Word meaning for no good reason

for no good reason

1) Общая лексика: без уважительной причины , неоправданно, без всяких причин, без всякой причины

2) Пословица: ни с того ни с сего (freq. used with вдруг)

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «for no good reason» в других словарях:

  • for no good purpose — for no purpose/for no good purpose/ phrase for no reason/​for no good reason It would upset them both to no purpose. Thesaurus: purposes and intentionssynonym Main entry: purpose …   Useful english dictionary

  • My No Good Reason — Scrubs episode Episode no. Season 6 Episode 14 Directed by Zach Braff Written by …   Wikipedia

  • One Good Reason (Celldweller song) — One Good Reason is an Electronic Rock/Industrial metal song written by Klayton and performed as Celldweller. One Good Reason is the only full Metal song that Celldweller has ever made. The song also won Best Metal song of the year by the Just… …   Wikipedia

  • One Good Reason (album) — One Good Reason Studio album by Paul Carrack Released November 1987 …   Wikipedia

  • give me one good reason — phrase used for emphasizing that you do not think there is a good reason for doing something He’s lied to us before, so give me one good reason why we should believe him now. Thesaurus: not sensible or reasonablesynonym Main entry: reason …   Useful english dictionary

  • One Good Reason (song) — One Good Reason Eurovision Song Contest 1999 entry Country Netherlands Artist(s) Marlayne …   Wikipedia

  • give me one good reason — used for emphasizing that you do not think there is a good reason for doing something He s lied to us before, so give me one good reason why we should believe him now …   English dictionary

  • for no purpose — for no purpose/for no good purpose/ phrase for no reason/​for no good reason It would upset them both to no purpose. Thesaurus: purposes and intentionssynonym Main entry: purpose …   Useful english dictionary

  • for laughs — {adv. phr.} For pleasure; for fun; as a joke. * /The college boys climbed up into the girls dorms and stole some of their dresses just for laughs, but they were punished all the same./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • for laughs — {adv. phr.} For pleasure; for fun; as a joke. * /The college boys climbed up into the girls dorms and stole some of their dresses just for laughs, but they were punished all the same./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • reason — [[t]ri͟ːz(ə)n[/t]] ♦ reasons, reasoning, reasoned 1) N COUNT: usu with supp, oft N for n, N to inf The reason for something is a fact or situation which explains why it happens or what causes it to happen. There is a reason for every important… …   English dictionary

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

без причины

без всякой на то причины

безо всякой на то причины

без всяких на то причин

без веских на то причин


без особых на то причин

по неуважительной причине

по уважительной причине

без видимой причины

без какой-либо веской причины

без какой-либо причины

без уважительной причины

без веской причины

He hurled his body down a concrete mountain at full speed for no good reason.

If the designer can’t figure out a good way to use the space under the stairs, they will take up a lot of space for no good reason at all.

Если дизайнер не может найти хороший способ использовать пространство под лестницей, они занимают много места без всякой причины.

Without any warning or negotiotiations for my future, I was fired for no good reason.

Безо всякого предупреждения или обсуждения моего будущего, я был уволен без причины.

You would’ve been blowing up the best day of your life for no good reason.

Ты бы разрушила самый лучший день в твоей жизни без причины.

Anger, violence, for no good reason.

No university place, now no baby, and engaged for no good reason.

Без места в университете, теперь без ребенка, и обручён без причины.

Your body provides itself with many chemicals that make you happy for no good reason.

Тело обеспечивает себя многими химическими веществами, которые делают нас счастливым без причины — через химию мозга.

Just all angry and aggressive for no good reason.

Did it increase for no good reason?

The Spanish authorities have decided, for no good reason, to revive the border checks and general harassment of the Franco epoch.

Испанские власти без причины вернули проверки на границе и всеобщее преследование, как во времена диктатуры Франко.

They kill themselves for no good reason? Yes.

And maybe for no good reason.

So many elements just come out of nowhere and are for no good reason.

Многие из них появляются из ничего и абсолютно не имеют под собой никаких оснований.

People cannot be detained for no good reason, such detention may qualify as kidnapping.

Нельзя задерживать людей без каких-либо оснований, такое задержание может быть квалифицировано как похищение человека.

A fine example of how to wreck a hillside for no good reason.

Plus they could stop killing themselves for no good reason.

Плюс они смогут перестать зря жертвовать собой.

Now he’s poking around in my trash for no good reason.

I don’t like it to be tested for no good reason.

You are denying me the best available genetic material for no good reason.

So I stayed awake for no good reason.

Так что я зря не легла спать.

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for no good reason — перевод на русский

In New York, you get mugged for no good reason.

В Нью-Йорке, тебя могут ограбить без причины.

They kill themselves for no good reason? Yes.

Разве они жертвуют собой без причины?

You dying for no good reason?

ты умираешь без причины?

You got upset with me for no good reason.

Ты ругала меня без причины.

Humiliating someone for no good reason doesn’t seem fair.

Унижение без причины — несправедливо.

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What you’re saying is it isn’t enough that you fired me for no good reason. Now you question my integrity?

Мало того, что вы уволили меня без веской причины, теперь вы не доверяете мне?

Not some obsessive, compulsive, bell-end who enjoys sitting outside a suspect’s house for no GOOD REASON!

А не какой-то одержимый, свихнувшийся мудозвон, которому нравится сидеть возле дома подозреваемого без веской причины.

So you can cooperate and walk out of here free, or you can go to jail for no good reason.

Ты можешь сотрудничать и выйдешь отсюда свободным, или можешь отправиться в тюрьму без веской причины.

Now he’s poking around in my trash for no good reason.

Сейчас роется в моем мусоре без веской причины.

For no good reason.

Без веской на то причины.

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Table of Contents

  1. What is another word for no good?
  2. What is a synonym for no purpose?
  3. What is a word for good reason?
  4. What is valid reason?
  5. What is a synonym for rationale?
  6. What is the difference between rationale and introduction?
  7. How do you explain a rationale?
  8. How do you start a rationale?
  9. How many paragraphs is a rationale?
  10. How do you write a creative rationale?
  11. What should be included in a drama rationale?
  12. What are the 14 elements of drama?
  13. What are the elements of drama?
  14. What are the five important techniques of drama?

If you say that something happened or was done for no reason, for no good reason, or for no reason at all, you mean that there was no obvious reason why it happened or was done.

What is another word for no good?

Find another word for nogood. In this page you can discover 29 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for nogood, like: worthless, valueless, good-for-naught, layabout, drone, rubber, inutile, ne’er-do-well, drossy, good-for-nothing and no-account.

What is a synonym for no purpose?

Similar words for to no purpose: futile (adjective) other relevant words (adjective) unavailing (adjective)

What is a word for good reason?

other words for good reasoning acumen. intelligence. practicality. prudence. rationality.

What is valid reason?

Hear this out loudPause

What is a synonym for rationale?

Hear this out loudPause

What is the difference between rationale and introduction?

Hear this out loudPause

How do you explain a rationale?

Hear this out loudPause

How do you start a rationale?

Hear this out loudPause

How many paragraphs is a rationale?

Hear this out loudPause

How do you write a creative rationale?


  1. Show you understand the text(s) that your creative piece was based on.
  2. Show how you have used particular language forms or styles – perhaps a particular structure, or some symbolism.
  3. Explain things that you think your markers might not notice or understand without an explanation.

What should be included in a drama rationale?

A sentence that clearly explains the overall directorial concept/vision or intention of the project.

  1. What dramatic meaning do you want to communicate?
  2. What should your audience understand/imagine/visualise/examine in response to your project?
  3. What did you set out to achieve or create?
  4. Where/how did your idea begin?

What are the 14 elements of drama?

Hear this out loudPause

What are the elements of drama?

Hear this out loudPause

What are the five important techniques of drama?

4 Drama Techniques to Always Remember

  • Vocal Dynamics. Your lines are just words until you deliver them, but unless your voice is well-trained, they’ll still fall flat or sound forced. …
  • Body Language and Mannerisms. …
  • Use and Awareness of Space. …
  • Improvisational Techniques.

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What you’re saying is it isn’t enough that you fired me for no good reason. Now you question my integrity?

Lord, forgive me, it may well be for no good reason. But we have a Pagan in court who claims to have knowledge regarding the Dane Army.

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Прости, господин, может это не веская причина, но у нас при дворе язычник, утверждающий, что обладает сведениями об армии датчан.

Son, now,

I’m sure you don’t wanna go spilling blood for no good reason in front of all these decent people now.

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Сынок. Я уверен, ты не хочешь проливать кровь за зря на глазах у приличных людей.

The courts also have competence


annulling a commercial trademark, upon application from any interested party or if the trademark has not

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Суды также обладают компетенцией по аннулированию торгового товарного знака на основании заявления любой заинтересованной стороны или в случае,

если данный товарный знак без веских причин не использовался в течение пяти лет подряд.

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Out of the 12,000 pupils that do not fulfil that obligation, 7,000 have the obligation postponed beyond the normal time, 3,100 are exempt from the obligation to attend school and 1,900 children(0.04 per cent)

who are subject to this obligation fail to fulfil it for no good reason some of them are Romany children.

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Из 12 000 учащихся, не выполняющих эту обязанность, 7 000 человек получили разрешение на продление нормативного срока обучения, 3 100 человек освобождены от обязательного посещения школы, а 1 900 детей(, 04%) обязаны посещать ее,

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Persons could be detained if they refused to reveal their identity; submitted various requests


asylum using different identities or

failed to answer an official summons on several occasions for no good reason; seriously endangered the life

or physical integrity of other persons; or were suspected of trying to elude refoulement.

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Допускается задержание лиц, отказывающихся предъявить документы, удостоверяющие их личность; подавших несколько ходатайств о предоставлении им убежища под разными фамилиями или лиц,

лиц, представляющих серьезную опасность для жизни или личной безопасности других граждан; а также лиц, подозреваемых в уклонении от мер по высылке.

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Article 69 provides that a recalcitrant wife is not entitled to receive maintenance in given circumstances,

including where she refuses to move to the marital home or leaves it for no good reason, or refuses to travel with her husband for no good reason, or travels without his permission,

or works outside the home without his consent, unless the husband’s refusal to allow her to work is deemed to be arbitrary.

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Статья 69 предусматривает, что непокорная жена не имеет права на содержание при определенных обстоятельствах,

когда она работает вне дома


его согласия, если только отказ супруга дать ей разрешение на работу не выглядит произвольным.

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Not some obsessive, compulsive,

bell-end who enjoys sitting outside a suspect’s house for no GOOD REASON!

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А не какой-то одержимый, свихнувшийся мудозвон,

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Для них это будет шаг вперед. Плюс они смогут перестать зря жертвовать собой.

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Свыше половины захваченных земель до сих не обрабатывается без всяких на то оснований.

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Они прикроют твою спину после того, как твоя баба вырвет у тебя сердце без причин.

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Don’t you think he’s got enough to do,

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Тебе не кажется, что он делает достаточно,

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Это было во времена Японии,

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Да уж, от тебя прямо

бросает в смех. Почему я так боялся страданий, что расстался с Люси безо всякой на то причины?

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Mayor Nicky saw irathient kids dying


no good


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Results: 305,
Time: 0.0239





  • #1

«The hiccups aren’t an illness . They’re just something that happens. One of the muscles that help you breathe starts jerking for no good reason. And that’s when you hic.»
As you see this is a simple text about hiccups from my textbook. But what does the phrase «for no good reason» mean? Well I looked it up in many dictionaries and googled too but I coudn’t find anything helpful. I also read a thread named «for no reason». What’s the difference between this one and the one above?

    • #2

    Hullo, Saj.

    If you say that something happened or was done for no good reason, for no reason or for no reason at all, you mean that there was no obvious reason why something happened or was done.


    • #3

    Thank you GS.
    If so, Can you explain this sentence too? «You should

    for no reason

    accept their offer.» = «you should NOT accept their offer under any circumstances.»


    • #4

    «You should

    for no reason

    accept their offer.» = you should not, whatever/regardless of the reason they give you, accept their offer.

    You will see that this is another meaning — for no reason in the first instance = without a reason.

    In this example, it means whatever the reason

    Last edited: Mar 8, 2013

    • #6

    Yes, Exactly. Thank you!
    And what if we take «for no reason» to the end of the sentence?
    «You should accept their offer for no reason.» Can’t this mean that «Just accept their offer regardless of any reason.»


    • #7

    :D Yes! That is what it does mean. (English is logical and simple!:rolleyes:)


    • #8

    Excuse me I have a question,
    Why do you use negative for this sentence «you should for no reason accept his offer»?
    Because we have «no» in «no reason «?


    • #9

    Excuse me I have a question,
    Why do you use negative for this sentence «you should for no reason accept his offer»?
    Because we have «no» in «no reason «?

    It’s because the negative «for no reason» comes before the verb (between the helping/modal verb and the main verb) — — otherwise we have «for no reason» in «You should accept their offer for no reason» too but in the latter, «You should accept» makes it affirmative.

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