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[ uh—prohch ]
/ əˈproʊtʃ /
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verb (used with object)
to come near or nearer to: The cars slowed down as they approached the intersection.
to come near to in quality, character, time, or condition; to come within range for comparison: As a poet he hardly approaches Keats.
to present, offer, or make a proposal or request to: to approach the president with a suggestion.
to begin work on; set about: to approach a problem.
to make advances to; address.
to bring near to something.
verb (used without object)
to come nearer; draw near: A storm is approaching.
to come near in character, time, amount, etc.; approximate.
the act of drawing near: the approach of a train.
nearness or close approximation: a fair approach to accuracy.
any means of access, as a road or ramp: the approaches to a city.
the method used or steps taken in setting about a task, problem, etc.: His approach to any problem was to prepare an outline.
the course to be followed by an aircraft in approaching for a landing or in joining a traffic pattern: The plane’s approach to the airport was hazardous.
Sometimes approaches. a presentation, offer, or proposal.
approaches, Military. works for protecting forces in an advance against a fortified position.
Also called approach shot. Golf. a stroke made after teeing off, by which a player attempts to get the ball onto the putting green.
- the steps taken and the manner employed in delivering the ball: He favors a four-step approach.
- Also called runway . the area behind the foul line, from which the ball is delivered.
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Origin of approach
First recorded in 1275–1325; (verb) Middle English a(p)prochen, from Old French aprochier, from Late Latin adpropiāre “to draw near,” equivalent to ad- “to” and propiāre “to draw near,” derivative of Latin propius “nearer” (comparative of prope “near”), replacing Latin appropinquāre; (noun) late Middle English approche, derivative of the verb; see ad-, propinquity
ap·proach·er, nounap·proach·less, adjectivere·ap·proach, verbun·ap·proached, adjective
un·ap·proach·ing, adjectivewell-ap·proached, adjective
Words nearby approach
appressorium, apprise, apprised, apprize, appro, approach, approachable, approach light, approach shot, approbate, approbation
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Words related to approach
access, path, way, appeal, proposal, proposition, attitude, concept, idea, manner, means, method, mode, procedure, program, style, technique, come, contact, match
How to use approach in a sentence
So, not in the immediate term, but if you think about how much money we’re spending, it’s completely appropriate.
We need to have a really frank public discussion about what we think of appropriate trade-offs.
He warned that hospitalizations and deaths are an indicator that tends to lag an increase in new cases, and argued that pointing to those numbers to justify keeping businesses opened isn’t appropriate.
Establish and follow appropriate data retention and deletion policies for each type of sensitive data.
At the start of the pandemic, businesses within cities were focused on getting their employees working remotely and securely, with access to the appropriate tools.
Is that a utilitarian approach—that you need to understand how institutions have changed to understand the way they are?
Like any good marketer, Silverman says he has sales figures proving his approach is working.
But we were attempting a deliberate naiveté, a decision to approach these books as if they might have something to teach us.
This is kind of an accidental career for me—which is why I approach it with irreverence and playfulness.
But this approach can be troublesome for a variety of reasons.
In truth, it was so intently engaged with a sleeping seal that it had not observed the approach of the sledge.
Gaze not upon another man’s wife, and be not inquisitive after his handmaid, and approach not her bed.
There seemed the flavour of some strange authority in her that baffled all approach to the former intimacy.
He that adoreth God with joy, shall be accepted, and his prayer shall approach even to the clouds.
Perhaps the nearest approach to a pure æsthetic enjoyment in these early days is the love of flowers.
British Dictionary definitions for approach
to come nearer in position, time, quality, character, etc, to (someone or something)
(tr) to make advances to, as with a proposal, suggestion, etc
(tr) to begin to deal withto approach a problem
(tr) rare to cause to come near
the act of coming towards or drawing close or closer
a close approximation
the way or means of entering or leaving; access
(often plural) an advance or overture to a person
a means adopted in tackling a problem, job of work, etc
Also called: approach path the course followed by an aircraft preparing for landing
Word Origin for approach
C14: from Old French aprochier, from Late Latin appropiāre to draw near, from Latin prope near
Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other forms: approached; approaching; approaches
To approach is to get near something. An airplane is cleared for a final approach just as the wheels approach the landing strip.
Approach comes from the Latin word appropriare which means «go nearer to.» You can physically approach something, like a waiter going to a table. Or, you can approach a subject, usually one you’re a little nervous about — like a new employee might approach her boss about getting a raise. Time can also approach, like winter, midnight, or even old age.
Definitions of approach
“We were
approaching our destination”-
come near, come on, draw close, draw near, go up, near
come near
come near in time
come near
make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion
“I was
approached by the President to serve as his adviser in foreign matters” -
the act of drawing spatially closer to something
“the hunter’s
approach scattered the geese”-
approaching, coming
the event of one object coming closer to another
a way of entering or leaving
see moresee less-
- show 11 types…
- hide 11 types…
entrance, entranceway, entree, entry, entryway
something that provides access (to get in or get out)
arch, archway
a passageway under a curved masonry construction
door, doorway, room access, threshold
the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building; the space that a door can close
an entrance that can be closed by a gate
hatchway, opening, scuttle
an entrance equipped with a hatch; especially a passageway between decks of a ship
the entrance to a coal mine
a grand and imposing entrance (often extended metaphorically)
a carriage entrance passing through a building to an enclosed courtyard
servant’s entrance, service door, service entrance
an entrance intended for the use of servants or for delivery of goods and removal of refuse
stage door
an entrance to the backstage area of theater; used by performers and other theater personnel
an entrance to an amphitheater or stadium
type of:
any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another
the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing
a relatively short golf shot intended to put the ball onto the putting green
“he lost the hole when his
approach rolled over the green”-
approach shot
come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character
“His playing
approaches that of Horowitz”-
border on
a close approximation
“the nearest
approach to genius” -
“approach a task”
“approach a new project”
go about, set about
ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation
approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons”-
attack, plan of attack
a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others
“Winter is
approaching”“approaching old age”
come near
come near, come on, draw close, draw near, go up, near
move towards
see moresee less-
get on
grow late or (of time) elapse
type of:
come, come up
move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody
come near, come on, draw close, draw near, go up, near
the temporal property of becoming nearer in time
approach of winter”-
approaching, coming
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What do we mean by approach?
To come near or nearer, as in space or time. intransitive verb
To make an approach, as in golf. intransitive verb
To come or go near or nearer to. intransitive verb
To come close to, as in appearance, quality, or condition; approximate. intransitive verb
To make a proposal or overtures to with a specific end in view. intransitive verb
To begin to deal with or work on. intransitive verb
The act of approaching. noun
A fairly close resemblance; an approximation. noun
A way or means of reaching something; an access. noun
The method used in dealing with or accomplishing. noun
An advance or overture made by one person to another. noun
The golf stroke following the drive from the tee with which a player tries to get the ball onto the putting green. noun
The steps taken prior to executing a competitive maneuver, as by a diver before diving forward from a springboard or by a bowler before delivering the ball. noun
The part of the area behind the foul line in a bowling alley used by a bowler in delivering the ball. noun
To come or go near in place or time; draw near; advance nearer; come into presence.
Figuratively, to draw near; approximate; come near in degree: with to: as, he approaches to the character of an able statesman.
To bring near; advance: as, he approached his hand to the cup.
To come or draw near to: as, to approach the gate.
Figuratively, to come near to in quality, character, or condition; nearly equal: as, modern sculpture does not approach that of the Greeks.
The act of drawing near; a coming or advancing near.
An access, or opportunity of drawing near.
(in plural) Movements to gain favor; advances.
A way, passage, or avenue by which a place or buildings can be approached; an access.
A manner in which a problem is solved or policy is made.
(used only in the plural, fortification) The advanced works, trenches, or covered roads made by besiegers in their advances toward a fortress or military post.
An approach shot.
The way an aircraft comes in to land at an airport.
The area before the lane, in which a player may stand or run up before bowling the ball.
V. To get closer to something. Urban Dictionary
Someone who is open and friendly that’s ready to assist Urban Dictionary
Appearing friendly, or easy to talk to. Urban Dictionary
The act of ejaculation among women and men alike, as long as it is completed through a second party. Urban Dictionary
Approach anxiety (AA) is a term used to describe a man who feels highly nervous, awkward and distressed during (or even before) the act of approaching and getting to know women he has never met before. While the anxiety often derives from a greater social phobia, approach anxiety itself derives specifically from man’s belief that he is very likely to be rejected by the woman of his desire in unplesant and harsh ways.
In most cases, a man who tries to overcome this particular anxiety may experience symptoms such as rapid heart rate, clammy hands and excessive body sweating, thought paralysis (i.e ‘going blank’ or ‘freezing up’), rapid speach, uncharacteristic stuttering, unintentional fidgeting and many other forms of physical or mental reactions to high stress. Urban Dictionary
To approach and start a conversation with a total stranger, usually with a romantic intention. Urban Dictionary
A last ditch effort used to pick up women that essentially entails making a series of rapid, low effort, approaches, on multiple women, in a very short period of time. It is beneficial when the PUA has arrived at the bar or club late in the evening and has little time remaining before last call. It is risky maneuvre because, due to the lack of effort put into each individual approach, it is likely that the PUA will face several harsh rejections prior to achieving success. Multiple rejections in such a short timeframe could leave the PUA’s confidence shattered beyond repair. Urban Dictionary
Approaching a person through a social circle, as opposed to «cold approach». Usually used for dating terminology. Urban Dictionary
The Unicorn Approach is a business phrase for handling those times when your boss is asking for the impossible and/or making completely unrealistic demands. Often, when they are demanding this, they resent any «negative» feedback. You can smile and say «Sure boss, we’ll apply the Unicorn Approach to that and get right on it.»
Strictly defined, the Unicorn Approach is pretending that all will be well in fantasy land, where it’s rainbows and sunshine all the time. And Unicorns frolic. It allows the poor shmuck being asked to deal with the ridiculous, ludicrous demands of egotistical bosses with a bit of humor. Sure, it doesn’t fix the problem but honestly — you can’t fix it anyway so at least you can smile a bit! Urban Dictionary
Usually involves a shotgun or duct tape. Urban Dictionary
Meaning approach
What does approach mean? Here you find 69 meanings of the word approach. You can also add a definition of approach yourself
1 |
0 v. short for «approach the bench,» as in «may I approach, your ho…
2 |
0 approachThe area between the sidewalk and the street that leads to a driveway, or the transitional path from the street leading to the driveway.
3 |
0 approachmove towards Spain’s jobless rate for people ages 16 to 24 is approaching 50 percent. — New York Times (Feb 15, 2012)
4 |
0 approachIn veterinary terms, the term used to refer to the procedure by which a certain part will be dissected and/or exposed.
5 |
0 approachA shot hit towards the green (His approach shot to the 17th hole came up short of the green) or towards the hole (Sam Snead was a great approach putter). WATCH: Tips for solid approach shots
6 |
0 approachc. 1300, from Anglo-French approcher, Old French aprochier «approach, come closer» (12c., Modern French approcher), from Late Latin appropiare «go nearer to,» from Latin ad- » [..]
7 |
0 approachmid-15c., from approach (v.). Figurative sense of «means of handling a problem, etc.» is first attested 1905.
8 |
0 approachThe initial stage in a sales interaction. Comment: The objectives of the approach are securing approval for the sales call, getting the prospect’s attention and interest, and building rapport with the prospect.
9 |
0 approachto come near.
10 |
0 approachA way of doing things. For example, project planning may require different approaches, or different approaches may be considered as a way of reducing Project Risks [D02376]
11 |
0 approachThe term lawyers use when they would like to have a conversation with opposing counsel and the judge, out of the earshot of the jury, as in,»Your honor, may I approach the bench?» Judges who [..]
12 |
0 approachA shot hit towards the green.
13 |
0 approachA shot hit towards the hole or the green.
14 |
0 approachA shot stroke played to the green.
15 |
0 approachShort or medium shot to either the pin or putting green.
16 |
0 approach— The throw that would place the disc within putting distance of the target; usually the second throw.
17 |
0 approach– usually the second shot of a hole, designed to place the disc within putting distance.
18 |
0 approachideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation; "his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons"; "an attack on inflation& [..]
19 |
0 approachA shot in the golf green from the fairway is referred to as approach.
20 |
0 approachNormally a short or medium shot played to the putting green or pin «approach shot.»
21 |
0 approachUsually used in the phrase «approach shot». Refers to the shot that plays to get the ball from the fairway onto the green.
22 |
0 approachA shot hit towards a green, can either be on a par-3, par-4 or par-5.
23 |
0 approachthe path defined by the player or course between the tee box and the basket (normal reference is as you get closer to the basket.) [further away from the basket could be defined as the Fairway] Approa [..]
24 |
0 approachA section of the fairway
25 |
0 approachUsually the second throw, meant to position yourself for the best putt possible.
26 |
0 approachYour shot onto the green, generally with a short iron.
27 |
0 approachShot A shot which, if it had not caught the lip of the bunker and dropped back into the sand, would have rolled across the green and gone into the water. See CHIP SHOT
28 |
0 approachA shot hit towards the green or towards the hole.
29 |
0 approachThe flight phase during which an aircraft has its landing gear extended and is descending and slowing its speed for landing.
30 |
0 approachThe shot that puts your ball on the Green
31 |
0 approachto go nearer to someone or something
32 |
0 approachA specific way to realize a practice or activity. For example, Scrum specifies a sprint retrospective. How a team chooses to perform a sprint retrospective is its approach, which may be different fr [..]
33 |
0 approachA medium or short distance shot toward the putting green.
34 |
0 approachIn simple golfing terms an approach is a shot as it is hit into the green. The approach does not always reach the green but it describes your intentions for executing the stroke.
35 |
0 approachNormally a short or medium shot played to the putting green or pin. E.g. On a Par 4 you may have a drive, approach shot and put for birdie.
36 |
0 approachn. a particular strategy or means of study used to achieve a goal or purpose. Also refers to the movement of an organism toward a stimulus.
37 |
0 approachtsugang
38 |
0 approachtsukumen tsu
39 |
0 approachthe channel of water approaching a port or set of the locks.
40 |
0 approachThe distance at which a sign becomes readable to a viewer to the point where the sign is no longer readable as the viewer passes by.
41 |
0 approachApproach is a word that has varied meanings depending on the context it is used. Approach could mean
42 |
0 approach(n) ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation(n) the act of drawing spatially closer to something(n) a way of entering or leaving(n) the final path followed by an aircraft as i [..]
43 |
0 approachA term usually applied to the articulation of plosives and affricates. The approach stage of a plosive or affricate is when the active articulator is approaching the passive articulator to form a clos [..]
44 |
0 approachThe distance measured along the line of travel from the point where an advertising face first becomes fully visible to the point where the copy is no longer readable.
45 |
0 approachThe portion of an intersection leg that is used by traffic approaching the intersection.
46 |
0 approachflying an aircraft according to the instructions on an approach plate
47 |
0 approachTo fly towards a point; a basic guidance mode, providing lateral guidance, longitudinal guidance, and vertical guidance to a point at an operator selected groundspeed and radar altitude; See Also: waypoint approach, ILS approach, rendezvous approach;
48 |
0 approachThe distance measured along the line of travel from the point where an advertising face first becomes fully visible to the point where the copy is no longer readable.
49 |
0 approachThe total distance measurement that copy on a structure is readable. Usually 1500, 1000, and 500 feet.
50 |
0 approachThe distance measured along the line of travel from the point where an advertising unit first becomes fully visible to the point where the copy is no longer readable.
51 |
0 approachThe point where a billboard first becomes fully visible to the point where the copy is no longer readable.
52 |
0 approachThe distance measured along the line of travel from the point where the out of home unit first becomes visible to the point where copy is no longer readable (having passed out of sight).
53 |
0 approachThe distance measured along the line of travel from the point where an advertising unit first becomes fully visible to the point where the copy is no longer readable.
54 |
0 approachv. short for «approach the bench,» as in «may I approach, your honor,» or «will counsel approach?»
55 |
0 approachthe teaching method used
56 |
0 approachThis is a short or medium iron which is played into the green. Often referred to as an “approach shot”.
57 |
0 approach1. The act of drawing near; a coming or advancing near. «The approach of summer.» «A nearer approach to the human type.» (Owen) 2. A access, or opportunity of drawing near. «The approach to kings and principal persons.» (Bacon) 3. Movements to gain favor; advances. 4. A way, passage, or avenue by which a place or build [..]
58 |
0 approachTo fly towards a point; a basic guidance mode, providing lateral guidance, longitudinal guidance, and vertical guidance to a point at an operator sele…
59 |
0 approachTo fly towards a point; a basic guidance mode, providing lateral guidance, longitudinal guidance, and vertical guidance to a point at an operator selected groundspeed and radar altitude; See Also: way [..]
60 |
0 approachWhen you hear the pilot or crew talking about the approach, it means that the plane is beginning its descent for landing.
61 |
0 approach(departure) CONTROL This is radar-based air traffic control, associated with the tower at larger airports. Separates aircraft traffic from outside the immediate airport area to a distance of about 40 miles.
62 |
0 approachA short shot intended to hit the green (area of closely mowed grass around the flag-stick) and get the ball as close to the hole as possible.
63 |
0 approachThe method used, or steps taken in, setting about a task or problem by the Scrum team. The approach differs from team to team.
64 |
0 approachnoun
65 |
0 approachApproach is the Finnish rock band Von Hertzen Brothers’s second full-length album. The album was released on 17 May 2006 in Finland and went gold. The first single released from the album was «Let Thy [..]
66 |
0 approachApproach may refer to:
67 |
0 approachA shot hit towards the green or towards the hole.
68 |
0 approachA shot hit towards the green or towards the hole.
69 |
0 approachA shot hit towards the green or towards the hole.
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1 to come nearer in position, time, quality, character, etc., to (someone or something)
2 tr to make advances to, as with a proposal, suggestion, etc.
3 tr to begin to deal with
to approach a problem
4 tr
Rare to cause to come near
5 the act of coming towards or drawing close or closer
7 the way or means of entering or leaving; access
8 often pl an advance or overture to a person
9 a means adopted in tackling a problem, job of work, etc.
10 (Also called)
approach path the course followed by an aircraft preparing for landing
(C14: from Old French aprochier, from Late Latin appropiare to draw near, from Latin prope near)
approach shot
1 (Golf, Also called) approach a shot made to or towards the green after a tee shot
2 (Tennis) a deep drive, usually hit with slice to keep the ball low, designed to enable the player to make an approach to the net
English Collins Dictionary — English Definition & Thesaurus
approach shot
1 (Golf, Also called) approach a shot made to or towards the green after a tee shot
2 (Tennis) a deep drive, usually hit with slice to keep the ball low, designed to enable the player to make an approach to the net
1 to come nearer in position, time, quality, character, etc., to (someone or something)
2 tr to make advances to, as with a proposal, suggestion, etc.
3 tr to begin to deal with
to approach a problem
4 tr
Rare to cause to come near
5 the act of coming towards or drawing close or closer
7 the way or means of entering or leaving; access
8 often pl an advance or overture to a person
9 a means adopted in tackling a problem, job of work, etc.
10 (Also called)
approach path the course followed by an aircraft preparing for landing
(C14: from Old French aprochier, from Late Latin appropiare to draw near, from Latin prope near)
English Collins Dictionary — English Definition & Thesaurus
1 advance, catch up, come close, come near, come to, draw near, gain on, meet, move towards, near, push forward, reach
2 appeal to, apply to, broach the matter with, make advances to, make a proposal to, make overtures to, sound out
3 begin, begin work on, commence, embark on, enter upon, make a start, set about, undertake
4 approximate, be comparable to, be like, come close to, come near to, compare with, resemble
5 access, advance, advent, arrival, avenue, coming, drawing near, entrance, nearing, passage, road, way
6 approximation, likeness, semblance
7 (often plural)
advance, appeal, application, invitation, offer, overture, proposal, proposition
8 attitude, course, manner, means, method, mode, modus operandi, procedure, style, technique, way
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
whac-a-mole. whack-a-mole approach
baqsed on Japanese video game. Suggests a repetitive and/or futile action to combat something, such as resurgence sites of Covid-19
Additional comments:
Collaborative Dictionary English Definition
wingman |
n. |
1. [Mil.] a pilot who comes in support of the leading aircraft. He is positionned besides and slightly behind the leading aircraft. 2. [Fig.] a person who helps a friend to approach potential partners |
2. this meaning has been popularised by the TV series How I Met Your Mother |
holistic |
adj. |
[philos.] of or relating to a doctrine of holism ; characterized by the approach that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole |
Ex: The lecturer emphasized the need for a holistic approach to fisheries |
Hydra-headed |
adj. |
with a complex structure; difficult to approach; multiple problems generator |
fait sur mesure |
adj. |
(+service, solution, approach) custom-tailored ; tailored ; tailor-made |
[Fig.] |
A breath of fresh air |
n. |
means a different approach or a welcome change to something. Ex.: anna has lots of wonderful ideas and motivation — she is a breath of fresh air. |
[Fig.] |
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