Word meaning follow the rules

follow the rules — перевод на русский

Are you going to follow the rules?

Или ты собираешься следовать правилам?

Wait, if we follow the rules it’s still fun and it means something.

Ребята, погодите, если следовать правилам… получается весело и это кое-что значит!

— You don’t follow the rules, you don’t audition.

— Если ты не будешь следовать правилам, то ты не будешь проходить прослушивание.

Now that you’re in the cadet school you should follow the rules

Вы учитесь в школе для полицейских, и вы должны следовать правилам.

177 million people are counting on you… to follow the rules, Mrs. Hewitt.

177 миллионов человек рассчитывают, что вы будете следовать правилам, миссис Хьюит.

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But the thing is, and it’s not just this one incident Anthony sometimes has trouble following the rules weighing consequences.

Но есть одна беда, и этот случай — не единственное доказательство. Иногда Энтони сложно соблюдать правила. Представлять последствия.

If you want the seat you must follow the rules

Если ты хочешь получить место, ты должен соблюдать правила.

These children won’t amount to much if they don’t learn to follow rules.

Дети должны научиться соблюдать правила, а не быть уличными музыкантами.

It’d be a hell of a lot easier for me to follow the rules If I knew why they existed. I just don’t want my friends to know.

Мне было бы намного легче соблюдать правила если бы я знал зачем они нужны Просто не хочу чтобы мои друзья знали.

Well, they’ve given you permission to see your families as long as you guys follow the rules.

Они разрешили вам повидаться с семьями, если будете соблюдать правила.

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Probably true, but let’s follow rules.

— Возможно, да. Но давайте сделаем это по правилам.

I’m not gonna spend the rest of my life working my ass off and getting nowhere just because I followed rules that I had nothing to do with setting up, OK?

Не хочу всю жизнь вкалывать и остаться на бобах, потому что играла по правилам, не имеющим никакого отношения к выигрышу. Понятно?

I said you should follow the rule.

Я сказал, что вам все надо делать по правилам.

We followed the rules and we got screwed.

Мы играли по правилам и оказались в жопе!

Civilized people need to follow rules.

Цивилизованные люди живут по правилам.

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Commandant, I know I can’t ask much for myself and that you must follow the rules.

Комендант, я понимаю, что ни о чем не могу просить и что вы должны подчиняться правилам.

These places are certified by the government. They got to follow the rules.

— Им же правительство лицензии выдает, они должны подчиняться правилам.

I’m gonna start following the rules.

Я начну подчиняться правилам.

You refuse to follow the rules.

Ты отказываешься подчиняться правилам.

You’re just following the rules.

Вы лишь подчиняетесь правилам.

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You think following the rules will buy you a nice life even if the rules make you a slave

Думаешь, что следование правилам купит тебе хорошую жизнь, даже, если эти правила сделают тебя рабыней

You think following the rules will buy you a nice life… even if the rules make you a slave.

Думаешь, что следование правилам купит тебе хорошую жизнь, даже, если эти правила сделают тебя рабыней

Following the rules… Doesn’t always lead to justice.

Следование правилам… не всегда приводит к торжеству правосудия.

I was just an example to his loser son That following the rules can make you a stand-up citizen.

Я была лишь примером для их сына-неудачника, примером того, что следование правилам может помочь стать прочно стоящим на ногах гражданином.

It means she wouldn’t engage in a long-term relationship with the unsub if he wasn’t submissive or detail oriented enough to follow these rules.

Значит, она не вступила бы в долгосрочные отношения с неизвестным, не будь он либо покорным, либо чётко нацеленным на следование правилам.

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соблюдать правила

следовать правилам

придерживаться правил

выполнять правила

соответствовать правилам

играть по правилам

руководствоваться правилами

следовать нормам

соблюдение правил

соблюдении правил

следовать этим правилам

подчиняться правилам


It’s important to follow the rules for their use.

It is necessary to follow the rules of aseptic and antiseptic as well as with lumbar puncture.

Необходимо соблюдать правила асептики и антисептики так же, как и при люмбальной пункции.

Often refuses to follow the rules at home and school.

Однако в большинстве случаев И. продолжал отказываться следовать правилам дома и в школе.

It’s always best to follow the rules for your particular plant.

These students won’t survive unless they follow the rules.

As long as the players follow the rules of the game, everything is in order.

Texas lawmakers can’t seem to follow the rules.

So yes, you need to follow the rules in public.

However, it is necessary for both franchisor and franchisee to follow the rules and responsibilities that each role requires.

Тем не менее, как франчайзер, так и франчайзи должны соблюдать правила и обязанности, которые требуются для каждой роли.

And those and others in dangerous places should follow the rules and be extremely careful.

И тем, и другим в опасных местах следует соблюдать правила и быть предельно осторожными.

Most annoyingly, it was me who chose to follow the rules and so I did it to myself.

Наиболее раздражающе, именно я выбрал следовать правилам, поэтому я сделал это сам с собой.

We can follow the rules that are going on today to see all of the oddities and the exceptions and so forth.

Мы можем следовать правилам, которые происходят сегодня, чтобы увидеть все странности и исключения и т.д.

What happens if you don’t follow the rules is pretty varied.

You follow the rules and you love reliable people who will never deceive you.

Вы следуете правилам и любите надежных людей, которые никогда вас не обманут.

I really follow the rules, which is why I think I admire creative people so much.

Я действительно следую правилам, поэтому я думаю, что так восхищаюсь творческими людьми.

Visitors to your house should follow the rules, too.

It’s easier for someone to follow the rules of hygiene every day, and someone will solve the problem by a radical method.

Для кого-то проще ежедневно соблюдать правила гигиены, а кто-то решает проблему радикальным методом.

If you strictly follow the rules, then in the first three days it is worth completely giving up food.

Если четко следовать правилам, то в первые три дня стоит вовсе отказаться от пищи.

We expect that they will ask many questions, go to training courses and follow the rules of our organization.

Мы ожидаем, что они будут задавать очень много вопросов, ходить на тренинги и следовать правилам нашей организации.

He also able to find loopholes in rules so they can break them but still technically follow the rules.

Он также может найти лазейки в правилах, чтобы они могли их нарушать, но все еще технически следовали правилам.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат follow the rules

Результатов: 1941. Точных совпадений: 1941. Затраченное время: 283 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Asked by: Lingzhi Homs

asked in category: news and politics Last Updated: 12th November, 2020

Definition. to follow the rules: to obey the rules or regulations. As a boy, Horatio followed only the rules of the jungle. They were the only rules he obeyed. the rules (of the game): the instructions (of the game)

Rest of the detail can be read here. Keeping this in view, what is another word for following the rules?

Verb. Behave in a fair or honourable way. act honestly. comply. conform.

Subsequently, question is, what word means not following the rules? contravention. noun. formal something that is not allowed by a rule, law, or agreement.

Also question is, why is it important to follow the rules?

In the most basic sense, the benefits of rules and regulations in business are that they protect the company. By protecting employees, you protect the company from lawsuits. Following rules and regulations help employees understand what is expected of them and what will happen if they violate the rules.

What do you call people who don’t follow rules?

nonconformist. A nonconformist is someone who doesn’t conform to other people’s ideas of how things should be.

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Meaning of FOLLOW THE RULES in English

read the rules and do what they say, toe the line If everybody follows the rules, we’ll have fewer accidents.

English idioms vocab.

     Словарь английских идиом и выражений.

    • See Also:
      • follicle-stimulating hormone
      • follicular
      • follicular phase
      • folliculin
      • folliculitis
      • follis
      • follow
      • follow out
      • follow shot
      • follow the leader
      • follow through
      • follow up
      • follow-on
      • follow-through
      • follow-up
      • follower
      • followership
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      • folly
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

fol•low /ˈfɑloʊ/USA pronunciation  

  1. to come after in sequence or order;
    succeed: [+ object]Night follows day, and day follows night.[no object]You lead and I’ll follow.
  2. to happen after something else;
    come next as an event or result: [no obj]:After the defeat, great disorder followed.[ + obj]:Flooding followed the storm.
  3. to go or come after;
    move behind in the same direction: [+ object]Drive ahead, and I’ll follow you.[no object]Drive ahead and I’ll follow.
  4. to conform to, comply with, or act in accordance with;
    obey:[+ object]to follow orders.
  5. to move forward along:[+ object]We followed the road to Gaston.
  6. to go in pursuit of:[+ object]The police followed the fleeing suspects.
  7. to engage in or be concerned with as a pursuit:[+ object]to follow an ideal.
  8. to watch the development or progress of:[+ object]to follow the news.
  9. to keep up with and understand (an argument, story, etc.): [+ object][not: be + ~-ing]I can’t follow your argument. Do you follow me?[no object]That’s the explanation; can you follow?
  10. to result logically as an effect: [no object][not: be + ~-ing]That can’t be right —it just doesn’t follow.[+ from + object]That conclusion does not follow from your premise.[It + ~ + that clause]It follows naturally that they must be innocent.
  11. follow through, [no object]
    • to carry out fully, such as a stroke in golf or tennis.
    • to continue an effort, plan, proposal, policy, etc., to its completion:He followed through on every assignment we gave him.

  12. follow up:
    • to increase the effectiveness of by further action or repetition: [+ up + object]He followed up the aerobics with stretching exercises.[+ object + up]followed them up with stretching exercises.
    • [+ up (+ on) + object] to pursue:I’d like to follow up (on) that question.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(folō),USA pronunciation v.t. 

  1. to come after in sequence, order of time, etc.:The speech follows the dinner.
  2. to go or come after;
    move behind in the same direction:Drive ahead, and I’ll follow you.
  3. to accept as a guide or leader;
    accept the authority of or give allegiance to:Many Germans followed Hitler.
  4. to conform to, comply with, or act in accordance with;
    obey:to follow orders; to follow advice.
  5. to imitate or copy;
    use as an exemplar:They follow the latest fads.
  6. to move forward along (a road, path, etc.):Follow this road for a mile.
  7. to come after as a result or consequence;
    result from:Reprisals often follow victory.
  8. to go after or along with (a person) as companion.
  9. to go in pursuit of:to follow an enemy.
  10. to try for or attain to:to follow an ideal.
  11. to engage in or be concerned with as a pursuit:He followed the sea as his true calling.
  12. to watch the movements, progress, or course of:to follow a bird in flight.
  13. to watch the development of or keep up with:to follow the news.
  14. to keep up with and understand (an argument, story, etc.):Do you follow me?


  1. to come next after something else in sequence, order of time, etc.
  2. to happen or occur after something else;
    come next as an event:After the defeat great disorder followed.
  3. to attend or serve.
  4. to go or come after a person or thing in motion.
  5. to result as an effect;
    occur as a consequence:It follows then that he must be innocent.
  6. follow out, to carry to a conclusion;
    execute:They followed out their orders to the letter.
  7. Games, Idioms follow suit. See suit (def. 13).
  8. follow through:
    • to carry out fully, as a stroke of a club in golf, a racket in tennis, etc.
    • to continue an effort, plan, proposal, policy, etc., to its completion.

  9. follow up:
    • to pursue closely and tenaciously.
    • to increase the effectiveness of by further action or repetition.
    • to pursue to a solution or conclusion.


  1. the act of following.
  2. Games, Sport[Billiards, Pool.]See follow shot (def. 2).
  3. Journalismfollow-up (def. 3).
  • bef. 900; Middle English folwen, Old English folgian; cognate with Old Saxon folgon, Old High German folgēn, folgōn (German folgen)

follow•a•ble, adj. 

    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged obey.
    • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged heed, observe.
    • 8.See corresponding entry in Unabridged accompany, attend.
    • 9.See corresponding entry in Unabridged pursue, chase; trail, track, trace.
    • 19.See corresponding entry in Unabridged arise, proceed.
      Follow, ensue, result, succeed imply coming after something else, in a natural sequence.
      Follow is the general word:We must wait to see what follows. A detailed account follows.Ensue implies a logical sequence, what might be expected normally to come after a given act, cause, etc.:When the power lines were cut, a paralysis of transportation ensued.Result emphasizes the connection between a cause or event and its effect, consequence, or outcome:The accident resulted in injuries to those involved.Succeed implies coming after in time, particularly coming into a title, office, etc.:Formerly the oldest son succeeded to his father’s title.

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged precede.
    • 2, 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged lead.
    • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged disregard.
    • 9.See corresponding entry in Unabridged flee.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

follow /ˈfɒləʊ/ vb

  1. to go or come after in the same direction: he followed his friend home
  2. (transitive) to accompany; attend: she followed her sister everywhere
  3. to come after as a logical or natural consequence
  4. (transitive) to keep to the course or track of: she followed the towpath
  5. (transitive) to act in accordance with; obey: to follow instructions
  6. (transitive) to accept the ideas or beliefs of (a previous authority, etc): he followed Donne in most of his teachings
  7. to understand (an explanation, argument, etc): the lesson was difficult to follow
  8. to watch closely or continuously: she followed his progress carefully
  9. (transitive) to have a keen interest in: to follow athletics
  10. (transitive) to help in the cause of or accept the leadership of: the men who followed Napoleon

Etymology: Old English folgian; related to Old Frisian folgia, Old Saxon folgōn, Old High German folgēn

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