follow orders
To act in accordance with the instructions that one has been given. Ma’am, I’m not trying to be rude, I’m just following orders from my superior—we need to search this property.
See also: follow, order
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
follow orders
to do as one has been instructed. You have to learn to follow orders if you want to be a Marine. I didn’t do anything wrong. I was only following orders.
See also: follow, order
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
- address (one’s) comments to (someone or something)
- address comments or remarks to
- address (one’s) remarks to (someone or something)
- be at a disadvantage
- at a disadvantage
- be (as) serious as a heart attack
- (the) odds are against (something)
- a run on (something)
- angel
- a rush on (something)
We could not find the full phrase you were looking for. Also see: orders WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023 fol•low /ˈfɑloʊ/USA pronunciation
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023 fol•low
fol′low•a•ble, adj.
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: follow /ˈfɒləʊ/ vb
Etymology: Old English folgian; related to Old Frisian folgia, Old Saxon folgōn, Old High German folgēn ‘follow orders‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): |
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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
verb (used with object)
to come after in sequence, order of time, etc.: The speech follows the dinner.
to go or come after; move behind in the same direction: Drive ahead, and I’ll follow you.
to accept as a guide or leader; accept the authority of or give allegiance to: Many Germans followed Hitler.
to conform to, comply with, or act in accordance with; obey: to follow orders; to follow advice.
to imitate or copy; use as an exemplar: They follow the latest fads.
to move forward along (a road, path, etc.): Follow this road for a mile.
to come after as a result or consequence; result from: Reprisals often follow victory.
to go after or along with (a person) as companion.
to go in pursuit of: to follow an enemy.
to try for or attain to: to follow an ideal.
to engage in or be concerned with as a pursuit: He followed the sea as his true calling.
to watch the movements, progress, or course of: to follow a bird in flight.
to watch the development of or keep up with: to follow the news.
Digital Technology. to indicate interest in and establish a connection with (a social media account) so as to keep up with the online content it publishes, as posts, images, or videos: I follow my friends and some celebrities on Twitter, but nobody who tweets political stuff.
to keep up with and understand (an argument, story, etc.): Do you follow me?
verb (used without object)
to come next after something else in sequence, order of time, etc.
to happen or occur after something else; come next as an event: After the defeat great disorder followed.
to attend or serve.
to go or come after a person or thing in motion.
to result as an effect; occur as a consequence: It follows then that he must be innocent.
the act of following.
Digital Technology. an instance of following or subscribing to online content published by a social media account: Using hashtags is one way to get more follows on Instagram.
Digital Technology. noting or relating to a feature used to follow or subscribe to specific website content: a follow link;follow numbers and other digital marketing statistics.
Verb Phrases
follow out, to carry to a conclusion; execute: They followed out their orders to the letter.
follow through,
- to carry out fully, as a stroke of a club in golf, a racket in tennis, etc.
- to continue an effort, plan, proposal, policy, etc., to its completion.
follow up,
- to pursue closely and tenaciously.
- to increase the effectiveness of by further action or repetition.
- to pursue to a solution or conclusion.
There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?
Which sentence is correct?
Idioms about follow
Origin of follow
First recorded before 900; Middle English fol(o)wen, Old English folgian; cognate with Old Saxon folgōn, Old High German folgēn, folgōn (German folgen )
synonym study for follow
20. Follow, ensue, result, succeed imply coming after something else, in a natural sequence. Follow is the general word: We must wait to see what follows. A detailed account follows. Ensue implies a logical sequence, what might be expected normally to come after a given act, cause, etc.: When the power lines were cut, a paralysis of transportation ensued. Result emphasizes the connection between a cause or event and its effect, consequence, or outcome: The accident resulted in injuries to those involved. Succeed implies coming after in time, particularly coming into a title, office, etc.: Formerly the oldest son succeeded to his father’s title.
fol·low·a·ble, adjectiveun·fol·low·a·ble, adjectiveun·fol·lowed, adjectivewell-followed, adjective
Words nearby follow
follicular, follicular phase, folliculin, folliculitis, follis, follow, follow along, follower, followership, following, follow in someone’s footsteps Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Words related to follow
pursue, accompany, attend, seek, track, adhere to, adopt, keep, observe, reflect, serve, support, watch, accept, get, see, chase, displace, ensue, postdate
How to use follow in a sentence
That followed November’s elections when four new states legalized recreational marijuana, and two legalized medicinal use.
Isaiah Todd soon followed, shunning a scholarship offer from Michigan.
“It’s really — it’s crazy times, and I’m not too scared of getting it personally, but I’m following all the rules that I’ve been told to follow,” Oshie said.
A witness told investigators that the Sikorsky S-76B disappeared into clouds as it followed the route of Highway 101 through a pass in the hills, a moment that also was recorded on video.
Then came the last president’s attempts to overturn the election results, followed by a violent insurrection at the Capitol and an inauguration held under tight covid restrictions and an ominous military presence.
Tend to your own garden, to quote the great sage of free speech, Voltaire, and invite people to follow your example.
They prevailed last August, obtaining—follow me here—an injunction prohibiting the enforcement of those provisions.
The follow-up story is how those who survived both the competitive onslaught, as well as the recession, have adapted.
JetBlue has been flying charter jets to Cuba for three years, and others are sure to follow.
An attorney was asked to follow up, but no records indicate what happened next.
In 1856 she married Mesdag, who, rather late in life decided to follow the career of a painter.
You will follow the suite of my daughter to Spain, and you will become the bosom Counsellor of the wife of your Prince?
She now understood nearly all that was said directly to her, though she could not follow general and confused conversation.
A test examination would follow of a perfunctory character, and an intimation of your appointment would be the sequel.
These are obtained easily, whence follow the sinister reports that they give your Majesty, to the harm of the public welfare.
British Dictionary definitions for follow
to go or come after in the same directionhe followed his friend home
(tr) to accompany; attendshe followed her sister everywhere
to come after as a logical or natural consequence
(tr) to keep to the course or track ofshe followed the towpath
(tr) to act in accordance with; obeyto follow instructions
(tr) to accept the ideas or beliefs of (a previous authority, etc)he followed Donne in most of his teachings
to understand (an explanation, argument, etc)the lesson was difficult to follow
to watch closely or continuouslyshe followed his progress carefully
(tr) to have a keen interest into follow athletics
(tr) to help in the cause of or accept the leadership ofthe men who followed Napoleon
(tr) to choose to receive messages posted by (a blogger or microblogger)I’ve been following her online
(tr) rare to earn a living at or into follow the Navy
follow suit cards
- to play a card of the same suit as the card played immediately before it
- to do the same as someone else
billiards snooker
- a forward spin imparted to a cue ball causing it to roll after the object ball
- a shot made in this way
Derived forms of follow
followable, adjective
Word Origin for follow
Old English folgian; related to Old Frisian folgia, Old Saxon folgōn, Old High German folgēn
Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other Idioms and Phrases with follow
In addition to the idioms beginning with follow
- follow along
- follow in someone’s footsteps
- follow one’s nose
- follow out
- follow suit
- follow the crowd
- follow through
- follow up
also see:
- as follows
- camp follower
- hard act to follow
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
In English, the word order is strict. That means we can’t place parts of the sentence wherever we want, but we should follow some certain rules when making sentences. These rules apply not only to formal language but also to everyday spoken English. So, we should learn and always follow them.
Direct word order and inversion
When the sentence is positive (affirmative), the word order is direct. That means the verb follows the subject.
Caroline is a local celebrity. Caroline = subject, is = verb
We work remotely. We = subject, work = verb
You have been learning Spanish for two years. You= subject, have been learning = verb
In questions (interrogative sentences) the subject and the verb swap places. We call it indirect word order, or inversion.
Am I right? WRONG I am right?
How old are they? WRONG How old they are?
What day is it today? WRONG What day it is today?
If there is an auxiliary verb, its first word will precede the subject.
Are you sleeping?
Have you read my message?
Will you help me, please?
Has anyone been looking for me?
Will he have finished the job by 5 o’clock?
Direct and indirect objects
The object normally goes right after the verb. We don’t put any other words between them.
I like my job very much. WRONG like very much my job
He meets his friends every Friday. WRONG meets every Friday his friends
In the examples above, the object is direct. A direct object answers the question «whom» or «what» and there is no preposition after the verb. If we can’t put the object without a preposition (talk to smb, agree with smb, rely on smb), the object is indirect.
I’m not satisfied with my test score.
Let’s talk about the new project.
Now, if we have two objects, one is indirect and the other is direct, then the direct object has the priority to go first.
The professor explained the concept to the students. WRONG to the student the concept
He said nothing about those errors. WRONG about those errors nothing
If there are two direct objects and one of them is a pronoun, the pronoun goes behind the verb.
Could you show me the way, please? WRONG the way me
They wished her luck. WRONG luck her
Place and time
Expressions of time and place usually go together after the verb and the object (if there is one). We first indicate the place (where, where to) and then the time (when, how often, how long).
We go {to the theatre} {every month}. where=to the theatre, how often=every month
There were lots of people {in the park} {on Sunday}. where=in the park, when=on Sunday
Jim will give me a lift {to the station} {after the meeting}. where to=to the station, when=after the meeting
lt is often possible to put time at the beginning of the sentence.
At this time tomorrow, we’ll be going to the airport.
Sometimes I want to be alone.
Let’s briefly sum up the rules:
- Positive sentence: subject + verb. Question sentence: verb + subject
- Do not split the verb and the object
- Direct objects go before the indirect objects
- If one of two direct objects is a pronoun, it goes first
- Place goes before time
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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:
1 слайд
Word Meaning
Lecture # 6
Grigoryeva M. -
2 слайд
Word Meaning
Approaches to word meaning
Meaning and Notion (понятие)
Types of word meaning
Types of morpheme meaning
3 слайд
Each word has two aspects:
the outer aspect
( its sound form)
catthe inner aspect
(its meaning)
long-legged, fury animal with sharp teeth
and claws -
4 слайд
Sound and meaning do not always constitute a constant unit even in the same language
EX a temple
a part of a human head
a large church -
5 слайд
Semantics (Semasiology)
Is a branch of lexicology which studies the
meaning of words and word equivalents -
6 слайд
Approaches to Word Meaning
The Referential (analytical) approachThe Functional (contextual) approach
Operational (information-oriented) approach
7 слайд
The Referential (analytical) approach
formulates the essence of meaning by establishing the interdependence between words and things or concepts they denotedistinguishes between three components closely connected with meaning:
the sound-form of the linguistic sign,
the concept
the actual referent -
8 слайд
Basic Triangle
concept (thought, reference) – the thought of the object that singles out its essential features
referent – object denoted by the word, part of reality
sound-form (symbol, sign) – linguistic sign
concept – flowersound-form referent
[rәuz] -
9 слайд
In what way does meaning correlate with
each element of the triangle ?In what relation does meaning stand to
each of them? -
10 слайд
Meaning and Sound-form
are not identical
EX. dove — [dΛv] English sound-forms
[golub’] Russian BUT
[taube] German
the same meaning -
11 слайд
Meaning and Sound-form
nearly identical sound-forms have different meanings in different languages
EX. [kot] Russian – a male cat
[kot] English – a small bed for a childidentical sound-forms have different meanings (‘homonyms)
EX. knight [nait]
night [nait] -
12 слайд
Meaning and Sound-form
even considerable changes in sound-form do not affect the meaningEX Old English lufian [luvian] – love [l Λ v]
13 слайд
Meaning and Concept
concept is a category of human cognitionconcept is abstract and reflects the most common and typical features of different objects and phenomena in the world
meanings of words are different in different languages
14 слайд
Meaning and Concept
identical concepts may have different semantic structures in different languagesEX. concept “a building for human habitation” –
English Russian
HOUSE ДОМ+ in Russian ДОМ
“fixed residence of family or household”
In English HOME -
15 слайд
Meaning and Referent
one and the same object (referent) may be denoted by more than one word of a different meaning
tiger -
16 слайд
is not identical with any of the three points of the triangle –
the sound form,
the concept
the referentBUT
is closely connected with them. -
17 слайд
Functional Approach
studies the functions of a word in speech
meaning of a word is studied through relations of it with other linguistic units
EX. to move (we move, move a chair)
movement (movement of smth, slow movement)The distriution ( the position of the word in relation to
others) of the verb to move and a noun movement is
different as they belong to different classes of words and
their meanings are different -
18 слайд
Operational approach
is centered on defining meaning through its role in
the process of communicationEX John came at 6
Beside the direct meaning the sentence may imply that:
He was late
He failed to keep his promise
He was punctual as usual
He came but he didn’t want toThe implication depends on the concrete situation
19 слайд
Lexical Meaning and Notion
Notion denotes the reflection in the mind of real objectsNotion is a unit of thinking
Lexical meaning is the realization of a notion by means of a definite language system
Word is a language unit -
20 слайд
Lexical Meaning and Notion
Notions are international especially with the nations of the same cultural levelMeanings are nationally limited
EX GO (E) —- ИДТИ(R)
“To move”
BUT !!!
To GO by bus (E)
ЕХАТЬ (R)EX Man -мужчина, человек
Она – хороший человек (R)
She is a good person (E) -
21 слайд
Types of Meaning
Types of meaninggrammatical
lexical meaning
connotational -
22 слайд
Grammatical Meaning
component of meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different wordsEX. girls, winters, toys, tables –
grammatical meaning of pluralityasked, thought, walked –
meaning of past tense -
23 слайд
Lexico-grammatical meaning
(part –of- speech meaning)
is revealed in the classification of lexical items into:
major word classes (N, V, Adj, Adv)
minor ones (artc, prep, conj)words of one lexico-grammatical class have the same paradigm
24 слайд
Lexical Meaning
is the meaning proper to the given linguistic unit in all its forms and distributionsEX . Go – goes — went
lexical meaning – process of movement -
25 слайд
Group the words into 3 column according to the grammatical, lexical or part-of –speech meaning
Boy’s, nearest, at, beautiful,
think, man, drift, wrote,
tremendous, ship’s, the most beautiful,
table, near, for, went, friend’s,
handsome, thinking, boy,
nearer, thought, boys,
lamp, go, during. -
26 слайд
The case of nouns: boy’s, ship’s, friend’s
The degree of comparison of adj: nearest, the most beautiful
The tense of verbs: wrote, went, thoughtLexical
Think, thinking, thought
Went, go
Boy’s, boy, boys
Nearest, near, nearer
At, for, during (“time”)
Beautiful, the most beautifulPart-of-speech
Nouns—verbs—adj—-prep -
27 слайд
Aspects of Lexical meaning
The denotational aspectThe connotational aspect
The pragmatic aspect
28 слайд
Denotational Meaning
“denote” – to be a sign of, stand as a symbol for”establishes the correlation between the name and the object
makes communication possibleEX booklet
“a small thin book that gives info about smth” -
29 слайд
Explain denotational meaningA lion-hunter
To have a heart like a lion
To feel like a lion
To roar like a lion
To be thrown to the lions
The lion’s share
To put your head in lion’s mouth -
30 слайд
A lion-hunter
A host that seeks out celebrities to impress guests
To have a heart like a lion
To have great courage
To feel like a lion
To be in the best of health
To roar like a lion
To shout very loudly
To be thrown to the lions
To be criticized strongly or treated badly
The lion’s share
Much more than one’s share
To put your head in lion’s mouth -
31 слайд
Connotational Meaning
reflects the attitude of the speaker towards what he speaks about
it is optional – a word either has it or notConnotation gives additional information and includes:
The emotive charge EX Daddy (for father)
Intensity EX to adore (for to love)
Imagery EX to wade through a book
“ to walk with an effort” -
32 слайд
Give possible interpretation of the sentencesShe failed to buy it and felt a strange pang.
Don’t be afraid of that woman! It’s just barking!
He got up from his chair moving slowly, like an old man.
The girl went to her father and pulled his sleeve.
He was longing to begin to be generous.
She was a woman with shiny red hands and work-swollen finger knuckles. -
33 слайд
Give possible interpretation of the sentences
She failed to buy it and felt a strange pang.
(pain—dissatisfaction that makes her suffer)
Don’t be afraid of that woman! It’s just barking!
(make loud sharp sound—-the behavior that implies that the person is frightened)
He got up from his chair moving slowly, like an old man.
(to go at slow speed—was suffering or was ill)
The girl went to her father and pulled his sleeve.
(to move smth towards oneself— to try to attract smb’s attention)
He was longing to begin to be generous.
(to start doing— hadn’t been generous before)
She was a woman with shiny red hands and work-swollen finger knuckles.
(colour— a labourer involved into physical work ,constant contact with water) -
34 слайд
The pragmatic aspect of lexical meaning
the situation in which the word is uttered,
the social circumstances (formal, informal, etc.),
social relationships between the interlocutors (polite, rough, etc.),
the type and purpose of communication (poetic, official, etc.)EX horse (neutral)
steed (poetic)
nag (slang)
gee-gee (baby language) -
35 слайд
State what image underline the meaningI heard what she said but it didn’t sink into my mind.
You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that.
They seized on the idea.
Bill, chasing some skirt again?
I saw him dive into a small pub.
Why are you trying to pin the blame on me?
He only married her for her dough. -
36 слайд
State what image underline the meaning
I heard what she said but it didn’t sink into my mind.
(to understand completely)
You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that.
(to behave humbly in order to win favour)
They seized on the idea.
(to be eager to take and use)
Bill, chasing some skirt again?
(a girl)
I saw him dive into a small pub.
(to enter suddenly)
Why are you trying to pin the blame on me?
(to blame smb unfairly)
He only married her for her dough.
(money) -
37 слайд
Types of Morpheme Meaning
distributional -
38 слайд
Lexical Meaning in Morphemes
root-morphemes that are homonymous to words possess lexical meaning
EX. boy – boyhood – boyishaffixes have lexical meaning of a more generalized character
EX. –er “agent, doer of an action” -
39 слайд
Lexical Meaning in Morphemes
has denotational and connotational components
EX. –ly, -like, -ish –
denotational meaning of similiarity
womanly , womanishconnotational component –
-ly (positive evaluation), -ish (deragotary) женственный — женоподобный -
40 слайд
Differential Meaning
a semantic component that serves to distinguish one word from all others containing identical morphemesEX. cranberry, blackberry, gooseberry
41 слайд
Functional Meaning
found only in derivational affixes
a semantic component which serves to
refer the word to the certain part of speechEX. just, adj. – justice, n.
42 слайд
Distributional Meaning
the meaning of the order and the arrangement of morphemes making up the word
found in words containing more than one morpheme
different arrangement of the same morphemes would make the word meaningless
EX. sing- + -er =singer,
-er + sing- = ? -
43 слайд
denotes the relationship between the phonetic or morphemic composition and structural pattern of the word on the one hand, and its meaning on the othercan be phonetical
semantic -
44 слайд
Phonetical Motivation
when there is a certain similarity between the sounds that make up the word and those produced by animals, objects, etc.EX. sizzle, boom, splash, cuckoo
45 слайд
Morphological Motivation
when there is a direct connection between the structure of a word and its meaning
EX. finger-ring – ring-finger,A direct connection between the lexical meaning of the component morphemes
EX think –rethink “thinking again” -
46 слайд
Semantic Motivation
based on co-existence of direct and figurative meanings of the same wordEX a watchdog –
”a dog kept for watching property”a watchdog –
“a watchful human guardian” (semantic motivation) -
48 слайд
Analyze the meaning of the words.
Define the type of motivation
a) morphologically motivated
b) semantically motivatedDriver
piggish -
49 слайд
Analyze the meaning of the words.
Define the type of motivation
a) morphologically motivated
b) semantically motivated
Someone who drives a vehicle
morphologically motivated
The part of a piece of furniture such as a table
semantically motivated
A piece of equipment shaped like a box, used in gymnastics
semantically motivated -
50 слайд
Emotions or behavior preventing people from feeling close
semantically motivated
Made by hand, not machine
morphologically motivated
Not taking enough care
morphologically motivated
semantically motivated -
51 слайд
I heard what she said but it didn’t sink in my mind
“do down to the bottom”
‘to be accepted by mind” semantic motivationWhy are you trying to pin the blame on me?
“fasten smth somewhere using a pin” –
”to blame smb” semantic motivationI was following the man when he dived into a pub.
“jump into deep water” –
”to enter into suddenly” semantic motivationYou should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that
“to move along on hands and knees close to the ground” –
“to behave very humbly in order to win favor” semantic motivation
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