Word meaning do not care

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For everything else they simply do not care, including the uniqueness of the content.

На всё остальное им попросту плевать, в том числе и на уникальность контента.

Thieves and burglars do not care for the security camera.

Ворам и грабителям плевать на камеру безопасности.

Some will say that men do not care how they look.

Многие женщины говорят, что им наплевать как они выглядят.

They take money for learning, and then it turns out that they absolutely do not care what you learn.

Они берут деньги за обучение, а потом оказывается, что им абсолютно наплевать, чему вы научитесь.

They do not care where they are.

«Им было все равно, где они находятся.

Some people just do not care where it ends up.

Есть те, кому абсолютно всё равно, где оно будет стоять.

A further 25% said they do not care.

I actually do not care, let it says it is his paid time.

Мне, собственно, все равно, пусть рассказывает, это его оплаченное время.

Local officials do not care that you are a tourists and came here to spend your money.

И местным властям все равно, что вы — турист и приехали сюда тратить деньги.

And if we were talking exclusively about mobile devices, all would be simply do not care.

И если бы речь шла исключительно про мобильные устройства, всем было бы просто наплевать.

We do not care what other peoples do about the danger.

Нам всё равно, что делают другие народы в отношении этой опасности.

For others — they just do not care.

Such an equal valuation would mean that people do not care whether success is attained sooner or later.

Одинаковая оценка означала бы, что людям все равно, раньше или позже будет достигнут успех.

They think that the elect can survive these processes, sit out hiding in comfort, and the rest of humanity they do not care.

Они думают, что избранные смогут пережить эти процессы, отсидеться спрятавшись в комфорте, а на остальное человечество им наплевать.

But today they do not care — they enjoy a walk, good weather and a river.

Но сегодня им все равно — они наслаждаются прогулкой, хорошей погодой и рекой.

I absolutely do not care… of what you think about me.

Мне абсолютно наплевать, что вы думаете обо мне.

Already dichlofosili and painted everything, but they do not care.

Уже дихлофосили и красили все, а им все равно.

We do not care right now for perimeter does not get there.

Нам всё равно сейчас за периметр не попасть.

We do not care who they are, — adds Time companion.

Нам все равно, кто они», — добавляет собеседница Time.

The United States absolutely do not care with whom to cooperate.

Соединенным Штатам абсолютно наплевать, с кем сотрудничать.

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  • Паттерн
  • Состав
  • все равно
  • наплевать
  • не любит
  • не заботит
  • не интересует
  • не нравится
  • не хочет
  • не стремиться
  • Примеры 10
  • Формы 3
  • I don’t care what they think

    Мне все равно, что они думают

  • He wants above all to win, and he doesn’t care how

    Он хочет прежде всего победить, и ему все равно, как

  • He knows it‘ll get him in trouble, but he doesn’t care

    Он знает, что это доставит ему неприятности, но ему наплевать

  • She didn’t especially care how she looked

    Ее не особо заботило, как она выглядит

  • He didn’t know it, and didn’t care to learn

    Он не знал этого и не хотел учиться

  • I didn’t care exactly, but for some reason I wanted to know it

    Мне было точно все равно, но по какой-то причине я хотел это знать

  • The senators will know what‘s happened here, even if the electorate doesn’t care

    Сенаторы узнают, что здесь происходит, даже если электорату все равно

  • I don’t care if society turns its back on me

    Мне все равно, если общество отвернется от меня

  • If it doesn’t benefit him, he doesn’t care

    Если это не приносит ему выгоды, он этим не интересуется

  • He didn’t know their intent, didn’t care to learn them

    Он не знал их намерений, не стремился узнать их

Состав слов

  • do глагол

    делать / заниматься / выполнять / исполнять

  • not

  • care глагол

do not care
все равно

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «do not care» в других словарях:

  • not care a hoot — not care (or give) a hoot (or two hoots) informal not care at all * * * not care/give a ˈhoot | not care/give two ˈhoots idiom (informal) not to care at all • I don t care two hoots about having money, as long as I m happy …   Useful english dictionary

  • not care for something — not care for someone/​something formal phrase to not like someone or something I don’t much care for chocolate. Thesaurus: to hate or dislike someone or somethingsynonym Main entry: care * * * not ˈcare for sb/sth …   Useful english dictionary

  • not care to do something — formal phrase to not want to do something The Prime Minister said he did not care to comment. Thesaurus: to not want something, or to not want to do somethingsynonym Main entry: care …   Useful english dictionary

  • not care twopence — informal phrase to not care at all She didn’t care twopence about me. Thesaurus: to not care about somethingsynonym Main entry: twopence …   Useful english dictionary

  • not care two hoots — not care/give a ˈhoot | not care/give two ˈhoots idiom (informal) not to care at all • I don t care two hoots about having money, as long as I m happy. Main entry: ↑hootidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • not care a hoot — (not) care/give a hoot informal, informal if you do not give a hoot about something or someone, you do not care about them at all. I don t give a hoot about keeping the house tidy. (often + about) They don t care two hoots who wins as long as it… …   New idioms dictionary

  • not care a damn (about) — not give/care/a damn (about) impolite phrase to not care at all about someone or something I don’t give a damn what she thinks. Thesaurus: to not care about somethingsynonym …   Useful english dictionary

  • not care tuppence — (not) care/give tuppence British & Australian, old fashioned to not care about something or someone in any way. She doesn t give tuppence for her family. (often + for) You can do what you like. I don t care tuppence …   New idioms dictionary

  • not care for someone — not care for someone/​something formal phrase to not like someone or something I don’t much care for chocolate. Thesaurus: to hate or dislike someone or somethingsynonym Main entry: care …   Useful english dictionary

  • not care a fig (for somebody) — not care/give a ˈfig (for sb/sth) idiom (old fashioned, BrE, informal) not to care at all about sth; to think that sth is not important Main entry: ↑figidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • not care a fig (for something) — not care/give a ˈfig (for sb/sth) idiom (old fashioned, BrE, informal) not to care at all about sth; to think that sth is not important Main entry: ↑figidiom …   Useful english dictionary

i do not care — перевод на русский

I do not care for Eddie.

Мне плевать на Эдди.

I do not care.

Мне плевать.

I do not care!

Плевать мне на них! — Не смей! Не уходи!

I do not care to

С вами случится то же самое.

I know well but I do not care. For me there is only one man in Paris I cannot help

Не хочет это понимать И я за ним куда угодно пойду…

I know well but I do not care.

А он так глуп:

I do not care. They are so terrible in love with each other.

В идно, что они влюблены.

I do not wish to harass you, but if you do not care to follow my instructions,

Не хочу вас пугать, но если вы решите не следовать моим инструкциям,

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Perhaps the statement seems very controversial, but «indifferent» is a word expressing the almost metaphysical mood of mankind. That is, most do not care what the neighbor is doing there. This approach has both advantages and disadvantages, but before talking about the metaphysical aspect of life, let’s talk about the linguistic. Simply put, we will clarify the meaning of the word under investigation and call it synonyms for it.


In this case, we do not take the content of the word, which everyone can vary according to his taste and preferences, but rely solely on the dictionary. The latter gives us four meanings of the adjective «indifferent», which is organically associated with an adverb, which has fallen into the zone of attention.

  1. A person who does not exude interest in anyone or anything. For example, there are people who love ballet and football. And some adore both. But more often, some like Baryshnikov, and others — Messi. Depending on what the audience watches with more willingness, they do not care about either football or ballet affairs. In other words, the spectators of football do not care what happens in the ballet, and vice versa.
  2. Characteristics of a person who expresses a certain attitude to reality. He is almost indifferent to everything, this attitude will not surprise anyone today. For example, the hero of the novel Camus «Outsider» Mersault — indifferent to the world of man.
  3. So they say about a man who is indifferent to everyone. An anecdote is heard about the Elusive Joe.
  4. When two things are compared, and one from the other is no different, they say that he is indifferent. For example, two socks in one package. In other words, indistinguishable against the general background.

This is the meaning of the word «indifferent» in full.


We do not think that when examining substitutions, the reader will discover something new for himself, although everything can be. So, the synonyms are as follows:

  • Does not matter.
  • Indifferent.
  • Apathetic.
  • It is irrelevant.
  • Indifferent.
  • Uninterested.
  • Passively.
  • Inert.

To some extent these words replace the adverb «it does not matter», it is obvious. You could add «boredom» here. But boredom is already, in the words of I. Brodsky, an «active attitude» to being, and disinterestedness implies passivity. Therefore, we did not include spiritual longing here, but the reader can use this kind of substitution if he needs it.

The reverse side of success

Western civilization has long stood on efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore, when a person is in a corporation in the broadest sense of the word, then much does not matter to him. This is normal. When the deadlines are constantly burning, a lot of work. The human psyche sweeps away the excess and focuses on the main thing. There is no power even to sympathize with parents. In the XIX century, the hero of our time was Pechorin, and in the XXI century it was Merso. Is there an exit? Of course! Realize the relativity of corporate values. And most importantly, to understand that money is not everything.

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