Word meaning different from others

  • 1

    гл. мат. отличаться от нуля — be non-zero, be other than zero, different from zero, differ from zero

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. выделяться (глаг.) выдаваться; выделяться

    2. различаться (глаг.) быть непохожими друг на друга; быть несхожими; быть разными; не походить друг на друга; различаться; различествовать; разниться; розниться

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > отличаться

  • 2
    уважение к взглядам других

    Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > уважение к взглядам других

  • 3
    отличаться от других

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > отличаться от других

  • 4
    быть отличным от других

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > быть отличным от других

См. также в других словарях:

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  • CD-i games from The Legend of Zelda series — Link: The Faces of Evil, Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon, and Zelda s Adventure …   Wikipedia

  • Health effects from noise — Roadway noise is a major source of exposure, particularly from tires Noise health effects are the health consequences of elevated sound levels. Elevated workplace or other noise can cause hearing impairment, hypertension, ischemic heart disease,… …   Wikipedia

  • Darwin from Descent of Man to Emotions — The life and work of Darwin from Descent of Man to Emotions during the period from 1868 to 1872 continued with aspects of Charles Darwin s intended Big Book on evolution through natural selection. He had by then hurriedly published an abstract of …   Wikipedia

  • Original Stories from Real Life — Title page from the first edition of Original Stories (1788) Original Stories from Real Life; with Conversations Calculated to Regulate the Affections, and Form the Mind to Truth and Goodness …   Wikipedia

  • A Lord from Planet Earth — ( ru. Лорд с планеты Земля) trilogy of science fiction novels by Russian writer Sergey Lukyanenko. While the predominant genre is science fiction, the novels also include some elements of the fantasy genre.The trilogy consists of the following… …   Wikipedia


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In the given sentences, the word or phrase that has a different meaning from the others in bold is as follows:

— In sentence 9, the word that does not fit grammatically is «complete,» as it does not convey the same meaning as the other words. «Incorporates,» «is equipped,» «is fully integrated,» and «is fitted with» all mean that the tracking device is included as part of the system, whereas «complete» suggests that the system cannot function without the tracking device, which is not necessarily the case.
— In sentence 10, all the words are synonyms and convey the same meaning.
— In sentence 11, all the words have a similar meaning and imply that the apparatus was modified to meet Peters 2010’s standards. However, «as in» is not the correct phrase to use in this sentence, as it does not convey a sense of conformity. The correct word is «in accordance with» or «in line with» or «in conformity with» all of which reflect the idea of compliance with Peters 2010’s specifications. «As in» simply means «like» or «similar to,» which does not align with the context.

In summary, while all the sentences contain phrases that relate to devices, equipment, or systems, not all of them fit grammatically or convey the intended meaning. It is important to choose the appropriate word or phrase to ensure effective communication.

⚠️Зарепортить пост!

different  — различный, разный, другой, отличный от, необычный, неодинаковый, непохожий, не такой

She’s quite different from her sister.

Она сильно отличается от своей сестры. / Она совсем непохожа на сестру.

His version of the fight was different from mine.

Его рассказ о драке отличался от моего.

The actuality was quite different from the theory.

Действительность сильно отличалась от данной теории.

How are humans different from the rest of creation?

Как люди отличаются от всего остального мироздания?

Her public self is very different from her private self.

На публике она совсем не такая, как наедине с собой.

Women’s experiences are qualitatively different from men’s.

Переживания /ощущения, впечатления/ женщин качественно отличаются от мужских.

His policies are far different from those of his predecessor.

Его политика сильно отличается от политики её предшественника.

ещё 21 пример свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

She found the business world very different from academia.  

Her recollection of the accident is very different from mine.  

Architecturally, Chengdu is quite different from most of China.  

She is politically very different from most of her contemporaries.  

He was as different from Garp as an ostrich is different from a seal.  

…her romance novels are nowise different from those of scores of other writers…  

It was a world away from (=completely different from) the grand hotels she was used to.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

the semantic component serves to distinguish one word from all others
containing identical morphemes, then that semantic component contains
differential meaning. Differential meaning can be illustrated in the
following examples: in the compound words
and caveman,
the components bar,
boat, cab
and cave
serve to distinguish these words from one another; therefore, they
have differential meaning.

6.3 6 Distributional Meaning

meaning is the meaning of
order and arrangement of morphemes composing the word. Lyons (1968)
states the idea that the attachments between elements within a word
are firmer than are the attachments between words themselves (as
cited in Saeed, p. 57). Some examples may illustrate this approach.
The order of the morphemes is fixed in the following lexemes: reader,
and actually.
The order of the morphemes cannot be changed without disturbance of
its meaning. The following formations, er+read,
or ment+appoint+dis
not make any sense, therefore proving the arrangement of morphemes is
fixed, and these morphemes cannot be rearranged arbitrarily.
Distributional meaning may be observed not only in lexemes but in
collocations as well; for example, in collocations kick
the bucket, in a stew of something and someone
and get
one’s wires crossed
arrangement of words is fixed, and any attempt to make changes in the
structure will disturb the meaning. Summing up, distributional
meaning is the meaning of the pattern of the arrangement of the
morphemes composing the word and the arrangement of lexemes creating
a collocation. Distributional meaning is found in all words composed
of more than one morpheme (builder,
not erbuild)
and in trite metaphors: a
flight of fancy
heart of gold
and a
shadow of a smile

6.4 Phonetic, Morphological, and Semantic Motivation of Words

term motivation
denotes “the relationship existing between the phonemic or
morphemic composition and structural pattern of the word, on the one
hand, and its meaning on the other” (Arnold, p. 33). Three main
types of motivation are observed: phonetical, morphological, and

motivation occurs when there is a certain similarity between the
sound-form of a word and its meaning when speech sounds may suggest
spatial and visual dimensions, shape, and size, e.g., tick-

and sizzle.
These lexemes are phonetically motivated because the sound clusters
are a direct imitation of the sounds these words denote. This process
in linguistics is onomatopoeia,
which is “the use of a word for which the connection between sound
and meaning seems non-arbitrary because the word’s sound echoes its
meaning” (Denham & Lobeck, 2011, p. 140). Although the examples
of onomatopoeia show that a certain non-arbitrary element of lexemes
exists, these formations are never organic elements of a language
system (de Saussure, 1959, p. 69). Moreover, these sound imitations
are not the same in all languages; for example, English bow-bow
corresponds to French ouaoua,
which proves that even sound imitations in different languages are
somewhat arbitrary. Other examples illustrate this assumption: cuckoo
(Russian), koekoek
(Dutch), Kuckuck
(Latvian), gegutė

(Turkish), and kuke
(Tatar). Interjections are closely related to onomatopoeia; however,
they do not contradict the arbitrariness of the sound-form (e.g.,
English ouch!
refers to French aïe!,
to Russian oi!,
to Ukranian oi!,
and to Turkish uf!).
Interjections are “spontaneous expressions of reality dictated, so
to speak, by natural forces (de Saussure, 1959, p. 69). As seen from
the argument above, phonetical motivation, a direct connection
between the phonetic structure of the word and its meaning, is not
universally recognized in modern linguistic science.

motivation is the relationship between morphemes. All one-morpheme
words (e.g., bring, cut, reach, room, and build) are unmotivated. In
words composed of more than one morpheme, “the carrier of the
word-meaning is the combined meaning of the component morphemes and
the meaning of the structural pattern of the word” (Ginzburg at
p.25). The derived word re-submit
motivated because its morphological structure suggests the idea of
submitting again. In this example, we can observe a direct connection
between the structural pattern of the word and its meaning.
Morphological motivation is relative, and the degree of motivation
varies: there exist various grades of motivation, ranging from the
extremes of complete motivation (e.g., endless)
to lack of motivation (e.g., matter,
and repeat).
An example of partial motivation is cranberry.
There is no lexical
meaning in the morpheme cran-,
but the lexemes blackberry
are examples of complete morphological motivation (blue + berry and
black + berry); they are named for the color of their berries. The
lexeme raspberry
is also motivated because it takes its name from English rasp
(to scrape roughly), in reference to the thorny canes bearing the
berries. Morphological motivation is understood as a direct
connection between the lexical meaning of the component morphemes,
the pattern of their arrangement, and the meaning of the word. The
degree of morphological motivation may be partial and complete. There
are cases where unmotivated words are observed.

motivation is the “co-existence of direct and figurative meanings
of the same word within the same synchronous system” (Arnold,
p.34). It
functions as an association between the primary and secondary
(derived) meanings of a word based on a
metaphorical extension of the primary meaning.
extension may be viewed as “generalisation of the denotative
meaning of a word permitting it to include new referents which are in
some way like the original class of referents” (Ginzburg at
1979, p. 27), e.g., foot
and the foot
the mountain. Metaphor is a word or a phrase that does not carry the
literal meaning of a lexeme or a phrase but is a figurative meaning.
Similarity of various aspects and/or functions of different classes
of referents may account for the semantic motivation of a number of
minor meanings (Ginzburg et
1979, p. 27); for example, any extension associated with foot
is semantically motivated (foot
locker, football, footnote
and the foot
the mountain. Metaphoric extension may be observed in the so-called
trite metaphors, such as foot
the bill, footloose and fancy-tree, get off on the wrong foot, have a
foot in the door, not to put a foot wrong, put one’s best foot
forward, put one’s foot down,
put one’s foot in it
Semantic motivation suggests a direct connection between the primary
and figurative meanings of the word. This connection may be
understood as a metaphoric extension of the primary meaning based on
the similarity of different classes of referents denoted by the word.

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: partly or totally unlike in nature, form, or quality : dissimilar

could hardly be more different

often followed by from, than, or chiefly British to



: various

different members of the class


: another

switched to a different TV program

Is it different than or different from?: Usage Guide

Numerous commentators have condemned different than in spite of its use since the 17th century by many of the best-known names in English literature. It is nevertheless standard and is even recommended in many handbooks when followed by a clause, because insisting on from in such instances often produces clumsy or wordy formulations. Different from, the generally safe choice, is more common especially when it is followed by a noun or pronoun.


Choose the Right Synonym for different

diverse implies both distinctness and marked contrast.

such diverse interests as dancing and football

divergent implies movement away from each other and unlikelihood of ultimate meeting or reconciliation.

went on to pursue divergent careers

disparate emphasizes incongruity or incompatibility.

disparate notions of freedom

various stresses the number of sorts or kinds.

Example Sentences


The two brothers could not have been more different.

We need to try an entirely different approach.

They met with each other on several different occasions.

advertising that tries to be different

That movie certainly was different.

He has a very different style of dressing.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Private option enrollees received more clinical preventive services and disease management services and showed better to medication management, but Medicaid and private health’s use of different billing codes did not allow for a direct analysis.

Alander Rocha, al, 11 Apr. 2023

That means the same launcher can be used for a wide range of different missions, from precision strikes targeting depots, air defense and HQs behind enemy lines, to point targets near the frontline and old-school saturation bombardments across a broad area.

Sébastien Roblin, Popular Mechanics, 11 Apr. 2023

This gold medal-winning blended dark rum from the Bacardi spirits family is made from four different rums (carefully chosen from 300 options) some aged as much as 23 years.

Lauren Hubbard, townandcountrymag.com, 11 Apr. 2023

The headboard mounts easily to the wall, and pairs with your adjustable bed at seven different heights to ensure the perfect fit.

goodhousekeeping.com, 11 Apr. 2023

Both succumb to different injuries.

Evan Romano, Men’s Health, 11 Apr. 2023

In a different interview, KB’s account changed somewhat.

Savannaheadens, oregonlive, 11 Apr. 2023

Why? How are things different now compared to 2017?

The Enquirer, 11 Apr. 2023

Keeping her warm skin tone in mind, her artist chose a blend of different colors that would look natural.

Jacqueline Saguin, Good Housekeeping, 11 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘different.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History



Middle English, borrowed from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French, borrowed from Latin different-, differens, present participle of differre «to carry in varying directions, delay, differ»


derivative of different entry 1

First Known Use


14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1


1588, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of different was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near different

Cite this Entry

“Different.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/different. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on different

Last Updated:
13 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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