегодня вечером какое-нибудь развлечение, чтобы помочь незнакомцу скоротать время?’

    Владелец магазина ответил: “Думаю, будет лекция. Я весь день продавал яйца.”

    Еще один анекдот с Find Out

    A butcher made rabbit sausage. It was in great demand, and he began to adulterate it with horse-flesh. His customers, however, found out the adulteration, and an action was brought against him.

    “How much horse-flesh do you mix with rabbit-meat?”–  asked the judge.

    «Qh, about fifty-fifty,” – said he

    “What do you mean by fifty-fifty?” – inquired the judge.

    “One rabbit,” – replied the butcher, – “and one horse.”

    Посмотреть перевод

    Мясник сделал кроличью колбасу. Она пользовалась большим спросом, и он начал подмешивать в нее конину. Однако его клиенты обнаружили фальсификацию, и против него был возбужден иск.

    “Сколько конины вы смешиваете с мясом кролика?” – спросил судья.

    “Хм, примерно пятьдесят на пятьдесят”, – сказал он.

    “Что вы подразумеваете под пятьдесят на пятьдесят?” – спросил судья.

    “Один кролик,” – ответил мясник, – “и одна лошадь”.

    ? Видеоурок

    •     Фразовые глаголы с FIND
    •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом и наречием OUT

    Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

    Meaning of FOUND OUT in English

    discovered, realized

    Explanatory English dictionary bed edition.

         Толковый словарь английского языка Редакция bed.

    These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

    These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


    You may find out how they work.

    А вот вы можете узнать, как они работают.

    Maybe we can find out who was here last night.

    Может быть, мы сможем узнать, кто был здесь прошлой ночью.

    Anything you can find out is more than I got.

    Что-нибудь, что ты сможешь выяснить будет больше, чем знаю я.

    You guys should probably go find out.

    Вам, ребята, вероятно, нужно поехать туда и все выяснить.

    With our Grants Digest you can find out interesting grants just from your e-mail.

    С помощью нашего Дайджеста грантов вы можете вовремя узнавать о актуальных грантах, просто читая Ваш е-мейл.

    First let’s find out a bit about her book…

    Вопервых, давайте узнаем несколько информаций об этой книгой (…).

    Secondly, find out what you can about the loan.

    Поэтому сразу же узнайте, что вы сможете сделать с данными кредитами.

    Attend this workshop and find out how.

    Приходите на наш семинар и узнайте, как это сделать.

    People will eventually find out somehow what is happening .

    Люди в итоге каким-либо образом узнают, что происходит на самом деле .

    Perhaps we never find out what happened to that plane.

    Наверное, мы так и не узнаем, что точно произошло на борту этого самолета.

    So, find out how they knew.

    Итак, выясните, откуда они об этом знали.

    Nowadays people find out what they think from the television.

    В наше время люди узнают о том что они думают, по телевизору.

    Until people find out about you and start judging him.

    До тех пор, пока люди не узнают о тебе и не начнут судить его.

    If they find out what it’s for…

    Если они узнают что этот ключ на самом деле предназначен для…

    But if my sisters find out that I need help…

    Но если мои сёстры узнают, что мне нужна помощь, то…

    Because we’d find out why.

    Потому что мы с тобой узнали бы почему.

    Worst-case — we find out everything they know.

    Плохое развитие — мы узнаём всё, что им известно.

    Never did find out who sent it.

    Никогда так и не узнал, кто послал его.

    Maybe you should find out what it is.

    Может быть, тебе стоит самой узнать, что же это такое.

    I hope they never find out.

    Я надеюсь, что они никогда не узнают.

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    discover; come upon by chance; obtain by search or effort: find a four-leaf clover; achieve, win, earn, acquire: find an apartment

    Not to be confused with:

    fined – penalized for an offense: He was fined $50 for parking in a handicapped zone.

    Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree



    v. found (found), find·ing, finds


    1. To come upon, often by accident; meet with: found a dime on the floor.

    2. To come upon or discover by searching or making an effort: finally found the leak in the pipe.

    3. To discover or ascertain through observation, experience, or study: found a solution; find the product of two numbers; found that it didn’t really matter.


    a. To perceive to be, after experience or consideration: found the gadget surprisingly useful; found the book entertaining.

    b. To experience or feel: found comfort in her smile.

    5. To recover (something lost): found her keys.

    6. To recover the use of; regain: found my voice and replied.

    7. To succeed in reaching; arrive at: The dart found its mark.

    8. To obtain or acquire by effort: found the money by economizing.

    9. To decide on and make a declaration about: The jury deliberated and found a verdict of guilty.

    10. To furnish; supply: We can find a bed for you somewhere in the house.


    a. To bring (oneself) to an awareness of what one truly wishes to be and do in life.

    b. To perceive (oneself) to be in a specific place or condition: found herself at home that night; found himself drawn to the stranger.


    To come to a legal decision or verdict: The jury found for the defendant.


    1. The act of finding.

    2. Something that is found, especially an unexpectedly valuable discovery: The Rosetta stone was a providential archaeological find.

    Phrasal Verb:

    find out

    1. To ascertain (something), as through examination or inquiry: I found out the phone number by looking it up. If you’re not sure, find out.

    2. To detect the true nature or character of; expose: Liars risk being found out.

    3. To detect and apprehend; catch: Most embezzlers are found out in the end.

    find′a·ble adj.

    American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



    vb (mainly tr) , finds, finding or found (faʊnd)

    1. to meet with or discover by chance

    2. to discover or obtain, esp by search or effort: to find happiness.

    3. (may take a clause as object) to become aware of; realize: he found that nobody knew.

    4. (may take a clause as object) to regard as being; consider: I find this wine a little sour.

    5. to look for and point out (something to be criticized): to find fault.

    6. (Law) (also intr) law to determine an issue after judicial inquiry and pronounce a verdict (upon): the court found the accused guilty.

    7. to regain (something lost or not functioning): to find one’s tongue.

    8. to reach (a target): the bullet found its mark.

    9. to provide, esp with difficulty: we’ll find room for you too.

    10. to be able to pay: I can’t find that amount of money.

    11. find oneself to realize and accept one’s real character; discover one’s true vocation

    12. find one’s feet to become capable or confident, as in a new job


    a person, thing, etc, that is found, esp a valuable or fortunate discovery

    [Old English findan; related to Old Norse finna, Gothic finthan, Old High German fintan to find]

    ˈfindable adj

    Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



    v. found, find•ing,
    n. v.t.

    1. to come upon by chance; meet with: to find a dime in the street.

    2. to locate, attain, or obtain by search or effort: to find an apartment.

    3. to recover (something lost).

    4. to discover or perceive after consideration: to find something to be true.

    5. to gain or regain the use of: to find one’s tongue.

    6. to ascertain by study or calculation.

    7. to feel; perceive: He finds sorrow in the tale.

    8. to become aware of (oneself), as being in a certain condition or place.

    9. to discover.

    10. to encounter (a particular response): I hope this finds favor with you.


    a. to determine after judicial inquiry: to find a person guilty.

    b. to pronounce as an official act (an indictment, verdict, or judgment).


    12. to determine an issue after judicial inquiry: The jury found for the plaintiff.

    13. find out,

    a. to discover, expose, or confirm.

    b. to uncover and expose the true nature of (someone): You will be found out if you lie.


    14. an act of finding or discovering.

    15. something found, esp. a valuable or gratifying discovery.


    find oneself, to discover and pursue one’s genuine interests and talents.

    [before 900; Middle English; Old English findan; c. Old Saxon findan, Old Norse finna, Gothic finthan]

    Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


    1. result of a search

    If you find something you have been looking for, you see it or learn where it is. The past tense and -ed participle of find is found.

    I eventually found what I was looking for.

    Have you found your keys yet?

    Be Careful!
    When find has this meaning, don’t use ‘out’ after it. Don’t say, for example, ‘I eventually found out what I was looking for’.

    2. ‘discover’

    Discover is sometimes used instead of ‘find’. Discover is a rather formal word.

    The bodies of the family were discovered by police officers on Tuesday.

    If you cannot see the thing you are looking for, you say that you cannot find it.

    I think I’m lost – I can’t find the bridge.

    However, don’t say that you ‘cannot discover‘ something.

    3. noticing something

    You can use find or discover to say that someone notices an object somewhere.

    Look what I‘ve found!

    A bomb could be discovered and that would ruin everything.

    Come across has a similar meaning.

    They came across the bones of an animal.

    4. obtaining information

    If you find, find out, or discover that something is the case, you learn that it is the case.

    Researchers found that there was little difference between the two groups.

    It was such a relief to find out that the boy was safe.

    He has since discovered that his statement was wrong.

    In clauses beginning with when, before, or as soon as, you can omit the object after find out. You can’t do this with find or discover.

    When Dad finds out, he’ll be really angry.

    You want it to end before anyone finds out.

    As soon as I found out, I jumped into the car.

    If you find out or discover some information that is difficult to obtain, you succeed in obtaining it.

    Have you found out who killed my husband?

    Police discovered that he was hiding out in London.

    You can also say that someone finds out facts that are easy to obtain.

    I found out the train times.

    Be Careful!
    Don’t say that someone ‘discovers’ facts that are easy to obtain.

    5. another meaning of ‘find’

    You can use find followed by it and an adjective to give your opinion about something. For example, if you have difficulty doing something, you can say that you find it difficult to do it. If you think that something is funny, you can say that you find it funny.

    I find it difficult to talk to the other parents.

    ‘Was the exam hard?’ – ‘No, I found it quite easy.’

    Be Careful!
    You must use it in sentences like these. Don’t say, for example, ‘I find difficult to talk to other parents‘.

    You can also use find followed by a noun phrase and an adjective, or two noun phrases, in order to give your opinion about something.

    I found his behaviour extremely rude.

    I’m sure you’ll find him a good worker.

    Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


    Past participle: found
    Gerund: finding

    I find
    you find
    he/she/it finds
    we find
    you find
    they find
    I found
    you found
    he/she/it found
    we found
    you found
    they found
    Present Continuous
    I am finding
    you are finding
    he/she/it is finding
    we are finding
    you are finding
    they are finding
    Present Perfect
    I have found
    you have found
    he/she/it has found
    we have found
    you have found
    they have found
    Past Continuous
    I was finding
    you were finding
    he/she/it was finding
    we were finding
    you were finding
    they were finding
    Past Perfect
    I had found
    you had found
    he/she/it had found
    we had found
    you had found
    they had found
    I will find
    you will find
    he/she/it will find
    we will find
    you will find
    they will find
    Future Perfect
    I will have found
    you will have found
    he/she/it will have found
    we will have found
    you will have found
    they will have found
    Future Continuous
    I will be finding
    you will be finding
    he/she/it will be finding
    we will be finding
    you will be finding
    they will be finding
    Present Perfect Continuous
    I have been finding
    you have been finding
    he/she/it has been finding
    we have been finding
    you have been finding
    they have been finding
    Future Perfect Continuous
    I will have been finding
    you will have been finding
    he/she/it will have been finding
    we will have been finding
    you will have been finding
    they will have been finding
    Past Perfect Continuous
    I had been finding
    you had been finding
    he/she/it had been finding
    we had been finding
    you had been finding
    they had been finding
    I would find
    you would find
    he/she/it would find
    we would find
    you would find
    they would find
    Past Conditional
    I would have found
    you would have found
    he/she/it would have found
    we would have found
    you would have found
    they would have found

    Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

    ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

    Noun 1. find - a productive insightfind — a productive insight      

    breakthrough, discovery

    brainstorm, brainwave, insight — the clear (and often sudden) understanding of a complex situation

    2. find - the act of discovering somethingfind — the act of discovering something  

    discovery, uncovering

    human action, human activity, act, deed — something that people do or cause to happen

    tracing — the discovery and description of the course of development of something; «the tracing of genealogies»

    espial, spotting, catching, detection, spying — the act of detecting something; catching sight of something

    self-discovery — discovering your own individuality

    breakthrough — making an important discovery

    determination, finding — the act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation; «the determination of molecular structures»

    rediscovery — the act of discovering again

    Verb 1. find — come upon, as if by accident; meet with; «We find this idea in Plato»; «I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here»; «She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day»

    bump, encounter, chance, happen

    2. find — discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of; «She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water»; «We found traces of lead in the paint»

    detect, discover, notice, observe

    catch out, find out — trap; especially in an error or in a reprehensible act; «He was caught out»; «She was found out when she tried to cash the stolen checks»

    discover, find — make a discovery, make a new finding; «Roentgen discovered X-rays»; «Physicists believe they found a new elementary particle»

    sense — detect some circumstance or entity automatically; «This robot can sense the presence of people in the room»; «particle detectors sense ionization»

    instantiate — find an instance of (a word or particular usage of a word); «The linguists could not instantiate this sense of the noun that he claimed existed in a certain dialect»

    trace — discover traces of; «She traced the circumstances of her birth»

    see — observe as if with an eye; «The camera saw the burglary and recorded it»

    sight, spy — catch sight of; to perceive with the eyes; «he caught sight of the king’s men coming over the ridge»

    3. find — come upon after searching; find the location of something that was missed or lost; «Did you find your glasses?»; «I cannot find my gloves!»


    acquire, get — come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; «She got a lot of paintings from her uncle»; «They acquired a new pet»; «Get your results the next day»; «Get permission to take a few days off from work»

    find — obtain through effort or management; «She found the time and energy to take care of her aging parents»; «We found the money to send our sons to college»

    recover, regain, retrieve, find — get or find back; recover the use of; «She regained control of herself»; «She found her voice and replied quickly»

    feel — find by testing or cautious exploration; «He felt his way around the dark room»

    locate, turn up — discover the location of; determine the place of; find by searching or examining; «Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest?»; «My search turned up nothing»

    chance on, chance upon, come across, come upon, fall upon, happen upon, light upon, attain, discover, strike — find unexpectedly; «the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb»; «she struck a goldmine»; «The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake»

    rout out, rout up — get or find by searching; «What did you rout out in the library?»

    lose — miss from one’s possessions; lose sight of; «I’ve lost my glasses again!»

    4. find — establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study; «find the product of two numbers»; «The physicist who found the elusive particle won the Nobel Prize»

    ascertain, determine, find out

    gauge — determine the capacity, volume, or contents of by measurement and calculation; «gauge the wine barrels»

    translate — determine the amino-acid sequence of a protein during its synthesis by using information on the messenger RNA

    rectify — math: determine the length of; «rectify a curve»

    redetermine — fix, find, or establish again; «the physicists redetermined Planck’s constant»

    sequence — determine the order of constituents in; «They sequenced the human genome»

    ascertain, find out, learn, watch, determine, see, check — find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort; «I want to see whether she speaks French»; «See whether it works»; «find out if he speaks Russian»; «Check whether the train leaves on time»

    refract — determine the refracting power of (a lens)

    count, numerate, enumerate, number — determine the number or amount of; «Can you count the books on your shelf?»; «Count your change»

    discover, find — make a discovery, make a new finding; «Roentgen discovered X-rays»; «Physicists believe they found a new elementary particle»

    admeasure — determine the quantity of someone’s share

    situate, locate — determine or indicate the place, site, or limits of, as if by an instrument or by a survey; «Our sense of sight enables us to locate objects in space»; «Locate the boundaries of the property»

    5. find — come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds; «I feel that he doesn’t like me»; «I find him to be obnoxious»; «I found the movie rather entertaining»


    conclude, reason, reason out — decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion; «We reasoned that it was cheaper to rent than to buy a house»

    rule, find — decide on and make a declaration about; «find someone guilty»

    6. find — perceive or be contemporaneous with; «We found Republicans winning the offices»; «You’ll see a lot of cheating in this school»; «The 1960’s saw the rebellion of the younger generation against established traditions»; «I want to see results»

    witness, see

    get a line, get wind, get word, hear, learn, discover, find out, pick up, see — get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally; «I learned that she has two grown-up children»; «I see that you have been promoted»

    catch — become aware of; «he caught her staring out the window»

    experience, go through, see — go or live through; «We had many trials to go through»; «he saw action in Viet Nam»

    find — perceive oneself to be in a certain condition or place; «I found myself in a difficult situation»; «When he woke up, he found himself in a hospital room»

    7. find — get something or somebody for a specific purpose; «I found this gadget that will serve as a bottle opener»; «I got hold of these tools to fix our plumbing»; «The chairman got hold of a secretary on Friday night to type the urgent letter»

    get hold, line up, come up

    acquire, get — come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; «She got a lot of paintings from her uncle»; «They acquired a new pet»; «Get your results the next day»; «Get permission to take a few days off from work»

    8. find — make a discovery, make a new finding; «Roentgen discovered X-rays»; «Physicists believe they found a new elementary particle»


    discover, find — make a discovery; «She found that he had lied to her»; «The story is false, so far as I can discover»

    ascertain, determine, find out, find — establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study; «find the product of two numbers»; «The physicist who found the elusive particle won the Nobel Prize»

    conceive, conceptualise, conceptualize, gestate — have the idea for; «He conceived of a robot that would help paralyzed patients»; «This library was well conceived»

    detect, discover, notice, observe, find — discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of; «She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water»; «We found traces of lead in the paint»

    9. find — make a discovery; «She found that he had lied to her»; «The story is false, so far as I can discover»


    get a line, get wind, get word, hear, learn, discover, find out, pick up, see — get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally; «I learned that she has two grown-up children»; «I see that you have been promoted»

    rake up — bring to light; «He raked up the misdeeds of his predecessor»

    ferret out, ferret — search and discover through persistent investigation; «She ferreted out the truth»

    discover, find — make a discovery, make a new finding; «Roentgen discovered X-rays»; «Physicists believe they found a new elementary particle»

    get a line, get wind, get word, hear, learn, discover, find out, pick up, see — get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally; «I learned that she has two grown-up children»; «I see that you have been promoted»

    10. find — obtain through effort or management; «She found the time and energy to take care of her aging parents»; «We found the money to send our sons to college»

    acquire, get — come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; «She got a lot of paintings from her uncle»; «They acquired a new pet»; «Get your results the next day»; «Get permission to take a few days off from work»

    regain, find — come upon after searching; find the location of something that was missed or lost; «Did you find your glasses?»; «I cannot find my gloves!»

    11. find — decide on and make a declaration about; «find someone guilty»


    feel, find — come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds; «I feel that he doesn’t like me»; «I find him to be obnoxious»; «I found the movie rather entertaining»

    pronounce, label, judge — pronounce judgment on; «They labeled him unfit to work here»

    12. find — receive a specified treatment (abstract); «These aspects of civilization do not find expression or receive an interpretation»; «His movie received a good review»; «I got nothing but trouble for my good intentions»

    incur, obtain, receive, get

    change — undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one’s or its original nature; «She changed completely as she grew older»; «The weather changed last night»

    take — ascertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial; «take a pulse»; «A reading was taken of the earth’s tremors»

    acquire, get — come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; «She got a lot of paintings from her uncle»; «They acquired a new pet»; «Get your results the next day»; «Get permission to take a few days off from work»

    13. find — perceive oneself to be in a certain condition or place; «I found myself in a difficult situation»; «When he woke up, he found himself in a hospital room»

    perceive, comprehend — to become aware of through the senses; «I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon»

    witness, see, find — perceive or be contemporaneous with; «We found Republicans winning the offices»; «You’ll see a lot of cheating in this school»; «The 1960’s saw the rebellion of the younger generation against established traditions»; «I want to see results»

    14. find — get or find back; recover the use of; «She regained control of herself»; «She found her voice and replied quickly»

    recover, regain, retrieve

    acquire, get — come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; «She got a lot of paintings from her uncle»; «They acquired a new pet»; «Get your results the next day»; «Get permission to take a few days off from work»

    access — obtain or retrieve from a storage device; as of information on a computer

    regain, find — come upon after searching; find the location of something that was missed or lost; «Did you find your glasses?»; «I cannot find my gloves!»

    15. find — succeed in reaching; arrive at; «The arrow found its mark»

    arrive at, reach, attain, gain, hit, make — reach a destination, either real or abstract; «We hit Detroit by noon»; «The water reached the doorstep»; «We barely made it to the finish line»; «I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts»

    16. find — accept and make use of one’s personality, abilities, and situation; «My son went to Berkeley to find himself»

    find oneself

    maturate, mature, grow — develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation; «He matured fast»; «The child grew fast»

    Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



    1. discover, turn up, uncover, unearth, spot, expose, come up with, locate, detect, come across, track down, catch sight of, stumble upon, hit upon, espy, ferret out, chance upon, light upon, put your finger on, lay your hand on, run to ground, run to earth, descry The police also found a pistol.
    discover lose, miss, overlook, mislay, misplace

    6. observe, learn, note, discover, notice, realize, remark, come up with, arrive at, perceive, detect, become aware, experience, ascertain The study found that heart disease can begin in childhood.

    11. summon (up), gather, muster Eventually she found the courage to leave the relationship.

    Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



    1. To find or meet by chance:

    2. To look for and discover:

    3. To obtain knowledge or awareness of something not known before, as through observation or study.Also used with out:


    Something that has been discovered:

    The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


    يَجِدُيَعْتَقِد، يَعْتَبِريَكْتَشِفإكْتِشاف، لُقْيَه، لُقْطَهوجد

    najítnaléztobjevpřijít nashledat

    findefundfinde ud af






    finnafinnast, òykjafundurfundur; uppgötvunuppgötva




    atsistoti ant kojųradinys



    najtiodkritispoznatizdeti se



    tìm thấy


    [faɪnd] (found (vb: pt, pp))

    find out

    Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005



    vt [found] [ˈfaʊnd] (pt, pp)

    to find o.s. in a situation → se trouver dans une situation
    to find o.s. doing sth → se voir faire qch
    I found myself having more fun than I had had in years
    BUT À mon grand étonnement, je me suis amusé plus que jamais.
    to find o.s unable to do sth → se voir incapable de faire qch

    Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


    vb: pret, ptp <found>


    finden; (Comput: search command) → suchen; it’s nowhere to be foundes lässt sich nirgendwo finden or auftreiben (inf); to find somebody out or away (= not at home)jdn nicht (zu Hause) antreffen; hoping this letter finds you in good healthin der Hoffnung, dass Sie gesund sind; to find pleasure in somethingFreude an etw (dat)haben; to find comfort in somethingTrost in etw (dat)finden; we left everything as we found itwir haben alles so gelassen, wie wir es vorgefunden haben; he was found dead in beder wurde tot im Bett aufgefunden; I can never find anything to say to himich weiß nie, was ich zu ihm sagen soll; where am I going to find the money/time?wo nehme ich nur das Geld/die Zeit her?; you must take us as you find usSie müssen uns so nehmen, wie wir sind; if you can find it in you to …wenn Sie es irgend fertigbringen, zu …; find next (Comput: search command) → weitersuchen

    (= supply)besorgen (sb sth jdm etw); go and find me a needlehol mir doch mal eine Nadel; did you find him what he wanted?haben Sie bekommen, was er wollte?; we’ll have to find him a desk/secretarywir müssen einen Schreibtisch/eine Sekretärin für ihn finden

    (= discover, ascertain)feststellen; causeherausfinden; we found the car wouldn’t startes stellte sich heraus, dass das Auto nicht ansprang; I find I’m unable to …ich stelle fest, dass ich … nicht kann; you will find that I am rightSie werden sehen, dass ich recht habe; it has been found that this is soes hat sich herausgestellt, dass es so ist

    £200 per week all found£ 200 pro Woche, (und freie) Kost und Logis

    Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


    [faɪnd] (found (vb: pt, pp))

    find out

    2. vi + adv to find out aboutscoprire; (by investigation) → informarsi su
    we found out about his death → abbiamo scoperto che era morto
    we found out all about … → abbiamo scoperto tutto su…

    Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


    (faind) verbpast tense, past participle found (faund)

    1. to come upon or meet with accidentally or after searching. Look what I’ve found!

    2. to discover. I found that I couldn’t do the work.

    3. to consider; to think (something) to be. I found the British weather very cold.


    something found, especially something of value or interest. That old book is quite a find!

    find one’s feet

    to become able to cope with a new situation. She found the new job difficult at first but she soon found her feet.

    find out

    1. to discover. I found out what was troubling her.

    2. to discover the truth (about someone), usually that he has done wrong. He had been stealing for years, but eventually they found him out.

    Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


    يَجِدُ najít finde finden βρίσκω encontrar löytää trouver naći trovare 見つける 찾다 vinden finne znaleźć encontrar находить hitta หา bulmak tìm thấy 找到

    Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


    vi. hallar, encontrar, descubrir.

    English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

    • I need to find a supermarket
    • I need to find a police station
    • I need to find a place to exchange money (US)
      I need to find a bureau de change (UK)
    • I can’t find the at sign

    Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

    Other forms: found out; finding out; finds out

    Definitions of find out

    1. verb

      find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort

      find out if he speaks Russian”


      ascertain, check, determine, learn, see, watch

      ascertain, assure, check, control, ensure, insure, see, see to it

      be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something

      ascertain, determine, find

      establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study

    2. verb

      establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study


      ascertain, determine, find

      ascertain, check, determine, learn, see, watch

      find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort

      discover, find

      make a discovery, make a new finding

      see moresee less


      show 18 types…
      hide 18 types…

      determine the capacity, volume, or contents of by measurement and calculation


      determine the amino-acid sequence of a protein during its synthesis by using information on the messenger RNA


      math: determine the length of


      fix, find, or establish again


      determine the order of constituents in


      determine the refracting power of (a lens)

      count, enumerate, number, numerate

      determine the number or amount of


      determine the quantity of someone’s share

      locate, situate

      determine or indicate the place, site, or limits of, as if by an instrument or by a survey


      count again


      count wrongly


      conduct a census

      add, add together, add up, sum, sum up, summate, tally, tot, tot up, total, tote up

      determine the sum of


      locate (a moving entity) by means of a tracking system such as radar


      locate by means of radar


      locate within a specific region of a chromosome in relation to known DNA or gene sequences

      localise, localize, place

      identify the location or place of


      situate as a center of operations

    3. verb

      get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally

    4. verb

      trap; especially in an error or in a reprehensible act

      “She was
      found out when she tried to cash the stolen checks”


      catch out

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