Word meaning ever changing


Общая лексика: постоянно меняющийся, изменчивый, непостоянный

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «ever-changing» в других словарях:

  • ever-changing — adj. Ever changing is used with these nouns: ↑environment, ↑marketplace, ↑pattern, ↑world …   Collocations dictionary

  • Ever Changing Times — Infobox Album Name = Ever Changing Times Type = studio Artist = Steve Lukather Released = February 25, 2008 Recorded = 2007 at Steakhouse Studios, North Hollywood Genre = Rock Length = 54:32 Label = Ride Records Producer = Steve Lukather Steve… …   Wikipedia

  • ever-changing — adjective marked by continuous change or effective action (Freq. 2) • Syn: ↑changing • Similar to: ↑dynamic, ↑dynamical …   Useful english dictionary

  • ever- — [ evər ] prefix always or continuously: used with many adjectives and ing verb forms: paintings by Picasso, Renoir, and the ever popular Van Gogh the ever changing countryside ever increasing numbers of students …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • ever- — UK [evə(r)] US [evər] prefix always or continuously used with many adjectives and ‘ ing’ verb forms paintings by Picasso, Renoir, and the ever popular Van Gogh the ever changing countryside ever increasing numbers of students Thesaurus: prefixes …   Useful english dictionary

  • ever- — [[t]e̱və(r) [/t]] COMB in ADJ You use ever in adjectives such as ever increasing and ever present, to show that something exists or continues all the time. …the ever increasing traffic on our roads. …an ever changing world of medical… …   English dictionary

  • ever- — UK [evə(r)] / US [evər] prefix always or continuously: used with many adjectives and ing verb forms paintings by Picasso, Renoir, and the ever popular Van Gogh the ever changing countryside ever increasing numbers of students …   English dictionary

  • changing — adjective marked by continuous change or effective action (Freq. 13) • Syn: ↑ever changing • Similar to: ↑dynamic, ↑dynamical …   Useful english dictionary

  • Changing Breed — This Article details the Fera, as presented in the role playing game Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Ajaba 1.2 Ananasi 1.3 Apis …   Wikipedia

  • Changing Woman — For the Navajo deity, see Asdząą Nádleehé. Changing Woman Studio album by Buffy Sainte Marie Released February 1975 Recorded 1974 Genre …   Wikipedia

  • Best Word Book Ever — Infobox Book name = Best Word Book Ever title orig = translator = image caption =Cover of the 1963 edition of the book. author = Richard Scarry illustrator = Richard Scarry cover artist = Richard Scarry country = USA language = English series =… …   Wikipedia

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


An ever-changing and developing economy needs well-trained workforce to reach a new world.

Для постоянно меняющейся и развивающейся экономики требуется хорошо образованная рабочая сила, чтобы продвинуть ее в более новый мир.

Today business operates in real time and in an ever-changing market situation…

Сегодня бизнес работает в режиме реального времени и в условиях постоянно меняющейся рыночной ситуации вынужден оперативно принимать…

This means that the content of such sites is created on the fly, based on ever-changing conditions.

Это означает, что содержание таких сайтов создаётся на лету, основываясь на постоянно меняющихся условиях.

So, in reality, these organelles are linked together in ever-changing networks.

Таким образом, на самом деле эти органеллы связаны друг с другом в постоянно меняющихся сетях.

In this ever-changing, globalized world, the importance of lifelong learning across all situations cannot be overestimated.

В этом постоянно меняющемся мире, глобализированном, важность обучения на протяжении всей жизни во всех ситуациях, не может быть переоценена.

Come and join our buzzing and ever-changing international crowd for a night you won’t forget.

Приглашаем Вас присоединиться к нашей шумной и постоянно меняющейся интернациональной толпе, чтобы провести ночь, которую Вы никогда не забудете.

This is due to the ever-changing economy.

This results from the ever-changing economic situation.

Executives and fashion companies are expected to be more nimble and vigilant to adapt with the ever-changing environment.

Модные компании и их руководители должны быть бдительными и молниеносными, чтобы адаптироваться к постоянно меняющейся среде.

Identities today are defined in all the ways you mention, usually in ever-changing combinations.

Сегодня идентичность определяется всеми способами, которые вы упоминаете, обычно в постоянно меняющихся комбинациях.

In a crowded and ever-changing industry, we make it a priority to stay ahead of the game.

«В многолюдной и постоянно меняющейся отрасли мы делаем приоритетным стремление быть впереди игры.

We live in an unstable, ever-changing environment, and have done so for about 10,000 years.

Мы живем в неустойчивой, постоянно меняющейся среде и делали это приблизительно 10000 лет.

Each week, despite the unusual demands of the ever-changing touring events, Ben tries to keep it all together.

Каждую неделю, несмотря на необычные требования постоянно меняющихся спортивных событий, Бен пытается справиться со всем.

Those involved in the SEO world know how complex and ever-changing the industry can be.

Те, кто участвует в мире SEO, знают, насколько сложной и постоянно меняющейся отраслью может быть.

Thus, the Dubai government is looking at competitiveness as a lifestyle and an approach towards sustainability in an ever-changing international environment.

Таким образом, правительство Дубая рассматривает конкурентоспособность как образ жизни и подход к устойчивости в постоянно меняющейся международной среде.

Street food in New York has its own unique, ever-changing culture as well as a long and rich history.

Уличная еда в Нью-Йорке имеет свою собственную уникальную, постоянно меняющейся культуры, а также долгую и богатую историю.

Seemingly an endless chain of ever-changing routines.

Currencies, like products, have ever-changing demands and supplies.

Furthermore, your social media calendar should be ever-changing based on outcomes.

Кроме того, ваш календарь в социальных сетях должен постоянно меняться в зависимости от результатов.

The problems related to drugs are global, cross-sectoral and ever-changing.

Проблемы, связанные с наркотиками, имеют глобальный характер, они многоплановые и постоянно меняющиеся.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Definitions of ever-changing

  1. adjective

    marked by continuous change or effective action



    dynamic, dynamical

    characterized by action or forcefulness or force of personality

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chemistry is a ever-changing science — бесконечно меняющийся
ever changing — непрерывно меняющийся

Перевод по словам

ever-changing  — непрерывно меняющийся
ever  — когда-либо, всегда, только
change  — изменение, смена, замена, изменяться, изменять, разменный


Adaptability is a necessary quality in an ever-changing work environment.

Способность к адаптации — необходимое качество в условиях постоянно изменяющейся производственной среды.

Don’t kid yourself he’ll ever change.

Не обманывай себя, что он когда-нибудь изменится.

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other words for ever-changing changing. altering. developing. dynamic. transitional.

Should Ever-Increasing be hyphenated?

Hyphenation of ever-increasing This word can be hyphenated and contains 3 syllables as shown below.

How do you use ever change in a sentence?

Use “ever-changing” in a sentence | “ever-changing” sentence examples

  1. Adaptability is a necessary quality in an ever-changing work environment.
  2. Such an approach ensures flexibility in an ever-changing market situation.
  3. It comprises a vast and ever-changing storehouse of information and entertainment.

How do you say constantly changing?

“I watched my big kit of pigeons fly over in a constantly changing formation.”…What is another word for constantly changing?

ever-changing continuously changing
quicksilver unstable
volatile variable
fickle impulsive
unpredictable inconstant

How do you keep up to date with the technology that is constantly changing?

That’s a good thing because technology becomes more integrated with every aspect of our lives each day.

  1. How Can Manufacturers Keep Up With Technology?
  2. Embrace Web Content.
  3. Follow Industry Social Media Accounts.
  4. Diversify The Content You Read.
  5. Make Time For Online Training.
  6. Attend Virtual Events And Webinars.

How often is technology updated?

Supposedly, every 18 or so months, computer processing speed doubles. This is known as Moore’s law.

Why entrepreneurs should keep up with new technologies?

Your business may become redundant without tech Keeping abreast with new technology ensures that you are able to use it in your upcoming concepts and products. Advanced technology can also help you keep track of your company’s position in the market and your progress in business.

Why it is important to adopt the latest trends of technology?

The latest technology trends can make your job easier and will also show your customers that your business is modern and evolving. Keep up with what’s hot in your industry and make the effort to integrate the technology that’s best for your business.

Why should we keep up with technology?

In this article, we will discuss some of the ways that staying up-to-date with technology can help you. Technology helps in communication with customers. New technologies are being invented that make communication easy and simple. Implementing those technologies in your business can help the growth of your business.

Why is it important to keep up to date?

Staying informed on trends is important to help you build credibility and value and to show that you know where your field is heading in the future. Successful people spend time every day keeping up with the latest news and developments in their field, so make time in your day for these strategies.

How do you remain abreast of new developments in technology?

Read on to learn their varied strategies for staying current on tech.

  1. Turn to engineers.
  2. Monitor social media.
  3. Look to the next generation.
  4. Use a top-down, bottom-up approach.
  5. Balance new and traditional media sources.
  6. Reading and research firms.
  7. Pay attention to Washington.
  8. Watch TED Talks.

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