Word meaning follow after

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следовать за

последовать за

следовать после

искать того

пойдут за

идите за

последуют после

погонится за

произойти при

следом за

Everyday I’ll follow after You.

The Russian saints call us to follow after them, not only to glorify them.

Вот русские святые нас и призывают следовать за собою, не только их прославлять.

She was going to follow after him, but he was arrested while trying to enter Kurdish territory with a group of refugees.

Его жена собиралась последовать за ним, но он был арестован при попытке въехать на территорию курдов с группой беженцев.

Those one loved in life would either be waiting when one arrived or would follow after.

Те, кого любили в жизни, либо будут ждать, когда кто-то придет, либо последуют за ними.

Epics always follow after the events they celebrate.

Эпос всегда следует за событиями, которые в нем воспеваются.

That those who follow after me,

Тех, кто следует за мной (проповедь гетто)

The prayers that follow after each reading properly explain its content.

Молитвы, которые следуют после каждого чтения, должным образом объясняют его содержание.

I will follow after you directly.

So will those who follow after us.

In other cases they follow after.

He also gave instructions about what should follow after his death.

Он также сообщил о некоторых событиях, которые должны произойти после его кончины.

For some people, headaches may follow after consuming caffeine.

The distinguishing property of man is to search for and follow after truth.

Смысл жизни для человека состоит в поисках и нахождении истины.

At the same time freezing may follow after the heat in the first days of the month.

При этом заморозки могут последовать вслед за жарой в первых днях месяца.

All the generations that follow after him live in his realm.

Все последующие поколения после него живут в его царстве.

Falstaff would follow after other revisions of older works.

Brother, I’ll follow after I’m out.

You used to follow after her.

We carefully follow after the processes taking place in the sphere of country’s interests and make efforts for solving the appeared problems.

Мы внимательно следим за процессами, происходящими в этой области интересов страны, и прилагаем все усилия для решения возникающих проблем.

The loan, collateral and other conditions follow after we have evaluated each customer’s individual needs and opportunities.

Кредит, залог и другие условия следуют потом, после оценки нужд и возможностей каждого клиента индивидуально.

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follow after

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Смотреть что такое «follow after» в других словарях:

  • follow after — index succeed (follow) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • follow — (v.) O.E. folgian, fylgan follow, accompany; follow after, pursue, also obey, apply oneself to a practice or calling, from W.Gmc. *fulg (Cf. O.S. folgon, O.Fris. folgia, M.Du. volghen, Du. volgen, O.H.G. folgen, Ger. folgen, O.N. fylgja to follow …   Etymology dictionary

  • follow like sheep — follow after (someone or something) in an unquestioning manner …   English contemporary dictionary

  • follow — verb GO BEHIND 1 (I, T) to walk, drive, run etc behind someone else, going in the same direction as them : follow sb/sth: If you ll just follow me, I ll show you to the office. | Tom Selleck walked in, followed by a crowd of photographers. |… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • follow up — Synonyms and related words: PS, Parthian shot, addendum, afterthought, anamnesis, appendix, associative anamnesis, attend, back matter, carry through, case history, catamnesis, chase, chivy, chorus, coda, codicil, colophon, come after, conclusion …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Follow-on — is a term used in the sport of cricket to describe a situation where the team that bats second is forced to take its second batting innings immediately after its first, because the team was not able to get close enough (within 200 runs) to the… …   Wikipedia

  • follow — [fäl′ō] vt. [ME folwen < OE folgian, akin to Ger folgen & (?) Welsh olafiad, follower] 1. to come or go after 2. to go after in order to catch; chase; pursue 3. to go along [follow the right road] 4. to come or occur after in time, in a series …   English World dictionary

  • Follow — Fol low, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Followed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Following}.][OE. foluwen, folwen, folgen, AS. folgian, fylgean, fylgan; akin to D. volgen, OHG. folg[=e]n, G. folgen, Icel. fylgja, Sw. f[ o]lja, Dan. f[ o]lge, and perh. to E. folk.] 1.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Follow board — Follow Fol low, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Followed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Following}.][OE. foluwen, folwen, folgen, AS. folgian, fylgean, fylgan; akin to D. volgen, OHG. folg[=e]n, G. folgen, Icel. fylgja, Sw. f[ o]lja, Dan. f[ o]lge, and perh. to E. folk …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • follow — vb 1 Follow, succeed, ensue, supervene mean to come after someone or, more often, something. Although all of these verbs occur as transitives and intransitives, ensue and supervene are more commonly intransitive verbs. Follow is the general term… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • follow — [v1] take the place of be subsequent to, chase, come after, come from, come next, displace, ensue, go after, go next, postdate, proceed from, pursue, replace, result, spring from, succeed, supersede, supervene, supplant; concepts 128,242,813 Ant …   New thesaurus

  • #1

«She was to the southwest of him, moving faster than he could walk. He followed after her in the bright moonlight.»

I always thought that the pattern is «follow smb/smth», not «follow after». What is more, my dictionaries don’t mention «follow after» at all. And yet it is used.

So, is there any difference? For example:
«He went out of the room. I followed him.»
«He went out of the room. I followed after him.»

  • JamesM

    • #2

    I don’t know that it is always true, but often «followed after him/her» implies that it is being done without the person’s knowledge.

    • #3

    It’s sloppy English, but recognizable. «Follow» implies being behind (after) something, so this is a tautologous sentence. Of your examples, the first is correct, the second is a tautology, but often seen.


    • #4

    It’s sloppy English, but recognizable. «Follow» implies being behind (after) something, so this is a tautologous sentence. Of your examples, the first is correct, the second is a tautology, but often seen.

    If it’s sloppy English, it’s old sloppy English. :) It’s very common in the King James Version of the Bible. I’m not convinced that it’s simply sloppy English.

    If I say, «The king came by. His courtiers followed him.» it would mean something different to me than «The king came by. His courtiers followed after him.» The first indicates a order of events, such as relative positions in a parade or a procession. The second indicates that the courtiers are tagging along behind the king. In other words, their attention is on the king in the second case, and not necessarily on the king at all in the first case. That’s all personal interpretation. I’d be interested in hearing if other people see them as communicating different shades of meaning.


    • #5

    Based on some dictionary browsing and a good look at the examples in the Bible, it seems that if I exaggerate the difference a little:
    Follow, by itself, is a statement of sequence in space or time.
    Follow after is a statement of volition, of active pursuit.

    • #6

    Based on some dictionary browsing and a good look at the examples in the Bible, it seems that if I exaggerate the difference a little:
    Follow, by itself, is a statement of sequence in space or time.
    Follow after is a statement of volition, of active pursuit.

    Awesome final say!:thumbsup: Ditto, Pan.

    • #8

    Some times follow after could mean «according with» or «in obedience». Judge if it is right in this example: «Not every act of the king’s life was as the Lord would have desired, but his pattern was to follow after God».

    Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

    Англо-русский перевод FOLLOW AFTER

    пытаться осуществить (что-л.)

    English-Russian dictionary of English idioms.

         Англо-Русский словарь английских идиом.

    Is the expression «follow after», e.g; «He followed after her», grammatically incorrect or an awkward phrasing?
    I use the phrase «follow after» to put an emphasis on the action, it also gives me a subtle impression of dependence, as if, the subject is following the other person either very closely or is «following at the heels» of that person, and if they had lingered in the previous room, for instance, they’d run to catch that person.

    I have googled my issue, and found one site (wordreference.com) with a thread on this and with various answers. I’m also guessing that the answer technically lies in the definition of «follow». However, I kept seeing this phrase used several times in different books, and I have been using it myself.

    I have seen that it might be:

    • Sloppy English. Yet numerous works seem to use it? I wouldn’t have picked up on it, otherwise.
    • Might indicate tagging along
    • Might imply following someone without their knowledge.

    As you can see, I’ve interpreted this phrase completely differently. I have also seen that «follow» is a statement of sequence in space or time and follow after is a statement of volition, of active pursuit (which contradicts with the statement that it implies following someone without their knowledge).

    Could you guys offer some clarifications and a final say on what follow/follow after actually mean/imply?

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