Word meaning easy going

с легким характером, веселый, легкий, естественный, ленивый, праздный


- с легким характером, добродушно-веселый; беззаботный; покладистый
- легкий, естественный, спокойный (о ходе лошади)
- ленивый; праздный; бездеятельный
- беспечный; с ленцой

Мои примеры


easy going — человек с которым легко иметь дело; беззаботный; беспечный  
easy-going — с лёгким характером; лёгкий/покладистый; добродушный  
to be easy-going in private life — ко всему относиться легко в личной жизни  

Примеры с переводом

Paul’s an easy-going sort of fellow.

Пол — человек добродушный /покладистый, неконфликтный/.

easy going

1) Общая лексика: беззаботный, беспечный, спокойный

2) Сленг: человек с которым легко иметь дело

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «easy going» в других словарях:

  • easy-going — also easygoing, 1640s, originally of horses, from EASY (Cf. easy) + GOING (Cf. going) …   Etymology dictionary

  • easy-going — adj not easily upset, annoyed, or worried ▪ Her easy going nature made her popular …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • easy-going — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relaxed and open minded …   English terms dictionary

  • easy-going — ADJ GRADED (approval) If you describe someone as easy going, you mean that they are not easily annoyed, worried, or upset, and you think this is a good quality. He was easy going and good natured… Athenians have a very easy going attitude to… …   English dictionary

  • easy-going — easygoing eas y*go ing, easy going eas y go ing([=e]z [y^]*g[=o] [i^]ng), a. 1. Moving easily; hence, mild tempered; relaxed and casual; ease loving; inactive. Contrasted with {tense}. [WordNet sense 2] Syn: degage, easy going, laid back. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • easy-going — adj. Easy going is used with these nouns: ↑personality …   Collocations dictionary

  • easy-going — tolerant and relaxed He has a very easy going management style …   Idioms and examples

  • easy-going — adjective not easily upset, annoyed, or worried: Her easy going nature made her popular …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Easy Going Homestay — (Мелака,Малайзия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 19, Jalan Kota Laksamana 2/11,Taman K …   Каталог отелей

  • Easy Going Homestay — (Мелака,Малайзия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 19, Jalan Kota Laksamana 2/11,Taman K …   Каталог отелей

  • easy going — noun easy unobstructed progress after we solved that problem the rest was plain sailing • Syn: ↑plain sailing, ↑clear sailing • Hypernyms: ↑progress, ↑progression, ↑procession, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.



легок на подъем

легко собирается


Its easy-going nature and tolerance of dry air and soil also make it a reliable office plant.

Его спокойный характер и устойчивость к сухому воздуху и почве также делают его надежным офисным растением.

This is the best way to spend a relaxed and easy-going windsurf vacation.

Это лучший способ провести расслабленный и спокойный отпуск и сконцентрироваться на катании.

I’m always easy-going, everybody’ll tell you that.

Все говорят, что я легкий в общении.

Their playful, easy-going nature and friendliness toward strangers makes them a great family companion.

Их игривый, легкий характер и дружелюбие по отношению к незнакомцам делает их отличным другом для семьи.

I’m sure you all know hoW easy-going Jin-hyuk is.

Уверена, вы все знаете, какой добродушный Джин Хёк.

Mungotictis decemlineata is apparently an easy-going creature.

Mungotictis decemlineata, сюдя по всему, является спокойным существом.

Brazil is a nation of vibrant colours, natural beauty, great joy, and easy-going people.

Бразилия — это страна ярких цветов, естественной красоты, великой радости и спокойных людей.

They are very creative, social, charming, romantic, and easy-going.

Они очень творческие, социальные, обаятельные, романтичные и спокойные.

I look for an easy-going man who likes to travel and isn’t afraid of change.

Ищу спокойного мужчину, который любит путешествовать и не боится изменений.

I am an easy-going, loving and honest person, who wants to be happy and enjoy life together with the right man.

Я спокойная, любящая и честная девушка, которая хочет быть счастливой и наслаждаться жизнью вместе с хорошим мужчиной.

People say I am a kind, easy-going girl who always laughs and makes other people smile.

Люди говорят, что я добрый, спокойный девушка, которая всегда смеется и делает другие люди улыбаются.

People always enjoy his company because he is so friendly and easy-going.

Люди всегда наслаждаются его компанией, ведь он такой дружелюбный и спокойный.

You’re an easy-going person who is often in a good, playful mood.

Вы спокойный человек, который часто пребывает в хорошем, игривом настроении.

This friendly, easy-going, phlegmatic cat, quite content with life in the apartment.

Дружелюбная, спокойная, флегматичная кошка, которая вполне удовлетворяется жизнью в квартире.

Appaloosas are prized for their easy-going dispositions and their reliability as a family pet.

Аппалузы ценятся за их спокойный характер и надежность в качестве семейных лошадей.

Their playful, easy-going nature and friendliness toward strangers makes them a great family companion.

Их игривая, спокойная природа и дружелюбие к незнакомцам делают их прекрасным семейным компаньоном.

The Springer is an affectionate and easy-going family dog, and its alertness and attentiveness make it the ideal hunting companion.

Спрингер — ласковая и спокойная семейная собака, а ее настороженность и внимательность делают ее идеальным компаньоном для охоты.

Despite all these hardships, Ritchie, by all accounts, remained a contented easy-going individual if somewhat quiet and thoughtful.

Несмотря на все эти затруднения, Ричи остался удовлетворенным спокойным индивидуумом, несколько тихий и вдумчивый.

This timeless house for sale in center of Limassol offers a number of features which make life easy-going and full of everyday luxuries.

Этот вневременной дом для продажи в центре Лимассола предлагает ряд особенностей, которые делают жизнь легкой и полной повседневной роскоши.

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The word easygoing is positive, not negative, in both American and British English. An easygoing person is someone who is liked.

Oxford Dictionaries Online has a good definition:

Relaxed and tolerant in approach or manner.


relaxed, even-tempered, placid, mellow, mild, happy-go-lucky, carefree, free and easy, nonchalant, insouciant, imperturbable, amiable, considerate, undemanding, patient, tolerant, lenient, broad-minded, understanding, good-natured, pleasant, agreeable, laid-back, unflappable, Type-B, low-maintenance

The American Heritage Dictionary definition that you posted which states the word is synonymous with negligent and careless is not quite correct. Negligent and careless are negative, but easygoing is positive. It would be wrong to replace negligent and careless with easygoing in a sentence. For example, the following sentence does not make any sense:

She had been easygoing and had left the door unlocked.

He is known as an easy-going fellow and not someone who would insult an American institution for political reasons. ❋ DAVID SHOALTS (2012)

But it isn’t simply his easy-going, unflappable demeanor that allowed him to win 34 or more games for 12 consecutive season. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The space, a fairly utilitarian cafe prettified with kitschy, crafty art and objects, has a pleasant easy-going atmosphere. ❋ Unknown (2011)

I come home at the end of each night, after a long night out and an even longer day working, and reminisce on the easy-going times of college, telling myself I’ll find my way back. ❋ Sam Raushenbush (2010)

Clearly The How-to-Geek differs in how he perceives comments (definitely a more easy-going approach that leaves room for even the staunchest of opinion) and definitely deserves some recognition for not just stripping people of their «voice», as it were, in this community for every little supposed indiscretion. ❋ Unknown (2009)

It’s closer to that classic of dark, uncomfortable indie comedy, Chuck & Buck, than it is to the relatively loose and easy-going Judd Apatow comedies the leads are better known for. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Their lighthearted demeanor and easy-going banter is in bright contrast to their life work of training health care professionals and volunteers to face illness, disease, dying and living within a spiritually contemplative perspective. ❋ Dr. Sharon Ufberg (2011)

Other than iffy terminology (understatement of the millennium), Jessica is right on target in that those who attack the easy-going sex culture the most vehemently have a marked anti-woman agenda. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Looks like a easy-going laid-back atmosphere without dress-up histrionics. ❋ Unknown (2009)

In an insistent way she had caught glimpses of the large, easy-going side of his nature, and she felt sure, if she asked him to cease attempting to write, that he would grant her wish. ❋ Unknown (2010)

He was an easy-going man and had learned to bide his time. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Happy, smiley, easy-going (passive?) dad met us at the door, but at the end of the visit there was absolutely no question who were the closers in the house. ❋ Unknown (2009)

But Doug — no relation — is a quality talent in his own right, a Canadian who delivers warm, easy-going folk-rock. ❋ Jim Fusilli (2010)

PROS: Baker’s easy-going writing style; colorful characters; positive message for kids. ❋ Unknown (2009)

This was rank piracy, but his victims were an easy-going breed, and while they detested him, they yet permitted him to flourish in his sins. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The key of G, because it is easy-going, is often called the «people’s key,» and that’s not a bad way to look at Mr. d’Amboise, who was very much the people’s classical dancer. ❋ Laura Jacobs (2011)

A former army tank commander, Mr. Ch á vez is blessed with an easy-going gift of gab that endears him to many among the poor. ❋ Jos (2010)

[Tina] [doesnt] get [upset] easily. She’s an easy-going person. ❋ ❤Your Cutie❤ (2020)

Sam- I lost your [car keys] I’m soo sorry!
[James-] It’s ok we’ll find them soon enough! :)
Sam- your soo [easy going]! thank you! ❋ Jamesbondlover12326 (2012)

I am a 20yr old [GWM], brown hair/eyes, into fisting, [rimming], [PNP], and occasional scat sessions. I am also very easy going. ❋ Matt Beau (2006)

Dude 1
«Hey man, I slept with your mom last night…. sorry.
Dude 2
«[No worries] man.» *Takes a hit off a [phat boy].*
Dude 1
«Wow… your [easy going] dude» ❋ WhiteSugar (2009)

I [minced] to go with [Charles], but as he was an easy going, he tried to go to some where else after the first [trip], now I was trying to make myself still. ❋ Man!? (2017)

Money [a good] [example] of [Easy Come Easy Go] ❋ Ac (2004)

«yo me and jules were gonna [fuck but] it was easy come, easy go when i found a fucking [used condom] in the trash and her ex [avi’s] shirt in the bathroom» ❋ Squatfucker420 (2017)

During a [Fire Fight];
fellow [Marine] 1- is killed by incoming enemy fire
fellow Marine 2- [go easy bro]. ❋ CFS IV (2009)

[Next time] [I ain’t going] [easy on] you ❋ Abusparta (2018)

«Be [careful], he’s an [easy cum easy go]. He’s doing ‘cum speedrun’ any%» ❋ CPU65028080CPU (2023)

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