Word meaning don know what to do

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Don’t know what to do with mine either.

Don’t know what to do with it when it comes.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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3,211 параллельный перевод

I don’t know what I can possibly do to make this more clear.

Я даже не знаю, как выразиться еще яснее.

Yeah, I don’t know what to do with that.

Я не знаю, что с этим делать.

I don’t know what to do.

Я не знаю, что мне делать.

You don’t want to know what I’d do for one of those before work in the morning.

Даже не представляете, на что я ради него готов по утрам.

I don’t know what to say or do or think.

Я не знаю, что говорю или делаю или думаю.

He was practically begging to wear a wire. What do you mean, we don’t need him?

— You know what I think?

I know he’s going to be disappointed, but I don’t know what to do.

Понимаю, что он расстроится, но я не знаю, что делать.

I still don’t know what made her want to do that.

До сих пор не понимаю, что заставило ее захотеть этого.

— What? Please. I don’t know what to do.

Пожалуйста, я не знаю, что делать.

I don’t know what to do with my hands.

Я не знаю, что мне делать с руками.

Six days until you find yourself with your nose pressed to the glass of history looking in, so do not pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about.

Шесть дней до того, как вы обнаружите, что прижались носом к стеклу витрины, за которой творится история. Поэтому не притворяйся, что не понимаешь о чём я.

What I don’t know is how you could do this to me?

А вот чего я не знаю, так это как именно ты хочешь меня использовать?

I’m freaking out here. I don’t know what to do.

Я съезжаю тут, Я не знаю что делать.

I don’t know what to do now.

Он ему необходим.

I mean, I think Jude and Callie are great kids, I really do, but they’ve only been here a little while, you don’t really know what they have been through and you’ve got three other kids you need to take care of.

В смысле, Джуд и Кэлли прекрасные ребята, я правда так думаю, но они пробыли здесь совсем недолго, вы не знаете на самом деле через что они прошли. А у вас уже трое детей и вам нужно о них заботиться.

Ellie kicked me out of the house, and I don’t know what to do with myself.

Элли выгнала меня из дома, и я не знаю, чем заняться.

I don’t even know what we do, let alone being able to explain it to someone else.

Я даже толком не понимаю, чем мы занимаемся, не говоря уже о том, чтобы кому-то это объяснить.

Well, you don’t need to know why we left early. What do I do now?

И что мне теперь делать?

I don’t know. You won’t let him quit, so what else is he supposed to do?

Ты не разрешал ему бросить, что еще ему оставалось делать?

So what am I supposed to do? I don’t know.

— А что я должен делать?

I’m writing him these little tiny postcards. I don’t know what else to do.

— И пишет на тех маленьких открытках.

I honestly don’t know what to do.

Я действительно не знаю, что делать.

I don’t know what to do.

Я не знаю, что делать.

Dyson, I am being pulled in every direction, I don’t know what to do.

Дайсон, меня разрывают на части, я не знаю, что мне делать.

I don’t know what to do.

Даже не знаю, что делать.

I don’t know what you’re saying, but I’m pretty sure… a lot of this has to do with your ex-wife’s being single.

Не знаю, что ты скажешь, но я уверен… все это из-за того, что твоя бывшая теперь свободна.

I don’t know what I would do if something happened to Hailey, but I know I would die for her.

Я не знаю, что бы я сделал, если бы что-то случилось с Хейли, но я знаю, что умерла бы за нее.

What do you want me to say, that I’m self-destructive? That liars and thieves and addicts turn me on? That I don’t know how to do a normal relationship?

Ты хочешь сказать, что я сам себе враг, что меня возбуждают лжецы, воры и наркоманы, что.. что я не знаю, что такое нормальные отношения?

Okay, look, I don’t know what you’re doing here, but if this has anything to do with kissing me the other day without my consent, then I need to make it perfectly clear that that was not acceptable.

Не знаю, что ты тут делаешь, но если это никак не связано с недавним поцелуем без моего согласия, тогда мне нужно прояснить, что так нельзя было делать.

It’s just so hard, because I don’t know what to do with myself all day.

Это так тяжело, потому что я не знаю что с собой делать весь день.

I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do.

Я даже и не знаю, что мне полагается делать.

I don’t know what I’ll do if anything happens to her.

Не знаю, что буду делать, если с ней что — то случится.

I don’t know what to do.

Не знаю, что поделать.

And if anyone ever came and asked for my support in giving amnesty to dirty cops, I don’t know what I’d do.

Если бы кто-то пришел ко мне и попросил моей поддержки для оправдания нечестных полицейских, я даже не знаю, что бы я сделал.

But I’m a dying woman, and I don’t know what else to do.

Но я при смерти, я не знаю что еще предпринять.

Money to do what? I don’t know.

Фернанда Флорес.

I don’t know what else to do.

Не знаю, что еще можно сделать.

I don’t know what to do.

Я не знаю, что делать. Бьорн очень счастлив здесь

But I don’t know what to do, B.

Но я не знаю, что делать, Би.

I don’t know if you know what it’s like to be part of something that defines you forever and in a way that you do not wish to be defined.

Не знаю, знакомо ли вам, каково это, иметь славу, дурную настолько, что и врагу не пожелаешь.

Cyril and his partners aren’t patient men, and I don’t know what they’ll do to Kai.

Кирилл и его партнеры нервные ребята. и я не знаю, что они сделают с Кай.

I don’t know what I can say to make things right or what I can do.

Я не знаю, что сказать чтобы все исправить или что я могу сделать.

John, I don’t know what to do with you.

Джон, я не знаю, что с тобой делать.

Yeah, but the truth is I don’t know what Dr. Sanders is going to do tomorrow.

Да, но правда в том, я не знаю, что доктор Сандерс собирается делать завтра.

I don’t know what you talked about with my dad but… what do you mean you’re going to quit? That’s nonsense!

Ты не можешь! но ты не можешь выйти в отставку.

That’s why I don’t know what to do.

что делать.

I don’t know what to do with myself.

Я не знаю, что теперь делать.

But what I do know is… the sooner I don’t have to spend any more of my life dealing with… beasts…

Я только знаю, что, чем скорее я перестану тратить свою жизнь, разбираясь с… чудовища…

Gosh, I don’t know, what am I supposed to do with a canister of nerve gas?

я не знаю. мне делать с канистрой нервно-паралитического газа?

I don’t know what she’d do if she didn’t have me to worry about.

Не знаю, чем бы она занималась, если бы не заботилась обо мне.

I don’t know what else to do.

Я не знаю, что делать.

  • перевод на «i don’t know what to do» турецкий

My senior person asked me to do some work that I am not aware of. I would like to know the difference between these two set of words. I think both the question gives the same meaning, but why he should ask like that?
He may thought that I was already aware of those work, but I am not.

asked Jan 25, 2019 at 4:36

Balaji's user avatar


I’m not sure from your question who was doing the asking and who is answering, but it shouldn’t matter for the answer. There’s a few different ways these phrases could be interpreted:

You don’t know what to do:

  • You don’t understand what is being requested of you.
  • You don’t know which tasks are necessary to complete the request, like what all the acceptance criteria necessary to call the request complete.

You don’t know what you’re supposed to do:

  • You don’t know the recommended course of action to complete the understood request. Recommended could mean:
    • the way it was done before
    • the way the team/business usually does it
    • The way by the documentation or experts would do it
  • If the task is given with a whole series of tasks, you don’t know which one takes priority over the others.
  • If there are only a select number of possible ways to complete the task, you are not sure which to choose

answered Jan 28, 2019 at 4:42

Kevin McCann's user avatar

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Предложения с «do not know what to do»

Teenagers do not know what to do in their free time, hence they spend it out of doors in the company of similar teenagers.

Подростки не знают , что делать в свое свободное время, поэтому они проводят все свое время на улице в компании подобных подростков.

You Americans do not know what to do with your money, he said. I wish to thank you in advance. My winnings will make my family very happy.

— Вы, американцы, даже не знаете, что делать с деньгами. Хочу думать, что вы заранее все обдумали. Мои победы делают мою семью счастливой.

The moment has come, said Poirot thoughtfully, and I do not know what to do.

Пришло время действовать, а я не знаю, имею ли я на это право.

I do not know what to do with my hands.

Я не знаю, что мне делать со своими руками!

So it all starts back in 1946, just a few months after the end of the war, when scientists wanted to know what it was like for a woman to have a baby at the time.

Оно началось в 1946 — м, через несколько месяцев после окончания войны, тогда учёные хотели знать, каково было женщине в то время иметь ребёнка.

And you know what triggered it?

А что запустило его?

And then she said, Oh, What can you do when you know that?

И потом она сказала: «О, а что можно сделать, зная это?»

King, there is only one thing left for you to do, and you know what it is.

Кинг, вам остаётся только одно, и вы знаете, что это.

We need transparency, and we need to know as Americans what the government is doing in our name so that the surveillance that takes place and the use of that information is democratically accounted for.

Нам нужна прозрачность, и нам, американцам, нужно знать, что правительство делает от нашего имени, чтобы все данные, которые становятся объектом слежения, как и способы слежки, документировались по законам демократии.

If you do not know the answer and if you want to know the answer, what would you do?

Если не знаете, но хотите узнать, что вы сделаете?

And this is what I know so far: Africa is important.

И вот что я узнала: Африка имеет огромное значение.

I was like, what, how did she even know me?

Типа, как она вообще обо мне узнала?

I also hope that you know that I hope I will be able to change the way people talk about African art on the continent and here, and I hope you know that African art is not just what you buy at Harlem markets in New York and that every piece of art you see has a story, and every artist has a name.

Я также надеюсь, что вы знаете, что я надеюсь и смогу изменить то, как люди говорят об африканском искусстве на континенте и здесь, и что для вас искусство Африки — это не только то, что вы покупаете на рынках Гарлема в Нью — Йорка: каждое произведение искусства имеет свою историю и каждый художник — своё имя.

I know what a lot of you guys are thinking, especially the data scientists, the AI experts here.

Я знаю, о чём думают многие из вас, особенно специалисты ИТ, ИИ — эксперты.

And then we all know what happened.

Все знают , что произошло потом.

They asked me, Do people know what is happening to us?

Они спросили меня: «Знают ли люди, что с нами происходит?

As of a few years ago, no scientist could tell you what bugs or microorganisms live in your home — your home, the place you know better than anywhere else.

Ещё несколько лет назад ни один учёный не сказал бы вам, какие букашки и микробы живут в вашем доме — в месте, которое вы знаете как свои пять пальцев.

I had lived on earth long enough to know what the sky looks like.

Я прожил на Земле достаточно, чтобы знать, как выглядит небо.

But I know what a straight line looks like.

Но я знаю, как выглядит прямая линия.

Of course you wouldn’t see this, because you’re sending out surveys assuming that people don’t know what a smartphone is, so of course you’re not going to get any data back about people wanting to buy a smartphone in two years.

Естественно, вы их не увидите, потому что рассылаете анкеты, полагая, что люди не знают , что такое смартфон, поэтому, естественно, вы не получите нужную информацию о людях, пожелающих купить смартфон через два года.

Well, you know what happened to Nokia?

Всем известно, что случилось с Nokia?

We don’t know for sure what the future holds.

Но мы отправляем туда своих детей, и им никогда не вернуться обратно.

We know what carbon dioxide does.

И мы знаем, что делает углекислый газ.

Even if I’m unequivocally scrupulous, and I present both sides of a news item — the Democratic and the Republican, the liberal and the conservative, the government’s and the opposition’s — in the end, I have no guarantee, nor are any of us guaranteed that we’ll know what’s true and what’s not true.

Даже если я предельно точно описываю событие с двух разных точек зрения — демократов и республиканцев, либералов и консерваторов, правительства и оппозиции, в итоге ни я, ни вы не можете точно знать, что из сказанного правда.

I know what you’re going to say: no one uses tape recorders nowadays.

Знаю, что вы ответите: кто сейчас пользуется диктофоном.

you know what I’m talking about.

ну вы знаете, что я имею в виду».

We don’t know what you’re talking about.

Мы не понимаем, что вы имеете в виду».

We can’t say we don’t know what’s happening in Juba, South Sudan, or Aleppo, Syria.

Мы не можем не знать о событиях в Йубе, Южный Судан, или в Алеппо, Сирия.

We don’t know what part our future experiences played in this decision, but we know that they’ve changed their energy policy to mitigate such a scenario.

Мы не знаем, какую роль сыграла наша репрезентация будущего, но мы знаем, что энергетическая стратегия поменялась во избежание такого сценария.

I said to my team, you know, what I see is a rise in aspirations all over the world.

Я сказал своей команде, что то, что я вижу, — это рост стремлений по всему миру.

So I wanted to know what are the brainwave patterns when you look overtly or when you look covertly.

Поэтому я и захотел узнать, какие паттерны мозговых волн формируются, когда вы смотрите с явной ориентировкой или когда вы смотрите со скрытой.

The only way I could know what was going on with him, what he felt, was looking him in the eye.

Моим единственным способом понять, что происходит, что он чувствует, был взгляд ему в глаза.

What we also know is that if we trained an army of community health workers to learn even just 30 lifesaving skills, we could save the lives of nearly 30 million people by 2030.

Также мы знаем, что, обучив армию медработников общин 30 жизненно необходимым навыкам, к 2030 году можно спасти 30 миллионов людей.

So this may seem to you like testing, but it really isn’t, because at this point we don’t yet know what our idea is, we don’t have a plan to be testing.

Кажется, что мы уже работаем над проектом, но на самом деле это не так, потому что пока у нас нет чёткого представления идеи и плана её воплощения.

You want to know what democracy looks like?

Хочешь узнать, как выглядит демократия?

She didn’t know what was happening, so she told me to lie down, and it worked — after a few minutes, the chattering stopped.

Она не понимала, что происходит, поэтому сказала мне прилечь, и это помогло — через несколько минут всё прекратилось.

But it’s not enough to know what we’re against.

Но недостаточно знать, чтó нам не нравится.

Now, know this, that just days after laying her son to rest, Danita Kimball posted online, I don’t know what to do or how to move forward, but my sisters keep telling me I need to walk, so I will.

Но через несколько дней после похорон сына Данита разместила в сети следующее: «Я не знаю, что мне делать и как жить дальше, но мои сёстры говорят мне, что я должна идти и я пойду».

Every morning I ask myself, How can I — knowing what I know and doing what I do for a living — be doing this to my own son? You see, I’m a sleep researcher.

Каждое утро я спрашиваю себя: «Как я могу — при всей своей осведомлённости в силу моей профессии — так поступать с собственным сыном?» Видите ли, я исследую проблемы сна.

Yes, folks, a Republican climate solution is possible, and you know what?

Ребята, да, республиканское климатическое решение возможно, и знаете что?

We just don’t know what OK means yet.

Мы просто пока ещё не знаем, какое оно — это хорошо.

But doctors can’t make sure your wishes are respected until they know what they are.

Но врачи не могут быть уверены в том, что ваши пожелания учтены, пока не знают о них.

It says that the robot does not know what those human values are, so it has to maximize them, but it doesn’t know what they are.

Оно гласит: робот не знает, что именно относится к человеческим ценностям, он должен приумножать их, не зная, что они из себя представляют.

Well, I don’t really know what wrong is, but I know that I don’t want to do it.

Я точно не знаю, что правильно, а что нет, но я точно знаю, что не хочу ошибаться.

You know, you just ate what you got and did whatever you were told to do.

Ты ешь только то, что у тебя есть, и делаешь то, что тебе говорят делать.

And then you all know what happened.

А что случилось потом, вы знаете.

We are hearing, in essence, an invasion of the Arctic by subarctic species and we don’t know what this means.

Мы, по сути, слышим вторжение в Арктику субарктических видов и не знаем, что это означает.

Now, at this point in my life, I still wasn’t completely sure what Décimas were, but I was too embarrassed to tell my teacher I didn’t know.

В тот момент моей жизни я всё ещё не был до конца уверен, что такое децимы, но мне было слишком стыдно сказать об этом моему учителю.

And to tell you the truth, I didn’t really know what to say.

А я, честно говоря, не знал, что и ответить.

It’s complicated, and you’d better be real careful, real cautious before you conclude you know what causes a behavior, especially if it’s a behavior you’re judging harshly.

Всё сложно, и нам сто́ит с большой осторожностью делать выводы из всего, что мы знаем о движущих силах поведения, особенно если мы сурово судим за это поведение.

But it’s really about, when I go out there, I really have to shut down my mind and I have to say to myself, You know what?

Но это именно так, когда я прихожу на корт, я должна отключить чувства и сказать себе: Знаешь, что?

I know you learn a lot from winning, but what have you learned from losing?

Ты многому научилась благодаря своим победам, а чему тебя научили поражения?

Now, kids , you know, we fell in love with science when we were kids, and yet we somehow spend most of our time during high school and college just jumping through hoops and doing things so that we can polish our résumé instead of sitting down and reflecting on what we want to do and who we want to be.

Дети, Знаете, Мы Влюблялись В Науку, Когда Были Детьми, И Всё Же Большую Часть Времени В Старших Классах И Колледже Мы Из Кожи Вон Лезли, Делали Всё, Чтобы Отшлифовать Резюме, Вместо Того Чтобы Сесть И Подумать Над Тем, Чем Мы Хотим Заняться И Кем Стать.

You know what she said?

Знаете, что она ответила?

This image is also black and white, so we don’t really know what is the color of everything in here.

К тому же изображение чёрно — белое, поэтому мы не знаем, какого цвета на самом деле всё, что на нём видно.

I don’t remember what this particular argument was about, but I remember that as I argued and argued, Okoloma looked at me and said, You know, you’re a feminist.

Я не помню, о чём именно мы спорили в тот раз, но помню, что я продолжала доказывать, когда Околома посмотрел на меня и сказал: Знаешь, а ведь ты феминистка.

I did not know exactly what this word feminist meant, and I did not want Okoloma to know that I did not know.

Я не знала, что именно значит это слово, и не хотела, чтобы Околома понял, что я этого не знала.

Louis is a brilliant, progressive man, and we would have conversations and he would tell me, I don’t know what you mean by things being different or harder for women.

Луи — очень умный, прогрессивный мужчина, иногда в разговорах он говорил мне: Я не понимаю, что ты имеешь в виду, говоря, что женщинам сложнее в этом мире.

In this entirely technically advanced world, I did not see a single AED anywhere, which was totally shocking — almost as shocking as not knowing what an AED is, which you guys do know.

В этом всецело технически продвинутом мире я нигде не увидел ни одного АВД, что меня совершенно поразило, почти как поражает незнание того, что такое АВД, но вы — то, люди, это знаете.

For those who don’t know what arcing is, do you remember the Emperor, when he shoots electricity out the ends of his fingers that would be kind of like arcing.

Для тех, кто не знает, что это такое, помните Императора, когда он выпускает электричество прямо из кончиков пальцев, вот это будет что — то вроде неё.


to understand as true: I know the sun will come up tomorrow.; to be aware of: I know his eyes are green.; to be acquainted with: I know her sister.

Not to be confused with:

no – a negative: The answer is no.; a refusal or denial: No, I don’t have it.

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree



v. knew (no͞o, nyo͞o), known (nōn), know·ing, knows


1. To perceive directly; grasp in the mind with clarity or certainty.

2. To regard as true beyond doubt: I know she won’t fail.

3. To have a practical understanding of, as through experience; be skilled in: knows how to cook.

4. To have fixed in the mind: knows her Latin verbs.

5. To have experience of: «a black stubble that had known no razor» (William Faulkner).


a. To perceive as familiar; recognize: I know that face.

b. To be acquainted with: He doesn’t know his neighbors.

7. To be able to distinguish; recognize as distinct: knows right from wrong.

8. To discern the character or nature of: knew him for a liar.

9. Archaic To have sexual intercourse with.


1. To possess knowledge, understanding, or information.

2. To be cognizant or aware.


know (someone) in the biblical sense

To have sexual relations with (someone).

in the know Informal

Possessing special or secret information.

you know Informal

Used parenthetically in conversation, as to fill pauses or educe the listener’s agreement or sympathy: Please try to be, you know, a little quieter. How were we supposed to make camp in a storm like that, you know?

know′a·ble adj.

know′er n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



vb (mainly tr) , knows, knowing, knew (njuː) or known (nəʊn)

1. (also intr; may take a clause as object) to be or feel certain of the truth or accuracy of (a fact, etc)

2. to be acquainted or familiar with: she’s known him five years.

3. to have a familiarity or grasp of, as through study or experience: he knows French.

4. (also intr; may take a clause as object) to understand, be aware of, or perceive (facts, etc): he knows the answer now.

5. (foll by how) to be sure or aware of (how to be or do something)

6. to experience, esp deeply: to know poverty.

7. to be intelligent, informed, or sensible enough (to do something): she knew not to go home yet.

8. (may take a clause as object) to be able to distinguish or discriminate

9. archaic to have sexual intercourse with

10. I know what I have an idea

11. know what’s what to know how one thing or things in general work

12. you know informal a parenthetical filler phrase used to make a pause in speaking or add slight emphasis to a statement

13. you never know things are uncertain


in the know informal aware or informed

[Old English gecnāwan; related to Old Norse knā I can, Latin noscere to come to know]

ˈknowable adj

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. knew, known, know•ing,
n. v.t.

1. to perceive or understand as fact or truth; apprehend clearly and with certainty.

2. to have fixed in the mind or memory: to know a poem by heart.

3. to be cognizant of: I know it.

4. to be acquainted or familiar with (a thing, place, person, etc.): I know the mayor well.

5. to understand from experience or practice: to know how to make gingerbread.

6. to be able to distinguish, as one from another: to know right from wrong.

7. to recognize: I’d know her if I saw her again.

8. Archaic. to have sexual intercourse with.


9. to have knowledge or clear and certain perception, as of fact or truth.

10. to be cognizant or aware, as of some circumstance or occurrence; have information.


11. the fact or state of knowing; knowledge.


in the know, privy to information.

[before 900; Middle English knowen, knawen, Old English gecnāwan; c. Old High German -cnāhan, Old Norse knā to know how, be able to; akin to Latin(g)nōscere, Greek gignṓskein. See gnostic, can1]

know′a•ble, adj.

know′er, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. awareness of facts

If you know that something is true, you are aware that it is true. The past tense of know is knew. The -ed participle is known.

I knew that she had recently graduated from law school.

I should have known that something was seriously wrong.

Be Careful!
Don’t use a progressive form with know. Don’t say, for example, ‘I am knowing that this is true‘. You say ‘I know that this is true’.

2. ‘I know’

If someone tells you a fact that you already know, or if they say something and you agree, you say ‘I know‘.

‘That’s not their fault, Peter.’ – ‘Yes, I know.’

‘This pizza is great’ – ‘I know.’

In American English you can also say ‘I know it‘ in this situation. However, this often indicates that you are angry or annoyed.

‘The speed limit here is 35.’ – ‘Yeah, I know it.’

3. ‘let…know’

If you say that you will let someone know something, you mean that you will give them some information when you receive it, or if you receive it.

I’ll find out about the car and let you know what’s happened.

Let me know if she calls.

4. acquaintance and familiarity

If you know a person, place, or thing, you are acquainted with them or are familiar with them.

Do you know David?

He knew London well.

Do you know the poem ‘Kubla Khan’?

5. ‘get to know’

If you want to say that someone gradually becomes acquainted with a person or gradually becomes familiar with a place, you say that they get to know the person or place.

I got to know some of the staff quite well.

I really wanted to get to know America.

Be Careful!
Don’t use know without get to to mean ‘become acquainted with’.

6. ‘know how to’

If you know how to do something, you have the necessary knowledge to do it.

No one knew how to repair it.

Do you know how to drive?

Don’t say that someone ‘knows to’ do something.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: known
Gerund: knowing

I know
you know
he/she/it knows
we know
you know
they know
I knew
you knew
he/she/it knew
we knew
you knew
they knew
Present Continuous
I am knowing
you are knowing
he/she/it is knowing
we are knowing
you are knowing
they are knowing
Present Perfect
I have known
you have known
he/she/it has known
we have known
you have known
they have known
Past Continuous
I was knowing
you were knowing
he/she/it was knowing
we were knowing
you were knowing
they were knowing
Past Perfect
I had known
you had known
he/she/it had known
we had known
you had known
they had known
I will know
you will know
he/she/it will know
we will know
you will know
they will know
Future Perfect
I will have known
you will have known
he/she/it will have known
we will have known
you will have known
they will have known
Future Continuous
I will be knowing
you will be knowing
he/she/it will be knowing
we will be knowing
you will be knowing
they will be knowing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been knowing
you have been knowing
he/she/it has been knowing
we have been knowing
you have been knowing
they have been knowing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been knowing
you will have been knowing
he/she/it will have been knowing
we will have been knowing
you will have been knowing
they will have been knowing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been knowing
you had been knowing
he/she/it had been knowing
we had been knowing
you had been knowing
they had been knowing
I would know
you would know
he/she/it would know
we would know
you would know
they would know
Past Conditional
I would have known
you would have known
he/she/it would have known
we would have known
you would have known
they would have known

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. know — the fact of being aware of information that is known to few people; «he is always in the know»

knowing — a clear and certain mental apprehension

Verb 1. know — be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess knowledge or information about; «I know that the President lied to the people»; «I want to know who is winning the game!»; «I know it’s time»

cognise, cognize

keep track — keep informed of fully aware; «I keep track of the stock market developments»

know — be aware of the truth of something; have a belief or faith in something; regard as true beyond any doubt; «I know that I left the key on the table»; «Galileo knew that the earth moves around the sun»

agnise, agnize, realize, recognize, realise, recognise — be fully aware or cognizant of

ignore — be ignorant of or in the dark about

2. know — know how to do or perform something; «She knows how to knit»; «Does your husband know how to cook?»

be on the ball, be with it, know the score, know what’s going on, know what’s what — be well-informed

master, control — have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of; «Do you control these data?»

get the hang, master — be or become completely proficient or skilled in; «She mastered Japanese in less than two years»

3. know — be aware of the truth of something; have a belief or faith in something; regard as true beyond any doubt; «I know that I left the key on the table»; «Galileo knew that the earth moves around the sun»

cognise, cognize, know — be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess knowledge or information about; «I know that the President lied to the people»; «I want to know who is winning the game!»; «I know it’s time»

foreknow, foresee, previse, anticipate — realize beforehand

4. know — be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object; «She doesn’t know this composer»; «Do you know my sister?»; «We know this movie»; «I know him under a different name»; «This flower is known as a Peruvian Lily»

know — perceive as familiar; «I know this voice!»

5. know — have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations; «I know the feeling!»; «have you ever known hunger?»; «I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict»; «The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare»; «I lived through two divorces»

experience, live

taste — experience briefly; «The ex-slave tasted freedom shortly before she died»

live over, relive — experience again, often in the imagination; «He relived the horrors of war»

experience, go through, see — go or live through; «We had many trials to go through»; «he saw action in Viet Nam»

6. know - accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authorityknow — accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority; «The Crown Prince was acknowledged as the true heir to the throne»; «We do not recognize your gods»

recognize, acknowledge, recognise

accept — consider or hold as true; «I cannot accept the dogma of this church»; «accept an argument»

7. know — have fixed in the mind; «I know Latin»; «This student knows her irregular verbs»; «Do you know the poem well enough to recite it?»

have down — have (something) mastered; «She has the names of the fifty states down pat»

8. know - have sexual intercourse withknow — have sexual intercourse with; «This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm»; «Adam knew Eve»; «Were you ever intimate with this man?»

bonk, do it, eff, fuck, get it on, get laid, have a go at it, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, have sex, be intimate, lie with, roll in the hay, screw, sleep together, sleep with, make love, hump, jazz, love, bed, bang, make out

neck, make out — kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion; «The couple were necking in the back seat of the car»

have, take — have sex with; archaic use; «He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable»

copulate, mate, couple, pair — engage in sexual intercourse; «Birds mate in the Spring»

9. know — know the nature or character of; «we all knew her as a big show-off»

agnise, agnize, realize, recognize, realise, recognise — be fully aware or cognizant of

10. know — be able to distinguish, recognize as being different; «The child knows right from wrong»

differentiate, distinguish, secern, secernate, severalise, severalize, tell apart, separate, tell — mark as different; «We distinguish several kinds of maple»

11. know — perceive as familiar; «I know this voice!»

know — be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object; «She doesn’t know this composer»; «Do you know my sister?»; «We know this movie»; «I know him under a different name»; «This flower is known as a Peruvian Lily»

recall, recollect, remember, call back, call up, retrieve, think — recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection; «I can’t remember saying any such thing»; «I can’t think what her last name was»; «can you remember her phone number?»; «Do you remember that he once loved you?»; «call up memories»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



2. be acquainted with, recognize, associate with, be familiar with, be friends with, be friendly with, have knowledge of, have dealings with, socialize with, fraternize with, be pals with Do you two know each other?
be acquainted with be unfamiliar with

3. (sometimes with about or of) be familiar with, experience, understand, ken (Scot.), comprehend, fathom, apprehend, have knowledge of, be acquainted with, feel certain of, have dealings in, be versed in Hire someone with experience, someone who knows about real estate.
be familiar with be ignorant of, be unfamiliar with

4. recognize, remember, identify, recall, place, spot, notice, distinguish, perceive, make out, discern, differentiate, recollect Would she know you if she saw you on the street?

«What you don’t know can’t hurt you»
«Know thyself»

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To perceive directly with the intellect:

2. To participate in or partake of personally:

3. To undergo an emotional reaction:

4. To perceive to be identical with something held in the memory:

5. To recognize as being different:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


يَتَعَرَّف على، يُمَيِّزيَعْرِفيَعْرِفُيَعْرِف الشَّخْصيَعْرِف، يَتَعَلَّم



kendevidekende tilgenkende







vitakunnaòekkjaòekkja, hafa òekkingu áþekkja




gerai orientuotisišmanantisišmanymasnebūti tokiam kvailampažinti



kännavetaveta omkänna tillkunna


bilmektanımakeskiden yatmis olmakhaberi olmakniyetini bilmek



[nəʊ] (knew (pt) (known (pp)))


Look up set combinations such as know the ropes, know one’s stuff, know sth backward at the other word.

1. (= be aware of)

1.1. [+ facts, dates, etc] → saber
to know the difference betweensaber la diferencia entre …
she knows a lot about chemistrysabe mucho de química
I don’t know much about historyno sé mucho de historia
I don’t know much about thatno sé mucho de eso
I know nothing about it; I don’t know anything about itno sé nada de eso
he knows all the answerslo sabe todo
one minute you’re leaving school, then before you know it, you’ve got a family to supportdejas el colegio y al minuto siguiente, antes de darte cuenta, tienes una familia que mantener

1.2. (with clause) to know thatsaber que
to know why/when/where/ifsaber por qué/cuándo/dónde/si
to know how to do sthsaber hacer algo
do you know how he did that?¿sabes cómo lo hizo?
you know how it isya sabes cómo son las cosas
you don’t know how glad I am to see youno sabes cuánto me alegro de verte
I’ll or I’d have you know thatque sepas que …, para que te enteres, …
you haven’t time, as well he knewno tienes tiempo, como él bien sabía
you know as well as I do thatsabes tan bien como yo que …
to know whatsaber qué or lo que
I know what I saidya sé qué or lo que dije
he doesn’t know what to dono sabe qué hacer
I don’t know whether or not you’ve heard, butno sé si has oído o no pero …
to know what’s whatsaber cuántas son cinco

1.3. (in exclamations) I knew it!¡lo sabía!
that’s all you know!¡y más que podría yo contarte!
don’t I know it!¡a mí me lo vas a contar!
«she’s furious» — «don’t I know it?»-está furiosa -¡a mí me lo vas a contar!
how was I to know that … ?¿cómo iba yo a saber que …?
I should have known you’d mess things up!debería haberme figurado or imaginado que ibas a estropear las cosas
do you know what, I think she did it!¿sabes una cosa? creo que lo hizo ella
I know what, let’s drop in on Daphne!¡ya sé! ¡vamos a pasarnos por casa de Daphne!
you know what you can do with it!¡mételo por donde te quepa!
(well,) what do you know!¿qué te parece?, ¡fíjate!, ¡mira nomás! (LAm)
what does he know about dictionaries!¡qué sabrá él de diccionarios!
Peter, wouldn’t you know it, can’t come!Peter, como era de esperar, no puede venir

3. (with infinitive) I know him to be a liarsé que es un mentiroso
he is known to have been therese sabe que ha estado allí
I’ve never known him to smilenunca lo he visto sonreír
I’ve never known her to be wrongque yo sepa nunca se ha equivocado
it has never been known to happenno se tienen noticias de que haya pasado nunca
I don’t know him to speak tono lo conozco personalmente

6. (= be certain) I don’t know if it has made things any easierno sé si ha facilitado las cosas
I don’t know if or that it’s a very good ideano sé si es una buena idea, no estoy seguro de que sea una buena idea
I don’t know if I can do itno sé si puedo hacerlo

7. (archaic) (sexually) to know sbconocer a algn

8. (in set expressions)
to get to know sb(llegar a) conocer a algn
I’d like to get to know you betterme gustaría (llegar a) conocerte mejor
we got to know each other during military servicellegamos a conocernos bien durante la mili
to get to know sth as you get to know the piece bettercuando conoces mejor la pieza …, cuando estás más familiarizado con la pieza …
get to know the area before buying a houseestudia bien la zona antes de comprar una casa
to let sb know … I’ll let you know the price as soon as I canen cuanto sepa el precio te lo digo
let us know if you need helpavísanos si necesitas ayuda
let me know if you can’t comeavísame si no puedes venir
let me know how you get onya me contarás cómo te fue


1. (gen) → saber
I don’t knowno (lo) sé
yes, I knowsi, ya lo sé
Mummy knows bestmamá sabe lo que te conviene
he doesn’t know any betterno sabe lo que hace
he thinks he’s going to get the job, but I know bettercree que va a conseguir el trabajo, pero yo sé mejor lo que cabe esperar
you ought to know better than toya deberías saber que no se puede …
Mary knows better than to risk upsetting meMary sabe demasiado bien que no le conviene que me enfade
how should I know?¿cómo iba yo a saberlo?
I know, let’sya sé, vamos a …
one never knows, you never knownunca se sabe
there’s no (way of) knowingno hay manera de saberlo
afterwards they just don’t want to know (in relationships) → después «si te he visto no me acuerdo»; (in business) → después no quieren saber nada del asunto
who knows?¿quién sabe?
«was she annoyed about it?» — «I wouldn’t know»-¿se enfadó por eso? -¿y yo que sé?
it’s not easy, you knowno es fácil, sabes
you know, I think I’m beginning to like Richard¿sabes? creo que me está empezando a gustar Richard
see also all B4

2. (in set expressions)
to know about to know about sth/sb: did you know about Paul?¿te has enterado de or sabes lo de Paul?
I didn’t know about the accidentno me había enterado de lo del accidente, no sabía nada de lo del accidente
I’d known about his illness for some timesabía lo de su enfermedad hacía tiempo
everything you always wanted to know about sextodo lo que siempre ha querido saber sobre el sexo
she knows about catsella entiende de gatos
«you must be delighted!» — «I don’t know about that«¡debes estar encantado! -no sé qué decirte
«you’re a genius!» — «oh, I don’t know about that»-¡eres un genio! -hombre, no sé qué decirte
«I’m taking tomorrow off» — «I don’t know about that!»-mañana me tomo el día libre -no sé, habrá que ver
I don’t know about you, but I think it’s terriblea ti no sé, pero a mí me parece terrible
to get to know about sthenterarse de algo
to know of (= be acquainted with) → conocer
I know of a nice little caféconozco un pequeño café muy agradable
I don’t know him but I know OF himno lo conozco pero he oído hablar de él; (= be aware of) I know of no reason why he should have committed suicideque yo sepa no tenía razones para suicidarse
the first I knew of it was when Pete told melo primero que oí or supe del asunto fue lo que me dijo Pete
that was the first I knew of itesa fue la primera noticia que tuve del asunto
not that I know ofque yo sepa, no
to let sb know we’ll let you knowya te diremos lo que sea, ya te avisaremos
I’ll let you know on Mondayte diré lo que sea el lunes
why didn’t you let me know?¿por qué no me lo dijiste?

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005



It’s a long way. — Yes, I know → C’est loin. — Oui, je sais.
I don’t know → Je ne sais pas.
The white dress, you know, the one with the short sleeves → La robe blanche, tu sais, celle à manches courtes.
how should I know? → comment voulez-vous que je le sache?
you never know! → on ne sait jamais!
as far as I know … → à ma connaissance …, autant que je sache …
how was I to know (that) …? → comment aurais-je pu savoir que …?

know about


Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vb: pret <knew>, ptp <known>


= have knowledge aboutwissen; answer, facts, dates, details, results etckennen, wissen; French, English etckönnen; he knew her to be guiltyer wusste, dass sie schuldig war; to know what one is talking aboutwissen, wovon man redet; to know one’s own mindwissen, was man will; she knows all the answerssie weiß Bescheid, sie kennt sich aus; (pej)sie weiß immer alles besser; he might even be dead for all I knowvielleicht ist er sogar tot, was weiß ich; he thinks he knows all the answers or everythinger meint, er wüsste alles; that’s what I’d like to know (too)das möchte ich auch wissen; THAT’S what I’d like to knowdas möchte ich wirklich wissen; that’s worth knowingdas ist ja interessant; that might be worth knowinges könnte interessant sein, das zu wissen; before you know where you areehe man sichs versieht; I’ve been a fool and don’t I know it! (inf)ich sehs ja ein, ich war doof (inf), → ich war vielleicht doof (inf); she’s angry! — don’t I know it! (inf)sie ist wütend! — wem sagst du das! (inf)

= be acquainted with people, places, book, authorkennen; I know Bavaria wellich kenne Bayern gut, ich kenne mich gut in Bayern aus; do you know him to speak to?kennen Sie ihn näher?; we all know her as the headmistress/a generous personwir kennen Sie alle als die Schulleiterin/einen großzügigen Menschen; if I know John, he’ll already be therewie ich John kenne, ist er schon da; he didn’t want to know meer wollte nichts mit mir zu tun haben; know thyself!erkenne dich selbst! ? name N a, sight N b

= recognizeerkennen; to know somebody by his voice/walk etcjdn an der Stimme/am Gang etc erkennen; would you know him again?würden Sie ihn wiedererkennen?; he knows a good thing when he sees iter weiß, was gut ist; he knows a bargain/good manuscript when he sees oneer weiß, was ein guter Kauf/ein gutes Manuskript ist; this is the end of the welfare system as we know itdas ist das Ende des uns bekannten Wohlfahrtssystems

= be able to distinguishunterscheiden können; don’t you know your right from your left?können Sie rechts und links nicht unterscheiden?; you wouldn’t know him from his brotherSie könnten ihn nicht von seinem Bruder unterscheiden; do you know the difference between…?wissen Sie, was der Unterschied zwischen … ist?; to know the difference between right and wrong, to know right from wrongden Unterschied zwischen Gut und Böse kennen, Gut und Böse unterscheiden können; he wouldn’t know the differencedas merkt er nicht; he doesn’t know one end of a horse/hammer from the otherer hat keine Ahnung von Pferden/keine Ahnung, was ein Hammer ist (inf)

wissen; who knows?wer weiß?, weiß ichs?; I know!ich weiß!, weiß ich (doch)!; (having a good idea) → ich weiß was!, ich habe eine Idee!; I don’t know(das) weiß ich nicht; as far as I knowsoviel ich weiß, meines Wissens; he just didn’t want to knower wollte einfach nicht hören; afterwards they just didn’t want to knownachher wollten sie einfach nichts mehr davon wissen; I wouldn’t know (inf)weiß ich (doch) nicht (inf); don’t you know?weißt du das denn nicht?; how should I know?wie soll ich das wissen?; how was I to know?wie sollte ich das wissen?; I’m damned if I know (inf)ich habe echt keinen Schimmer (inf); the channel was rough, as I well know or as well I know!die Überfahrt war stürmisch, das kann ich dir sagen

? to know that …wissen, dass …

Note that while in English that can be omitted, in German dass must be used to introduce the next sentence.

when I saw the ambulance, I knew (that) something was wrongals ich den Krankenwagen sah, wusste ich, dass etwas nicht stimmte
? to know why…wissen, warum …; he didn’t know whyer wusste nicht, warum; I don’t know why you think it’s so funnyich weiß nicht, was du daran so komisch findest
? to know how to know how to do something (in theory) → wissen, wie man etw macht; (in practice) → etw tun können; I know how you feelich weiß, wie Sie sich fühlen; I don’t know how you can say that!wie kannst du das nur sagen!; you don’t know how good it is to see you againSie wissen gar nicht, wie sehr ich mich freue, Sie wiederzusehen
? to know better I know better than thatich bin ja nicht ganz dumm; I know better than to say something like thatich werde mich hüten, so etwas zu sagen; he knows better than to eat into the profitser ist nicht so dumm, den Gewinn anzugreifen; he/you ought to have known betterdas war dumm (von ihm/dir); he ought to have or should have known better than to do thates war dumm von ihm, das zu tun; you ought to know better at your agein deinem Alter müsste man das aber (besser) wissen; they don’t know any bettersie kennens nicht anders; he says he didn’t do it, but I know betterer sagt, er war es nicht, aber ich weiß, dass das nicht stimmt
? to know best OK, you know besto.k., Sie müssens wissen; mother always knows bestMutter weiß es am besten
? to get to know to get to know somebodyjdn kennenlernen; to get to know something (methods, techniques, style, pronunciation etc)etw lernen; habits, faults, shortcuts etcetw herausfinden; to get to know a placeeinen Ort kennenlernen
? to let sb know to let somebody know something (= not keep back)jdn etw wissen lassen; (= tell, inform)jdm von etw Bescheid sagen or geben; he soon let me know what he thought of iter hat mich schnell wissen lassen, was er davon hielt; when can you let me know?wann können Sie es mich wissen lassen?, wann können Sie mir Bescheid sagen?
? you know… you know, we could/there is …weißt du, wir könnten/da ist …; he gave it away, you knower hat es nämlich weggegeben; it’s raining, you knowes regnet; then there was this man, you know, and …und da war dieser Mann, nicht (wahr), und …; wear the black dress, you know, the one with the red beltzieh das schwarze Kleid an, du weißt schon, das mit dem roten Gürtel; it’s long and purple and, you know, sort of crinklyes ist lang und lila und, na ja, so kraus; (if you) know what I meandu weißt schon
? you never knowman kann nie wissen
? I’ll have you know it was nothing to do with me, I’ll have you know!es hatte nichts mit mir zu tun, damit du es weißt!
? there’s no knowing (inf)das kann keiner sagen, das weiß niemand; there’s no knowing what he’ll doman weiß nie, was er noch tut
? what do you know! (inf)sieh mal einer an!; what do you know! I’ve just seen her! (inf)stellen Sie sich vor, ich habe sie eben gesehen
? to be known ? also known; to be known (to somebody)(jdm) bekannt sein; it is (well) known that …es ist (allgemein) bekannt, dass …; is he/it known here?ist er/das hier bekannt?, kennt man ihn/das hier?; to be known for somethingfür etw bekannt sein; he is known to have been hereman weiß, dass er hier war; he is known as Mr Smithman kennt ihn als Herrn Smith; she wishes to be known as Mrs Whitesie möchte Frau White genannt werden ? also known
? to make sb/sth knownjdn/etw bekannt machen; to make it known that …bekannt geben, dass …; to make oneself knownsich melden (to sb bei jdm); (= introduce oneself)sich vorstellen (to sb jdm); (= become well-known)sich (dat)einen Namen machen; to make one’s presence knownsich melden (to bei)
? to become knownbekannt werden; (= famous)berühmt werden
? to let it be known that …bekannt geben, dass …

? know about vi +prep obj (= have factual knowledge, experience of) history, maths, politicssich auskennen in (+dat); AfricaBescheid wissen über (+acc); women, men, cars, horsessich auskennen mit; (= be aware of, have been told about)wissen von; I know about thatdas weiß ich; I didn’t know about thatdas wusste ich nicht; I only knew about it yesterdayich habe erst gestern davon gehört; I’d rather not know about itdas möchte ich lieber nicht wissen; did you know about Maggie?weißt du über Maggie Bescheid?; I know about John, but is anyone else absent?John, das weiß ich, aber fehlt sonst noch jemand?; to get to know about somebody/somethingvon jdm/etw hören; I don’t know about thatdavon weiß ich nichts; (= don’t agree)da bin ich aber nicht so sicher; I don’t know about you, but I’m hungryich weiß nicht, wie es Ihnen geht, aber ich habe Hunger; she’s very clever, isn’t she? — I don’t know about clever, but she certainly knows how to use peoplesie ist sehr klug, nicht wahr? — klug, na, ich weiß nicht, aber sie weiß Leute auszunutzen vt sep +prep obj to know a lot/nothing/something about something (= have factual knowledge)viel/nichts/einiges über etw (acc)wissen; (in history, maths etc) → in etw (dat)gut/nicht/ein bisschen Bescheid wissen; (about cars, horses etc) → viel/nichts/einiges von etw verstehen; (= be aware of, have been told about)viel/nichts/einiges von etw wissen; we don’t know anything about himwir wissen nichts über ihn; that was the first I knew about itdavon hatte ich nichts gewusst; not much is known about thatdarüber weiß man nicht viel; I know all about thatda kenne ich mich aus; (= I’m aware of that)das weiß ich; (= I’ve been told about it)ich weiß Bescheid; I know all about youich weiß über Sie Bescheid; that’s all you know about it! (iro)das meinst auch nur du!; I don’t know about that!da bin ich mir nicht so sicher!
? know of vi +prep obj café, better methodkennen; (= have heard of) sb, sb’s deathgehört haben von; I soon got to know of all the facts/all his problemsich war bald über alle Fakten/all seine Probleme informiert; I know of him, although I’ve never met himich habe von ihm gehört, aber ich habe ihn noch nie getroffen; not that I know ofnicht, dass ich wüsste




n (Brit inf) → Alleswisser(in) m(f), → Besserwisser(in) m(f)

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[nəʊ] (knew (vb: pt) (known (pp)))

2. visapere
as far as I know … → che io sappia…, per quanto ne so io…
we’ll let you know → le faremo sapere
how should I know? → come vuoi che lo sappia?
no, not that I know of → no, che io sappia
there’s no (way of) knowing → non c’è modo di saperlo
it’s not easy, you know → non è facile, sai
yes, I know → sì, lo so
I don’t know → non lo so
you ought to know better (than to …) → dovresti saperlo da solo (che non è il caso di…)
she says she didn’t do it, but I know better → ha detto che non è stata lei, ma a me non la fa
he doesn’t know any better → non ha criterio or giudizio
you know best → nessuno può saperlo meglio di te
(well,) what do you know! (fam) → chi l’avrebbe mai detto!
to know about or of sth → essere a conoscenza di qc
to know about or of sb → aver sentito parlare di qn
to get to know about sth → venire a sapere qc
how many «don’t knows» are there? → quanti sono gli incerti?

3. n to be in the know (fam) → essere al corrente, essere beninformato/a

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(nəu) past tense knew (njuː) : past participle known verb

1. to be aware of or to have been informed about. He knows everything; I know he is at home because his car is in the drive; He knows all about it; I know of no reason why you cannot go.

2. to have learned and to remember. He knows a lot of poetry.

3. to be aware of the identity of; to be friendly with. I know Mrs Smith – she lives near me.

4. to (be able to) recognize or identify. You would hardly know her now – she has become very thin; He knows a good car when he sees one.

ˈknowing adjective

showing secret understanding. She gave him a knowing look.

ˈknowingly adverb

1. in a knowing manner. She smiled knowingly.

2. deliberately or on purpose. He would not knowingly insult her.

ˈknow-all noun

an unkind name for a person who thinks he knows everything.

ˈknow-how noun

the practical knowledge and skill to deal with something. She has acquired a lot of know-how about cars.

in the know

having information possessed only by a small group of people. People in the know tell me that she is the most likely person to get the job.

know backwards

to know extremely well or perfectly. He knows his history backwards.

know better

to be too wise or well-taught (to do something). She should know better at her age!; He should have known better than to trust them.

know how to

to have learned the way to. She already knew how to read when she went to school.

know the ropes

to understand the detail and procedure of a job etc.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يَعْرِفُ vědět, znát kende, vide wissen γνωρίζω, ξέρω conocer, saber tietää, tuntea connaître, savoir poznavati, znati conoscere 知っている 알다 kennen, weten kjenne, vite wiedzieć, znać conhecer, saber знать, общаться känna, veta รู้, รู้จัก bilmek, tanımak biết 知道, 认识

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


vi. saber, [to be acquainted] conocer;

to ___ how tosaber + inf;

to ___ oftener noticias de, estar enterado-a de.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

  • I don’t know
  • Do you know him?
  • Do you know how to do this?
  • Please let me know when we get to …
  • I’m very sorry; I didn’t know the rules (US)
    I’m very sorry, I didn’t know the regulations (UK)

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

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